Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship & Espionage! + Cartoons

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Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship & Espionage! + Cartoons

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:23 pm

Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! + Cartoons

Tech Giants Internet Censorship
Amazon is an Online Retail Business, it doesn’t need ANTIFA!

Amazon Community ANTIFA Censorship Cartoon by Ahreeman X
Amazon ANTIFA: Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil
Amazon ANTIFA controls Amazon Customers’ Minds!

Amazon Community ANTIFA Censorship Moderator Cartoon by Ahreeman X
Amazon ANTIFA Faceless Cowards are very tough behind the monitor!


This is something which I have promised the readers and Amazon a while ago to write. Well, it is now hot out of the oven. Expose, Cartoons and Graphics.

Be the first to read it even before its official publication tomorrow. Enjoy:


Amazon Community ANTIFA Cyber Censorship!
Amazon Community’s Harassment of Customers
Amazon Community Must be Investigated and Cleansed

Expose and Cartoon Gallery
Ahreeman X
April 6, 2018

Amazon Community ANTIFA Censorship Banner Cartoon by Ahreeman X
Amazon Community’s Foundation is based on Censorship and Intimidation
ANTIFA, Communist and Muslim Employees are solid bases of the Amazon ANTIFA
Notice the Amazon ANTIFA Employees are faceless cowards behind the monitors. When things get hot, they are afraid to put their names and surveys at the bottom of their e-mails!

If Amazon loves to take the conservative money, then Amazon must also allow the conservative reviews on their site. By openly discriminating against the conservatives via Amazon Community, Amazon is risking to alienate majority of the American people who are conservative. Amazon must allow conservative voices post reviews or else Amazon may as well post a statement with large font on their homepage reading:

“Amazon is an exclusive club for liberals, so conservatives are not welcomed to shop here.”

Read more:

Amazon Community ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! ... /index.htm

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Amazon Community ANTIFA Censorship Rally Cartoon by Ahreeman X
BLM (Black Lives Matter), Muslim, Communist and other Amazon ANTIFA, rally to remove reviews and ban all customers who do not agree with their leftist politics.
Amazon ANTIFA: Everyone we disagree with is a Fascist.
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Re: Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! + Cartoons

Postby Shahrzad BB » Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:28 pm

Wow you are amazing
Ahreeman this why people love you and this is why I admire you.
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Re: Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! + Cartoons

Postby Bita K » Fri Apr 06, 2018 4:10 am

Ahreeman I disagree with you on many subjects but on this one you nailed it to the point. Tech Monopolies do cyber censorship, discriminate and rip people off of their advertising money. They are in it for themselves to build their cyber empires of mind control on people’s backs. You are correct.

Government used to be “The Power” but now the Tech Giants are “The Power”.

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Re: Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! + Cartoons

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Fri Apr 06, 2018 11:42 am

Hello Dr. X,

Your post on ... /index.htm was highly informational by giving a detailed view of Jeff Bezos, George Soros, and the Internet censorship by the Amazon Community. I learned of your efforts to help make Amazon (and yourself) successful and wealthy.

As you already know, I experienced YouTube (Google) had censored Sounds of Silence in one of my articles and you had to replace it with

What I also learned was that you, through your IPC website, have the ability to reach many free thinkers who are searching for truth and make our world a better one. I applaud you for your efforts and your brain to think and alert people, like myself, of the cyber mind control becoming rampant on the Internet by organizations that are trying to eliminate "free speech" and bring down the freedoms we enjoy in America.

Having read your informative post, I am convinced that you can use IPC as Internet tool to advocate the need to EXPOSE the Quran With Worldwide Communication, which resides on IPC via

Your IPC network can reach many influential business people and organizations that are aware of Islamic terrorism and the threat it poses for many countries today and more severely in the future. Hopefully they will be proactive to read the post that provides why and how the Qur'an can be exposed so that Muslims will "see" the need to revise it. For Muslims to fail to initiate a Reformation of Islam by revising the Qur'an, it becomes a certainty that the future will witness WWIII.
Last edited by Nicholas Ginex on Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! + Cartoons

Postby IPC » Fri Apr 06, 2018 1:15 pm


Censorship of cyber space is an imminent threat to free thinking and individualism. It is far worse than government control or media control of minds. We figured cyber space is an alternative to government and media but now we are dealing with a much bigger problem by Tech Giants trying to mind control and censor people to divert them in to the direction they want.

Ahreeman points out a very important issue here which must be focused on and to find a solution for it.

I think most people agree

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Jeff Bezos vs. Trump Cartoon

Postby CR » Mon Apr 09, 2018 3:39 pm

Jeff Bezos vs. Trump Cartoon

Newly added cartoon by our friend Ben Garrison
Newly added remarks by Ahreeman X

Amazon Community ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! ... /index.htm


Gladiator Battle of the Billionaires!
Jeff Bezos Amazon versus Trump MAGA, Battle of Billionaires Ben Garrison Cartoon
Lex Luthor vs. Superman!

Lex Luthor (Jeff Bezos) fighting with his limp WAPO Sword (Washington Post Rag-Paper) and his Amazon Shield, under the “Banner of Globalization” for his “Our Democracy” Shenanigan Crowd; while Superman (Trump) is fighting with his Straight Sword and Solid “Better Deals for America” MAGA (Making America Great Again) Shield under the Banner of America for his MAGA crowd. This will be a gladiator Battle of the Billionaires!

As Trump is looking more and more like Superman who is singlehandedly taking on the Washington DC Establishment, Liberal Establishment, GOP Establishment, Deep State Establishment, Media Establishment, Globalist Corporate Establishment, Wall Street Establishment, Academic Establishment and Hollywood Establishment; equally, Jeff Bezos of Amazon is looking more and more like Lex Luthor, his arch enemy who is trying to take over the world via his globalist agenda. Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the globe, now worth about $ 114.2 Billion, is trying to sell everything on Amazon by drafting monopolistic tactics, globalist practices, tax loopholes, cyber censorship, taking advantage of the USPS and dropping cost to the most efficient ways.

Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post for $250 million cash and now uses it as the Amazon Lobby and Anti Trump propaganda rhetoric rag-paper. At one-time, Washington Post had some prestige but now it is an Amazon Mouthpiece spewing lies 24 / 7.

I love it when Billionaires such as Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and George Soros shed tears for the hungry African children and release rhetoric about wanting to end the world hunger! If they really meant it, then they could easily spend a few billions and truly end the world hunger! These leftist globalist monopolist billionaires, shed crocodile tears, while at the same time reduce the world’s population via hunger, Disease and death; gain financial control; and monopolize the markets. For God’s sake, Amazon has killed thousands of jobs and even mistreats its own employees.

The complete hoopla and charade of “Our Democracy” Movement shenanigan, blasting out loud from the globalist speakers and shouting puppets of Jeff Bezos such as his off-line lobby “Washington Post” and his online lobby “Twitter”, accusing Trump of “Eroding Democracy” is a gimmick. It is all mob control, mind control, lobby votes and concentration of power into globalist monopolies to ride the masses and divert them like cattle, away from the facts and into slaughterhouses of globalism.

While Trump pushes MAGA for the American Workers; Jeff Bezos cuts corners, uses tax loopholes, abuses the bankrupt USPS by throwing him a bone rather than paying his fair share, to bring the cost down and kills the competition.
It is surely interesting to see what will develop in the upcoming months out of this Battle of the Billionaires: Superman vs. Lex Luthor!

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Re: Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! + Cartoons

Postby IPC » Sun May 20, 2018 6:56 am

This piece is surely spreading around the net and making a big impact. Cartoons are becoming popular and the subject is being discussed about in various forums and platforms. Ahreeman pinpointed a very interesting issue and put it in the spotlight.
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Ahreeman X E-mail to Jeff Bezos & Amazon Management

Postby CR » Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:45 am

Ahreeman X E-mail to Jeff Bezos & Amazon Management

Stop Amazon Community ANTIFA Cyber Censorship!


Jeff Bezos
Amazon Customer Service Management
Amazon Web Services Management
Amazon Community Management
Amazon Customer Reviews Management

Please read and forward to your department manager.

Last time that I brought this important subject to your attention, some of you have asked me that how you can help me? We are beyond that point and the damage is done. You cannot help me but I can surely help you and Amazon. Read this article thoroughly, watch the cartoons and think about everything said. Hopefully you will do as I stated, not for my sake and people’s sake but for your sake, your jobs’ sake and for Amazon’s sake.

Reading this article in full and finally doing something about this ongoing problem, has your future and Amazon’s future in stake. Please Read:


Amazon Community ANTIFA Cyber Censorship!
Amazon Community’s Harassment of Customers
Amazon Community Must be Investigated and Cleansed
Expose and Cartoon Gallery



This expose will also go to the below Amazon executives so the same as millions of other people including the masses of IPC readers, they will be able to read and get informed of Amazon ANTIFA’s Cyber Censorship and Cyber Terrorism against the Amazon Customers:

Jeff Bezos
Amazon Customer Service Management
Amazon Web Services Management
Amazon Community Management
Amazon Customer Reviews Management

If Amazon loves to take the conservative money, then Amazon must also allow the conservative reviews on their site. By openly discriminating against the conservatives via Amazon Community, Amazon is risking to alienate majority of the American people who are conservatives. Amazon must allow conservative voices post reviews or else Amazon may as well post a statement with large font on their homepage reading:

“Amazon is an exclusive club for liberals, so conservatives are not welcomed to shop here.”

I have been an Amazon Stock Holder, Associate, Reviewer and Customer since Jeff Bezos created Amazon. I have sold Amazon to the toughest Conservative Critics of Amazon and my Association with Amazon! One of my most creative lines to sell Amazon to the public was:

“You can find everything from the Chicken Milk to the Human Soul in Amazon!”
(Ahreeman X)

I have shown nothing but love to Amazon, and Amazon has also been good to me for decades, until “Amazon ANTIFA” made life not possible in Amazon and created a situation for many Conservatives and National Populists such as me to leave Amazon.

Read more:

Amazon Community ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! ... /index.htm

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Re: Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! + Cartoons

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:06 am

Amazon Cyber Censorship Cartoons

Amazon Community ANTIFA Cyber Censorship!

Amazon Community ANTIFA Censorship Logo Cartoon Graphic by Ahreeman X
Amazon ANTIFA Codes Banner: Censorship and Intimidation
Muslim, ANTIFA and Communist Flags represent members of the Amazon ANTIFA

Liberal Safe Space Branco Cartoon
Amazon ANTIFA at Amazon Dungeons Safe Space Playpen
Black Lives Matter, Colorblind Lefty, and Transgender sucking on their pacifiers and residing in their Playpen Safe Space in their Private Idaho!
Notice the Communist, Islamic, Obama, Socialist, Peace and Hillary Playpen Ornaments!

George Soros Internet Censorship Cartoon
George Soros is the Billionaire Puppet Master behind the Internet Tech Giants. He funds and organizes Internet Censorship to promote his Leftist Globalist Socialist Agenda. George Soros destabilizes currencies, stocks, political parties and countries! George Soros is the # 1 Enemy of Trump, Americanism, and American Workers.

Amazon Community ANTIFA Censorship Banner Cartoon by Ahreeman X
Amazon Community’s Foundation is based on Censorship and Intimidation
ANTIFA, Communist and Muslim Employees are solid bases of the Amazon ANTIFA
Notice the Amazon ANTIFA Employees are faceless cowards behind the monitors. When things get hot, they are afraid to put their names and surveys at the bottom of their e-mails!

More Cartoons:


Tech Giants Cyber Censorship Cartoons ... /index.htm

Amazon Community ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! ... /index.htm

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Re: Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! + Cartoons

Postby Shahrzad BB » Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:14 am

Amazon Cyber Censorship Cartoon

MAGA Censorship!
This is my favorite, it is awesome \:D/

Internet Censorship by Tech Giants Cartoon of Ben Garrison
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple and Amazon Silence American People’s Voice
Trump, Man of the People stands firm

More Toons

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Amazon Censorship, the Final Verdict

Postby CR » Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:07 pm

Amazon Censorship, the Final Verdict

* Amazon Response to Ahreeman
* Ahreeman Analysis
* Ahreeman Final Verdict



Ahreeman Writes:

I have been an Amazon stockholder, associate, customer and reviewer since Jeff Bezos created Amazon. As an insider to the Amazon’s System, I know Amazon policies and business model like the palm of my hand, and trust me, I know the palm of my hand very well! This topic is about Amazon’s censorship of reviewers and discrimination against the conservative clients. In general, it is a part from the whole movement of Tech Giants’ censorship and mind control of the people. This is my story.

Read More:

Amazon Censorship, the Final Verdict + Cartoons ... /index.htm

Amazon Community ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! + Cartoons ... /index.htm

Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship Thread

Related Artricles

Tech Giants’ Mind Control of the People ... /index.htm

Tech Giants Cyber Censorship Cartoons
Tech Giants are Great Danger to Democracy ... /index.htm

Google - Persian Gulf Controversy Cartoons ... /index.htm

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Re: Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship! + Cartoons

Postby Shahrzad BB » Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:14 pm

Guys check this out
Google Tried to Influence 2016 Election for Clinton ... -campaign/

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Amazon Funds Islamist Terrorist Group

Postby CR » Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:06 am

Amazon Funds Islamist Terrorist Group

Jeff Bezos Funds Islamist Terrorist

Amazon Donates to Islamist Charities

Jeff Bezos Funds Haitham al-Haddad Islamist Terrorist Group






Amazon supports charities with ties to Islamic extremism
Ingraham Angle

Kassam Rips Radical Cleric and on Laura Ingraham
Fox News, Oct 2018 (Backup File)

Amazon sends cash to charity founded by 'extremist'
Reporter News TV

Radicals: 'I'm not radical, I speak truth' - BBC News

Haitham Al Haddad supports female genital mutilation

Haitham al-Haddad on Homosexuality

Haitham al-Haddad on The Best Role for a Woman

Haitham al-Haddad on Beating Wives

Haitham al-Haddad on Stoning Women


Amazon sent 'charity' donations to group led by 'hardcore Islamist,' report says
Samuel Chamberlain | Fox News

FOX News

Haitham al-Haddad, seen here in 2012, has had close ties with the Muslim Research and Development Fund. (Marcel Antonisse/AFP/Getty Images, File)

Amazon has allowed its U.K. users to donate money to a group whose key figure has espoused hardline Islamist beliefs described as "misogynistic, racist and homophobic" and called for a global Islamic caliphate, the Times of London reported Monday.

The Muslim Research and Development Fund (MRDF) is one of several groups that have received donations through Amazon Smile, which launched in the U.K. last year. Under the program, shoppers can select an organization which will receive 0.5 percent of the purchase price of Amazon products.


Haitham al-Haddad, the MRDF's founder and former chairman, has been called "one of the most dangerous men in Britain" by the counter-extremist Quilliam Foundation due to his adherence to the Salafi movement within Sunni Islam. Terror groups such as Al Qaeda have embraced Salafism's tenants of jihad across the world.

Amazon has allowed its U.K. users to donate money to the Muslim Research and Development Fund, a group whose key figure has espoused beliefs described as "misogynistic, racist and homophobic," according to a report.

According to the Times, while Haddad has criticized terrorist attacks against "innocent civilians," he also has stated that Muslims ultimately will conquer "the enemies of Islam" and establish a regime that will deploy the death penalty for adultery and refusing to follow the Muslim faith.

"I have received so many requests from western women who committed adultery," the Times quoted Haddad as saying in 2012. "They were begging me to help them to find a way to a Muslim country to be stoned to death." Spokesmen for Haddad previously have said that his statements were taken out of context.

Sara Khan, the British government's counter-extremism commissioner, told the paper that Haddad's views "promote a supremacist 'us versus them' worldview that wrongly makes Muslims feel that they can’t be fully British."

In a statement obtained by Fox News, Amazon said it relied on a regulator, the Charity Commission for England and Wales, to determine which organizations were eligible to take part in Amazon Smile.

"If a charity no longer has charitable status because that organization supports, encourages or promotes intolerance or discrimination and has been removed from the Commission’s register, we will remove them from the service," the statement continued, adding that Amazon had "referred these allegations to the Commission and will be conducting a full review to ensure they do not violate our policies."

The Charity Commission for England and Wales told the Times that Haddad had resigned from the MDRF's board in 2014 after it raised concerns "about his suitability to serve as a trustee." However, the paper reported that Haddad maintained close ties to the organization and led a fundraising campaign earlier this year.

Haitham al-Haddad is particularly admired by young, politically active Muslims


Amazon Funnelled Cash to Salafist Org Founded by ‘Extremist’ UK-Based Saudi Scholar
Jack Montgomery

Breitbart News

Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon Funds Haitham al-Haddad’s Islamist Terrorist Group

Amazon has been funnelling cash to a Salafist ‘charity’ led by an Islamic scholar described as “one of the most dangerous men in Britain” by counter-extremists, a British newspaper has claimed.

The Jeff Bezos-led retail giant allowed the Muslim Research and Development Foundation (MRDF) founded by Saudi-born Haitham al-Haddad into its Amazon Smile programme, which allows customers to donate a percentage of their purchases to charity, according to a Times investigation.


Al-Haddad has been branded “dangerous” by the Quilliam counter-extremism think tank, and as “misogynistic, racist, and homophobic” by UK Government counter-extremism commissioner Sara Khan.

A series of controversial statements by the Salafist scholar — a graduate in Islamic law from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) — have been compiled by The Times, advancing a range of hardline views.

These include claims that adulterous women should be stoned to death, and that he has, in fact, received “many requests from Western women… begging me to help them to find their way to a Muslim country to be stoned to death” so they could “avoid punishment in the afterlife” — although it is not revealed whether he actually did facilitate any voluntary executions of this kind.

It is the Islamic punishment. What does the UK government want? Do they want Muslims to change their beliefs?” he demanded.

Amazon has claimed al-Haddad’s organisation was cleared by the Charity Commission but that a “full review” is being conducted, while a spokesman for the Salafist insisted he had been taken “out of context”.

The Times also quotes al-Haddad as advocating arranged marriages “The earlier the better, especially for girls”, and adding that it is “not necessarily a problem, biologically, if a girl of 12 or 13 becomes pregnant”.

Abuse within marriage of any kind, he argues, should not be interfered with: “Muhammad said that a man should not be questioned why he hit his wife. Because this is something between them. Leave them alone… a father should not ask his daughter why she’s been beaten or hit by her husband.”

The scholar has also branded homosexuality “an evil crime” and advocated death sentences for apostasy “in an Islamic state, once the conditions are met”, as well as female genital mutilation and full-face veils for all women, including Western women — “When they tell you it’s a barrier to integration, you should say: ‘Yes, it is against integration. So what? I don’t want to integrate with you’.”

He has also argued that a 2011 tsunami in Japan was divine punishment — “Allah allowed it to happen to punish the Japanese for their refusal to submit to him” — and that, similarly, Nelson Mandela is “in the fire of hell… for his failure to worship Allah.”

Haitham al-Haddad

More Articles

Amazon facilitated charity donations to Islamic extremists through its Amazon Smile scheme ... ts-2018-10

Amazon Draws Fire for ‘Wildly Irresponsible’ Scheme Supporting Islamic Extremists ... ts-1159438
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Amazon Espionage Secret Deal with CIA – Wikileaks Expose

Postby IPC » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:55 am

Amazon Espionage Secret Deal with CIA – Wikileaks Expose

Julian Assange and Wikileaks Expose

Amazon Spies on You

Amazon Secret Ties with Deep State

Hello Amazon, We are Watching you!
Julian Assange


Wikileaks Unveils Amazon Secret Data Centers

Amazon Secret Atlas Exposed

Amazon Global Secret Cloud Data Centers

Amazon 100 Data Centers in 15 Cities in 9 Countries

Julian Assange



Amazon Atlas


October 11, 2018





Today, 11 October 2018, WikiLeaks publishes a "Highly Confidential" internal document from the cloud computing provider Amazon. The document from late 2015 lists the addresses and some operational details of over one hundred data centers spread across fifteen cities in nine countries. To accompany this document, WikiLeaks also created a map showing where Amazon’s data centers are located.

Amazon Atlas Data Centers Map

Amazon, which is the largest cloud provider, is notoriously secretive about the precise locations of its data centers. While a few are publicly tied to Amazon, this is the exception rather than the norm. More often, Amazon operates out of data centers owned by other companies with little indication that Amazon itself is based there too or runs its own data centers under less-identifiable subsidiaries such as VaData, Inc. In some cases, Amazon uses pseudonyms to obscure its presence. For example, at its IAD77 data center, the document states that “Amazon is known as ‘Vandalay Industries’ on badges and all correspondence with building manager”.

AmazonAtlas_v1 ... pagination

Amazon is the leading cloud provider for the United States intelligence community. In 2013, Amazon entered into a $600 million contract with the CIA to build a cloud for use by intelligence agencies working with information classified as Top Secret. Then, in 2017, Amazon announced the AWS Secret Region, which allows storage of data classified up to the Secret level by a broader range of agencies and companies. Amazon also operates a special GovCloud region for US Government agencies hosting unclassified information.

The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon – The Atlantic ... on/374632/

Announcing the New AWS Secret Region - Amazon ... et-region/

AWS GovCloud (US) - Amazon

Currently, Amazon is one of the leading contenders for an up to $10 billion contract to build a private cloud for the Department of Defense. Amazon is one of the only companies with the certifications required to host classified data in the cloud. The Defense Department is looking for a single provider and other companies, including Oracle and IBM, have complained that the requirements unfairly favor Amazon. Bids on this contract are due tomorrow.

JEDI Cloud RFP – Fed Bits Opps.Goc ... f&_cview=0

GAO Bid Protest Docket - GAO

JEDI: Why We’re Protesting - IBM

JEDI Cloud RFP - Fed Bits Opps.Goc ... 2&_cview=0

While one of the benefits of the cloud is the potential to increase reliability through geographic distribution of computing resources, cloud infrastructure is remarkably centralised in terms of legal control. Just a few companies and their subsidiaries run the majority of cloud computing infrastructure around the world. Of these, Amazon is the largest by far, with recent market research showing that Amazon accounts for 34% of the cloud infrastructure services market.

Cloud Revenues Continue to Grow by 50%
as Top Four Providers Tighten Grip on Market - Synergy ... rip-market

Until now, this cloud infrastructure controlled by Amazon was largely hidden, with only the general geographic regions of the data centers publicised. While Amazon’s cloud is comprised of physical locations, indications of the existence of these places are primarily buried in government records or made visible only when cloud infrastructure fails due to natural disasters or other problems in the physical world.

Universal Licensing System –

Banks, websites down as wild weather knocks out Amazon Web Services – Canberra Times ... pc8ob.html

In the process of dispelling the mystery around the locations of Amazon’s data centers, WikiLeaks also turned this document into a puzzle game, the Quest of Random Clues. The goal of this game was to encourage people to research these data centers in a fun and intriguing way, while highlighting related issues such as contracts with the intelligence community, Amazon’s complex corporate structures, and the physicality of the cloud.

Quest Of Random Clues from: wikileaks ... s&src=typd

Amazon Atlas

Map of Amazon's Data Centers

Northern Virginia
California Bay Area
Northeastern Oregon
Sao Paulo
Rio De Janeiro

Note: In some cases, the locations of the datacenters in China shown on this map may be less precise thanthose in other countries due to limitations of geographicdata. There also appear to be typos in two addresses in theoriginal document. These locations are corrected on the map andnoted along with an explanation of how the actual address ofthe data center was determined.






Julian Assange




Wikileaks Twitter

Wikileaks FB

Wikileaks - Wikipedia




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Why Iran Politics Club is Still with Amazon?

Postby CR » Wed Jul 21, 2021 9:46 am

Why Iran Politics Club is Still with Amazon?
Readers and Members Question Ahreeman X?
E-mails to Ahreeman X Special Article

When you purchase products from Amazon through IPC, you are supporting the Iranian Opposition and the American Patriots. That is a statement of Facts.
(Ahreeman X)

Blood Faravahar Flag
Iran Politics Club Futurist Faravahar Blood Trim Iran Flag
IPC Revolutionary Faravahar Banner

Banner of Ahreeman Persian - The Blood-Trim
The New Banner of Ahreeman - Blood Version
Iran Politics Club Lion and Sword Ahreeman Persian Blood Trim Banner Iran Flag
The Battle Ready Ahreemanic Lion with Long Curved Sword Roaring

Pictorial History of Iranian Flags
Chapter 14: Iran Politics Club Flags

Dear members, readers, colleagues, patriots and activists:

Review the Ahreeman X statement on Why IPC is Still with Amazon?
Ahreeman X responds to E-mails
Special Edition Article of the E-mails to Ahreeman X Thread


Why IPC is Still with Amazon?
Ahreeman X
July 21, 2021

Some of you have been e-mailing me and asking why am I still with Amazon? Many of you who have been following me since the beginning are well aware that I have been with Amazon since Jeff Bezos created Amazon. Despite the Amazon ANTIFA Censorship and despite the fact that Jeff Bezos is 180 degrees on the opposite of the political spectrum, yet I still continue on with Amazon. So, some of you have been wandering ……

Read More:

Why IPC is Still with Amazon? ... /index.htm

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