Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran?

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Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran?

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:28 am

Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran?
June 30, 2005

I. Lack of political freedoms & existence of the atmosphere of political suffocations & oppresions by the Imperial Regime. Amazingly, Shah had a double standard! He jailed all the Intellectuals & Leftists, but @ the same time, Shah allowed Clerics & Muslim to freely do political activities. Shah left the Cleric's hands open! Shah himself was a Muslim with no respect for Secularism & much respect for Clerics & Islam! This came back to hunt him & destroy him!

II. Creation of a one party (Rastakhiz Party) totalitarian System by Shah of Iran.

III. Existence of a system of Favoritism, Corruption & Social Inustice.

IV. Participation of All political parties, banned by the Shah to join hands to overthrow the Imperial Regime & excelerate the process of Democracy in Iran.

V. Cooperation of All political parties of Iran with Islamists & Khomeini, simply as an Alternative!

VI. Cooperation of the leaders of (Whores of Opposition) including the back then Top 2:

Tudeh Communist Party
National Front (Jebhe Meli)

and now Top 4:

Tudeh Communist Party
National Front (Jebhe Meli)
Fedayeen Khalq Aksariyat (Marxist)
Nehzate Azadi (Nationalist Islamist)

who betrayed Iran & worked with Mullahs for future positions, power & money!

VII. Massive protests by the illiterate masses of Iran who assumed that they will overthrow the Imperial Regime & create a Democratic Regime!

VIII. Dragging the illiterate masses of Iran into the streets by the hands of Intellectual Left (Tudehists, Jebhe Meli, others).

IX. Cowardly escape of Shah of Iran from Iran. The Ship Captain fled, instead of stay & fight for Iran.

X. Cowardly escape of Pahlavi Dynasty from Iran (as usual & same as 1953), rather than stay their own grounds.

XI. Commander in chief escaped, so Statesmen & Military lost moral.

XII. Treason of All Imperial Generals except a couple. They combinely signed a famous paper & handed the Imperial Forces to Khomeini.

XIII. Cowardly escape of Imperial Statesmen to the west.

XIV. Dr. Shapour Bakhtiar (prime minister) & Immortal Guards & a few other Military personnel & civilians were the only people who stayed & defended Iran until the final moments that it became obvious that the battle was lost.

XV. The West (USA, UK, etc.) have decided that Shah had to go. Shah was becoming too powerful in OPEC (as the head of OPEC) & too strong militaristically, also he refused to sell cheap oil anymore! They assumed that Shah could become a military threat backing up his possible plans to stop the flow of the oil to the west by taking over the whole Middle East in a month! That was not far off of reality because back then, Iran was capable to do so!

XVI. Carter's direct policy of Human Rights which he forced in Shah's throat, instead of backing him up against the Islamist Terrorists! Carter's Human Rights policy became Iran's main nightmare! Carter was also responsible for not supporting his major Ally, Shah. In a way, Carter had lost Iran. Carter & his foreign policy caused America to destroy a great friend (Imperial Iran) & create a new powerful enemy (Islamic Republic of Iran). Carter & CIA were directly responsible for creation & expantion of the Neo Islamist Fundamentaism in the world lead by Khomeini.

XVII. Carter's policy of creating a Green Belt (Islamist Regimes) around the old USSR to help fighting the communists. Eventually Communism got destroyed but a new enemy was reborn & named Islam! This policy backfired in the West's face!

XVIII. USA abandoned Iran rather than support Iran against the Islamists.

XIX. UK helped the Islamist Reactionaries rather than supporting Iran!

XX. West (France, etc.) supported the Islamist Terrorists rather than supporting Iran!

XXI. Iran's old generation, Monarchist or Anti Monarchist, both are responsible for disaster of 1979. Monarchists, because they were not worthy to defend Iran. They escaped or betrayed Iran. Anti Monarchists, because they helped creating the IRI. Both Fathers of 1979 on either side, have helped destroy Iran. Islamist Revolutionary or Imperial Generals, both destroyed Iran.

XXII. Government of each nation, is a representative of the people of that nation. Iranians deserve IRI, until they prove different!

XXIII. All opposition groups helped creating the Revolution & creating the IRI & then the Revolution killed all her children one by one! Now all opposition groups are fighting the IRI. Even the 4 Whores of Opposition:

Tudeh Communist Party
National Front (Jebhe Meli)
Fedayeen Khalq Aksariyat
Nehzate Azadi

with a history of opportunism, shifting sides & political prostitution, are also begining to see that fighting the IRI is the only choice!

XXIV. The Mullahs, Islamists & Muslim were all responsible for creation of IRI.

XXV. Finally, the lack of political & general education, caused the masses of Iran to pick up an axe & to cut their own roots & chances of prosperity.


Khomeini with the help of opportunist intellectuals, created Islamic Republic of Iran, revived global Islamist fundamentalism & created the Neo Islamist Terrorism in the world. Islam as a new enemy has replaced Communism! Khomeini is the father of Neo Islamism.

Iran of today, is a world apart from Iran of 1979. The only people who still believe that they can easily return Iran to where it was going on 1979, are simpleton Fools! Scattered Bands of Monarchists are amongst these Fools! Today's Iran is way off course from where it was going 26 years ago. Iran of today, is a Theocratic Despotic Regime, a major regional & Asian power, head of global Islamist Terrorism, the greatest state responsor for all major Islamist Terrorist Groups of Middle East, a powerful military which produces many of her own wepons from vehicles all the way to missiles!

EU, Russia & China are also supporting IRI. The IRI is a great trade partner for all three. They would politically avoid USA to invade IRI.

Today's Iran is a sore eye for United States! The United States cannot compromise with her, because USA does not compromise with Terrorism, set aside dealing with the Central Nerve of Terrorism! USA also cannot invade her, because America is already involved up to her neck in Afghanistan & Iraq! Besides, even if America could invade Iran, they still would prefer not to! Why? Because Islamic Republic of Iran is an extremely powerful military force, ran by many true Islamist Believers who will fight to death to protect Shiite Islam. This is not just another dictatorchip, but It is an ideological issue! This is Islam verses the West. Iran is a large, powerful & ideological nation & in case of a hypothetic US invasion, The Iranian Campaign will be so devastating, destructive & massive, that will make the Iraqi Campaign look like a Sunday School practice! An Iranian Campaign @ this moment will be a disaster & a Quicksand of death for American Troops!

So, Islamic Republic of Iran is like a Bad Marriage for United States! You cannot live with her & you cannot kill her! IRI has become a nightmare for USA! IRI does whatever she pleases to do & she does not care about how USA may feel about her actions! Right or wrong, on 1979 Khomeini built an ideology which today, it has become the Second Shiite Empire (after Safavid's Empire of Persia) & The Second Islamic Empire (after the Golden Age of Muhammedin Empire) in the globe! Now, United States of America has no other choice but to Deal with it, because this is only the begining! Islamic Republic of Iran, the sponsor of The Global Islamism is here to stay!

To gain more info, you can also read this:

Story of Iranian Revolution in 4 parts by BBC
as told by some of the major players

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Postby IPC » Tue May 29, 2007 2:29 pm

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Re: Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran?

Postby IPC » Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:48 pm

Reasons for the Birth of Islamic Republic of Iran?
Updated Version

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Re: Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:08 pm

The article,

Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran ... /index.htm

is truly an interesting and informative history provided by Dr. X. It provides a detailed history of Iran’s growth as a prime Theocratic Empire on the world’s stage of politics and power. There are some brilliant passages that explain the current dilemma the United States fines itself with the expansion of Iran. Passages that should make the average U.S. citizen fearful of the looming threat Iran portends to have today and even greater tomorrow. Dr. X reasoning bears restating:

“Today's Iran is a sore eye for United States! The United States cannot compromise with her, because USA does not compromise with Terrorism, set aside dealing with the Central Nerve System of Islamist Terrorism! USA also cannot invade her, because America is already involved up to her neck in Afghanistan and Iraq! Besides, even if America could invade Iran, they still would prefer not to! Why? Because Islamic Republic of Iran is an extremely powerful military force, ran by many true Islamist Believers who will fight to the death to protect Shiite Islam. This is not just another dictatorship, but it is an ideological issue! This is Islam verses the West. Iran is a large, powerful and ideological nation and in case of a hypothetical US invasion, The Iranian Campaign will be so devastating, destructive and massive, that will make the Iraqi Campaign look like a Sunday school practice! An Iranian Campaign at this moment will be a disaster and a Quicksand of death for American Troops!”

Dr. X is correct that the U.S. cannot and will not compromise with the terrorist ideology of Iran. What many good and devoted Muslims do not realize is that their scripture, the Qur’an is the source of discontent that has occurred in many countries in the UK, Middle East, Africa, and other parts of the world. Iran is rooted in the Qur’an and uses Sharia law to implement its indoctrination of Muslims that precipitates bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people that will not accept Islamic religious beliefs. The Qur’anic verses that may be read unaltered are presented in the novel, Allah, We, Our and Us, which is provided as a free read on IPC by clicking on the home page Author, Nicholas Ginex.

How should the U.S. deal with Iran’s expansionist objective to dominate the world? There is no alternative: either live with an enemy that only seeks to kill the U.S. and its ally Israel, or kill it by war or starve it economically. After agreement of the Obama-Iran Nuclear Deal, the U.S. has made it easier for Iran to pursue their development of a nuclear bomb by allowing more than 150 billion dollars to infuse their economy and terrorist operations. Why would the U.S. make such a stupid move? Actually, it is not the U.S. Congress representing the American people, it is Obama who has an affinity for Iran and the Muslim people that has facilitated the nuclear deal and even obtained support by the U.N.

The American people, due to an illiterate or politically corrupted media, has not been informed that Obama has been indoctrinated in the Qur’an as a young boy and it has, in his adult years, affected his reasoning to think objectively for the safety of the United States. One must never forget the failure of the U.S. media to inform Americans and many countries about the threat announced by Obama to the U.N. General Assembly, on September 25, 2012, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Obama stated this Islamic threat two weeks after the Benghazi attack. One would expect a Muslim Leader not a U.S. president to make such a statement. It is clear that he has threatened those who slander the prophet by denying them a future. This statement clearly shows Obama supports the Muslim people and Islam and is why he initiated the Obama-Iran Nuclear Deal.

Dr. X has made some realistic conclusions why America could not invade Iran and they must be confronted objectively. He wrote:

Besides, even if America could invade Iran, they still would prefer not to! Why? Because Islamic Republic of Iran is an extremely powerful military force, ran by many true Islamist Believers who will fight to the death to protect Shiite Islam. This is not just another dictatorship, but it is an ideological issue! This is Islam verses the West. Iran is a large, powerful and ideological nation and in case of a hypothetical US invasion, The Iranian Campaign will be so devastating, destructive and massive, that will make the Iraqi Campaign look like a Sunday school practice! An Iranian Campaign at this moment will be a disaster and a Quicksand of death for American Troops!

With such a projected outcome where, “An Iranian Campaign at this moment will be a disaster and a Quicksand of death for American Troops!” there is no other recourse for America but to stand up to Iran with a strong position that they must STOP all development of a nuclear weapon or allow, anytime and anywhere, 24/7 inspections. Failure to do so will mean no sanctions or war but a military strike on all known nuclear sites. To not take this position, the U.S. will gamble the lives of its people and destruction of its land because Iran will eventually initiate a nuclear bomb first. He that hesitates is lost.

There is no other solution to the ideological dogma taught Muslims using the Qur’an. It is fruitless to believe religious leaders will proclaim a religious revolution of the Qur’an by revising its many verses that infect the Muslim mind with bigotry, hate, violence, and the killing of innocent people who have other religious beliefs. If Iranian religious leaders do not foresee the need to revise the Qur’an with God’s greatest command, “love one another” then it is inevitable that the U.S. must confront Iran with a realistic and practical approach cited above.
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Re: Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran?

Postby Ace of Spades » Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:12 am

Respected Sirs and Madams of IPC,

I have a request. In your article:

You mentioned the following:

Once you read Khomeini’s auto-biographical episodes according to Pasandideh his brother, then you will understand the roots of his opportunism and his well-planed revenge from Parsis and Persians whom ignored him in his childhood!

Where do I get this autobiography of Khomeini in English? I am interested, but I could not get them on Google search. I want to know if there is an English translation of Varese Molke Kian (Farsi) that I can read. I can read Persian (I know to read/write Arabic script), but I cannot understand it and I do not wish to spend too much time struggling to read words I do not understand.

Help in this regard will be appreciated.

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Carter Finally Croaked!

Postby CR » Fri Jan 03, 2025 1:28 pm

Carter Finally Croaked!
Not a Minute too Soon!
Persian, American & World Perspectives!

Carter: Historical Facts without Liberal Sugar Coating
Carter: 2nd Worst US President in the History
Carter Destroyed Iran, Ruined America & Put the World on Fire!
Carter Gave Birth to Khomeini & He Gave Birth to Neo Islamism

Jimmy Carter’s Big Grin and Horrible Policies
Carter the 2nd Worst US President in History
Carter presidency was the starting point of the Democrat Party of JFK moving towards Socialism, Anti-Americanism, Anti-Patriotism, Globalism and finally today’s Communism! Carter gave birth to Khomeini, and Khomeini gave birth to Neo Islamism in the globe!

Jimmy Carter was a solid supporter of Yasser Arafat, Palestinian Terrorists and Palestinian Cause.
It was truly because of Jimmy Carter that Yasser Arafat due to illogical expectations and high demands did not commit to a long-lasting peace with Israel.

Jimmy Carter the Worst US President Trophy, taken from Obama and given to Biden Branco Cartoon

Ahreeman writes:


"You know how wine gets better by age? Democrats get worse by time! Carter, Obama, Biden, Hell it’s really going down the hill and all the way to Hell! And there’s your prayer!"

I will give you the Persian perspective, the American perspective and then the world perspective on Carter’s death which you don’t read in media and social media! Can you believe Carter finally kicked the bucket?


Carter Finally Croaked!

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