Mitra Persian Sun Goddess and Mitraism: Foundations of Christianity!
Mitra and Mitraism Pictorial History
Book of Mitra in 5 Chapters – Chapter 5
New Research and Photo Gallery of approximately 300 images
Ahreeman X
December 14, 2018
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess of Iran with her Persian Sword
Mitra in India
Mitra and Mitraism had moved from Iran to India and the Indian Mitra (Surya) had become a major Indian Goddess. The Bi Gender nature of Mitra in Iran had portrayed Mitra as a Female Goddess yet with Masculine nature, more like a Tomboy, but in India, even though Mitra is often displayed as a Male God, yet he has a feminine nature and he looks like a Feminine Man. In original Indian arts, Mitra is displayed as a woman and a Female Featured persona. Through the years and ages, Mitra had transformed to a Bi Gender Male, yet still with Feminine looks and characteristics.
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess – Modern Mitraic Sun Ray Art
Holy Sun Goddess Chariot
Roman Mitra’s Golden Chariot has 4 horses but Indian Mitra the Sun Goddess has a Chariot with 7 horses (Persian Holy Number 7). The horses have Vedic names:
Mitraic Chariot’s 7 Horses
Gayatri, Brhati, Usnik, Jagati, Tristup, Anustup and Pankti
Arunadeva the chariot rider drives the chariot while Mitra resides at the back and controls the destination of the chariot. The Indian Mitra’s chariot is the Indian version of the original Mitraic Golden Chariot which ascended Mitra to the Heavens.
The Vedic names are due to the historical Vedic Era (Vedai Era: 2000 BC – 850 BC) when the Persians and Indians lived together. This was the era that Indian Aryans (at that time pure), were living with the Iranian Aryans, together and in harmony. The book of Veda is of this era. The Book of Veda was not written at one time, yet it was written in different centuries of this period.
Anahita Persian Water Goddess Statue, Maraqeh, Azerbaijan, Iran
Anahita is the Immaculate Virgin Mother of Mitra
Indian Mitraic Temples
Persian and Roman Mitraic Temples were mostly built underground and some even in the caves. The most famous one of them were built in centuries BC or early AD. Most of them were leveled by invading Arabo-Muslims, other invaders or destroyed by sign of times. Today, you can see the Persian Mitraic ruins underground and in the caves. Some of their ruins are under the Shiite Muslim Shrines. Persians on purpose built these shrines on top of the Mitraic Temples to keep their memory and sanctity alive. Today, you can see the ruins of Roman Mitraic Temples undergrounds of the Churches. Christians built their churches on top of the Mitraic Temples’ ruins.
Mitra Indian Sun Goddess
Unlike Roman and Persian Mitraic Temples, the Indian Mitraic Temples were built mostly between 7th to 13th Century AD. These are modern Sun Temples which were built during the medieval era and colonial era. This is the reason that some of them are still standing and some of them are restored and usable for Mitraists to pilgrimage and worship. This is also the reason that there are great numbers of active Mitraists presently residing in India. In addition, have in mind that Hinduism, same as other civilized religions and cultures, did not destroy, banned or forget about Mitraism, yet on the contrary, Hinduism added Mitraism to its doctrine, dissolved Mitraism into Hinduism and even added Mitra as one of Hindu Gods. Hinduism and Hindus respect Mitra and Mitraism. Hindu Indians unlike Arabo-Muslims, are cultural and civilized people.
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess – Indian Version
Mitra AKA Surya is the Indian Version of the Sun Goddess
Notice the Lotus Flower Mitra is sitting on. The Lotus is significant to Mitra
Famous Indian Mitraic Temples
Sun Temple, State, Location, Date Built
Indian Sun Temples
Konark Sun Temple, Odisha, East India 13th Century
Modhera Sun Temple, Gujarat, West India 11th Century
Martand Sun Temple, Kashmir, North India 8th Century
Katarmal Sun Temple, Uttarakhand, North India 9th Century
Suryanar Kovil Sun Temple, Tamil Nadu, South India 11th Century
Surya Narayana Sun Temple, Andhra Pradesh, Southeast India 7th Century
Katarmal Sun Temple Mitraeum, India 9 AD
Katarmal Sun Temple Mitraeum, North India
Konark Sun Temple Mitraeum at Night, India 13 AD
Konark Sun Temple Mitraeum Grounds at Night, India
Konark Sun Temple Mitraeum Front Stone Masonry, India
Konark Sun Temple Mitraeum Gate with Stone Tigers on Top of Elephants, India
Konark Sun Temple Mitraeum Gate with Guardian Stone Tigers on Top of Elephants, India
Konark Sun Temple Mitraeum Stone War Elephant Trampling Enemy Soldier, India
Konark Sun Temple Mitraeum Stone War Horse Trampling Enemy Soldiers, India
Konark Sun Temple Mitraeum Chariot Wheel, India
Konark Sun Temple Mitraeum Detailed Chariot Wheel Stone Masonry, India
Mitra Indian Sun Goddess on Horse Carving, Konark Sun Temple, India
Mitra Indian Sun Goddess Wall Carving, Konark Sun Temple, India
Konark Sun Temple Mitraeum Grandview, India 13 AD
Martand Sun Temple Mitraeum Main Building, Kashmir, India 8 AD
Martand Sun Temple Mitraeum, Kashmir, India
Martand Sun Temple Mitraeum Restored, Kashmir, India
Modhera Sun Temple at Night, Gujarat, India 11 AD
Modhera Sun Temple Dome, Gujarat, India
Modhera Sun Temple Dancing Hall, Gujarat, India
Modhera Sun Temple Entrance columns, Gujarat, India
Modhera Sun Temple Columns, Gujarat, India
Modhera Sun Temple Masterful Detailed Architectural Carvings, Gujarat, India
Modhera Sun Temple Architectural Carvings, Gujarat, India
Modhera Sun Temple Mitra Wall Carving, Gujarat, India
Modhera Sun Temple Grounds, Gujarat, India
Modern Sun Temples
New Era Sun Temples were also built around the world including in India. One of the noticeable ones is the Borsad Sun Temple in Gujarat.
Modern Sun Temple
Borsad Sun Temple, Borsad, Gujarat, West India 1972
Borsad Sun Temple Grounds, Gujarat, India Built on 1972
Borsad Sun Temple, Gujarat, India Built on 1972
Borsad Sun Temple Mitra and Chariot Building Top, Gujarat, India Built on 1972
Borsad Sun Temple Sideview, Gujarat, India Built on 1972
Borsad Sun Temple Far View, Gujarat, India Built on 1972
Good Mitraic Reading
Here are some good reads on Mitra, Mitraism, Zoroastrianism and Persian Philosophies:
Persian Mythology by John R Hinnells 1985
Iran Online English Library
Iran Online Library
Mysteries of Mitra by Franz Cumont 1903
The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism by Franz Cumont 1911
Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans by Franz Cumont 1912
Sacred Texts Archive
Mithraeum - Mitra Site
Truth be Known - Mitra Info
Mehregan Celebration
Mitra Persian
Mitra Zoroastrian
Mitra Vedic
Mitra (Surya) Indian
Mitra Roman
Mitra Indian Sun Goddess Statue from Konark Sun Temple of India at the British Museum
Did Jesus Exist?
So, What about Jesus? Did he exist? Overwhelming evidence shows that practically the core, the events and the rituals of the Christianity has been copied from Mitraism; therefore, the question comes to mind that if Jesus ever existed? Many scholars believe that Jesus is a fictional character.
What do I Believe?
I believe that there was a revolutionary who challenged the tyranny of the Roman Empire and his name was Jesus. He was friend of the working class and the poor; he was the enemy of the establishment. He rebelled against the Romans, he got captured and executed. After his death, his so-called Disciples, Christian Saints, Scholars and Authors wrote various versions of the Bible and every few decades and centuries, these Bibles’ Versions have been revised and updated. All the Bible core, events, rituals, stories, legends, miracles, theatrics and fantastic tales have been borrowed (mildly put) or stolen (roughly put) mainly from Mitraism and somewhat from Zoroastrianism.
So, to be frank, I believe that Jesus existed, yet the real Jesus was far from being a God or Son of the God, committing fantastic miracles and acts. The real Jesus was a simple revolutionary and anti-establishment who rebelled a while, captured and executed by the Romans.
To turn Jesus to a divinity, brush him with miracles and make his story colorful, the Biblical Scholars wrote a book full of theatrics, fantastic shows, amazing tales and out of this world events, copy/pasted from the Mitraic Mysteries.
Mitra Sun Goddess Statue Holding Lotus Flowers with Victory Finger Signs Hands, Indian Style, India
Christmas Season Truth
Christmas Season is amazing but during the Season, remind yourselves to thank Persians for Mitra and Mitraism! In addition, cherish the Persian Culture, the Mother Culture of the globe which played a big role in creating not just the Eastern Culture or the Western Culture but the World Culture.
Investiture of Artaxerxes II, Taq-e Bostan, Kermanshah, Iran
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess (left) blesses Artaxerxes II Shahanshah of Persian Empire (center) with Barsom, while Ahuramazda (right) gives him the Ring of Power, so he can officially become the Persian Emperor.
Notice the Lotus Flower under Mitra’s Feet.
Notice Roman Enemy being Crushed under Artaxerxes II’s Feet.
Persian Culture is the Mother Culture of the Global Civilization
Earlier, I referred to the Roman Empire as “Tyranny”. While Rome was occupied with massacre of Christians, slavery, central dictatorship, global expansion, extinction of animals, and barbaric gladiator fights, Persians were a Federal Empire with no slavery who created the first charter of the Human Rights in the world!
Even though the Western Historians preach to you that the Western Culture was created by Romans and Greeks, have in mind that core of the global culture came from the Persian Empire.
When Persians ruled the world, Greeks were a bunch of city states which spent their time fighting among each other, philosophizing and homosexualizing! Rome did not even exist and Western Europeans lived in the trees or caves! Later on, even when Rome existed, still half the world was under the Persian rule.
Mitra Indian Sun Goddess Chariot with 7 Horses
Almost everything great in the western or eastern civilization and Indo-European cultures, roots back to the Persians. Everything from language, poetry, literature, music, art, science, philosophy, religion, architecture, civilization, all the way to the modern chemistry, medicine, astronomy and math.
Golden Age of Greece, Rome, Arab Caliphate, Mongol Empire, and Western Empires made possible by the Persian gifts of civilization.
Mitra Indian Sun Goddess 7 Horse Chariot and Chariot Rider Statue
Self-educate yourselves because your Islamic and Liberal Schools will not:
Cyrus Cylinder
Civilization: Persia versus Greece and Rome – Part 1
Civilization: Persia versus Greece and Rome – Part 2
History of Federalism in Iran - Part 1
History of Federalism in Iran - Part 2
Historically Famous Iranian Scientists – Part 1
Historically Famous Iranian Scientists – Part 2
Iran History Index
Mitra (Surya) Indian Sun Goddess Statue - Many Faces of Mitra
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Indian Poster
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Ceremony Indian Painting
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Mitraic 7 Horse Chariot and Chariot Rider Indian Poster Art
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Ascension to Heavens Indian Art
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Statue, New Delhi Airport, India
After reading this research, it will be all clear to you of how primarily Christianity and then Islam copy/pasted much of their holy books from the ancient Persian philosophies of Mitraism, Vedaism and Zoroastrianism!
Truth maybe viewed by different perceptions and each may comprehend the Truth according to their information, glance and perception; however, the Truth unlike the Time is not relative (Einstein Theory of Relativity). Each to their own, people have different perspectives of the Truth. This is due to the fact that the Truth is shining on some slightly, on some partly, on some almost clearly and on some in full light. There is different façade of the Truth in parallel realities and in parallel minds; however, there is only one Truth.
Persian Lion and Sun with Sword Amir Kabir (1848 – 1851) Iran Flag
Amir Kabir the Great Prime Minister of Qajar Dynasty
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Face shines behind the Lion
Persian Lion and Sun with Sword New 3D Tile Iran Flag
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Face shines behind the Lion
Truth is often hidden from the public via Organized Religion, Social Institutions, Educational Systems, Deep State, Media, Social Media, Tech Giants, Search Engines, and Major Publications which are all in cahoots with one another and together in combination, they are the Establishment.
To view the Real Truth, you must step out of your comfort zone, spend some effort and dig deeper to seek, search and self-educate yourselves because your Christian, Islamic or Liberal Educational Systems, Books and Teachers will not!
Tribute to Mitra Persian Sun Goddess
Row of Stelae on Mount Nemrut, Antiochus I King of Armenia Reign, Turkey
Kingdom of Armenia Period
Parsi Zoroastrian Ceremony at the Fire Temple, India
Parsi People of India are Noble Persians who fled the Persian Empire from the Arabo-Muslims Invasion Occupation, so they could remain to their Holy Zoroastrian Persian Faith.
The Machine well programmed by the Establishment is actively brainwashing you via bombarding you 24/7 with direct or subliminal propaganda.
I am only a vessel, a spokesperson and a preacher of Truth. Despite the Tyranny of the Establishment hiding the Truth under the Dark Shroud of Ignorance, I do my best to mass inform and I am able to tear a small piece of the Dark Shroud to unveil the Sunny Truth to All. I do my part to show you the path to salvation by providing for you, the tools of Self-Education, Mass Information, Recognition and Free Thinking; yet, I cannot save you. The only element which can save you by unveiling the shroud and seeing the Sun, is you. Only you can save yourself and set yourself free.
Darius the Great Persian Shahanshah Persian Aryan Salute to Ahuramazda
Darius Inscription, Bistun, Kermanshah, Iran
More information on Darius Inscription:
The Darius Inscription
Founding Documents by the Founding Fathers of The Persian Empire Series
Darius the Great Persian Shahanshah with Atusa Persian Shahbanu Mountain View
Persian Miniature Painting
Darius the Great Persian Shahanshah with Atusa Persian Shahbanu at Persepolis
Persian Miniature Painting
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Holy Fire Spirit
Spirit of Mitra will Always Protect the Good Aryan Persians
May the Spirit of Mitra be with You
Save yourself now because tomorrow is too late. Avoid becoming yet another part of the Machine. Avoid becoming yet another statistic, another Sheep in the herd of Sheeple guided by the Establishment. World is full of Sheeple coexisting under the Dark Shroud. Tear down the Shroud, Break Free and See the Sun because life is too short to live it in the ignorance and in the dark.
Spirit of Mitra
Allow me to quote myself from the:
Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes
Ahreeman X Bits of Wisdom!
“The Further and Greater your Dreams are, the Further and Greater your Efforts will become.”
More Power to All
Dr. X
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Mitra Persian Sun Goddess and Mitraism: Foundations of Christianity!
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The Historical documents below, compiled, written, photographed and illustrated by Persian, Arabic, English, Belgian, Greek, Armenian, and American historians, geographers, philosophers, photographers and illustrators, also different documents, historical articles and illustrations researched, written, illustrated and graphic designed by myself have been used to create this historical book.
I. Mysteries of Mitra by Franz Cumont
II. The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism by Franz Cumont
III. Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans by Franz Cumont
IV. Persian Mythology by John R Hinnells
V. Roman Mythology by Stewart Perowne
VI. The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries: Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World by David Ulansey
VII. Historikon de Persicus y Rome by Procope de Byzantine, translated by Mohamad Saeedi
VIII. Historikon by Procope de Byzantine
IX. Papers on Susa by M De Morgan
X. Atlas of World History by Dr. John Haywood
XI. Historical Atlas of the Ancient World 4,000,000 BC – 500 BC by Dr. John Haywood
XII. Historical Atlas of the Classical World 500 BC – 600 AD by Dr. John Haywood
XIII. Complete History of Iran by Dr. Abdollah Razi
XIV. Brief History of Iran by Dr. Abdollah Razi
XV. Flags of the world by William Crampton
XVI. Flags of the world - A Comprehensive Guide by J G Press Inc.
XVII. The World Encyclopedia of Flags by Alfred Znamierowski
XVIII. History of the Iranian Flag by Nosratollah Bokhtur-tash
XIX. A Brief History of the Lion and Sun by Dr. Ahmad Kasravi
XX. Iran in Ancient Times (Iran dar ahde bastan) by Dr. Mohammad Javad Mashkur
XXI. History of Tabari by Abu Jaffar Tabari, compiled by Dr. Mohammad Javad Mashkur
XXII. Sovar al Aqalim va Masalek va al Mamalek (Historic-Geographical Encyclopedia) by Abolqasem Mohammad Ibn Huqel Baghdadi al Movaseli
XXIII. Kamel al Tavarikh by Ibn Asir
XXIV. Book of Veda
XXV. Book of Avesta by Zarathustra Spitmata
XXVI. Book of Gatha by Zarathustra Spitmata, Translated and Analyzed by Mobed Firouz Azargoshasb
XXVII. Ctesiphone in Smoke, Fire and Blood by Dr. Kourosh Aryamanesh
XXVIII. Issues of "Message of Us, the Free" (Payame Ma Azadegan) AKA "Persian Journal of Libertarians" Newspaper by Dr. Kourosh Aryamanesh and Guardians of the Persian Culture (Pasdaran-e Farhang-e Iran)
XXIX. Encyclopedia of Zarin compiled by M. Azinfar
XXX. History of the Iranian People: Volume 1: Pre-Islamic Iran by Dr. Abdolhossein Zarrinkoob
XXXI. Various online and offline illustrations and Arts by various artists.
XXXII. A great number of historical documents, essays, articles and illustrations - researched, written, illustrated and graphic designed by Ahreeman X.
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