Trump’s Greatest Business, Political and Philosophical Quotes
Trumpism: Trump’s Philosophy of Life

Donald John Trump the Great Global Icon
Ahreeman X and IPC presents:
Donald Trump’s Best Quotes
5 Decades of Quotes: 1980s - 2020s
Narration and Compilation: Ahreeman X
Author: Donald John Trump
February 8, 2021
Trump’s presidency was the outmost exciting and the greatest show on earth! Donald John Trump is the Greatest American President, most loved American President, economical genius, business guru, real estate tycoon, stock market king, great showman, fabulous public speaker, leader of the National Populist Movement, a rebel rouser and man of the people. Trump’s unconventional, controversial, humorous and down to earth nature, made him the working man’s hero. Trump is the only US president in the history whom after getting elected, actually done more than what he promised to do before the election! Trump had achieved everything wanted in life. Trump done it all. Trump is a brand, a star and a global icon. Trump is simply larger than life. To understand Trump, you must understand his mindset and to understand his mindset, it is best to read his most famous quotes and bits of wisdom. Read, Listen, Learn and Practice them. That’s the Trump Philosophy and the Trump Way! Here, are gathered Trump’s greatest quotes, all in one place for you to indulge. Bon appetite:
“Get going. Move forward. Aim high. Plan for a takeoff. Don't just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you'll love it up here.”
(Donald John Trump)
“Remember there’s no such thing as an unrealistic goal, just unrealistic time frames.”
(Donald John Trump)
“Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.”
(Donald John Trump)
“In business, every business, the bottom line is understanding the process. If you don't understand the process, you'll never reap the rewards of the process.”
(Donald John Trump)
"Your business, and your brand, must first let people know what you care about, and that you care about them."
(Donald John Trump)
“Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don’t make!”
(Donald John Trump)
“If I'm forced to fight for something I really care about, I will never, ever back down.”
(Donald John Trump)
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5 Decades of Quotes: 1980s - 2020s ... /index.htm
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