Iran Politics Club
Website For Thinking Iranians

.Most Viewed

1. Persian Cultural Center SD 1
2. 2 Centuries of Silence
3. Porkollah the Muslim Pig
4. Nazi Girls 4: Femi-Nazis
5. Persian Warrior Queens 1
6. Persian Mythology Gods 2
7. Shah of Iran Gallery 3
8. Muhammad & Aisha Toons 1
9. Islam Comic Book
10. Chador 5: Sexy Fashionable
11. Baha'i Cult Contradictions
12. Maps 5: Sassanid
13. Shah of Iran Lovers
14. Iran Lobby Billion $ Industry 2
15. Only in Iran 16
16. Understanding Muhammad
17. Reza Yazdani Persian Rock
18. Mitra Foundation Christianity
19. Answer to History
20. Liberal Climate Change 1


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IPC Classics
Some of the Best

Eternity Book Series
Origin, Destination, Life, Death

Islam, Sex & Violence
Islamic Sexual Psychology

Universal Mystery Book
Anwar Shaikh Unpublished

Universal Intelligence vs. God
UI Philosophy + Photo Gallery

Zarathustra, the Real Story
Zoroastra & Zoroastrianism

Mitra Roots of Christianity
Book of Mitra + Gallery

Persian Mythology Gallery
Persian Gods & Goddesses

Persian Warrior Queens
Historical Persian Women

Civilization: Historical Facts
Persia vs. Greece & Rome

Persian, Iranian or Farsi?
Country, People & Language?

Susa is not Elam
Iranians aren't Arabs

Islamic Invasion of Persia
How Islam Came to Iran?

History of Slavery in Iran
It All Started with Islam

The Last Persian Emperor
The Real Story: Villain or Hero?

Iranian Military Uniforms
Pictorial Persian Military History

Why Iran is Backward?
Reasons for Backward Culture

Understanding Muhammad
Muhammad Psychobiography

Why a Supreme Leader?
Iranians Need Velayat-e Faqih?

Islam Contradicts Democracy
Islam is Anti US Constitution

Who Killed More People?
Nazis, Communists, Muslims?

Baha'i Cult Contradictions
28 Contradictory Doctrines

Baha’i vs. Islam
Who Wins Battle of the Cults?

Iranian Youth Ask Parents
Why They’re Democrats?

Iranian American Democrats
Who are They?

Iran Lobby Billion $ Industry
Trita Parsi Espionage Gang

Iran Lobby Bank San Diego
Persian Cultural Center SD

Reza Pahlavi - IRI Secret Deal
Reza Pahlavi Crimes

Reza Pahlavi & 2nd Iran Coup
General Hooshang Ezazi 1984

Social Darwinism & Raciology
Science of Raciology & Race

Shah of Iran Lovers Gallery
Shah of Iran Love Life

Liberals aren’t Progressive
Call Democrats Communists

Gun Rights Protect Freedom
Armed People are Free People

Billionaire Liberal Jews
Who Rules the World?

Liberal Made LGBTQ Genders
60 Transgender Garbage

Destination Poem
Questioning Meaning of Life?

Ahreeman X Endorses Trump
Why Trump for President?


Book - Politics
Biden Laptop Report Evidence of Crimes
Biden Crime Family Crime Evidences
Garret Ziegler & Marco Polo

Biden Pardons his Crime Family with Get Out of Jail Free Card
New Final Version: Report on the Biden Laptop

Introduction: Ahreeman X
Investigation: Catayoun Razmjou
Author: Garret Ziegler
Research: Marco Polo Research Group
If you still wonder why Donald John Trump and MAGA won more


Trump Golden Age of America Begins
Greatest American President in History Returns
Ahreeman X

Second Coming of Trump to Save America & the World
50 years in the future when Trump’s bust is carved on Mount Rushmore, people will remember him as the Neo Founding Father of America, greatest American president ever and the one who started the “Neo Golden Age of America.” In 50 years, no one would remember Obamas, Clintons, Bushes, Bidens, Pelosis, Cheneys and rest of the Democrat and RINO dirt bags, crooks and criminals because they have been faded away more

Sadegh Zibakalam & Neo Iranian Reformists
New Face of Islamic Apologism
Ahreeman X

Neo Liberal Islamic Apologism
Have you ever wondered that at the time which the IRI Regime jails and tortures singers for singing merely a song, how come people like Sadegh Zibakalam residing in Iran are allowed to openly critic the regime on YouTube debates debating the future of Iran after IRI? The regime just beefed up the hejab laws, then how come Tour Companies display a Free Iran without hejab on YouTube tourist attractions channels more

Fashion - Models
Nakita Kash Persian Pole Dancer Model
Persian Sexy Pole Champ
Nakita Kash

Nakita Kash is a Mistress Pole Champion, Instructor, & Dancer
Nakita Kash is a Pole Dancer, a Pole Dancing Champion (Pole Champ) and a Pole Dancing Instructor. She has won over 20 awards for feature dancing and pole dancing. Nakita Kash Pole Session and S&M Session Galleries are legendary. Do you think Fetish Mistress Nakita Kash can openly conduct instructional classes on feature dancing, pole dancing and specifically S&M Sessions in Iran today? Maybe after Mullahs more

Music - Photo Gallery
Reza Yazdani Persian Rock Guitar Riff Challenge
Producing a Heavy Fast Beat Persian Rock Song
Ahreeman X

Is Reza Yazdani Up for the Rock Challenge?
After the release of my article and the discussion thread, some of you have been e-mailing me and stating that I should give Reza Yazdani a musical challenge to see how good he is with the guitar. To be frank with you, I don’t need to give him a challenge because I already know he is good; however, to obey the readers wishes, I will give him the “Challenge of His Life” to prove that he is truly the Master of the Persian Rock in more

Music - Photo Gallery
Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock
Music, Arrangement and Poetry in Motion
Ahreeman X

Reza Yazdani Rocks Your Soul
Review: Ahreeman X
Music: Reza Yazdani
Poetry: Andisheh Fouladvand
In the concert, the guitar riffs, guitar licks, guitar chords, melodic synthesizers, band arrangements, and Reza Yazdani’s voice as the cherry on the top, combinedly will shoot you off in to the space in more

History - Politics
Carter Finally Croaked; Let’s Celebrate!
Don’t Mourn for a Month, Let’s Celebrate!
Ahreeman X

Carter: Historical Facts without Liberal Sugar Coating
Carter: 2nd Worst US President in the History
Carter Destroyed Iran, Ruined America & Put the World on Fire!
Carter Gave Birth to Khomeini & He Gave Birth to Neo Islamism

I will give you the Persian perspective, the American perspective and then the world perspective on Carter’s death which you don’t read in media and social media! Can you believe Carter finally kicked the bucket more

Photo Gallery
Only in Iran: Part 19
Those Funny Crazy Persians!
Ahreeman X
Only in Iran Christmas Special Hot Out of the Oven!
Merry Christmas 2024 & Happy New Year 2025 to All
Greetings from Little Red Persianhood, IPC & I
Get the Popcorn, 6 Pack of Soda & Dig in!

Gather around Poppa Ahreeman for the Holidays. Hello boys and girls, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This year, we are bringing you Persian Red and Green presents. See you in the funny pages more

History Book
Two Centuries of Silence
Arab Muslim Invasion Occupation of Persian Empire
Abdolhossein Zarrinkoob
What Arab Muslims done to Iran for 2 Centuries
History Book in English & Persian: 2nd Edition Up-to-dated Material
Introduction: Ahreeman X
Author: Dr. Abdolhossein Zarrinkoob
Translator: Avid Kamgar
For the first time we shall publish the 2nd and final edition of this historical masterpiece in both English and Persian for History Buffs to more

Syria Celebration or Beginning of the Nightmare?
Destiny of Syria, Region & the World!
Ahreeman X
Is Syria Scenario Pre-Planned?
Destroy Functional Secular Dictatorships & Get Islamism!

While everyone abroad and in Syria celebrates the victory of so-called Revolution, I am skeptic because I have seen this movie before! This Syria movie reminds me of another movie directed by the Globalist WEF, produced by the CIA and acted by the Democrats in 1979 Iran! This movie has been played over and over in the history of the Middle East more

Fashion - Models
Mandana Karimi Persian Actress Model
Mandana Sexy Persian Model
Mandana Karimi
Mandana Hot & Spicy Sexy Persian Model Rocks IPC
Album 1: Fashion Shots
Album 2: Swimsuit & Lingerie
Mandana is in to kick boxing and fitness. Mandana supports the women’s rights movement in Iran. Mandana Karimi owns a Persian Restaurant in Mumbai named “Mandana’s Kitchen” where she serves authentic Persian cuisine. Manadana speaks Persian, English, Hindi more

Who is Financing the Syrian Civil War & Rebels?
Who Benefits from the Never-Ending Wars?
Ahreeman X
Syria is Another Fallen State in the Long List of Globalists!
Big Boys Will Chop Out Each a Piece of Syria!
WEF Globalists Never Ending Wars!

Syrian Civil War started in 2011 and basically went in remission and coma in 2019 but all of a sudden in 2024 with only a few days it enflamed again! Who sparked it? Syrian Opposition Coalition started a new round of Syrian civil war, revolution or whatever else you want to call it which more

Movement - News
Who Owns Iranian Media Abroad?
Transparency Now!
Ahreeman X & Catayoun Razmjou
Who Owns, Finances, & Operates Iranian Media Abroad?
Iranian TVs, Radios, Sites & Newspapers Money Source?
Transparency: Let’s Open Up the Books to the Public!

We believe that the Enemy of my enemy is my friend; therefore, we support any media or entity which targets IRI; however, this does not avoid us to state in the public of who owns these media units! Iranians like to always hide everything from the public. We are the opposite more

Features - Gallery
Our Moon Has Intelligent Life
CIA Secrets Kept from Public
Nicholas Ginex
New Video Testimony of Whistleblower: What CIA Hides from You?
Famed ufologist and whistleblower Karl Wolfe unexpectedly died after he was struck by a tractor-trailer, riding his bicycle. Wolfe was known for providing testimony, in which he was privy to pictures of a secret alien base on the dark side of the moon during his tenure as a sergeant at Langley Air Force base. Wolfe’s testimony went public at Dr. Steven Greer’s Sirius Disclosure Project at the National Press Club DC more

Movement - Photo Gallery
Reza Pahlavi II Betrayed Iranian Opposition
Reza Pahlavi Charade + Gallery
Ahreeman X
Reza Pahlavi’s Near 5 Decades of Crimes Against Iranians
Have you ever wondered why Reza Pahlavi II coalitions have been financed by the Moderate Fraction of IRI Hezbollah (Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani and Rafsanjani Family), included the Ex IRGC-Commanders (Mohsen Sazegara), Reformist Fraction of IRI Hezbollah (Hossein Jahanshahi), Reformist Collaborators (Shirin Ebadi), Ex Reformists (Masih Alinejad), Iran Lobby Supporters (Nazanin Boniadi) and every other more

Politics - Photo Gallery
American Liberation Day January 20, 2025
Trump Won Again!
Ahreeman X
New Day in America, Hope is Alive & Deep State Must Die!
Trump Historic Return is Will of the People Taking Back USA
We the People Saved America from Liberal Democrats’ Communism
Golden Age of America is Coming Soon

Trump made the greatest comeback in the American history, won by landslide and took back what was stolen from him in 2020! As always, everything the polls, media & big tech told you, were lies more

Photo Gallery
Nazi Girls, Twisted and Wild # 6
Part 6: BDM Girls
Ahreeman X
New BDM Girls AKA League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel)
You have been waiting for this Net Spoof # 6 for over a decade!
You have been asking for it every year & now finally it’s here!
What is it about the Nazi Girls which turns us on?
They are Twisted, Wild, Insane, Fashionable, Hot & S&M …

Twas a cold night in the beginning of Autumn to a hot day in all year round 75 Degrees and sunny San Diego! I was sitting on my office chair more

Mullahs of Deep State Series
Who’s behind Trump Assassinations?
Ahreeman X

A Film Directed by CIA
Mullahs of Deep State Episodes Index
Episode 1. Blame it on Iran
Episode 2. They Missed!
Episode 3. We will be FAQed!
Episode 4. Allah is with Us!
Episode 5. Old Marxist Islamist Boy! more

Politics - Gallery
China Destroys America from Within!
China Plot to Destroy America
Ahreeman X
Xi Jinping’s Absolute Power & Control of China
Smart, Disciplined, Strong Ruthless Leaders Rule Our Adversaries
Senile Old Fools, Air Headed Bimbos & Morons Run America!

Xi Jinping and gang running the politburo, provinces and the regime. Xi’s policy is to rule with an iron fist via a centralized powerful Communist Regime as a Totalitarian autocratic system, yet using the Capitalism and Free Trades as the mean to expand the Chinese Markets more

Politics - Philosophy
I Took the Red Pill
The Big Decision?
Ahreeman X
Red Pill or Blue Pill? Choice is Yours?
Find Out How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes!
Things are not Always what they Seem to be!

CIA can follow a desert rat with the space satellite and you don’t think they notice a flood of tens of millions of illegal alien criminals, murderers, child sex slaves, fentanyl and terrorists by the Drug Cartels? This invasion is blessed by the CIA in charge of the US Government more

Fashion - Models
Elnaaz Norouzi Persian Actress Model
Elnaaz Beautiful Persian Free Spirit
Elnaaz Norouzi
Elnaaz the Sexy Persian Actress, Model, Singer & Dancer
Elnaaz Debut in IPC - Elnaaz Rocks IPC
Album 1: Fashion Shoots
Album 2: Swimsuit & Lingerie
IPC welcomes Elnaaz Norouzi for her debut albums. Elnaaz Norouzi or as called by the family and friends “Naaz” is a Persian actress, model, singer and dancer. Elnaaz was born in Tehran, Iran. Elnaaz was raised more

Politics - Photo Gallery
Kamala Harris is a Cartoon Character!
Kamala Harris is the Deep State Candidate!
Ahreeman X
What Kind of Weed is Kamala Smoking? What Pills is She Popping?
Kamala’s Art of Word Salad Making Makes a Dead Man Jump!

Crazy Kamala is so animated, she wants to be the next President Erect! Democrats erected her who earned zero votes in the primary as their nominee! As the Communist Party USA, this is how Democrats operate! Cackling Kamala cannot put 2 paragraphs together because she is a braindead airhead on Prozac and marijuana, spewing more

Philosophy Book - Science
Enjoy Free Energy & Life Throughout the Universe
English Book in 9 Chapters
Nicholas Ginex
Ginex Unveils What Media Hides from You!
New Shocking Book on CIA Murders, Coverups & Extraterrestrials

If you have a never-ending thirst for “The Truth” then quench your thirst with this Roller Coaster Thriller by Ginex. In search of the Truth, a trip thorough Ginex Universe of Sci Fi becoming Science Fact. A shot of reality through a political, scientific and philosophical history of our universe. All aboard the Ginex Roller Coaster ride to the Truth, let’s Rock and Roll more

Cartoons - Graphics
Ahreeman X Graphic Cartoons 3
Ahreemanic Toons Chapter 3
Ahreeman X
Un-woke, Un-PC, Un-Islamic & Banned Everywhere!
Come & Get Them Hot Out of the IPC Oven!
You Asked for Them; You Got Them!

Ahreemanic Toons 1
Ahreemanic Toons 2
Ahreemanic Toons 3
IPC Rendezvous Girl: Until next time, see you in the funny pages more

Iranian Opposition Missions Manual 4
Dark Web
Ahreeman X & Catayoun Razmjou
Dark Web Anonymous Communication
Welcome to the Persian Underground Network
Big Tech & Iran Lobby Relations: You are being Watched

You are not only watched by the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) Cyber Units, VAJA (Iranian Secret Service), Hezbollah (Iranian and Lebanese branches) Hackers, and IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps), yet also by a series of international cyber bandits in disguise including more

San Diego Illegal Alien Dumping
San Diego is Dumping Ground for Biden Regime
Ahreeman X
Todd Gloria Turned San Diego in to a 3rd World Shiite Hole
Great Replacement & Illegal Alien Diseases
You Americans are Financing Your Own Annihilation

Every week thousands of illegal aliens cross the open borders at San Diego. In addition, Biden Regime dumps another few thousands from Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and elsewhere in to San Diego! This illegal alien dumping is a co-project of Joe Biden illegitimate regime more

How American Election was Stolen? 3
Navarro Report Volume 3: Trump Won!
Peter Navarro
Navarro Report 3: Case Evidence, Statistical Receipts & Documents
Introduction: Ahreeman X + Author: Peter Navarro
We are living in times which the unthinkable had occurred. Democrats which are the Communist Party USA had stolen the 2020 Election, are illegitimately ruling the country and are actively bankrupting and jailing the opposition such as Donald John Trump, Stephen Kevin Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, Peter Navarro and other great patriots. There is a target more

Politics - Movement
Catching Iranian Spies Boondoggle in DC!
Chaos in GOP While America is Dying!
Ahreeman X
Iranian Espionage Ring in Washington DC, USA
Iran Lobby Agents Deep Inside US Government’s Bone Marrow!

People often underestimate the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) Regime, IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) and specifically VAJA (Iranian Intelligence). People have no clue how deep they have infiltrated the US Government. The Deep State Swamp in DC is corrupt to the bone marrow! For every Iran Lobby group, we expose, two new ones popout more

Globalist Illegal Alien Invasion USA
Calculated Democrat Plan to Destroy America
Ahreeman X
Shah of Iran Predictions Come True Today!
Unholy Alliance of the Black (Islamists) & Red (Communists)
Turning America to Ameristan: The Step by Step Green Plan!

Didn’t I Tell You So? Jews are not the problem; liberalism and globalism are! The Liberal Plantation System run by the Globalist Liberal Billionaire Jew Masters will destroy you no matter who you are, even if you are an Israeli! Now they are Anti-Israel! Half the Democrats hate Jews more

Photo Gallery
Iran Most Beautiful Historic Sites
Best of the Best of Iran
Ahreeman X
Best Places to Visit in Iran with Information, Photos & Videos
Ahreeman X Top 20 Best Persian Architecture

Iran the mother civilization of the world with 8000 years of history is a large country with many cultures, races, dialects and languages. Every province and city of Iran has a unique local traditional food, culture and customs. Iran is basically an empire of various cultures and loaded with interesting sites, choosing only 20 is very hard but here it goes more

Language - Humor
Will Americans Ever Learn How to Pronounce Iran?
Can Rednecks Ever Learn Proper Lingo?
Ahreeman X
Iran, Eye-Ran or Eye-Rain? Can you Say Iran (ee-ron)?!
Persian Letters which don't Exist in English, what are they?

We don’t have this problem with Europeans, South Americans, Central Americans, Africans and specifically Asians to properly pronounce Iran! Even out there in the boonies of Australia and New Zealand, they know how to properly pronounce Iran, but not in USA! Rednecks have a huge problem pronouncing the name of the oldest civilization on earth more

Trita Parsi Biography of # 1 Iranian Agent in USA
Trita Parsi the Head of Iran Lobby in USA
Ahreeman X
Trita Parsi Undeclared Iranian Agent, Spy & George Soros Agent
Has it ever occurred to you that why Trita Parsi who is not an American Citizen would be lobbying for the Iranian Americans? The answer is simple, he is not lobbying for Iranian Americans but he lobbies for the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) Mullahs in America! As a non-citizen, Trita Parsi cannot even vote in the elections, then why is he so determined to change the results of the American elections via lobby? more

Features - Politics
How to Battle Woke Corporations?
Corporations Go Woke, Make them Broke!
Catayoun Razmjou
How to Tell Which Corporation is Woke?
Methods to Boycott Woke Corporations + Woke Corporations List

The Woke Mob, Globalist Corporations and the Big Government want to silence you, submit you into obedience, control you and brainwash you into becoming a Woke Communist Slave. Don’t become a bloody sheep. Blimey, when the globalists are actively turning you into a robot, well hell bollocks, it is time to just like liberals, become activists more

Politics - Photo Gallery
Biden List of Amounts Bribed by Foreign Nations
Biden Crime Family Enterprise Businesses
Catayoun Razmjou
Who Paid Joe Biden How Much, When & From Where?
Biden Crime Family has been in the business of selling the Biden Brand to the foreign entities, corrupt oligarchs, international corporations, foreign governments’ agents and lobbies in USA for decades. The corruption, schemes, racketeering, quid pro quos, and bribes started since Joe Biden was a senator, then VP and now as the president. For 50 years the Quid Pro Joe has made millions and possibly in a billion range more

Politics - Photo Gallery
Liberal Made Climate Change Apocalypse
Climate Cult isn’t Science Fact But a Flawed Theory
Ahreeman X
The Great Reset is for the Elite to Enslave the Workers
Climate Cult the Big Lie: Part 1 + Part 2
Adolf Hitler used to say: “Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it.” Vladimir Lenin used to say: “A lie told often becomes the truth.” Dr. Joseph Goebbels used to say: “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.” Klaus Schwab (Hitler’s nephew) and the WEF (World Economic Forum), since 1970s more

New Model


Trump Dance Over the World
Best Compilation by Everyone

Illegal Aliens Invasion USA
Multiculturalism = Death of USA
San Diego Illegal Alien Dump
Design by Democrats Thread

Famous Quotes of Wisdom
AX on Homosexuality Quote
AX on Agony + AX Quotes
Trump Thread + Trump Quotes
Reagan & Thatcher Quotes
New + Best + Quotes Thread

Trump Golden Age of America
Trans Sanctuary Townhall
DOGE Dogged USAID $ Fraud
New Beginning Thread

Bita Qabus IPC Authors Index
Announcement + Index

Reza Yazdani Persian Rock
Reza Yazdani Response to AX
AX Rock Guitar Riff Challenge
Master Rocks IPC Thread

Fight for Freedom to End IRI
National Mourning Day of Iran
Then & Now + Trump Pressure
Sadegh Zibakalam Reformism
Who to Free Iran? + Thread

Amir Ghiyamat Band Rap
Persian Rap Nostalgic & New

Essi Faraji Persian Comedian
Hilarious Comedian & Singer

China Destroys USA Within
China Creates USA Addicts
Take Down the CCP + Thread

Coronavirus, IRGC & Chinese
How did it Spread? Real Story
USAID Funded COVID Weapon
US Gov Wuhan Coverup 2020
Coverup + Maps Stats + Thread

Liberal Made Climate Change
Weather Manipulation Systems
George Carlin Climate Funny
3 Takes On Big Lie + Thread

Ahreeman X Poetry Update
Destination Review + Poem
New + Thread + Poetry Index

New Songs, Bands & Artists
Iran Multimedia + Iran Music

Battleplan Against IRI Mullahs
Free Armed People + Thread

Soraya Mini Series in English
Soraya Historical Film Review
Empress Soraya Comes Alive

Reasons for IRI Birth
Carter Croaked + Thread

Iranian History Channels
YouTube, Podcasts & Sites

Why Trumpism Works?
Trump @ TPUSA  AMFEST 24
Democrat High Taxes in 5 Min
Trumpism Works Thread

Nicholas Ginex News
New + Updates + Index

Only in Iran Funny Galleries
Persian Christmas + Thread

Debate Nicholas Ginex vs AX
Philosophy of Existence
Aliens, CIA & Dr. Steven Greer
Alien UFO Fuel Source
Interdimensional Aliens
CIA & MIC UFO Coverups
Alien UFO Encounters 2023
Aliens, CIA, Sounds, God Who?
Humming Sound in San Diego!
AI Singularity Primary Steps
Ginex on Sydney Robot & AI
Is MS Bing Sydney Robot Alive?
AI Delima, Sydney Bing Robot
Ginex on Robot, AI Zero Hour
Ginex on Spirit, Thought & Soul
Transhuman Cyborgs of Future
Universal Intelligence & AI
AX Rebuttal, Ginex Argument
3 General, 2 Macro, 1 Micro
Philosophy Debate Thread

New Books in IPC Library
Largest Iran Online Library
Banned in Iran Books
Abdolhossein Zarrinkoob Books
Shah of Iran Books Update
New, Persian, English, Library

E-mails to Ahreeman X
Nutty, Sexy, Educational

Letter from China: Islam
Ahreeman X Top Rock Bands?
Ahreemanic Style DEI & CRT
Was Ferdowsi Muslim?
Woke TV Solution!
Ahreeman X why what you do?
Democracy in Middle East?!
Why Bash Bahaism?
E-mails to Ahreeman X Thread

Iran Lobby Infects San Diego
San Diego Iran Lobby vs AX
Shahri Estakhry IRI Agent
Persian Cultural Center Thread

Amir Abbas Hoveyda
Great Iranian Prime Minister
New + Memory of My God Father

Who’s Behind Syrian Civil War?
New + Who? + Thread

Who Owns Iranian Media?
Follow the Money Source!

Trump Killed Fake News Media
Media Rating All Time Low

Reza Pahlavi - IRI Deal
Reza Pahlavi Betrayed Iran?
2nd Iran Coup 1984 Thread

US 2024 Elections Thread
Trump All Stars MAGA Rally
RNC Grand Extravaganza 2024
Trump Rally Rocked Bronx NY
Trump Rally of 100,000 @ NJ
AX Endorses Trump + Thread

Deep State US Coup 2020
American Liberation Day
CIA Control of Internet Danger
DS Extermination + Thread

Jamshid Sharmahd Murder
IRI Execution + Thread

Trump 1 On 1 with Joe Rogan
3 Hour Interview JRE Thread

Iran - Israel War Analysis
New Animated AI + Thread

Iran Lobby & Agents in USA
Iranian Spy Ring in DC!
Trita Parsi Biography of a Spy
Iran Lobby Billion Dollar Inc.
Namazis weren't US Hostages
Iran Lobby Thread + Movement

Nazi Girls, Twisted & Wild
New Episodes + Thread

Iran Animation Graphics
Mullahs of Deep State Series
Ashura Psychotic Shiite Festival
Cowollah Muslim Cow + Index

Labor Day Special with AX
Ahreeman X Message + Thread

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Funny TDS Commercial Thread

Liberal Plantation System
Red Pill or Blue Pill, Choose?
New World Order Thread

Biden-Harris Lost Afghanistan
Taliban Parades US Arms
Biden $2.35 Billion Taliban Gift
Iran 1979 on Steroids Thread!

Iran Fashion Models News
Top Sexy Persian Models

Let’s Go Brandon Fun Page
Funny Saudi TV Mocks Biden
FAQ Joe Biden Thread

RINO Extermination in GOP
Paul Ryan RINO Drowns FOX
Stephanie Bice Iranian RINO
The Great RINO Hunt Thread

Persian Cultural Month 2583
Persian Parade NYC 2024
Thread + Article + Index

Why Liberals are Killing USA?
Destruction of USA by Design
Dems Destroy USA Thread

Iranian Opposition Manuals
Freedom Fighters Manuals

Break IRI Internet Filters
New + Thread + Movement

Is Google a Cult?
Google Mind Control Thread

Persian Slangs Dictionary
Duff Meaning+D Words
Jindagani Terms+J Words
Encyclopedia Ahreemanica

Corporations Go Woke
Make Them Broke!
How to Battle Woke Corps?
Woke Corps Videos + Thread

Iran Beautiful Historic Sites
Iran Best Architecture Galleries

Biden Crime Family Enterprise
Biden Gets $10% + Thread

Will Americans Ever Learn?
How to Pronounce Iran?
Iran, Eye-Ran or Eye-Rain?

Why Islam Can’t Coexist?
Anwar Shaikh Best Writings
New + Thread + Index

George Carlin Comedy Legend
On Religion + Quotes Thread

Fereydoun Farrokhzad Topic
New Tribute + Thread + Index

Shapour Bakhtiar Last Savior
Symbol of Resistance + Thread

Iranian Youth Ask Parents?
Why are they Democrats?

Storm Large Sings Persian
Storm Large Story Thread

Monarchy or Republic?
Monarchy Works Not in Iran
New + P1 + P2 + P3 + Thread

Christmas has Persian Roots
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess
New + Thread + Book of Mitra

Liberal Made LGBTQ Genders
6 to 60 Liberal Genders Thread

ANTIFA is Burning Down USA
MAGA vs ANTIFA + Thread

Liberal Destroyed California
New Woke Laws + Thread

Globalist Billionaire Jews
Who Rules the West Thread

Amazon Cyber Censorship
New + Update + Thread

Chador Funny Cartoon Series
New + Hejab Created + Thread

Eye-Rainian & Iranian Comedy
Memories + Thread

Gun Rights Protect Freedom
Iran Opposition Needs Guns
Ahreeman X on Guns Thread

Roe vs. Wade Suggestions!
Ahreeman X vs. Linda Sarsour

NFL Football Gone Gay Woke!
Tranny Cheer + New + Thread

Social Darwinism & Raciology
Update + Thread + Series

Pan Iranism vs. Islam!
Update + Thread + Article

Nationalism Iran of Tomorrow
Update + Thread + Article

Why Federalism for Iran?
Update + Thread + Article

IPC 20th Anniversary Special
Happy Birthday IPC Thread

Iran Lobby & Monarchists Net
Ahreemanic Way + Thread

Future of America: Solutions
Stolen America + Thread

Liberals are Not Progressive
Don’t Give Them Credit Thread

Who Killed More People?
Nazis, Communists, Muslims?
Democrats Tyranny + Thread

Abbas Derissi Artist Updates
New + Updates + Art Index

Shahnameh Epic Poetry Book
Hamid Rahmanian Art Thread

Iran Politics & Life Cartoons
New + Iran Toon Series Thread

Tech Giants Great Threat
Silicon Valley Mafia + Thread

Black Lives Matter Terrorism
Mark Levin Expose, AX Expose
BLM is a Terrorist Organization

Persian Aryan Salute History
Root Story & Photo Gallery

Why Iran Needs a Guardian?
Why Velayat-e Faqih?

Iran Protests IRI Got to Go
Palestinians & Rise of IRI
IRI Got to Go Thread

Why Socialism doesn’t Work?
Why Socialism is So Popular?
Explained in 5 Minutes Thread!

Trump Greatest US President
Trump Accomplishments

Why Iran is Backward?
Iran Cultural Problems Thread

FBI Most Wanted Posters
New Thread + Updates + Index

Who Knows & Who Not?
Original Poem + Thread

Democrat & GOP Party History
The Real Story Thread

Muhammad & Aisha Cartoons
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Father of the Modern Iran

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