2 Parts: Post January 6, 2021

New FBI Most Wanted List Posters
Danger Levels
L1: Terrorists
L2: Fugitives
L3: Criminals

Name: George Soros
Alias: Lucifer, Most Corrupt Man in the World, Liberal Plantation Jew Master
Occupation: Creator of Global Chaos, Billionaire Instigator
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Stealing US Election, Espionage, Grand Theft, Organized Crime, Head of Soros Cyber Crime Enterprise, Financier of ANTIFA, Financier of BLM, Sponsor of Domestic Terrorism, Insider Trading, Corporate Crimes
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Human, Nazi Collaboration Against His Own People the Jews, Wanted for Crimes Against Humanity in Hungary, Breaking the Bank of England
Species: Demon, Swamp Creature

Name: Sundar Pichai
Alias: Dog Face Hindu, Billionaire Techie Scumbag
Occupation: Google CEO
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Member of Soros Cyber Crime Enterprise, Promotion of ANTIFA & BLM Domestic Terrorism, Collusion with Communist China
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Chimpanzee, Real News Censorship, Fabricating Fake News, Spewing Leftist Propaganda, Manipulation of Algorithms, Search Filtration, Taking Bribes from Arab Oil
Species: Ape, Silicon Valley Bacteria

Name: Joe Biden
Alias: Beijing Joe, China Joe, Sleepy Joe, Confused Joe, Senile Joe, Shut Joe
Occupation: Former Vice President, Former Senator, Career Politician, Head of Biden Crime Family
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Stealing US Election, Larceny, Grand Theft, Coercion, Racketeering, Bribe Taking, Corruption, High Crimes
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Sane Old Man, Accepting Bribes from China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan & Iran Lobby
Species: Virus

Name: Nancy Pelosi
Alias: Nancy Old Pussy, Wicked Witch of the West, Nervous Nancy, Psycho Nancy, Crazy Nancy
Occupation: Speaker of the House, Career Politician, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing, Insider Trading, Plundering the National Budget, Creating Trillions of Dollars of Debt, Bankrupting the Country, Corruption, Embezzlements, Taking Bribes
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Sane Old Woman, Destruction of San Francisco, Sucking the California Residents’ Blood Dry
Species: Queen Bee

Name: Mitch McConnell
Alias: RINO Mitch, Turtle
Occupation: Senate Majority Leader, Career Politician, RINO, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Not Defending the Constitution, Abandoning the President, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Human
Species: Swamp Turtle

Name: Lindsey Graham
Alias: RINO Lindsey, Lindsey Rat, Spineless Lindsey, Dirty Rat, Shark, Seasonal Fan, Fair-Weather Friend
Occupation: Senator RINO, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Not Defending the Constitution, Abandoning the President, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Primate, Political Opportunism, Going with the Flow, Turncoat
Species: Rat, Lobster Arthropod with No Backbone

Name: Adam Schiff
Alias: Shifty Schiff, Pencil Neck, Wide Eyed Beauty
Occupation: Representative California, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Creating the 1st Coup the Russia Hoax, Lie Propagation, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing, Lying to Congress
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Tarsier, Compulsive Liar
Species: Lemur
FBI Most Wanted List Posters - Post January 6, 2021
2 Parts
Ahreeman X
January 13, 2021
Parts Index
Part 1: Terrorists & Fugitives
Part 2: Criminals
Danger Levels Index
L1: Terrorists
L2: Fugitives
L3: Criminals
Read and View more:
FBI Most Wanted List Posters 1
Part 1: Terrorists & Fugitives
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/animation- ... /index.htm
FBI Most Wanted List Posters 2
Part 2: Criminals
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/animation- ... /index.htm
Animation & Graphics Index
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/animation- ... /index.htm
Catayoun Razmjou
IPC Web Mistress
IPC Office

Name: Maxine Waters
Alias: Crazy Maxine
Occupation: Representative California, Career Politician, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing, Hoax Creation at the Capitol, Instigation of Violence, Destruction of South and South West Los Angeles, Self-Enrichment by Impoverishment of the People in Her District
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Black Woman
Species: Ugly Monkey