Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

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Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby CR » Wed Jan 08, 2025 11:58 pm

Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock
Music, Sound, Light, Poetry in Motion
Rea Yazdani Rocks Your Soul

:Rockon: :thumbsup: :drum: :Guitarclassic: :Guitarrock: :punk: :grandp: :vdance: :Rockon:
Review: Ahreeman X
Music: Reza Yazdani
Poetry: Andisheh Fouladvand

:voltage: :rave: :voltage:

Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock, singer, songwriter, musician, composer and actor

Reza Yazdani live in concert with a super performance of giant screens video production, light, sound, dry ice steam, special effects and theatrics.

Reza Yazdani the Rock Star does the music and Andisheh Fouladvand the Poet does the lyrics. The two create masterpieces together. They do not only produce songs but they also act together in the movies and produce soundtracks for the films. The Duo Artists are compatible and complete each other.

Andisheh Fouladvand the marvelous Persian Poet, Lyricist, Film Soundtrack Producer and fabulous Actress of the Persian Cinema.

Reza Yazdani the Rock Star and Ali Oji the Producer are the perfect Rock duo, odd couples, best of friends and the two who complete each other.

Reza Yazdani the Nationalist Artist of the Masses loves Iran and Iranians.


Ahreeman X writes:


I don’t often write music reviews; however, once a blue moon, I see a phenomenal artist which I have to write about and promote……

Reza Yazdani in the concert, the guitar riffs, guitar licks, guitar chords, melodic synthesizers, band arrangements, and Reza Yazdani’s voice as the cherry on the top, combinedly will shoot you off in to the space in an absolute state of homeostasis ……

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Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock ... /index.htm

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Reza Yazdani is one of the top guitar players of the Persian Rock and the best Rock Star of Iran.
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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:20 am

Does Doc know how to write music reviews or does he? Awesome indeed! Of course I knew about Reza Yazdani but not to this extent. Energy, energy, energy …… Rock on ……. It’s always good to have Rock music and stars in skies of Iran!
:yourock: :merci: :complimenti:
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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Shahrzad BB » Thu Jan 09, 2025 1:08 pm

To tell you guys the truth, I don’t think I knew about him, same as Doc, I’m not into Persian music because I’m into Rock and now that I know about him, I like him. I will dig into his albums and live concerts videos and audios. Doc, will you publish some of his MP3? You have an eye for good music. The problem with Persian music is that it is lacking Rock Musicians of high caliber, but now Doc introduced us to one. Thanks to Cat for posting.
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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Jan 09, 2025 1:18 pm

Reza Yazdani Full Concerts Good Quality
:pianoman: :band: :punk:

:shadesi: Enjoy


Reza Yazdani Full Concert 2024 – 4 hours

Reza Yazdani Full Concert 2020 – 1 hour
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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby IPC » Thu Jan 09, 2025 1:22 pm

Thanks guys, Super info and music, Rock Non-Stop! :Guitarrock:
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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Shahrzad BB » Thu Jan 09, 2025 2:04 pm

Reza Yazdani Gallery
Got Pictures?





































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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Asghar Ghasab » Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:12 pm


In soosool baziya chiye, in gherti baziya chiye? Koocheh Baghi bezanin, Koocheh Bazari bezanin.

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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:19 pm


In soosool baziya chiye, in gherti baziya chiye? Koocheh Baghi bezanin, Koocheh Bazari bezanin.

Ezat Ziyad”

:jahel: Pahlevun napasandid, Luti rava nadad! Bache geramaphono avaz kon, Luti “Javad Yasari” bezarim ya “Ali Nazari”? “Mahvash” ya “Parivash”? DJ biya? Vase Luti mizun kon!

Ba Sepas :D
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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Shahrzad BB » Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:24 pm


In soosool baziya chiye, in gherti baziya chiye? Koocheh Baghi bezanin, Koocheh Bazari bezanin.

Ezat Ziyad”

Pahlevun napasandid, Luti rava nadad! Bache geramaphono avaz kon, Luti “Javad Yasari” bezarim ya “Ali Nazari”? “Mahvash” ya “Parivash”? DJ biya? Vase Luti mizun kon!

Ba Sepas

:hystery: :lolbang: :yeees:
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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Bita Qabus » Thu Jan 09, 2025 6:28 pm

Wow, Doc you always introduce us to new frontiers. This artist played for quarter of century and I didn’t have a clue about his music and art. Very interesting artist. Rock solid, thanks Doc.
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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby CR » Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:09 am

Cat’s Take on Reza Yazdani

This Reza Yazdani is not the Reza Yazdani of 25 years ago. He matured musically and artistically. He evolved towards a complete musician, entertainer and artist. His music is heavier, his lyrics are deeper, his arrangements are more Rock and his acting is more serious. On stage, he captures and mesmerizes the audience. He matured towards perfection. He is a better artist today than 25 years ago. He also looks good for his age. He takes care of himself with healthy food and exercise. Unlike many in entertainment or off entertainment, he is not addicted to nicotine, drugs and alcohol. He takes care of his face, body, soul and voice. His guitar playing also evolved. These are his secrets to be a better artist, entertainer and musician. His songs are now more meaningful, his music more relaxed and his acting comes more naturally.

You don’t have to be a political activist to have an opinion or express an opinion on politics and social criticism through your music and art, and he does it smoothly and indirectly sensitive and delicate.

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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:09 am

:firedvl: Ahreeman writes:

Why Rap and Hip Hop Have No Value?

Rap and Hip Hop are simple music for simple minds. Repetition of the same beat without the usage of any musical instrument, produced by synthesizers and machines, over and over takes no talent. Lyrics are about gangster gangbang, Hoes and Pimps, Bitches and Niggas, Cop killing and Hood Episodes, same garbage over and over. Musically it is garbage and lyrics have no value.

Critics may ask, what about dancing, what will you dance with? I reply, Really? You can dance with Rock dance music, we do have Rock specifically made for dancing, you know? Also, there are Latin dance music and songs, 20 different styles of them like Salsa, Rumba, Mambo, Reggae, Cumbia, Lambada and more! You can dance with Dance Rock, New Wave, Punk, Alternative, Latin Rock and so on. No shortage of dance music!

In other words, musically speaking, Rap and Hip Hop have no musical or poetic value, no purpose; therefore, they are not art forms. Except very few Rap styles such as Persian Political Rap, American Political Rap, and American Poetic Rap, the rest are Raps from the Hood performed by lowlife and Hoe criminals! Same goes for Hip Hop, music created by dumb broads, bimbos and no talent wanna be cool cats produced for the simpletons listening to Top 40 garbage. That is not art! Rap and Hip Hop are insults to intellectual capacity of humanity!

I bet with you after this analysis, I just added another segment of society to my enemies! I just can’t help myself not being controversial at the cost of silencing the truth!

:cheer: :Chorus: :hystery: :yeees: :readyfighting: :fry:
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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Qambujiye » Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:05 am

:firedvl: Ahreeman writes:

Why Rap and Hip Hop Have No Value?

Rap and Hip Hop are simple music for simple minds. Repetition of the same beat without the usage of any musical instrument, produced by synthesizers and machines, over and over takes no talent. Lyrics are about gangster gangbang, Hoes and Pimps, Bitches and Niggas, Cop killing and Hood Episodes, same garbage over and over. Musically it is garbage and lyrics have no value.

Critics may ask, what about dancing, what will you dance with? I reply, Really? You can dance with Rock dance music, we do have Rock specifically made for dancing, you know? Also, there are Latin dance music and songs, 20 different styles of them like Salsa, Rumba, Mambo, Reggae, Cumbia, Lambada and more! You can dance with Dance Rock, New Wave, Punk, Alternative, Latin Rock and so on. No shortage of dance music!

In other words, musically speaking, Rap and Hip Hop have no musical or poetic value, no purpose; therefore, they are not art forms. Except very few Rap styles such as Persian Political Rap, American Political Rap, and American Poetic Rap, the rest are Raps from the Hood performed by lowlife and Hoe criminals! Same goes for Hip Hop, music created by dumb broads, bimbos and no talent wanna be cool cats produced for the simpletons listening to Top 40 garbage. That is not art! Rap and Hip Hop are insults to intellectual capacity of humanity!

I bet with you after this analysis, I just added another segment of society to my enemies! I just can’t help myself not being controversial at the cost of silencing the truth!

:cheer: :Chorus: :hystery: :yeees: :readyfighting: :fry:

Doc this post by Atusa quoting from you reminded me of a memory. Remember decades back in your old house, after you played a loud Rock piece on keyboards, we were laying around drinking your Chai mix special blend and eating ajil, planning? BTW, I loved your blend of chai, I remember you used to make it yourself, what was it? I think darjiling, Ceylon, cardamom, earl gray, rose petals and what? I loved that blend. We were chatting in your gym studio garage and remember I told you that one day, the people will gather in front of your house, drag you out and beat the crap out of you? I know you are tough and you can handle 4 or 5 thugs with martial art but a pack of people will rush you and take revenge because of your behavior and writings. You used to say I live for myself not for the society, screw the society and establishment, I’m a rebel and I have no respect for the society. I said an army of people will bring you down and take revenge! They will show you who’s a rebel! This army of people would not necessarily be Hezbos but they will be neighbors, San Diego locals and residents and some IPC readers you insulted: democrats, liberals, Muslims, fat girls, ugly Persian girls, transvestites, transsexuals, sissy boys, gays, Arabs, retards, low IQ people, disco dancers, Iranian addicts, rappers, so many others. Then we cracked up out of control laughing. Remember? Those were fun days but my predictions were incredible!
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Why Rap & Hip Hop have No Musical Value? (Ahreeman X)

Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:21 am

:firedvl: Ahreeman writes:

Why Rap and Hip Hop Have No Value?

Rap and Hip Hop are simple music for simple minds. Repetition of the same beat without the usage of any musical instrument, produced by synthesizers and machines, over and over takes no talent. Lyrics are about gangster gangbang, Hoes and Pimps, Bitches and Niggas, Cop killing and Hood Episodes, same garbage over and over. Musically it is garbage and lyrics have no value.

Critics may ask, what about dancing, what will you dance with? I reply, Really? You can dance with Rock dance music, we do have Rock specifically made for dancing, you know? Also, there are Latin dance music and songs, 20 different styles of them like Salsa, Rumba, Mambo, Reggae, Cumbia, Lambada and more! You can dance with Dance Rock, New Wave, Punk, Alternative, Latin Rock and so on. No shortage of dance music!

In other words, musically speaking, Rap and Hip Hop have no musical or poetic value, no purpose; therefore, they are not art forms. Except very few Rap styles such as Persian Political Rap, American Political Rap, and American Poetic Rap, the rest are Raps from the Hood performed by lowlife and Hoe criminals! Same goes for Hip Hop, music created by dumb broads, bimbos and no talent wanna be cool cats produced for the simpletons listening to Top 40 garbage. That is not art! Rap and Hip Hop are insults to intellectual capacity of humanity!

I bet with you after this analysis, I just added another segment of society to my enemies! I just can’t help myself not being controversial at the cost of silencing the truth!

:cheer: :Chorus: :hystery: :yeees: :readyfighting: :fry:

Doc this post by Atusa quoting from you reminded me of a memory. Remember decades back in your old house, after you played a loud Rock piece on keyboards, we were laying around drinking your Chai mix special blend and eating ajil, planning? BTW, I loved your blend of chai, I remember you used to make it yourself, what was it? I think darjiling, Ceylon, cardamom, earl gray, rose petals and what? I loved that blend. We were chatting in your gym studio garage and remember I told you that one day, the people will gather in front of your house, drag you out and beat the crap out of you? I know you are tough and you can handle 4 or 5 thugs with martial art but a pack of people will rush you and take revenge because of your behavior and writings. You used to say I live for myself not for the society, screw the society and establishment, I’m a rebel and I have no respect for the society. I said an army of people will bring you down and take revenge! They will show you who’s a rebel! This army of people would not necessarily be Hezbos but they will be neighbors, San Diego locals and residents and some IPC readers you insulted: democrats, liberals, Muslims, fat girls, ugly Persian girls, transvestites, transsexuals, sissy boys, gays, Arabs, retards, low IQ people, disco dancers, Iranian addicts, rappers, so many others. Then we cracked up out of control laughing. Remember? Those were fun days but my predictions were incredible!


Why Rap & Hip Hop have No Musical Value?

:punisher: Q Jan

:hystery: Riot, killer, you killed me remembering old days. Buddy, I had no idea that you had a sense of humor! It is not often like you to make a funny! Actually you barely talk or post anything! But your prediction didn’t come true :beadyeyes: , so far after all these years, only a few failed Hezbollahi assassination attempts and no group riots and revolution in front of my house, laying me down in the street and beating the Shiite out of me! Neighbors and locals didn’t revolt yet! :googly:

:devbrowed: Love you baby
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Re: Reza Yazdani Master of Persian Rock

Postby Shahrzad BB » Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:28 am

Doc watch out, you have a history,
revolution may break in front of your home!

:partytime: :bazooka: :devprised: :machinegun: :partytime:
:gfight: :wave: :gfight:

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