Liberals are Not Progressive But Regressive!

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Liberals are Not Progressive But Regressive!

Postby CR » Sun Nov 28, 2021 3:57 pm

Liberals are Not Progressive But Regressive!
Learn Your Terminology and Call them Communists!
Liberals are Opposite of Progressive, Don’t Give Them Credit!

:stop: :shocking: :lolbang: :fingering: :lolbang: :shocking: :stop:
Progressive = Person Who Pushes Society Forward, A Modernizer
Regressive = Person Who Pushes Society Backward, A Reactionary
You Cannot Change the Definition of a Term to Opposite

Stop Calling Liberals as Progressive!

Bright Baby: What’s wrong with you people? Get your terminology straight and don’t give credit to the Liberals by calling them Progressive! Don’t parrot what FOX News babbles! Even I know that Liberals are not Progressive, but they are Regressive! Progressive comes from Progress which means moving forward, modernizing and advancing the society. Regressive comes from Regress which means moving backward and returning the society to the reactionary primitive era! Get straight and educate yourselves like me! Learn your terminology! Call the Liberals, Communists!


New piece by Ahreeman X:


Liberals are Not Progressive But Regressive!
Learn Your Terminology and Call them Communists!

Ahreeman X
November 29, 2021

Intro Reality

You cannot change the definition of a term to something totally opposite of what it means and then due to ignorance and illiteracy, spread it and make it a popular pop culture term. At least as a responsible conservative you cannot do this! As a matter of fact, creating Bull Shiite terms is what liberals do, so stop doing this!

I don’t know what character in FOX News had branded liberals with this nonsense term “Progressive” and then bunch of people on the right, like monkey see, monkey do, blabbered it and repeated it without even knowing the meaning of the term “Progressive”! Today, many people on the right are mistakenly refer to the liberals as “Progressive”!

Read more:

Liberals are Not Progressive But Regressive!
Learn Your Terminology and Call them Communists! ... /index.htm

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Re: Liberals are Not Progressive But Regressive!

Postby CR » Sun Nov 28, 2021 4:30 pm

Correct Your Mistakes

Dear Members

I’m going to post the first comment on this issue. I think that this false narrative started from FOX News and then spread around the Conservative circa. Unfortunately, today, a vast number of conservatives including some prominent reporters, anchors, writers, economists and analysts use this word by mistake. It is an obvious big mistake which changes the meaning of the word to its opposite. It is a grave mistake, not only a mistake. Any person with the basic knowledge of philosophy, politics, fundamentals or simply put English Grammar, comprehends this mistake but every day the media and authors mistakenly refer to the liberals as the progressives which is completely opposite of the truth.

Referring to liberals as progressives is what they want and by doing such, we give them credit. Liberals are far from progressives and much closer to regressive, reactionary, anarchists, chaos seekers, backward and asinine. To be progressive is not a bad quality but a good quality. Great visionaries of the world were and are progressives.

We need to quit referring to the liberals as progressives. We need to correct this great mistake. Stop mimicking FOX News show hosts with insufficient knowledge of philosophy, politics and English Grammar. You cannot repeat what FOX News spews as word of God. Go research on your own and stop repeating FOX News mistakes due to insufficient knowledge of history, terminology and English Language. Stop creating false meanings for words and philosophical terms.

Think on your own and do not repeat things that the right wing or left-wing media shouts at you!

Ahreeman nailed it.


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Re: Liberals are Not Progressive But Regressive!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sun Nov 28, 2021 4:50 pm

Cat got an excellent point. We cannot create our own terms because we can! We cannot create our own terms which are completely opposite of their meanings! Some defend creating terms and their logic is that language evolves and becomes to a new dialect or a completely new language by creating new words, even slangs. They bring examples of Ebonics (Black Jive Talk) or Calo (Hispanic Chicano Cholo Talk).

In this case, we are not speaking of a dialect or slang but we are speaking of creating wrong definitions, in fact opposite definitions! Not that I agree with jive talking, Chicano talk or slang talk but, in this case, it is not even that but it is clear mistake and wrong definition. How is it that a nonsensical word gets created based on total opposite and then spreads around the net, becomes popular and suddenly Search Engines like google and sites like Wikipedia also define it by its wrong meaning? Dictionaries start defining wrong meanings for the term and next thing we know; it becomes a popular term based on absolute false information and false narrative? There must be some standards, basic knowledge and concept. If not, then anybody can create a new meaning for a word and spread it as pop culture and alternative term!

We need to take some scholarly pride, inform ourselves and arm ourselves with knowledge to not fall into nonsensical terms created by the media or an anchor!

Our authors and philosophers must pay special attention not to spread nonsense as information, especially when it is this obvious. I am in total agreement with Ahreeman and Cat.

If we let this one go, then next thing we know, they start referring to Serial Killers as Charity Workers!

We cannot create nonsense terms, we are not liberals.
We definitely cannot twist the meaning of a term to its opposite, it is a sin!

That’s my two bits
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