Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History

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Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History

Postby CR » Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:46 am

Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History
What Media & Social Media Hides from You?

Despite Establishment Steeling His Presidency,
Despite Establishment Installing a Puppet in DC:
Trump Remains the Most Popular US President in the World!

Trump is the Symbol of Rebellion & National Populism
Trump is the Essence of Nationalism & the Working Man’s Hero

Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in the History
Trump is the Most Popular US President in America and the World
Trump is the Symbol of Patriotism, National Populism, Working Man’s Folk Hero, Anti Establishment and Rebellion. Trump is the Rebel Leader against the Establishment and the Deep State.


Please review Donald John Trump’s complete accomplishments and analysis by Ahreeman X:


Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History
Trump Administration Accomplishments as of January 2021

Ahreeman X
March 24, 2021

Trump is the most accomplished US president in the history. The only president which comes close to Trump is George Washington because he created this unique republic! Until this day, Trump remains the most popular US president not only in America but the world! Trump Administration had achieved more progress, peace and prosperity than any other administration in the history of America. Trump created the greatest economy in the history of earth. Trump took over a destroyed, bankrupt, welfare state, weak America from Hussein Obama and turned it to the strongest country in the world. Hussein Obama had the greatest record as the Food Stamp and Welfare president in the history of America.

Read more:

Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in history
Trump Administration Historical Accomplishments as of January 2021 ... /index.htm

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Re: Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History

Postby Shahrzad BB » Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:04 am

Greatest President in History of USA
Most Popular US President in the World

Super Duper Article and List
God Bless Donald Trump
God Bless USA
God Bless National Populism

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Re: Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History

Postby Atusa Qajar » Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:12 am

Love Trump

Doc and Cat, good work.

President of United States is in Mar-a-Lago
Thief in Chief is in the White House at DC

Google Cronies and its fellow criminal colluders like Facebook, Twitter and rest of the Globalists think by censoring, banning and brainwashing, they can revise the history and twist the truth. Establishment wants to turn USA to Communist China.

In IPC, we make sure the truth will be heard worldwide.

Down with Establishment
Down with Tech Giants
Down with Media

Fight the Power
Power to the People

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Re: Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History

Postby IPC » Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:22 am

Google, Facebook and Twitter can lie 24/7 but lies don’t become historical facts and people lived through Trump admin, they are not children nor fools to believe in media and tech giants lies.
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Re: Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History

Postby CR » Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:33 am

Ahreeman X:

“Trump Planted the Tree of National Populism in America and the World. This Tree has Deep Roots. This Tree will never be destroyed. Trump created Rebellion against the Establishment, Deep State and Globalism. Trump is the Ultimate Rebel Leader.”

Could not say it better. =D>

Anyone who assumes this is the end of Trump, MAGA and Our Movement, is a fool. This is only the beginning. We will take our country back from Establishment. First we free America, then we free Iran and last we free the world from Globalist Blood Suckers.

Google, Facebook, Twitter and the rest, paybacks will be a bitch!
Coming Up: Break the Monopolies and Section 230 in Your Face!

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Why Patriots Need to Make a Coalition with Christians?

Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:12 am

Why Patriots Need to Make a Coalition with Christians?
Christians or Liberals?


Some of you have been bringing the issue up that you have problems with Christians and religious people in general in GOP. Please comprehend that Trump created a great coalition of various groups in GOP consisting of:

National Populists
Blue Dog Democrats


I am not here to defend religion and religious people. You know very well that no one is more Anti Organized Religion than I. I am a hardcore Atheist and Pro Science person. Having said that, I bring forward a few reasons on why we need to create a coalition with Christians:

Why Trumpists Need Christians?

I. To create a strong Conservative Coalition to save America, we need Christians.

II. Christians are Old School and pro-old American values.

III. Christians do value various freedoms including freedom of individual, speech, press, gun ownership, religion, markets and others; whereas, liberals are pro-socialism, big government and government control of everything.

IV. At least, Christians by majority have morality, principles, core-values and sense of right and wrong; whereas, Liberals by majority are immoral, with no principles, no core-values and no sense of right or wrong.

So even though I have issues about Religious people and religion, yet I rather eat Shiite and Die to collude with liberals! Like it or not, Christians are a strong wing of this coalition, and we have more in common with them than we do with the liberals. We need them to achieve freedoms and keep America free.

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Re: Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:26 pm

Dear Dr. X,

Being a realist is being practical in recognizing that Christians do embody core moral values that are essential in any social environment. Without the mechanism of peaceful religions most human beings would not know how to treat their fellow beings. Yes, much of the moral values are taught by parents, but if they are poorly educated, work without time to attend to their children, and are indoctrinated by our national FAKE media then the best solution is to join those religious groups of people that do value morality, truth and integrity.

It seems that the book AMEN serves as a foundation to assist people in understanding why they pray to a God and learn of the fundamental changes that religions must undergo to keep pace with our developments in the sciences.

I am grateful that you have elected to place AMEN, The Beginning of the Creation of God in your IPC Library.

Having read the article, Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History,
it is the most comprehensive list of acomplishments by any U.S. president.

Dr. X. you are an outstanding citizen of the United States that reminds us of Donald Trump as being the "Greatest President this country has ever known."

Has Mr. Trump seen this article of yours? President Trump would be smart to form a coalition with your top IPC internet developers as he contemplates his idea to build his own Internet Platform. The techniques your IPC development experts possess can really benefit the new Trump Internet Platform (TIP).

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Re: Trump is the Most Accomplished US President in History

Postby IPC » Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:14 pm

Nicholas Ginex:

“Has Mr. Trump seen this article of yours? President Trump would be smart to form a coalition with your top IPC internet developers as he contemplates his idea to build his own Internet Platform. The techniques your IPC development experts possess can really benefit the new Trump Internet Platform (TIP).”

Thank you for the concern, compliment, suggestion and question. With as much transparency allowed in a clandestine operation as IPC, I will try to clarify a few points about your post:

1. President Trump, the same as a number of other American politicians, reads IPC but of course, you are already aware of it.

2. President Trump doesn’t need IPC to build his Network. There are a number of fine tech companies and experts bidding on the job.

3. IPC is a large network of International political, club and web operations, but the web operations do not have a large group of Internet Developers. Web-wise, a very small number of people operate the network.

4. IPC Web Operation personnel including Ahreeman, Cat, Atusa and others are presently having other jobs and do IPC work as a side volunteer work. They have no time or desire to be involved in a giant tech project such as Trump Network.

5. IPC Web Operations are presently involved with the politics of Iran; they have no time or desire to get involved with the politics of America.

6. The work we do here is volunteer work. The revenue created from IPC through different ways and methods, finances the IPC Network, IPC Operations, Iranian Opposition and American Patriots. We are not in this business for money but for the cause.

7. Reviewing your posts, looks like you are trying hard to get Ahreeman and IPC Web Operations involved in the American politics, more than they already are! Good intentions, good will but no time or desire on behalf of the members.

Thank you
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