Thank You Great Arab Liberators

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Thank You Great Arab Liberators

Postby Qods IRI » Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:28 pm

Thank You Great Arab Liberators

Bismellah al Rahman al Rahim

In the name of Hazrate Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei, Maghami Mo'azami Rahbari Enghelabe Islami, Vilayat al Faghihi Iran va shi'a yani Jahan, Spiritual Leader of world Shi'a, Representative of Allah on Earth, The spiritual force of Islam and world's Muslemin, I begin this letter.

I am Soldier of Islam, I take orders, only from my father Hazrate Seyed Ali Khamenei, representative of Allah on Earth.

Death to Great Satan,
Death to Global Zionism
Death to America, Death to Israel
Allah O Akbar, Khomeini Rahbar

Qur'an al Hakim teaches us:
La Takhaf Musalman, La Takhaf Musalman, Ehdina Sirath al Mustaghim. Mujahedina amalon entishar al din. Allah O Akbar. Muslimina ashrafon makhlughaton.

Iran or Arab is not important, Islam is important. Through ages, Iranians mixed with Arabs and Iranians are Arabs. The important result is Islam. We are Muslim. La Takhaf Musulman.

Great Arab Liberators

Throughout history, we can witness time after time, Great Arab Liberators have liberated Iran and Iranians. Great Arab Liberators have enlighted Iran and Iranians.

Thank you Great Arab Liberators

Hazrate Muhammed (PBUH), Sala-Allahi Wa Allayhi Wa Alli
This Hazrat enlighted the world with wisdom of Islam wa Shari'a wa Tarigh'aton Islamiyya. This Hazrat brought us present of Islam.

Hazrate Omar, Allah bless him
Great Liberator of Iran, liberated Iran and Iranians from murderous cruel hands of Yazdgird and Sassanian regime. Iranians must celebrate Hazrate Omar Ibn Al Khatab's birthdate and yes Iranians should celebrate Year 651AD, the year Hazrate Omar had liberated Iran and Iranians.

Hazrate Ali (AS), Allayha Wa Al Salam
This Great Liberator of Iran had taught Iranians ways of true Islam. Moula Ali taught Iranians The Light of Allah, Shia' wa Tarigha' of Real Men of Allah.

Hazrate Imam Hussein, Seyed Al Shohada Wa Shahid Al Shohada
This Hazrat is the role model for all of the Soldiers of Islam, global Shohada, martyrs of Islam, servants of Moula Ali wa True Muslemin. Hussein is shining light of Islam.

Hazrate Imam Ruhollahi Khomeini, Father of New Islamic Revolution
Praise be upon this Hazrat, this great soul. Thank you Hazrate Imam Khomeini for bringing Iranians and the world present of Islam and reviving the true shining light of Islam for our souls. Hazrate Imam Khomeini was a Seyed Al Islam, roots going back to Prophet (PBUH). This Hazrat maybe not a full Arab, but that Great Hot Arab Blood was flowing in his Holy Blessed veins. Allah bless his great soul. Hazrate Imam Khomeini liberated Iran and Iranians from murderous Muhammed Reza Pahlavi and murderous regime of Pahlavi. Hazrate Imam resulted in fall of Taghout and Taghoutiyoun. On 1979, Hazrate Imam sent that Mal'ouni Shar' and blasphemer to Hell. Allah bless Khomeini for destruction of Taghout and freedom of Iran, world Shi'a and world Muslemin.

Hazrate Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei, representative of Allah on Earth
Ya Ali, Ya Ali, Moula Ali, our Father. I have a very special feeling for this Hazrat. Moula Ali Khamenei is my father and our savior. Shining light of Islam, Hazrate Imam Khamenei leads global Muslemin to destiny, the shining society, the example, the great Land of Islam. Hazrate Imam is father of soldiers of Islam. This Hazrat maybe not a full blood Arab, but that Seyed Arab blood flows in his Holy veins. Allah bless his great soul. Hazrate Imam is the last stand against Great Satan and Global Zionism.

President Bashar Al Asad
Shining example of Arab leaders. Leads the Arab World to destined goal of Anti Imperialistic Battle and freedom of Arab World.

Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Ahamdinejad will lead us to victory
The true Muslim, the militant Muslim and sons and daughters of Fatimah Zahra are very glad and thankful to Allah for Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Sometimes in great storms of history, in eye of the storm, Allah grants us a hero, this hero is Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He will lead us to shore and he will lead Islam to glory.

Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, true son of Morteza Ali, Moula Ali, will take charge of Islamic Republic of Iran and world Shi'a. We will lead the Islamic Revolution to victory. There will be one world, The Islamic World and we will roam in it free. Soldiers of Islam will roam the world, teach ignorant, the glory of Islam and Allah. It is soldiers of Islam's duty to enlight the world and put Koffar in their place.

Dr. Ahmadinejad will lead us to Ghods, free Ghods, free Palestinian people, free world of Islam and conquest of the Land of Koffar, creation of a desired Global Land of Islam.

Long Live Ahamdinejad, Long Live Bashar Al Asad

Thank you Great Arab Liberators

IPC's silly campaign, HAW HAW HAW
Regarding your silly campaign, nowrouz is for fire worshipers and its concept to grow greens is stupid. The most important Iranian celebration should be "Eid Ghadir Khom".

In the name of Hazrate Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei, Maghami Mo'azami Rahbari Enghelabe Islami, Vilayat al Faghihi Iran va shi'a yani Jahan, Spiritual Leader of world Shi'a, Representative of Allah on Earth, The spiritual force of Islam and world's Muslemin, I finish this letter.

Long Live our Republics
Long Live, Islamic Republic of Iran
Long Live Shining Ba'thist Republic of Syria
Ya Hoo, Ya Ali

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Postby IPC » Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:57 pm

Ghodsi Khanoom:

This is getting very old and boring, will you get a new act? We know you are a Syrian Arab and you have been violated, pardon the typo, liberated by Khomeini, but that doesn't make Iranians, count as Arabs!

ps: Ghodsi, we can see you are on AOL and in southern California again (checked IP), are you taking a break from training Bosnian Terrorist Moslem and ROAMING (like a cow) the world LOL? Two things: Why do you use Great Satan's ISP (AOL), isn't it Haraam? And would you like to come over to office, we are serving Haraam Gheime Badenjan, but don't worry, we will feed you some Halaal Olagh Meat ala carte, will you come over?

Do you guys have any other suggestion, what else shall we feed Ghodsi?

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Re: Thank You Great Arab Liberators

Postby spyder » Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:58 pm

Dear Ghods_IRI:

First of all if you are a Muslim it does not mean that you have to be Arab.

second if you are a Muslim you are well aware that what ever you have wrote is in contradiction with Islam specially calling some of the mullahs as "Representative of Allah on Earth" . I am sure that you are aware that you are doing a sin. You can not and you must not refer any materialistic matter to the god.

Third your bigest sin of all is calling a lunetic "Hazrate Imam Ruhollahi Khomeini". His first name "Ruhollah" is a Blasphemy.

Forth, you are arab and since you know nothing about Nowrouz you better do not humiliate yourself.

Fifth, there is no sunni no shi'a, they are both made up by people like you. Hazrate Muhammed (PBUH), Sala-Allahi Wa Allayhi Wa Alli , never asked people to become Sunni or Shi'a, he asked his followers to be in peace with each other and other religious.

Sixth, if America is bad what on earth are you doing by living in state, you should be in IRAN cleaning the road, fixing and building. I guess, free oil money that the Iranian government sends you smells better than the pages of Quran?

Noone recognizes Ruhollahi Khomeini and Seyed Ali Khamenei as leader only bunch of lunetics like you in Iran.

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You're sad

Postby Ruzbeh_01 » Wed Apr 12, 2006 5:33 am

"Islam is important"???

You think that you can impose your views on everyone else and, thus, YOUR views are important. lol

I feel sorry for you.
Marg bar Jumhuri-eh Eslami; Payandeh Iran!
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Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:24 pm

Today's Ummah Enlightenment

Dear Ruzbeh:

Any relations to Ruzbeh Farahanipour?

Now check it out:

(Hands Across The Mideast Support Alliance)

HAMSA is consisting of two different organizations:

(American Islamic Congress)


The Tharwa Project

Why don't you contact them & ask them:

"Hello, Alo? Are you a Mild Arab Parast (Muslim Apologist) or a Hot Arab Parast (Fundie)?"

Ruzbeh, Do you like Mexican food?
You see Muslim are like Salsa, they come in Mild & Hot!

Some like this Bozo, Ghods, are Hot!
"Some like it Hot, some like it hot ......."
Remember that song by .......

But seriously,

"All" Islamic Foundations and Organizations in North America, are presently under Homeland Security and FBI's surveillance. There is no substantial fact that HAMSA has Hizbollahi connections, yet they are an Islamic Organization, they have "Islamic Apologist" views. If you speak to them, they will bring you every excuse in the book that Quran is misinterpreted and one should not take Quran "Literally", yet one should look @ the depth of the meanings of each Ayeh & Surah! There is a deeper meanings to Ayate Quran. They will make a symbolic interpretation of every single Aye in Quran & Ravayat in Hadith which promotes Jihad, Murder, Rape, Pillage, Kill Infidel, Kill Jews, Kill Christians, Bang a 9 year old, etc. etc. & they will justify them too!

So far there is no solid evidence that HAMSA has Hizbollahi connections, but through the years, they have been collecting huge funds & like "All" Islamic Organizations, some of these funds, somehow find their ways in to the pockets of so called "Radical Islamic" groups!

The fact is that there is not a solid line for you to separate the "Radical Fundamentalist Islam" and the "Good Moderate Islam"! When it all comes down to get down & dirty, Islam is Islam & Muslim is Muslim. A Muslim will defend Islam, stands against Western Values & ways of life & defends Quran & their pedophile, murdering, rapist, thief & bandit prophet! Democracy & Islam are like Cat & Water!

Inside every Moderate Muslim, there is a Fundamentalist Muslim, waiting to be born!

Thats why terms such as:

Meli Mazhabi (Nationalist Islamist)
Islamic Democracy

are as cheesy as they come!

How can you be an Iranian Nationalist & then believe in Islamist Internationalism?!
How can you believe in Democracy & then believe in Islam (Theocratic Dictatorship)?

Its all politics & thats why supposedly both Reza Pahlavi (closet Secularist) & Maryam Rajavi (closet Marxist) are Good pious Muslim! Well after all, you must be a Good Muslim (@ least by facade), to ride the masses of Iranian Muslim Gav o Guspandan! Hee Haw, ride em up!

Amen Brother!

Now, some as:

Alavi Foundation New York


Iman Cultural Center Los Angeles

have known connections to Islamic Republic of Iran and are basically front organizations for Hizbollah, yet others are still incognito!

Look @ this:

Iman Cultural Center
Iran Hall
(Talar-e Iran)

This is a page of Iman Cultural Center. They even built a Hall of Iran with replica of Persepolis Walls, so once you are in it, you will feel you are in Persepolis! Then the "Dakeye Gedayi" (Collecting Funds) starts & the bending up & down (Namaz) starts & all of a sudden you will find yourself in Mecca!

Read this:

Islam in Los Angeles

The bottom line is that the civilized world is @ war with Islam. Hizbollahi or not Hizbollahi is not the subject! Wash away the facade & get close to a Muslim, start talking to them for half an hour, suddenly the Moderate Muslim, starts criticizing the Western Lifestyle & starts taking sides with Radical Islamic Heroes whom are fighting the west. It is all the same!

Eventhough, due to constitution of IPC, I must work with Opposition Muslim, yet @ the bottom of my heart, I always have eyes behind my head & watching them, just in case "Sword of Islam" Frags me up the Shiiter! I simply have a hard time trusting Muslim, especially Iranian Muslim (Salman Farsis)!

You see, these are the reasons which separates Maryam and I for good! She knows I lovese lovse love her Purple Lachak & Beefy White thighs under Manto! She also is found of Haji Kuchike! In a way Maryam & I are secret lovers, kind o like Platonic Lovers, behind Massoud's jealous eyes!

You see, when we were little (Maryam & I), Aqahamun made (pre planned) our wedding in heavens! Thats why Massoud had always been jealous of Haji Kuchike!

But how can we openly escape to Mongolia for a Duet Rendezvou, when she is a Muslim & I am an Atheist?!

That's why Massoud always wins & gets to keep holding on them White Beefy Thighs & them Purple Lachak & Manto! In a meanwhile Maryam & I must continue our doomed platonic love & take it to the grave! It is sort o like Leyli & Majnun story, yet in this case Leyli is a Closet Marxist in Islamic Clothing & Majnun is a Closet Sado-Masochistic in Civilized clothing! But I tell you what, if I ever get my hands on them Beefy Abgushti thighs o Maryam, I will show her new swords of Islam which she had never seen before! Possibilities are endless!

Well lets say, we will have an Islamic S&M Session beyond your imagination!

Well alrighty then, I do not know why the subject got sexually twisted, but somehow it alls ends up Freudian!

Now, Ruzbeh, set aside from Islam & Muslim, tell me about Mosadeq! How come everytime I see a picture of Mosadeq, his nose is getting longer?! Whats with the nose? Its the damn nose man!

I am telling ya,

Globally, who ever gots the bigger dick, rules the world, but in Iran's case, who ever gots the bigger nose, rules Iran! So it came down to:

Alahazrat's Mazandarani (Khiyar) Nose
Mosadeq's Mosque Dome (Kadu) Nose
Khomeini's Islamic Sword (Badenjan) Nose

And obviously Kadu & Khiyar were arguing about democracy, while Badenjan took the Irani "Meme" & put a chador on it & turned it to an Islami Meme! Badenjan beats both Kadu & Khiyar!

Now on other side, 3 of them are sitting around, but Khomeini is laughing outloud @ Mosadeq & Alahazrat both!

Who ever gots the bigger Nose!
Its all in the nose man, All in the Nose!

Whats the moral of the story you ask?
Politics is a Dirty Game who has no parents & is a Bastard!
And Thats the moral of the story!

Ahreeman bless

Someone stuck in between the Shiite & Bull Shiite!
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Postby Ruzbeh_01 » Wed Apr 12, 2006 3:17 pm

My relation the Rouzbeh Farahanipour is not by blood, but he is a close friend.

I did not post my question because I wanted to have any contacts with the AIC or HAMSA. In fact, I am not religious and I loath Islam to the core. I am a big supporter of Mossadegh, however.

At any rate, I asked this question because the AIC had supported (either financially or otherwise) the "Iran Freedom Concert" that was hosted by students in Harvard. What was interesting about this concert was that it was not also sponsored by any Iranian dissident groups and it seemed fishy.

I had originally read all the sites that you had referred me to in my quest to find an answer. Alas, i posted my question here because I couldn't get a straight answer.

Thank you for taking the time to help.


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Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Apr 12, 2006 10:04 pm

Alas, i posted my question here because I couldn't get a straight answer.

Alas you need to re-read my reply, thus that will be the best answer which you will be able to get from anyone. I explained it "All" to you. I exactly answered your question plus more!

Now I have a Question:

In my life, I have dealt with as many Jebheis as you have probably hair on your head! From as old as Boroumand to as young as a student Jebhei; however, I have never seen a Jebhei with a sense of humor! Morely, they are all get offended by a joke, take everything to the heart, & over-sensitive to the point of paranoia! One might think that insecurities are involved; furthermore, it is possible that they "ALL" swallowed a cane! Why is that?

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Postby Ruzbeh_01 » Thu Apr 13, 2006 5:07 am

I'm not sure why, you'll need to ask them. Personally, I have a great sense of humour. But I didn't get the "cane" part - unless you meant they have a stick UP their ass, maybe?

I loved your "beefy thighs" bit about Maryam. I also love her beefy thighs, so you may have competition. And the purple and red outfits she wears is also very sexy. I also love how she matches everything, including the shoes and hand-bag. It's a sea of purple! (or red, green, blue). If only I can get married to a woman who dresses like Rajavi. It would be like f***ing Barney, only she'd change colours once a day.

ANyways, one doesn't need to be a "jebhei" to appreciate a person, do they? I appreciate all people who love Iran and have given everything for it. Mossadegh was one of them, but he was one of many. Whether one dislikes Jebhe-melli or disagreed with Mossadegh's line of thought, nobody can deny that Mossadegh, himself, sacrificed everything for what he thought was the betterment of his country. And it is that which needs to be appreciated and thanked.

We all have differing views on a lot of things. For instance, I don't agree with everything Reza Pahlavi does, but I understand that he does what he does for the sole reason of freeing Iran from the mullahs. And it is that which I appreciate. Next time I'll have his face up there! lol

Of course I disagree with everything Rajavi and the regime that is supposedly lead by Aghmagh-nejaad does, but that's only because I hate them and wish they all burned in hell. (oops was that politically incorrect??)

You gotta love the Title I came up with for this reply though.
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Episode with Maryam

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Apr 13, 2006 7:04 am

Mosadeqist Young Grasshopper:

Do not for a second believe that you can come along & get the deeds on Maryam's Beefy Thighs! Maryam & I have a history. Underneath them Blue Dress, lies a Devil! Get it? Devil in a Blue Dress! She is a passionate woman, too much for Massoud to handle! That is why she needs a Real Man! Are you man enough to do the deed?!

You are too young to appreciate "Prime Abgusht"! Keep on drinking your Milk & eating your Cereal (Weaties), once you get big & strong, I may introduce you to Maryam! :badgrin:

Yes, Maryam seeks a Real Man. Well of course Yasman Pahlavi also seeks a Real Man, because she has been living with that "Shole Zard" for decades! ](*,)

You see, that's why Monarchists always come out losers, because they have a "Shole Zard" as the leader & another "Shir Berenj" (Ali Reza) standing in line! How can they ever match Mojahedin, whom have a Flaming Hot Beefy Thighed woman as the leader, whose clothes also always matches? Those foolish Monarchists have been trying to drag me in their lines for ages!

I always ask them:

Why should I become a Monarchist? What can a "Dool Palasideh" Mellow Jello "Shole Zard" do for my Ahreemanic needs? But look @ all the things The "Marxist_Islamist" Devil in The Blue Dress with her Beefy Thighs can do for me! :D

I take Beefy Thighs o Maryam over Dool Palasideh of Reza Pahlavi, heads down, any day of the week! =P~

Just because of the Title of your last post, I am going to share with you, one of my secret episodes with Maryam. But don't go around & snitch or report it to your MPG buddies, Farahanipour or Irani! Them Beady Eyed MPG members always had their eyes on her thighs! We don't need anymore competition in line! :-$

Don't tell anyone, but as you see, my lust for Maryam is so sincere that I blew up my passionate relationship with a famous Iranian Female Author/Journalist/Scholar (Kafer), over her! They don't make Platonic love like that anymore!

You see, All my life, I was wondering what lies underneath The Hejab, & then I found out through Maryam! Once you go Hejab, you can never go back! Now I can never go back! \:D/

Eat your heart out: ... 72541#2241

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Postby Ruzbeh_01 » Fri Apr 14, 2006 8:43 am

That was very funny! Actually, you made me laugh out loud in class while the professor was talking away. I got a really mean stare after that ](*,)

I won't be reading your posts in class from now on!!! :D
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Postby Qods IRI » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:40 pm

Thank You Great Arab Liberators

Bismellah al Rahman al Rahim

Islam controls the Airways and the Internet

In the name of Hazrate Seyed Ali Khamenei, Maghame Moazame Rahbari, Velayate Faghihe Shi'ayane Jahan, Moula Ali, I begin this letter.


I must done all the right things because everyone attacked me here. Your history is lies. There is one history and it is truth which teaches us Arab Liberators had saved Iran from slavery of Sassanid Persians. Achaemenid Persians were savages and killing their own people. Islam brought justice, brotherhood and love to Iran. Iranians greeted Islam with open arms full of love for the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and Great Arab Liberators.

Thank You Great Arab Liberators for saving Iran.

Praise be upon Allah who blessed Imam Khomeini’s soul, the savior of Iran.

In the name of Hazrate Seyed Ali Khamenei, Maghame Moazame Rahbari, Velayate Faghihe Shi'ayane Jahan, Moula Ali, I finish this letter.

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Postby Qods IRI » Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:47 pm

Islam Rules the Airways Again

Bism Allah al Rahman al Rahim

In the name of Hazrat al Imam Sayyad Ali Khamenei
Spiritual Leader of Global Shia’
Representative of Allah on Earth

We begin this note

From the depth of my heart,

Thank You Great Arab Liberators

History repeats itself. Allah give us power to destroy Koffar. The first soldier of Great Satan and Zionist Filth sets foot in Iran and we will Allah willing demolish them.

A sand storm like the sand storm which demolished Sassanian soldiers will blow out the invaders and we soldiers of Islam like the Great Arab Liberators at Sassanian times will send soldiers of Great Satan to doom and maadoom them. Death to moharebs.


Ya Ali, Ya Ali, from Ali to Ali, Sayyad Ali Khamenei
Qods Force is yours

Allah o Akbar
Jihad al Akbar

In the name of Hazrat al Imam Sayyad Ali Khamenei
Spiritual Leader of Global Shia’
Representative of Allah on Earth

We end this note.

Soldier of Islam


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Revival of the Sassanian Empire!

Postby Rebirth » Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:43 am

Me and my fellow Iranian Nationalist will deal with you and your kind after the revolution and the revival of the Sassanian Empire.
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