Iran Politics Club is the largest Iranian website/network on Internet.
Advertising on Iran
Politics Club
4 Great
Reasons, why you must advertise in IPC
Advertisement Packages
Iran Politics Club
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Advertising Requirements
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on Iran Politics Club
Iran Politics
Club is the largest Iranian website/network on Internet.
Iran Politics Club is the most viewed Iranian political website
on the Internet.
Iran Politics Club is one of the top ten, most read Iranian general
websites on the Internet.
Every website
claims they are the most trafficked sites, but we offer you facts.
You are welcome
to click on each of the 4 statistics buttons, on bottom left
corner of the IPC homepage and view our statistics:
Statistics Legend
Statistics Buttons at the bottom left corner of the IPC Homepage Show sample statistics. Old style pages, classic image album pages and club pages are not included. Our actual complete statistics are much larger. Top to Bottom:
* Extreme Tracking
* See The Stats - Google Analytics
* AWStats
* Webalizer
Iran Politics
Club has been operating since March 30, 2000. Most IPC readers
and advertisers reside in North America; however, IPC readers
are a unique group and a global entity.
in IPC is beneficial for local city based, state based, country
based or global based businesses. You can reach a wide range of
clientele and exposure by advertising in IPC.
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must you advertise on IPC?
4 Great Reasons, why you must advertise in IPC:
* Reason
Because unlike other commercial websites, we give you a steady
spot on all high trafficked pages of IPC. We do not rotate you,
move you around or put you amongst a group of advertisers, owning
the same spot, by giving you a 6th of animated time span on the
same spot! We don't include you in a group package for the same
spot. Once you advertise in IPC and purchase a spot, then that
spot will be yours and only yours on all high trafficked pages.
* Reason Two
Because our
prices on average, are a 3rd of other commercial websites' prices.
We have the lowest rate. We give you the best deal for your money.
You can easily go around and compare prices. We give you the biggest
bang for your buck!
* Reason
When you advertise in other commercial websites, you are supporting
the lifestyle of some fat bellied Iranian webmaster, but when
you advertise in IPC, you support the American Patriots, Iranian Nationalists and the fight to establish Freedom,
Secularism, Federalism, Human Rights and Democracy in Iran.
* Reason
When you advertise in other commercial websites, you are supporting
the purchase of a new luxury house and luxury automobile for the
fat bellied webmaster of that site, but when you advertise in
IPC, you help us to keep Iranian culture, history, traditions
and heritage alive. By advertising in IPC, you help your children
to grow up as Iranians. Our culture and language is on the verge
of collapse, inside Iran by Arabtoxication and outside Iran by
Westoxication. Does your children speak Persian? Do they know
their own culture? Do they even know where Iran is? An 8000 years
old culture is under threat of destruction, help us saving our
culture. We fight for the survival of our culture. Help us to
help you!
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Package A
728 x 90 Large Horizontal Banner Ad plus 234 x 60 Banner Ad on top of high traffic web pages of IPC. For $ 500 a month, you will get your own steady spot on top of all these pages. No sharing, no rotation, but your own spot.
Package B
160 x 600 Large Vertical Banner Ad on the right column of high traffic web pages of IPC. For $ 350 a month, you will get your own steady spot on all these pages. No sharing, no rotation, but your own spot. Unlike other websites, IPC right columns are clearly visible and have no browser intake.
Package C
234 x 60 Banner Ad on top of high traffic web pages of IPC. For $ 275 a month, you will get your own steady spot on top of all these pages. No sharing, no rotation, but your own spot.
Package D
150 x 75 Banner Ad on top of high traffic web pages of IPC. For $ 175 a month, you will get your own steady spot on top of all these pages. No sharing, no rotation, but your own spot.
Package E
150 x 150 Button Ad on the top left or right column of high traffic web pages of IPC. For $ 150 a month, you will get your own steady spot on all these pages. No sharing, no rotation, but your own spot. Unlike other websites, IPC right columns are clearly visible and have no browser intake.
Package F
150 x 75 Button Ad or Link-Text Ad on the left or right column of high traffic web pages of IPC. For $ 75 a month, you will get your own steady spot on all these pages. No sharing, no rotation, but your own spot. Unlike other websites, IPC right columns are clearly visible and have no browser intake.
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Politics Club Privacy Policy
IPC provides
secure and confidential transactions. IPC respects your privacy.
IPC is well aware of your needs for personal and financial privacy
of information; therefore, we provide the highest level of security
to safekeep your information.
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· All advertising content must be clearly differentiated from
editorial content.
· Ads must have borders.
· IPC accepts GIF and JPEG ads, 40kb or less in
· If animated, we require animation span of 15 second
· Flash frame rate must be less than 15 frames per
· Advertising cannot be directly competitive and/or
disparaging to IPC.
· All the political, public policy, advocacy, or
candidate advertising must include a "Paid for by ___"
label on all frames of the ad. It must be very clear that who
placed the ad.
· IPC reserves the right to reject any ad at any
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Title the
subject of your E-mail: "IPC AD Print"
or it will go to the spam folder and get deleted. Send your ad,
we will bill you, next you pay, and then we publish your ad. For
advertisement, please contact:
For more information, please read Frequently
Asked Questions and Support
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