When Celebrating Christmas Season, remember that it came from Iran!
Mitra & Mitraism: Foundations of Christianity!
Book of Mitra in 5 Chapters: Pictorial History with 300 Photos

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess
Mitra the Persian Yazata Leader Fierce Warrior

Zoroastrian Priestess at the Fire Temple, Tehran, Iran
Priestess waves her scepter and fires the crowd at the Fire Temple by telling stories about the Glorious Past. Zarathustra Spitmata (painting) watches over the Priestess.

Persian Fire Girl
Ecstatic Orgasmic Persian Girl Roars with Excitement During the Fire Festival in Iran
Chahar Shanbe Suri Persian Fire Festival, Iran
Book of Mitra is History, Philosophy, Culture, Photo Gallery and Everything Else in Between!
This One, I Dedicate to:
Students of History
Free Thinkers
Seekers of Truth
True Persian Nationalists
Persian Warriors
Global Scholars
And indeed,
All Lovers of Iran ……

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Art

Sadeh Persian Festival of Winter Fire Aryan Night Torch Rally
Zoroastrian Priestess at the front carries the Main Torch
Chak Chak Cave Fire Temple Shrine Outdoor, Yazd, Iran

Fire Temple Atash Bahram, Yazd, Iran
Fire Keeper lights the Eternal Flame Torch
Behind the Scenes Story of the Book
Dearly Beloved
Readers, Members, Colleagues, Comrades and Friends:
Let us have a word with each other. Allow me to be blunt as usual, because you will not like me nor will you read my writings or listen to what I have to say, if I am not blunt and if I am not me! You will not like any other way!
It has been years that I wanted to publish this book but I have never found the time to do it. I have been researching, reading, writing, designing, gathering information and material for years. I had put everything in a file, yet, never managed to actually put everything together, write the book and publish it.

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess on Horse Modern Art

Mehregan Persian Festival of the Sun Goddess College Girls’ Choir, Kerman, Iran
Well, this is the perfect time to publish it because it is Christmas Season and it is time to educate the public about the True Meaning of Christmas and Where it came from?
So, it took a month for me to actually write it, graphic design it, web design it, photo shop the images, program and design everything and indeed publish it.

Iran Politics Club Lion, Sun and Curved Persian Sword Iran Flag
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess face is appeared in the Sun

Mehregan Persian Festival of the Sun
Chak Chak Cave Fire Temple Shrine Outdoor, Yazd, Iran
This book was a lot of work,
Research and gathering the material took years
Writing it took a month
Design and programing it took 2 weeks
With my busy schedule, imagine what sacrifices I had to do to finally make this project to come true. My neck and back are practically broken, my eyes are blind and my buttocks are in severe pain due to sitting on the office chair, starring at the monitor and working on this project mostly all day long for days and weeks.
The only reason I do this is to protect and serve the Persian Culture, educate the youth about the rich Persian history and heritage, and trying to survive the Persian Culture, History and Heritage which is being smashed under the boots of the IRI, Islamists and Islamic Regime which has been illegitimately running Iran since 1979.

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess – Indian Version Art
Mitra the Bi Gender Feminine Goddess of Iran

Mitra Lion Sun and Sword Persian Qajar Dynasty Mosaic Tile Work
Mitra Sun with Qajar Female Facial Features and Hairdo fully shines behind the Lion
Takieh Moaven Ol Molk, Kermanshah, Iran
I neither have time to do grand massive projects like this, nor do I get paid for doing them. I am not here to make money or butter up to some organization or person to get grants. I am only setting so much time for projects like this to:
* Punch the Islamic Terrorist Regime of Tehran in the mouth
* Mass educate the masses
* Teach history to the youth
* Revive the Persian History and Culture from the life support
And indeed, I do it for the,
* Love of Iran
My best reward is for all to read it and enjoy it. The enlightenment of the students of history, the youth, and the future generation is my goal.

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Rides Her Horse – Divinity of Mitra
Mitra in her armor with halo around her head, Sun Crest on her chest and Sun Icon on her shield, draws her mighty shining Light Persian Sword and rides her Persian white horse

Persian Sun Dancers
Mehregan Persian Festival of the Sun in Honor of Mitra Persian Sun Goddess
Hopefully the future generation will read and judge for themselves on who they were before Islam and Islamic Republic and who they are now after Islam and Islamic Republic!
From Cyrus the Great’s Declaration of the First Charter of Human Rights in the Globe
Seyed Ali Khamenei, Boy Toy of Imam Khomeini with the Declaration of the First Charter of Islamic Halaal Bangarooni for the Kunis at the Backrooms of the Mosques, Islamically Correct Way with Islamic Methodology on how to Analize the Tolab Religious Study Students, the Halaal Way!
Boy we have come a long way!
From Cyrus Civilizing the Globe
From Persian Culture, Mother Culture of the World
Infestation of Iran with Allahic Virus and Islam
Bending Over to Arabo-Muslims and Their God Allah
Kissing the Feet of the murderers and rapists of our parents
Exporting Islam
And our Greatest Achievement,
Becoming the Greatest Sponsor of Islamic Terrorism in the World!
When it comes to Islam, we are always more Muslim than Arabs!
Do Blacks worship KKK?
Do Jews worship Nazism?
Then why the Hell do Iranians worship Arab Religion, Arab God and Murderers of their Ancestors?
What kind of losers thank their oppressor and enslaver for enslaving them?
If this is not Stockholm Syndrome, then I do not know what is?

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Roman Shield
Mitra appears on top and at the bottom sacrificing the Bull. Zurvan (Aion in Latin) appears in two shapes: Dark Zurvan on the right and Light Zurvan on the left.
Zurvan (Aion in Latin) is the ancient Persian God of Infinite Time and Space. Zurvan is a No Gender God. He is Neuter, has no passion and is neutral on good or evil. Zurvan is the father of Ahuramazda and Ahreeman both. That is why he takes no sides between his sons and that is also why on this shield, he is portrayed as the Dark Zurvan (Ahreeman) and the Light Zurvan (Ahuramazda). It is the element of Duality in the original Zoroastrian Thesis.
This shield further proves that Persian Goddesses and Gods were much more dominant in the Roman culture than the public is aware. Romans did not just worship Mitra but also Zurvan and others.
Every Thinking Iranian at some point of his life must decide between Islam or Iran?
Islam is a Disease and Muslims are Infected
Islam, the Big Lie; Muslims, the Sheeple
Part 1
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/islam/islam ... /index.htm
Part 2
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/islam/islam ... /index.htm
IRI Mass Media and Mas Propaganda for 40 Years has been loud and it made Iranians more religious, more ignorant, more superstitious and more of an Arab Worshipers!
IPC Mass Education and Mass Propaganda is also loud, maybe not as loud as IRI but it is pretty loud and it has been going on for about 20 years.
So, when I tell you that there is hope for the future generation, I mean it. With all the sellouts, losers, IRI agents, IRI Lobby, So-Called Up-Position (Opposition) Leaders and Feeders, Career Exilists, Pacifist Cowards, Persian Traitors, Half Breeds, Indifferent Millionaires and Billionaires, and other Low Lives of the Iranian Community, I still say that there is hope for serious change in the future of Iran.

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess of Iran with her Persian Sword

London Mitraeum Reconstructed Hologram View, England, UK
We are building the Foundation and the Youth will build the Future based upon it.
No Retreat
No Surrender
No Compromise
Death Before Dishonor
Fight Until Victory
Always Rebels
That is our Motto in IPC.

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Miniature Painting
Persian Miniature Painting by Master Hojatollah Shakiba
“The Further and Greater your Dreams are, the Further and Greater your Efforts will become.”
Never Back Down
Always Stand Your Ground
Persianhood and Mother Persia are Worth it
More Power to the People
Dr. X
You will be the first to view and read it before the actual publication date which is tomorrow. So, dig in and enjoy.

Merry Mitra Sign – True Meaning of Christmas
Mitra is the Reason for the Christmas Season – Happy Winter Solstice
On December 25th, always remember where Christmas came from?
Christmas came from Iran via Mitra!
Merry Mitra Persian Sun Goddess
I am going to offer you two pills, take the Blue Pill and believe in whatever you want as the organized religion, Shiite Islam and the Christian Church have been preaching to you for millenniums, take the Red Pill and see the historical reality which has been hidden from you for millenniums. The choice is yours and the pills are in my hands, take a pick, Matrix style!
Read more:
Mitra Persian Sun Goddess & Mitraism: Foundations of Christianity!
Mitra & Mitraism Pictorial History
Book of Mitra in 5 Chapters
Chapter One
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/library/eng ... /index.htm
Chapter Two
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/library/eng ... /index.htm
Chapter Three
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/library/eng ... /index.htm
Chapter Four
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/library/eng ... /index.htm
Chapter Five
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/library/eng ... /index.htm
Iran Online English Library Index
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/library/eng ... /index.htm
Iran History Index
Iran Photos Index
Iran Philosophy Index
Iran Culture Language Index

Mitraic Temple Ceremony, Rome

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Stone Wall Carving

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess Wall Carving

Chahar Shanbe Suri Persian Festival of Fire, Holy Fire Gathering, Iran