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Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:03 pm

Good Evening Sue Sue

:firedvl: Before I begin, I would like to introduce you to my friends,

:egg: :discobanana: :egg:

:firedvl: Say hello to my little friend (Scar Face Style):

:discobanana: Haji Kuchike (in the middle): Alo Sue Sue (French Accent)!
Unlike Ahreeman, I am not a fighter, but I am a lover!
I would like to apologize to you for 6 months ago, when I had stretched from SD to NJ (through the web cam) and poked you in the left eye! Remember when you were wearing the eye patch for a month (The Gay Blade Pirate)? It was Ahreeman’s fault, because he ordered me to do so! Also I would like to apologize to you for this week’s incident when once more I had to stretch (through the air) from SD to NJ and whack you across the head to bring some sense in to it! Once more, it was Ahreeman’s fault, because he told me so! Also I would like to apologize to you for all these years of abuse knocking you on the head from the above and then knock you out cold! You know, We are giants in the sky (Ahreeman and I) and you are a little pesky creature running around and being playful, a mile under us on the ground level …… sometimes I can’t see you and I hit you on the head and knock you out! In the future, I’ll be more cautious!

Say hello to the whole family,

:egg: Imam Hassan (on the right): Ahlen va Sahlen Sue Sue (Arabic Accent)!

:egg: Imam Hussein (on the left): Ya Allah Sue Sue!

Now that we all got acquainted with each other and we know each other a little bit better, then let’s get to the serious stuff:

Serious Stuff

I believe you are under the impression that I am joking, but I truly seek your opinion when I ask you:

Why are you so Gay?
Meaning that I truly seek your opinion on:

What is your opinion on Homosexuality: What causes homosexuality?

In the future, I am planing to have a serious debate on this issue in the Formal Debates Room, and maybe even a poll, but for now, let me for the third time, ask you:

In your opinion, what causes homosexuality?

a) Nature (Genetics)

b) Nurture (The way a person grows up in his/her gay or straight environment)

c) Nature and Nurture (either / or)

d) Sexual abuse in childhood via adults or older adolescents of the same sex

e) Homosexuality is a chosen behavior

f) Homosexuality is a twisted sexual hobby

g) A homosexual is a closet Muslim, waiting to come out! Islam and Homosexuality go hand in hand!

h) Homosexuality is a condemned sin, as the bible states.

:devnoid: So what say you Sue Sue?

Ibn al Muljim
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Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:09 am

Camran Mirza:

It is not for me to know, because I already know the answer; but I only wonder, what would be Sue Sue’s and everyone else’s answer. The fact is that these days, there is a hard core movement by Liberals to prove to the world that there is a Gay Gene! They are working day and night to discover this Gay Gene! These are the same scientists who refuse the obvious differences between the blacks, whites, yellows and reds (4 main races) and then the sub races amongst each classification. These Liberal Scientists and Liberal Politicians deny the differences between the races, but still, they do not have any proofs to back it up. Same goes for the Gay Gene!

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Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:16 am

I totally forgot about one factor: The biological defects which makes the child not a full male or a full female. So let me make a new updated list:

In your opinion, what causes homosexuality?

a) Nature (Genetics)

b) Nurture (The way a person grows up in his/her gay or straight environment)

c) Nature and Nurture (either / or)

d) Sexual abuse in childhood via adults or older adolescents of the same sex

e) Homosexuality is a chosen behavior

f) Homosexuality is a twisted sexual hobby

g) A homosexual is a closet Muslim, waiting to come out! Islam and Homosexuality go hand in hand!

h) Homosexuality is a condemned sin, as the bible states.

i) There are biological defects in the bodies of some children ((Hormone Imbalance aka not a full male or female) which causes them to become future homosexuals.
Last edited by Ahreeman X on Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Darvish » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:13 pm

Hey Ahr.,

What, U finaly want to come out of the closet?

Homosexuality is a natural phenomenon associated primarily with the fetal development of the brain at key stages of embrionic development infuanced by level of hormones of the mother, but also it has socio-behavioral conotations due to gross human brain development, compared to that of a perfect next gen.AI, which yilelds more than one ans. to your question.

What happened to koonkesh Liberator? He is the one to ask such Qs from.
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Darvish-e Kuni

Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:29 pm

Dear Darvish-e Kuni :Candle: :

So your answer is mostly (j) + some (b).

You went and pondered, researched, studied, did some critical thinking, even stuck your finger up your Surakh Ruzi and dug for wisdom for about a week and then finally came up with two lines o Bull Shiite Ala carte borrowed from some Gay site?! Is this the best that you can do? :ovweight: And you wonder why I never have a serious discussion with you?!
Baba Dooli, what happened to analysis, theory, back up reasoning, logic, proof, remarks, rebuttals, etc. etc. etc.? :brick:

Your reply was even shorter and smaller than your Habeh Dool! What happened Babaji? :inqeyes:

The problem with you and the Gay community is that you guys are so much involved with Bokon Bokon Capitalism (your term), that you have brain drains and can’t even give a simple factor or one lousy logical rebuttal!

Baba Jan, less bokon bokon capitalism and more gay activism, would bring yous (Jersey Accent), more scientific salvation and more Social Validation! Go figure….. :fingering:

Dayus, you took half a century to respond to my question and then finally you did, but Ridi, Goh zadi, Gand Zadi, Terekidi, and you Shiited all over the science and sociology! Jakesh, Why don’t you write a book on this subject? Actually why don’t you teach about it in the university? :yeees:

I expected a better response from you! Shame on you! I think your brain is regressing. You used to be much brighter in the past! It must be all the shambool banging on your skull! :pokey:

Now sing along (Elvis Style with a lip twitch):
Little less bang o salavat ….
Little more conversation …..
Little less Kos O She’r …..
Little more satisfaction …..
LaLa La LaLa La …….
C’mon Darvish, get with it baby ……….
Little less conversation …………..

Elvis is now leaving the House……
Well thank you, thank you very much …..
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Postby Jahel Luti » Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:27 pm

Salamo alekom,

I hrd about this culub and said to myself must come and check. I see no koshgel zan here? Astagforela. I see AhreemanX with toxidoo like Rokefeler. And nice gol on him to. All he needs is a bolbol to look beter.

I like Hsbolah. AhreemanX said good, americe all bokon-bokon capitalism. They want take brd out of your mwt, but Hesbolah give you brd. and chayee to.
Haj Merza Gambari dar kedmate melat.
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Postby Darvish » Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:43 pm

Hi Luti,

X is keeping all the KOSGELs in his pimp section, I mean model of the day section, for the fear that Hesbolah may snatch them.

But for a small commission I can arrange a fine date for U with two fine Irani women, only If you are inoculate for raybees and if you intend to bring some doggy treats for them. U see, X and I have been searching across the globe to find a husband for these two. They are respectively named, "Ba-Ba" and "Kerdare-Nik", aka "Ka-Ka".

Listen, satisfaction is guaranteed! If U remain unhappy with these two, U can trade them for a goat in Iran.

X, will throws in a round trip deluxe honeymoon ticket, a bus trip to GOM.
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Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:41 am

Hello Jahel-e Kuni:

Baba Dooli, again another Id change? Another cheesy attempt! You are the cheese-iest actor in the whole wide world!

How are you Mali? You remind me of Lori a few years back, when she still had some life in her to play games! She always wanted to pull one on the club but she could never pull one on me! Back then she used to have 6 different Ids, but of course no one knew about them except moa!

What have I told you, the last time that you tried to change Ids and create a new personality? Remember?

Do you know what gives you away?

It is not that so far you have tried 21 different Ids to get in the IPC, including but not limited to:
A Doggie
A Retard
A Hezbo
A Patriot
A Gay Pirate
And now a Gay Jahel!

It is not that your cheap IP Spoofer, spoofs nothing but blow spoofs up your butt!

It is not that you are absent minded and use practically the same IPs twice, except a couple of digit difference: for Darvish for Jahel

It is not that you think you know computer Science but in fact you do not know jack Shiite!

It is not that any way you try to hide it, all your characters end up living in:

New Jersey, around Torns River City, between I 37 East and I 166 Main Street, about east of Freeway 9, …. Should I go on and give you your street and home address? Na, I don’t think so, your secrets are safe with me! No use denying, I even know who you are! I’m just playing along.

It is not that you assume that you are a hacker, tracer, haxor, programmer, IT, tech and script writer ….

But ………..

What always gives you away is the incapability for you to actually create 2 different believable characters! Somehow, somewhere along the line, you screw up and give yourself away. The Persian Spelling and Grammar Mistakes which only one person in the world would do, the silly try to act stupid to cover your smartness but in fact your stupidity, the cheesy character changes, the amateur lingo, the intentional spelling errors to pretend you are an FOP (Fresh Out of Plane) Iranian, the style of writing, the sad shape shifting, the bad attempts to cover your tracks, the wrong usage of terms for each character, the ……..

All the above makes you a horrible actor! Every try had failed miserably. No matter if you create an IP in Germany or Canada or USA, they all fail because your acts are not convincing! Didn’t I teach you that you must forget about yourself and put yourself in the character, which you are creating?

You must truly become another person, so convincing that you can even fool me! You must actually change personality, like a schizophrenic split personality psycho! Your 2 or more characters must absolutely not having anything to do with each other and absolutely different in every aspects even writing. Now many people write the same but the essence is different!

I know you have tried so hard to learn Persian, German, Spanish …… but the fact is that you suck! Any Mossad Veteran or even MI6 or CIA Agent can easily notice that you are an amateur! You make a sad secret agent and a horrible actor!

On the bright side, you make a great Malijak and a fabulous Transsexual!

I have 2 suggestions for you:

I. Next time, when you want to change Ids (for the 22nd time), try to truly study the new character which you are creating, so you can even convince me (your hardest critic).

II. If you can’t be convincing, then at least e-mail me ahead of time, before you create a character, and inform me of what you are about to do, so I will not come to IPC, blow your bubble, drop a bucket of cold water on your head and smash your act! If you let me know ahead of time, then I will play along! But then that’s no fun now is it?

The bottom line is that either develop excellent split personality by studying Alfred Hitchcock, Stephen King and Edgar Allan Poe and be convincing, or just simply give it up!

Baba give it up and just be yourself. It is more fun to be yourself.

Sorry for the 21sth time of blowing your cover!

Adios Sue Sue
Adios Susan Robert Hussein (now that’s creativity of naming by moa)
Don’t worry your secret is safe with me!


Ibn al Muljim
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Postby Darvish » Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:17 am

AhreemanX wrote:Hello Jahel-e Kuni:

..... for Darvish for Jahel

It is not that you think you know computer Science but in fact you do not know jack Shiite!


Ibn al Muljim
In 21sth century

This remind me of the guy who was impacted by an angel. He had a revelation that an angel descended and told him to sit on angels finger, as the angel flew up toward the heaven. As they reached way up, the angel turned his finger 180-degrees, leaving the guy upside down.

The guy started screaming, " GOLABESH KON", only to wake up from sleep and find his finger in his own ass, GOLABED and an urgent need for few anal canal stitch!


Have U ever considered that U are reading the wifi signal of the provider's land based IP? There are 3 here, but only one covers North-NJ, West-NYC including Manhattan, and Long Island? And that IP is true and not spoofed and is untraceable to me or any one person to that matter.
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Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:19 pm

Hello Bozo :C

Baba Dooli:

“This remind me of the guy who was impacted by an angel………”

You fragged up the Persian Expression! If at any time, the Persian Scholars, want the Persian Tales of Literature, Poetry, Expressions and Idioms to get fragged up beyond repair, they can hand them to you and you will guarantee to Frag them all up from Sa’di all the way to Sirjani!

This is the correct version made for Land O Great Satan:

One night, Sue Sue was sitting on a bench on the boardwalk in Atlantic City, Jersey. An Angel came to him and handed him a Qarbil (Traditional large size holed strainer). Angel told Sue Sue that the larger he can open the holes, the more rewards will fall for him from the heavens. In other words, his daily bread will be more and merrier! Unfortunately Qarbil’s holes were plugged, so Sue Sue started to finger the hole and twist it around to make it larger. While Sue Sue was fingering the hole and truly twisting his finger all the way up the hole, suddenly he woke up from yet another drunken hung over sleep in Atlantic City and found himself sitting on the bed with his finger all the way up his kazoo, digging for gold! Even though his corn hole was torn apart and in need of stitches, yet he did not manage to enlargen his destined fortune from the heavens, neither did he find any gold! However he had waken up with a soar anus and a finger full o Shiite!

Source: Sue Sue’s Tales of 1001 Gay Nights in Baghdad
Author: Susan Robert Hussein, the illegitimate transsexual daughter from the gay marriage of the French Actor Robert Hussein and American Liberal Michael Moore!

“Have U ever considered that U are reading the wifi signal of the provider's land based IP?”

Have you ever considered that the impact you are feeling on your head is in fact a repeated banging on the head via Haji Kuchike stretching from SD to NJ through the cable, coming out of the web cam knocking you out on the head, and that is why you talk Tech Bull Shiite?

“There are 3 here,”

There are also 3 right here in San Diego: Haji Kuchike, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein! Would you like to say hi to them? Relax they don’t bite! But sometimes they enjoy banging little derelict delusional transsexual wanna be Persians on the head to bring them back to their senses!

“but only one covers North-NJ, West-NYC including Manhattan, and Long Island?”

Well these 3 over here (I am now pointing at them), often cover the Southern California, but only haji himself stretches all the way to NJ and knocks the Shiite out of your skull! Of course, only sometimes that is!

“And that IP is true”

But you are false!

“and not spoofed and is untraceable to me or any one person to that matter.”

Haji is also all spoofed up and spiffy! I groomed him and put a new Polo Khori clothes on him to take him to a party for polo chelo khori.

Baba Dooli:

For how many more years do we have to listen to your Bahr ol Kos al She’r (that’s Arabic for Kos O She’r)?

Don’t you ever get tired of your own Bull Shiite Acts? Come a little short Baba, hala to ye kam kutah biya, will ya?

Your Persian is getting better. Keep on drinking your Duq (Carbonated yogurt soda) and soon you will speak like Bolbol!

Adios Sue Sue :hwave:

Yazid Ibn al Mo’aviyeh
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Postby Jahel Luti » Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:29 pm

Darvish joon,

No thank yo very much for BaBa and KaKa. Tose two femals must be AhrmanX's sisters. I remembr this AhremanX from Darvaze-Gazvine. He sold chai-darchini at the maydan.

I think this ahremanX was a guest at Hookoomate-Eslami hotel in downtown Tehran where they cut-of his pride and dombalons. If U look at his picture he has no bird and looks big like a caw becouse he take americn-caw-steroids.

Wat-kind man put gol on his jaket and dress like American Pimp while show his soft girly face? A Kooni! I am sure this ahremanx drive big pimp cadilak with fuzy-dice hanging from the miror and drink mad-dog-20/20 and go to gay bars?
Haj Merza Gambari dar kedmate melat.
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Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:18 pm

Darvish-e Kuni:

Dayus ol Tatavus,
Great, now you are speaking to yourself, a true psycho! Why would a Hezbo Jahel use Zoroaster’s avatar? This is why you will never ever be convincing and believable. Simply an idiot full of contradictions!

Keep on Kuning around IPC until I tell Jahanshah Javid to sit on your face, all 400 pounds of him!

Too busy to Frag around with you.

Later Dayus


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Postby Darvish » Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:36 pm

Very informative Luti. Do U know this Jahn-Shah dude, all 300 lb of him? And I know what chai is, but why do U drink "darchin" with tea? Isn't darchin a sort of powder?
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Postby Darvish » Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:23 pm

Hey Ahr.,

Check this out, the invisable inc on Luti's avatar

Cool, more IP and identity tea leaf reading I see?

I kina guessed that U gamble big time, after all not too many pose in front of men's toilet at the local SD casino and post it as avatar. Did U have any part in of-shore-internet-gambling venture? I read that congregational bannes are about to lift, if not already? U know, for a small commission, I can offer you a safe-home, I mean overseas safe server.

As for AC, it is a prime example of Bokon-Bokon_capitalistic place for the scum, stupid, and moron. The joy of AC-trip is to get on the bike on a sunny day, turn on the heat on the grips and seat and blast the CD, and fly. But, the fkn cops don't understand that on RT U can't shift to 6-th below 70mph and the fact that it runs the best at 90-110 mph. The place is loaded with Shahis. So what do U play?
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Postby IPC » Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:19 pm


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