Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology

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Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology

Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Dec 21, 2004 9:35 pm

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology
December 21, 2004

Now, I would like to address a very hot topic. We are way past due to address this topic! We have been receiving a great number of requests regarding many questions from readers about this topic. Our readers, specifically students are seeking more knowledge about these two subjects. They want to learn more about these subjects & the various facts surrounding them. They want to learn, what their teachers do not teach them in schools! Many Iranian Students often hit me with so many questions regarding Race, Ethnicities, Evolution & Anthropology. Now we shall clarify the issue & dig deep into these popular subjects.

Why don't we do some analysis? Lets start with some definitions.


Raciology = Science of studying the races

You will not see this definition or many other definitions of various terms in today's dictionaries & encyclopadias, simply because liberals control the whole industry!

Liberals are trying to deny this science, simply because they do not believe in different races. They believe there is only one race & thats the human race! Any one who disagrees with this statement, will be branded as a racist!

Social Darwinism = To adopt the concept of Evolution & Darwinism in the society & amongst the people who make up the society's fabric.

You will also not be able to find this definition in today's dictionaries!

Allow me to explain myself.

My Thesis

All human beings have equal rights according to social justice & social laws. However, this does not mean that all human beings are geneticallly, physically & mentaly equal! They are all different.

To elaborate on the issue, I shall give you a background lesson on Earth & all creatures existing in this planet. Back to basics of biology to refresh your memory:

Classification of Living Organisms

There are billions of different types of living organisms on earth. To help study them, biologists have devised ways of naming and classifying them according to their similarities and differences.

The system most scientists use to put each living creature into seven groups (or taxons), is organized from most general to most specific. Therefore, each species belongs to a genus, each genus belongs to a family, each family belongs to an order, etc.


From largest to smallest, these groups are:


Lets move on to the:


Kingdoms are huge groups, encompassing millions of organisms each. To date, there are five kingdoms.

In the most widely-used system, there are five kingdoms, containing:

Fungi (mushrooms, mold, yeast, lichen, etc.)
Protista (single celled creatures invisible to bare human eye)
Monera (3 types of bacterias)

Animal Kingdom

Then we have Animals of Vertebrates & Invertebrates:

Vertebrates (Animals with spinal chords & interior skeleton)
Invertebrates (Animals without spinal chords & with exterior skeleton)

Vertebrates such as human & Invertebrates such as Lobster.


The next category is the Phylum. There are several phyla within each kingdom. The phyla start to break the animals (or plants, fungi, etc) into smaller and more recognizable groups. For instance here is the Phyla of Animals:

Phyla of Animals

Protozoa (single cell animals such as sponges)
Cnidaria (jellyfish, hydras, sea anemones, Portuguese man-of-wars, and corals)
Platyhelminthes (flatworms, including planaria, flukes, and tapeworms)
Nematodes (roundworms, including rotifers and nematodes)
Mollusks (snails and slugs, octopuses and squids, oyster and clams)
Annelids (worms, earthworms, leeches, and marine worms)
Echinoderms (sea stars, sea cucumbers, sand dollars, and sea urchins)
Anthropods [crustaceans (crabs, lobsters, barnacles), millipedes, centipedes, arachnids (spiders) and insects]
Chordata (animals with nerve chords - this group includes the vertebrates)


Then we have Sub-Phylums. For instance Phylum of Chordata (animals with nerve chords), divides into:



Species are the smallest groups. A species consists of all the animals of the same type, who are able to breed and produce young of the same kind. For example, while any two great white sharks are in the same species, as are any two monkeys, great whites and monkeys are in different species (since they can't interbreed).

Let me give you an example:


Kingdom: Animalia (includes all animals)
Phylum: Chordata (includes all vertebrate animals, as well as some other more primitive ones)
Class: Mammalia (includes all mammals)
Order: Carnivora (includes carnivorous mammals, from bears to raccoons to harbor seals)
Family: Felidae (includes all cats)
Genus: Panthera (includes the great roaring cats: lions, tigers, jaguars, and leopards)
Species: leo (lions!)

How about a comparison between?


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Sub-Phylum: Vertebrates
Class: Mammals
Order: Carnivora
Family: Canidae
Genus: Canis
Species: Dogs



Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Sub-Phylum: Vertebrates
Class: Mammals
Order: Primates
Family: Hominids
Genus: Homo
Species: Sapiens

Keep the above classification of dogs & human in mind, & now we expand & elaborate the classifications in to:

Sub-Species (Race Groups)
Sub Sub-Species (Races)

Races are in fact Sub Sub-Species.

Raciology 101

Human Race Groups



Human Races of The White Race Group

Anglo Saxon


Now picture, Nationalities:


Now picture, Tribes:
Aryan Iranians have 3 main tribes:

Persians: South (Pars, etc.)
Parthians: North East (Semnan, Khorasan, etc.)
Medians: North West/Central (Tehran, Markazi, Kurdistan, Azerbaijan, etc.)

For Example:

Persians (Aryan Iranians in General) are of Aryan (Race) of the White (Race Group).
English are of Anglo Saxon (Race) of the White (Race Group).
Spaniards are of Latin (Race) of the White (Race Group).
Germans are of Aryan (Race of the White (Race Group).

or For Example, I can make an statement that:

I am a Median, Persian, Aryan, White! Or I can break it & say, I am a:

Median (Tribe)
Persian [Iranian] (Nationality)
Aryan (Race)
White (Group Race)

Do you comprehend the hierarchy & classifications?


Obviously there are no pure breeds (Races); however, there are very close to the pure breeds.

Pure = Absolute 100% characteristic of a certain race.
Mix = Partial characteristics of a various races.

So picture this chart:

100% = Pure
75% = Almost Pure (Known Pure)
50% = Mix
25% = Very Mix

Racial Example

Technically, in Latin America, when we make statements such as:

Blanco = White, means: over 75% White
Indio = Red (American Indian), means: over 75% Red
Negro = Black, means: over 75% Black
Chino = Yellow, means over 75% Yellow (Oriental)
Mestizo = Mix of 50% White + 50% Red (Indio)
Mulato = Mix of 50% White + 50% Black (Negro)
Zambaigo = Mix of 50% White + 50% Yellow (Chino)
Zambo = Mix of 50% Red (Indio) + 50% Black (Negro)
Moreno = Mix in Mix, means 1/3 White + 1/3 Indio + 1/3 Negro

Do you get the idea?

In Iran,

Aryan = over 75% White Aryan
Mix Aryan = 50% Aryan + 50% Other
Mix = 1/3 Aryan + Other (also known as Mix in Mix) [Persian Term = Gunegun]
Non Aryan = Below 1/3 Aryan

For instance:

In Iran, an average,

Gilak (from Gilan) is an Aryan
Azeri is a Mix Aryan (Persian + Turk)
Bandari (from Khuzestan) is a Mix (1/3 Aryan + 1/3 Arab + 1/3 Black)
Kermani is a Mix Aryan [Persian + Indian (Asian Indian)]
Baluchi is a Mix Aryan [Persian + Indian (Asian Indian)]
Southern Arab is a Non Aryan (Hemite)
Southern Black is a Non Aryan (Negro)
Turkmen Oriental is a Non Aryan (Yellow Oriental)
Armenian is an Aryan
Assyrian is a Mix Aryan (Persian + Hemite)
Jewish Iranian is a Non Aryan (Semite)
Golestani (from Golestan or Gorgan) is a Mix Aryan (Persian + Turkmen Yellow)

The distinction between races can be verified via tools & measurments of the hight & length of the forehead, shape of the nose, shape of the cheek bones, form of the lips, shape of the eyes, color of the eyes, skin color, human hight, shape of the human skull, length & hight of the skull, bodily shape, body hair, hair color, etc.

Myth of Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes Aryan!

The original Aryan, specifically Persian Aryan was Brunet Hair, Green or Brown Eyes, Tan or olive skin with Aryan Facial Features. The Myth of Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes Aryan is basically fabricated in the west, specifically in America! Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes Features are of Anglo Saxon Race, not Aryans. Of course certain Aryans & mostly Nordic (Scandinavian) & Germanic Aryans can be of such features, yet this is neither a norm nor a necessity for Aryans to be Blonde Hair, blue Eyed Folks. Just take a look @ the very people who preached the Master Race in Germany! Hitler, Georing, Geobbels, Eichmann, Mengele, Spier, and other Top Nazis were all Brunets with eyes of green, brown & some blue!

Now what is the point to all this?

Existence of The Human Races is a known fact & no one even liberals can deny it! Sub-Species (Race Groups) & Sub Sub-Species (Races) do exist.

Human beings are all equal in rights according to the law of humanity. All human beings have equal rights or @ least they should have equal rights; however, races of human being, all have different characteristics. Physical, Mental, & Spiritual Characteristics. All human races are different. For instance:

Race Groups

* Generally, Yellow Orientals are good @ math, technology, college studies, & that is why majority of honor roll in American Universities are Asians (Yellow East Asians), not to be mistaken with Indo-Chinese (South East Asia). East Asians are light skinned Yellow Races (Koreans, Chinese, Japanese). South East Asians (Indo-Chinese) are Dark Skinned Mix Races (Asian Indian + Yellow), such as Philippinos & Indonesians.

* Generally, Blacks are great in Athletics, Arts (Music/Dance) & so on. As we see, American Football, Basketball, Boxing, etc. is dominated by Blacks & so are many Musical Styles (Rap, Disco, Soul, R&B, Blues, Funk, etc) & dance.

* Generally, Whites are in between Yellows & Blacks. They are academically superior, yet not necessarily in Math! They are good with Athletics, yet not necessarily in combat athletics! And so on.....

However, there are exceptions to the above.

Physical, mental, biological, genetical & other important differences between Race Groups & Races are so obvious that only blind people or liberals are not able to see them!


A Dog is a Dog but only a blind person cannot see the difference between a Doberman & a Poodle!

Doberman => Working Dog (Group)
Poodle => Toy Dog (Group)

A Dog is a Dog but a Doberman is a highly intelligent killer used by military but a Poodle is a toy used by Hollywood Elite!

So are human races! There are differences of characteristics, physical abilities, mental capacities, learning abilities, artistic talents, human interests, bodily features, facial characteristics & other differences between Race Groups (White, Black, Yellow & Red) and then again between different Races of the same Race Group (Anglo, Aryan, Latin). Every single human being is different than the other. All human beings, all race groups & all races have different characteristics & behavioral patherns. Their physical characteristics (body type, facial features, hair, length & width of skull, color of skin, hight, etc) are different & so are their mental abilities & every other aspects of their abilities.

If one cannot see the difference between the races, then they are either blind or a liberal! Liberals have been trying to revise the Science, Evolution & Biology. For instance they have totaly eliminated a complete science of "Raciology" & they fabricated the Science of "Biology" with inputing liberal lies that all human are equal & of one race which is the human race. But then again once a while liberal lies & fabrications of biology & anthroplogy back fires in their fasces! Allow me to give you an example, a recent example that proves we are all different:

BiDil "The Black Pill"!
A Case Study

Heart failure affects 5 million Americans, but blacks are 2½ times more likely to develop it. It happens when the heart is too weak to pump effectively, causing fluid to back up in the lungs and leaving people weak and short of breath. Half die within five years of diagnosis.

Earlier research suggested that standard heart failure drugs called angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors do not work as well in blacks, and that blacks may have lower amounts of nitric oxide, which plays many roles in heart health, in their blood. Two chemicals, isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine, boost this substance, but administering the right dose is complicated when they are prescribed separately. A Massachusetts biotechnology company, NitroMed, developed a combination pill, BiDil, that gets around this problem, but the FDA refused to license it as a new drug because earlier studies involving mostly white patients who got the chemicals separately showed no benefit!

But there were tantalizing signs that BiDil helped the few blacks in the studies, and NitroMed won a patent to use it just in that minority group. The company then began a study of 1,050 blacks. Half of them got standard heart failure drugs; the other half got those drugs plus BiDil. The study was stopped ahead of schedule last year when doctors saw BiDil clearly was better. After roughly two years' use, only 6.2 percent of the patients who took BiDil died, versus 10.2 percent who got only standard heart failure drugs. That translates to a 43 percent reduction in deaths, said Dr. Anne Taylor of the University of Minnesota, one of the study's leaders. Only 16.4 percent on BiDil required hospitalization for heart failure, versus 24.4 percent of the rest.

BiDil had substantial side effects, 47.5 percent on it had headaches, compared with 19.2 of the others. Dizziness occurred in 29.3 percent on the drug and 12.3 percent on fake pills. But the favorable overall result "virtually ensures FDA approval," because the agency previously told the company that a successful study in blacks would merit it, Dr. M. Gregg Bloche, a Georgetown University lawyer and Johns Hopkins University physician, said in a commentary in the medical journal.

That is "cause for celebration" for blacks, but the company now will have no financial incentive to do a larger trial in whites because its "black-only" patent allows it to sell it that way and keep generic versions from entering the market until 2020, he said. Others worry that the drug may not be the best choice for all blacks but that they will automatically be prescribed "the black pill" solely on the basis of skin color.

Racial Apologists Views (Liberal Lies)!

Being black is not a black-and-white distinction, said Dr. Timothy Gardner of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, who had no role in the study. "Physiologically, it's a sort of continuous variable," including people of mixed races, he said.

Dr. Shamir Mehta, a heart expert from McMaster University in Ontario who has done much research on ethnic differences, said the genetic differences among ethnic groups are so small that the drug should probably help whites, too.


Blacks (generally) due to their diet of very greasy & unhealthy, yet somewhat delicious soul food, are a better candidate for heart attacks & thats a fact. And now there is a drug specifically for Blacks to take care of their hearts! And it does work, more likely & only for Blacks! Isn't this yet another reason to prove that we are all different?!

So as we see, all human beings are different to the point that Blacks, due to their own biological systems can use different drugs & medications & take advantage of their benefits, yet Whites cannot do the same! Why? Because we are all having different biological, physical, mental & behavioral characteristics.

Liberals want to artificially equalize all human beings but one cannot fabricate science because Social Darwinism & Science of Raciology slaps liberal scientists & politicians in the face by scientifically bringing evidence to prove that liberal lies are nothing but fabrications used to brain wash children in schools!

Social Darwinism

Same as the races, the evolutionary level of different human beings are different. This is called Social Darwinism! For instance, what we call Civilization & Civilized Behavior, is different in West Bank & Ghazah Strip amongst Palestinians & then in New York City amongst Anglo Saxons! There are different levels of Evolutionary Progress between the races. On Evolutionary Scale, the Savage Tribes of Central Africa have a different patherns than the Urban citizens of London & so are Rural people of Siberia in Russia! People are different, their evolutionary progress is different, their racial abilities are different & everything about them are different & this is called Social Darwinism & Science of Raciology!

Evolutionary Process of different human beings from different Race Groups or Races were different. No two are the same. To claim "All" are the same, is a simple fabrication & a scientific lie!

We cannot deny these scientific facts, anthropological facts, & social patherns. We cannot fabricate science & teach lies in schools. By teaching the true science, by no means, we are teaching Racism, Biggotry & Segragation! By teaching true sciences, we teach the logical scientific facts of life to our children. Fabrication of science will always backfire in liberal's face, so why not teach the truth?

Like it or not, Social Darwinism & Science of Raciology are true scientific facts.

We shall always seek the scientific ways to avoid falling into the Abyss of ignorance.

"Many are schooled, yet only a few are truly educated!"



Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Elaborations on Social Darwinism

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:30 am

Elaborations on Social Darwinism
(I, The Collector)
January 28, 2005 = 2564 Shahanshahi PIY (Persian Imperial Year)

Friends, Fellow Persians, Activists & Comrades:

This issue (Social Darwinism) has nothing to do with the Race, but it has everything to do with the Brains!
Race can be a deciding factor but not the Major Element to decide the nature of a specie!
This is all about the Brain, The Gray Matter.

Allow me to elaborate a bit:


In Iran

Rafsanjani, is an Uber Mensch, because he is single handedly controlling the economy of a nation and pockets the national resources and income of a huge nation in his and his family's pockets!

Rafsanjani is an Uber Mensch, because he has risen from the level of a Fixer Upper, (buying junk houses, fix them up, putting shiite on shingle and then selling them double price) to the level of an Ayatollah, head of Kar Gozaran, head of Moderate Faction of Hizbollah, actual head of Basij Militia and the only person in the administration and hierarchy of Mullahs who knows anything about economy!

I refer you to:

Akbar Shah and 1001 nights at The Cayman Islands
(Middle of the page)
X Diaries: Cayman Islands (Planes, Ships, Ferries & Buses) part 2

So anyone who can rise himself from the level of a drunken bum in prisons of Shah (he was a certified drunk and hell raiser, not a political prisoner!) to the level of running a country, must be an Uber Mensch.

Shirin Ebadi, with all her education, all her publicity, all her prices, Piss_Nipple (Peace Noble) Price from Norway, etc., is a tool, a pawn that if she plays her cards right, she will become the president of IRI, maybe a Vice President (Masoumeh Ebtekar is giving me the dirty look!), or @ least a Majlis Rep.

Shirin Ebadi, is the Neo Face of the Reforms (Khatami is giving me the dirty look!). She is the new face of Islamic Democracy! She is a pawn who is up there in the spot light to keep the Gav O Guspandan (Cattle) occupied for another 8 years!

Shirin Ebadi is a Mensch. She is the Mensch in the Doll Collection of the Uber Mensch Rafsanjani!

I refer you to:

An Islamic Halloween ... /index.htm

Then you have Gav O Guspandan (The Cattle)! The oodles & oodles of Cattle from 12 years old all the way to 60 years old who willingly went to the Iraqi front and over the mine fields as human mine finders! Presently, they are residing with Allah in heavens sucking on milk & honey and a tity from one of the 72 Houries promised to them!

The Gav O Guspandan, a plenty not to few, are the Unter Mensch! They follow the leader without even knowing what is the leader all about, who is the leader, what does he stands for and why are they following him!? The Unter Mensch is even in a lower level of Evolutionary Scale than the Mensch! At least the Mensch is semi conscience!

Therefore, you have:

Uber Mensch: Rafsanjani
Mensch: Ebadi
Unter Mensch: Guspand-e Basiji

That's the definition of:

Subman (Sub Human)

That was one example for you.

Elaborate on the issue and take a look around you!

* Look @ certain Mojaheds who burn themselves in Paris for Maryam Rajavi to go free out of jail! They burned themselves, some died, some scarred for life and deformed forever, burning in excruciating pain to get Maryam out of jail! Do you believe that they are fully aware of Maryam's nature? Hell no! They follow the leader to heaven & hell with no clue!

* The same goes for the brain dead Monarchists, loaded with Tribal Emotions towards their Sect or Cult to worship Reza Pahlavi, no matter what! Ask them why they worship RP? They hand you gibberish such as he is son of Shah and legal owner of the peacock throne and crown, he is the unifier of all Iranians and symbol of Monarchy, he is a democratic man who must lead Iran but as a ceremonial figure, bla bla bla...........!

I bet with you, they don't even know what the hell are they talking about! Non of them look @ Reza Pahlavi as a regular human being with no qualifications whatsoever to be a leader of a nation! They look @ him as Son of Shah! They want the glory of the past but with a ceremonial monarch as a figure head!

They simply fail to understand that a ceremonial monarch cannot revive the glory of the past! But a Reza Khan as an Absolutist Monarch can!

These Monarchists are often extremely confused people, that's why I call them Shahollahi! They are not Monarchists by the definition, yet they are pro RP & Pahlavi Dynasty no matter what! Even if the next Pahlavi is a Retard, they will kiss his Ass & follow him to the grave!

This is what I mean about the Culture of Captivity, Culture of Hero Worship and even when there are no Heroes, they invent one & name them:

Maryam Rajavi
Reza Pahlavi
Adib Boroumand
Seyed Ali Khamenei

The Mensch loves to Hero Worship. The Unter Mensch follows the leader to the grave!

You see, non of these people: Shahollahi, Hizbollahi, Marxollahi, Mosadeqollahi, etc. work with a full deck! some worship Reza Pahlavi, some Maryam Rajavi, some Mosadeq, some Mansour Hekmat, some Khosrow Roozbeh, some Imam Khamenei, some ..................

Ask them why?
They reply to you with extreme fanatical responses of why do you even have to ask such questions!?
Some of the more advanced species amongst them, reply that so & so,............... a bunch o cheesy false resons as logic but basically Maqlateh Bazi & Safsateh Bazi!

Fanaticism is in the blood of these people and that's why they will be following the leader without a clear mind of knowing why are they doing so!

But sometimes, that leader ends up to be a Benevolent Nationalist who saves a nation, like Reza Khan!

and then again, sometimes that leader is someone who Shiites all over a nation like Khomeini!

With these folks, Its like playing dice and leave things to the chance!

But the public remains a Helpless victim who follows the leader of their own sects forever!

This is the Culture of Captivity. This is the Infected Culture of Arabo_Islamic. This is the Iranian Disease!

The Iranian Disease! ... /index.htm

Actually, sometimes, I am thinking to create yet another level below the Unter Mensch!

Lets call it The:

Amebus Mensch (Single Cell Brain, Spicies of Man)

That would be the dancing fools in Disco Tehran or Club X in search of the highest level of High via Ecstasy, Coke or Hash and getting a piece of nightly meat to bang! Give them a Nun Kabob Kubideh and a Hole to Screw or a Husband to Hitch (depending on male or female!) & they will be happy as a little puppy dog with a brand new bone! Alle Luya!

Hows about some o these Iranian Forum Dwelers in these Bang & Salavat Iranian Forums?! sounds familiar?!

Yes, I might have to go one step beyond Nietzsche and add a fourth level of consciousness to the psychi of the Human Specie!

Simple Mind, Simple Pleasure!

Praise The Lord!

................. Some comrades tell me:

Shoma Yasin be gushe khar mikhanid!
(You are singing Holy Verses to the ears of a Donkey!)

Do you think these people will change?

I tell them, I don't know!
But I tell you one thing,
I will preach the Bits O Wisdom!
That's what I can do!
If they change or if they do not change,
That, I have no control over it!
I am just a Bicycle Ryder, passing through this Prairie full of Cattle Shiite, lost cattle, prairie dogs and shepherds!

In this scenario,
Cattle Shiite: Amebus Mensch
Cattle: Unter Mensch
Prairie Dogs: Mensch
Shepherds: Uber Mensch
The Bicycle Ryder: Ahreeman (Beyond this world!)

I sing my tune,
I do my part,
The Future will tell!

Consider me a collector!

I am a collector who collects the Elite Brains of the Iranian community and friends of Iran, in a place called IPC.

If I cannot presently force a regime change, then @ least, I am managing to gather The Supreme Minds of our society under one roof, so I do not have to suffer consorting with Morons, Baboons and Insectoids!

I am The Collector

I, The Collector!


My words, pisses many people off!
Hell, I would not want it any other way!
@ least I make people think!
Ain't that a progress amongst the Iranian Community?!
Yeeeeeeeeeeeees Comrades,

I am The Collector!

I, The Collector!



Someone from the Outside looking Inside!

Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Postby reza » Thu Feb 10, 2005 10:10 am

yes you are totaly right, we are all different and some of us have advantages over others. i commend you for bringing up this sensitive issue. But most of all for doing it in an objective manner.
"Merit lies more in dying for ones master than in striking down the enemy" - Yamamoto Tsunetomo
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Our Mission!

Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:55 pm

Please allow me to post an old IPC File, directly related to this issue. It can be helpful for the better understanding of the topic.

Lets take a walk in the memory lane, shall we?

Our Mission!
A Behavioral Analysis
February 19, 2003

Oldies but Goodies
Old IPC Files

Dear Comrades:

Where Does IPC Stands on The Evolutionary Scale?!
What is our mission?

My word is with the sum of you who are in seldom posting in other forums. For instance, Aria, Robert, Lori, Cat, James, Roya, others.....

My remarks are also specifically towards the latest episode of my dear "Little Garbanzo Bean" (Aria) in Faith Freedom!

Allow me to elaborate for all of you, so you would completely get my point. When I speak of IPC Members, I am talking about All our members including the majority who do not even post on the board, Operation members, Movement members, Club members, members who communicate via IM, Net Meeting, Video Net Meeting, Yahoo Voice Chat, ICQ, etc. The whole shebang.

I believe some of you are miscalculating the overall situation here! We over here, in general are one of the selected group of people which belongs to a slim minority of the very Evolved Beings of this planet! We are the "Uber Mensch", we are the Highly Sophisticated, we are the Superior Intellects. Let me draw a first table for you to comprehend better:

IPC = Superior Extra Terrestrial Beings
Faith Freedom = Human Beings
Jebhe Meli = Baboons
Afghanistan Forum = cock roaches

Let me elaborate more & expand it a little:

IPC = Uber Mensch
American/European Cyber Community = Homosapian
Iranian Cyber Community = Missing Links
Near Eastern Cyber Community = Primates
Middle Eastern Cyber Community = Apes
Central Asian Cyber Community = Reptiles

Do you get the picture?

More compare/comparison:

We are not communicating in the same wave length, speed or modem! For instance:

IPC = Cable Modem
American/European Net = DSL
Iranian Net = 56K
Near East Net = 32K
Middle East Net = 28K
Central Asian Net = Turtle Modem

Got it?

People in different modem speed are not compatible. They will download huge info files with different speed, some people with slow modems cannot even download the bloody file. Some people with Flinstons modem cannot even know the meaning of Download! Even people with average modems could not be able to see the file clearly after downloading! They could see hazy visions!

I had a vision when I started this whole episode known as IPC. We had a vision when we grew this entity known as IPC. We are here to make a difference, furthermore, to build minds & transform them to Supreme Minds, Free Minds, Open Minds of the future generation. We, the Uber Mensch, are beyond Censorship, beyond Tribalism, beyond Gang Mentalities, beyond Cyber Games, beyond Racism, beyond, Categorization of Human Beings, beyond Good or Evil, beyond my gold ring is better than yours syndrome! We are debating on future of humanity, deep political issues, pure argumentation. We are beyond deleting, censoring, banning, or judgment of people, prosecution of voices, inquisitions of minds, & etc.

These primates are still putting each other's hand on each other's mouths & shut each other up & some of them rule over the rest of them as totalitarian Supreme Elite! The Gav O Gusfand Syndrome! Let me clearly state here that for instance you will go to Afghanistan Board & you meet Rag Heads with Fatal Blind Faith to Allah who will silence any voice unlike their own. Then you will go to lets say Faith Freedom & you meet Schooled, yet not Educated people, a group of Doctors & Scholars who consider themselves intellectuals of the society, a group of Militant Atheists; however, the game is the same, they will also put their hands on rest of the societies mouths & shut them up!

One is a Turbaned Baboon yet the other is an Intellectual Evolutionist Militant, one is wearing Robes & flip flops & the other is wearing a suit & a tie; however, the fundamental is the same, the mental evolution & analysis is the same. They both have created an atmosphere of police state, an inquisition of thoughts, a Killing Field of Minds. Shall it be Faith Freedom or Afghanistan Board, the results are the same & it means:

No Freedom of Speech
No Democratic Process
No Human Rights
No Tolerance
Gang Control
Elite Control
Totalitarian Control
Mind Control

All of these Authority Figures create an atmosphere of "Us" & "Them" Environment & they allow the "US" to freely express himself but the "Them" is not allowed to express himself. They will bring all kinds of excuses such as Bad Taste, improper Words, Vulgarity, Harsh Expressions, Derogatory Remarks, Political correctness, etc., to shut people up even with the use of Double Standards. Their subjects & puppets can talk freely but the other party must be shutten up.

This is the oldest form of on the net & off the net rule by the Cyber Lords & Tribal Lords. The same system does exist in Mountains of Afghanistan & the same system exists in Harvard University. shall it be American Media or shall it be Iranian Media. The point is that majority of the people have not evolved to the point that they can self govern, self judge, self rule, self power & self respect. The majority of people are in need of a Guardian, authority figure, Velayat, Guru, or in this case Forum Moderator.

Globe does consist of the elite Uber Mensch, the Mensch, & then the Primates.

We are The Uber Mensch, we have been born a few centuries early! Not that we are beyond the petty issues of todays Middle East, Near East, Iran or America, yet we are beyond the petty issues of humanity. We are beyond these petty issues. We are Superior Intellects, we are Pure Minds, we are pure argumentation, we do not sacrifice the argument for political correctness.

We are the Uber Mensch looking towards the planet from outside looking in! We are the Superior Alien looking onto Earth from our space ship & we see these Human beings, primates, Apes, Reptiles, Cock Roaches, Amebas & Vegetables banging on each other's heads & we wonder:

"What kind of behavior is this?"

We are communicating in different Band Wave & Sound clearance, thats why these people do not understand us. Simply because we are no more part of the game, we have evolved to become The Beyonders.

We are The Beyonders.

We are too evolved for these creatures. Their concerns & problems sound silly to us. They are looking @ the TV Screen while we are looking @ the Cinema Scope Half a Circle Movie Screen. We view the whole picture & we see the whole show while they are only capable of observing the 17 inch screen of their TV!

This is like preaching spiritualism to a Baboon or teaching compassion to Hezbollah!

Do you get it now?

Let me clearly state here that even though I am terribly disappointed with Humanity, lost my faith in humanity, yet humanity is not my concern to FIX. My concern is Iran & Iranians; therefore, I am doing my best to show the other side of the coin to Iranians. I know very well that it is too late for the older generation of Iranians in their 70s, 60s or even 50s to change & that is why I have been working with the Youth to change their superficial values to Real Values, so I can effect them to commit a Social Change in Iran. By doing this, I can hope to Force Change the Degenerated present Culture to a Superior Sophisticated Persian Culture.

I aka Us aka We are here to create a superior Culture with Superior agendas from an annihilated Broken Culture & You bet your last dollar that I have great hopes to do so, & you are asking me why?

Because of my weapons & Ammunition! My weapons & ammunition are the Superior Minds, The Selected Brains who are available to me in IPC. Yes, my friends, I have hope, because I have the power because I have the weapons & my weapons are you...........

You the elite, you the Superior Minds, you The Uber Mensch.

That is why our agenda has been changed from a Political Revolution as a Tactic to The Moral Revolution of the Youth. The only winning Ace in our sleeves are the youth. Thats what are we working with, the youth. If we re shape the youth, the re shaping of Iran will come in the bag. If the youth grasps the meaning of Democracy, then Iran will be salvaged. The Moral Revolution will bring on the Political Revolution.

Leave the old in the grave yard of history thus they have nothing new to teach us, heil to the youth thus they shall be the ones to build the future. Infection is too deep in the brains of the old, stop trying to save the old, they are half dead, lets concentrate on avoiding the Contagion to infect the youth & fight the virus while it is still in the beginning stages & before it infects their brain. Before they become too old!

Do you get my point? Does this make sense to you?

Thats why we shall avoid as much as possible to discuss issues with the Old, thus they are beyond the cure. Start a new, preach to the Youth, cause you shall never find an open mind amongst these Exiled Doctors & Engineers, never my friends, never........... Give the info that must be given to All The people around the net, yet avoid discussing or arguing with them, simply because we are on a different Band Wave than they are. Concentrate on the Readers of all these forums & not The Writers. All over the net, concentrate on the uninfected Youth.

We are beyond the comprehension of these Cyber Lords & Cyber Peasants. These Feudals do not comprehend us.

We are The Uber Mensch of The Cyber World.

We are part of a Small Group of Superior Minds of The Earth who are open to Learning, open to view the other side of the coin, open to The New Horizons.

We are The Beyonders. So avoid the Reptilian Brains. Reptilian Brains size of the needle point with no frontal & mid brain. Reptilian brains only capable of reaction & reflex. Reptilian brains incapable of logic, emotion, spirituality, analysis and debate!

Avoid The Reptilian Brains...

More power to Free Speech

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Postby reza » Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:20 pm

You are a very clever speaker, your actual points are disguised between the rhetoric of putting yourself and the reader above the rest the world. We come out of it thinking that you have a great vision, but the vision is still blurred because you dance around simply stating facts and overwhelm us with your compassionate speech. Its the charisma you have which enables leaders to be great. You should make yourself more public, people wil flock to you merely because you tell them that they are smart and that you can be relied upon. However you say that the us and them mentality is wrong, yet you still say that us being the uber mensch should avoid the them - reptile brains. I think your adversary has creeped in amongst your own thoughts. But creating a hate figure is the easiest way to the top - either you know this and are clever but immoral, or you have overlooked a hypocracy in your work
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Survival of Species

Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:20 pm

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology
Survival of Species
August 15, 2006


Scientists will love this one, but Bleeding Heart Liberals will be outraged!


Before we start, let us elaborate on a few definitions:

Survival of Fittest
In an Eco system, the strongest of plants & animals, do survive. Those species with strongest of characteristics will be the ones which move on to the next evolutionary level.

Natural Selection
Is a type of selection, where the nature selects the most desired members of a specie to mate, reproduce & therefore to survive & move on to the next evolutionary level. In this case, the fittest members of a specie will survive.

Artificial Selection
Is a type of selection, where an artificial factor such as humans' political correctness, social traditions, social regulations, governments, scientists or other artificial factors will interfere with nature & artificially select certain members of a specie to mate, reproduce & therefore to survive & move on to the next evolutionary level. In this case, sometimes the society will artificially produce & evolve a “usefulâ€
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Postby IPC » Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:26 pm

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology

Updated Version with New Additions in 3 Chapters:

1. Fundamentals
2. Survival of Species
3. Behavioral Analysis

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Philosophy ... /index.htm
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Postby PERSPOLIS » Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:46 am

Ahreeman X =D> =D> =D> is number one =D> =D>

here is a question for you and actually my second post :roll:

can we say



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Re: Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology

Postby Atusa Qajar » Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:11 pm

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Updated

Raciology is a vast science denied and hidden from the public by the liberal scientists and politicians.

New 2nd Edition is out

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Philosophy
Part One: Fundamentals
Ahreeman X
1st Edition: October 23, 2008
2nd Edition: August 4, 2015


It has been a long time since I wanted to update, organize and publish this crucial series, but due to lack of time, it was not possible. Finally the time has come to do this task.

Now we will talk philosophy; however, this issue is not just about philosophy, but it is also about raciology, biology, anthropology, sociology, politics and life in general. I would like to address a very hot topic. We are way past due on addressing this topic! We have been receiving a great number of requests and e-mails from our readers in regards to this topic. Our readers, specifically students are seeking more knowledge about these two subjects. Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology are two hot and controversial topics, so naturally they want to learn more about these subjects and the various facts surrounding them. They want to learn, what their teachers do not teach them in schools! In IPC, we teach you what is not allowed to be taught in your schools.

Read More:

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology

Chapter 1: Fundamentals ... /index.htm

Chapter 2: Survival of Speciae ... /index.htm

Chapter 3: Behavioral Analysis ... /index.htm

More Philosophy:

Philosophy Index

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Re: Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:38 pm

Reply/Comment to Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology
by Nicholas P. Ginex, August 24, 2015

Dear Ahreeman X,

It’s Monday, four days before my 80th birthday on August 27th that will be celebrated with family this Saturday, August 29; the 8th decade milestone in my life. While baby-sitting three granddaughters, Kate 7, her sister Julia 4, and Eliana 4.7, I sat down to read your article on Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology. I found your article interesting, inspiring, and open to many other avenues of thought in the human development arena.

First, I was impressed with the objective, mission, or vision of your article, which was,
“I had a vision when I started this whole episode known as IPC. We had a vision when we grew this entity known as IPC. We are here to make a difference, furthermore, to build minds & transform them to Supreme Minds, Free Minds, and Open Minds of the future generation.”

I liked your vision to build minds to be open to expand their knowledge by listening to all points of view and then be able to have the ability to arrive at the best conclusion until it may be replaced by yet another thought. But then, you limited your concern to, “Let me clearly state here that even though I am terribly disappointed with Humanity, lost my faith in humanity, yet humanity is not my concern to FIX. My concern is Iran & Iranians; therefore, I am doing my best to show the other side of the coin to Iranians.”

This is not truly a limited concern for your thoughts apply to people of all races. I say this because I love you, your people, and all other humans who think and feel the way you and I feel about elevating the races to the next level of humanity. I do agree with you however, that there is a race of humans that have been brain washed to follow a path of bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people. The document that has been successfully used by imams, caliphs and mullahs is the dogma of the Qur’an. This Holy Book is a manual for indoctrination of young minds that that runs counter to, or prevents, the development of human beings.
There are many Iranians that have been able to stem off or understand the affect of verses in the Qur’an that warp the human mind. But many Iranians and those exposed to the Qur’an fail to recognize that it is indeed the Qur’an that is the instrument of bigotry, hatred and violence. Only those who have not read the Qur’an believe Islam is a religion of peace because they are simply followers without the ability to think and discover for themselves that they are lost sheep being led by infantile minds.

Any religion that claims, through its Holy Scriptures, it is the true religion and shall prevail over all others is nothing more than a “bully” in the world’s arena that seeks to dominate all other people. My book, Allah, We, Our and Us, which is hosted as a free read on IPC, clearly presents many verses that indicate the Qur’an was written by a group of men who seek power whereby their people will dominate all other people around the earth. The solution is for all free loving countries to understand that their way of life is threaten and they have no alternative but to fight the sick mentality of Muslims indoctrinated with the Qur’an.

What is the answer for people of all countries to develop into the next level of human development? Truly, the answer is education that teaches how each religion came to be and examine the plus and minuses of each religion. This type of education is never truly offered in our schools, high schools and universities because the organizational institutions and political parties in power do not want to reveal the deficiencies of each religion even as they know that there is a need for religion. But what is that need? The need is to be taught, “It’s nice to be nice.” All of the beliefs that offer a heaven, a paradise of beautiful women and men for childish minds, or a soul that lives on for eternity is nothing more than man-made lies.

The one thing human beings must always be taught is to love others and if that is not possible, to respect others; for it is not possible to love all persons because of differences physically, intellectually, and emotionally. The one redeeming bond is that they all search for truth and do not like to be made a fool of. That means the qualities of sincerity, honesty and compassion exist for whomever one deals with. Also, each of us, as we learn and mature, shares our knowledge with others to carry on the torch of human development.

On IPC, I offer the reader to click on the author, Nicholas Ginex, and in the index after Nicholas P. Ginex Site, click on Provide History of Religion and God to understand what I have tried to provide young minds with knowledge of religion and God.

Thank you Dr. X, your article stimulated me to write a few thoughts for your readers to consider, and perhaps, comment on.

Nicholas Ginex
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Re: Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology

Postby CR » Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:42 pm

Social Darwinism & Science of Raciology Philosophy
Raciology = Science of the Study of Races
Social Darwinism = Adaptation of Natural Selection to the Society

Science of Raciology hidden from the public due to political correctness.

Raciology is a vast science denied and hidden from the public by the liberal scientists and politicians.

Social Darwinism & Science of Raciology

We are going to restart studying, researching and focusing on the Science of Raciology and Social Darwinism. We will study:

- Natural Darwinism
- Social Darwinism
- Laws of Nature
- Natural Selection
- Artificial Selection
- Survival of the Fittest
- Evolution
- Extinction

Law of Nature
Mutation => Adaptation => Evolution
Stagnation => Incompatibility => Extinction

Law of nature: Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest

We cannot artificially equalize the races and expect for them to thrive equally! The weak will never truly evolve on its own and the strong will decline. This is destruction of both races.

Law of nature is about the Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest. Disobey it and you doom the society.

We begin an in-depth study of these subjects in this 3-part series and then keep on adding more research to them:

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Series

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Philosophy
Part One: Fundamentals ... /index.htm

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Philosophy
Part Two: Survival of Species ... /index.htm

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Philosophy
Part Three: Behavioral Analysis ... /index.htm

Philosophy Index

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Re: Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Fri May 06, 2022 3:46 pm

It is now April 6, 2022 since Dr. Ahreeman wrote the article on Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology in December of 2004. It will be of interest for IPC viewers to read below the two novels that relate to the development of humanity and the possibilities of growth that should be contemplated as we enter the era of space travel in the future. ... /index.htm ... /index.htm

The above books were written to encourage readers to anticipate the opportunities that can be had if the social upbringing of human beings adhere to the greatest command developed in religion, "Love one another". With the poor leadership of a demented president, Joe Biden, the United States is closely playing with the prospect of World War III as Russia has invaded their southern neighbor Ukraine. Looking at the extreme loss of life of men, women and children by a senseless war started by Russia has many reflect on the failure of our educational and religious institutions. It is clear that our greatest minds in the U.S. government fail to recognize that they are incapable of understanding what all countries need to comprehend if ever they expect to live free, wholesome lives. I have no answer but the simple statement to love one another. :rofl:

If those in power can foresee the dangers we are approaching they should stand up and make their feelings known.

It is pointless for me to address this serious subject for I have no power but the written word. Hopefully, their are many people around the world who realize we lead foolish lives by not following the greatest command given to mankind.
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