Tofigh Classic Iranian Cartoons Restored in 2 Galleries

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Tofigh Classic Iranian Cartoons Restored in 2 Galleries

Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:40 am

Tofigh Classic Iranian Cartoons Restored in 2 Galleries
:devprised: :victory: :thumbsup: :victory: :devprised:
Best of Tofigh Classic Cartoons Restored in 2 Chapters
Tribute to Hassan Tofigh, the Tofigh Family and Staff
50 Years of Tofigh Cartoon and Satire (1922 – 1972)

:dancechad: :wave: :dancechad:
Kaka Tofigh (Negro Tofigh) Brand
:voltage: :warning: :voltage:
“Prime Minister Hoveyda travelled to Sistan, Rostam’s birthplace.” (Media)
“Rostam is the legendary Persian mythical hero of Shahnameh recited by Ferdowsi, the Persian Poet.” (Media)
“Hoveyda has a habit of introducing himself as a native of each province which he travels to conduct a speech there!” (Media)
“When media questioned him on where is he from, Hoveyda stated that I am from all provinces of Iran!” Media)
Asai (in tradition of Shahnameh epic poems by Ferdowsi):
At the top of the dawn tomorrow,
There will be me, the people and a passionate speech of hollow!

Angie Dickinson shins and Yul Brynner Tofigh Iran Cartoon 1966
“The movie ‘Poppy is Also a Flower’ (1966) was filmed in Iran.” (Media)
“The movie ‘Poppy is Also a Flower’ (1966) was translated in Persian to ‘Flower from Hell’ (Gol-e Jahanam)!” (Media)
“Angie Dickinson and Yul Brynner played in the movie filmed in Iran.” (Media)
“Angie Dickinson has the most beautiful shins in the world!” (Media)
“In the plane, Angie Dickinson said: The best method to have beautiful shins is to walk barefoot.” (Media)
Abji (sister) Dickinson to Yul Brynner: I have never thought that these guys (Poor Iranians) would also care so much about the beauty of their shins!

Miniskirt Girl and Persian Guys who Like Thigh Meat Tofigh Iran Cartoon
“According to statistics, Tehran Residents enjoy the thigh meat more!” (Media)
“Persians always prefer Thick Thighs and Lamb Shanks!” (Media)
No Narration!

Nowruz Persian New Year Man of the Year Construction Worker Finger Tofigh Iran Cartoon 1968
Nowruz Special Issue – 47th Year of Publication
Man of the Year = Construction Worker
Construction Worker (Amaleh) MO is his Finger, ready to finger the miniskirt wearing ladies!

Tofigh Cartoons


If Tofigh Existed Today!

If Tofigh existed today, the Iranian American Democrats would find it not Politically Correct and ban it; furthermore, they would brand it as racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic, sizeist and 101 other ists!

Hassan Tofigh Passed Away at age 95 (1926 – 2020)
Memory of Iran’s All Time Greatest Cartoonist, Satirist and Humor Publication Owner of Tofigh
Hassan Tofigh the Owner, Publisher and Manager of the Tofigh Magazine (3rd Series) holding up his original “Jack Asses Party” (Hezb-e Kharan) membership card for the cameras! Tofigh created a mock political party as political sarcasm and distributed membership cards! Tofigh Brothers did not name it the “Jack Asses Party” because the members were stupid (Donkeys referred to as stupid in Iran) but because like Donkeys, the members were hard workers who did not sellout!

The Tofigh Project

I wanted to do this project for ages. It has been on the back burner. I have been searching, scanning, saving and indexing Tofigh Cartoons for many years. My intention was to one day restore them, narrate them in English and publish them as galleries. Finally, I have found the time to do it.

Tofigh Publications Family and Staff
Tofigh a True Classic Publication of Iran
Tofigh the Greatest Iranian Satire and Cartoon Publication of All Times

Cultural Project

Tofigh project was a lengthy and time-consuming project. It took many years to gather everything and when it actually came down to creating the chapters, it took a long time to narrate each cartoon. It had to make sense in English, so I had to twist and turn every cartoon’s description to bring out the humor in English. Every single cartoon was restored to the best possible digital graphic format. At last the final product was ready and now you are viewing it.

Tofigh Publications Office in Iran

This is a cultural project because Tofigh has been on the fore front of the Iranian cartoon art for 5 decades. Tofigh is a true classic publication which went hand to hand through 3 generations of the Tofigh Family. Hassan Tofigh was the major Tofigh character who published the 3rd series of the Tofigh and the best series of Tofigh.

Shah Leaving Iran with Soraya and Ayatollah Kashani Avoiding Tofigh Iran Cartoon 1953
“When things got hairy, Shah escaped Iran!” (Media)
“For two days Mossadegh and Jebhe Meli (Iran National Front) Ran Iran!” (Media)
“Monarchy Returned with the CIA 1953 Coup!” (Media)
- Many blamed Mossadegh for forcing Shah out of Iran but in fact it was Shah who escaped Iran due to the unhappy public pressure. Ayatollah Kashani orchestrated a protest in front of the palace led by Shaban Jafari the famous Persian Thug Jahel to avoid Shah’s departure. According to Shaban Jafari, Ayatollah Kashani told him: “If shah goes, our turbans go!” Later on, Shaban Jafari also staged a protest in front of Mossadegh’s house and the protesters and thugs rushed the house but Mossadegh escaped. Anti-Mossadegh crowd stated that Mossadegh escaped under his famous blanket! Afterwards massive number of people protested pro-Mossadegh. Those few days were extremely hairy days in Iran.
- In this cartoon, Shah singing a goodbye song holding Shahbanu Soraya’s arm leaving. Soraya wearing a crown dress hiding under chador. Ayatollah Kashani (Asadollah Khan) who was first pro-Mossadegh, then turned against him and here pulls Shah back and avoiding him to leave. Shams Qanatabadi the National Islamist Majles Deputy (Tofigh mocked him as Qanat Shams Abadi AKA Underground Water Stream) is pulling Kashani and the Retired Military General (Tofigh mocked him as Vaz-Neshasteh meaning Open Butt) pulling Qanatabadi. Military General is pulling so hard that he peed himself!
Public: Let go Baba Asadollah!
Shah (sings a famous song): Let’s get out of this land, you and I; you grab my hand and I grab your skirt …
Kashani (sings a sad song): Don’t leave and make me afraid, don’t leave and make me afraid, my business is slow, come to me because it is the end of the line, come to me because it is the end of the bundle, I’m falling to enemy’s hand, tell me unfaithful, why are you leaving? Oh, why are you leaving?

In this set, I have gathered the best of Tofigh cartoons along with the Tofigh history. Tofigh is an important part of the Iranian media heritage, journalistic history and cartoon art.

I hope you enjoy the final results of my work. This work is to keep the Iranian cartoon history, art and culture alive.

Nowruz Sizdah Be Dar of Mossadegh and Ayatollah Kashani Tofigh Iran Cartoon 1952
“Oil Nationalization of Iran Episode is the hot topic in the news!” (Media)
- Mossadegh is always depicted with his famous blanket. In reality Mossadegh was cold and that is why he was always under the blanket! This had become a joke and people used to say that Mossadegh is always under the blanket (sleep)!
- Iran Oil Can is on the ground
Singing in Rhymes:
Kashani: Let’s go to the shrine and tie a knot, so our wishes will come true!
Uncle Sam and John Bull (singing Sizdah Be Dar Style): The beautiful oil of Iran had killed me! Mary, Mary me and the Donkey, but I carry the load! This bad year, don’t come back! For hundred years, don’t come back!
Mossadegh (singing): Sizdah Be Dar, Next Year, Without the Donkey (Big Brother), Oil Barrel in the arms, without the Big Brother!
Narration reads: Political Sizdah Be Dar!

Bon appetite:


Tofigh Iranian Cartoons in English
Classic Tofigh Magazine Restored Cartoons (1922 – 1972)
50 Years of Tofigh Best Cartoons in 2 Chapters

Chapter 1
Ahreeman X
June 29, 2020

Tofigh Cartoons Index
Tofigh Iranian Cartoon Gallery 1
Tofigh Iranian Cartoon Gallery 2

Tofigh Memories of Childhood

Memories sweet memories of childhood, I used to subscribe to Tofigh and it was delivered to my house during my childhood and preteen years in Tehran. Back then, I only had read the 3rd series of Tofigh which were published in the early 1970s. I was a preteen when Tofigh was at last permanently shut down by the government.

Nowruz Persian New Year Eve Dinner with Hoveyda Tofigh Iran Cartoon 1971
Public: So, what happened to our New Year Eve Dinner?
Prime Minister Cane Man (Asai): As soon as Piyazi serves the herb rice, I’ll fry the white fish!

Tofigh was often shut down by the government because it was a controversial magazine. Once a while they were really pushing the envelope and publishing a not so politically correct cartoon. In Imperial Iran, these cartoons could not be tolerated, so as usual, they would shut Tofigh down (Tofigh Toghif shod). The popular term was:

Tofigh was Confiscated!
“Tofigh Toghif Shod!” (Persian)

Read and view more:

Tofigh Iranian Cartoons in English 1

Tofigh Iranian Cartoons in English 2

Iran Cartoons Index

You know what they say?

* Citizens, do not forget two things for Friday night, the second one is buying a copy of Tofigh!


Kaka Tofigh (Negro Tofigh) Brand

Why have they Closed Down Tofigh Book by Dr. Abbas Tofigh
Kaka Tofigh 2 fingers hand gesture referring to:
Citizens, do not forget two things for Friday night, the second one is buying a copy of Tofigh!
“Hamshahri, Shab-e Jom’e Do Chiz Yadet Nareh, Dovomish Kharid-e Tofigh!”
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Re: Tofigh Classic Iranian Cartoons Restored in 2 Galleries

Postby CR » Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:55 am

Super Job Doc

We were waiting for the final product and here it is. It is so much fun going over these classics, restored and narrated in English. Super job Doc. Lovely format and design. I know you have been working on this for years and I couldn’t wait to see the results. This is hours of fun to go over each cartoon in detail. This 2 parts series is priceless. I love it and I know many will love you for doing this work. Hassan Tofigh is smiling at you from the other side! Great man and great family of artists and satirists. You keep them alive.

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Re: Tofigh Classic Iranian Cartoons Restored in 2 Galleries

Postby Asghar Ghasab » Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:51 am

Moaleikom Mashti Doc :praiseyou:

You’re stunning Doc. You really keep the Iranian culture alive. How did you come up with this idea and how did you collect all of these? What a work you did on restoration and description. Translation to English is hard and it must make sense. Lot of our humor makes no sense in English. You are something else. I’m a big fan of Tofigh and God rest his soul Hassan Tofigh and Tofigh brothers were marvelous. No other funny magazine has ever caught up to what they had done. You keep it rolling and keep them alive Doc. My hat is off to you Doc.

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