Cowollah the Transgender Muslim Cow Animated Adventures!
Uber Cows of Shiite Gender Bending Transgender Episode
Liberals & Muslims done it to USA & IRI
IPC Comics Presents:
Cowollah the Transgender Muslim Cow Adventures!
Starring Your Favorite Muslim Cows of Allah & Human Cattle:
Cowollah Halaal Meat, Halaal Habibi, Milkshake & Friends
Featuring Imam Khamenei and Spirit of Imam Khomeini
Featuring Armies of Basij, Cowollah, Hezbollah & Soldiers of Allah
Featuring All Kinds of Animals & Human Cattle of Allah
Special Guest Appearances by:
Big Bone Hassan, Arab Shepherd, Mullah Kharzeh & Friends
And Surprise Guest: Bill Clinton!
And More Surprise Guests!
Ahreeman X, Lawrence of Persia & IPC Comics Present:
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Cowollah the Transgender Muslim Cow Animated Adventures!
Cowollah the Transgender Muslim Cow Animated Adventures! ... /index.htm
Porkollah the Muslim Pig Animated Adventures! ... /index.htm
Adventures of Porkollah the Muslim Pig! (Animation Graphics) Thread
Catayoun Razmjou
IPC Web Mistress
IPC Office