Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

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Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Jan 19, 2014 1:24 pm

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects
Part 1: Micro Aspects
Ahreeman X
January 19, 2014

Iran Philosophy Index

Defense Mechanism
By majority, people are creatures of habit. The public is not susceptive to change. They are happy with the Status Quo. When they see change is coming, they automatically panic and build a Defense Mechanism! The public are known to build fortresses around their minds to reject change. The public prefers to maintain slave to the mind control of the church and society. Scientific Change brings progress but the public prefers to stay secure in their comfortable and isolated little corner. It is the scientific people’s duty to evolve the Earth or else the Earth would never evolve and the public will never accept the change! The Intellectual Scientific Few have a crucial task to push forward the Public in to the next evolutionary step thus they shall not banish and become extinct!

Philosophy of Existence

How Everything Came to Existence?
Part 1: Micro Aspects


This is a dialogue between Nicholas Ginex, the valuable author, philosopher, and free thinker and I. This is a philosophical debate and each party will contribute to the debate as time allows. Other parties may also participate in this debate. It specifically may take a while for me to respond (due to extremely busy schedule) but bear with me.

Nicholas Ginex is a scholar, an author and a philosopher with vast knowledge of theology, history of religions and sociology. Nicholas is a worthy intellectual and that is the reason in which I have set aside a good amount of time for this debate. As you are aware, I am in a middle of restructuring the whole website, a tech project, writing an article for X Diaries (my memoirs) and remodeling my estate; however, because it is Nicholas, I make time for this debate.

This debate and debates such as this are not only beneficial for Nicholas and I, because we learn a thing or two from one another but they are most beneficial for “All” to learn a thing or two from the debate; however, they are crucially educational for the youth, because after reading this or similar debates, they shall begin to question everything which they have been taught in school and they will start researching to make up their own minds about various issues. This debate and similar debates such as this will provide you the stepping stones as the primary steps to do critical thinking, independent thinking and free thinking to build your opinion based on rationality and facts. Feel free to read, follow the thread and to participate.

Before we begin this dialogue, the readers may read below links to gain background information about Nicholas Ginex, his books, his ideas, his letter to me and our past trade of words:

Nicholas Ginex Background Information

God, Islam and Author of the Month
Nicholas Ginex Letter to Ahreeman X
Ahreeman X Response


Nicholas Ginex Response

Nicholas Ginex Site

Nicholas Ginex on Author Network

Perquisite Reading

History of Faravahar ... /index.htm

History of Zoroastra ... /index.htm

History of Persian Mythology ... /index.htm

History of Allah ... /index.htm

Islam is a Disease and Muslims are Infected! ... /index.htm

Religion, Living in Fantasy; Drugs, Living in Hallucination! ... /index.htm

A Bank Named Religion! ... /index.htm

Brain and Mind ... /index.htm

Now you are ready to roll.
Let’s Roll …

A Word with Nicholas Ginex

Dear NG, you take time from your personal life and go to hospitals and nursing homes to bring a moment of joy to the terminally ill, elderly, abandoned and forgotten people. You play your guitar, sing a few songs, chat with them, most importantly, you listen to them, because no one listens to them and the most important thing they need is for someone to just sit and listen to them and you do it. I bet you often bring to them presents too. I bet you bring to them donuts, cookies, flowers, a little thing here and a little thing there and you brighten up their lives. You shed some sunshine to their lonely lives. I bet sometimes you even take your books and read for them. In this society where no one has time to even stop a minute and talk to someone, you take time to talk and listen to the elderly and the ill.

This is a selfless act. This is an act of passion. This is a human act. When you do these sessions, there is no time and it is silly to discuss philosophy with them and to convince them what is the true God, what is Universal Intelligence, what is Evolution or to change their ways of thinking. They spent a lifetime as good or bad Christians and they believe in Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and the Lord. “Why change all that?” (you tell to yourself), “let’s just do some good for love of Jesus and bring these people some joy and make them happy just for a little while!” (you mumble to yourself). “I had a good life, I had my share of wild days, now in retirement, I have time to give back to the community and do a little good for people who are forgotten, so why not?” (you reason with yourself). And then you go on about your day and once a while you do this not for love of Jesus, not for Christianity, not for love of God and not to convince the people around you that you are a Do Gooder Human and a Lovely Soul! No, you just do this for your own continence and for your own humanity, so at the end of the day you can tell to yourself that:

“Today, I made a difference and my life meant something.”
“Today, I made a change for good.”
“Today’s act, made me feel good about myself.”

You do this selfless act of compassion and you go on writing and enlighten the people and you know it may be a losing battle but you still do it because even one man can make a change and put a dent in to the body of this heartless and emotionless machine. Maybe you can change one mind and if you do, then you won and you accomplished something.

You are a Better Man than I

This makes you a better man than I. This makes you a better human than I, not because you do charity work but because I am way too selfish to do what you do! I can bring you excuses based on facts that I am not retired, I am too busy, I am occupied at work, I am occupied with the website, I am occupied with the American and Iranian politics, I am occupied with the personal life and family, I am bla bla bla …… but I am a better man than that! I am a better man than to bring you excuses. I do not lie and I do not bring excuses. That is not my style. I am not a politician.

I tell you straight forward that I am too selfish to do what you do. You are too selfless to do what you do. This makes you a better man than I. You are a better human and a more humble man than I. I cherish what you do and it is a blessing to have folks such as you doing these simple acts of love for those misfortunate and forgotten ones. Elderly gets no respect in this country. More power to you and it is a blessing to have you and likes of you to make a dent and take a moment to make someone happy and bring joy to their life.

Amen Brother!

I Hope ….

Dear NG, I hope what I do makes a difference not just for Iran but for a better world. If I manage to change the minds and hearts of the future Iranian generation to not fall in the swamp of what their fathers and mothers fell in to (1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran) and correct the “Sins of the Fathers”, maybe just maybe the future Iran unlike the today’s Iran will not remain the central heart of the Islamist Terrorism!

Iran has always been a regional (Middle East) and a continental (Asia) power. Maybe decades of my efforts will mean something after all! Maybe the lives of all my martyred comrades slaughtered by IRI and Hezbollah will make a difference after all! Maybe decades of work will mean something after all!

The Change

If we manage to accelerate the death of IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) and return Iran to once more being the heart of the Persian civilization, poetry, culture, hospitality and humanity, then it was not all in vain! Maybe by changing the minds and hearts of the future Iranian generation, we will change the future Iran and by changing the future Iran, we will change the world to a better world, a more peaceful world and a more civilized world. Maybe ….. sky is the limit …..

We can change Iran from being the bread and butter of the global Islamism and the benefactor to Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Al Shabab, Afghan Shiites, Bosnian Muslims and every single Islamist Terrorist group in the world to once upon a time proud and mighty Persian Empire, protector of knowledge, art, culture and civilization. Maybe we can accelerate the death of Islam in Iran like the Russians accelerated the death of Communism in Russia! Maybe after all, decades of our lives was not just a waste.

I do my best to make a difference and I am sure that I have done and I am doing and I will make a difference. There will be brighter days. I am sure of it. Things will change. Future is bright. I always tell my comrades that we have one foot in the grave and one foot in the paddle, we were born rebels. And if it all blow in our faces and it all goes to Hell, still once we get old, we will sit in some boon town in exile, around the fireplace and we will tell stories of these days. Boy we have stories to tell. Even if it all goes to Hell, we still have amazing stories to tell and it was all not just a waste! I was born rebel (Tom Petty)!

In hope of better days my friend …

Dear Nicholas

Dear NG (Nicholas Ginex), my free thinking brother:

Thanks for your E-mails, Forum Post and kind remarks.


A) Use the Gadgets Properly
For God’s sake, please highlight the desired text and use the “Quote” button and highlight the desired text and use the color buttons properly. Your forum post is extremely “Designabely Challenged” (Liberal Politically Correct Term) and “Drastically Chaotic” (Ahreemanic Politically Incorrect Term)! For God’s sake Nicholas, as a man of science, use the technology and gadgets properly and make it easy on our eyes to read the posts and follow the thread! Your post was a mixture of text, BB Code, Mixed color codes and failed forum quotes and colored text attempts. It is simply hard to follow your writing because quotations are messed up, colors are messed up and it is hard to tell which is quote and which is response. Don’t be Low Tech, be Hi-Tech! I almost got blinded by the light of Amun (Amen) to follow the confusing pattern of you quoting me, responding and quoting yourself!

I got cataracts and pink eyes trying to read your disorganized post! For love of Jesus, Have mercy on my eyes!

BB Code Guide

B) Get an Avatar
You have no face. Get an avatar so we know who we are talking to?! If you are “technically challenged” (Politically correct liberal term) and you want me to upload your photo or any image you desire as your avatar, then send it to my e-mail or point to the link to it, and let me know?

A Few Points from your E-mail

“Thank you for reading the e-mail I recently sent you and responding with many comments that I will certainly answer in my most honest and logical way. For 95% of your comments, I fully agree regarding the unlikely possibility that religious leaders have enough common sense to unify their beliefs and teach the last command given by a man of God.”

Buddy, this is the problem with our world and humanity. 95 % of the people are saying the same thing but with different views, terms and understanding. They all scream the same thing but due to lack of understanding, comprehension, and communication, they fight one another thinking they have fundamental and antagonistic differences!

Hassan and Hussein Metaphor
(Not Rouhani and Obama!)

The problem is that when Hassan speaks, instead of listening to what Hassan says, Hussein thinks of what to say next! Hassan is talking but Hussein is not listening, yet he is thinking of what to say next! This type of conducting dialogue ends up in misunderstanding, confusion and conflicts. This is the most common way that people conduct dialogue and this is why our world is crushing with conflict. We should talk less and listen more. We should listen to the other party rather than planning our next speech while he is talking! That’s humanity in a nutshell for you.

“From a practical standpoint, the monotheistic religions have dogma they will not let go of. That is why my books appeal to people around the world to pressure religious leaders to unify their beliefs and teach the greatest command given by God - love one another.”

Yes, you should continue the effort to enlighten. It is an uphill battle, yet you simply cannot seize the climbing, just because the hill is steep!

“It will be a fruitful exercise to discuss our viewpoints about religion and God. There is one basic difference between me and you;”

Ahhh are you talking about the fact that:

You are an Ancient Alien Astronaut posing as an Egyptologist Egyptian human,
I am an Ancient Persian God of Evil posing as a journalist human?

“ you tend to hang onto the spiritual view created by past Persian thinkers”

I believe there is a bit of misunderstanding here.

2 points:

A) Ancient Persian Philosophy such as Zarathustra’s philosophy speaks of Ahura Mazda as the “Universal Intelligence” meaning not as a Big Guy sitting in the sky and creating all universes and everything in them, but it is defining the “System” of dynamic, evolving and ever changing progressive interactions between the matters, energies and spirits which has been, is and will be running all universes and making it to functionally go on … This system is not the results of a thinking person’s or thinking entity’s creation, yet the complete system is intelligent!

They system was never created, will never be destroyed and it is always changing forms to evolve. This complete system made up of matters, energies and spirits within itself is intelligent.

B) I, also basically believe in the same thing! I believe that Everything in existence [Matters, Energies and Spirits (elements so far known)], was never created, will not be destroyed and always change forms within and from and to one another to evolve.

There never was or is a creator or an intelligent entity designed and created all. The system within itself is intelligent.

Human mind is simple and elementary. In human mind, everything must have a creator. There is a shoe, then there must be a shoemaker. But in universal concept there is no creator or creation.

The Universal Graph of Existence

The graph is a snake-like entity with no beginning and no end. Each circle of the snake’s body does not fully close but it comes near closing points.

Human mind has a hard time comprehending that something can exist without getting created!

The funny thing is that the same human limited mind also believes in a God that always existed, can never be destroyed and he created all!

As scientists, we say the same thing about the matters and energies, but human’s limited mind simply cannot accept that, yet he accepts a spiritual entity as God with the same criteria!

We offer the human, the sensible and visible matters and energies but he prefers to believe in the not visible and not sensible spiritual being named God!

We as scientists also believe in Spirits and Spirituality. But our spirits cannot exist without matters and energies! In our logical universe, matters and energies created the spirits, not vice versa! Read:

Brain and Mind ... /index.htm

On My Spirituality

My spirituality is not the spirituality of an Abrahamic God and his prophets! My spirituality is the spirituality learned and earned through humanity, martial arts teachings, universal thinking, rational pondering and logically configuring. My spirituality is a world apart from Religious mumbo jumbo, God and his prophets!

“ and, I have no allegiance to any religion except that the original premise of religion was to explain our existence and formulate a moral code to live by.”

Actually you and I are much closer to your belief than what you assume it is my belief! I do not cling to Ancient Persian Philosophies and Religions. I only cling to core teachings of Zarathustra centered in “Universal Intelligence” system as the same system which I believe and refer to as “Evolution”.

In other words, I do not cling to the Ancient Persian Doctrines but I cling to Science. I dig the scientific parts of them.

“Science has nothing to do with ethics and morality but only facts and logic that explains the existence of things.”

Actually I differ.

Science has everything to do with morality!

On Morality

Science has everything to do with Logic.
Logic dictates what is logically Moral.
Rationally Moral thinking and behavior establishes Morality codes.

In formula:

Science => Logic => Morality

Human sense and logic makes us to build a moral code of ethics and morality.

Human logic dictates us on what is moral and what is not! Human has created the Morality. Now the morality can vary, some is upside down (Islamic Morality) and some is more logical (do not commit incest). There is a scientific logic on why not to commit incest (reproductive flaws, ethical bankruptcy, social ramifications, etc.) which has nothing to do with the religion.

Do you honestly believe that if there was never a God, a Religion and a Religious Moral Code in history of the man, then eventually the human animal would have not come to comprehend and write a set of moral codes? Human would eventually come to conclusion and write Moral codes (without religion) through logic.

Think about it,

Morality is more scientific and logic than having anything to do with God and Religion.

Human logic dictates us to be Moral beings:
Do not Kill
Do not commit Incest
Do not steal
Do not cheat
Do not rape

I can go point by point and prove to you that Morality is pure scientific and not religious.

Moral due to Logic not Religion!

Religious people out of ignorance believe that human cannot be moral without religion. They in fact believe that Atheists cannot be moral. It is actually the opposite! Atheists are moral due to logic and not due to the fear of God!

Religious people are moral due to the fear of God and burning in Hell at the Afterlife. If there was no God or Religion, all of these Pious people would eat each other alive, rape, incest, pillage and murder!

Islamic Morality!

Actually Muslims are already doing all the above and all are written in their good book of Quran! Praise be Upon Allah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is only one God and it is the Psychopathic, Mass Murderer, Serial Killer named Allah and he only has one prophet named Muhammad the Jewel of Humanity and the symbol of purity (Incest, Rape, Polygamy, Stealing, Cheating, Murder, etc.)

Allah-o Akbar, Praise be Upon Allah!

The issue of Morality is by itself a wide subject and a discussion by itself. We can attend to the issue of Morality later on and discuss it in depth. I love to do so and I know you are just itching to get down and dirty with this issue.

Morality has always been a controversial issue of debate between philosophers and thinkers of both religious and non religious sides of the aisle.

“That is why I subscribe to the idea that people will always think of some unknown, mysterious, and incomprehensible God to try to understand their own existence.”


God and Religion was created from the fear of unknown by man!

“This topic cannot be covered in just a few paragraphs. However, I look forward and am honored that you have taken the time to write and challenge much of my thinking.”

It is surely enjoyable to debate a wonderful mind such as yours. I enjoy speaking to “People of Brains”!

“I assure you, we are of the same mind,”

Somewhat ….

“ but I am looking for solutions that will bring harmony and peace to people around the world.”

Then shall we call you Mother Theresa? Or Pope Nicholas P. Ginex?

“Nicholas P. Ginex”

Nicholas Professor Ginex

“PS: I understand your reluctance to receive a complimentary copy of my book. Perhaps, through a 3rd party, I could mail you signed, complimentary copies of my books. It would be my pleasure to be honored by the time and efforts you spend writing me.”

Pleasure is mine.
Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Re: Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex & Ahreeman X (Philosophy)

Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Jan 19, 2014 1:40 pm

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects
Part 2: Macro Aspects
Ahreeman X
January 19, 2014

How Everything Came to Existence?
Part 2: Macro Aspects

A Few points from your Post

“I would like to let you know that after reading your article, History of Faravahar, I was able to appreciate why you address yourself as Ahreeman X or AX.”

Hee hee hee Howl! That was my Evil laugh! But seriously, don’t you think I am Ahreeman reincarnated as a human? Besides, Ahreeman is the greatest protector of Ahura Mazda! After all, they are the same entity!

“As you have already discovered, my books deal with the influence of ancient Egyptian beliefs on the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions. Much of what you have written above is compatible with my books. What I was delighted to learn was that there appears to be an Egyptian influence on the moral ideas developed in Persia and an afterlife.”

Egypt is an ancient culture and its influence is visible all over other ancient cultures. Even though Iran has 8000 years of history, yet Faravahar as an Aryan Symbol has appeared during and after the Aryan Migration of Iran:

Aryan Migration

Susa is not Elam ... /index.htm

Therefore, Faravahar and other Aryan concepts were practically nonexistent or little known during the “Local Civilizations of Iran Era”, “Susa City State Era” and “Susa Kingdom Era”.

However, the Egyptian influence came later on during the migration and after the migration.

“Definitely, I am not a Creationist but certainly an Evolutionist. Having been schooled in the sciences, becoming an Electrical Engineer, and having read Cosmos by Carl Sagan, it becomes obvious that all life evolves from matter that is exposed to conditions of heat and water, at least for us humans. As you know, there are billions of galaxies and trillions of planets. A planet first begins as matter caught in the gravitational grasp of a star. It is void of any life until the right conditions of heat from the star initiates moisture and water from whence simple life forms evolve from first the vegetation that emerges both in and out of the water.”

So you are an Evolutionist.

“Regarding whether I am an atheist or agnostic, here again I am neither. I am not an atheist because I have no knowledge that convinces me that God does not exist.”

An Atheist believes in Science. An Atheist is not dogmatic. An atheist believes whatever the science can prove up to this point. If tomorrow the science proves there is a God, then the Atheist believes in God (unlikely)!

The most logical and scientific theory as of now is Evolution. The Evolution denies Creation and God.

My question to you is:

How can you be an Evolutionist but not an Atheist?

A Non Atheist Evolutionist is like a Christian Scientist! It is contradictory!

You are stretching and expanding the philosophical definitions:

Creationist, Evolutionist or Agnostic?
Which is it? What are you?

Humanist is not a philosophical ideology! Humanist does not explain how everything was formed! Humanism is more like a Social Ideology.

“And as for being an Agnostic, this is a state of limbo whereby a person does not know what to believe because of lack of evidence.”


“I am a humanist that takes a practical approach to teach our sisters and brothers to love one another so that we maintain a peaceful world and are able to increase our abilities to better understand ourselves and our world.”

As I stated, Humanism is not really a philosophical ideology.

“ If we are able to do this, we may someday meet other intelligent life in the universe.”


“As I look to the future, perhaps my views are in line with your definition of Zoroastrianism below:

Zoroastrianism is Compatible with Futurism.

Futurism is all about the future, Science, Progress, reality and the truth. Zoroastrianism as a philosophy is also all about the future, Science, Progress, reality and the truth.”

Hey Nicholas, I didn’t know you are my Zoroastrian brother from another mother?!

“With due respect, the above definition is one that has evolved through exposure to the greatest minds after Zoroaster that contributed to define the faith and philosophy of Zoroastrianism. The above definition does not include the belief in God or some Holy Spirit or force that has created all there is. Older beliefs of Zoroastrianism included with the duality of right and wrong the belief in the spirit, angels, and the God Mazda Ahura, “the Wise Lord” and Supreme Being who expresses his will through the Holy Spirit (Spenta Mainyu). From Man’s Religions by John B. Noss, page 341, note 4, he writes:

“But, through Ahura Mazda is supreme, he is not unopposed. This is an important belief of Zoroaster. Over against Asha (Right or Truth) is Druj (the Lie). Truth is confronted with Falsehood, Life with Death. The Good Spirit (Spenta Mainyu) is opposed by Angra Mainyu, literally, “the Bad Spirit.” It is characteristic of the Gathas to lay continual emphasis on the fundamental cleavage in the world of nature and in the life of man between right and wrong, the true religion and the false. This cleavage began at the time Ahura Mazda created the world and established freedom of choice for his creatures.””

As I have stated before, it is vice versa! What is known as the original Zoroastrianism is in fact the revised Zoroastrianism by the Mobeds! The original Zoroastrianism is what I wrote about. No God, No Holy Spirit, No Evil, No Absolute, No Master, No Servant, .... but only “Universal Intelligence”.

What Western scholars know of and discuss about Zoroastrianism is what has been written by Mobeds or in other words, “Mobed’s Revisions” which is today’s Fire Temple Zoroastrianism. This is far from the original Zoroastrianism. Therefore, I did not fail to mention anything but in fact I only mentioned the true original Zoroastrianism which had nothing to do with God, Devil, Holy Spirit and Absolutism.

“Dr. X, you indicated that Zoroastrianism is all about the future but you neglected to include that the God, Mazda Ahura, “the Wise Lord” and Supreme Being, expresses his will through the Holy Spirit (Spenta Mainyu).”

Not so. Everything you read about Zoroastrianism is the Revised Zoroastrianism written not by Zarathustra but by Mobeds. Read between the lines and you will notice what truly Zrathustra wrote!

On Super Natural and Holy Spirit

“ Yes, I believe there is a Holy Spirit that pervades the universe and is the intelligence and force that began the process to evolve both inorganic and organic matter. To me, the Holy Spirit is the essential element of the unknowable, mysterious, and incomprehensible God.”

Allow me to clarify here:

If you believe in a form of Holy Spirit which its entity is “Spirit” and he began the process to evolve both inorganic and organic matters, then by definition, you are not an Evolutionist, yet you are a “Creationist”.

“the Holy Spirit is the essential element of the unknowable, mysterious, and incomprehensible God.”

In other words, you believe that Spirit or Spirits evolved the matters.

Questions come to mind:

- Do you believe Spirits created the matters and energies?

- Do you believe Spirits, Matters and Energies always existed but it was the Spirits (Spirit) which jump started life (as we know it)?

This is where we differ because I believe Spirits cannot exist without matters and energies.

Spirits or a Spirit may have jump started origin of the humanity as the present form but this Spirit was by no means Holy nor he was eternal. In fact this Spirit could have been Alien in forms and he conducted a scientific experiment:

Little Green Men + Neanderthal Primate = Present Human


Aliens + Semi Apes = Missing Link => Present Human

One way or another, this Spirit was responsible only for a small part of the Evolution picture which was creation of the man or Earth creatures but we are talking Universe and Universes (Eternal). No Holy Spirit created or jump started this Evolution.

Nicholas, be honest, are you a closet Creationist?
If so, come out of the closet because it is 2014!

You can’t believe in Evolution and then talk about Holy Spirit!

Evolutionists are Atheists. Evolution and Creation do not match, well, unless you are Senator McCain or a Christian Scientist living in LaLa Land! I doubt if you are alike ….

Confess Nicholas, confess, are you a closet Creationist?
Confess to Ahreeman, it makes your sins lighter!

What True Evolutionists believe is that the system (matters, energies, spirits) are eternal and no Holy Spirit created the system. On the contrary, Spirits cannot exist without matters and energies. In other words, I created God, not vice versa!

“Amen was created by the minds of men who developed this personal God after many centuries believing in many gods. This history in provided in my book Future of God Amen.

Does it mean that you believe that Amun (God) is created by man?

Ginex response: Yes.”

Thanks for clarification.

Does it mean that God created man?

Ginex response: This is a philosophical question and I can best answer it using the perspective of the Persian belief in the God, Ahura Mazda who created the world. To me, there is an intelligence that pervades the universe, which may be defined as a Universal Intelligence. This Universal Intelligence cannot be defined as it began from Energy that evolved into matter starting with the minute particles that make up the atom consisting of neutrons, protons and electrons. That is, I believe Einstein has captured the relation between mass and energy where E=mc2.

I believe Energy was present first to create matter. For me to believe that matter evolved by itself appears to be nonsense. I believe there had to be a force that willed itself into existence and I can only hypothesize that it was Energy. Therefore, I do not subscribe to the idea that matter always existed. Nor do I believe there were gods that established the universe because the next question arises, where did God come from? It remains for science to solve the question did God always exist or was it Energy that formed matter, which later was able to evolve both inorganic matter and organic life where highly developed life forms, like humans, begin to think about their existence. It is the higher life forms that are the crown achievement of this Energy whereby they reach back out to the universe to understand the Energy, a force, that created all there is.”

Now the truth comes out Nicholas!

“ This is a philosophical question and I can best answer it using the perspective of the Persian belief in the God, Ahura Mazda who created the world. To me, there is an intelligence that pervades the universe, which may be defined as a Universal Intelligence. This Universal Intelligence cannot be defined as it began from Energy that evolved into matter starting with the minute particles that make up the atom consisting of neutrons, protons and electrons. That is, I believe Einstein has captured the relation between mass and energy where E=mc2.”

Universal Intelligence does not mean Holy Spirit.

“I believe Energy was present first to create matter. For me to believe that matter evolved by itself appears to be nonsense.”

No one says Matters evolved on their own, but it is the interaction between energies and matters throughout millions of years which created the present form Earth, plants and Animals in it.

“I believe there had to be a force that willed itself into existence and I can only hypothesize that it was Energy.”

Your view of looking at this issue is beginning to sound like a Creationist point of view.

Ants World Metaphor

No one willed himself to be created, come to life and exist. Energy and Matter are life but different forms of life. Energy is a force, a powerful force. Combination of Energy and Matter gave life to the creatures. This is neither a miracle, nor an amazing element which has occurred! Life as you know it occurs around the universe all the times. Just because we do not witness it, then it does not mean that it is not happening at all times.

We are only one animal amongst many animals of a planet in the solar system, amongst many solar systems in our galaxy of Milky Way amongst many galaxies in our universe amongst many other universes to infinity!

What are the odds of us witnessing life elsewhere? Especially with our primitive forms of transportations around the space?

What are the odds of an ant witnessing a human walking? Ants in their ant world never look above and if they do, what are the odds of seeing humans? Ants live in woods, deserts and non human living environments (mostly).

This is where the human brain comes up with assumptions that there must be a creator who created everything! Simply because the miracle of life, looks amazing to human but the reality is that life occurs all the times in millions of spots around the eternal universe. We are like ants in an ant farm (Earth). We have not seen anything of this system yet; therefore, we come up with these wonderful illogical theories and stories of Holy Spirit, Creator, Spiritual Force, etc.

Life is Simple

Buddy, life is a simple chemical interaction which occurs all the time. Our small brains have so far did not discover the proper formula to this interaction, so we refer to it as amazing and a miracle.

We are also looking at it from a wrong point of view. This is not a simple interaction which can be and was done in one day but it was through millions and billions of years. However, today we are cloning and seriously working to create life. One day we will laugh at how elementary we were, thinking that a Super Natural Force was involved in creation of life! The only Super Natural Force involved, is what we have so far not comprehended and one day we will be able to explain it scientifically.

Supernatural is what we have not scientifically discovered and explained yet!

Scientific Theory and Law

“Therefore, I do not subscribe to the idea that matter always existed.”

So you defy Laws of Physics? Conservation Law of Matters and Energies?

“Matters and Energies have never been created, will never be destroyed, yet they always change forms to one another.”
(Conservation Law of Matters and Energies)

Do you deny the laws of physics? And you call yourself an Evolutionist?

Please understand that this is not a theory but a law. A Law of Science is Fact and not Science Fiction or Theory.

You see, I told you that you are a closet Creationist. Now you deny Science by denying Laws of Science.

“Nor do I believe there were gods that established the universe”

Now you sound like an Agnostic but you mock Agnostics!

“because the next question arises, where did God come from?”


“ It remains for science to solve the question did God always exist or was it Energy that formed matter, which later was able to evolve both inorganic matter and organic life where highly developed life forms, like humans, begin to think about their existence. It is the higher life forms that are the crown achievement of this Energy whereby they reach back out to the universe to understand the Energy, a force, that created all there is.”

Created all there is .....

Do you see why I call you a Closet Creationist?

Buddy, your philosophical view of the universe is similar to a Creationist’s View. You try hard not to believe so, and you try hard to polish your beliefs in a manner that it appears scientific; however, deep inside, you view, sound, argue, example and declare as a Creationist.

Conservation Law of Matters and Energies

Allow me to explain to you a simple logic,

It is not Science’s job to prove anything. It is our job as logical human beings, as logical thinking creatures, to come up with logical analysis of the Universe.

As Scientists and Rational Minds, we always seek for answers and seek to come up with Facts; however, to get there, we create theories. The Scientific Theories are the most logical steps (of the time being) to reach to the “Facts”. Once we discover these theories, eventually we establish “Laws”. Scientific Laws aid us to reach to the Scientific Facts.

Human mind has a hard time comprehending and picturing that Everything in existence has always existed and no one ever created it. The total amount of matters and energies have always been the same but they were and are dynamically changing forms. Matters and Energies never been created and will never be destroyed. They just change shape and forms. The only way the matter seems like it has disappeared is due to changing to “Anti Matter” but even in that situation, it is only changing form. The total amount of all elements (including Anti Matter) are still the same.

You see Life forms on Earth including you, tell to yourself, Wow, what amazing miracle is the creation. Someone must have created all this!

But we must change our view of the world. We look at the Universe from a microscopic point of view of little ants in the ant farm of Earth, a little planet in a little solar system in a galaxy named Milky Way. There is more to the picture, much more. Just because we did not discover everything about it, it does not mean that our cockamamie stories of God and Holy Spirits are true!

A Scientist and a Scientific Person always believes in the latest scientific theory. If tomorrow this theory proven wrong, then they believe in the most up-to-dated theory, but one thing is for sure, they always believe in the latest scientific theory. This is called belief in Change, Dynamics, Evolution and Logic.

I cannot set aside the science and logic and hang on to Unknown hypothesis, based on no rational system, when it suits me! This is not the scientific way!
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Re: Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex & Ahreeman X (Philosophy)

Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:01 pm

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects, General Aspects
Part 3: General Aspects
Ahreeman X
January 19, 2014

How Everything Came to Existence?
Part 3: General Aspects

Seasonal Evolutionists

You cannot believe in Evolution as it suits you but one minute later, you preach about the Holy Spirit! This is contradiction and conflict in one’s beliefs. This is what Christian Scientists or Marxist Islamists (Iranian Mojahedin Organization) do and the very terms of these two beliefs are contradiction in contradiction. Science and Christianity do not mix and match, nor do Islam and Marxism!

It all comes down to are you a Creationist, Evolutionist or Agnostic?

Black and White

I understand that you do not like Black and White and you believe in Areas of Gray, but in this life, we have Blacks and Whites until we discover Areas of Gray!

Ginex Analysis

You hate to call yourself a Creationist because you are too logical to admit it!
You love to call yourself an Evolutionist but your belief system is far from it!
You clearly mock Agnostics but in many ways you keep on sounding like one!

We are all evolving in our belief system, mentally and physically. This is called human Evolution. Like it or not, it is happening. Soon or late you will drop in one camp. Like it or not, admit it or not, it all shows from your actions, your speeches, your debates and your conducts.

Soon or late you are destined to step out of the Areas of Gray and decide Black or White!

“Dr. X, as you know, civilizations around the world have conjured up the idea of a god or gods, but Egyptian religious beliefs and Amen are the roots of the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions. Of course, religious leaders of these three faiths will deny this revelation by Jesus because they believe they worship the only true God.”

And obviously you are very keen on Jesus.

As long as you are very keen on Jesus, allow me to state some facts here which has been obscured from you and all. Did you know that:

On Christianity and Mithraism

Mitraism (Mithraism) was an Ancient Persian Religion which was created in Iran and later on exported to India, Greece, Rome and rest of the civilized world. Mitra (Mithra) the ancient Persian Sun Goddess was a powerful Goddess. Mitra was both Female and Male (Transgender).

Persian Mythology ... /index.htm

Allow me to quote myself:

Devolution of Gender in Persia

Multi Genderism was a norm in Ancient Persia. Multi Genderism and Various Verity of Genders, were a fact of life since The Ancient Civilizations (Pre Vedai) Era (6000 BC - 2000 BC). In ancient times, Iranians did not have the present moral taboos! In Iranian society, had existed: Male, Female, Both Female and Male (Bi Gender), Neither Female nor Male (Neuter), Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Transvestite and various other types of Gender Identities.
So were the Gods and Goddesses. We had:

Male Masculine Gods (Ahreeman)
Female Feminine Goddesses (Anahita)
Bi Gender Goddesses (Mitra)
Neuter Gods (Zurvan)
Male Feminine Gods (Indira)
Female Masculine Goddesses (Allatum)

Iranian Gods and Goddesses were a representation of the Non Gender Bias Iranian Society. There was no Gender Discrimination in Iran. Iranians were free of Gender issues; furthermore, Iranians believed in endless variety of Gender Forms. Women were the most valuable in the Iranian society. Ancient Iranian society did not see the gender issue as Black and White, Male or Female! Iranians believed in freedom of All Genders, including Male, Female, In Between, Bi Gender, No Gender, Feminine, Masculine, Hetero, Homo, Transgender, Transvestite and various other forms. In ancient Iranian civilization, Aryans were living beyond the petty gender issues.

Now let’s see, Christianity is couple millenniums old but Mitraism goes back millenniums before Christianity!

Once again allow me to quote myself:

Christianity is based on Persian Philosophy of Mitraism!

The complete philosophy, doctrine and base for Christianity has been borrowed from the ancient Persian Philosophy of Mitraism (Mithraism.) According to Persian Mythology, Goddess Anahita is the Immaculate Virgin Mother of Goddess Mitra. Christians practically borrowed their doctrine and Holy Scriptures from Ancient Persian Mythology.

Christian Church and scholars only changed the Divine Persian names to Christian names! They named "Anahita" as their Virgin Mary and they named "Mitra" as their Jesus Christ! The bases for the Christian Doctrine and writings in many versions of Bible, written by Christian Scholars and Saints has been practically borrowed (Stolen) material from Persian Mythology and Mithraism! This is documented history. So basically Christianity stole its doctrine from Persians. Later on Mohammed (Islam) stole his complete doctrine from bits and pieces of Torah (Jewish Holy Book) and Bible (Christian Holy Book)! For instance, various prayers, fasting, Allowed and Forbidden foods, scriptures, holy events, biblical history and other documents in Islam were all stolen from Judaism and Christianity. Now if you search for all the roots of everything, even mono thesis, it comes from Persian Doctrines of Mithraism, Vedaiism and Zoroastrianism. It all goes back to Persian Philosophies! Why do majority of public not know all this? Because the public has no clue about history. They do not even know what they had for supper a few nights ago! Yes my friends, It all goes back to Persian Philosophies!

* Mitra was the daughter of the virgin Goddess Anahita.
* Jesus was the son of the virgin mother Mary!

* Mitra was born on December 25th.
* Jesus was born on December 25th.

* Mitraists were having bread and wine at Mitraist Temples.
* Christians are having bread and wine at communions in churches!

And many more similarities…

So what are they? Coincidences or thieveries? The whole Bible is copy/pasted!

Does direct copy/pasting of the Persian Philosophy of Mitraism sounds familiar?

Christianity is not a religion, yet it is a storybook made for adults. Even this storybook is not an original, yet a fake one, copied from the Persian Philosophy of Mitraism!

After reading this research, it will be all clear to you of how primarily Christianity and then Islam copy/pasted much of their holy books from ancient Persian philosophies of Mithraism, Vedaiism and Zoroastrianism!”

I rest my case!

“Yes, I agree with you that the dogma of religions do more harm than create peace, harmony, and understanding by inciting bigotry, hatred, violence and the deaths of innocent people. But I know that the belief in God will exist no matter how much logic is presented. So I attempt to challenge the R&Rs to the point of embarrassment of their dogma so that they will understand that they are at the root of much discontent around the world. The R&Rs must revise their scriptures or they will eventually stagnate and die because people like you and me will continue to exist and will grow in numbers to the point that they have no alternative but to update their scriptures. I do not take the atheist or agnostic position, which is to do nothing to inform and educate people about the abominations in scripture. There are better ways to conceive God and lead moral lives. God is unknowable, mysterious, and incomprehensible. It is only by the freedom of thought, logic, and the sciences can we learn to better understand the intelligence or God that created all there is.”

In other words you are stating that humanity is too primitive not to believe in God; therefore, we must hand them some type of God to believe in, keep civilized, be moral and to be functional. Without a God, their little lives will shatter and they seize to function as productive beings. Humanity will be like lost little children without their belief in a God or a myth.

I also somewhat believed in your theory. That is why I suggested to replace Islam with Zoroastrianism in Iran. If they must believe in a myth, then at least believe in a civilized myth (Zoroastrianism) than a blood thirsty barbarian myth (Islam)!

However now, I concentrate more on evolving the people, educating the people and informing them, so they can dump all superstition, religions and Gods in the dumpster of history (I know you love that metaphor)!

“I do not believe we can dump any or all beliefs about God because who or what will replace the moral code people need to live by?”

In a distant future:

Logic, Rationality and Free Thinking will replace all myths and Gods.

This is called Human Evolution.

By the way,

Ancient Aliens Theory

I always wanted to ask you, I am sure you have seen all 4 series of “Ancient Aliens” on the History International Channel. So what is your take on it?

Here’s my take on it:

Alien Factor ... /index.htm

“Do you really want to dump the duality code of morality and eliminate the belief in a Supreme Intelligence, which is embodied in the God Ahura Mazda? Do we leave it up to a "free for all" for people to decide what is best for them or do people need education and direction of a proven code of ethics and morality? To dump religion all together is like going from the pan into the fire because independent thinking may not be from loving and sincere hearts but those who continue to cheat and live off the efforts of others.”

I can see where you are coming from. Humanity will be lost without God and Religion. You got a point. However, I prefer to evolve humanity to the point that it does not need a God to escape to, become slave to, and plan his whole life around this God to exist.

I do not believe Strong Minds are in need of a God to be moral, to live and to function by. Weak minds are in need of Gods, why not make everyone strong minded?

“Ginex response: You're right Dr. X, but I refuse to put my head in the sand or throw up my hands in defeat. My mission is to inform and educate people about the history of God and spread the Word of God – love one another.”

That is why you are such an admirable person and a valuable scholar.

“The question arises, is there a purpose for this unknown force to evolve inorganic matter and organic life? Does the Universe have as its ultimate goal, the desire to create life that can understand and appreciate the power of Its creation? Hence, I believe in the philosophical idea that intelligence pervades the universe and it is the Spirit of God. I do not believe in any gods but this unknowable, mysterious and incomprehensible God. We, as human beings, should live lives that emulate truth, love and harmony so that someday we may visit or be visited by living life forms from other worlds. I dare say, are we humans ready for such an experience or will we, through ignorance and fear, try to destroy such life forms?”

Again you are reading too much in to the story. This is just the way the system is. There is no mystery; there is no hidden plan or purpose. There is no destiny. There is no supreme intelligence with a special plan for us. This is simply how the Evolution works. This is how any planet Evolves. This is how creatures on a planet Evolve. This is how Humanity Evolves. We are just a small part of a greater picture. We are part of a Greater System. This is how Universe works. No mystery, No Higher Power, No Plans, No Destiny, No Gods. The system within itself is intelligent and that is why we refer to it as the “Universal Intelligence”.

Now if by Gods, you are talking about Aliens who possibly created us, then if we believe in this theory, I agree with you. There is a purpose and as genetically engineered creatures, we are results of an experiment for Aliens to see how far we can evolve from Apes!

“Ginex response: You need to be careful with this statement, “Every single prophet in history of mankind was and is a charlatan.” Such a statement casts Zoroaster as a charlatan. Many prophets simply wanted to direct humans into a better life by providing a philosophy that explains the origin of the universe and provide a moral code based upon a universal intelligence or God. To simply say there is a universal intelligence without associating this intelligence with some entity, such as a force or energy I call God does not make the idea of Universal Intelligence superior.”

Zarathustra was not a prophet but a simple poet and a philosopher. So I do not include Zarathustra amongst the Charlatans!

However, I can also see your point. Some of these prophets tried to direct the mankind for the better. They put the concept of “Universal Intelligence” the best that they could as a “God”.

“Your statement, “Morality has nothing to do with religion! Logic destines you to be a decent moral person. You do not need religion to be moral!” believes Logic can be the foundation to be a decent moral person. This is not so when what is logical to one person is ridiculous to another. Who is to say which man’s Logic is superior to another’s? Morality has nothing to do with religion but it is the idea of a Supreme Intelligence or God that endorses morality. It so happens that it is a Priesthood, rather than a Government or Ruler, that provides the linkage between God and morality. Certainly, it is not science because moral codes of behaviour have nothing to do with science. It is the years of experience that mankind has developed the moral codes of behaviour to live in harmony with others.”

You are correct. Morality varies by historical era, location, ideology, culture and society; however, after passage of history, according to each his own era, there is a acceptable and logical code of morality to the creatures (in our case humans) who live in that time era. Eventually a certain code of ethics and morality becomes acceptable to the majority and this code will become the guideline of morality on that planet let’s say Earth on any certain era.

Religion may play an important role in it but religion is not necessarily the major factor to write this code. Human logic is the major factor to write this code.

God is a myth.
Religion is a superstition.
Prophets are charlatans.

God did not create everything.

Ginex response: God is a belief and a belief becomes real to the extent that people are willing to give up their lives or take the life of others for that belief. I do not know if it was God or an Energy Force that created everything. But when an Energy Force wills into existence matter that finally evolves into living life forms, I can define that Energy Force as being God. Do you have a better name for this Energy Force? It is wise to use this concept to define a God that has a purpose, which is to evolve intelligent life that may someday reach out to the universe and learn to comprehend, as creatures of this force that we should strive to be the best we can be by teaching justice, righteousness, truth, and learn to love one another.”

Nicholas, have you heard yourself? I did!

Again over here you slipped and unveiled your true nature as a Creationist!

God that has a purpose?
God that wants to evolve us?
So we can be the best that we can be?
So we can be good servants to our Supreme Master?

Everything (Matters, Energies and Spirits) have always existed.

Ginex response: Dr. X you need to be careful with the statement, “Everything (Matters, Energies and Spirits) have always existed.” I do not believe Spirits or Matter have always existed. However, there had to be a beginning, and that would have to be Energy. Call it Intelligence, if you would, but it is the will to exist, to create life by designing the building block of inorganic and organic matter – the atom, which evolves higher forms of life that may learn to understand the source of all creation.”

Matters, Energies and Spirits are what science has so far discovered as elements of our universe. In the future, if we discover more, then I will state them and include them in my writings. Spirits may have not always existed because they cannot exist without matters (Brain and Mind example); however, matters have always existed because all Universes were not all as a simple form of energy like a sun or a mass planet before the Big Bang. Maybe our universe was, but not all universes. There had to be existing matters which existed eternally.

You also throw the term creation in a manner that living creatures are the beginning of creation; however, life comes in different forms and some we have not discovered yet. Energy is life, huge suns in the space with variety and vast amounts of complex chemical interactions of gas and other elements are life, plants are life, trace of microscopic spiders from Mars are life, system of solar system with its detailed roots, gravity and patterns is life, all and all are life but in different format than complex animal life. Maybe we think Earth as a planet is not alive and it is only water, dirt and oxygen and .... but what is life after all? Earth is a living planet! Isn’t Earth alive?

Same goes for many other elements in the universe. Life is an intriguing issue and its definition is vast. What is life and what is not?

“Ginex response: Gee, the statement, “This is religion for you, pure garbage.” is rather harsh because it condemns traditions that exist with many different people around the globe. I agree with your conclusion, but by nature I am a uniter; one that looks at the problem and tries to find ways to redirect religion on the path to encourage truth, embrace the sciences, and provide the knowledge for people to live in harmony whereby they are able to develop their God-given gifts for the benefit of mankind. Yes, Dr. X you are more realistic than I, but I love all people and seek ways to have them learn to love one another. Gee, I believe the command given by Jesus three times in the Gospel of John is the greatest command given to man – love one another.”

The statement is harsh but it is true.

You seem to have your faith in humanity but I have lost my faith in humanity a long ago! Generally speaking, humanity is what is destroying this planet. I prefer plants over humans!

Love one another? Brotherly love? Nicholas, you are a good human being but for a conservative, you are way too liberal! Are you a conservative?

Survival in the Jungle

I understand that you do much good and charitable work and make many lonely, elderly and ill people happy. You are a good human and a humanist. You are most likely a pacifist and possibly a libertarian.

But, in my line of work and in “Real Life”, you cannot turn the other cheek (Jesus Style)!

You see, Liberal America is fighting a politically correct and a civilized war while Islamists are finding infidels any where they can and behead them! This is why the West is losing this war to Islam.

West is talking human rights and civil rights for Muslim Terrorists, and Muslims are beheading the infidels and consider them as cockroaches!

Humanity versus Sheer Brutal Violence

Civilized World versus Islam

Go figure who wins!

Hitler Said ...

Hitler used to say,
“Why our religion (Westerners) must be the religion of slavery (Christianity). Why our religion is not aggressive, offensive, war loving, man making and conquering like Islam? I wish our religion was Islam!”

Eye for an Eye!

Western Liberal Pacifism and Islam do not match. They are incompatible.

Double Dose of Violence is the answer to the Islamic Violence.

Buddy, if I was thinking like you and doing what I do, then I would have been dead 2 decades ago! Anybody who was anyone as far as the Iranian opposition leaders, philosophers and doers including my masters and predecessors have already been assassinated by the IRI and Hezbollah. All are dead, Hoveyda, Bakhtiar, Shafiq, etc.

The only reason that I am still alive is because:

A) Ahreeman doesn’t play that game!
B) Ahreeman is extremely violent.
C) Ahreeman retaliates with extreme prejudice.

Actually I am not prejudiced but I believe:

“Kill them all, let Allah sort them out!”

So it is not Eye for an Eye, but with me it is:

4 Eyes for an Eye!

I am far from humanitarian, pacifist, brotherly loved, animal rights, environmentalist, tree hugger, liberal, isolationist, and turn the other cheek!

I am about Darwinism, Social Darwinism, Survival of the Fittest, Strong Survives and Weak Dies, Top of the Food Chain, Law of the Jungle, Animal Laws and Evolution.

Throughout my personal life, political life and social life ... a few times I went all the way to Hell and Back to life, had near death experiences, been down but not out, been down in the gutter and been at the bottom of the food chain, yet I dug my way out of the grave, burned like a phoenix from the ashes of defeat and climbed my way from the bottom back to the top of the food chain. I am a survivor. I learned to survive in the street and in harsh climates and environments. Evolutionary speaking, I have mutated to be the fittest, to survive the death. With me, it is all about the Survival, and survival not for personal gains and personal health, but survival to continue my mission.

The Question?

It is essential for me to live to complete my mission. This mission will be completed with or without me, but let’s be frank. Without me, the road will be rocky, the weather will be hazy and it will take twice a time for this mission to be completed! With me alive, this mission will take sooner to be completed, it will be completed properly and it will be completed smoothly.

Above statement is not arrogance but it is fact. What I do, makes a huge difference in changing the minds of the future generation. I can change a future Islamist Fundamentalist to a Free Thinker.

Do you like Mathematics and odds? I do! Math is logic.

You are an unbiased person; let me ask you a question:

Question: Are the odds of a future progressive and “globally accepted” desired Iran as a regional and a continental power to coexist with the globe rather than being the central heart of the global Islamist Fundamentalist Movement, better or worse?

A) With Ahreeman alive and IPC Operating?

B) With Ahreeman dead and IPC not operating?

Simple question, simple answer, and it has nothing to do with arrogance or modesty but it has everything to do with rationality and realism, Shoot?

“Ginex response: Dear Dr. X, I am fully aware of Muslim extremists that will want to silence my voice and eliminate the book Allah, We, Our and Us from being read by people all around the globe. But to take my life would be a mistake because the book will gain even more notice and become a best seller in many countries. The best way for Muslim Imams, Caliphs, and Mullahs to act is to challenge any portion of the book and try to reveal it has no merit or truth. This book provides verses directly out of the Qur’an and it would be a sign of arrogance to try to have people believe other than what the Qur’an reveals.”

Not to worry, Jesus loves you and Holy Spirit will protect you from the Islamist harm, but in case they fail to do so, then just call your local gun dealer and stock up on Ammo, either that or provide the Semi Autos and grenade launchers (my favourites) and call Satan (Ahreeman). I’ll be your honey suckle, will you be my Daisy?

Yes brother, Jesus loves you but Smith and Wesson will protect you!

“Ginex response: Unfortunate but true. You are correct that Islam is a disease as it motivates Muslims to kill innocent people who do not believe in Allah.”

Amen brother Nick, Amen!

Can I have a Halleluiah? Can I have an Amen?!

“Ginex response: Dear Dr. X, I am honored that you have taken the time to learn more about me and wrote detailed comments that allow me to understand your views and to give my own beliefs additional thought. This is an opportunity to learn from a highly educated man about Persian religious beliefs.”

If you only knew how much time it took! But you are well worth it. You are a gentleman and a scholar. One must debate people of intellect so he can learn something from them and that is why I am debating you.

“Thank you.”

You are most welcome.

“Your conversations with me may stimulate others to think about God not as a Lord above all but simply the Creator and Maker of All there is. Can we make God proud of His creations? Perhaps, someday science, moral behaviour, and a spiritual belief in God can be combined to improve our social outlook and ethical behaviour.”

Here you go with God and Scripture again!

“Nicholas P. Ginex”

Pope Nicholas Ginex?

But you are absolutely correct. These debates will attract a huge number of Curious people, Hungry people for knowledge, intellectuals, scholars and most important, the youth to read them and question everything that they have been taught at school so far! Debate and Argumentation is good and productive. Everyone learns something from it.

Nicholas, you are far from dogmatic and in fact you are very open minded and this makes you a productive scholar.

More power to you and All Free Thinkers

“Many are schooled, yet only a few are truly educated.”

Amen Brother!

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Re: Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex & Ahreeman X (Philosophy)

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:49 pm

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X – Jan 20-30, 2014

Greetings Dr. Ahreeman X,

This is a response to your e-mail of January 19, 2014 on the IPC link below:

I had planned to respond sooner but time was taken to review the files provided for my next book, Allah, We, Our and Us and, my wife and I baby-sitting two grandchildren Monday through Thursday.

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex & Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
by Ahreeman X » Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:24 pm

Dialogue Response by Nicholas Ginex to Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Ginex response Jan 31, 2014

How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Part 1: Micro Aspects (Introduction)

I am honoured that you have accepted me as your peer to engage in the philosophical debate of morality, existence of a Universal Intelligence, understand and deal with the Islamic threat, and how people worldwide may learn to live together in harmony.

By you elevating my being as a valuable author, philosopher, and free thinker, I feel highly flattered as it is you that has far exceeded scholarship with books and articles dealing with religion and ethics. It feels nice and gratifying to receive a pat on the back from a man of your intellectual background and worldly experience.

You wrote a very important passage, “This debate and debates such as this are not only beneficial for Nicholas and I, because we learn a thing or two from one another but they are most beneficial for “All” to learn a thing or two from the debate; however, they are crucially educational for the youth, because after reading this or similar debates, they shall begin to question everything which they have been taught in school and they will start researching to make up their own minds about various issues. This debate and similar debates such as this will provide you the stepping stones as the primary steps to do critical thinking, independent thinking and free thinking to build your opinion based on rationality and facts. Feel free to read, follow the thread and to participate.”

I have addressed you as Dr. X, but I believe you do not glorify yourself with “Doctor” and prefer Ahreeman, Ahreeman X, or AX. I will use Ahreeman and you may simply refer to me as Nicholas. NG is a mnemonic that I avoid. As an Engineering Aide for an engineering company I was requested to initial my approval of changes with NPG instead of NG because it appears to indicate “No Good.” P stands for my middle initial “Paul,” which may imply for NPG, “Nicholas Pretty Good.” I like Nicholas because it also associates me with Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas), which I enjoyed being for my four daughters in their early years. The most precious moments were being able to look straight into their faces and see their eyes of wonder as I held them and sang Jingle Bells and Silent Night.

Ahreeman, like you, I am a traditionalist of sorts because I enjoy the many different ways humans of different cultures express their joy. I always sample food from different cultures because I contend if they like it there must be a flavor that I must learn to appreciate. This is a wonderful world if we all learn to accept one another as human beings worthy of love and compassion. Why limit yourself to one group of people when by accepting all people the world becomes a bigger playground and one where you can choose from many of the opposite sex to realize happiness.

I must share a few thoughts to your subtitle, “A Word with Nicholas Ginex.”

Ahreeman, it appears that you are perceptive about my nature as you describe the personal time I spent singing and playing the guitar for people in nursing homes and care centers. However I did not bring them cookies, flowers and presents just myself in a black pair of pants, a frilly white shirt and black patented leader shoes. But in addition to singing, I loved to talk to them and give them the attention few people take time to do. I performed for a full hour and did receive $30 to $40 dollars and many times performed for nothing. I felt as a matter of fairness a little money for my travel by car and my dry cleaning bills was a way to feel appreciated. But I must say, I had memories of my grandmother who loved to sing and it was this exposure that made me relate to older people. The smiles on their faces and joy in their eyes were treasures that made me feel worthy as a human being. As you wrote, my gift of music for the elderly made “me feel good about myself.”

Now Ahreeman, I come to your subtitle, “You are a Better Man than I.”

Do not sell yourself short; you are a man among men. I could not do the amount of work you put in to construct a website with the aim to inform and educate people about wonderful Persian traditions and knowledge they contributed to the human race. We are all different with different gifts. Your technical knowledge and a grasp of Persian history captures and provides for those who thirst knowledge, an avenue to quench that thirst. Spending time to research the truth about the past is not a selfish act but one of discipline, objectiveness, and desire to teach others of what you have learned.

Your hope for not just Iran but for a better world is one I wish for success. It is my hope that people will realize that we are all human beings and should try to make each succeeding generation more educated, loving, and compassionate.

I do like the use of “Amen” at the end of your writing. It shows you have not completely discarded the significance of this Egyptian God.

Ahreeman, I comment on your subtitle, “Change.”

You were not born a rebel but through circumstances in life you were tailored to be a rebel. Nobody is born to be a saint, a rebel, or anything else. It is how we are brought up in our formative years that the mind, as a blackboard, receives knowledge and the heart receives and is nurtured with love and understanding. It is the mothers and fathers of each generation that need to be schooled in ethics, morality, and respect for integrity and truth. Until our educational system opens the doors to honor these attributes and advances an education that teaches objectivity and scrutiny of information we will forever go around in circles.

Like you, I hope and work for better days. As difficult as it may be, to not try to have human beings aspire to the next stage of development is to be dead, void of purpose.

My comments to your subtitle, “Dear Nicholas.”

Yes, as a first time using your website, I was not aware of use of the “Quote” button. Sorry that you almost got blinded by the light of Amen in trying to follow my responses to your comments.

Your subsection, “BB Code Guide” was very instructive. However, it would be easier if I could simply paste a Word created document, fully annotated with bold and color type directly into a Response Reply. Most writers prefer to create a document on MicroSoft Word and paste it into a Response Reply.

Regarding the subtitle, B) Get an Avatar.

It seems you have already added a photo of me on the website reply to your e-mail. I will add a photo of myself on the e-mail that provides this response so that my article has a face.

Ahreeman, you answered my comment, “You tend to hang onto the spiritual view created by past Persian thinkers.” with the following response:

“(A) Ancient Persian Philosophy such as Zarathustra’s philosophy speaks of Ahura Mazda as the “Universal Intelligence” meaning not as a Big Guy sitting in the sky and creating all universes and everything in them, but it is defining the “System” of dynamic, evolving and ever changing progressive interactions between the matters, energies and spirits which has been, is and will be running all universes and making it to functionally go on … This system is not the results of a thinking person’s or thinking entity’s creation, yet the complete system is intelligent!

This system was never created, will never be destroyed and it is always changing forms to evolve. This complete system made up of matters, energies and spirits within itself is intelligent.

B) I, also basically believe in the same thing! I believe that Everything in existence [Matters, Energies and Spirits (elements so far known)], was never created, will not be destroyed and always change forms within and from and to one another to evolve.
There never was or is a creator or an intelligent entity designed and created all. The system within itself is intelligent.”

To your response, I agree that the system was never created but evolved beginning with the smallest particles partially discovered in the study of quantum mechanics. These are the smallest particles that make up the elements of an atom, the building block of all inorganic and organic matter. Where I differ with your belief, is that I do not subscribe to the existence of Spirits along with Energy and Matter. Spirits are a human concept that connotes mysterious entities similar to gods used to explain an intelligence that created an evolving system or all there is.

I believe there was a beginning from possibly nothing. Energy and Matter did not always exist and merely change form. I believe there is an intelligence that forms with the development of Energy and Matter and it has successfully been able to form forces, such as electromagnetic waves and gravity that is inherent within the design of the atom. Scientists are investigating the mathematics and existence of string particles as the earliest particles that developed higher forms of particles that began to have positive and negative properties. The time it took to develop particles large enough to form gases and clouds that merged to form matter is incomprehensible.

At our present stage of the universe, I have come to believe that we now have a self-sustaining universe, which did not begin with the “Big Bang.” Scientists have observed that there are quasars, pulsars, and black holes. Explosions from these phenomenons expel gases, matter, and energy back out into the universe whereby massive clouds become the bed for the birth of new stars. Therefore, it is short-sighted to believe that it all started from a massive big ball to cause the big bang.

Ahreeman, you wrote that “the complete system is intelligent.” This is a deduction based upon the evolving of inorganic matter and organic life forms on our planet and surely many other planets throughout the universe. When living life forms appear, capable of thinking and gaining an understanding of themselves and their world, they begin to reach out to the expanse of the universe to try to understand how it all began and question if there is intelligence that pervades the universe. The duality principles of good and bad, love and hate, heaven and hell, seem to be counterparts to negative and positive properties of matter. As Zoroaster appeared to believe, there is a balance between these duel forces that must be maintained in order to attain a successful life.

Ahreeman, the wrote an interesting idea, “We as scientists also believe in Spirits and Spirituality. But our spirits cannot exist without matters and energies!”

I do not believe scientists believe in Spirits and Spirituality. At least, I surely don’t. The idea of a spirit is a man-made concept similar to the idea of a soul. Religious leaders have developed the concept of a soul to extend their belief in immortality or an infinite future with their god after death. Variations of the soul concept are that it can return into another life form based upon the previous life being spent doing greater works than bad acts.
I do believe that the mind can generate thought waves that can be intercepted by others who have the same or similar nature. As long as the mind functions, all things are possible for it has the ability to construct ideas and theories that may be realized. But once it stops functioning, like all other matter, it becomes part of the universe to be transformed into other energy and matter. Sorry, but as my father would say, when your dead your dead.

Ahreeman, regarding your thoughts “On My Spirituality,” I believe you conceive that your spirit consists of what you have “learned and earned through humanity, martial arts teachings, universal thinking, rational pondering and logically configuring.” However, these are human learnings that have nothing to do with the Spirit. You have groomed yourself with worthwhile interests in humanity, sciences, and logical thinking. This forms an intelligent human being without any need of Spirit. It is your mind that is precious and your heart that makes your body act – not your spirit, which is simply a concept, a construct of the mind that people have been taught by religious leaders to believe is another entity.

Ahreeman, you offer some worthwhile thoughts on Morality. You provided the following:

Science has everything to do with morality!
Science has everything to do with Logic.
Logic dictates what is logically Moral.
Rationally Moral thinking and behavior establishes Morality codes.

In formula: Science => Logic => Morality

Human sense and logic makes us to build a moral code of ethics and morality.
Morality is more scientific and logic than having anything to do with God and Religion.

Moral due to Logic not Religion!

Ahreeman, I do equate science with facts and logic built upon facts. However, science does not lead to moral behavior. Moral behavior never relied on science and logic to be accepted by a community of people. True, moral behavior has been linked to a way to be accepted by a higher entity called god. But also, many different communities that had no formal religion had developed modes of conduct so that they could live together in harmony. But it had nothing to do with science or even logic. It was simply a way to exist and live together in peace.

You make a good point that Muslims have a moral code but their code encourages bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people who do not believe in their god Allah. Muslims use the logic that they have the only true religion and therefore want to subjugate all other people with their religion. But this is logic gone astray. What is logical to one people is illogical to another. Logic is built upon premises and many times the premises are faulty. Logic is not a science. It is the way people have been brought up to conceive the world. It is science that eliminates faulty logic by dealing with known and repeatable facts.

What is moral in one community may not be acceptable in another and this becomes apparent when we contrast one religion with another. Moral codes vary by how extreme one community is brought up over another. Therefore I do not believe it is science and logic that defines morality. It is the experience of “hard knocks” in the real world that communities learn to coexist with one another. Their experience leads to the development of a moral code acceptable to all and has nothing to do with science or logic. Yes, common sense plays a big part. But here too, few people are able to use common sense as they go through life making one mistake after another. Education is key to teach ethics, integrity, justice and truth. These are not scientific facts but behavior patterns to lead wholesome productive lives.

Ahreeman, in response to my writing, “but I am looking for solutions that will bring harmony and peace to people around the world.” you wrote the following few lines that made me laugh:

“Then shall we call you Mother Theresa? Or Pope Nicholas P. Ginex?”

Ha, ha. That was good. I am not a pope, a saint, or a prophet and prefer you just call me Nicholas.
We now review your thoughts and comments of our dialogue referred to as,

Part 2: Macro Aspects

A Few points from your Post

Aryan Migration

Mr. Ahreeman, I found your maps provided a clear understanding when Aryans migrated into early Persian life by entering the Susa kingdom Era. I was particularly interested in the 2nd Aryan Migration between 1700 and 1300 BCE. The Baltic peoples had advanced southward into Mitanni during this period. Mitanni was invaded by the Egyptian army of Thutmose III during his 8th campaign, circa 1468 BCE. This was the furthest Thutmose went as far north as Carchemish and southward along the Eurphrates River to Nuy. He had crossed the Eurphrates into Mitanni and set up his boundary tablet on the east side, an achievement of which none of the former pharaohs could boast (A History of Egypt, James H. Breasted, page 303).

Thutmose III was an astute military leader that was on the throne for 54 years, ending in 1447 BCE. It is to be noted that Thutmose not only had the sons, prisoners of Palestine, Syria, and conquered countries brought back to Egypt to be taught their religious views and cultural ways so that when their dynastic fathers died they would disseminate the Egyptian culture in their lands, but he even married a Mitannian princess, Mutemuya, who became the mother of the next king of Egypt, Amenhotep III.

It cannot be over stressed that the people of Mitanni had received great exposure of Egyptian traditions and religious thought. Even the son of Thutmose III, Amenhotep III married the daughter Gilukhipa of Shuttarna, king of Mitanni. This king was the son of the Mitanni king Artatana, who enjoyed a cordial relationship with Thutmose IV. Even Amenhotep III son, Amenhotep IV married a Mitannian princess, Tadukhipa, daughter of king Dushratta (A History of Egypt, James H. Breasted, page 333). It was Amenhotep IV that revolutuonized the concept of, or belief in god, by stopping the worship of many Egyptian gods and worship only one god, Aton-Ra.

It was this intermarriage between the pharaohs of Egypt and Mitanni that allowed for the exchange of new ideas regarding the worship of god(s). The exposure of Amenhotep IV to religious thought with Mitannians, Nubians, and his conversations with craftsmen while inspecting buildings, temples, and irrigation waterways, had to give him a wilder perspective of the world. It was this pharaoh that introduced the concept and worship of one universal God. This god was a combination of the supreme sun god Ra and Aton, which was personalized with the symbol of the sun with outward hands that infer the gift of life. A detailed account of Amenhotep IV life is provided in my first book, Future of God Amen.

In addition to the intermarriage of Mitanni and Egyptian royalty with numerous offspring, it would appear that the Mitannians were a progressive people who influenced the ideas of morality and gods in the neighboring country of Suza. It would be an educated guess that Zoroaster was exposed to the Egyptian views of god, which were documented during the reign of Ramses II, circa 1292-1225 BCE. Around 1270 BCE, the Priesthood of Amon had finally embraced Amenhotep IV belief in one god by writing scripture titled, Amon As the Sole God. It was this initial belief in one-universal god that inspired the Moses Exodus from Egypt around 1250 BCE. This Egyptian belief strongly influenced Moses, which culminated in the creation of the first five books, referred to as the Torah, written in 950 BCE.

Ahreeman, you wrote that, “An Atheist believes in Science. An Atheist is not dogmatic. An atheist believes whatever the science can prove up to this point. If tomorrow the science proves there is a God, then the Atheist believes in God (unlikely)!”

An atheist may or may not believe in science and in fact have very little knowledge of science. You are attributing too much to the intelligence of an atheist. To disbelieve in god is totally a subjective decision and need not be based upon scientific knowledge. The decision not to believe in god is simply a disagreement with a philosophy that deals with god. And for sure, there are many philosophies that are conjured up by the mind that do not make sense. They are views to try to explain something. Fortunately, scientists try to prove their theories, which were first philosophical ideas that after much logical thought became a reality. For example, 100 years ago little was known about electrons and the transmission of waves that can be viewed on a computer screen. The first step in man’s evolution to understand his world is to construct thought and that thought may or may not become as reality.

"How can you be an Evolutionist but not an Atheist?"

So I am an evolutionist who does not reject my conception of god, which is a force that is unknown, mysterious, and incomprehensible. That force has nothing to do with the creationist idea that it was God that created all there is and has created man in His image. This is illogical thinking. My god consists of the forces contending in the universe to express itself by evolving inorganic and organic matter. My questions are: “Is there a purpose to evolve (for the creation of) intelligent life? Does the universe have a goal to evolve intelligent life so that such life may look back into the universe and appreciate its forces? Does the universe have a vanity, like living humans, to be respected and understood for its crowning ability to evolve living life forms that also possesses intelligence? Does that intelligence pervade the universe?

Ahreeman, regarding if I am an atheist, agnostic, or a believer in evolution, It is the latter of the three. I believe in the love of life that our universe has endowed to us. I call it humanity, because I revere all the life forms that our intelligent universe has evolved. We are part of the system that has been created by our universe. Some people call this intelligence God. But I am not able to know this God except by the images and attributes others teach me. And who is to say their philosophical view of God is correct? By simply enjoying the gifts of life that now exist is my humanistic point of view.

Ahreeman, you wrote:

“What is known as the original Zoroastrianism is in fact the revised Zoroastrianism by the Mobeds! The original Zoroastrianism is what I wrote about. No God, No Holy Spirit, No Evil, No Absolute, No Master, No Servant, .... but only “Universal Intelligence”.

You need to provide evidence that Zoroaster believed in Universal Intelligence and had no appreciation for Good versus Evil, Saints and Spirits. He did believe in Ahura Mazda, a god that represented his views about the universe. Universal Intelligence is an idea that, I believe, evolved after Zoroaster for the people of his time had no idea of the expanse of the universe and how it evolved. Please cite documentation that clearly presents Zoroaster’s conception or belief in a Universal Intelligence.

"You can’t believe in Evolution and then talk about Holy Spirit!"

Ahreeman, you clarified that Holy Spirit or Spirit, if an entity, evolved matter and energy then I am a creationist. I agree there needs to be clarification in that I meant creation that involves the evolution of matter from the smallest of particles to atoms and then inorganic and organic matter. I should not use the idea of Spirit that initiated the evolutionary process because the existence of a Spirit implies a God. Actually, I believe it is electromagnetic and gravitational forces that are associated with energy that initiated the evolutionary process. You are right in that I should not use the term Holy Spirit. I was poetically inclined to identify the unknowable forces that appear to possess a universal intelligence as a “Holy Spirit that pervades the universe.” However, be assured, I do not know this Spirit as being God. God is a man-made concept.

"Do you believe Spirits created the matters and energies?"

Ahreeman, as I wrote above, I do not believe in Spirits as it implies an intelligence that has the creative abilities to evolve matter and/or energy. I believe intelligence is like that of a baby. Universal intelligence evolved as matter evolved and found a way to sustain its life. To conceptualize it was Spirits is like conceptualizing God as the initiator of the universe. I also believe aliens exist but they are so far away in terms of travelling with the speed of light, that it would be a miracle for aliens to reach earth. Little green men would also be part of the evolutionary process and they may be big instead of little.

Ahreeman, I confess that I am an Evolutionist. I do not subscribe to the hypothetical belief that spirits always existed along with energy and matter. I do believe in an intelligence, which I defined as the Holy Spirit. However, it is not the spirit of God but is the mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible force(s) that I assign a name to and for no other good name, I call this Holy Spirit God.

There appears to be reluctance to call the universal intelligence God. I agree and understand this reluctance because people associate the concept of God with what they have been taught by their religious leaders. I characterize the unknowable force(s) as an intelligence I refer to as the Holy Spirit that pervades the universe. This unknowable force is my only concept of God. However, please understand that I use the word “Holy” as reverence for this universal intelligence and envision it as the Holy Spirit that pervades the universe. This is my own hypothetical belief and since I have nothing to replace this belief, it is the best my mind can accept for now.

Scientific Theory and Law

Therefore, I do not subscribe to the idea that matter always existed.

"So you defy Laws of Physics? Conservation Law of Matters and Energies?

Matters and Energies have never been created, will never be destroyed, yet they always change forms to one another.”

Ahreeman, your belief in the Laws of Physics, whereby matter and energy have never been created but always existed whereby they can change forms is a limited view of the beginning of the universe. I always thought you could not get something from nothing. To think matter and energy always existed is just a belief. I believe matter and energy are interrelated but evolved from nothing and this is becoming a prevalent theory being investigated in the science of quantum mechanics. If you are an evolutionist, you must perceive that there must have been a beginning in the formation of all matter and energy. To say matter and energy always existed is limiting your thirst for knowledge to understand the beginning of the universe.

You see, I am a true evolutionist. Understand that certain laws of physics that hold in our earthly world are not the same in the universe. Einstein illustrated with the theory of relativity that time is relative and is not constant in all cases.

"Do you see why I call you a Closet Creationist?"

Ahreeman, in response to my following thought, “ It remains for science to solve the question did God always exist or was it Energy that formed matter, which later was able to evolve both inorganic matter and organic life where highly developed life forms, like humans, begin to think about their existence. It is the higher life forms that are the crown achievement of this Energy whereby they reach back out to the universe to understand the Energy, a force, that created all there is.”

You wrote:

“Buddy, your philosophical view of the universe is similar to a Creationist’s View. You try hard not to believe so, and you try hard to polish your beliefs in a manner that it appears scientific;
however, deep inside, you view, sound, argue, example and declare as a Creationist.”

Ahreeman, you do not like the word create, created, or creationist. Perhaps, you would rather have had me rephrase the sentence above as, “It is the higher life forms that are the crown achievement of this Energy whereby they reach back out to the universe to understand the Energy, a force, that caused the development of inorganic matter and organic life forms.”

Notice that I deleted reference to the phrase, “that created all there is.” I did not mean to use the word “created” in a god but evolutionary sense.

Ahreeman, you wrote: “I cannot set aside the science and logic and hang on to Unknown hypothesis, based on no rational system, when it suits me! This is not the scientific way!”

I agree with the scientific approach whereby scientific theories are advanced and verified until they are replaced with other theories. It is part of the learning process. You need to not jump at the word ‘created’ for I use it as a verb that introduces matter and life forms without the belief in God. I have told you that I do not know if God exists but I do believe that there is a Universal Intelligence, a force I don’t mine calling the Spirit or God because this force has developed (created) marvelous life forms that are interrelated and function together as a system.

The difference between your belief system and mine is that you believe matter and energy always existed. As for me, I believe there was a beginning for the evolutionary process that finally evolved a universe of galaxies, stars, and planets. Quantum mechanics is trying to understand the phenomenon of the generation of something from nothing. To say the universe always existed with its totality of matter and energy is an unproven belief. Just as the Big Bang is a belief. To believe the big bang exploded and caused the development of all the galaxies and stars in the universe is nonsense.

How Everything Came to Existence?

Part 3: General Aspects

Ahreeman, you wrote: “You cannot believe in Evolution as it suits you but one minute later, you preach about the Holy Spirit!” You then posed the question: “It all comes down to are you a Creationist, Evolutionist or Agnostic?”

Dr. X, it appears that you are offended in my use of the Holy Spirit because you associate it with religion(s). I therefore will modify my use of Holy Spirit that pervades the Universe to simply a Spirit or Universal Intelligence. You do not seem to mind the use of Spirits, Energy and Matter coexisting. But I at least refuse to believe in Spirits but only a Universal Intelligence that pervades the Universe, which somehow has an effect on the development (Note the avoidance of the word creation) of inorganic matter and organic life forms. I am therefore an Evolutionist.

Ahreeman, you bring up some very thoughtful views about the history of the Christian religion. I can appreciate that the Persian beliefs in gods and goddesses have an effect of the development of the Christian religion. However, the roots of the belief in one-universal god originated in Egypt and a history of its development has been documented in my books, Future of God Amen and Amen. It is without question that there was also an influence by the neighboring countries and the many similarities between the birth of Jesus, his mother Mary, and the eating of bread and wine were adopted by the Jewish priests who wrote the Gospels. You mentioned such similarities as:

* Mitra was the daughter of the virgin Goddess Anahita.
* Jesus was the son of the virgin mother Mary!

* Mitra was born on December 25th.
* Jesus was born on December 25th.

* Mitraists were having bread and wine at Mitraist Temples
* Christians are having bread and wine at communions in churches!

I wrote above that the Egyptian pharaohs, starting with Thutmose III (1501-1447 BCE, which includes Thutmose II and the Queen Hatshepsut), had intermarried with the princesses of the Kings of Mitanni. Surely, the beliefs of Mitanni’s neighbors, such as the Persians, have caused cross-pollination of religious beliefs.
As I wrote many times in my books, former generations of people adopt the religious beliefs of other groups and a more formalized belief takes form. So I say it is not thievery or coincidences but a process of spiritual development that becomes more refined as mankind tries to understand a relationship with the creator they call god.

Ahreeman, you indicated, “Does direct copy/pasting of the Persian Philosophy of Mithraism sounds familiar?” Yes, but to what extent does Persian Philosophy copy the existing beliefs that originated out of Egypt? We know that the Hebrew priests also copied and pasted many views from Egyptian scripture or hymns and I have documented this in the books I wrote. So let us not fall into the trap that any one people were the sole inventor of religious beliefs or the philosophy of Universal Intelligence that became accepted at some period of time.

It is nice to be a strong proponent of your race, culture, and heritage, but do not take on the erroneous belief that your religion is the best or true religion. This is an arrogant view of all religions, which has caused bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people who have their own religious beliefs.

Ahreeman, I agree with your statement, “In other words you are stating that humanity is too primitive not to believe in God; therefore, we must hand them some type of God to believe in, keep civilized, be moral and to be functional. Without a God, their little lives will shatter and they seize to function as productive beings. Humanity will be like lost little children without their belief in a God or a myth.”

However, from a practical approach, the belief in God will exist no matter how much logic is presented. So I attempt to challenge the R&R (religious and ruling) authorities to the point of embarrassment of their dogma so that they will understand that they are at the root of much discontent around the world. The R&Rs must revise their scriptures or they will eventually stagnate and die because people like you and me will continue to exist and will grow in numbers to the point that they have no alternative but to update their scriptures.

Your approach is, “I concentrate more on evolving the people, educating the people and informing them, so they can dump all superstition, religions and Gods in the dumpster of history (I know you love that metaphor)!”

You believe Human Evolution based upon Logic, Rationality and Free Thinking will replace all myths and Gods. I do not from a realistic and objective view agree because the wonderful world of free thinking will devise many different views, many that will contradict and confuse the views of others. However, I do believe in ethics, morality and integrity. These are attributes, not scientific theories or facts, which should be taught at all levels of education and become the cornerstones of Human Education and Evolution. The concept of belief in God is simply an idea that bounds these attributes because one would think they are what the unknown force, or Universal Intelligence would want out of its evolution of thinking organisms.

Think about it. The above paragraph is where I have evolved in my belief in the unknown, mysterious, and incomprehensible force we refer to as Universal Intelligence or God. The thing is that people have got to be honest with themselves and not make up God into some image, a construct of the mind, but to realize this force is the progenitor of the universe that evolved all its inorganic and living life forms. Therefore my conception of God is in line with the evolutionary process but I am not afraid to define God as a Universal Intelligence that pervades the universe.

We all have different beliefs and mine is not dictated by any formal set of rules, traditions, and rituals. It is all based upon the attributes the Egyptians originally emulated and worshipped, righteousness, truth and justice. These outcomes are achievable with the study of ethics, morality, and integrity. This is my credo and my religion. I hope the world of tomorrow will accept and teach such attributes at all levels of education. That is how we can become better human beings and a credit to the unknown force or Universal Intelligence that evolved all there is.

Ahreeman, you wrote,” We are part of a Greater System. This is how Universe works. No mystery, No Higher Power, No Plans, No Destiny, No Gods. The system within itself is intelligent and that is why we refer to it as the “Universal Intelligence”.

As human beings have done throughout the ages, they think and such thinking evolves ideas and philosophical views about their existence and their lives. To believe there is no higher power, no plans, no destiny but still refer to this as Universal Intelligence appears to show little regard for this force. It is a wonderful and marvelous revelation to know that a Universal Intelligence has as its purpose the evolution of living life forms that can think, reach out, and learn to appreciate the unknown force we call Universal Intelligence. When I look at a butterfly, a flower, and the many creatures that surround us, I cannot believe that the Universal Intelligence has no purpose in evolving the highest form of life that can look up and appreciate its wonders. One cannot help feel that this Universal Intelligence evolved life for some purpose. This is why mankind will always believe in God even though that god we call Universal Intelligence cannot be seen or it existence comprehended.

As far as aliens are concerned, I do not believe aliens care to genetically engineer apes into humans. The nearest star is 43 light years away and to find a planet that has the conditions to evolve intelligent life forms is a near impossibility. We are now talking about hundreds of light years for an alien to travel in a spaceship. To conceive a spaceship able to withstand millions upon millions of miles becomes inconceivable, but all things are possible.

Ahreeman, below, you presented some very interesting questions for me:

God that has a purpose?
God that wants to evolve us?
So we can be the best that we can be?
So we can be good servants to our Supreme Master?

I again state that nobody knows if God exists. The best we can agree on is that there is a Universal Intelligence. We do know this UI is involved in developing living life forms. To say such life forms should try to be the best they can be is for me, a noble undertaking. However, to say this UI or God is a supreme master that wants us to be good servants is a foolish idea. The UI I speak of has no interest in heaven or hell or life forms living eternally. This is a manmade concept and a foolish one at that. However, it was the start of our spiritual growth to understand the unknowable force we call UI or God.

Ahreeman, you wrote, “You seem to have your faith in humanity but I have lost my faith in humanity long ago! Generally speaking, humanity is what is destroying this planet. I prefer plants over humans!"

Again, I cannot but help to agree with your assessment of the human race. But like it or not, we both are fighting to make this a better world. You have invested a lot of time and money in the creation of your website to help correct the injustice and eliminate the abominations of Muslim extremists and I have written books to show religious leaders a path to reconciliation of their differences. True, our efforts may never be realized, but if we don’t try to correct the wrongs by stupid religious organizations the situation can only get worse. I commend you for the work you have done and yes, Ahreeman X is an asset to direct humanity onto a better path of peace and harmony. The worse we can do is to be passive and allow the cancer to grow. However, when the time comes for the free countries of the world to stand together to eliminate the cancerous growth of a theocratic empire then they/we must be fight to preserve their/our freedoms.

By the way, I think you are being overly dramatic by saying you prefer plants over humans. I have been a successful lover in my time of youth and the memories of wonderful relationships with such humans will always be a part of my life. Then, there is my wife, my four personable and intelligent daughters that gave me their husbands or sons that conceived five grandchildren. Life is tough but we must as human beings make our world better for those who will take our place.

Ahreeman, I agree with much of your thinking about life but I do make a distinction that life is when a thing is able to exist as a living entity, such as plants, birds, fish, and animals. Inorganic matter, such as rocks, gases, and elements that do not process their external environment to sustain themselves do not have life, which possesses some level of intelligence. True, inorganic matter is made up of the same atoms as living matter but their atoms have coalesced into forms incapable of thinking. However, the universe is alive with inorganic matter that is capable of generating life forms through the evolutionary process. But this process requires the right conditions of heat and moisture for the growth of vegetation and finally, life forms.

Still, I appreciate your perspective that the universe is alive with all its matter and energy for it is the universe, or Universal Intelligence that is capable of evolving (creating) living life forms.

Ahreeman, you wrote,

“Liberal America is fighting a politically correct and a civilized war while Islamists are finding infidels anywhere they can and behead them! This is why the West is losing this war to Islam.

West is talking human rights and civil rights for Muslim Terrorists, and Muslims are beheading the infidels and consider them as cockroaches!

Humanity versus Sheer Brutal Violence

Civilized World versus Islam

Go figure who wins!”

Yes Ahreeman, you are absolutely right that to turn the other cheek at the expense of losing your life is very stupid indeed. Bur this policy is mandated by President Obama who reflects the way our government treats Muslims by giving them a pass on their violent behavior. It is clear that Obama is at heart a Muslim or has been greatly influenced by Islamic teachings during his youth. You showed a photo of Obama as a young man being taught Islamic instruction. How authentic is that photo? If it is real, some text should be written about that photo on your website.

Ahreeman, you have clearly indicated your mission by writing, “It is essential for me to live to complete my mission. This mission will be completed with or without me, but let’s be frank. Without me, the road will be rocky, the weather will be hazy and it will take twice the time for this mission to be completed! With me alive, this mission will take sooner to be completed, it will be completed properly and it will be completed smoothly.

Above statement is not arrogance but it is fact. What I do, makes a huge difference in changing the minds of the future generation. I can change a future Islamist Fundamentalist to a Free Thinker.”

The answer to your question will “Are the odds of a future progressive and “globally accepted” desired Iran as a regional and a continental power to coexist with the globe rather than being the central heart of the global Islamist Fundamentalist Movement, better or worse?”

The answer it that a globally accepted and desired Iran is definitely better than it being the heart of an Islamist Fundamentalist Movement. And yes, with IPC operating with the energy of Dr. Ahreeman X is a great asset for the Iranian people who desire their Persian culture to survive.

You are a very realistic person by writing the following advice for me when I wrote, “Perhaps, someday science, moral behavior, and a spiritual belief in God can be combined to improve our social outlook and ethical behavior.”

Your response:

“Yes brother, Jesus loves you but Smith and Wesson will protect you!”

I had to laugh when you responded to my writing,

“Here you go with God and Scripture again!
Pope Nicholas Ginex?”

Ahreeman, I am glad you ended your dissertation with the following thoughts that applauds debate and that we learn from each other. I am honored to receive a compliment from a man who has my greatest respect for his mission and objectives.

“But you are absolutely correct. These debates will attract a huge number of curious people, Hungry people for knowledge, intellectuals, scholars and most important, the youth to read them and question everything that they have been taught at school so far! Debate and Argumentation is good and productive. Everyone learns something from it.

Nicholas, you are far from dogmatic and in fact you are very open minded and this makes you a productive scholar.

More power to you and All Free Thinkers

“Many are schooled, yet only a few are truly educated.”

Amen Brother!”

Thank you for ending with, “Amen Brother!” for Amen was the greatest Egyptian god that has been described by Jesus as, “the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. (Revelation 3:14)” Yes, we learn from one generation to the next how and why mankind has developed a belief in God. In the future, perhaps my views about God being a Universal Intelligence, not a master of His creations, will allow science and our spiritual views to be compatible for the final goal, which is understanding of ourselves and our world.

Nicholas P. Ginex
Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
Seeker of Truth
Lover of Life

Future of God Amen
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Nicholas Ginex
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The Ahreemanic Rebuttal

Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:18 pm

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects
Ahreeman X
February 8, 2014

The Ahreemanic Rebuttal

Part 1: Micro Aspects

Master Engineer Ginex:

Greetings my friend. It is very joyful to debate, argue and discuss various issues with you thus you own a wonderful mind and that is a rare quality. I state the truth thus stating Persian flatteries and buttering up is not in my nature.
Manager / Electrical Engineer in Aerospace Industry / Missile Defence Systems, amazing background and on top of it a philosopher too!

For someone who worked in the defence industry, you are too human and spiritual, because many experts in the field of Aerospace have problems working for the defence industry. Their logic is that they refuse to build devices which kill people.

I on the other hand have no problem with that. My logic is:

“Kill em all, let Allah sort em out!”

Aerospace Industry ... The funny thing is that for some bizarre reason, I keep on meeting people in the Aerospace Industry! Two Persian ladies very close to me are in the field. One is a high security level Manager and an Aerospace Engineer who manages and coordinates a few dozen of Aerospace Engineers at a given time. She is the final person who decides if a plane flies or not! The other lady is also an Aerospace Engineer. An Activist friend is also an Aerospace Engineer. My own cousin, she was in charge of building the shuttle controls at NASA. Another friend is an author who used to be in the Aerospace field and now you a retired Engineer, not an Aerospace Engineer but an Electrical Engineer, yet involved managing in the Aerospace Industry. What are you all Aerospace Industry people doing in my life?

Children, oh children are a blessing! You spoke of Grand Children, how sweet they can be. One’s life changes with children and then again with grand children!

Persian food, oh Lord, as a culture lover, food lover and traveler you have known nothing unless you have tried Persian food, the best cuisine in the globe! I do not say this because I am Persian but I say this because I travel the globe and I have tried almost every major cuisine in the world.

Nothing and I mean nothing comes close to Persian Food! Why you ask? Because Persian Food is not just a part of the Persian Culture but Persian food is the backbone and skeleton of the Persian Culture. Persians’ favorite pastime, hobby, lifestyle and desire are to cook and eat food! I have never seen any culture so occupied with food! Some Persian food takes hours to make and some Persians spend half of their lives in the kitchen or on the dining table!

Now the question is: Have you ever tried Persian food? And have you tried it in the right place?

I doubt if you have never did, because you live in Orange County which is loaded with Persians and famous Persian Restaurants such as “Caspian”.

Let’s put it this way:

“World Cuisine without the Persian Cuisine is like a Runner without 2 legs!”

We have invented Kabobs and have a dozen varieties of them.

We invented cooking Basmati Rice to perfection (boil and then bake) to perfection (not like Uncle Ben’s Smooshed Rice). The only people in the world who cook Basmati Rice in a way that you can see every single piece separately, long and tender rather than a pile of stuck together smooshed rice are Persians and Swiss. Even the Swiss copied us and learned it from us!

Persians are obsessed people with food and anyone who ever ate Persian food is perfectly aware of that!

Fine Persian Restaurants have more American customers than Persians!

Fine Persian Restaurants have more Japanese, Chinese, Indian and Paki clients than Persians! And all of these people are Rice making people! Why? Because in comparison to Persians, these people have no clue on how to make rice!

Fine Persian Restaurants have more Arab, Turkish, Jew and Greek clients than Persians! And these people are Kabob makers of the world! Why? Because in comparison to Persians, these people have no clue on how to make Kabobs!

Persian Kabobs, Rice and Stews gave a new meaning, a new taste and a new definition not only to the Middle Eastern food but to the global cuisine!

Don’t let me get started on food (like you mentioned) cause we will be talking about it for months!

Now you are making me hungry! Kabob Time!

“Yes, as a first time using your website, I was not aware of use of the “Quote” button. Sorry that you almost got blinded by the light of Amen in trying to follow my responses to your comments.”

Amen prevails!

“Your subsection, “BB Code Guide” was very instructive. However, it would be easier if I could simply paste a Word created document, fully annotated with bold and color type directly into a Response Reply. Most writers prefer to create a document on MicroSoft Word and paste it into a Response Reply.”

We all use MS Word and then copy paste to the forum; however, you need to either:

a) Highlight and color my text and your text in different colors (in word or in forum) and/or font (bold)
b) Highlight and click on quote function on my text

This would make our texts to be different color or design, so it is easy to follow and read the debate or else it will all be the same color, font and design, hard to distinguish (like yours).

Basically I do not care. I can follow your writing with or without quotes or different colors but others may have issues to follow.

“I do like the use of “Amen” at the end of your writing. It shows you have not completely discarded the significance of this Egyptian God.”

To me, using the term “Amen” is more theatrical, gesture and style. I really enjoy finishing my hardcore articles with “Amen”! Many criticise me as an atheist and as a scientific person, why using this term?!

But I’m not a militant atheist. I use Amen; I celebrate many holidays including Christmas and Nowruz (Persian New Year) but not Islamic ones! I even have Christmas spirit during holidays!

The funny thing is that when people tell me “Happy Holidays”, on purpose, I correct them and return the gesture by saying “Merry Christmas”, like a hardcore Christian! I do not do it because I am religious but I am doing it to piss off the liberals and their political correctness.

As much as I cannot stand Jesus Freaks, yet I cannot stand Liberals, ten times more!

“You were not born a rebel but through circumstances in life you were tailored to be a rebel.”

Do not be so sure because you have not been in the womb with me, were you? Don’t tell me we are brothers from the same mother?! Are you my long lost American brother who was kidnapped from Iran and got sold to an American family?

In the “Wild One”, the Chick asked Marlon Brando:

Chick: What are you rebelling against?
Brando: What do you got?

Well that is me! Remember that one? Marlon Brando was and is the symbol of Rebellion for us the Leather Jacket wearing, biking, rebel rousing, anti authority, anti establishment, anti social norms rebels!

Honestly, since I remember, I have been a rebel! I have been a rebel in elementary school against the principle, in the junior high against Imperial Despotism of Shah, in high school against Muslims, in American colleges and universities against liberal faculties’ bureaucracy and hypocrisy, in job market against bosses and corporate crap, in politics against big government, in administration against paper pushers, in community against Superficial and Shallow celebrity loving public, in society against norms, in life against norms, traditions and taboos and on and on ….

Since I opened my eyes, I rebelled starting against my own dynasty and social class!

Maybe it is environment (I am 4th generation of Atheists), maybe it is society (growing up in an Islamic nation), maybe it is love of freedom (rebel rousing and biking in America) and maybe I just have a beef with whatever the majority believes and a beef with authority figures!

“Where I differ with your belief, is that I do not subscribe to the existence of Spirits along with Energy and Matter. Spirits are a human concept that connotes mysterious entities similar to gods used to explain an intelligence that created an evolving system or all there is.”

I also say: Matters and Energies created the Spirits.
Mind is spirit.
Brain is matter.
Mind without Brain cannot exist but brain without Mind can exist (deep sleep and nor dreaming).

“I agree that the system was never created but evolved beginning with the smallest particles partially discovered in the study of quantum mechanics.”

“I believe there was a beginning from possibly nothing. Energy and Matter did not always exist and merely change form. I believe there is an intelligence that forms with the development of Energy and Matter and it has successfully been able to form forces, such as electromagnetic waves and gravity that is inherent within the design of the atom.”

2 above statements of yours do contradict each other, no?
So which is it?
System was never created or there was a beginning?

“At our present stage of the universe, I have come to believe that we now have a self-sustaining universe, which did not begin with the “Big Bang.” Scientists have observed that there are quasars, pulsars, and black holes. Explosions from these phenomenons expel gases, matter, and energy back out into the universe whereby massive clouds become the bed for the birth of new stars. Therefore, it is short-sighted to believe that it all started from a massive big ball to cause the big bang.”

You will be amazed that as an Evolutionist and a Materialist, I also do not believe in the Big Bang but I believe in the Snake Shape Graph theory:

Matters and Energies are eternal, been there and will be there forever, like a snake with no beginning and no end which the loops of his body are never a full circle and do not come to close, yet they come very near to be closed but then again they go up and down and in loops forever; therefore, no beginning and ending!

“I do not believe scientists believe in Spirits and Spirituality. At least, I surely don’t. The idea of a spirit is a man-made concept similar to the idea of a soul. Religious leaders have developed the concept of a soul to extend their belief in immortality or an infinite future with their god after death. Variations of the soul concept are that it can return into another life form based upon the previous life being spent doing greater works than bad acts.”

Bravo you sound more rational then I and more scientific than I.

But what is the quality of “Mind”? Isn’t Mind, spirit?

Spirits exists but Matters and Energies have created the Spirits. Without Matters and Energies, Spirits cannot exist!

“I do believe that the mind can generate thought waves that can be intercepted by others who have the same or similar nature. As long as the mind functions, all things are possible for it has the ability to construct ideas and theories that may be realized. But once it stops functioning, like all other matter, it becomes part of the universe to be transformed into other energy and matter. Sorry, but as my father would say, when your dead your dead.”

Your father sounds like a wise man, that’s why you are wise.

“Ahreeman, regarding your thoughts “On My Spirituality,” I believe you conceive that your spirit consists of what you have “learned and earned through humanity, martial arts teachings, universal thinking, rational pondering and logically configuring.” However, these are human learnings that have nothing to do with the Spirit. You have groomed yourself with worthwhile interests in humanity, sciences, and logical thinking. This forms an intelligent human being without any need of Spirit. It is your mind that is precious and your heart that makes your body act – not your spirit, which is simply a concept, a construct of the mind that people have been taught by religious leaders to believe is another entity.”

You sound philosophically more Materialist than I.

As I stated:

<Science has everything to do with morality!
Science has everything to do with Logic.
Logic dictates what is logically Moral.
Rationally Moral thinking and behaviour establishes Morality codes.

In formula: Science => Logic => Morality

Human sense and logic makes us to build a moral code of ethics and morality.
Morality is more scientific and logic than having anything to do with God and Religion.

Moral due to Logic not Religion! >

On this you wrote:

“Ahreeman, I do equate science with facts and logic built upon facts. However, science does not lead to moral behavior. Moral behavior never relied on science and logic to be accepted by a community of people. True, moral behavior has been linked to a way to be accepted by a higher entity called god. But also, many different communities that had no formal religion had developed modes of conduct so that they could live together in harmony. But it had nothing to do with science or even logic. It was simply a way to exist and live together in peace.”

But isn’t rationality taught by science? And Rationality dictates to us to be moral? Rationality, Logic and Science go together.

“You make a good point that Muslims have a moral code but their code encourages bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people who do not believe in their god Allah. Muslims use the logic that they have the only true religion and therefore want to subjugate all other people with their religion. But this is logic gone astray. What is logical to one people is illogical to another. Logic is built upon premises and many times the premises are faulty. Logic is not a science. It is the way people have been brought up to conceive the world. It is science that eliminates faulty logic by dealing with known and repeatable facts.”

I totally disagree. The only logic is the scientific logic; and religious and other so-called logics are not logics but they are illogic and “Belief Systems” taught by society.

“What is moral in one community may not be acceptable in another and this becomes apparent when we contrast one religion with another. Moral codes vary by how extreme one community is brought up over another. Therefore I do not believe it is science and logic that defines morality. It is the experience of “hard knocks” in the real world that communities learn to coexist with one another. Their experience leads to the development of a moral code acceptable to all and has nothing to do with science or logic. Yes, common sense plays a big part. But here too, few people are able to use common sense as they go through life making one mistake after another. Education is key to teach ethics, integrity, justice and truth. These are not scientific facts but behavior patterns to lead wholesome productive lives.”

Very interesting analysis, I like the way your mind works.

Part 2: Macro Aspects

“It cannot be over stressed that the people of Mitanni had received great exposure of Egyptian traditions and religious thought.”

Actually this was one way and an important way that Egyptian philosophy influenced the evolution of Faravahar and affected the Zoroastrian thought patterns. Great cultures are interlinked and affect one another. Later on when Persians captured and ruled Egypt for centuries (Achaemenian onward), Persians affected the Egyptian culture.

Unfortunately later on Islam and Arabo-Muslims practically destroyed Egypt and turned it to an Arab country and they almost done the same to Persia and if it wasn’t because of Yaqub Leis Saffarid, Iran would also have been an Arab nation! Same goes for Rome but in Italy’s case, it was the lack of strong navy by the Arabs (to cross to Europe by mass) who saved Rome.

“This Egyptian belief strongly influenced Moses, which culminated in the creation of the first five books, referred to as the Torah, written in 950 BCE.”

Yes Jews are not the chosen people, but Moses based his religion on the Egyptian philosophy. Judaism, Ten Commandment and Yahweh were not original and exclusive to the Jews. Tell that your local Jew Rabbi!

“Ahreeman, you wrote that,”

< “An Atheist believes in Science. An Atheist is not dogmatic. An atheist believes whatever the science can prove up to this point. If tomorrow the science proves there is a God, then the Atheist believes in God (unlikely)!” >

“An atheist may or may not believe in science and in fact have very little knowledge of science. You are attributing too much to the intelligence of an atheist.”

You got a point. Maybe I do and it is due to the fact that mostly the atheists whom I have known were also scientists or scientific people.

< "How can you be an Evolutionist but not an Atheist?" >

“So I am an evolutionist who does not reject my conception of god, which is a force that is unknown, mysterious, and incomprehensible. That force has nothing to do with the creationist idea that it was God that created all there is and has created man in His image. This is illogical thinking.

But isn’t this Agnosticism which you also criticise?

“My god consists of the forces contending in the universe to express itself by evolving inorganic and organic matter.”

Who created your God? Where did he come from? Isn’t it all comes down to:

Everything in existence (as far as we know Matters and Energies) has always been there and no one created them?

“My questions are: “Is there a purpose to evolve (for the creation of) intelligent life?”

Evolution towards betterment and Perfection. Creatures evolve to better adapt to their environment (at the present time) Creatures progress to fit better and survive.

On the other hand, in human case, it seems like the missing link could have been the Aliens who done a genetical engineering on primates (Neanderthals) mixed with their DNA and created us! Either that or we have not discovered the Missing Link yet (aside Ahmadinejad)!

“Does the universe have a goal to evolve intelligent life so that such life may look back into the universe and appreciate its forces?”

You are so sentimental but in reality this is simple Evolution and it is scientifically logical.

“Does the universe have a vanity, like living humans, to be respected and understood for its crowning ability to evolve living life forms that also possesses intelligence?”

No because the Universe consists of you and I. No creator is involved; therefore, it is not vain.

“Does that intelligence pervade the universe?”

Yes and it is the combine intelligence of you, I and All. No Supreme Creator, Higher Being, Destined Plan and Mystery here!

“Ahreeman, regarding if I am an atheist, agnostic, or a believer in evolution, It is the latter of the three. I believe in the love of life that our universe has endowed to us. I call it humanity, because I revere all the life forms that our intelligent universe has evolved. We are part of the system that has been created by our universe. Some people call this intelligence God. But I am not able to know this God except by the images and attributes others teach me. And who is to say their philosophical view of God is correct? By simply enjoying the gifts of life that now exist is my humanistic point of view.”

Thank you for clarifications.

“You need to provide evidence that Zoroaster believed in Universal Intelligence and had no appreciation for Good versus Evil, Saints and Spirits. He did believe in Ahura Mazda, a god that represented his views about the universe. Universal Intelligence is an idea that, I believe, evolved after Zoroaster for the people of his time had no idea of the expanse of the universe and how it evolved. Please cite documentation that clearly presents Zoroaster’s conception or belief in a Universal Intelligence.”

Exact documentation is only possible via time travel and you will be my first mate when I complete my machine!

After various Barbarian destruction of all Persian books by Alexander and Greco-Macedonians, Muhammadan Arabo-Muslims and etc. you want evidence?

Read between the lines of Avesta and Gatha. I am sure you can distinguish between logical text and fabrications of Mobeds.

< "You can’t believe in Evolution and then talk about Holy Spirit!" >

"Ahreeman, you clarified that Holy Spirit or Spirit, if an entity, evolved matter and energy then I am a creationist. I agree there needs to be clarification in that I meant creation that involves the evolution of matter from the smallest of particles to atoms and then inorganic and organic matter. I should not use the idea of Spirit that initiated the evolutionary process because the existence of a Spirit implies a God. Actually, I believe it is electromagnetic and gravitational forces that are associated with energy that initiated the evolutionary process. You are right in that I should not use the term Holy Spirit. I was poetically inclined to identify the unknowable forces that appear to possess a universal intelligence as a “Holy Spirit that pervades the universe.” However, be assured, I do not know this Spirit as being God. God is a man-made concept.”

Thanks for clarification. I love your theory of “electromagnetic and gravitational forces”. It clearly shows the Electrical Engineer in you!

< "Do you believe Spirits created the matters and energies?" >

“Ahreeman, as I wrote above, I do not believe in Spirits as it implies an intelligence that has the creative abilities to evolve matter and/or energy. I believe intelligence is like that of a baby. Universal intelligence evolved as matter evolved and found a way to sustain its life. To conceptualize it was Spirits is like conceptualizing God as the initiator of the universe.”

Thanks for clarification again. Now it all makes sense. It was a misunderstanding caused by your misuse of words.

It is all your fault Saint Nicholas! Now I comprehend what you truly mean and where you truly come from.

“Ahreeman, I confess that I am an Evolutionist. I do not subscribe to the hypothetical belief that spirits always existed along with energy and matter. I do believe in an intelligence, which I defined as the Holy Spirit. However, it is not the spirit of God but is the mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible force(s) that I assign a name to and for no other good name, I call this Holy Spirit God.”

That’s another misusing the terms. Use “Universal Intelligence” or the “Evolving Force” (how you like the second one?)

“There appears to be reluctance to call the universal intelligence God. I agree and understand this reluctance because people associate the concept of God with what they have been taught by their religious leaders. I characterize the unknowable force(s) as an intelligence I refer to as the Holy Spirit that pervades the universe. This unknowable force is my only concept of God.”

You are misusing the terms again!

“However, please understand that I use the word “Holy” as reverence for this universal intelligence and envision it as the Holy Spirit that pervades the universe. This is my own hypothetical belief and since I have nothing to replace this belief, it is the best my mind can accept for now.”

Pervades: To spread throughout all parts of (Universe) especially subtly and gradually.

I like that definition but change the term from Holy Spirit to the Evolving Force.

< Scientific Theory and Law >

“Therefore, I do not subscribe to the idea that matter always existed.”

Then I am talking about the Scientific Fact and you are talking about Science Fiction!

< "So you defy Laws of Physics? Conservation Law of Matters and Energies?

Matters and Energies have never been created, will never be destroyed, yet they always change forms to one another.” >

“Ahreeman, your belief in the Laws of Physics, whereby matter and energy have never been created but always existed whereby they can change forms is a limited view of the beginning of the universe.”

Dear Saint Nicholas:

Are you calling me narrow-minded because I believe in Scientific Facts and Laws (So far proven)?
Therefore, you by not believing in it, are not really being creative and imaginative but that makes you “Scientifically Challenged” (I am trying so hard to be politically correct)!

“I always thought you could not get something from nothing.”

Then you are an Evolutionist.

“To think matter and energy always existed is just a belief.”

No, it is called a Scientific Law (so far proven).

“I believe matter and energy are interrelated but evolved from nothing”

You were more logical then than now! Your statement is not a Scientific Fact but a Quantum Mechanics Theory.

“and this is becoming a prevalent theory being investigated in the science of quantum mechanics. If you are an evolutionist, you must perceive that there must have been a beginning in the formation of all matter and energy. To say matter and energy always existed is limiting your thirst for knowledge to understand the beginning of the universe.”

No, this is a fallacy and flawed logic, more like illogic.

Evolution means how matters and energies evolve to more complex forms.

Evolution does not mean that matters and energies came from nothing and some force created them! That belief is called Creationism and that is why I call you a closet Creationist.

“You see, I am a true evolutionist. Understand that certain laws of physics that hold in our earthly world are not the same in the universe.”

Now you are talking Science Fiction.

“Einstein illustrated with the theory of relativity that time is relative and is not constant in all cases.”

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has nothing to do with it!

Conservation Law, Relativity and Evolution were 3 theories who put the final nail in the coffin creationism.

Are you trying to give a scientific paint job and facade to the same old theory of Creation?

But then again, you could be correct, but Gods could be Aliens who created us; however, still matters and energies have always existed!

< “Buddy, your philosophical view of the universe is similar to a Creationist’s View. You try hard not to believe so, and you try hard to polish your beliefs in a manner that it appears scientific;
however, deep inside, you view, sound, argue, example and declare as a Creationist.” >

“Ahreeman, you do not like the word create, created, or creationist. Perhaps, you would rather have had me rephrase the sentence above as, “It is the higher life forms that are the crown achievement of this Energy whereby they reach back out to the universe to understand the Energy, a force, that caused the development of inorganic matter and organic life forms.”

But words give definitions. Wrong words can change the nature of your intention and prevail a different meaning than what you originally intended to show!

“Notice that I deleted reference to the phrase, “that created all there is.” I did not mean to use the word “created” in a god but evolutionary sense.”

Words can be used as playing with words. Words also can change the total meaning of what our true intentions are! It is not a matter of I like the term “Creation” or not, but it is the matter of what do you really mean?

“Ahreeman, you wrote:

< “I cannot set aside the science and logic and hang on to Unknown hypothesis, based on no rational system, when it suits me! This is not the scientific way!” >

“I have told you that I do not know if God exists”

Isn’t that Agnosticism?

“The difference between your belief system and mine is that you believe matter and energy always existed. “

Which is called a Scientific Fact.

“As for me, I believe there was a beginning for the evolutionary process that finally evolved a universe of galaxies, stars, and planets.”

Which is called at worst “Creation” and at best “a Theory”!

“Quantum mechanics is trying to understand the phenomenon of the generation of something from nothing.”

Good Luck! You cannot create something from nothing! Unless you believe in Holy Books which are stories made for adults!

“To say the universe always existed with its totality of matter and energy is an unproven belief.”

No, it is a Scientific Fact and as an Electrical Engineer and a High Level Scientist in Aerospace Industry you are perfectly aware of it! Please do not play with words. Maybe your wild imagination and the child in you wants to believe that this is all an “Unproven Belief” and there is more to this story and one day we will find the mystery and also Santa Clause will come down to Earth with his sleigh, but the reality and fact of the matter has nothing to do with “Imagination”. It is good to imagine and have a great imagination because without imagination, nothing new will be coming to existence and creativity will die; however, you cannot brand “Scientific Facts” as “Unproven Beliefs” and try to put a paint job on a “Theory” via the help of a so far “Failed Quantum mechanics attempt and experiment” and refer to it as Scientific Fact! C’mon Master Engineer, we are scientists here. I have a wild imagination too, but unlike you, I do not allow my Science Fiction gets mixed with my Science Facts!

“Just as the Big Bang is a belief. To believe the big bang exploded and caused the development of all the galaxies and stars in the universe is nonsense.”

Excuse me but Big Bang is a theory, yet “Conservation Law of Matters and Energies” is a Law of Physics and Science. There is a difference, you know?

As I stated, I do not believe in Big Bang but I do believe in Laws of Science.

Part 3: General Aspects

How Everything Came to Existence?

“You do not seem to mind the use of Spirits, Energy and Matter coexisting.”

But right away I stated that: Matters created Spirits.

“However, the roots of the belief in one-universal god originated in Egypt and a history of its development has been documented in my books, Future of God Amen and Amen.”

I am pretty much in agreement with you.

“You mentioned such similarities as:”

< * Mitra was the daughter of the virgin Goddess Anahita.
* Jesus was the son of the virgin mother Mary!

* Mitra was born on December 25th.
* Jesus was born on December 25th.

* Mitraists were having bread and wine at Mitraist Temples
* Christians are having bread and wine at communions in churches! >

My friend, these are not similarities but they are right off the bat stolen and forged concepts of Mithraism by Christianity! This is damaging to the core of Christianity to the point that many scholars even question the very existence of Jesus as a man and they claim Jesus did not even exist! The whole Christianity is nothing but a story.

I on the other hand, believe that Jesus existed and he was a revolutionary and ahead of his time, but Christian Saints have added much more to his story than what it really was!

I believe Christianity copy pasted from Mithraism the same as Judaism copy pasted from Egyptian Ancient Philosophy and Amun.

“Ahreeman, you indicated, “Does direct copy/pasting of the Persian Philosophy of Mithraism sounds familiar?” Yes, but to what extent does Persian Philosophy copy the existing beliefs that originated out of Egypt?”

No because:

Egyptian Ancient Philosophy and Amun is about the unified God as a Monotheistic God.

Original Zoroastrianism is about Duality (2 Gods or 2 Sides of the Same God Ahura Mazda and Ahreeman), also Zoroastrianism believed and respected many Gods who came before Ahura (Ancient Persian Gods) and that is Polytheistic in its nature. Way different and more complexed than Egyptian belief.

However, it is obvious that the Egyptian Philosophy has affected the not just Zoroastrianism but Persian Philosophy, Religion and Symbols such as Faravahar. No doubt.

This is way different than copy pasting and flat stealing someone else’s idea such as Christianity got caught and Judaism got caught doing!

“So let us not fall into the trap that any one people were the sole inventor of religious beliefs or the philosophy of Universal Intelligence that became accepted at some period of time.”

Yes Saint Nicholas, our dearly Father Christmas, we shall do! This is what I love about you! The Peacemaker, the politically correct humanist, the Heavenly Father in you!

“It is nice to be a strong proponent of your race, culture, and heritage, but do not take on the erroneous belief that your religion is the best or true religion. This is an arrogant view of all religions, which has caused bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people who have their own religious beliefs.”

Yes our Heavenly Father Christmas, forgive us thus we art not as wise as thee and we are not as generous and brotherly loving as thee. Forgive us thus we have sinned!

However, I deal with Facts and not “Brotherly Love Gospels”! Stealing is Stealing and Fairy Tales are Fairy Tales in my Scientific Logical World! It may sound Racist but hey, that’s the price us scientists pay for believing in Facts.

And if you think that is Racist, then get a load O this if you can:

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Philosophy (3 Chapters) ... /index.htm

Dear Nicholas, emotions, brotherly love, humanity and political correctness has no room in my scientific world and surely liberalism and revisionist liberal ideas has zero space in scientific factual world!

“Ahreeman, I agree with your statement,”

< “In other words you are stating that humanity is too primitive not to believe in God; therefore, we must hand them some type of God to believe in, keep civilized, be moral and to be functional. Without a God, their little lives will shatter and they seize to function as productive beings. Humanity will be like lost little children without their belief in a God or a myth.” >

“However, from a practical approach, the belief in God will exist no matter how much logic is presented. So I attempt to challenge the R&R (religious and ruling) authorities to the point of embarrassment of their dogma so that they will understand that they are at the root of much discontent around the world. The R&Rs must revise their scriptures or they will eventually stagnate and die because people like you and me will continue to exist and will grow in numbers to the point that they have no alternative but to update their scriptures.”

Are you sure you are not a Futurist? You sound pretty Futuristic to me? What do you think of Futurism? You do know that I am somewhat of a Futurist. In fact all scientists are!

“Your approach is,”

< “I concentrate more on evolving the people, educating the people and informing them, so they can dump all superstition, religions and Gods in the dumpster of history!” >

“(I know you love that metaphor)!”

I do I do ....

“Think about it. The above paragraph is where I have evolved in my belief in the unknown, mysterious, and incomprehensible force we refer to as Universal Intelligence or God. The thing is that people have got to be honest with themselves and not make up God into some image, a construct of the mind, but to realize this force is the progenitor of the universe that evolved all its inorganic and living life forms. Therefore my conception of God is in line with the evolutionary process but I am not afraid to define God as a Universal Intelligence that pervades the universe.”

Yes, you are trying to be the peace maker between the Scientific Circa and the Religious Circa. At the same time you are trying to evolve human being. Who’s to say you do not get better results than I?!

“It is all based upon the attributes the Egyptians originally emulated and worshipped, righteousness, truth and justice.”

But righteousness may be interpreted as Pride by some circa and Pride is no good in Christianity!

“Ahreeman, you wrote,”

< “We are part of a Greater System. This is how Universe works. No mystery, No Higher Power, No Plans, No Destiny, No Gods. The system within itself is intelligent and that is why we refer to it as the “Universal Intelligence”. >

“As human beings have done throughout the ages, they think and such thinking evolves ideas and philosophical views about their existence and their lives. To believe there is no higher power, no plans, no destiny but still refer to this as Universal Intelligence appears to show little regard for this force.”

Let’s Clarify this issue:

Universal Intelligence” is a collective intelligence force made up of all intelligence around the universe and all interactive forces between energies and matters. This is a real force and a reality. This entity is not holy; therefore, it does not require respect and it is not requirement to respect it.

Universal Intelligence is not a higher power but it is a collective universal intelligence which includes yours and my intelligence. Every element in the universe is a part of it. No higher power here. No lower power here.

But if you are talking about the creation of man and aliens (Gods) being involved, then the Aliens were higher intellects than man; therefore, they were more on the top of food chain than man and you may call them the higher powers than man.

“It is a wonderful and marvelous revelation to know that a Universal Intelligence has as its purpose the evolution of living life forms that can think, reach out, and learn to appreciate the unknown force we call Universal Intelligence. When I look at a butterfly, a flower, and the many creatures that surround us, I cannot believe that the Universal Intelligence has no purpose in evolving the highest form of life that can look up and appreciate its wonders. One cannot help feel that this Universal Intelligence evolved life for some purpose. This is why mankind will always believe in God even though that god we call Universal Intelligence cannot be seen or it existence comprehended.”

There is no purpose in a sense that there exists a destined purpose. Simply because the Universal Intelligence is not an entity the same as a God who created all for a purpose.

Let’s hypothetically call them:

Greater System: Whole Universe

Smaller System: Experiment Earth (Alien made Man)

Universal Intelligence is you and I and All. The purpose is Evolution to evolve more complex for the betterment. Evolution is the whole purpose. Everything evolves. But the whole system is not designed for a specific purpose and a destiny. The “Greater System” has no specific purpose because it is not a God. But the purpose for the “Smaller System” is to see how far man can evolve as a lab rat made by Alien DNA + Primate. Even in this case, Evolution is the purpose.

There is no Ulter motive or Alter motive. No destiny and no plan. No mystery and no higher power.

This is just the way the things are in this universe. And imagine this is only one universe and there are other universes for eternity ..... No beginning and no end.

The problem with you is that you are still looking for a creator, a purpose, a destiny and a mystery!

This is a Creationist way of thinking (subconsciously). The mystery is right here on Earth and it is called you and I. The mystery is Evolution of All. The purpose is to Evolve cause without Evolution, everything stagnates and life seizes to exist (Survival of the Fittest). This is why Religion has seized to evolve, stagnates, dying and rotten to the core.

“As far as aliens are concerned, I do not believe aliens care to genetically engineer apes into humans. The nearest star is 43 light years away and to find a planet that has the conditions to evolve intelligent life forms is a near impossibility. We are now talking about hundreds of light years for an alien to travel in a spaceship. To conceive a spaceship able to withstand millions upon millions of miles becomes inconceivable, but all things are possible.”

Exactly, all things are possible. Have you heard of the Wormholes, star gates, time travel, warp speed and many other ways of universal traffic? This distance maybe a lot for us but for them, it’s from Philadelphia to New York or better from point a to point b with a distance of few minutes!

So have you watched and are you watching the “Ancient Aliens” Series on the History Channel or not? What do you think of the series? I know that you are aware of the Erich Von Daniken and Chariots of Gods, so what do you think of it?

< God that has a purpose?
God that wants to evolve us?
So we can be the best that we can be?
So we can be good servants to our Supreme Master? >

“I again state that nobody knows if God exists.”

I do! God exists and I, the Man have created him. Without me the Man, he does not exist. Matters gave birth to Spirits.

“The best we can agree on is that there is a Universal Intelligence.”

This is where the misunderstanding is.

Your Universal Intelligence is a Creative Force, a God-like Force.

My Universal Intelligence is an “Evolving Force”. It evolves within itself and all entities which consist it and construct it are evolving; therefore, it evolves. This Universal Intelligence is dynamic and progressive because we make it that way and not vice versa. This force does not create us but we create it.

You are looking at this force as a creative force but I look at it as a created force.

Nicholas, it seems like you are in dire straight of looking for the Creator?! Stop looking, you have met him and his name is Ahreeman X. I confess, I am the Creator! Mystery is over; now let’s get back to the discussion!

“to say this UI or God is a supreme master that wants us to be good servants is a foolish idea.”

That is what holy books say!

“The UI I speak of has no interest in heaven or hell or life forms living eternally. This is a manmade concept and a foolish one at that. However, it was the start of our spiritual growth to understand the unknowable force we call UI or God.”

I agree with you in this manner that religions if nothing, at least registered some concepts of morality in human brains and without them, the public would have still commit incest, polygamy and murder (well Muslims still do)!

“Still, I appreciate your perspective that the universe is alive with all its matter and energy for it is the universe, or Universal Intelligence that is capable of evolving (creating) living life forms.”

Definition of “Life” is very tricky and complex. How can Earth not be alive while it contains plants and animals which are alive? How can Earth have oxygen, CO2, water and fertile soil which are requirements for life and not be alive? Isn’t Earth a living planet? Isn’t Sun a living star? Long ago they thought Starfish is a plant but then they found out it is an animal! Today’s Rock maybe tomorrow’s life!

“this policy is mandated by President Obama”

Hussein Obama is a Kenyan Marxist Islamist, nothing more and nothing less. He is not my president. He may be yours but not mine. As a Tea Party Conservative I have fought him and shall fight him every inch of the way through his second term until freeing America from his blend of Socialism with a dash of Islamism! The vision he has for America is to wear Maoist Caps while attending Mosques and this is far from my vision of America. Obama cherishes Euro-Pee-On Socialism and Islam Religion of Peace. I cherish Constitution of United States of America, the most unique democratic gift to the mankind and not just America.

“You showed a photo of Obama as a young man being taught Islamic instruction. How authentic is that photo? If it is real, some text should be written about that photo on your website.”

This is a huge website and I do not exactly know what page are you talking about and if it was humor or real but I tell you this much that Obama in his youth has studied in Indonesian Madrasah (Muslim Religious School), so go figure ...

“Give me a child for the first 6 years of his life and I will hand you a Nazi!”
(Adolf Hitler)

“Ahreeman, you have clearly indicated your mission by writing,”

< “It is essential for me to live to complete my mission. This mission will be completed with or without me, but let’s be frank. Without me, the road will be rocky, the weather will be hazy and it will take twice the time for this mission to be completed! With me alive, this mission will take sooner to be completed, it will be completed properly and it will be completed smoothly.

Above statement is not arrogance but it is fact. What I do, makes a huge difference in changing the minds of the future generation. I can change a future Islamist Fundamentalist to a Free Thinker.” >

“The answer to your question will “

< “Are the odds of a future progressive and “globally accepted” desired Iran as a regional and a continental power to coexist with the globe rather than being the central heart of the global Islamist Fundamentalist Movement, better or worse?”

“The answer it that a globally accepted and desired Iran is definitely better than it being the heart of an Islamist Fundamentalist Movement. And yes, with IPC operating with the energy of Dr. Ahreeman X is a great asset for the Iranian people who desire their Persian culture to survive.”

Thank you for your input.

“You are a very realistic person by writing the following advice for me when I wrote, “

“Perhaps, someday science, moral behavior, and a spiritual belief in God can be combined to improve our social outlook and ethical behavior.”

“Your response:”

< “Yes brother, Jesus loves you but Smith and Wesson will protect you!” >

“I had to laugh when you responded to my writing,”

< “Here you go with God and Scripture again!
Pope Nicholas Ginex?” >

Nicholas, if you ever get elected in Vatican, you will be the first Christian Pope and Saint who will also be a Scientific Evolutionist!

“Ahreeman, I am glad you ended your dissertation with the following thoughts that applauds debate and that we learn from each other. I am honored to receive a compliment from a man who has my greatest respect for his mission and objectives.”

< “But you are absolutely correct. These debates will attract a huge number of curious people, Hungry people for knowledge, intellectuals, scholars and most important, the youth to read them and question everything that they have been taught at school so far! Debate and Argumentation is good and productive. Everyone learns something from it.

Nicholas, you are far from dogmatic and in fact you are very open minded and this makes you a productive scholar.

More power to you and All Free Thinkers

“Many are schooled, yet only a few are truly educated.”

Amen Brother!” >

It is true brother.

“In the future, perhaps my views about God being a Universal Intelligence, not a master of His creations, will allow science and our spiritual views to be compatible for the final goal, which is understanding of ourselves and our world.”

Maybe so.

Dear Brother from Another (Mother, not Alien Lifeform),

What is Life?
What is the meaning of Life?
What is the purpose of Life?

Life is to live it up and live it in the manner that after your death, you have left the world for better and you have done something to testify to that! If not so, your life has been a waste.

This is why I cannot comprehend the Ultra Wealthy people who just live life like animals! They eat, they sleep and they Shiite! They surround themselves with not needed luxuries to extreme! This is not Life, but this is Bull Shiite! When these people die, no one will ever remember them because they have done nothing for the humanity or bettering this world.

Life is to give something back to the society. Life is to leave the world as a better world as it was.
Let me tell you something:

If you or I, manage to change one mind, just one mind towards evolving, progressing and bettering himself, then we have at least made a dent in this world for betterment and towards Evolution. I am sure you and I are surely doing better than changing only one mind! So we got it made!

We got it made not in Heaven but in the Human Historical Judgement.

I am in the Clear. I am in peace with myself. I am more than satisfied with what I have done in my life. No regrets, no remorse, I done it My Way (Sinatra)!

Are you in the Clear? Are you in Peace with yourself?

That is all that matters. Everything else is on the side.

I cannot believe that very wealthy and powerful people in this world, pile up money on top of money, live a selfish life only for personal enjoyment, not caring about humanity, world, even their own legacy! Then they die, turn to dust and no one cares and no one will ever give a flying fandango about them!

How can these people sleep at night?

How can one sleep at night when he knows that he could have been a factor but denied his countrymen, his fellow humans and his world of what he could have done, what he could have donated, what he could have affect and what change he could have caused?!

These people are called Sheeple (Sheep People). No matter how wealthy they are or how poor they are, basically their lives means nothing and their legacy is Bull Shiite.

If they are poor, they could have at least take a step in enlightening themselves so they could be a more productive member of the society!

If they are rich, then they could have at least donated a few dollars of their wealth for betterment of the world. They could have at least made a dent.

Persian community is full of them.

For instance, the woman takes a personal leisure trip and a pleasure cruise to outer space but she has never spent a dime towards changing the lives of her fellow Persians, a dime towards Revolution, a dime towards over throwing IRI and Islam in Iran (Anousheh Ansari)! And the ignorant public cheers for her as a celebrity!

Son of Shah (Reza Pahlavi II) the same Bull Shiite! 34 plus years of exile, making a career as a “Career Exilist” building a fat belly rather than building the future of Iran! And the ignorant public cheers for him because he is Son of Shah! So what?

The list goes on and on ... the ignorant public with empty lives, cheers for celebrities, wealthy, Imperial Monarchs and other parasites. The public does that because they can never like them and by doing so, they fill the void in their personal lives! The public cheers for them and this make these people to feel good about themselves and adds to their arrogance!

But what is the reality?

The ignorant public has a moment of forgetting about their own empty lives.

The arrogant celebrities are having a moment of climax escaping from their comfortable but meaningless lives.
The show goes on and on and on at the cost of decades of misery for a nation such as Iran.

This is the story of Iran, now expand it globally and figure what is going on in this world!

My friend, you have not lost your faith in humanity and you believe that neither have I. But isn’t what we do, a losing battle? At personal scale, individual scale and minor social scale we are doing great and make changes but in grand scale, globally we are fighting a losing battle! Not so?

This is what I mean by being a Rebel! We are fighting a losing battle but we continue doing so. That is the spirit of a Rebel!

Truly enjoying these chats with you. A worthy mind, that’s what you are. Folks like you are the reason that I still have some respect for the humanity!

I leave you with this thought,

Here’s one of my latest created idioms:

“Life without Evolution is like American Football without Forward Pass!”

Amen Brother ...

Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)

Postby IPC » Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:44 pm

Dear Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X:

With your permission, I have changed the name of the thread topic from “Philosophy” to “Philosophy of Existence”. I think it better reveals the subject of the thread and it makes the readers more interested in the thread, so it attracts more readers.

This is a very educational and useful debate. Thank you both.

Regards to both
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Pendare Nik, Goftare Nik, Kerdare Nik (Modern Persian)
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:51 pm

Ginex Response to the Ahreemanic Rebuttal

by Nicholas P. Ginex » Wed, Mar 19, 2014

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects
Part 1: Micro Aspects
A Man Among Men, Ahreeman X:

With joy in my heart I am gifted to have you enter into my life. Your rebuttal response was very revealing about your personal thoughts whereby you find it a funny thing that so many of your highly respected friendships are people from the aerospace field. But also, you are a man with a great capacity to love as you noted my Grand Children are a blessing. And yes, you wrote about Persian food and how your people love to enjoy this very wonderful pleasure in life. They must be related to Italians for I am 100% Sicilian and on Sundays, while my grandfather and grandmother were alive, we Italians spent many hours at the table going through several courses. My wife and I will make a dinning date at the Caspian Restaurant, which is south of the Santa Ana Fwy, located on Culver and Scottsdale.

I became an engineer in the aerospace sphere after receiving my education going to night school. After an interruption of being in the Army for two years and later being called back during the Berlin Crises, I graduated at the age of thirty. The education was instructive for I was exposed to high levels of math and enjoyed reading about the humanities that introduced me to great thinkers. I thirsted for knowledge even at the age of 13 by reading Sigmund Freud’s book, A General Introduction to Psycho-Analysis.

Poetry is also a small love of mine. Not that I am a poet, but I enjoyed for example the poem Prisoner of Chillon by George Gordon Byron so much that I memorized it in two weeks – it was a poem I was able to impress some of my dates with. Having been brought up with a brother, the poem being about three brothers in prison and the oldest saw his two brothers die while in the small dungeon made a strong impression on me.

Thank you for sharing many of your personal thoughts. How you are able to write about so many aspects of life amazes me. I am a slow thinker and unfortunately type just as slowly. It is because I try to think about what I am saying as being as close to what appears to be the truth. But this is the wonderful world of many different human beings, each with different personalities and gifts to share with others. The problem exists when one human is not able to share with another and enjoy the mental intercourse of learning and construction of thoughts. To learn from one another is a special endeavour for by comparing views and with honesty try to reach an agreeable outcome or idea is an accomplishment. Our greatest thinkers were able to build and invent many wonderful theories that became practical reality that we enjoy today; such as understanding the atom, electrons, the radio, computer, television, and seeing who you are talking to many miles away. But I digress and will return to some of your comments and questions.

Matters and Energies are Eternal

Ahreeman, you wrote that matter and energy are eternal and I agree for it is compatible with Einstein’s equation, E=mc2. However, being an evolutionist, I subscribe to the idea that everything has a beginning and evolves just as life evolved on our planet earth. Life started with the smallest of microbes under the right conditions of heat and moisture. Our earth was once a ball of fire, a mass that was caught in the gravitational pull of the sun. Through time, the earth was transformed from a ball of fire into matter that was able to cool and with the heat surrounding its mass water was able to form from the clouds of vapour, which allowed organic life to evolve after the emergence of plant life.

So there is a transfer of energy into matter that evolved inorganic elements and organic life forms. But how did it all begin? The most unanswerable question arises is how was the first atom formed? What gave birth to the atom, which itself is a system that has a nucleus and one or more electrons. Delving deeper into the atom scientists have found that it too can be broken down into yet smaller elements. But this marvellous system of the atom has electromagnetic and gravitational forces even at that level of existence.

So a question arises, how did the atom develop electromagnetic and gravitational forces? Did these forces exist first to evolve a system that has both positive and negative properties? This is a wonderful mystery for our scientists to explore. Until our greatest minds answer this question, we can only theorize that these forces have a will to exist. That will is the impulsive desire to exist and to insure existence continues into higher forms of life, the desire to procreate becomes part of the living process. It is any wonder why we humans, including all plant and animal life have a sexual appetite?

Spirits, Matter and Energy

Ahreeman, you concluded that spirits exists but without matter and energy, it cannot exist. This is true because the concept of a spirit is manmade. Just as man has conceptualized the idea of God so have they extended this idea to believe spirits exists to live eternally with or without that God.

What you call spirit may be another way of saying a will exists, the inherent property that exists within the atom and persists as it advances into highly developed life forms. But that will or spirit can be contaminated with poor input as the mind grows but is exposed to false ideas. This is where indoctrination plays a great role in shaping the views and thoughts of the mind. The mind can be taught to sacrifice its own existence by killing others who think differently, such as not believing in the existence of Allah as the creator of all there is.

Does Rationality Dictate Morality?

Ahreeman, you wrote, “But isn’t rationality taught by science? And Rationality dictates to us to be moral? Rationality, Logic and Science go together.”

To your statement, I say this is not necessarily so. Logic can be built upon faulty premises. Since we are talking about morality, what is moral in one culture may be unacceptable in another. As you know, morality is not logic based upon facts that are repeatable. Rather, morality is what is taught and accepted as true, such as the morality taught in the Qur’an. In this scripture, it advocates that Islam is the only true religion and that it will prevail over all other religions. To the Muslim believer, this is faulty logic accepted as truth. Therefore morality is not based upon logic but rather based upon the acceptance inculcated into the mind at very early stages in life.

Ahreeman, you are a man dedicated to logic and science as going hand-in-hand together and that is a true premise. But you cannot associate morality with logic as demonstrated by the abominable outcomes of Islamic theology that foster bigotry, hate, violence, and the killing of innocent people.

Ahreeman, I repeat below why science and logic does not necessarily define morality. You responded with a very nice compliment by writing, “very interesting analysis, I like the way your mind works.”

What is moral in one community may not be acceptable in another and this becomes apparent when we contrast one religion with another. Moral codes vary by how extreme one community is brought up over another. Therefore I do not believe it is science and logic that defines morality. It is the experience of “hard knocks” in the real world that communities learn to coexist with one another. Their experience leads to the development of a moral code acceptable to all and has nothing to do with science or logic. Yes, common sense plays a big part. But here too, few people are able to use common sense as they go through life making one mistake after another. Education is key to teach ethics, integrity, justice and truth. These are not scientific facts but behavior patterns to lead wholesome productive lives.

Part 2: Macro Aspects

Zoroastra was Exposed to Egyptian Beliefs

Ahreeman, thank you for indicating the Achaemenia period, which draws its name from king Achaemenes who ruled Persia between 705 and 675 BCE. Upon the coronation of Cyrus the Great in 559 BCE, the First Persian Empire was established around 500 BCE whereby Persia ruled the world from the Indus Valley in the east to Thrace and Macedon on the northeastern border of Greece and eventually would control Egypt as well. It is evident that since Zarathustra Spitmata (known as Zoroastra) was born in 630 BCE and died 80 years later in 550 BCE, Egyptian philosophy of religion had to have influenced the evolution of Faravahar and affected the thought patterns of Zoroastra.

Faravahar is one of the best-known symbols of Zoroastrianism, the state religion of ancient Iran. This religious-cultural symbol was adapted by the Pahlavi dynasty to represent the Iranian nation. This symbol of a half man half beast with elongated horizontal wings is very similar to the symbol of the Egyptian soul called the Ba, which appeared in the tomb of the pharaoh Tutenkhamon (1357-1353 BCE). The Ba was originally the winged hawk that represented the soul after death and existed several centuries before the death of Tutenkhamon. The figures of the Ba and Faravahar are presented below.

Ba of King Tut

Ba of King Tut

Faravahar in Blue Sky
Faravahar Door Top and Arches at Yazd Main Fire Temple, Iran

Near East Religious Philosophies are Interrelated

It appears that by horrific events, such as wars between cultures, the religious views of each people are assimilated and modified. Just as the Hebrews assimilated the religious beliefs of the Egyptians, the Persians assimilated the religious beliefs of Egyptian and Jewish religions. By the new era starting with Jesus, the Egyptian, Hebrew and Persian religious beliefs were reflected in the birth of the Christian religion. The intermingling of the worshipped gods and beliefs of Persia being reflected in the beliefs and traditions of the Christian religion were noted by Ahreeman X and are shown below:

* Mitra was the daughter of the virgin Goddess Anahita.
* Jesus was the son of the virgin mother Mary!

* Mitra was born on December 25th.
* Jesus was born on December 25th.

* Mitraists were having bread and wine at Mitraist Temples.
* Christians are having bread and wine at communions in churches!

The Jewish-Roman War and Birth of Christianity

The Judaic religion had faced a great setback after the Jewish-Roman War, which ended in September 70 CE. Many Jewish towns and cities were destroyed, whereby over one million Jews were slain and close to 70,000 were captured. Just before the end of the Jewish-Roman War, the Gospels began to be written by Hebrew priests to salvage their beliefs in God. By 120 CE the last Gospel of John was written. My assertion that Hebrew priests wrote the Gospels to preserve their religion after the war has been presented in my books Future of God Amen and AMEN. I believe it was the catastrophic events of war that caused the Catholic religion to be born out of the near destruction of Judaic life and religion.

Since it is March, I extend my best wishes to all Persians and Iranians that celebrate the Persian New Year, March 21. Happy New Year!!

Is Christianity a Copied Version of Mitraism?

Ahreeman, you wrote:
“Christianity is not a religion, yet it is a storybook made for adults. Even this storybook is not an original, yet a fake one, copied from the Persian Philosophy of Mitraism!

After reading this research, it will be all clear to you of how primarily Christianity and then Islam copy/pasted much of their holy books from ancient Persian philosophies of Mithraism, Vedaiism and Zoroastrianism!”

Ginex response: The above assertions are not wholly true. It is clear that Persian theology of Mitraism has its own roots but also, the final development of Zoroastrianism was influenced by the beliefs of the Egyptian and Judaic religions. Islam was primarily born out of Mohammad’s exposure to the Judaic and Christian religions, which dominated during his lifetime and referred to in many passages of the Qur’an. In fact, the Qur’an makes an effort to challenge and dismiss the Judaic and Christian religions, stating Islam is the only true religion and will prevail over all other religions.

Ahreeman, I enjoyed reading why you have always been a rebel. You go back to when you first opened your eyes and I thought that was very revealing about your nature by writing, “Since I opened my eyes, I rebelled starting against my own dynasty and social class!” This is what I like about you. You call a spade a spade and you have a mission that started at birth. Very few of us even have a mission. I never had a mission except after I wrote Legacy of a Father, which formed the groundwork for my first book by a publisher titled, Future of God Amen. My mission started long after yours for I was 71 years old when I published that first book.

Introducing Allah, We, Our and Us

Right now, my mission is similar to yours. I want to reveal to the world the abominations contained in Judaic, Christian and Islamic scripture. These religions all have had a negative effect by causing the deaths of many innocent people because of dogma gone haywire. Although the Judaic and Christian religions have become benign and try to encourage tolerance, love and peace for all people, the Islamic religion is the culprit that has been instigating bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of people who do not believe in their god Allah.

That is why I have written Allah, We, Our and Us, which is soon to be published in the next few months. This book reveals why Muslims have a certain mind-set to establish Islam as the dominate religion around the world. I have shown that it is the Qur’an itself that inculcates that mind-set by stating it is the “only true religion” and that “Islam will prevail over every other religion.” No other scripture seeks to destroy the beliefs of people with another religion. They may ostracize themselves from people who believe differently and punish their own people for denying or not following their dogmatic beliefs. But both the Judaic and Christian scriptures do not advocate punishing, chastising, and killing people who follow another religion.

Ahreeman, I have e-mailed you my MicroSoft Master file of Allah, We, Our and Us so that you can review it and hopefully assist me in the efforts of disseminating knowledge that this book exists for people to become informed and educated about the looming threat of an Islamic theology that desires to dominate the world.

As part of my mission, I appeal to people around the world to pressure Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religious leaders to revise their scriptures so that there is a unified belief in one-universal God and to teach the Word of God – Love one another. Scriptures are out of date and need to be revised for a more discerning and intelligent people. The scriptures contain so much inaccuracies and myths that truth must prevail. These scriptures must exemplify the attributes of truth, justice, righteousness and compassion that were the corner stones of the father of these religions, the Egyptian religion.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

It is no accident that today people from all walks of life announce the word Amen when a wonderful outcome is achieved, when praising a wonderful outcome, or praying for a wonderful outcome. For those of you who have no idea who Amen was, let it be known that he was the greatest Egyptian God for over 2,000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. In fact, it was Jesus in Revelation 3:13, 14 that proclaimed for all those who hath an ear that Amen is –

the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.

There are atheists and agnostics who may see no benefit in extolling an ancient god. I agree. I only desire to educate people to understand how the past has shaped our beliefs in the gods that exist today. The Egyptians were a very intelligent people whereby their priesthood revised their beliefs in a god, and many gods, to finally conceive one-universal god during the reign of Ramses II. The Priesthood of Amon wrote scripture titled, Amon As the Sole God (Amon is an alternate version of Amen) around 1270 BCE before the Moses Exodus.

After this article, started by Ahreeman X, and is one of many interesting articles for people to gain other perspectives about religion and the beginning of life, I would like for Ahreeman and I to initiate another topic that will deal with any aspect of the assertions and conclusions presented in the new book, Allah, We, Our and Us. Hopefully, Mr. Ahreeman, you can begin a forum where agnostics, atheists, believers, and especially Muslims, participate so that different points of view can be explored and we all learn to reach conclusions that may benefit all of mankind. I will be honoured to place a PDF copy on the IPC website so that interested parties have easy access to the book contents.

Is Mind Spirit?

Now back to Ahreeman’s rebuttal. To my statement below, I received a wonderful compliment from my mentor, Ahreeman.

Ginex: I do not believe scientists believe in Spirits and Spirituality. At least, I surely don’t. The idea of a spirit is a man-made concept similar to the idea of a soul. Religious leaders have developed the concept of a soul to extend their belief in immortality or an infinite future with their god after death. Variations of the soul concept are that it can return into another life form based upon the previous life being spent doing greater works than bad acts.

Ahreeman response:
“Bravo you sound more rational then I and more scientific than I.

But what is the quality of “Mind”? Isn’t Mind, spirit?

Spirits exists but Matters and Energies have created the Spirits. Without Matters and Energies, Spirits cannot exist!”

Ginex: It appears that you believe in Spirits. I do not. Perhaps you equate the brain (matter) and energy (mind) as being a Spirit. This is not so because the mind, which exists in lower forms of animals, fowl, and living creatures, we humans do not believe they have a Spirit. Why then, should we be so special as to believe we possess a Spirit? Again, I believe just as man has conjured the belief in God, a Spirit, some men have the idea that humans possess a Spirit. If so, this Spirit exists for what ends?

Let me also note that some plants that are capable of capturing an insect and devour them have a certain level of intelligence. So intelligence varies, and the higher we go in the development of the animal kingdom we find that it is the human being that excels in intelligence. So much so, that humans get to believe that they are far above the animal kingdom whereby they possess a Spirit that can possibly live on after death. This is the height of arrogance to believe that because we are able to think in complex ways that our mind is energy that creates a Spirit. No. Our mind, if you are blessed with a very gifted one, functions only because it is nourished by a wonderful body.

The Will is Inherent in the Atom to Evolve.

The mind is a blank blackboard upon birth and by grooming it and nurturing it with love, ideas, and respect for others that the mind becomes a working medium that parents can be proud of. Intelligence, which we measure the capability of the mind, is not Spirit. It is the ability to think of all kinds of things, including Spirits, which is a figment of the imagination. I rather call our ability the “will” of the mind instead of the Spirit of the mind. It is the will to evolve into higher forms that is inherent in the complexity of the basic building block, the atom. It is marvellous how the atom, by forming different combinations of protons, neutrons and electrons is able to evolve many different kinds of elements and eventually life forms. It is this will inherent in the atom that becomes the will for survival for the fittest in all living matter, including we human beings.

As an evolutionist, I believe everything has a beginning; just as the earth had a beginning, our star and our solar system. The greatest question is how did the first atom evolve? Until scientists figure this out, mankind will always believe there was some unknowable, mysterious, and incomprehensible force that he conceptualizes as God. What we humans need to do is try to define this God not as a Master and we as slaves but as the force that gave us life and we, as human beings should try to be the best we can be in the evolutionary process.

Universal Intelligence

Ahreeman wrote the following response to my comment, “please understand that I use the word “Holy” as reverence for this universal intelligence and envision it as the Holy Spirit that pervades the universe. This is my own hypothetical belief and since I have nothing to replace this belief, it is the best my mind can accept for now.”

Ahreeman response: “Pervades: To spread throughout all parts of (Universe) especially subtly and gradually.

I like that definition but change the term from Holy Spirit to the Evolving Force.”

Ginex response: Ahreeman, you are more of a scientist than I. I tend to have a poetical attribute that makes me love, as you do, the human aspects of life. We all form ideas by the data feed into our brains and although I know you are more scientifically correct to use Evolving Force, I prefer to define this Evolving Force as God’s Holy Spirit because I have a certain reverence for this force. This Spirit is the Will, the Intelligence that pervades the universe and I feel this Will to Evolve deserves to be called “Holy.”

Dear Ahreeman, you gave me a good laugh when I read your response to my statement, “Ahreeman, your belief in the Laws of Physics, whereby matter and energy have never been created but always existed whereby they can change forms is a limited view of the beginning of the universe.”
I laughed when you wrote:

“Dear Saint Nicholas:

Are you calling me narrow-minded because I believe in Scientific Facts and Laws (So far proven)?
Therefore, you by not believing in it, are not really being creative and imaginative but that makes you “Scientifically Challenged” (I am trying so hard to be politically correct)!”

Ginex: Yes, thank you for being politically correct. I believe there is much for me to learn. However, I do not think matter and energy always existed. As a staunch evolutionist, I believe even our universe had a beginning. But this is my shot in the dark. I really do not know and I will not believe matter and energy always existed because it has been around. That first atom is where I get hung up with and that atom is so marvellous that it is the building block of all things. This small system has both electromagnetic and gravitational forces that really are astounding. To possess the energies and matter as part of its own system is something to be in awe of.

Since our scientists are still in their infancy about the beginning of the universe, I do not subscribe to the theory of the Big Bang or that matter and energy always existed. Somehow the billions of galaxies boggles the mind but so also does infinity of time boggle the mind for it had to be an infinite long time for all of the galaxies to form. I have to stop thinking about the beginning because I could get a headache.

Oh, I laughed again, when you referred to me as, “Dear Saint Nicholas:”

Ahreeman, I respect your acceptance of the theory, or fact, that matter and energies always existed. But as an engineer and thinking man, I still believe there is a beginning for everything and this does not mean it has anything to do with being a creationist but rather an evolutionary that has a belief in the process of evolution. Evolution does not mean it is due to a creator it means there are forces that somehow willed itself into matter that has been able to sustain inorganic and organic matter.

Part 3: General Aspects

How Everything Came to Existence?

Ahreeman, I begin by agreeing with your beliefs provided below:

“I believe Christianity copy pasted from Mithraism the same as Judaism copy pasted from Egyptian Ancient Philosophy and Amun.”

However, your belief needs to include that Christianity has in addition to copy pasting Judaism and Mithraism, it contains many of the beliefs of the Egyptian religion; such as the belief in a soul, a hereafter upon living a righteous life, a Son of God (the pharaoh), and finally, one-universal God. The greatest prophet of Christianity, Jesus, acknowledged Amen as “the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.” No truer words were spoken by this Man of God.

Is Jesus a Son of Man or a Son of God?

In all four Gospels, Jesus explicitly stated he was a Son of Man 76 times and only in the last Gospel of John (when the church fathers gained a greater following) did John quote Jesus as saying he was the Son of God only 5 times. John’s Gospel was written at least two generations later between the years 90 and 120 CE. Should we believe Jesus thought of himself as a Son of Man or accept the church fathers belief that he was the Son of God?
To accept the idea that Jesus is the Son of God is making a liar out of Jesus who believed he was a man of God by stating he was the Son of Man.

Is the Zoroastra God Polytheistic or One God?

Ahreeman, you posed the questions:

“Does direct copy/pasting of the Persian Philosophy of Mithraism sounds familiar?” Yes, but to what extent does Persian Philosophy copy the existing beliefs that originated out of Egypt?”

You answered the question by indicating,

“No because:

Egyptian Ancient Philosophy and Amun is about the unified God as a Monotheistic God.
Original Zoroastrianism is about Duality (2 Gods or 2 Sides of the Same God Ahura Mazda and Ahreeman), also Zoroastrianism believed and respected many Gods who came before Ahura (Ancient Persian Gods) and that is Polytheistic in its nature. Way different and more complexed than Egyptian belief.”

Ginex response: The concepts of duality were understood by the Egyptians for they defined good and evil as part of their beliefs in righteousness, justice and truth. The Protestation of Guiltlessness presented in my books Future of God Amen and AMEN reveals the very high level of avoiding bad behaviour towards others and revealed that they aspired to live good lives for their fellow man. Therefore the concepts of duality were already known and practiced by the Egyptians. Because Zoroastra believed in two Gods (Ahura and Ahreeman) as being two sides of the same God does not mean he did not believe in one God. He just viewed his God as having a duel nature, but it is one God.

To say Zoroastra believed in many Gods is up for conjecture. Zoroastrianism is similar to the Gods worshipped by the Egyptian, Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions but viewed differently. All of these religions serve the same purpose, which is to define moral behaviour for people to live by. However, the Islamic religion is a rogue religion in that its leaders want Islam to dominate and prevail over all the other religions.

Ahreeman, I love your sense of humour expressed after I made the assertion, “So let us not fall into the trap that any one people were the sole inventor of religious beliefs or the philosophy of Universal Intelligence that became accepted at some period of time.”
I laughed at your response below:

“Yes Saint Nicholas, our dearly Father Christmas, we shall do! This is what I love about you! The Peacemaker, the politically correct humanist, the Heavenly Father in you!”

But your sense of humour dies not cease because to the passage I wrote below:

It is nice to be a strong proponent of your race, culture, and heritage, but do not take on the erroneous belief that your religion is the best or true religion. This is an arrogant view of all religions, which has caused bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people who have their own religious beliefs.

Your response caused me to laugh again. You wrote:

“Yes our Heavenly Father Christmas, forgive us thus we art not as wise as thee and we are not as generous and brotherly loving as thee. Forgive us thus we have sinned!”

Ahreeman, I must say, I love you. You are able to express yourself eloquently and with humour.
I have to add one other humorous statement you commented on when I referred to God and Scripture.

“Here you go with God and Scripture again!
Pope Nicholas Ginex?”

Nicholas, if you ever get elected in Vatican, you will be the first Christian Pope and Saint who will also be a Scientific Evolutionist!”

Ahreeman, you honour me by associating me as being a Christian Pope, Saint, and the first Pope that is a Scientific Evolutionist. That is partly true. However I am definitely not a Saint since I don’t believe in a hereafter called Heaven.

I know you love to deal with facts. But life is made up of many traditions, myths, stories, and human frailties that give our mundane lives colour and excitement to be human. Yes, I played Santa Claus for my four little girls and those greatest memories are still a part of my life as I looked into their eyes of awe and we all sang Jungle Bells and Silent Night. I did not resort to facts about anything but just reinacted one of our greatest mythical characters, Santa Claus. In the same way, we are all participating in the mythical story of Jesus. Whether Jesus truly existed or not is not as relevant as what were the lessons he delivered to mankind to follow.

Universal Intelligence and God

Ahreeman, you defined Universal Intelligence as:

Universal Intelligence is a collective intelligence force made up of all intelligence around the universe and all interactive forces between energies and matters. This is a real force and a reality. This entity is not holy; therefore, it does not require respect and it is not requirement to respect it.

Universal Intelligence is not a higher power but it is a collective universal intelligence which includes yours and my intelligence. Every element in the universe is a part of it. No higher power here. No lower power here.”

Your definition or explanation of Universal Intelligence (UI) is good. But we must understand that intelligence only exists with a thinking mind in the higher orders of organic life, be they humans or aliens. I do not believe UI has the ability to create an understanding of the atom, electron, nor is capable of creating the computer and I-phones that transmit our voice and image to another person. This is the mind that evolves through long hours of study and reflection. We are able to create thoughts that may have meaning and serve humanity in practical ways. The Universe only provides the matter and energy for organic life to evolve and it is the intelligence of living organisms that becomes the crown achievement of UI. UI by itself has no way of demonstrating its intelligence. But it is a system that knows how to transform itself from energy into matter and vice versa.

Inherent in UI is the intelligence of the atom that is the basic building block of all inorganic and organic matter. The atom forms many kinds of elements and compounds that result in the existence of real entities. We are one of those entities, but so are plants, insects and worms. Their level of intelligence is not as advanced as ours but they do have the “will” of UI to exist and multiply.

Ahreeman, I wish you would disassociate UI with God. There is surely no purpose of UI and to think in terms that it is a God that evolved or created all there is only a theory. However, we may conceive UI as having a purpose because it does try to bring into existence organic life, to evolve thinking organisms. This is why some of our greatest minds and philosophers believe there is a purpose for the universe or UI. The thing to not get hung up on is that we think God has a purpose or is the creator. We humans define God but in reality, God is UI for it is unknowable, mysterious, and incomprehensible. The best scientific men like to call this force that evolves life forms as being UI. But isn’t UI also known as God? The problem is that we humans think we know God and this is far from the truth. God is a man-made concept, but so is the term Universal Intelligence.

Ahreeman, you wrote the following to my statement “that nobody knows if God exists”:

“I do! God exists and I, the Man have created him. Without me the Man, he does not exist. Matters gave birth to Spirits.”

Correction, matter, we humans, matter do not give birth to Spirits. We construct images that have no reality, such as spirits and gods. If you do not believe in God or Gods, you should also not believe in Spirits. The imagination of man conceiving God was a way for him to understand his environment and place on the earth. This imagination caused him to believe he must live a righteous and moral life so that he can please his god and hopefully join his God in an eternal hereafter. Now we are conceiving God as a Universal Intelligence because there is a stigma in thinking of the failed Gods we have created so far.

Many people think of God as a Master and his creations as slaves to do His bidding. But here again, although religion has made us believe God is the Master of creation this is a false perception of God. That is why we are starting to refer to God as Universal Intelligence. Nobody knows God or the UI that exists in the universe; both concepts are unknowable, mysterious, and incomprehensible. We are simply trying to be politically correct by substituting God for UI. What is wrong with the term UI is that it has no purpose, no plan, but simply evolves inorganic and organic life forms. If this is the case, why should we say the universe is intelligent? I still say that UI has as its crowning achievement the evolution of intelligent life and that is a purpose to be proud of.

A Memorable Thought for All Who Seek Knowledge.

Ahreeman, our debates have some merit for it shows how individuals can share their thoughts and hopefully some fruit is gathered in terms of wisdom or at least, reflection to think into other avenues of life and space. I will again like to add your thoughts that applauds debate and that we learn from each other.

“But you are absolutely correct. These debates will attract a huge number of curious people, Hungry people for knowledge, intellectuals, scholars and most important, the youth to read them and question everything that they have been taught at school so far! Debate and Argumentation is good and productive. Everyone learns something from it.

Nicholas, you are far from dogmatic and in fact you are very open minded and this makes you a productive scholar.

More power to you and All Free Thinkers

“Many are schooled, yet only a few are truly educated.”

Amen Brother!”

It is fitting to end my discourse with the above compliment by Dr. Ahreeman X. More so, because Ahreeman ended his eloquent thought with “Amen Brother!” Once again Mr. X displays his sense of humour.

I love the fact that our highly educated, wise, and scientific man ends his wonderful thought with Amen. It shows that indeed, Amen still lingers on in the minds of men no matter how they feel about the existence of God.

What is the Meaning and Purpose of Life?

Ahreeman, in answer to this question, you provided the following answers:

“Life is to live it up and live it in the manner that after your death, you have left the world for better and you have done something to testify to that! If not so, your life has been a waste.”
“Life is to give something back to the society. Life is to leave the world as a better world then it was.”
“Let me tell you something:

If you or I, manage to change one mind, just one mind towards evolving, progressing and bettering himself, then we have at least made a dent in this world for betterment and towards Evolution. I am sure you and I are surely doing better than changing only one mind! So we got it made!”

The above objectives are noble and yes, hopefully more of our wonderful people will want to make our world better. This is part of the evolutionary process. This process takes many bad turns and commits many mistakes like the development of the philosophical theology of Islam; a religion that advocates bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people. But there are sane people in this world and they will prevail over ignorance.

The Sheep People

Ahreeman, you reflected upon the people who have amassed wealth and instead of donating much of it to better the lives of others, they go to their graves without a legacy to be proud of. You wrote:

“These people are called Sheeple [(Sheep People). No matter how wealthy they are or how poor they are, basically their lives means nothing and their legacy is Bull Shiite.

If they are poor, they could have at least take a step in enlightening themselves so they could be a more productive member of the society!

If they are rich, then they could have at least donated a few dollars of their wealth for betterment of the world. They could have at least made a dent.”

Mr. Ahreeman, although we may be few in numbers to try to light up the world and direct humanity on a better course to lead meaningful and wholesome lives, like a spark of fire, great changes will be made as others take that fire and use it in constructive ways. Our effort to enlighten the world with truth and knowledge is our legacy. May we be fine examples for those who read these pages so that they, my brother, will carry on the torch.


Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
Seeker of Truth
Lover of Life

Future of God Amen
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Nicholas Ginex
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:38 pm

Debate: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Return of Ahreeman

Brother Nicholas

Late Happy Nowruz to you too!

Pardon me for delay thus I have been extremely busy with the personal life, politics, web maintenance and IPC business. In addition, my estate has been under construction for 5 months and you know how that goes. It is hard to focus on writing while 3 different crews are working around you, distracting you and on top of it, you have to supervise them to make sure they don’t screw up your house, gardens, pool and outdoors.

But better late than never!

Here is your late Nowruz present:

I have finally found the chance to attend to my e-mails and choirs. You were my first priority. As promised, here are, your index:

Nicholas Ginex Index ... /index.htm

amongst the:

Authors Index

You are also on the:

Islam Index

and on the:

Philosophy Index

and indeed the highlight of the:

IPC Website

I created your index using your info and spicing it up. I gathered your material from around the net. It will be a good promotion for your new book. I like your work on “Allah is Not We, Our and Us!” and your concept of “Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe?”

Now allow me to pass through various subjects which you have brought up:

Long Lost Brother!

As your long lost brother who passed away long ago, I may be reincarnated with his soul! I sense this connection with you. It is surely delightful reading your words. Your Aura shines and puts a smile on my face.

I have inputted the pictures which you have asked me in to this thread (your last post).

Post in the forum

You are welcome to post your latest articles directly in the forum. Eventually the best of them will be published in the website.

Italians and Persians are culturally extremely close.

As you stated, old school and old countries folks can relate. Romans and Persians have very similar characteristics. Of course Sicily and Sardinia are way different than mainland Italy.

Persians and Italians,

Both use hand gestures while speak.
Both live for food.
Both have great cuisines.
Both greet kissing on both cheeks.
Both are good hosts and hospitable.
Both are rich in culture.
Both are deep.
Both are temperamental.
Both are passionate.
Both have convictions.
Both are artistic.
Both are musically sophisticated.
Both are great ancient cultures, traditions and civilizations.
Both are old school.
Both can relate to one another.

Persian Food

Caspian Restaurant is one of the best Persian Restaurants in the world. Then you must perfectly know your Persian food! The only thing better than Caspian is the traditional home cooking and maybe Shamshiri of Westwood.

Persian Poetry

Poetry oh poetry indeed! I do not have to tell you about the Persian Poetry; most likely you have your own favorites. My favorite Persian poet is Omar Khayyam.

What do you think of my Dark Poetry? I know it’s not your beef but what can I say, after all I am Ahreeman, Lord of Darkness! You can check some of them here:

Persian Poetry

Here is one that is not dark:

What I Believe? (Persian Poetry)

Electromagnetic and Gravitational Forces of Atom

You talked about electromagnetic and gravitational forces of atom and why and how is it that they exist? It reminds me of your article and theory:

Does Consciousness Pervade Universe?

Good one indeed!

The Mind

You spoke of how mind can develop or corrupt the spirit! Indeed!

We only use 10 % of our brain. Imagine if we learn how to use 100 % of it!

Political Correctness

Politically correct about Mitraism and Christianity even though you dislike political correctness?

Salman Farsi

Are you aware that Salman Farsi a Mazdakite Guru of Mazdakism (first Communists) who escaped the Persian Empire (after slaughter of Mazdakites), along with Ali was one of the co-creators and co-writers of Quran? Salman inputted all Socialistic ideas of Mazdakism in to Islam and Quran to make them appealing to the poor desert Arabs. Salman was a close comrade of Muhammad, a sworn enemy of Persia and a Persian traitor. Read:

222 Years of Struggle for Independence of Iran (651 AD - 873 AD)
Part One ... /index.htm

The Mission

Yes I had a mission since right about my birth. It is good that your mission also started, better late than never!

Now let us review some statements:

“These religions all have had a negative effect by causing the deaths of many innocent people because of dogma gone haywire.”

“dogma gone haywire”

You kill me Nicholas! That was awesome!

“the Islamic religion is the culprit that has been instigating bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of people who do not believe in their god Allah.”

Difference between Jewish Violence and Muslim Violence in scripture and historical violence:

Defensive Violence
Torah and Jews were violent but only to protect themselves.

Offensive Violence
Quran and Muslims were violent but purely as offensive to dominate the Arabian Peninsula, then the Middle East and then the World! Muslims mass slaughtered tribes and whole civilizations of Jews, Zoroastrians, Christians, Hindus and many other cultures.

Everywhere Islam went, it has left a legacy of bloodshed, rape, pillage, murder and forced conversions. Everywhere Islam went, the creativity, art, laughter and ingenuity died. Golden Age of the Islamic Empire was only due to the Persians and other conquered civilizations. Arabs had nothing to do with this golden age. Once the Persian ingenuity dried up (due to Islam), then the Islamic Empire died! Persians were the backbones of the Golden Age of Islam. Read:

Historically Famous Iranian Scientists ... /index.htm

“Quran stating it is the “only true religion” and that “Islam will prevail over every other religion.” No other scripture seeks to destroy the beliefs of people with another religion. They may ostracize themselves from people who believe differently and punish their own people for denying or not following their dogmatic beliefs.”


“There are atheists and agnostics who may see no benefit in extolling an ancient god. I agree. I only desire to educate people to understand how the past has shaped our beliefs in the gods that exist today.”


“After this article, started by Ahreeman X, and is one of many interesting articles for people to gain other perspectives about religion and the beginning of life, I would like for Ahreeman and I to initiate another topic that will deal with any aspect of the assertions and conclusions presented in the new book, Allah, We, Our and Us. Hopefully, Mr. Ahreeman, you can begin a forum where agnostics, atheists, believers, and especially Muslims, participate so that different points of view can be explored and we all learn to reach conclusions that may benefit all of mankind. I will be honoured to place a PDF copy on the IPC website so that interested parties have easy access to the book contents.”

There are many religious forums and Anti Islam forums. That is not really our concern here. Our mission in IPC focuses on protecting and serving the Persian Culture while getting the Islamic Infection off of it!

However, “All” can discuss Islam Exposing topics, Religious Topics and Religion here. It’s a free tribune. You can start a topic too!

“It appears that you believe in Spirits. I do not. Perhaps you equate the brain (matter) and energy (mind) as being a Spirit. This is not so because the mind, which exists in lower forms of animals, fowl, and living creatures, we humans do not believe they have a Spirit.”

Christians believe that only humans have soul and spirit. Hindus and various others believe in reincarnation of souls and that all creatures have spirits and souls. One can reincarnate as a rat; therefore, a rat can also have a soul! That is why Hindus have respect for all creatures.

Carnivore plants as you stated also have some intelligence.

“So much so, that humans get to believe that they are far above the animal kingdom whereby they possess a Spirit that can possibly live on after death. This is the height of arrogance to believe that because we are able to think in complex ways that our mind is energy that creates a Spirit. No. Our mind, if you are blessed with a very gifted one, functions only because it is nourished by a wonderful body.”

Let me play the devil’s advocate here! But if the universal intelligence pervade the universe, then isn’t it only logical that after death, this energy does not disappear but it transforms to other forms? Isn’t this what really Christians and Hindus are also trying hard to preach (in their primitive lingo via spirits and reincarnations)?

“The mind is a blank blackboard upon birth and by grooming it and nurturing it with love, ideas, and respect for others that the mind becomes a working medium”

Are we forgetting the genetics and heredity?

“Intelligence, which we measure the capability of the mind, is not Spirit. It is the ability to think of all kinds of things, including Spirits, which is a figment of the imagination.”

True, intelligence is an ability, but mind is spirit

“I rather call our ability the “will” of the mind instead of the Spirit of the mind.”

True for the ability of intelligence but not for mind

“It is marvellous how the atom, by forming different combinations of protons, neutrons and electrons is able to evolve many different kinds of elements and eventually life forms. It is this will inherent in the atom that becomes the will for survival for the fittest in all living matter, including we human beings.”

Which the Ginex masterfully refers to it as the “Consciousness which pervades the universe”!

“As an evolutionist, I believe everything has a beginning”

As an evolutionist I believe that your beginning also had another beginning and that one also had another for infinity ....... therefore there was no beginning and there will be no end in sight for this process of evolution. It just continues on and on and on ....

Look at the big picture, not the micro vision of the whole panoramic screen.

“As an evolutionist, I believe everything has a beginning; just as the earth had a beginning, our star and our solar system. The greatest question is how did the first atom evolve? Until scientists figure this out, mankind will always believe there was some unknowable, mysterious, and incomprehensible force that he conceptualizes as God. What we humans need to do is try to define this God not as a Master and we as slaves but as the force that gave us life and we, as human beings should try to be the best we can be in the evolutionary process.”

I love how your mind works!

“please understand that I use the word “Holy” as reverence for this universal intelligence and envision it as the Holy Spirit that pervades the universe. This is my own hypothetical belief and since I have nothing to replace this belief, it is the best my mind can accept for now.”

Brother, actually I am the same way but scientifically, I simply cannot refer to Nancy Pelosi as Brooke Shields!

“Ahreeman response: “Pervades: To spread throughout all parts of (Universe) especially subtly and gradually.

"I like that definition but change the term from Holy Spirit to the Evolving Force.”

Yes indeed, allow me to emphasise: The Evolving Force.

“Ginex response: Ahreeman, you are more of a scientist than I. I tend to have a poetical attribute that makes me love, as you do, the human aspects of life. We all form ideas by the data feed into our brains and although I know you are more scientifically correct to use Evolving Force, I prefer to define this Evolving Force as God’s Holy Spirit because I have a certain reverence for this force. This Spirit is the Will, the Intelligence that pervades the universe and I feel this Will to Evolve deserves to be called “Holy.”

Actually I also go often poetic and that is why many scientific people refer to me as the “Holy Man”!

“Dear Ahreeman, you gave me a good laugh when I read your response to my statement, “Ahreeman, your belief in the Laws of Physics, whereby matter and energy have never been created but always existed whereby they can change forms is a limited view of the beginning of the universe.”
I laughed when you wrote:

“Dear Saint Nicholas:

Are you calling me narrow-minded because I believe in Scientific Facts and Laws (So far proven)?
Therefore, you by not believing in it, are not really being creative and imaginative but that makes you “Scientifically Challenged” (I am trying so hard to be politically correct)!”

“Yes, thank you for being politically correct. I believe there is much for me to learn. However, I do not think matter and energy always existed. As a staunch evolutionist, I believe even our universe had a beginning. But this is my shot in the dark. I really do not know and I will not believe matter and energy always existed because it has been around. That first atom is where I get hung up with and that atom is so marvellous that it is the building block of all things. This small system has both electromagnetic and gravitational forces that really are astounding. To possess the energies and matter as part of its own system is something to be in awe of.”

Nicholas, I see where you are coming from. Look at it this way:

Until this day, science has proven and it believes in the “Conservation Law of Matters and Energies”. Tomorrow when science rejects this belief and proves another belief, then as a scientific person, I will grasp the new belief; however, under no conditions I refer to myself as imagine-less, narrow minded and dogmatic. I refer to myself as a scientific person. This is what we have today. Tomorrow, when new theories and facts show up, then I believe in it. This is the scientific method.

And God and Holy Spirit has nothing to do with it! Neither does Humpty Dumpty, Father Christmas, Jesus Christ, Holy Toledos and a Saint Nicholas reincarnated in Orange County has anything to do with the scientific facts!

Look at the big picture. I am not only speaking about matters and energies, but everything that even created your first atom. This everything which created your first atom and your beginning is a string of eternity which has no beginning and no end.

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to him to evolve.”

This “String of Eternity” is “All” (Matters and Energies), is “None” (Anti Matter, Black Holes, Dark Matter and Absolute Emptiness Abyss), is “Part” and is “Whole”. This String of Eternity is all that exist and does not exist!

Call it Shamboo, Shamu, Ding O Ling, Jigaboo, Holy Spirit or Tooth Fairy, but the scientific terminology is that:

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to him to evolve.”

“Since our scientists are still in their infancy about the beginning of the universe, I do not subscribe to the theory of the Big Bang or that matter and energy always existed.”

....... therefore, I Nicholas Nickel-bee AKA Saint Nicholas of Orange County who am not a scientific infant, will reside in the State of LaLa Land and become a Citizen of Never Land along with my Good Fellow Holinesses Peter, Paul, Mary, Tom and Jerry, Holy Spirit and indeed Our Lord Jesus Christ, somebody give me an Amen ..... Halle Lujah, Praise the Lord O Mighty! Hey Joe, hand me my guitar, I feel a Gospel is coming along ..... thank you, thank you very much (with a lip twitch, Elvis Style)!!!!

C’mon Saint Nick, isn’t this what you really saying?
I mean a great scientific mind such as yours still prefers to reside in the Heart Warming Disney Movie rather than the Harsh Scientific Reality?!

“In all four Gospels, Jesus explicitly stated he was a Son of Man 76 times and only in the last Gospel of John (when the church fathers gained a greater following) did John quote Jesus as saying he was the Son of God only 5 times. John’s Gospel was written at least two generations later between the years 90 and 120 CE. Should we believe Jesus thought of himself as a Son of Man or accept the church fathers belief that he was the Son of God?
To accept the idea that Jesus is the Son of God is making a liar out of Jesus who believed he was a man of God by stating he was the Son of Man.”

As you stated, Bible and many Holy Books have been revised over and over until the present copies are far different than the originals.

“Ginex: Is Jesus a Son of Man or a Son of God?”

No, Jesus is son of a little Green Man Space Alien (Ancient Astronaut Theory)!
If Jesus ever existed and not just a fairy tale (which I believe he did exist), he was an alien ancient astronaut named Kal-El son of Jor-El who was the Superman, but as long as Christopher Reeve is dead, then Superman is dead and therefore Jesus is dead and concludes us that “God is Dead” and as our old buddy Friedrich Nietzsche confirms, it is all true, so done with the old Messiah “Jesus” and on with the neo Messiah “Al Hussein Obama” who the good Umma’ of Ding Bat Americans saw his vision in the Moon (same as Persians who saw Khomeini’s vision in the Moon) and screwed up the greatest nation in the whole wide world and created the IRA (Islamic Republic of America) .... on we go ... praise be upon Allah!

Obama and Khomeini: Great Similarities! ... /index.htm

“Ahreeman, I love your sense of humour expressed after I made the assertion, “So let us not fall into the trap that any one people were the sole inventor of religious beliefs or the philosophy of Universal Intelligence that became accepted at some period of time.”
I laughed at your response below:

“Yes Saint Nicholas, our dearly Father Christmas, we shall do! This is what I love about you! The Peacemaker, the politically correct humanist, the Heavenly Father in you!”

But your sense of humour dies not cease because to the passage I wrote below:

It is nice to be a strong proponent of your race, culture, and heritage, but do not take on the erroneous belief that your religion is the best or true religion. This is an arrogant view of all religions, which has caused bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people who have their own religious beliefs.

Your response caused me to laugh again. You wrote:

“Yes our Heavenly Father Christmas, forgive us thus we art not as wise as thee and we are not as generous and brotherly loving as thee. Forgive us thus we have sinned!”

Ahreeman, I must say, I love you. You are able to express yourself eloquently and with humour.
I have to add one other humorous statement you commented on when I referred to God and Scripture.

“Here you go with God and Scripture again!
Pope Nicholas Ginex?”

Nicholas, if you ever get elected in Vatican, you will be the first Christian Pope and Saint who will also be a Scientific Evolutionist!”

Don’t you just love and cherish these intimate moments between us?!


About Zoroastrianism, actually unlike many Persians who believe Zoroastra was the first prophet and Zoroastrianism was the first religion who propagated a Monotheistic religion and a universal god (they wrongly date Zarathustra’s era as thousands of years BC), I believe that Zarathustra like all other prophets studied, learned and used material and teachings of all prophets before his time.

I do see your point and agree with you on this. Even though I differ with you on details and your comparison between Christianity and Zoroastrianism, yet in general I agree with you.

Prophets were advanced humans ahead of their times who also read a lot and were aware of prophets before them; therefore, they study in depth before they invented their own philosophies!

But, there is a but! There is a very thin line between being a Knowledgeable Prophet and being a Wise Charlatan! Muhammad is the perfect example!

“I know you love to deal with facts. But life is made up of many traditions, myths, stories, and human frailties that give our mundane lives colour and excitement to be human. Yes, I played Santa Claus for my four little girls and those greatest memories are still a part of my life as I looked into their eyes of awe and we all sang Jungle Bells and Silent Night. I did not resort to facts about anything but just reinacted one of our greatest mythical characters, Santa Claus. In the same way, we are all participating in the mythical story of Jesus. Whether Jesus truly existed or not is not as relevant as what were the lessons he delivered to mankind to follow.”

I know exactly how you feel. I am the same way. Even though a solid atheist and a scientist, yet I have Christmas Spirit and I celebrate Christmas and other Religious Holidays: Hanukah, Nowruz, etc. What would we do without the heart-warming myths? I play and sing Christmas songs all season long!

God vs. Universal Intelligence

Ahreeman X:
“Universal Intelligence is a collective intelligence force made up of all intelligence around the universe and all interactive forces between energies and matters. This is a real force and a reality. This entity is not holy; therefore, it does not require respect and it is not requirement to respect it.

Universal Intelligence is not a higher power but it is a collective universal intelligence which includes yours and my intelligence. Every element in the universe is a part of it. No higher power here. No lower power here.”

I stick with this definition

Nicholas Ginex:
“Your definition or explanation of Universal Intelligence (UI) is good. But we must understand that intelligence only exists with a thinking mind in the higher orders of organic life, be they humans or aliens. I do not believe UI has the ability to create an understanding of the atom, electron, nor is capable of creating the computer and I-phones that transmit our voice and image to another person. This is the mind that evolves through long hours of study and reflection. We are able to create thoughts that may have meaning and serve humanity in practical ways. The Universe only provides the matter and energy for organic life to evolve and it is the intelligence of living organisms that becomes the crown achievement of UI. UI by itself has no way of demonstrating its intelligence. But it is a system that knows how to transform itself from energy into matter and vice versa.”

Have in mind that it took millions and billions of evolutionary years and evolutionary jumps for these minds to exist, to think and to create. A creator did not create these minds but billions of years of evolution did! Well unless you believe in the “Ancient Aliens Theory” (Aliens genetically created us from their genes mixed with Apes genes)!

“This is why some of our greatest minds and philosophers believe there is a purpose for the universe or UI.”

Well there is a purpose for Universal Intelligence and it is called Evolution. UI is not an automated machine but its purpose is to Evolve.

“The thing to not get hung up on is that we think God has a purpose or is the creator. We humans define God but in reality, God is UI for it is unknowable, mysterious, and incomprehensible.”

I believe there sure exists mystery in the details; however, in general, the purpose of the UI is to Evolve, the same as all other intelligent entities, they evolve towards perfection.

“God is a man-made concept, but so is the term Universal Intelligence.”

I disagree. Man created God but Man did not create UI. Universal Intelligence is infinite and eternal. It is a scientific fact.

“If you do not believe in God or Gods, you should also not believe in Spirits.”

I bring up the argument of Brain (Matter) and Mind (Spirit) to prove that Man (Matter) has created God (Spirit). It is a logical argument and conclusion.

Brain and Mind ... /index.htm

“Now we are conceiving God as a Universal Intelligence because there is a stigma in thinking of the failed Gods we have created so far.”

Bravo Nicholas. The God we created has failed us because this God has many flaws! On the contrary, UI is not God but a scientific fact. The complete Universe and other Universes are consisted of UI and UI is the Universal Intelligence which is all that exist and does not exist. Even that emptiness (Dark Matter) is the result of UI.

Religious People have Weak Minds

“Many people think of God as a Master and his creations as slaves to do His bidding.”

Religious people do. Religious people have a screw loose! Religious people have weak minds and that is why they are in need of a God to dominate them as a Master. They are dependant to God. The God is their Master and they are God’s Servants. It is amazing how the majority of the globe is still living in LaLa Land! But then again as Brother Nietzsche stated:

Superman (Intellectuals) rules the world and the Public follows their lead. Unfortunately, the Public is way too ignorant to see the truth; therefore, the Supermen must deceive them (with God stories and Religion) to make good followers out of them! Public will follow you anywhere, even down the well of abyss!

What is the Meaning and Purpose of Life?

“Ahreeman, in answer to this question, you provided the following answers:”

“Life is to live it up and live it in the manner that after your death, you have left the world for better and you have done something to testify to that! If not so, your life has been a waste.”
“Life is to give something back to the society. Life is to leave the world as a better world then it was.”

“Let me tell you something:

If you or I, manage to change one mind, just one mind towards evolving, progressing and bettering himself, then we have at least made a dent in this world for betterment and towards Evolution. I am sure you and I are surely doing better than changing only one mind! So we got it made!”

I say Amen to that!

The Sheep People (Sheeple)

“Ahreeman, you reflected upon the people who have amassed wealth and instead of donating much of it to better the lives of others, they go to their graves without a legacy to be proud of. You wrote:”

“These people are called Sheeple [(Sheep People). No matter how wealthy they are or how poor they are, basically their lives means nothing and their legacy is Bull Shiite.

If they are poor, they could have at least take a step in enlightening themselves so they could be a more productive member of the society!

If they are rich, then they could have at least donated a few dollars of their wealth for betterment of the world. They could have at least made a dent.”

“Mr. Ahreeman, although we may be few in numbers to try to light up the world and direct humanity on a better course to lead meaningful and wholesome lives, like a spark of fire, great changes will be made as others take that fire and use it in constructive ways. Our effort to enlighten the world with truth and knowledge is our legacy. May we be fine examples for those who read these pages so that they, my brother, will carry on the torch.”

And indeed they are reading, take a look at the page views of our debate. Reading in silence indeed! They are also welcome to speak, this is a free tribune and all can speak up!





Brother Nicholas:

Define Morality?

Define Logic?

Define Love?

What is your opinion on Time Travel?

Check this:

I am a time traveler,
I, The Time Traveler,
My memories are my travels to the past,
My dreams are my travels to the future.

The Time

But seriously,

Do you know that I have been studying and experimenting with Time Travel for quite a while?!

Imagine if I could travel back through time and eliminate Muhammad so Islam would have never been born! This means Persian Empire would still exist and course of the human civilization would have been changed! A World with no Islam … Imagine the possibilities?

Faravahar History and Art Galleries 5
Science Fiction Faravahars ... /index.htm

Brother Nicholas, it is always a delightful cheer to have these chats with you.

Just make it shine brother, make it shine …..


Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:41 pm

Debate: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Nicholas Ginex Response to Ahreeman X comments of July 10, 2014
which begins with
Dr. Ahreeman wishing me a “Late Happy Nowruz to you too!"

Hello Ahreeman X,

A belated March 21, 2014 happy Nowruz to you!! I learned it is the beginning of another Persian New Year and first day of spring. You people really know how to celebrate this holiday for 13 days, which is in commemoration of the rebirth of nature, to make new beginnings, realize dreams and reach new goals. Looks like America has adopted the New Year celebration but not for the rebirth of nature but the birth of a Man of God. Thank you for my Nowruz presents, which may help to promote my new book, Allah, We, Our and Us; they are the following links that I may insert in the articles I write for various forums and Internet news media. ... /index.htm

Long Lost Brother!

It happens that before my brother and I were born (we are fraternal twins) August 27, 1935, my parents lost a baby boy about two years prior. Being old fashion, my mother’s parents wanted her to deliver the baby in the house against my father’s wishes. Unfortunately, the baby was too big to be delivered and was sacrificed causing my mother to use crutches for over a year and interfered with their sex life. Fortunately, to make up for the loss, mom and dad were blessed with caesarean twins. Thank God our doctor was able to correct mom’s sexual situation with a successful operation.

Perhaps, Ahreeman X, you are indeed my long lost brother come back into my life. This is conjecture for I believe you are simply a wonderful addition to my life. In some ways, you are like an older brother for I have learned of and been exposed to many of your thoughts that allow me to ponder and think about things that have not surfaced in my mind.

Post in the forum

Thank you for adding the article in your website Philosophy section, Does Consciousness Pervade the universe? I have written another article that you may like to add to your website or in a section that may present my articles: such as,

Indoctrination of the Muslim Mind ... /index.htm

Nicholas Ginex Index ... /index.htm

It is titled, Indoctrination of the Muslim Mind and it may be added under the link, Quran is the Source of Discontent in Many Countries. This article was sent you via e-mail on August 6, 2014 and has a photo of Muslims in prayer (extra photos of Muslims in prayer were attached if needed).

A similar write-up on [b][i]Indoctrination of the Muslim Mind
appears under IPC section, Islam -Philosophy Allah is Not We, Our and Us! 1, Part 1, Section 3.0. However, the article of August 6th, mentioned above, is more comprehensive and is worthwhile adding to IPC.

On July 16, I e-mailed the E-Book files for:
Future of God Amen
AMEN: The Beginning of the Creation of God
Amen and Jesus' Revelation

Then on July 17, I e-mailed the E-Book file for:
God, Us and the Universe.

The E-Book for Allah, We, Our and Us still needs to be produced. Can these E-Book files be viewed on your website by IPC members? Since my objective is to inform people and not get rich, I would love to share my written works with others.

Sorry to muddle this section with the above details. You are so busy that I thought I could be of some help to recommend where the article on Muslim indoctrination might be added to the IPC website.

Italians and Persians are culturally extremely close.

Yes, there are many common traits between Persians and Italians for their food, music, culture, and love of life.

Persian Poetry

Ahreeman, your mental ability and love of life is reflected in your poetry. I read What I Believe and The Dog Who Saw the Rainbow. You are tortured with a past that cannot be recaptured with only the hope that Persian culture will be preserved. However, I have greater hopes that you and your people will rise above the past, using it as a springboard to make the lives of all people enjoy the precious culture that this IPC website retains. This website is a testament to human history and all human beings should be proud of the contributions that make up its contents.

I read several quatrains by Omar Khayyam and was impressed with his depth into life, its joys, and purpose. Thank you for introducing me to this Persian poet. I found the first literal meaning of each quatrain was more meaningful and had the poetic touch. Unfortunately, they were written in another time so that I could not benefit from their original impact. Poets tend to be very flowery and a little obscure, which is why I prefer the written word in prose. Prose requires more expansion on the thought process where logic reigns and ideas are born; at least, for me.

Electromagnetic and Gravitational Forces of Atom

Strange, I never thought I would ever go into a philosophical dissertation about the atom having an inherent consciousness that wills the creation of inorganic and organic matter. I guess it’s just my desire to understand the beginning of the universe. After reading about the phenomena of quasars, pulsars and black holes I found it difficult to believe the entire universe with its billions of galaxies and billions of stars all was initiated at one point in the universe called a ball that exploded into the scientific theory called the Big Bang.

We know that a quasar is a collapsing galaxy whereby stars collide causing explosions that releases immense amount of gases, radiation, and matter back out into the universe. Pulsars also releases matter and radiation and black holes have the capacity to explode releasing matter and energy back out into the universe. These phenomena results in large cloud formations of matter that under gravitational forces pulls together and creates other stars. I learned about this from my mentor, Carl Sagan in his book Cosmos. If this is how stars are formed, it becomes evident that we do not need a Big Bang for the creation of the universe with billions of galaxies millions of light-years apart. Rather, there had to be another process that involved both magnetic and gravitational forces, which may be characterized as energy.

It is a wonderful find that the atom has gravitational and electromagnetic properties, which may be revealed by its nucleus and one or more electrons, respectively. Hopefully, scientists will be able to understand if it was energy that caused the formation of matter. Frankly, I cannot perceive that matter came into existence first since it is made up of the atoms that exhibit gravitational and electromagnetic energy. It is this energy in the atom that I attribute the will to exist by its ability to form matter using its own minute solar system of nucleus and electrons, which combine with other atoms to form different elements of matter. Hence, I wrote the philosophical article Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe?

Ahreeman, I am glad you liked my excursion into the philosophical realm.

The Mind

Ahreeman, you noted that humans tend to use only 10 % of their brains. I don’t know if this is true because the brain depends upon the nourishment it receives from the body. Even those with a perfect body find it difficult to use 100 % of the brain. The brain is constrained by the nervous system and blood that provides food and oxygen. Personally, I believe the best of brains, such as Albert Einstein, Carl Sagan, and our greatest scientists did well with use of up to 15 % of the functioning brain. That is, I believe that I would not care to have 100 % use of my brain because it might override the physical attributes of my body, such as my ability to love and enjoy the sensations of a woman at my side. Happy is the person who enjoys both the mental and physical gifts of his or her body. I would say that it may be true that some of our greatest minds did not enjoy the sensual aspects of their body but overly indulged in the challenges of the mind. Being a Sicilian Italian, with a Greek name, I guess I subscribe to the axiom, a sound body nourishes a sound mind. The body and the mind are wonderful gifts a human possesses and a wise person would learn would make use of and enjoy both.

Political Correctness

Political Correctness creates a veil of ignorance that stifles the attainment of knowledge. Regarding Mithraism and Christianity, they have many common elements whereby the latter has emulated many beliefs of the former. I don’t believe there is any political correctness to be concerned about in acknowledging that groups of people learn from one another.

Salman Farsi - Greatest Iranian Traitor of All Times

Ahreeman, I thank you for referring me to Part 1 of four chapters you wrote to help retain the 222 year history of the Iranian struggle for independence against Arab-Muslim Bedouin aggression during the period 651 CE – 873 CE. You introduced Yaqub Leis Saffarid as the liberator of Iran and the greatest Iranian who ever lived. But also, you added the names of Pantea, Apranik and Artemisia, which piqued my interest. But it was your solemn oath to the Iranian Soil and to the burning ashes and Spirit of Dr. Kourosh Aryamanesh, your mentor and master, to continue to carry the torch of researching, documenting, teaching and expanding the Persian Culture that enticed me to read further.

Ahreeman, you began your history of the Persian past by stating thoughts I have used in my books about religious scripture and development. History of the past is usually modified to serve the organizations and institutions in power. That is why I present your thoughts again for the seeker of truth. You wrote:

History is a science, which should get updated on a regular bases, or the readers will fall in dark well of falsity. I have always been a firm enthusiast of writing the latest version and facts of history. As soon as a new discovery occurs, I always try to change and update the documented history in accordance to these facts, otherwise, that written history will belong in the trash can of time. I am a firm believer of the scientific and up-to-date approach to history rather than the same old boring stories told to us from generation to generation. The bottom line is to avoid Dogma, history is not religion, and history books are not holy books to remain unchanged and dogmatic. Always look at history as a progressive science, each day we discover something new about the events, which occurred in history. This is the only way, one can learn from the history. Facts are what we are concerned about. So this is how we seek and reach for the truth.

Ahreeman, a fact you bring to our attention is that the Arab-Muslim invasion actually began in 635 CE when the Arab General al-Walid defeated the Persian General Sassanid. It took 16 years of warfare that resulted in the first Arab-Muslim occupation of Persia in 651 CE.

You noted that at the same time of the initial invasion of Persia, Muslim barbarians invaded the Roman Empire (Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire). By 635 CE Damascus, the capital of Sham (Syria, a Roman Colony then), was in shambles and by 636 CE the barbarians captured the whole Roman colony of Sham. This was the first major defeat of the Romans and eventually the Arabs took over the whole African and Asian colonies of Rome. If the Muslims would have had a sophisticated navy they would have invaded Europe too! Greece and Italy would have become backward Muslim nations.

The book, Future of God Amen, Section 9.4, may be referred to supplement Dr. Ahreeman’s Arab-Muslim and Persian history. However, Dr. X has added material that actually describes how key battles by the Persians were lost; such as the Persian Army General Rostam Farokhzad who fought to the death with his bare hands and shield after having lost his sword.

Dr. Ahreeman wrote about Salman Farsi: “Salman was a major Theoretician of Islam. Salman established the political Ideology of Islam. Mohammed with the help of Salman, Ali (4th caliph of Rashedin) and Abu Bakr (1sth caliph of Rashedin) wrote the Quran and practically stole most of the verses from book of Mazdak, Mitraism (ancient Persian Religion), Bible, Torah, and even parts of Avesta, the holy book of Zarathustra Spitmata, the Persian Philosopher. The rest of Quran is basically creations of Mohammed's delusional, epileptic, and schizophrenic mind….What Salman did to Iran, no other Persian ever done to Iran! Salman is the number one Persian Traitor, an opportunist who sold Iran to Arabs for personal and political gains.”

Waraqa, a poet, Umaiya (born Abi’l-Salt) cousin of Muhammad.

One correction to the above paragraph is that Muhammad did not write the Qur’an as history indicates. Rather, it was his companions, about some 20 years after his death that assembled his revelations from the angel Gabriel. It was reported that Muhammad had not learned to read or write. But this may be in error because Muhammad grew up amidst a diversity of religious traditions and tribal customs. His family was members of the Hashimite clan of the Quraish tribes and had they had the honor of being trustees of the Ka’ba, its idols, its Black Stone and the nearby sacred well. As such, Muhammad’s religious beliefs were that of his community, which were the worship of the Moon-god Hubal and his three daughters, al-Lat, al-Uzza, and al-Manat.

Many verses (suras) in the Qur’an had to have been written by his Companions, a party of men that saw the benefit of using Muhammad’s revelations as a manual for the indoctrination of people they conquered in many countries. In the article I wrote, Indoctrination of the Muslim Mind, it becomes conclusive that men other than Muhammad had written suras for the Qur’an. However, it appears to be true that Salman assisted Muhammad’s Companions in writing the Qur’an because they were, for the most part, uneducated and lacked the writing skills to develop the Qur’an. The use of “We, Our and Us” throughout the Qur’an verifies the lack of writing skills because they were not careful in distinguishing Allah with singular nouns. This oversight clearly reveals their inability to separate Allah from the atrocities committed by Muslims throughout the Qur’an. The book Allah, We, Our and Us presents a detailed history of Islam becoming a world empire and how the Qur’an is used to indoctrinate the minds of Muslims.

Today, the Salman Farsi Mosque is one of the holiest mosques of Islam in Madaen (Ctesiphone). Salman is highly respected as a close follower and confidant of Prophet Mohammed. Ali was the prophet's right hand and Salman was the prohpet's left hand.

The Letters of Omar and Yazdgird III.

Of great interest, I read the letter from the Arab leader Omar ibn al Khatab Caliph al Muslemin requesting Yazdgird III Shahanshah, King of the Persian Empire, to submit his people to Islam. Omar was quite persuasive noting Yazdgird’s troops were being defeated on all fronts. But even then, Yazdgird countered with the same reasons many leaders of the freedom speaking countries are beginning to accuse Muslims of today. I was compelled to provide his entire response because I have used his exact words when I write about the atrocities and danger Islam is to freedom-loving countries around the world. Students of Iranian-Persian history should read Yazdgird’s response in whole for even through it was written as far back as 640 CE his reasons for refusing to accept Islam for his people are valid today.

In the name of Ahura Mazda, creator of Life and Intelligence,

You in your letter wrote that you want to direct us towards your God, Allah O Akbar, without having the true knowledge of who we are and what do we worship! It is amazing that you occupy the position of caliph (Ruler) of Arabs, yet your knowledge is the same as a lowly Arab rambler, roaming the deserts of Arabia, and same as a desert tribal man!

"Little Man", you offer me to worship a sole and single God without knowing that it has been thousands of years that Persians worship the mono God and they pray to him five times a day (ancient Zoroastrian way)! In this land of culture and art, this has been the normal path of life for years.

When we established the tradition of hospitality and good deeds in the world and we waved the flag of "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds" in our hands, you and your ancestors were roaming the deserts, eating Lizards for you had nothing else to feed yourselves and burying your innocent daughters alive (an old Arab tradition, cause they preferred male children to female)!

Tazi people have no value for God's creatures! You behead God's children, even the POWs (Prisoners of War), Rape Women, bury your daughters alive, attack the Caravans, mass murder, kidnap people's wives and steal their property! Your hearts are made of stone, we condemn all these Evil which you do. How can you teach us Godly Ways when you commit these actions?

You tell me to stop my Fire Worship! Us, Persians see the Love of Creator and power of inventor in the light of Sun and warmth of Fire. Lights and Warmth of the Sun and Fire makes us see the light of truth and warmens our hearts to the creator and to one another. It helps us to be kind to one another, it enlightens us and makes us to keep Mazda's Flame, alive in our hearts. Our lord is Ahura Mazda and it is strange that you people also, just discovered him and named him Allah O Akbar! But we are not the same as you, we are not in the same level as you. We help other human beings, we spread love among humanity, we spread Good throughout the Earth, we have been spreading our culture but in respect for other cultures throughout the whole world for thousands of years, yet you in the name of Allah invade other men's land! You mass murder the people, create famine, fear and poverty for others, you create Evil in the name of Allah. Who is responsible for all this catastrophe?

Is it Allah who commands you to murder, pillage and to destroy?
Is it you the followers of Allah who do this in his name?
Is it both?

You have risen from heat of the deserts and burnt out infertile lands with no resources, you want to teach people the love of God by your military campaigns and the power of your Swords! You are Desert Savages, yet you want to teach Urban people like us who lived in the cities for thousands of years, the love of God! We have thousands of years of culture behind us, a powerful tool indeed! Tell us? With all your military campaigns, barbarianism, murder and pillage in the name of Allah O Akbar, what have you taught to this Muslim Army? What knowledge have you taught the Muslim, that you also insist on teaching it to non-Muslim? What culture have you learned from your Allah, now that you want to force-teach it to others?

Alas, Oh Alas...... that today our Persian Armies of Ahura have been defeated from your recently Allah Worshiping Armies; Now, our people have to worship the same God, the same Five times a day, but forced by the sword to call him Allah and pray to him in Arabic, cause your Allah only understands Arabic!

I suggest, you and your gang of bandits pack up and move back to your deserts where they are used to live. Take them back where they used to the burning heat of the sun, tribal life, eating Lizards and drinking Camel Milk. I forbid you to let your band of thieves loose in our fertile lands, civilized cities and our glorious nation. Don't turn these "beasts with hearts of stone" loose, to mass murder our people, kidnap our women and children, rape our wives and send our daughters to Mecca as slaves! Don't let them do these crimes in the name of Allah O Akbar, put a stop to your criminal behavior.

Aryans are forgiving, warm, hospitable, and decent people and everywhere they went, they have spread seeds of friendship, love, knowledge and truth; therefore, they shall not punish you and your people for your pirate ways and criminal acts.

I beg you to remain with your Allah O Akbar in your deserts and do not move close to our civilized cities, for your believers are "Much Fearful" and your behavior is "Most Barbaric"!


Yazdgird III Sassanid

The logic and sentiments of the Persian king are articulated in many of my articles and book, Allah, We, Our and Us. Leaders of any country that continue to permit the influx of Muslims into their country will find to their dismay that they have let loose voracious animals that will destroy their civilization and way of life. Muslim culture is lacking for their only source of education is the Qur’an, which creates indoctrinated minds that cause bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people.

The Mission is to educate people of the Contributions by Persians

Ahreeman, your overview of

8000 years of Iranian history ... /index.htm

revealed the extent of Mother Persia. I learned that 200 to 250 years ago, the UK and Russia divided the Persian Kingdom into all of the following ex-Iranian states and present fabricated nations: Afghanistan (basically consists of two states of Greater Iran, Ariana and Bakhtar), Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan (parts of), Kazakhstan (parts of), Baluchistan half of Pakistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Ossetia (a small part of Russia). You have convincingly shown that all of the great scientists were from parts of Iran and not the efforts of educated Muslims. Your conclusion is to be noted:

Iran had never recognized these fabricated nations. All of these countries and their population are indeed Iranians and one day in the future, they will be returned back to the Mother Persia as states of Iran.

Persians have much culture and contributed to human knowledge that should not be forgotten. Some of the great Iranian minds in the arts and sciences are:

Abu Ali Sina (Avicenna), Father of the Modern Medicine
Abu Mousa kharazmi, Father of the Modern Mathematics
Mohammad Zakariya Razi, Father of the Chemistry
Abu Rayhan Biruni, Father of Anthropology
Omar Khayyam Father of Algebra

Exposure to many other Persian minds that contributed to mathematics, astrology, medicine, philosophy, chemistry, anthropology, Persian language, geography, etc., are provided in Ahreeman’s overview.

The Devil’s Advocate Proposes Existence of the Spirit

Now, Mr. X, we get back to thoughts of the mind. You challenged my belief that, “a Spirit cannot possibly live on after death. This is the height of arrogance to believe that because we are able to think in complex ways that our mind is energy that creates a Spirit. No. Our mind, if you are blessed with a very gifted one, functions only because it is nourished by a wonderful body.”

You then played the Devil’s advocate by commenting:

“But if the universal intelligence pervade the universe, then isn’t it only logical that after death, this energy does not disappear but it transforms to other forms? Isn’t this what really Christians and Hindus are also trying hard to preach (in their primitive lingo via spirits and reincarnations)?”

It’s true that Christians, Jews and Hindus believe in a soul or spirit that goes on to another entity, be it another human body, animal, or tree, and others believe the soul joins a creator god in heaven. This is a hopeful belief that the personality of a person lives on after death. The Egyptians were one of the first innovators of this belief and was why they had elaborate rituals to facilitate the passing into another realm. It’s a nice belief for it affords followers of a religion hope of a reward for living a decent and moral life. But I do not need a reward for being nice to other people and to love others with sincerity.

Many people also believed in Hell but that belief is falling by the wayside because people are realizing that no God of love will cause a soul to burn to suffer the torture of fire for eternity. But, we still see that the Qur’an describes not only Heaven for its devout followers but also Hell. The Jewish and Christian Bible does not describe Heaven or Hell because they were intelligent to realize nobody has ever seen those places. Yet, the uneducated Muslims do believe the descriptions given for Heaven and Hell in the Qur’an and are duped to believe in the incentives for reward and fear the punishment of Hell.

Regarding the Universal Intelligence that I believe pervades the universe; it is the progenitor of matter and inorganic matter using the atom as its mechanism. This does not mean life as a soul continues by joining its intellect or energy with the cosmos and retains the personality of the deceased human. The soul is a construct of the mind, in the same way God is a construct of the mind; both are used to try to explain why humans must endure pain and misery and provides hope for relief after death.

Ahreeman, you constantly state that the mind is Spirit. Spirit is a concept and if you believe in a spirit then go for it as long as this belief does not interfere with the beliefs of others. For me, the mind is another word for the tissue we call the brain. How the brain develops a mind that is capable of understanding, evaluating, and making decisions to better one’s life depends on the upbringing with love from a mother and father and information provided by teachers. Yes genetics has a lot to do with it but means nothing if the mind is taught to hate as done on a mass scale to young children as early as 4 and 5 years by Islamic teachers of the Qur’an.

Conversation on Evolution

Ahreeman, once again you brought a smile to my face by writing people refer to you as the “Holy Man!” Then, after I accused you of having a limited view of evolution of the universe, your response to address me as “Dear Saint Nicholas:” really made me laughed. Your Politically Correct response to tell me I needed to be scientifically challenged was very appropriate. But I was glad you were able to see where I was coming from by acknowledging two of my creative thoughts: “This small system (the atom) has both electromagnetic and gravitational forces that really are astounding. To possess the energies and matter as part of its own system is something to be in awe of.”

But I got a hardy laugh when after expressing your commitment to the Scientific Method you wrote: “This is the scientific method. And God and Holy Spirit has nothing to do with it! Neither does Humpty Dumpty, Father Christmas, Jesus Christ, Holy Toledos and a Saint Nicholas reincarnated in Orange County has anything to do with the scientific facts!”

Ahreeman, I like your response that seems to satisfy my thinking of the “beginning of the universe,” which was: “This everything which created your first atom and your beginning is a string of eternity which has no beginning and no end."

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to him to evolve.”

That was good to characterize the evolutionary or universal force as the “String of Eternity.”

But then you really made me laugh when you wrote: “....... therefore, I Nicholas Nickel-bee AKA Saint Nicholas of Orange County who am not a scientific infant, will reside in the State of LaLa Land and become a Citizen of Never Land along with my Good Fellow Holinesses Peter, Paul, Mary, Tom and Jerry, Holy Spirit and indeed Our Lord Jesus Christ, somebody give me an Amen ..... Halle Lujah, Praise the Lord O Mighty! Hey Joe, hand me my guitar, I feel a Gospel is coming along ..... Thank you, thank you very much (with a lip twitch, Elvis Style)!!!!”

Very funny; I love your sense of humour.

“Ginex: Is Jesus a Son of Man or a Son of God?”

Ahreeman, I did not laugh after reading your parody that Jesus “was an alien ancient astronaut named Kal-El son of Jor-El who was the Superman,….” I do not discount the efforts of any man trying to improve how people can better live with one another. True, the belief in God is a faith and many people do well without such a belief. But I will not laugh at the beliefs of other religious people, such as the Hindus, Persians, Jews, Christians, and American Indians. The religion I will destroy and ridicule is the Islamic religion for followers of this religion are taught to hate and kill people who have other religious beliefs. Worse than that, Islamic fundamentalists inhibit education of the mind and refuse to allow knowledge to enter into the minds of their followers because they know that once educated, they will refuse the religion of HATE.

Ahreeman, thank you for providing the intmate moments of laughter where I was called Pope Nicholas Ginex, the first Scientific Evolutionist!

I laughed again, during the topic on Zoroastrianism you remarked after I wrote about my acting as Santa Claus for my young daughters, “I know exactly how you feel. I am the same way. Even though a solid atheist and a scientist, yet I have Christmas Spirit and I celebrate Christmas and other Religious Holidays: Hanukah, Nowruz, etc. What would we do without the heart-warming myths? I play and sing Christmas songs all season long!”

God vs. Universal Intelligence

Ahreeman, I reread our conversation on God versus Universal Intelligence and was glad that we appear to agree UI has a purpose, which is to evolve by creating matter and energy that becomes a product to be proud of – intelligent life; a crown achievement of UI.

You appear to agree that Spirit and God are interchangeable ideas that are man-made by writing: “I bring up the argument of Brain (Matter) and Mind (Spirit) to prove that Man (Matter) has created God (Spirit). It is a logical argument and conclusion.” However, I do believe in God and Spirit for if I do not know God how can I know Spirit? To me, God is mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible.

Regarding UI is all that exists, I cannot accept to believe all that does not exist. Dark matter, existing as matter does exist, we simply don’t understand it. That is why I do not like defining UI as “all that exist and does not exist.”

What is the Meaning and Purpose of Life?

Ahreeman, I agree that the greatest legacy is to leave this world in better shape than when you came to be a part of it.


Ahreeman, you presented a few words for discussion and I will give some answers without being too elaborate.

Morality: A set of rules gained through experience of what works to allow people to live in harmony. Such rules could be gained from parents, teachers and/or religious institutions. The attributes of integrity, honesty, justice, and compassion for one another become fundamental within the rules of morality.

Logic: A set of thoughts that have premises that build towards a conclusion that withstands competing arguments. Logic can be deterred by faulty inputs that inhibit the freedom of thought, such as the suppression of knowledge by Islamic religious leaders in order to lead people for their own purposes.

Love: A feeling that normally involves attraction to the mind or body, or both of another person. This attraction for it to be wholesome and lasting must be based upon sincerity, honesty, and desire to share one’s body and mind with another. Anything short of such a commitment is based upon sensual desire, which is nice but is not love. Love seeks to procreate the beauty one sees in another by mixing their genes to create a better product. This means there is respect for the person you love and it must be mutual for it to survive a lifetime.

Time Travel: I do not believe any person can go into the future because it was never created except by the here and now. And I do not believe any person can go back into the past for all our lives must come to an end. One can only hope to live a useful and productive life that gives joy and satisfaction. To project one’s hopes into the future or relive the past is a fruitless endeavor.


Ahreeman, I read your piece about “Time” and was fascinated with your love of life, be it the past, present, and dreams of the future. You are truly a Man among Men. My wife used to call be that but I relinquish this title to you.

Amen is the Word. I love the sound of that name and proud to know that this god has had an exceptional history. Those of you interested in learning more about Amen may find what I mean by reading Future of God Amen and Amen, The Beginning of the Creation of God.

Thank you Ahreeman for stimulating my mind and have me learn more about your precious Persian culture.

Nicholas the Pope
Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
Seeker of Truth
Lover of Life

Future of God Amen
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Nicholas Ginex
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:48 pm

Debate: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Greetings Brother Nicholas:

As you can see I am always late in forum posts and debates. That is my dilemma! Even though I am a very punctual person in life, yet I am always late in my forum responses, sometimes even a year late! I am going to take responsibility and will not bring the excuse that I am a very busy person! Comrades always criticize me on it and they are absolutely correct. So let us take it from where we left it off.

I. Congratulation about your new and upcoming book about Hussein Obama and his Administration. I am glad that you have finally got everything in order and you will publish it soon. Please do tell our members about it and possibly write an article of promo on it. Eventually after publication and sales, once you inform me, we will also publish it in IPC. In addition we will eventually publish your first book: Amen, the Begining of Creation of the God. This book is interesting because you basically said something new and brought something new to the scholarly world of philosophy. As you are aware, we have published your book on Allah:

Allah, We, Our and Us ... /index.htm

It is very enlightening and it was needed to be published in IPC. It surely made a good addition to your index of articles and books:

Nicholas Ginex Index ... /index.htm

We are looking forward to your next enlightening article.

II. Before I forget, let me hit you with this question:

I know you are a spiritual person; however, correct me if I am wrong, you believe that the universes or at least our universe is made up of Matters and Energies. You are also leaning to the idea that the element of the “Universal Intelligence” or so-called “Creator” is “Energy” and not “Spirit”. Then questions come to mind:

a. Do you believe a third element named “Spirits” exists in the universe?

b. How can you be a spiritual person if you do not believe in the existence of Spirits, yet you believe that what we refer to as Spirits are in fact Energies?

c. As you are aware, I believe there are 3 elements in existence: Matters, Energies and Spirits:

Brain and Mind ... /index.htm

Philosophical Corner ... /index.htm

And I believe Matters made the Spirits and spirits cannot exist without matters, meaning that:

Brain (Matter) made Thought (Spirit)
I (Matter) made God (Spirit)

So naturally I refer to any element which you cannot measure its existence with the 5 senses directly or indirectly (through tools) as spirits.

Now correct me if I am wrong, you believe that “thought” is Energy (as part of the brain)? You also believe that Matters made Energies (or is it vise versa)? So do you believe that Spirits do not exist? And what you refer to as spiritual means you are talking about spirits as Energies and you believe that Intelligence, Universal Intelligence and Creator are energies? And surely do you believe that “Thought” and Thinking are Energies? These are the questions which come to the mind?!

III. You stated:

“A belated March 21, 2014 happy Nowruz to you!! I learned it is the beginning of another Persian New Year and first day of spring. You people really know how to celebrate this holiday for 13 days, which is in commemoration of the rebirth of nature, to make new beginnings, realize dreams and reach new goals. Looks like America has adopted the New Year celebration but not for the rebirth of nature but the birth of a Man of God. Thank you for my Nowruz presents, which may help to promote my new book, Allah, We, Our and Us; they are the following links that I may insert in the articles I write for various forums and Internet news media.”

Yes brother, isn’t it a great idea to start a new year with the first day of Spring and all its symbolism? That is Persian ingenuity! This reminds me that we have not been in debate for so long since last Nowruz and now a new Nowruz is coming up! This is all my fault and I take responsibility for my busy schedule, but on the bright side we have been somewhat in touch, off the forum!

IV. You stated:

“Perhaps, Ahreeman X, you are indeed my long lost brother come back into my life. This is conjecture for I believe you are simply a wonderful addition to my life. In some ways, you are like an older brother for I have learned of and been exposed to many of your thoughts that allow me to ponder and think about things that have not surfaced in my mind.”

Nicholas, do you believe in Reincarnation? Do you believe in Hinduism concept of Reincarnation? You know me, I am pure science and I do not believe in any mumbo jumbo; however, we can look at the unexplained elements from another aspect:

Maybe whatever which is unexplained now, can one day be explained scientifically! Therefore it is not really mumbo jumbo!

Now I am younger than you but spiritually I am an old being hundreds of years in making, so you could be correct stating that I am your older brother.

Yes Nicholas, I had many past lives (I surely have the visions for them) and one of them is most likely to be your rested in peace and not had a chance to be born brother! But now, I am making up my brotherly duties as an older brother to you! I am watching over you brother! Ahreeman is watching you!

V. You stated:

“Thank you for adding the article in your website Philosophy section, Does Consciousness Pervade the universe?”

You should write more philosophy articles for IPC; after all you are an IPC author!

“I have written another article that you may like to add to your website or in a section that may present my articles”

Done, since then we have published more articles and a book by you.

VI. You stated:

“Ahreeman, your mental ability and love of life is reflected in your poetry. I read What I Believe and The Dog Who Saw the Rainbow. You are tortured with a past that cannot be recaptured with only the hope that Persian culture will be preserved. However, I have greater hopes that you and your people will rise above the past, using it as a springboard to make the lives of all people enjoy the precious culture that this IPC website retains. This website is a testament to human history and all human beings should be proud of the contributions that make up its contents.”

You like Persian poetry? Here is one for you:


and more:

Forbidden (Shahyar Ghanbari)

Footsteps of Water (Sohrab Sepehri) ... /index.htm

Address (Sohrab Sepehri)

Persian Poetry Index

My favorite modern Persian poet is Sohrab Sepehri and my favorite classical Persian poet is Omar Khayyam. You also may like Hafez, Rumi (mystical) and Sa’di, check them out.

VII. You stated:

“Strange, I never thought I would ever go into a philosophical dissertation about the atom having an inherent consciousness that wills the creation of inorganic and organic matter. I guess it’s just my desire to understand the beginning of the universe.”

Yes as a scientist, aerospace engineer and a technologist you do not want to go there but as a philosopher and seeker you need to go there! I feel your pain, dilemma and thirst for discovery!

VIII. You stated:

“After reading about the phenomena of quasars, pulsars and black holes I found it difficult to believe the entire universe with its billions of galaxies and billions of stars all was initiated at one point in the universe called a ball that exploded into the scientific theory called the Big Bang.”

So you do believe that first there were Energies and then they created the Matters?

I do not believe in Big Bang, instead, I believe that the graph of existence is a “Snake-like” shape which I call it the “Snake Theory” or “String of Eternity theory”:

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to him to evolve.”

... and as you know I believe everything have existed since infinity and they will exist for eternity; therefore, everything has always existed but all goes in to changing forms through a snake-like shape graph. In other words, universe has no beginning and no end, no creator and no eliminator. The universe is also not a circle that loops over and over; therefore, no one created this circle, yet the universe is a snake which each of the loops are open loops and they never quite reach each other and oneself, but each of the circles are open end and open start and snake goes on for eternity.

I bring evidence from the “Conservation Law of the Matters and Energies” which is a law and not a theory but I know you are not keen on that!

You on the other hand, the same as me do not believe in Big Bang, yet you believe in creation of matters via energies as you explained in your star creation situations, pulsars and quasars (am I right?).

Yes, even though we differ on creation of elements but I always dig your philosophical views.

IX. You stated:

“I would not care to have 100 % use of my brain because it might override the physical attributes of my body, such as my ability to love and enjoy the sensations of a woman at my side.”

Yes, and you may overload and burn a fuse or a circuit! Nicholas, you kill me, you are a riot! Logical but also practical!

X. Did you know Carl Sagan? What a bright mind! I wish we could preserve the minds of the bright minds of the universe forever and possibly evolve them. I bet with you that in the future we will be able to do this artificially. It maybe a sin but it is scientifically logical to do so.

XI. You stated:

“Political Correctness creates a veil of ignorance that stifles the attainment of knowledge.”

Bravo Nicholas!

It is amazing that your president’s buddies are killing cartoonists in Paris and then he refuses to name them “Muslim Terrorists” and he still refers to his religion as “Religion of Peace” while he is still in the closet about his religion … and he did not attend the rallies in Paris (arrogance)!

I cannot wait until Hussein Obama is out of the office so I do not have to look at his face and his wife’s face anymore, thus I cannot stand these two and I truly vomit every time I look at them! They represent everything that America does not stand for! Have you heard about the American Dream? Well Hussein Obama is the American Nightmare! The Nightmare in the Pennsylvania Street!

XII. You stated a quote from my book:

Ahreeman X:

“History is a science, which should get updated on a regular bases, or the readers will fall in dark well of falsity. I have always been a firm enthusiast of writing the latest version and facts of history. As soon as a new discovery occurs, I always try to change and update the documented history in accordance to these facts, otherwise, that written history will belong in the trash can of time. I am a firm believer of the scientific and up-to-date approach to history rather than the same old boring stories told to us from generation to generation. The bottom line is to avoid Dogma, history is not religion, and history books are not holy books to remain unchanged and dogmatic. Always look at history as a progressive science, each day we discover something new about the events, which occurred in history. This is the only way, one can learn from the history. Facts are what we are concerned about. So this is how we seek and reach for the truth.”

Nicholas Ginex:

“The book, Future of God Amen, Section 9.4, may be referred to supplement Dr. Ahreeman’s Arab-Muslim and Persian history. However, Dr. X has added material that actually describes how key battles by the Persians were lost; such as the Persian Army General Rostam Farokhzad who fought to the death with his bare hands and shield after having lost his sword.”

Bright minds think alike specifically if they are connected as brothers through reincarnation!

XIII. You stated:

“Today, the Salman Farsi Mosque is one of the holiest mosques of Islam in Madaen (Ctesiphone). Salman is highly respected as a close follower and confidant of Prophet Mohammed. Ali was the prophet's right hand and Salman was the prophet’s left hand.”

Salman a traitor to Iran is an Islamic Saint and loved by Arabs! Is there any wonder?

It is a shame that the IRI Regime is an Arab Worshiping Regime rather than an Iran Worshiping Regime! This is the problem with the Iranians:

Iranians worship their enslavers (Arabo-Muslims) and they have Stockholm syndrome!

Muhammad is not as ignorant and as illiterate as he was portrayed, on the contrary he was a wise charlatan and a great speaker who managed to drag armies of Cattle-like Muslims to follow him and mass murder tribes of Jews, Christians and Pagans in the Arabian Peninsula, convert all to Islam and then destroy the known world after his demise (Persian and Roman Empires).

Quran was written and in hand during Muhammad’s era because Arab Warriors started this tradition at Muhammad’s era:

Quran in one hand and Scimitar in another while screaming to the infidels: Quran or Sword?

Of course things have been added and deducted and revised in the years to come but Quran unlike Bible is mostly the original version written at Muhammad’s era by the infamous council of Muhammad, Salman, Ali and Abu Bakr.

XIV. You quoted me from my book on Yazdgird III:

Yazdgird III:

“In the name of Ahura Mazda, creator of Life and Intelligence,

You in your letter wrote that you want to direct us towards your God, Allah O Akbar, without having the true knowledge of who we are and what do we worship! It is amazing that you occupy the position of caliph (Ruler) of Arabs, yet your knowledge is the same as a lowly Arab rambler, roaming the deserts of Arabia, and same as a desert tribal man!

"Little Man", you offer me to worship a sole and single God without knowing that it has been thousands of years that Persians worship the mono God and they pray to him five times a day (ancient Zoroastrian way)! In this land of culture and art, this has been the normal path of life for years.

When we established the tradition of hospitality and good deeds in the world and we waved the flag of "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds" in our hands, you and your ancestors were roaming the deserts, eating Lizards for you had nothing else to feed yourselves and burying your innocent daughters alive (an old Arab tradition, cause they preferred male children to female)!

Tazi people have no value for God's creatures! You behead God's children, even the POWs (Prisoners of War), Rape Women, bury your daughters alive, attack the Caravans, mass murder, kidnap people's wives and steal their property! Your hearts are made of stone; we condemn all these Evil which you do. How can you teach us Godly Ways when you commit these actions?

You tell me to stop my Fire Worship! Us, Persians see the Love of Creator and power of inventor in the light of Sun and warmth of Fire. Lights and Warmth of the Sun and Fire makes us see the light of truth and warmens our hearts to the creator and to one another. It helps us to be kind to one another; it enlightens us and makes us to keep Mazda's Flame, alive in our hearts. Our lord is Ahura Mazda and it is strange that you people also, just discovered him and named him Allah O Akbar! But we are not the same as you; we are not in the same level as you. We help other human beings, we spread love among humanity, we spread Good throughout the Earth, we have been spreading our culture but in respect for other cultures throughout the whole world for thousands of years, yet you in the name of Allah invade other men's land! You mass murder the people, create famine, fear and poverty for others, you create Evil in the name of Allah. Who is responsible for all this catastrophe?

Is it Allah who commands you to murder, pillage and to destroy?
Is it you the followers of Allah who do this in his name?
Is it both?

You have risen from heat of the deserts and burnt out infertile lands with no resources, you want to teach people the love of God by your military campaigns and the power of your Swords! You are Desert Savages, yet you want to teach Urban people like us who lived in the cities for thousands of years, the love of God! We have thousands of years of culture behind us, a powerful tool indeed! Tell us? With all your military campaigns, barbarianism, murder and pillage in the name of Allah O Akbar, what have you taught to this Muslim Army? What knowledge have you taught the Muslim, that you also insist on teaching it to non-Muslim? What culture have you learned from your Allah, now that you want to force-teach it to others?

Alas, Oh Alas...... that today our Persian Armies of Ahura have been defeated from your recently Allah Worshiping Armies; Now, our people have to worship the same God, the same Five times a day, but forced by the sword to call him Allah and pray to him in Arabic, cause your Allah only understands Arabic!

I suggest, you and your gang of bandits pack up and move back to your deserts where they are used to live. Take them back where they used to the burning heat of the sun, tribal life, eating Lizards and drinking Camel Milk. I forbid you to let your band of thieves loose in our fertile lands, civilized cities and our glorious nation. Don't turn these "beasts with hearts of stone" loose, to mass murder our people, kidnap our women and children, rape our wives and send our daughters to Mecca as slaves! Don't let them do these crimes in the name of Allah O Akbar, put a stop to your criminal behavior.

Aryans are forgiving, warm, hospitable, and decent people and everywhere they went, they have spread seeds of friendship, love, knowledge and truth; therefore, they shall not punish you and your people for your pirate ways and criminal acts.

I beg you to remain with your Allah O Akbar in your deserts and do not move close to our civilized cities, for your believers are "Much Fearful" and your behavior is "Most Barbaric"!


Yazdgird III Sassanid”

This letter is a human bravery while it is a cultural catastrophe! This is human tragedy! Imagine your culture is about to be destroyed and your civilization is about to be levelled but you still preach to a Desert Animal trying to shove some sense in to his reptilian brain and instead of living on your knees, you decide to die on your feet. This is what Yazdgird have done.

It is really ironic that Iranians do not know Yazdgird but they pretty well know Islamic Saints Ali, Hassan and Hussein! This is called human tragedy my friend, my brother, I do not wish this upon on any human civilization. It is a nightmare. Situation of the Iran of today, and their Arab Worship and Islamic Regime makes me weep and choke in my sad miserable philosophical isolation and solitude! It is truly a human tragedy!

Do you see Blacks Worship KKK?
Do you see Jews worship Hitler and Nazis?
Do you see East Europeans worship Russian Thugs and Communists?
How can Iranians be Muslims; furthermore, Today’s Iran is the central heart of Islam?!

I guess Iran is doomed until Iranians wake up!

3 things:

a. Did you publish this letter in your Allah book?

b. Persian Federalism with respect to other cultures:

Cyrus Cylinder ... /index.htm

History of Federalism in Iran ... /index.htm

c. Arab Imperialism with destruction of other cultures:

Islam a Dangerous Political Ideology ... /index.htm

Persian Empire Federalism vs. Islamic Empire Imperialism!

XV. You stated:

“Leaders of any country that continue to permit the influx of Muslims into their country will find to their dismay that they have let loose voracious animals that will destroy their civilization and way of life. Muslim culture is lacking for their only source of education is the Qur’an, which creates indoctrinated minds that cause bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people.”

Leaders such as Euro-Pee-On Leaders who opened the gates and allowed hundreds of thousands of Muslims in to the Europe and then granted them housing, welfare, benefits and status. Now these Muslims have become a problem via not melting in the culture; furthermore, revolting against the culture by wearing their garment, mosque political gatherings, protests, demanding more entitlements and terrorism. Leaders such as your president Hussein Obama who is destroying America with his Religion of Peace!

Say brother, I have never seen you this blunt, forward and furious! You are not being politically correct!

XVI. You stated:

“Ahreeman revealed the extent of Mother Persia. I learned that 200 to 250 years ago, the UK and Russia divided the Persian Kingdom into all of the following ex-Iranian states and present fabricated nations: Afghanistan (basically consists of two states of Greater Iran, Ariana and Bakhtar), Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan (parts of), Kazakhstan (parts of), Baluchistan half of Pakistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Ossetia (a small part of Russia). You have convincingly shown that all of the great scientists were from parts of Iran and not the efforts of educated Muslims. Your conclusion is to be noted:

Iran had never recognized these fabricated nations. All of these countries and their population are indeed Iranians and one day in the future, they will be returned back to the Mother Persia as states of Iran.

Persians have much culture and contributed to human knowledge that should not be forgotten. Some of the great Iranian minds in the arts and sciences are:

Abu Ali Sina (Avicenna), Father of the Modern Medicine
Abu Mousa kharazmi, Father of the Modern Mathematics
Mohammad Zakariya Razi, Father of the Chemistry
Abu Rayhan Biruni, Father of Anthropology
Omar Khayyam Father of Algebra

I am glad that your historical geography got expanded.

Check this:

Atlas of Iran Maps: chapter 10

See how Qajar Empire, after the worthy Aqa Mohammad Shah Qajer became Qajar Persian Kingdom and lost all lands which are now all of these fabricated independent nations!?

Same as Palestine is a British fabricated nation:

Historical Facts on Israel – Palestine Issue ... /index.htm

Then check this:

Famous Historical Iranian Scientists ... /index.htm

As a Science lover, you would be interested to know the contribution of Iranian scientists to science while Islam gets credit for it by naming them as Muslim Scientists!

The reality is that the Golden Age of Islam was because of Iranian ingenuity and once Islam choked that ingenuity out of Iranians, the Islamic Empire fell backward behind the world and died! Arabs did not contribute much to the global culture aside from savagery and barbarianism.

But then again it is not Arabs’ fault because they were the first victims of Islam and their local cultures were destroyed by Islam.

You stated,

Saint Nicholas:

“The Devil’s Advocate Proposes Existence of the Spirit”

Little Old Devil me!

“Now, Mr. X, we get back to thoughts of the mind. You challenged my belief that, “a Spirit cannot possibly live on after death. This is the height of arrogance to believe that because we are able to think in complex ways that our mind is energy that creates a Spirit. No. Our mind, if you are blessed with a very gifted one, functions only because it is nourished by a wonderful body.””

Arrogant Ahreeman they call me!

“It’s true that Christians, Jews and Hindus believe in a soul or spirit that goes on to another entity, be it another human body, animal, or tree, and others believe the soul joins a creator god in heaven. This is a hopeful belief that the personality of a person lives on after death.”

This is due to the fact that human simply cannot believe or accept that this life is it and after this life he turns to maggots and the maggots poop and fertilize the ground, the grass grows on the ground, cows eat the grass and poop, and basically in life after death, humans turn to Cow Shiite! That is their glorious Hindu, Jew or Christian Heavens in action! (I simply kill me)!

So human is so arrogant that he refuses to believe that after death he will not live another life!

But in a way, we do live another life as energy, and matter changes form and we become released energy joining all universal energy or shall we color it in a way that our intelligence becomes a part of the “Universal Intelligence”!

By the way, have I told you that I am going to write an article about the “Universal Intelligence versus God”?

“The Egyptians were one of the first innovators of this belief and was why they had elaborate rituals to facilitate the passing into another realm. It’s a nice belief for it affords followers of a religion hope of a reward for living a decent and moral life.”

False Hope and Fake Reward!

Isn’t it sad that priests have to give false hope or create fake fear and put them in the hearts of the people so they stay in line and become good human beings?! Why can’t people just be decent?

But I do not need a reward for being nice to other people and to love others with sincerity.”

Neither do I! Religion must create Fear, Rewards and Punishments to gather crowd and keep them in line.

XVIII. On Universal Intelligence

“Regarding the Universal Intelligence that I believe pervades the universe; it is the progenitor of matter and inorganic matter using the atom as its mechanism. This does not mean life as a soul continues by joining its intellect or energy with the cosmos and retains the personality of the deceased human. The soul is a construct of the mind, in the same way God is a construct of the mind; both are used to try to explain why humans must endure pain and misery and provides hope for relief after death.”

I am puzzled, you sound very philosophically “Materialistic” and very “Scientific”, then how do you fit your “spiritual” aspect in all of this? Or have you evolved not to have a Spiritual side lately?

“Ahreeman, you constantly state that the mind is Spirit. Spirit is a concept and if you believe in a spirit then go for it as long as this belief does not interfere with the beliefs of others. For me, the mind is another word for the tissue we call the brain. How the brain develops a mind that is capable of understanding, evaluating, and making decisions to better one’s life depends on the upbringing with love from a mother and father and information provided by teachers. Yes genetics has a lot to do with it but means nothing if the mind is taught to hate as done on a mass scale to young children as early as 4 and 5 years by Islamic teachers of the Qur’an.”

Above on top of this post, I have defined the philosophical definition of the Spirit. I believe Mind is a spirit because it cannot be sensed with the 5 senses.

Mind cannot be a part of the brain. Just because human brain is complicated and mass curved, physically, it does not include the mind! Brain is pure matter which energies are created and interact with it and within it but Mind is a separate element.

I mentioned in my article that there are situations which Mind is not present but Brain is present (absolute state of sleep without dreaming). Mind is pure thought and thinking can be present with brain. All animals think and they have minds but not as complicated as human mind. Now I use this example to clarify my view to the readers that Matters create spirits and I create God. This part of it is concept and I use it as concept.

So what is your verdict?

You do not even believe that Spirits exist, right?

Now tell me if matters came first or energies (I’m asking again! ... early Alzheimer?)?

If you believe in the Scientific Law, the Conservation Law of Matters and Energies, which you don’t, then the same as I, you would believe that both matters and energies always existed and will exist forever. Frankly I do not comprehend on how can you not believe in this Law because this is a law of physics and you are a scientific person.

So now tell me this:

Then are you telling me that you do not know the quality and element of your Creator? Or as I refer to it the Universal Intelligence? But something at the back of your mind says that there is a Creator? Is that what you are telling me?

“Your Politically Correct response to tell me I needed to be scientifically challenged was very appropriate.”

I try hard to be! But now I hear you more and more to become “Religiously Challaneged”! Make up your mind brother:

Are you Saint Nicholas or Devil Nicholas?

“But I got a hardy laugh when after expressing your commitment to the Scientific Method you wrote: “This is the scientific method. And God and Holy Spirit has nothing to do with it! Neither does Humpty Dumpty, Father Christmas, Jesus Christ, Holy Toledos and a Saint Nicholas reincarnated in Orange County has anything to do with the scientific facts!””

Did you love that? I loves that too!

XIX. The String of Eternity Theory

Now it gets important:

Saint Nicholas stated:

“Ahreeman, I like your response that seems to satisfy my thinking of the “beginning of the universe,” which was: “This everything which created your first atom and your beginning is a string of eternity which has no beginning and no end."

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to him to evolve.”

That was good to characterize the evolutionary or universal force as the “String of Eternity.””

String of Eternity Theory
Snake-like Graph

Yes that is my belief vs. Big Bang

So far, logic bounds me to believe in the “String of Eternity Theory”. So what is your verdict? Do you agree with me or somewhat agree or what is your version?


“But then you really made me laugh when you wrote: “....... therefore, I Nicholas Nickel-bee AKA Saint Nicholas of Orange County who am not a scientific infant, will reside in the State of LaLa Land and become a Citizen of Never Land along with my Good Fellow Holinesses Peter, Paul, Mary, Tom and Jerry, Holy Spirit and indeed Our Lord Jesus Christ, somebody give me an Amen ..... Halle Lujah, Praise the Lord O Mighty! Hey Joe, hand me my guitar, I feel a Gospel is coming along ..... Thank you, thank you very much (with a lip twitch, Elvis Style)!!!!”

“Very funny; I love your sense of humour.”

I am glad putting a smile on your face. In this day and age which horrible news is on all stations and Terrorism everywhere, Hussein in White House, Human Greed and Arrogance destroying the Earth, Morality is declining and economy is in Shiite Hole, we need a laugh or two to revive the spirit!

Funny Making Ahreeman they call me!

XX. “Ginex: Is Jesus a Son of Man or a Son of God?”

“Ahreeman, I did not laugh after reading your parody that Jesus “was an alien ancient astronaut named Kal-El son of Jor-El who was the Superman,….” I do not discount the efforts of any man trying to improve how people can better live with one another. True, the belief in God is a faith and many people do well without such a belief. But I will not laugh at the beliefs of other religious people, such as the Hindus, Persians, Jews, Christians, and American Indians. The religion I will destroy and ridicule is the Islamic religion for followers of this religion are taught to hate and kill people who have other religious beliefs. Worse than that, Islamic fundamentalists inhibit education of the mind and refuse to allow knowledge to enter into the minds of their followers because they know that once educated, they will refuse the religion of HATE.”

You still did not answer the question: Is Jesus Son of Man or God?

Brother Nicholas, I sense there is a bit contradiction in the psyche of Nicholas. If there was no contradiction, then you would have not get defensive, uptight and somewhat mad when I humor with Prophets, Religions and Traditions. You specifically get in tangled about Jesus!

It does not make sense for you to sound so scientific and even more ruthlessly Philosophically Materialistic than I, but then again get Touchy Feely about Jesus!

My good man, make up your mind, is it Night or Day? There are no Areas of Gray!

Let me tell you where I come from:

Nothing is sacred. Everything is fair game. No one is safe from the Sting of Ahreeman. The Ahreemanic sting and fangs bite everyone and everything. I humor with everything, specifically Religion and Prophets.

If the whole concept of God, Religion and Prophets is irrational, illogical and nonsensical, then why have respect for it?

Now you are talking about the man. You do realize that many believe Jesus was a fictional character who did not even exist? And while we love and adore fictional characters, then why stop there, let’s celebrate Mickey Mouse and Goofy too!

Is there any solid historical evidence that Jesus even existed? Well except bible!

Now let me tell you that I actually believe that Jesus existed even though there are tons of evidence that Jesus and Christianity are all copy pasted fragments of imaginations of some so-called Christian Saints, all stolen from Mitraism!

Even though I believe Jesus existed, yet how can I have respect for a magician? A magician who gathered crowd and followers by conning them in to believing that he was Son of God and he performs miracles? Either he believed all of this stuff or he didn’t? If he believed all of this stuff, then it is not farfetched to state that:

a. Jesus was an alien astronaut who visited Earth and by Father, he meant his Leader from his civilization (and I am dead serious). Jesus being an ancient alien astronaut is not a joke, it is a theory!

b. Jesus was a Charlatan, Cult Leader and a Wanna Be Guru.

c. Jesus was truly delusional and an ill man who lived in fantasy.

Now, you expect me to respect Jesus, Christianity and Bible, because Jesus preached Good and Christianity is Good?

First of all, Bible has been revised as many times as I have changed under wears since 1979! Who is to say what part of Bible is true and what part is false?

Second, Jesus directing humanity to be good, was a part of his gig as a Cult Leader. He had Alter motives. Jesus was a revolutionary against Roman Empire and the Status Que. Whatever he preached was part of his plan for his greater social, political and philosophical agenda.

I think sometimes you forget that Christianity has its arms deep in the blood of the scientists, intellectuals and intelligent masses up to the elbows! When Christianity ruled the world, it was called the Dark Ages! Are you forgetting the Inquisitions?

No brother, I have zero respect for Jesus, Christianity, God, Religion or Theist Ideas. I told you that the only reason I respect Zarathustra and Buddha is because they were philosophers and they stated that they were only simple philosophers, not prophets.

I have no hang-ups and nothing is sacred for me. Actually I am the greatest critic of the Persian Culture, specifically Shiite Culture, Traditions, Customs and Prophets such as: Mazdak, Mani, Bahaullah and the12 Shiite Imams. I heavily criticize the whole establishment and hierarchy of the Organized Fire Temples and Zoroastrianism.

No one can make a remark of anything and any kind to me, which offends me! Nothing is sacred for me. No matter how much I love something or someone, I do not get offended. Why?

Because I try to be pure science, logic, ration, dialectic, progressive and analytic.

Dogma has room in my world and no one is sacred and above criticism.

Brother Nicholas, please get off of your Jesus Wagon because Christianity is one of the worst Darkness which has ever shadowed the human history!

You may call me Extreme and I do admit that I am heavily Anti Religion and look at the Religious people as “Inferior Intellects” and “Lower Forms of Consciousness” but then again, make no mistake, I am not a Militant Atheist because I celebrate Christmas and I am Jolly!

“Ahreeman, thank you for providing the intimate moments of laughter where I was called Pope Nicholas Ginex, the first Scientific Evolutionist!”

You are!

I officially name you:

Pope Nicholas Ginex, the first Scientific Evolutionist Pope

In the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit,
In the name of Peter, Paul and Marry
Tom and Jerry with Taffy

I declare you

Pope Nicholas Ginex, the first Scientific Evolutionist Pope

“I laughed again, during the topic on Zoroastrianism you remarked after I wrote about my acting as Santa Claus for my young daughters, “I know exactly how you feel. I am the same way. Even though a solid atheist and a scientist, yet I have Christmas Spirit and I celebrate Christmas and other Religious Holidays: Hanukah, Nowruz, etc. What would we do without the heart-warming myths? I play and sing Christmas songs all season long!””

I know, can you believe that today, in the middle of yet another harsh cold San Diego winter day in 70 and sunny San Diego, I was walking and wearing no sleeve shirt and sports shorts, gardening and singing Christmas Carols out loud?!

Fala lala la lala la la ...

I have the Christmas Spirit in the middle of February where in San Diego it is like the beginning of Summer or end of the Spring!

XXI. God vs. Universal Intelligence

This is the crème of the crop of our discussion. I truly enjoy these amazing moments with you.

Nicholas stated:

“Ahreeman, I reread our conversation on God versus Universal Intelligence and was glad that we appear to agree UI has a purpose, which is to evolve by creating matter and energy that becomes a product to be proud of – intelligent life; a crown achievement of UI.”

Evolve by creating matter and energy but there is a but:

There was no point in time which UI existed and it created the first matter and energy. Matters, Energies and UI co-existed forever (String of Eternity Theory). In fact Matters and Energies are interlinked with UI and are in a way factions of UI. The UI is everything and UI has its hands and fingers in every little aspect and every little atom in the universe. UI is me and I am UI. Can you comprehend my message?

Now we are getting deeply philosophical and some dogmatic gurus may choke and get a heart attack due to our blasphemies!

“You appear to agree that Spirit and God are interchangeable ideas that are man-made by writing: “I bring up the argument of Brain (Matter) and Mind (Spirit) to prove that Man (Matter) has created God (Spirit). It is a logical argument and conclusion.”

You got it, it is a concept.

“However, I do believe in God and Spirit for if I do not know God how can I know Spirit?

Actually I believe one must know Spirits primarily and only then he will be able to know God! Think about it! One must know the definition and the quality of the Spirits, then knowing God comes easy.

“To me, God is mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible.”

I think it is you who loves to make it mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible. In reality if one has a doctrine and belief system of either Idealist or Materialist, then it is very clear what God is, but if one is Agnostic, then God is mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible!

Well, Nicholas, are you an Agnostic?
I thought you were an Atheist!?

Any developments since last I discussed philosophy with you?

“Regarding UI is all that exists, I cannot accept to believe all that does not exist. Dark matter, existing as matter does exist, we simply don’t understand it. That is why I do not like defining UI as “all that exist and does not exist.”

Beg your pardon, you made my point:

“Dark matter, existing as matter does exist, we simply don’t understand it.”

I say:

Whatever does not exist (seems that way) can also be explained one day. It does not exist because we cannot prove its existence at the time being (Spirits). Therefore UI is All ..... All that exists and does not exist!

Now I am on my 5th Stick Shift burning fuel and really pushing it! Thank God, fuel prices went low; I just put Super in my tank for $ 2.79 a gallon but still cussed Obama! OK back in shift, burning fuel going uphill ....

Yes UI is All, because UI is all intelligence that accelerates evolution. Have in mind that unlike the LaLa Landers, the “Philosophically Confused”, the “Theocratically Epidemic” and the “Logically Challenged”, I have not stated that UI is Good, UI is the Shining Light and UI is Pure Love; but I said that UI is Evolution. There is a big difference.

There is no absolute good or Evil. No God, No Devil, No Good, No Bad, No light, No Dark .... that is all garbage.

I just stated:

Universal Intelligence is Pure Evolution.

That is All.

XXII. What is the Meaning and Purpose of Life?

“Ahreeman, I agree that the greatest legacy is to leave this world in better shape than when you came to be a part of it.”

Amen Brother, Amen!

A Persian Expression:

“Some people come to this life as a Calf and they leave it as a Cow.”

Eat, Drink, Sex, Sleep, Shiite ....

But what is the difference between you and an animal?

But what have you dedicated to this world to evolve it?

XXIII. Questions?

“Ahreeman, you presented a few words for discussion and I will give some answers without being too elaborate.

Morality: A set of rules gained through experience of what works to allow people to live in harmony. Such rules could be gained from parents, teachers and/or religious institutions. The attributes of integrity, honesty, justice, and compassion for one another become fundamental within the rules of morality.

Logic: A set of thoughts that have premises that build towards a conclusion that withstands competing arguments. Logic can be deterred by faulty inputs that inhibit the freedom of thought, such as the suppression of knowledge by Islamic religious leaders in order to lead people for their own purposes.

Love: A feeling that normally involves attraction to the mind or body, or both of another person. This attraction for it to be wholesome and lasting must be based upon sincerity, honesty, and desire to share one’s body and mind with another. Anything short of such a commitment is based upon sensual desire, which is nice but is not love. Love seeks to procreate the beauty one sees in another by mixing their genes to create a better product. This means there is respect for the person you love and it must be mutual for it to survive a lifetime.”

Wonderfully described, thanks for the input and I love you.

“Time Travel: I do not believe any person can go into the future because it was never created except by the here and now. And I do not believe any person can go back into the past for all our lives must come to an end. One can only hope to live a useful and productive life that gives joy and satisfaction. To project one’s hopes into the future or relive the past is a fruitless endeavor.”

Do not dismiss Time Travel with a snap of the finger!

Theory of Relativity of Einstein revolutionized it all.

Warp Speed, Worm Holes, Stare Gates, Factual Evidence, Bermuda Triangle, Ancient Aliens, may all sound fiction to you but once upon a time Star Track communicators were science fiction but now they are science facts called Smart Phones. Once upon a time Star Track Phasers were science fiction but now they are science facts and called Ray Guns, shot at the range. Gene Roddenberry was another visionary.

Time is a concept we use to measure passing of events or going back to past events. This concept can shrink or be enlongated. The measurement can vary. Few Years of light years of travel for a spaceship can be hundreds of years of life on a planet like Earth (Einstein Theories). Time can be slowed or fastened, so why not use the slowing and fastening of the time and expand it to Time Travel?

You will be surprised how time works. You are looking at it as a one dimension reality. Look at it as a Multi Dimension Reality, the Fourth Dimension, Parallel Worlds, String Theory and Multi Reality Concept.

I have been studying and experimenting with Time and Time Travel for ages. One day, I may surprise the hell out of you!

Theory of Everything ... /index.htm

XXIV. Time

Ahreeman, I read your piece about “Time” and was fascinated with your love of life, be it the past, present, and dreams of the future. You are truly a Man among Men. My wife used to call be that but I relinquish this title to you.”

I am glad you liked it:

The Time

Now I am going to hit you with a Truth Inspired piece of Poetry which was based on actual events occurred in my life. It is symbolized poetically and metaphorized (an Ahreemanic Term out of many Ahreemanic Terms) but every event had occurred and the poem is factual based:

Racing with the Death ... /index.htm

“Amen is the Word. I love the sound of that name and proud to know that this god has had an exceptional history. Those of you interested in learning more about Amen may find what I mean by reading Future of God Amen and Amen, The Beginning of the Creation of God.

Thank you Ahreeman for stimulating my mind and have me learn more about your precious Persian culture.”

Yes, we will publish the second one which was your first book. This book did put you on the map. You are surely a Thinker but in my book, you are a star.

Nicholas the Pope”

That’s what I’m talking about! See, my terms are epidemic! Ahreemanic Terms they are!

Nicholas the Evolutionist Pope of the OC

XXV. On Religion from Ahreeman to All

Brother let me clarify this issue for you:

I believe religion is the cause of all wars, problems, bigotry, disease and ills of the globe. Religion is worst than disease. Religious people are weak thus they need a monitor (Priest) to stay in line, they need a Cult Leader (Prophet) to set rules for them on how to live, they need a set of rules from a story book (Holy Books) on how to live and they surely need a Slave Owner (God) to be his slave!

Religious people are a step above cattle and they are intellectually challenged (there, I am trying hard to be politically correct). I look up on them as Mentally inferior. Any person who needs to be slave to a God is weak minded.

I am heavily Anti God, Anti Religion and Anti Prophet; therefore, I have no respect for any religious culture.

Now you may ask me what about Islam?

Let me put it this way:

All Gods are myths
All Prophets are Charlatans
All Religions are bad but Islam is horrible.

If all Religions are Disease, then Islam is Death!
If all Prophets are con Artists, then Muhammad was a Serial Killer
If all Holy Books are Story Books for Adults, then Quran is a Terror Manual
If all Gods are Fictional Characters, then Allah is a Mass Murderer

.... and there’s your prayer my friend!

Now that you know where I stand on God, Prophets and Religions, this would take me to my next important step to unveil about myself, even though everyone already knows it, yet I state it for the new bees who read this debate:

XXVI. On Ahreeman X from Ahreeman to All

I am a very politically incorrect person. I am an Anti Social Traditions, Anti Big Government, Anti Authority Figures, Anti Establishment, Anti Big Brother, Anti Monitors, and Anti Platitudes type O Fellow.

I am a rebel, I am against the norms, I am against the shallow social values.

I despise Monitoring and Self Censoring myself. I surely despise Monitors, Moderators and Big Brothers, that is why I created my own website and my own forum so there is no Big Brother! This website and forum belongs to All and All can say whatever their heart pleases without the fear of being censored or banned. Unless you are trying to destroy IPC and trash IPC, then you are free to do whatever you want, even take your pants off and walk around naked!

.... and if people do not care for my attitude, then they are welcome to change the channel from IPC to CNN and view the politically correct versions of the issues!

In other words I do not care! I will never watch my mouth, self censor, be afraid to say what I want, be afraid that my words might hurt people’s feelings, be afraid that my words may insult people’s religion, prophet, god and way of traditions, or be politically correct in any shape or form.

To be clear, I do not care for people’s feelings. If you are too emotionally sensitive and fragile and you get your panties in tangle and you get your feelings hurt and you are way too wishy washy and touchy feely, then by your God’s sake, you have no business in IPC. Move along to some Christian Website and say 100 Hail Merry!

I have a tough skin, I was raised tough, I am rough, I am a survivor, I lived in Jungle, the Concrete Jungle! I lived out the survivors and nothing can offend me, hurt me or damage me. I Am Man of Steel and street life has built me to be the Man of Steel.

I am all about Uber Menschen (Supermen)
If you are woosy pussy, then please switch the channel from IPC to 700 Club!

You may tell me that: “With this attitude, I will not make many friends!”
I tell you that: “You are not the first who tells me that!”

My brother,

I am not here to make friends, gather crowd, run for political office, make money or create a cult!
I am here to inform, enlighten and I will do it my way.

“For those who love me, they love me well,
For those who don’t, they can go to hell!”

“People call me rude,
I wish that I was nude,
I wish there was no Black and White,
I wish there was no Rules!”

I am a man with a mission and No Fear
Many of my mentors, colleagues and comrades have fallen by the Muslim Beasts
IRI and global Islamism are my mortal enemies
... and I am a Social Rebel

Remember “The Wild One”?

Girlie: What are you rebelling against?
Marlon Brando (Biker): What do you got?

That is the story of my life. Give me an establishment which wants to limit people’s freedoms in Iran, America, Africa, around the world or in depth of Hell and you will see me on my saddle rebelling against it!

Many do not appreciate my methods, my means, my manners and my attitude,
To those, I have to say:

“I beg your pardon,
I haven’t promised you a Rose Garden,
But I’ll beg your pardon,
I didn’t promise you a Rose Garden!”

So the bottom line is that:

“I’ll be what I’ll be,
I am what I am,
And I am what I am,
And that’s what I am,
I’m Popeye the Sailor Man!”

And at last allow me to make it very clear for All, specifically new readers, members and fans:

As Elvis said:

“That’s the Way it is!”

.... and that is the Ahreemanic Way!

I am not here to win a popularity contest and to become the Cuddly Teddy Bear for the emotionally deprived and the politically correct liberals or religious people.

I am here to Shake it all up, roll it all over, destroy it all and build a new.

But hey, I must be doing something right or else IPC would have not been the largest Iranian website in the world!

Ahreeman is my name,
Mind Games are my game!

Well thank you, Thank you very much (with Lip Twitch, Elvis Style!)


I may take long to response to our lovely philosophical debate on the forum, I may take long to respond to your e-mails and I may take long to get back to you, but I assure you that you have a special place in my heart and soul. You are very dear to me. Your value is higher than gold. You are precious to the heart.

Persian Expression:

Nun O Panir O Sabzi,
To bish az in miyarzi!

Bread, Cheese and Herbs,
Your value is more than this!

And bread, cheese and herbs are essence of taste and life in Persian culture!

Well, better be late than never. Now I responded and put forwards new questions, parameters and subjects for you to ponder and reply to. The ball is now in your field. I know you have just finished your new book and are about to publish it, so now you have time to read this and respond to it.

I want to leave you with this thought:

“What is the man’s worth, if his word mean nothing?”
(Ahreeman X)

You my friend do as you preach and that is why you are worthy. Keep Real and Stay Real. Never change your Spirit but always Change your status and evolve thus the only absolute is the Change. Nothing else is Absolute.

Love your Scientific Mind


Your Brother,
Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Sun May 10, 2015 1:44 pm

Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)
Nicholas Ginex Mon Feb 26, 2015

This Response is Part 1 of 2.
Part 2 is dated May 10, 2015

Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Greetings Brother X:

I. You need not apologize for not responding quickly to our debate. Actually, it wasn’t too long ago that I replied to your thoughts on August 18, 2014. I know you have more things to respond to or take care of - so I am honoured that you find time to write me. This debate response was written on February 26, 2015 but has been updated and posted on IPC May 10, 2015.

I liked your advice to write an article or promo about my new book, Obama, Islam and Benghazi. It will be a fine addition to IPC and is expected to be published soon. The publisher, Hancock Press will send me the book cover and text for review approval on Monday, May 11. 2015. I therefore expect the book to be available on the Internet in about two months. But as soon as I have the approved text and cover for publishing, I will send them to you to add to IPC.

Obama, Islam and Benghazi will appear at 4 Book Fairs. They are:

BookExpo America, May27-29, Javits Center, NY
Beijing International Book Fair, Aug 26-30, Beijing, China
Frankfurt International book fair, Oct 14-18, Frankfurt, Germany
New England Association, Oct 25-27, Sturbridge, MA

I am deeply appreciative to have Allah, We, Our and Us added to IPC. With many of the articles I have posted dealing with Islam, when there is an opportunity to provide your IPC link below – I do so. ... /index.htm

Thank you for the Nicholas Ginex Index below; I found your layout of my books and articles look professionally done. The Press Release for Allah, We, Our and Us of May 5th was titled, The Qur’an is the Source of Discontent in Many Countries. It provided the IPC link below. ... /index.htm

I have created several articles. One that will be highly informative will be how the Arab and American-British Oil Cartels have influenced America’s decisions to fight Islamic terrorism. I will e-mail that article to you soon.

You have written an extensive debate and though I am responding on Sunday, February 21, I believe it will take a few days to answer many of your comments and questions.

II. You hit me with an interesting question that we have discussed to some degree before and I am always willing to return to it because it allows us to think outside the box. You wrote:
I know you are a spiritual person; however, correct me if I am wrong, you believe that the universes or at least our universe is made up of Matters and Energies. You are also leaning to the idea that the element of the “Universal Intelligence” or so-called “Creator” is “Energy” and not “Spirit”. Then questions come to mind:

a. Do you believe a third element named “Spirits” exists in the universe?

b. How can you be a spiritual person if you do not believe in the existence of Spirits, yet you believe that what we refer to as Spirits are in fact Energies?

c. As you are aware, I believe there are 3 elements in existence: Matters, Energies and Spirits:

First, Dr. X, I do not consider myself a spiritual person. Yes, I have been brought up in the Catholic religion, which has added to my ability to further understand the value of religion and why it is necessary for many people to function with religious faith in life. At my next birthday I will be 80 years old and though I have many spiritual feelings I believe at this point in my life that I am simply a human being who loves all people whether there is a God or not. True, I do not like to be made a fool of and will preserve myself from being taken advantage of; that is, if necessary, I will fight for my life and the lives of others who are taken advantage or made fools of.

I think that many people believe in spirituality and I do not know what that means because the only spirits that have ever entered my life was through my own thoughts. Some spirits were scary while others took the beautiful form of angels with a delightful smile. As you can see, I do not believe in spirits for they are a figment of the imagination, created with the mind.

Response to question a. You mentioned a third element named “spirits” and if I think they exist in the universe?

To me, from a hypothetical view, there are two elements, matter and energy that form the universe. The third element is not “spirit” or “spirits” but a consciousness that pervades the universe. Spirit is akin to God and both entities are what man has conjured up in his mind.

This consciousness I try to comprehend is forever growing, like a baby. For the consciousness that formed the first atom is very different from the consciousness that created the stars, the galaxies, and the universe. It finds itself in the creation of matter that can develop into inorganic life that have very different levels of consciousness. The human being has reached the highest form of consciousness because it is able to think and reflect on its surroundings and create complicated things like the computer, rocket ships and robots from proven theories like electricity and magnetic phenomenon.

Response to question b. You stated a belief I do not have, namely: you indicated,
How can I, a spiritual person, believe that what we refer to as Spirits are in fact Energies?
Spirits are not energies. The energy of an atom or other levels of development are not spirits. If spirits are in fact energies, then it means spirits exist in many forms, all at different levels of development whereby they exist in stones and organic matter. Spirit is not energy. Energy, to me, had existed before matter. There had to be consciousness that somehow developed electrical, magnetic and gravitational forces that exist in the atom, which our scientists have constructed as a miniature solar system. The electron(s) orbits around a nucleus of protons and neutrons that is held together by gravitational and magnetic forces and, together they comprise a system similar to our planet revolving around the sun. Was there a spirit that created the first atom or was it a consciousness that willed its self into existence?

To believe it was a Spirit, then it gives credence to the belief that it was God that willed the creation of the first atom. But again, God just does not appear out of nowhere. I believe a consciousness created the atom and slowly, over trillions of years, was able to develop the universe as we know it. Unfortunately, I am not able to understand how the gravitational, electrical and magnetic forces, that is energy in different forms, came into being but they all exist in the system of the atom, which is made up of protons, electrons and neutrons; these physical entities with their inherent energy forces, I believe, built the universe.

You know, I would not be able to even reflect of what I just wrote without the education I received to become an electrical engineer. Knowledge is power and without it I would have a blank mind. I am grateful that I have the ability to think, even if my thoughts are hypothetical.
c. As you are aware, I believe there are 3 elements in existence: Matters, Energies and Spirits:

Dr, X, we are in close agreement except that “Spirits” are the inherent embodiment of consciousness that is able to express itself in organic life. I do not believe a “Spirit” exists in a stone even though it is made up of atoms. Spirit suggests an entity capable of thinking but in what form and what level of intelligence? To me, there is a consciousness that has developed complex systems of heat, light, and matter that assists in the further creation of life forms. It is these life forms, like human beings, that are capable of imaging the idea of a Spirit. The mind is a wonderful thing.

Brain and Mind ... /index.htm

Philosophical Corner ... /index.htm

And I believe Matters made the Spirits and spirits cannot exist without matters, meaning that:

Brain (Matter) made Thought (Spirit)
I (Matter) made God (Spirit)

So naturally I refer to any element which you cannot measure its existence with the 5 senses directly or indirectly (through tools) as spirits.

Now correct me if I am wrong, you believe that “thought” is Energy (as part of the brain)? You also believe that Matters made Energies (or is it vice versa)? So do you believe that Spirits do not exist? And what you refer to as spiritual means you are talking about spirits as Energies and you believe that Intelligence, Universal Intelligence and Creator are energies? And surely do you believe that “Thought” and Thinking are Energies? These are the questions which come to the mind?!

Dr. X, before going on to Part III, you poise a few questions that I should respond to. Thought is energy created within the brain. This does not mean that thoughts are Spirits or Spirits exist to create thought. The mind is fed data and it takes a person with a keen sensitivity to respond to the data with a questioning mind. That sensitivity is an awareness for seeking truth, to ascertain the reality or facts that can be useful for further thought.

Universal Intelligence (UI) is a concept because nobody knows what this intelligence is. Does it exist as it does in a human being, a bird, or an ant? The level of UI is, at least to me, a consciousness that exists at all levels of development from the smallest atom to a complex galaxy with many stars and life forms. Yes, UI and consciousness may be thought as being energies. But they exist at many different levels until consciousness reaches its highest level, the ability to think and reflect on the universe itself. This may be the crowning glory of UI or consciousness that started as a baby, only simple atoms, that after many trillions of years developed the high form of intelligent being that is able to think about who or what created it.

III. For the next Persian New Year of 2015, I wish you a happy Nowruz!!

IV. I wrote that you are indeed my long lost brother come back into my life to which you wrote,
Do you believe in Reincarnation? Do you believe in Hinduism concept of Reincarnation?..... But now, I am making up my brotherly duties as an older brother to you! I am watching over you brother! Ahreeman is watching you!
I am pleased to know you are making brotherly duties as an older brother to me. And I am comforted to know you are watching over me. What you have done for me, just being a dear and supportive friend, is very special to me and that is why I say you are “a blessing in my life.”

V. In response to thanking you for adding the article, Does Consciousness Pervade the universe? You wrote:
You should write more philosophy articles for IPC; after all you are an IPC author!

Over the past week, I have written a few articles that you may add to your website.

VI. Dr. X you referred me to several Persian poems, and as a devoted brother, I will briefly comment on them.
You like Persian poetry? Here is one for you:
Shangri-La, a play in six acts by Anreeman X.
I liked the last few lines for it shows hope for the future still exists. Dr. X you are a strong man physically and mentally. The lines I liked are:

Now we will Run The Night ...
We Run to Reach The Shangri_La ...
Have you seen The Shangri_La?
Have you heard of The Shangri_La?
I tell you, we must get there,
If that's the last thing that we do!
One day we will get there,
One day we will reach The Shangri_La,
I promise you,
One day soon ...

and more:
Forbidden (Shahyar Ghanbari)
Thank you for introducing me to Shahyar Ghanbari one of the greatest revolutionary poet of Iran. In addition to his poems, books, and lyrics, he has been a great songwriter, singer and artist. He is famous for his sharp cutting revolutionary poems; masterpieces in contemporary poetry of Iran.

I present just a few lines that appeals to humanity:

Whispering and murmuring is forbidden
Dancing of the shadows is forbidden
Discovering the stolen kisses,
In the middle of your dream is forbidden
To have a new dream, you should not ask permission
To have a new dream, you should not ask permission
The fragrance of a woman, is forbidden
You are forbidden, I am forbidden!
To start a new day, you should not ask permission
To start a new day, you should not ask permission

Footsteps of Water (Sohrab Sepehri) ... /index.htm

Sohrab Sepehri wrote a very long poem. So long that I had to cheat and go to the last few stanzas. I was impressed with the following lines:

Oh…let’s be just simple,
Let’s be simple in the bank and in the park.

We may not get to unearth the mystery of the rose,
I suspect we can…
But we may always stream into the charm of rose.
Let’s at least camp within the consciousness of sense
And wash our hands in the green truth of leaves
And walk towards the certainty of stones.

And then,
Let’s every sunrise repaint the picture of rebirth
And let’s only watch the flight of mind,
over the perception of space, of time, of colour, of sound
and of wide open windows.

And let’s invite the sky to sit in the blank space
between our words,
and then let’s breathe the air of eternity,
and swim in the wisdom of birds,
in the heart of desert and its serenity.

Let’s sometimes forget about the terms,
forget about the words
and still call the clouds, call the willows and the pines
and summer and fall
with their name.

Let’s just see
And follows the moist Footsteps of Water
to the roots of love.

And perhaps we are only meant to
within the white lilies of snow
and the flaming red of the years
run after the verse of the truth.

Dr. X, I see you love Sepehri’s work and therefore also recommended:
Address (Sohrab Sepehri)

I was surprised that this next poem by Sepehri was short, - but created nice pictures in the mind. Just a few lines are offered below.

in the flowing intimacy of the space you will hear a rustling sound,
you will see a child,
Who has ascended a tall plane tree to pick up chicks from the nest of light,
ask him:
Where is the friend's house?"

Persian Poetry Index
My favorite modern Persian poet is Sohrab Sepehri and my favorite classical Persian poet is Omar Khayyam. You also may like Hafez, Rumi (mystical) and Sa’di, check them out.

Samples of the Ruba'iyyat of Omar Khayyam. I read a portion of Omar’s poem, but to get back to our debate, I only present a few lines that make a lot of sense.

Some for the Glories of This World; and some
Sigh for the Prophet's Paradise to come;
Ah, take the Cash, and let the Credit go,
Nor heed the rumble of a distant Drum!

This is sound, practical advice. I do not seek glory nor do I believe in the Paradise spoken by a Prophet. Enjoy the gifts of your mind and body and share it with an opposite sex to double your pleasure and your partner’s.

Hafez. He provided a short poem that bears a truth of how one acquires knowledge by learning from others. A few lines from Hafez reads:

Through differing climes I loved to roam,
And every shade of feeling caught
From minds, whose varied fruits supply
The food of my philosophy.

This is true as we learn from one another; and some of us are fortunate enough to learn to think beyond what we see or hear.

Molana Jalal-e-Din Mohammad Molavi Rumi. The following lines were taken from Rumi’s From Wheat to Bread.

What does the wheat know of the bread
For the bread is far ahead.
It once was wheat and then flour,
The rising dough but for an hour,
Baked by the heat of the fire
Purged its dross, ascended higher;
Now the bread knows its fate
To be consumed not too late.

If the bread, wheat inspire
The wheat will stay in its quagmire.
For the bread is far ahead
What does the wheat know of the bread?

To me, the opening poem is a nice ditty for one to muse about. But to equate it to life experiences is another matter. But in many other parts of this poem Rumi makes his point as shown below with just a few lines:

Of age and experience said:
"Experience cares not for age
The young bread turns many a page
While old wheat inside silos stays;

Experience gained by the young and inquiring mind allows for growth to reflect but once old, there may be no further growth in the joys of life for the body is no longer the seat of the mind to stimulate one to enjoy more experiences. Lastly, I took a peek at Sa’di’s poems.

Shaikh Sa’di Shirazi. What I liked about Sa’di is that with each of his poems he wrote a story. He was also a writer and indeed a deep thinker who helps the reader to understand the message of his poetry with a memorable story. This poet-writer was able to expand his thoughts of poetry to life’s experiences. I commend readers of this debate to seek out this great poet-writer; I will do so again.

VII. Dr, X, thank you for being able to sense my spirit by the way I write. I do enjoy thinking along a path that may have some golden fruit at the end. The article I wrote on Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe? was impressive to me after I read it again several months later. Upon reading it again I said to myself, “Did I do that?” You wrote:
Yes as a scientist, aerospace engineer and a technologist you do not want to go there but as a philosopher and seeker you need to go there! I feel your pain, dilemma and thirst for discovery!

Thank you for stimulating my mind and encouraging me to continue along the path of hypothetical thought.

VIII. Dr. X, in answer to my belief that the universe could not have started with a Big Bang you agreed. You then gave the question:
So you do believe that first there were Energies and then they created the Matters?

My best guess is yes that there had to be some kind of energy that somehow through its own consciousness willed into existence matter. Many people have determined that had to be the unknowable, incomprehensible and mysterious God. But at what level of consciousness did God exist if the first few atoms to form were the infancy of the universe? You wrote:
I do not believe in Big Bang, instead, I believe that the graph of existence is a “Snake-like” shape which I call it the “Snake Theory” or “String of Eternity theory”:

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to him to evolve.”

... and as you know I believe everything have existed since infinity and they will exist for eternity; therefore, everything has always existed but all goes in to changing forms through a snake-like shape graph. In other words, universe has no beginning and no end, no creator and no eliminator. The universe is also not a circle that loops over and over; therefore, no one created this circle, yet the universe is a snake which each of the loops are open loops and they never quite reach each other and oneself, but each of the circles are open end and open start and snake goes on for eternity.

I bring evidence from the “Conservation Law of the Matters and Energies” which is a law and not a theory but I know you are not keen on that!

You on the other hand, the same as me do not believe in Big Bang, yet you believe in creation of matters via energies as you explained in your star creation situations, pulsars and quasars (am I right?).

Yes, even though we differ on creation of elements but I always dig your philosophical views.

I repeated your philosophy of the snake theory so that people understand our debate. I cannot agree with your assumption that,
everything has existed since infinity and they will exist for eternity; therefore, everything has always existed but all goes in to changing forms.
For me, there is a beginning for everything, which is why I cannot agree with the scientific theory of the Conservation of Matter and Energy. It is a good theory or scientific fact but it occurs after matter has been formed by the energy forces. Yes, as our distinguished scientist Albert Einstein has deduced, matter and energy are interrelated by the square of the speed of light as, E=mc2 . But note the third term, which is the speed of light; it presumes that even with mass there is an energy component on the other side of the equation.

To me, the driving force is energy, the electrical, magnetic and gravitational forces that somehow had to exist to create matter, which consists of atoms – and it is the various combinations of atoms that form all the elements in the universe.

IX. To my following statement, “I would not care to have 100 % use of my brain because it might override the physical attributes of my body, such as my ability to love and enjoy the sensations of a woman at my side.” You wrote:
Yes, and you may overload and burn a fuse or a circuit! Nicholas, you kill me, you are a riot! Logical but also practical!

Dr. X, I laughed at your response. It makes me happy to known you think I am a riot! I love to laugh just as much as I love to love. That’s why I am a great follower of Jesus Christ who gave as his last command in the last Gospel of John, – love one another.

X. Dr. X, you wrote the following in praise of Carl Sagan:
Did you know Carl Sagan? What a bright mind! I wish we could preserve the minds of the bright minds of the universe forever and possibly evolve them. I bet with you that in the future we will be able to do this artificially. It may be a sin but it is scientifically logical to do so.
I was fortunate to have read his book Cosmos. It was fascinating. Regarding the future to artificially create bright minds, I disagree. Part of and the joys of life is growing up and falling down, and with each step we get smarter through our experiences. The poets you referred me to also believe that it is the experiences of life that produces a great mind, some with the gift to think on a hypothetical level.

XI. Dear Dr. X, after my following assessment of ‘political correctness’ your response made me feel good.
Political Correctness creates a veil of ignorance that stifles the attainment of knowledge. - Ginex”
Bravo Nicholas

Dr. X, your comments about Obama has been addressed in my forthcoming book, Obama, Islam and Benghazi. You wrote,
It is amazing that your president’s buddies are killing cartoonists in Paris and then he refuses to name them “Muslim Terrorists” and he still refers to his religion as “Religion of Peace” while he is still in the closet about his religion … and he did not attend the rallies in Paris (arrogance)!

I cannot wait until Hussein Obama is out of the office so I do not have to look at his face and his wife’s face anymore, thus I cannot stand these two and I truly vomit every time I look at them! They represent everything that America does not stand for! Have you heard about the American Dream? Well Hussein Obama is the American Nightmare! The Nightmare in the Pennsylvania Street!
Yes, minutes after Obama learned about an American journalist, James Foley was beheaded by an Islamic extremist, he went to play a round of golf. Amazing!! He is a self-serving egotistical and arrogant man that was never veted by our liberal media and now America will pay for the stupid mistake by having to enter into a war!!

After I quoted from your book about history is a science that needs to be updated to reveal the truth, you added my paragraph that referred to my book Future of God Amen, section 9.4 titled, Islam Spreads by Conquering Other Countries. It was mentioned as a supplement to your history about Persia. This was my first published book by Xlibris Corporation and I am honoured that in the near future it will be added to the IPC library. The first book I ever wrote was titled, Legacy of a Father. It consists of about 650 pages and has an enormous amount of history how mankind conceived the belief in one-universal God – the God Amen. This book became the foundation, the father so to speak, of the next four books that followed, which are:

Amen, The Beginning of the Creation of God
Amen and Jesus’ Revelation
God, Us and the Universe
Allah, We, Our and Us

After our paragraphs about history that dealt with Islam’s expansion you commented,
Bright minds think alike specifically if they are connected as brothers through reincarnation!
Thank you for the compliment; especially being your reincarnated brother.

XIII. After I wrote about the Salman Farsi Mosque and that Ali was the prophet's right hand and Salman was the prophet’s left hand.” you stated:
Salman a traitor to Iran is an Islamic Saint and loved by Arabs! Is there any wonder?

I did’nt khow that. You also wrote:
Iranians worship their enslavers (Arabo-Muslims) and they have Stockholm syndrome!
Muhammad is not as ignorant and as illiterate as he was portrayed, on the contrary he was a wise charlatan and a great speaker who managed to drag armies of Cattle-like Muslims to follow him and mass murder tribes of Jews, Christians and Pagans in the Arabian Peninsula, convert all to Islam and then destroy the known world after his demise (Persian and Roman Empires).

Then you indicated a bit of knowledge that I had not surfaced about Salman and when the Qur’an was written. History indicates that it was his Companions that wrote and assembled the Qur’an about two decades after Muhammad’s death.
Of course things have been added and deducted and revised in the years to come but Quran unlike Bible is mostly the original version written at Muhammad’s era by the infamous council of Muhammad, Salman, Ali and Abu Bakr.

It would be nice to get the real truth about the writing of the Qur’an.

You quoted me from my book on Yazdgird III:

I had no idea it was you who wrote the letter by Yazdgird III in my last response to you. It was well written and I will not repeat it again. But I will repeat your sentiments about Iran destroying Persian culture and its civilization; it was heart-breaking to feel your pain.

This letter is a human bravery while it is a cultural catastrophe! This is human tragedy! Imagine your culture is about to be destroyed and your civilization is about to be levelled but you still preach to a Desert Animal trying to shove some sense in to his reptilian brain and instead of living on your knees, you decide to die on your feet. This is what Yazdgird has done.

It is really ironic that Iranians do not know Yazdgird but they pretty well know Islamic Saints Ali, Hassan and Hussein! This is called human tragedy my friend, my brother, I do not wish this upon on any human civilization. It is a nightmare. Situation of the Iran of today, and their Arab Worship and Islamic Regime makes me weep and choke in my sad miserable philosophical isolation and solitude! It is truly a human tragedy!

You asked me the following question and referred me to IPC links that will provide history about Iran, Persia and Islam.

a. Did you publish this letter in your Allah book?

Unfortunately, Allah, We, Our and Us was published before I knew of your letter. I will provide some comments about the links you provided.

b. Persian Federalism with respect to other cultures:

Cyrus Cylinder ... /index.htm

Dr. X, Thank you for being my instructor to learn about Cyrus II The Great who was head of the Achaemenid Dynasty and starter of The Persian Empire. My history classes did not teach me that Cyrus II created two of the finest documents that laid the foundation of a free society, namely, The First Charter of The Rights of Nations and The First Declaration of Human Rights in the World.

Cyrus II (576 BC - 530 BC) was indeed a leader. Some of his accomplishments were written on a clay cylinder in 538 BC:
{... When my soldiers in great numbers peacefully entered Babylon... I did not allow anyone to terrorize the people ...

I kept in view, the needs of people and all their sanctuaries to promote their well-being ... I freed all slaves ...

I put an end to their misfortunes and slavery.

It is to be noted that Cyrus II freed 42,000 Jews whom were enslaved at Babylon; this has been mentioned in Torah and Bible. Cyrus The Great, Persian Emperor, is the patron Saint of The Jews! Few people know that Cyrus II wrote the first “Human Rights Document” in the world in 538 BC; long before the following cherished documents listed below:

Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776 AD)
U.S. Declaration of Independence (1776 AD)
French Declaration of The rights of Man and Citizen (1782 AD)
U.S. Bill of Rights (1789 AD)
League of Nations (1920 - 1946)
United Nation (1945 - Present)

Cyrus II took over Babylon and added it to The Persian Empire which was extended East to West, from the Chinese border at East Asia to Greece and Macedonia in Europe, and North to South from North of the Caspian Sea (central Russia) to central Napata (Libya) in North Africa.

Dt. X, you wrote that commemorated on the Cyrus Cylinder was:
....... Cyrus, King of Kings, King of Persia, King of Babylon, King of Sumer and Akad, King of Elam and Anshan, King of ......., King of all nations of the four quarters, have dictated a new world order, for the man to be free, for the man to live as he pleases and be protected by The Law, all men to have rights, all men to have dignity, all men to freely choose their religion, respect to all's religion, respect to all's tradition, respect to all's property, respect to all's humanity......
...... by the will of Ahura Mazda, all Satrap (Governors), subordinates and subjects of the Empire, nations of the four quarters, shall respect the traditions, celebrations and various gods and religions of The Persian Empire. We shall not rule by force and oppress no nation. Each is free to accept or reject, we shall bestow internal autonomy to all Khashtara (states) and not to oppress any region in to submission ...... may Ahura Mazda aid and guide us ......
However, below is the full text of the Cyrus II Cylinder and it does not mention Ahura Mazda or that he, “have dictated a new world order, for the man to be free, for the man to live as he pleases and be protected by The Law, all men to have rights, all men to have dignity, all men to freely choose their religion, respect to all's religion, respect to all's tradition, respect to all's property,"

In addition, Cyrus II did not profess his worship to Ahura Mazda but instead for the god Marduk. However, from the text, it can be ascertained that he established government and for all his conquered territories he promoted peace for the inhabitants, their well-being, abolished slavery, brought relief to their living conditions and housing, rebuilt sanctuaries of the god temples in other lands, returned former inhabitants to their lands, the gods of Sumer and Akad brought into Babylon were returned unharmed into their former chapels, and he allowed people of his lands to pray to their god(s).

Dr. X, is there another document prepared by Cyrus II that expresses his worship of Ahura Mazda?

Cyrus Cylinder - The Official Text

I am Cyrus, King of the globe, great king, mighty king, King of Babylon, king of the land of Sumer and Akad, King of ......, king of the four quarters of Earth, son of Cambysis (Kambujiye), great king, king of Anshan, grandson of Cyrus (Kurosh), great king, king of Anshan, descendant of Teispes (Chaish Pish), great king, king of Anshan, progeny of an unending royal line, whose rule, The Gods, Bel and Nabu cherish, whose kingship they desire for their hearts' and pleasures.

When I well disposed, entered Babylon, I had established the seat of government in the royal palace of the ruler, amidst jubilation and rejoicing. Marduk the great god, induced the magnanimous inhabitants of Babylon to love me, and I sought daily to worship him .......

...... when my numerous soldiers in great numbers peacefully entered Babylon and moved about undisturbed in the midst of the Babylon, I did not allow anyone to terrorize the people of the lands of Sumer and Akad and ...... I kept in view, the needs of the people and all their sanctuaries to promote their well being. I strove for peace in Babylon and in all his other sacred cities. As to the inhabitants of Babylon who against the will of the gods were enslaved, I abolished the corvee which was against their social standing, I freed all slaves. I brought relief to their dilapidated housing, putting thus an end to their misfortunes and slavery ......

...... Marduk, the great lord, was well pleased with my deeds, rejoiced and to me, Cyrus, the king who worshipped him, and to Cambysis, my son, the offspring of my loins, and to all my troops he graciously gave his blessing, and in good sprit, before him we stood peacefully and praised him joyously.

All the kings who sat in throne rooms, throughout the four quarters, from the Upper Sea (Mediterranean Sea) to the Lower Sea (Persian Gulf), those who dwelt in ...... and all those who live in other types of buildings as well as all the kings of the West Land, who dwelt in tents, brought me their heavy tribute and kissed my feet in The Babylon. As to the region, from ...... to the cities of Ashur, Susa (Shush), Agade and Eshnuna, the cities of Zamban, Me-Turnu, Der as far as the region of the land of Gutium, the holy cities beyond the Tigris River, whose sanctuaries had been in ruins over a long period, the gods whose abode is in the midst of them, I returned to their places and housed them in lasting abodes.

I also gathered all their former inhabitants and returned to them their habitations. Furthermore, I resettled upon the command of Marduk, the great lord, all the gods of Sumer and Akad whom Nabonid had brought into Babylon to the anger of the lord of the gods, unharmed, in their former chapels, the places which makes them happy.

May all the gods whom I have placed within their sanctuaries and resettled in their sacred cities, address a daily prayer in my favor before Bel and Nabu, that my days may be long, and may they recommend me to him, to Marduk my lord, they may say: "May Cyrus the King, who worships thee, and Cambysis his son ...... all gods I settled in a peaceful place, I sacrificed ducks and doves, I endeavored to repair their dwelling places ...... "

The tomb of Cyrus II the Great still exists in Persepolis and Pasargad near Shuraz, Iran. It is surprising that Islamic terrorists have not blown up his tomb.

History of Federalism in Iran ... /index.htm

Dr. X, you have provided information of Iranians and people around the world to be cognizant that it was the Persians who pursued the course of freedom for people of different cultures to follow their own traditions and worship. The AIOG (Arabo-Islamic Occupational Government) of the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) have followed the religious ideology of Islam, which is dictated by the Qur’an and Sharia law.

Federalism was first implemented by Cyrus II The Great, which is the opposite of Iran’s government that constrains people from leading a life that allows them to choose their religion and pursue any opportunities that will lead to a happier life for themselves and their families.

In fact, under Islam, to believe in another religion or leave the faith one becomes dead. Only through force does Islam grow and conquer the lands of people who simply want to lead peaceful lives.

An important date for Iranians of Persian descent is the first Arab-Muslim Invasion of Iran. It actually started in 635 AD and continued until 651 AD when Yazdgird III had been murdered. The Arab Invasion lasted 16 years.

c. Arab Imperialism with destruction of other cultures:

Islam a Dangerous Political Ideology ... /index.htm

Dr. X, your introduction pointed out a fact that I always suspected and that is many Muslims have not read the Qur’an. Instead, they are fed what their Ayatollahs, Hojatol Eslams, Marja'e Taqlid, parents, clerics, schools, text books, authorities and society in general had told them about Islam!

Islamic religious leaders have discouraged their followers to read the Qur’an. I, as an independent thinker, read the Qur’an line-by-line and was motivated to write Allah, We, Our and Us after I saw the photo of an Iranian woman about to be stoned to death on your IPC website.

Dr. X, you provided some logical thought as to why the Iran Theocratic Empire finally collapsed and I repeat it below.
When Islam took over the so many of the world's civilizations, it had nothing to give, yet it had everything to take and gain. If we study the whole history of Islamic Empire in its glory days, we will notice that the whole Empire ran by the ingenuity of the occupied country's specialists. All the people who ran the Islamic Empire from scientists, politicians, poets, artists, philosophers, writers, etc. were mostly Persian and leastly from other destroyed occupied civilizations under Islam like Egypt, Carthage or Phoenicia! The Arab Barbarians of the peninsula truly had nothing to offer! Due to the reactionary and oppressive nature of Islam, the Islamic Regime did not allow any new creative ingenuity to grow in the Empire, yet purposely, it helped killing every ounce of ingenuity and intellectualism which bloomed in the region! Finally all these bloomed flowers from the occupied nations died out and there was no one else to replace them! Suddenly there were left only, Arabs and their oppressed occupied mongrelized nations under occupation with no present or future sign of ingenuity or creativity, and that's when Islamic world died out and fell behind the progressive western world.
However, in today’s world, the reason why the United States of America has not entered into a war with an Arab country or countries is because of the joint venture of Arab oil cartels with U.S. and British big oil corporations. I have written an article about why, after acts of war by Islamic (Muslim) terrorists, U.S. presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama just accepted the deaths of Americans and did nothing. That article will be sent to you shortly.

Persian Empire Federalism vs. Islamic Empire Imperialism!

XV. Nicholas stated:
“Leaders of any country that continue to permit the influx of Muslims into their country will find to their dismay that they have let loose voracious animals that will destroy their civilization and way of life. Muslim culture is lacking for their only source of education is the Qur’an, which creates indoctrinated minds that cause bigotry, hatred, violence, and the killing of innocent people.”

Dr. X response:
Leaders such as Euro-Pee-On Leaders who opened the gates and allowed hundreds of thousands of Muslims into the Europe and then granted them housing, welfare, benefits and status. Now these Muslims have become a problem via not melting in the culture; furthermore, revolting against the culture by wearing their garment, mosque political gatherings, protests, demanding more entitlements and terrorism. Leaders such as your president Hussein Obama who is destroying America with his Religion of Peace!

Say brother, I have never seen you this blunt, forward and furious! You are not being politically correct!
Brother Ax, I am a man who does not like to be made a fool of. When I see people being fooled into being dopes because of Iran’s religion I can’t help but tell the truth. The truth may hurt, but it’s the only way for indoctrinated minds to learn there is a better way for people to live.

XVI. Dr. X you repeated my words that started with, “Ahreeman revealed the extent of Mother Persia.” Therefore I will not show them again. However, I know that many Persians and Iranians who are of Persian decent, they will one day in the future, retain their Mother land – Persia. I will repeat some of the great Persian men that have contributed human knowledge and culture that should not be forgotten. Some of the great Iranian minds in the arts and sciences are:

Abu Ali Sina (Avicenna), Father of the Modern Medicine
Abu Mousa kharazmi, Father of the Modern Mathematics
Mohammad Zakariya Razi, Father of the Chemistry
Abu Rayhan Biruni, Father of Anthropology
Omar Khayyam Father of Algebra

I am glad that your historical geography got expanded.
Check this:
Atlas of Iran Maps: chapter 10

See how Qajar Empire, after the worthy Aqa Mohammad Shah Qajer became Qajar Persian Kingdom and lost all lands which are now all of these fabricated independent nations!?
Same as Palestine is a British fabricated nation:

The maps were good to understand the land involved but does not add to my interest in human nature.

Historical Facts on Israel – Palestine Issue ... /index.htm

Dr. X, I found your chronicle of the History of Israel – Palestine very informative. It started with the “Land of Canaan” (Palestine) circa 3000 BC and it was conquered by the Egyptians around 1468 - 1200 BC. The history ended with the Persians invading the Babylonians in Iraq circa 539 – 332 BC with Cyrus II The Great freeing over 42,000 Jews from slavery and having rules of human conduct recorded on the Cyrus Cylinder.

Then check this:

Famous Historical Iranian Scientist ... /index.htm

As a Science lover, you would be interested to know the contribution of Iranian scientists to science while Islam gets credit for it by naming them as Muslim Scientists!

The reality is that the Golden Age of Islam was because of Iranian ingenuity and once Islam choked that ingenuity out of Iranians, the Islamic Empire fell backward behind the world and died! Arabs did not contribute much to the global culture aside from savagery and barbarianism.

But then again it is not Arabs’ fault because they were the first victims of Islam and their local cultures were destroyed by Islam.

Dr. X, it’s great that you have enlightened me about the extent of the Persian Empire and how its territory was broken up into the many Ex Iranian states, which are fabricated nations by Russia, UK and the British. You were able to reveal that countries with the ending “istan,” like Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan (parts of), Kazakhstan (parts of), Baluchistan half of Pakistan are fabricated countries/states. Also, Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Ossetia (a small part of Russia) were once part of the Ex Iranian states.

XVII. You stated,
Saint Nicholas:
“The Devil’s Advocate Proposes Existence of the Spirit”
Little Old Devil me!

Dr. X, you gave the following response to a comment I repeat below:
“Now, Mr. X, we get back to thoughts of the mind. You challenged my belief that, “a Spirit cannot possibly live on after death. This is the height of arrogance to believe that because we are able to think in complex ways that our mind is energy that creates a Spirit. No. Our mind, if you are blessed with a very gifted one, functions only because it is nourished by a wonderful body.”
Arrogant Ahreeman they call me!

I also wrote, “It’s true that Christians, Jews and Hindus believe in a soul or spirit that goes on to another entity, be it another human body, animal, or tree, and others believe the soul joins a creator god in heaven. This is a hopeful belief that the personality of a person lives on after death.”
To which you replied,
This is due to the fact that human simply cannot believe or accept that this life is it and after this life he turns to maggots and the maggots poop and fertilize the ground, the grass grows on the ground, cows eat the grass and poop, and basically in life after death, humans turn to Cow Shiite! That is their glorious Hindu, Jew or Christian Heavens in action! (I simply kill me)!

So human is so arrogant that he refuses to believe that after death he will not live another life!

But in a way, we do live another life as energy, and matter changes form and we become released energy joining all universal energy or shall we color it in a way that our intelligence becomes a part of the “Universal Intelligence”!

By the way, have I told you that I am going to write an article about the “Universal Intelligence versus God”?

The Egyptians were one of the first innovators of this belief and was why they had elaborate rituals to facilitate the passing into another realm. It’s a nice belief for it affords followers of a religion hope of a reward for living a decent and moral life.

False Hope and Fake Reward!

I also wrote:
Isn’t it sad that priests have to give false hope or create fake fear and put them in the hearts of the people so they stay in line and become good human beings?! Why can’t people just be decent?
But I do not need a reward for being nice to other people and to love others with sincerity.”
Neither do I! Religion must create Fear, Rewards and Punishments to gather crowd and keep them in line.

Dear Dr. X, forgive me for I did not mean for you to think I inferred you as being arrogant. You are a realist and a man with a fine mind. You have put your creative gifts to good use by being a mentor to others and the greatest gift are your efforts to preserve the contributions made by the Persian people. I am honoured that you have placed onto your IPC website and made me a part of your effort.

This is the End of Part 1 of the
February 26 Ahreeman - Ginex Philosophical Debate.

Please continue on Part 2, dated May 10, 2015.
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Nicholas Ginex
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Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:36 pm

Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Sun May 10, 2015 4:21 pm

Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)
Nicholas Ginex Sunday May 10, 2015

Part 2 0f 2

Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 PArts: Micreo Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Greetings Brother X:

XVIII. On Universal Intelligence

Nicholas wrote in the last debate, “Regarding the Universal Intelligence that I believe pervades the universe; it is the progenitor of matter and inorganic matter using the atom as its mechanism. This does not mean life as a soul continues by joining its intellect or energy with the cosmos and retains the personality of the deceased human.

The soul is a construct of the mind, in the same way God is a construct of the mind; both are used to try to explain why humans must endure pain and misery and provides hope for relief after death.”

I am puzzled, you sound very philosophically “Materialistic” and very “Scientific”, then how do you fit your “spiritual” aspect in all of this? Or have you evolved not to have a Spiritual side lately?

Ahreeman, you constantly state that the mind is Spirit. Spirit is a concept and if you believe in a spirit then go for it as long as this belief does not interfere with the beliefs of others. For me, the mind is another word for the tissue we call the brain. How the brain develops a mind that is capable of understanding, evaluating, and making decisions to better one’s life depends on the upbringing with love from a mother and father and information provided by teachers. Yes genetics has a lot to do with it but means nothing if the mind is taught to hate as done on a mass scale to young children as early as 4 and 5 years by Islamic teachers of the Qur’an.

Dr. X response:
Above on top of this post, I have defined the philosophical definition of the Spirit. I believe Mind is a spirit because it cannot be sensed with the 5 senses.

Mind cannot be a part of the brain. Just because human brain is complicated and mass curved, physically, it does not include the mind! Brain is pure matter which energies are created and interact with it and within it but Mind is a separate element.

I mentioned in my article that there are situations which Mind is not present but Brain is present (absolute state of sleep without dreaming). Mind is pure thought and thinking can be present with brain. All animals think and they have minds but not as complicated as human mind. Now I use this example to clarify my view to the readers that Matters create spirits and I create God. This part of it is concept and I use it as concept.
So what is your verdict?

Dr. X, I cannot agree with you that mind cannot be part of the brain because it represents pure thought. Without the brain there is no mind.
You do not even believe that Spirits exist, right.
Now tell me if matters came first or energies (I’m asking again! ... early Alzheimer?)?

If you believe in the Scientific Law, the Conservation Law of Matters and Energies, which you don’t, then the same as I, you would believe that both matters and energies always existed and will exist forever. Frankly I do not comprehend on how can you not believe in this Law because this is a law of physics and you are a scientific person.

Dr. X, yes, I do not believe that Spirits exist. I believe in the Conservation Law that was discovered by our scientists. But is a law that can only exist after matter has been formed through the evolutionary process. In the beginning, at least to me, there was energy that had to start the process in creating matter, which consists of atoms - the building blocks of all matter.

The atom possesses the energy forces of gravitation, which binds the protons and neutrons within its nucleus, electricity which is the electron(s) which revolve around the nucleus, and magnetism which I believe is the combination that causes the forces of attraction and repulsion. This is my best guess about energy and science will someday figure it out. But in any case, my theory is based upon what I learned over 60 years ago.
I recently went to ... rotons.htm

and learned that the electron is the fundamental building block of all matter, beginning with protons and neutrons. Scientific theory and logical assumptions have concluded that:

The proton and the neutron are made of only six electrons.
The proton contains an additional positron in its center.

Another thing I learned is that “Matter is made of waves” with the electron as its core element. ... ectron.htm

Some findings: The electron can move at any speed from 0 to nearly the speed of light through the aether.
The electron's properties are well known. The list is astounding. It is so small that it has no apparent dimension.

Its electrostatic charge is negative. There is also a positive antiparticle, the positron, which exhibits exactly the same properties except for the opposite charge. Its wave properties are now a well admitted fact. It can accelerate, slow down and change its direction. It can act and react as a result of an apparent contact, but also at a distance. It contains intrinsic energy according to mc^2, and additional kinetic energy.

A new finding for Dr. X, Nicholas and those people who desire to learn about how the universe formed is:

In addition, the electron is the main player for a lot of phenomena such as magnetic and electric fields, light and radio waves emission, and chemical reactions. It can stabilize itself around the nucleus to form an atom, and it can bind molecules together. Finally, it is a well known fact that electron and positron collisions produce quarks and gluonic fields. This indicates that in this case electrons and positrons involved do not really annihilate. They should most likely be hidden but still present inside quarks and have their standing waves joined together as gluonic fields. This strongly suggests that matter (or any other particle) is solely made of electrons.

I found the scientific paper fascinating and invite others to visit the link:

Mr. Gabriel La Freniere paper, Matter is Made of Waves, developed since October 4th 194? to April 11, 2012. His conclusions were:

The wave is an electron and, Our world is solely made out of electrons.

A basic reason why I believe Mr. La Freniere’s conclusions is because he writes with a style similar to mine, which makes me feel I wrote his thoughts. In the same way, I was very close to his theory except that I used the atom as the fundamental building block of all matter. This is still true in my reasoning except that La Freniere went deeper into the makeup of the atom being internally constructed with electron properties.

Therefore Mr. X, I must say again that there are no spirits but the nature of development of the universe from the very smallest entities, like the electron, which can also be broken down into hypothetical parts.

I do believe that it is the nature of energy to express itself into matter to the point that by creating complex elements, stars are formed that enable life to create itself on a planet. When life attains the intelligence to think and hypothesize, then the electron has succeeded in its ultimate creation to allow the state of consciousness, whereby thought is made possible.

By Mr. La Freniere’s analyses, I believe it supports my conclusion that energy came first to create matter. However, I do believe that energy and matter is interchangeable and hence, the Conservation Law of energy and matter still holds.

Then are you telling me that you do not know the quality and element of your Creator? Or as I refer to it the Universal Intelligence? But something at the back of your mind says that there is a Creator? Is that what you are telling me?

No. There is no God or Spirit creator but the inherent development of extremely small parts that create the electron, then the atom, and finally the mass of matter that forms our universe. Because there is the development of life forms (grass, flowers, trees, ants, animals, etc., where some reach to ability to think, I believe there is a conscious element to this entire process, which grows like a baby, for I don’t think the process is sure of what it will create. On another planet it is conceivable that the life forms will not be exactly like those on earth.

“Your Politically Correct response to tell me I needed to be scientifically challenged was very appropriate.”
I try hard to be! But now I hear you more and more to become “Religiously Challenged”! Make up your mind brother:

Scientific Method you wrote: “This is the scientific method. And God and Holy Spirit has nothing to do with it! Neither does Humpty Dumpty, Father Christmas, Jesus Christ, Holy Toledos and a Saint Nicholas reincarnated in Orange County has anything to do with the scientific facts!””

Dr. X, I believe I was misquoted. Is there a quote mark missing because I see two quote marks at the end of your paragraph?
Did you love that? I loves that too!

However, I also loved your Humpty Dumpty remark. He was a great egg. I taught my granddaughters the short ditty of Humpty Dumpty. In fact, I demonstrated Humpty Dumpty falling off the kitchen table only to crash to the ground to prove “All the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again.” Right now I am smiling at our humor.

XIX. The String of Eternity Theory
Now it gets important:
Saint Nicholas stated:
“Ahreeman, I like your response that seems to satisfy my thinking of the “beginning of the universe,” which was: “This everything which created your first atom and your beginning is a string of eternity which has no beginning and no end."

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to him to evolve.”

That was good to characterize the evolutionary or universal force as the “String of Eternity.”

String of Eternity Theory

Snake-like Graph

Yes that is my belief vs. Big Bang.
So far, logic bounds me to believe in the “String of Eternity Theory”. So what is your verdict? Do you agree with me or somewhat agree or what is your version?

I do not believe in the string theory. I believe everything has a beginning and that includes the creation of matter from energy. The little bit I wrote above about the electron appears to back up my belief.
Dr. Ahreeman, I laughed again when you wrote:

“....... therefore, I Nicholas Nickel-bee AKA Saint Nicholas of Orange County who am not a scientific infant, will reside in the State of LaLa Land and become a Citizen of Never Land along with my Good Fellow Holinesses Peter, Paul, Mary, Tom and Jerry, Holy Spirit and indeed Our Lord Jesus Christ, somebody give me an Amen ..... Halle Lujah, Praise the Lord O Mighty! Hey Joe, hand me my guitar, I feel a Gospel is coming along ..... Thank you, thank you very much (with a lip twitch, Elvis Style)!!!!”
Very funny; I love your sense of humour. The twitch of the lip by Elvis was a good ending even though I am not an Elvis lover.
I am glad putting a smile on your face. In this day and age which horrible news is on all stations and Terrorism everywhere, Hussein in White House, Human Greed and Arrogance destroying the Earth, Morality is declining and economy is in Shiite Hole, we need a laugh or two to revive the spirit!

Funny Making Ahreeman they call me!

Dr. X, you are a man of many faces and that is what makes you special.

XX. “Ginex: Is Jesus a Son of Man or a Son of God?”

“Ahreeman, I did not laugh after reading your parody that Jesus “was an alien ancient astronaut named Kal-El son of Jor-El who was the Superman,….” I do not discount the efforts of any man trying to improve how people can better live with one another. True, the belief in God is a faith and many people do well without such a belief. But I will not laugh at the beliefs of other religious people, such as the Hindus, Persians, Jews, Christians, and American Indians. The religion I will destroy and ridicule is the Islamic religion for followers of this religion are taught to hate and kill people who have other religious beliefs. Worse than that, Islamic fundamentalists inhibit education of the mind and refuse to allow knowledge to enter into the minds of their followers because they know that once educated, they will refuse the religion of HATE.”

You still did not answer the question: Is Jesus Son of Man or God?

I did answer this question in the last debate. Jesus is the Son of Man. Jesus himself in all 5 Gospels said he was the “Son of Man” 76 times versus only 5 times in the last Gospel of John. However, the Church Fathers decided to make a liar out of Jesus when John’s Gospel was written. The last Gospel of John was written around 60 years after Jesus died. This was when the church fathers became more powerful and they got people to believe Jesus was God by inventing the Trinity.

Jesus was the greatest prophet man has ever known for he gave mankind the greatest command, not from God, but from himself. He stated the command three times. In John 15:17 he stated, “These things I command you, that you love one another.”
Brother Nicholas, I sense there is a bit contradiction in the psyche of Nicholas. If there was no contradiction, then you would have not get defensive, uptight and somewhat mad when I humor with Prophets, Religions and Traditions. You specifically get in tangled about Jesus!

Dr. X, I was not defensive or uptight about Jesus. I just don’t like a good man being discredited for trying to help man live a better life based on love. He was not a God and only a fool who has not read the Bible closely believes the Church Fathers that he was a God; part of the Trinity. This foolish concept was developed by over religious men to serve their purposes to control the masses with a God-like figure.
Let me tell you where I come from:
Nothing is sacred. Everything is fair game. No one is safe from the Sting of Ahreeman. The Ahreemanic sting and fangs bite everyone and everything. I humor with everything, specifically Religion and Prophets.

If the whole concept of God, Religion and Prophets is irrational, illogical and nonsensical, then why have respect for it?

Now you are talking about the man. You do realize that many believe Jesus was a fictional character who did not even exist? And while we love and adore fictional characters, then why stop there, let’s celebrate Mickey Mouse and Goofy too!

Is there any solid historical evidence that Jesus even existed? Well except bible!

Dr. X, whether Jesus was made up by fragments of recorded history of not, there were men who devoted their lives to improve the morality of their people. The Gospels are an effort to put together the stories and events that may help people to believe in God. You cannot fault them for at that time there was no scientific method and people were not educated.

Now let me tell you that I actually believe that Jesus existed even though there are tons of evidence that Jesus and Christianity are all copy pasted fragments of imaginations of some so-called Christian Saints, all stolen from Mitraism!

Even though I believe Jesus existed, yet how can I have respect for a magician? A magician who gathered crowd and followers by conning them in to believing that he was Son of God and he performs miracles? Either he believed all of this stuff or he didn’t? If he believed all of this stuff, then it is not farfetched to state that:

a. Jesus was an alien astronaut who visited Earth and by Father, he meant his Leader from his civilization (and I am dead serious). Jesus being an ancient alien astronaut is not a joke, it is a theory!

b. Jesus was a Charlatan, Cult Leader and a Wanna Be Guru.

Jesus was truly delusional and an ill man who lived in fantasy.

Now, you expect me to respect Jesus, Christianity and Bible, because Jesus preached Good and Christianity is Good?

I never asked you to respect Jesus, Christianity and the Bible. I, like you, have reservations about religion. However, you must understand that this is a part of growing up. Humans have yet to get a better education to learn how and why we are what we are today. Hopefully, my books, Future of God Amen and AMEN, The Beginning of the Creation of God will fill that void.

First of all, Bible has been revised as many times as I have changed under wears since 1979! Who is to say what part of Bible is true and what part is false?

Second, Jesus directing humanity to be good, was a part of his gig as a Cult Leader. He had Alter motives. Jesus was a revolutionary against Roman Empire and the Status Que. Whatever he preached was part of his plan for his greater social, political and philosophical agenda.

I think sometimes you forget that Christianity has its arms deep in the blood of the scientists, intellectuals and intelligent masses up to the elbows! When Christianity ruled the world, it was called the Dark Ages! Are you forgetting the Inquisitions?

Dr. X, you are correct, but you realize it’s all part of man trying to solve his problems and he makes many mistakes along the way.
No brother, I have zero respect for Jesus, Christianity, God, Religion or Theist Ideas. I told you that the only reason I respect Zarathustra and Buddha is because they were philosophers and they stated that they were only simple philosophers, not prophets.

Dr, X, you are correct, except that Jesus always said he was the “Son of Man.” This man was surely a prophet and very likely the greatest prophet for no other prophet issued the command with “I” when he said, “These things I command you, that you love one another.
I have no hang-ups and nothing is sacred for me. Actually I am the greatest critic of the Persian Culture, specifically Shiite Culture, Traditions, Customs and Prophets such as: Mazdak, Mani, Bahaullah and the 12 Shiite Imams. I heavily criticize the whole establishment and hierarchy of the Organized Fire Temples and Zoroastrianism.

Dr. X, it appears that you are very upset.
No one can make a remark of anything and any kind to me, which offends me! Nothing is sacred for me. No matter how much I love something or someone, I do not get offended. Why?

Because I try to be pure science, logic, ration, dialectic, progressive and analytic.

Dogma has room in my world and no one is sacred and above criticism.

Brother Nicholas, please get off of your Jesus Wagon because Christianity is one of the worst Darkness which has ever shadowed the human history!

Dr. X, you are correct about Christianity being the one of the worst Darkness which ever shadowed the human history. However, we both agree that it is Islam that is the worst religion of them all!!

You may call me Extreme and I do admit that I am heavily Anti Religion and look at the Religious people as “Inferior Intellects” and “Lower Forms of Consciousness” but then again, make no mistake, I am not a Militant Atheist because I celebrate Christmas and I am Jolly!

Ahreeman, thank you for providing the intimate moments of laughter where I was called Pope Nicholas Ginex, the "first Scientific Evolutionist!”
You are!

I officially name you:

Pope Nicholas Ginex, the first Scientific Evolutionist Pope

In the name of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit,
In the name of Peter, Paul and Marry
Tom and Jerry with Taffy

I declare you

Pope Nicholas Ginex, the first Scientific Evolutionist Pope.

I laughed again, during the topic on Zoroastrianism, when you remarked after I wrote about my acting as Santa Claus for my young daughters.”
I know exactly how you feel. I am the same way. Even though a solid atheist and a scientist, yet I have Christmas Spirit and I celebrate Christmas and other Religious Holidays: Hanukah, Nowruz, etc. What would we do without the heart-warming myths? I play and sing Christmas songs all season long!
I know, can you believe that today, in the middle of yet another harsh cold San Diego winter day in 70 and sunny San Diego, I was walking and wearing no sleeve shirt and sports shorts, gardening and singing Christmas Carols out loud?!
Fala lala la lala la la ...
I have the Christmas Spirit in the middle of February where in San Diego it is like the beginning of Summer or end of the Spring!

Dr. X, you a truly human and have a zest for life. You have enjoyed many things in life and I wish you to have many, many more.
Your friend always, Nicholas (Pope or no Pope)

XXI. God vs. Universal Intelligence

This is the crème of the crop of our discussion. I truly enjoy these amazing moments with you.
Nicholas stated:

“Ahreeman, I reread our conversation on God versus Universal Intelligence and was glad that we appear to agree UI has a purpose, which is to evolve by creating matter and energy that becomes a product to be proud of – intelligent life; a crown achievement of UI.”
Evolve by creating matter and energy but there is a but:

There was no point in time which UI existed and it created the first matter and energy. Matters, Energies and UI co-existed forever (String of Eternity Theory). In fact Matters and Energies are interlinked with UI and are in a way factions of UI. The UI is everything and UI has its hands and fingers in every little aspect and every little atom in the universe. UI is me and I am UI. Can you comprehend my message?

Dr. X, You have made a jump in logic and that is “Matter, Energies and UI co-existed forever (String of Eternity Theory).” One element came after the other, that is, energy existed first as electrons and its sub-parts. To say the Universe always had matter and energy from the beginning is a big, big leap in a hypothetical assumption. I cannot believe your idea that, “UI is me and I am UI.”

Universal Intelligence is simply a consciousness that evolves from once being a baby in the beginning. As I said above, the consciousness is growing from its inception and develops matter from first being energy. That consciousness does not create the same life forms on each planet in the universe. The consciousness you possess has been developed through your genes (body make up) and the experiences you went through in life. It is a unique UI that is personal to Dr. X for UI may not even have the level of intelligence that you possess. To say the universe has an intelligence is nice but nobody knows the extent of this intelligence.

One thing is for certain, organic life has many different levels of intelligence depending upon if you are a flower, a bee, or a human being. Does the universe have organic life? Yes, but only in the organic life it creates on a planet. It definitely does not exist in the sun because it is too hot to think. The UI that I imagine is a consciousness that is simply the desire to create and that the end product is organic matter that is able to think.

Now we are getting deeply philosophical and some dogmatic gurus may choke and get a heart attack due to our blasphemies!

Yes Dr. X, our ideas are only hypothetical so you need get up tight. But thinking is a way to solve the problem and finally arrive at a solution.

I wrote in my last debate, “You appear to agree that Spirit and God are interchangeable ideas that are man-made by writing: “I bring up the argument of Brain (Matter) and Mind (Spirit) to prove that Man (Matter) has created God (Spirit). It is a logical argument and conclusion.”

And you answered, “You got it, it is a concept.” But I made a error by not inserting the word “not” which I will add below in bold type.

“However, I do not believe in God and Spirit for if I do not know God how can I know Spirit?” You still believe in Spirits as you wrote,

Actually I believe one must know Spirits primarily and only then he will be able to know God! Think about it! One must know the definition and the quality of the Spirits, then knowing God comes easy.

But I am honest with myself for truly, even if you believe in God he is:

“To me, God is mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible.”

I think it is you who loves to make it mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible. In reality if one has a doctrine and belief system of either Idealist or Materialist, then it is very clear what God is, but if one is Agnostic, then God is mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible!

Well, Nicholas, are you an Agnostic?

Dr. X, since I do not know God, then I admit that I am an Agnostic. But then, I do not believe anybody knows God. People are brought up to believe in a construct of God taught by religious leaders.
I thought you were an Atheist!?

No, how can I be an atheist when I don’t know if God exists? To be an atheist I have to believe He or She exists so I can then deny that God.
Any developments since last I discussed philosophy with you?

Yes. I liked reading the scientific paper by Gabriel LaFrenienre mentioned above and present his link below. I learned a bit more about Quantum Mechanics.

Yes UI is All, because UI is all intelligence that accelerates evolution. Have in mind that unlike the La La Landers, the “Philosophically Confused”, the “Theocratically Epidemic” and the “Logically Challenged”, I have not stated that UI is Good, UI is the Shining Light and UI is Pure Love; but I said that UI is Evolution. There is a big difference.

There is no absolute good or Evil. No God, No Devil, No Good, No Bad, No light, No Dark .... that is all garbage.
I just stated:

Universal Intelligence is Pure Evolution.

That is All.

Dr. X, to me UI is not “all intelligence” that accelerates “Pure Evolution.” I believe UI is a “new” term invented to explain the beginning of the universe. However, the way I ‘see” it is that UI is a consciousness that is part of the growth process that causes the development of energy, which then forms matter. We humans are lucky in that we have advanced to the conscious level of thinking that is able to discern, scrutinize and develop thoughts of our own. Does UI have that same ability? I think not. UI is an evolutionary process driven by a consciousness very different from the consciousness developed in advanced life like humans.

However, I wrote an article, which resides in IPC, titled, Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe? Yes, it would be foolish not to concede there is an intelligence that began the beginning of our universe. But nobody knows what that intelligence is and even if it is similar to the intelligence that is possessed by high ordered life. That is why I always write it is mysterious, unknowable and incomprehensible. People believe this unknown entity is God or a Spirit, I do not because it means we know God and this is false; it is only a belief; a belief that I do not deprecate because mankind is still learning about himself and his universe.

XXII. What is the Meaning and Purpose of Life?

Ahreeman, I agree that the greatest legacy is to leave this world in better shape than when you came to be a part of it.
Amen Brother, Amen!

But what is the difference between you and an animal?

The difference between me and an animal is that I am endowed with a body that allows me to communicate and build what I think.
But what have you dedicated to this world to evolve it?

Dr. X, I have been fortunate to have had loving parents, good teachers, a decent education, chosen books, and had many wonderful experiences in life that has placed within my mind a database to think. But also, it is my body that has given me a disposition, whereby my mind is driven by the makeup of my glands and hormones that give me a certain way of being alive and interact with others. An old Greek saying is that “the body is the seat of the mind.” Fortunately, I have been able to write six novels that is my contribution to his world, including my four daughters that my wife Diane helped bring into this world; that is my legacy to help this world to evolve.

XXIII. Questions?

Thank you for complimenting me for the definitions of Morality, Logic, and Love that I wrote in our last debate. The part I liked the most was your openness to write, “I love you.” The feeling is mutual but it is a platonic love, hee, hee.
Wonderfully described, thanks for the input and I love you.

Regarding Time Travel you indicated, “Do not dismiss Time Travel with a snap of the finger!” However, to believe one can change the course of their life by going back into the past of into the future (where one is not even born yet) is foolish because it would mean one would change the lives of all those people they have known; an impossibility.

Theory of Relativity of Einstein revolutionized it all.

Warp Speed, Worm Holes, Stare Gates, Factual Evidence, Bermuda Triangle, Ancient Aliens, may all sound fiction to you but once upon a time Star Track communicators were science fiction but now they are science facts called Smart Phones. Once upon a time Star Track Phasers were science fiction but now they are science facts and called Ray Guns, shot at the range. Gene Roddenberry was another visionary.

Time is a concept we use to measure passing of events or going back to past events. This concept can shrink or be enlongated. The measurement can vary. Few Years of light years of travel for a spaceship can be hundreds of years of life on a planet like Earth (Einstein Theories). Time can be slowed or fastened, so why not use the slowing and fastening of the time and expand it to Time Travel?
You will be surprised how time works. You are looking at it as a one dimension reality. Look at it as a Multi Dimension Reality, the Fourth Dimension, Parallel Worlds, String Theory and Multi Reality Concept.

I have been studying and experimenting with Time and Time Travel for ages. One day, I may surprise the hell out of you!

Dr. X, mankind has created fascinating discoveries. The one that always astounds me is the transfer of an image and voice from one part of the globe to another, including space, namely TV and the computer. But I guess I am not easily swayed by worm holes, black holes, string theory, and time travel. From a realistic view, one will never survive a black hole because the gravitational forces will you into a bunch of electrons or add your flesh to its database of matter.

Theory of Everything ... /index.htm

XXIV. Time

Ahreeman, I read your piece about “Time” and was fascinated with your love of life, be it the past, present, and dreams of the future. You are truly a Man among Men. My wife used to call me that but I relinquish this title to you.”
I am glad you liked it:

The Time

Now I am going to hit you with a Truth Inspired piece of Poetry which was based on actual events occurred in my life. It is symbolized poetically and metaphorized (an Ahreemanic Term out of many Ahreemanic Terms) but every event had occurred and the poem is factual based:

Racing with the Death ... /index.htm

Dr. X, I read “Racing with the Death!” and was intrigued with your meeting the Angel of Death at least six times. One, when you dove through the wall size window into the balcony to be showered with blood and Death took the Black Dog a month later. Two, a girl on the back seat of your bike flew above your head when you suddenly hit the brake and though you were in a state of shock and panic, she also was taken by Death a month later. The third time in a brawl, dark men attacked you and a boy who was fighting next to you when a dark man stabbed you with a knife in your bladder. You escaped on a bike to be healed but one month later the boy was taken by Death. The fourth time was a dream when Death smiled at you and said in a month I will take her in your place. The fifth time you were in a car and then ran through streets only to end up in a dead end and Death caught up to you pushing her nails into your throat. You woke up from the dream and she became the last woman in your life. You and your Eternal woman always meet in the night; you looked into her eyes and death smiled back at you! You touched her thighs and Death invited you!

This poem was written about 13 years ago on October 26, 2002, which is really not too long ago. For now, it appears that Death is your Eternal Love. Your life has had real events where you fell off a balcony, lost a boy in a brawl, and a girl on a bike. The other events were dreams that affected you very strongly. This is partly because you have outlived the terrors and threats of death to you and those very close to you. I am deeply sorry to feel the hurt and torment that surfaced in your dreams. That is why I send you my best wishes for a more wonderful life with many more joys. Yes, you touched her thighs and Death invited you but I believe a real, live woman will enter into your life and that she will invite you into her life.

“Amen is the Word." I love the sound of that name and proud to know that this god has had an exceptional history. Those of you interested in learning more about Amen may find what I mean by reading Future of God Amen and AMEN, The Beginning of the Creation of God.

Thank you Ahreeman for stimulating my mind and have me learn more about your precious "Persian culture.”

Yes, we will publish the second one which was your first book. This book did put you on the map. You are surely a Thinker but in my book, you are a star.
Nicholas the Pope”
That’s what I’m talking about! See, my terms are epidemic! Ahreemanic Terms they are!

Nicholas the Evolutionist Pope of the OC.

Once again you brought a smile on my face. I like being Pope.

XXV. On Religion from Ahreeman to All

I fully understand your feelings against all religions, especially Islam, and where you stand on God, Prophets and Religions.

XXVI. On Ahreeman X from Ahreeman to All

I am a very politically incorrect person. I am an Anti Social Traditions, Anti Big Government, Anti Authority Figures, Anti Establishment, Anti Big Brother, Anti Monitors, and Anti Platitudes type O Fellow.

I am a rebel, I am against the norms, I am against the shallow social values.

I despise Monitoring and Self-Censoring myself. I surely despise Monitors, Moderators and Big Brothers, that is why I created my own website and my own forum so there is no Big Brother! This website and forum belongs to All and All can say whatever their heart pleases without the fear of being censored or banned. Unless you are trying to destroy IPC and trash IPC, then you are free to do whatever you want, even take your pants off and walk around naked!

.... and if people do not care for my attitude, then they are welcome to change the channel from IPC to CNN and view the politically correct versions of the issues!

In other words I do not care! I will never watch my mouth, self-censor, be afraid to say what I want, be afraid that my words might hurt people’s feelings, be afraid that my words may insult people’s religion, prophet, god and way of traditions, or be politically correct in any shape or form.

To be clear, I do not care for people’s feelings. If you are too emotionally sensitive and fragile and you get your panties in tangle and you get your feelings hurt and you are way too wishy washy and touchy feely, then by your God’s sake, you have no business in IPC. Move along to some Christian Website and say 100 Hail Merry!

I have a tough skin, I was raised tough, I am rough, I am a survivor, I lived in Jungle, the Concrete Jungle! I lived out the survivors and nothing can offend me, hurt me or damage me. I Am Man of Steel and street life has built me to be the Man of Steel.

I am all about Uber Menschen (Supermen). If you are woosy pussy, then please switch the channel from IPC to 700 Club!

You may tell me that: “With this attitude, I will not make many friends!”
I tell you that: “You are not the first who tells me that!”

My brother,

I am not here to make friends, gather crowd, run for political office, make money or create a cult! I am here to inform, enlighten and I will do it my way.

“For those who love me,
they love me well.
For those who don’t,
they can go to hell!”
“People call me rude,
I wish that I was nude,
I wish there was no Black and White,
I wish there was no Rules!”

I am a man with a mission and No Fear. Many of my mentors, colleagues and comrades have fallen by the Muslim Beasts.
IRI and global Islamism are my mortal enemies... and I am a Social Rebel.

Remember “The Wild One”?

Girlie: What are you rebelling against?
Marlon Brando (Biker): What do you got?

That is the story of my life. Give me an establishment which wants to limit people’s freedoms in Iran, America, Africa, around the world or in depth of Hell and you will see me on my saddle rebelling against it!

Many do not appreciate my methods, my means, my manners and my attitude. To those, I have to say:

“I beg your pardon,
I haven’t promised you a Rose Garden,
But I’ll beg your pardon,
I didn’t promise you a Rose Garden!”

So the bottom line is that:

“I’ll be what I’ll be,
I am what I am,
And I am what I am,
And that’s what I am,
I’m Popeye the Sailor Man!”

Dr. X, once again you inject humour. You’re a riot.

And at last allow me to make it very clear for All, specifically new readers, members and fans:

As Elvis said:

“That’s the Way it is!”

.... and that is the Ahreemanic Way!

I am not here to win a popularity contest and to become the Cuddly Teddy Bear for the emotionally deprived and the politically correct liberals or religious people.

I am here to Shake it all up, roll it all over, destroy it all and build a new.

But hey, I must be doing something right or else IPC would have not been the largest Iranian website in the world!

Ahreeman is my name,
Mind Games are my game!

Well thank you, Thank you very much (with Lip Twitch, Elvis Style!)”

Dr. X, here again, you show your humour.


I may take long to response to our lovely philosophical debate on the forum, I may take long to respond to your e-mails and I may take long to get back to you, but I assure you that you have a special place in my heart and soul. You are very dear to me. Your value is higher than gold. You are precious to the heart.

Persian Expression:

Nun O Panir O Sabzi,
To bish az in miyarzi!

Bread, Cheese and Herbs,
Your value is more than this!

And bread, cheese and herbs are essence of taste and life in Persian culture!”
Dr. X, I am very fortunate to have you in my life. You are more than gold to me and the rest of the world. You are not afraid to say what’s in your heart and mind, willing to share yourself with others. That is why I know you will always have love in your life!

Well, better be late than never. Now I responded and put forwards new questions, parameters and subjects for you to ponder and reply to. The ball is now in your field. I know you have just finished your new book and are about to publish it, so now you have time to read this and respond to it.

I want to leave you with this thought:

“What is the man’s worth, if his word mean nothing?”(Ahreeman X)

Dr. X, A man is worth nothing if he cannot be true to his word. My father was a man of his word and has been my model of a man. Though not educated beyond high school and a slave worker all his like to earn a decent living for his family, he was a man of integrity – a man of his word.

I would like to also tell you he was an athlete, a very strong man. He was able to walk up and down a flight of stairs on his two hands even at the age of fifty. The one thing I shall always remember is his quickness and ability to act swiftly. I was about 11 years old going down a flight of stairs when in front of me was a big black dog about to spring at me and I was just frozen. My father came out of nowhere and he tossed me aside as the dog leaped into the air towards my throat. He got me back upstairs and got the dog under control.

You my friend do as you preach and that is why you are worthy. Keep Real and Stay Real. Never change your Spirit but always Change your status and evolve thus the only absolute is the Change. Nothing else is Absolute.

Love your Scientific Mind


Your Brother,
Watcher in the woods

Dr. X, you shared some very scary moments in your life. In another debate I will share with you why I often say “The Lord is with me.” I saved a few lives but almost lost my life several times. I will describe some of those experiences that almost brought me close to death in another debate. This debate already has a lot for people to read (38 pages and now consists of 2 Parts).

I may be your older Brother but your experiences in life has been far greater than mine as you came from a troubled country and was almost stabbed to death. I’m sure you have been threatened several times, which is cause for your visits by your Angel of Death. But it is my hope she is replaced with a wonderful woman in your life; it will be much more satisfying if she meets you both on a physical and mental plane with love in her heart. Love comes in many forms; the most important is that she wants to know you and respects you, which is why she wants to be with you. The physical aspects of love are more intense when she and you are open to each other and desire to please one another.

I have been fortunate in my life to have had several wonderful women that has become a part of my life. In my old age, I’m not as sensual as I used to be and thank God that in my youth I did not make serious mistakes with a woman, which would have led down another (perhaps wrong) path. Today I am married to a woman who wanted to learn more about me and I was able to reach out to her. We are blessed with four beautiful daughters, the jewels of my life. Yes, as I sit here at the computer after dinner while my wife Diane went to sing in the choir at a Catholic church, I have peace and quiet to pursue thoughts and have a conversation with you. Nice.

With brotherly love,

Brother Nicholas
Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
Seeker of Truth
Lover of Life

Future of God Amen
Nicholas Ginex Word Press
Nicholas Ginex Index at IPC
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Nicholas Ginex
Posts: 191
Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:36 pm

Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)

Postby Ahreeman X » Sat May 07, 2016 5:12 pm

Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Part 1 of 2

Greetings Brother Ginex:

Please accept my apology for late reply. You wrote this a year ago and I am replying to it now! Even though I am dead busy, yet it is no excuse. Before we begin, allow me to give you a technical advice:

Technical Advice

I do understand that forum posting is new to you and you are doing a fine job (at least better than before); however, you must work on your quoting, spacing between paragraphs and formatting; furthermore, I have noticed that in all your posts, including this debate, none of your links work! All your BB codes are off. Buddy you’re a great engineer but you will make a sad programmer because BB Codes and HTML Codes are elementary to programming!

This is what you need to do:

When posting a link, do not use BB Code for URL or Bold or anything else. We have set the forum in a way that it automatically links URLs. Just post links and they will work. Imagine for a year, everyone who read this debate could not click on your links! Actually none of your links anywhere in IPC club works and I had to go over every single one (as far as I could find) and fix them. I also fixed your quotes (total mess). There’s your technical advice and there’s your prayer!


Preview your posts and after publishing, go over them and make sure your links work and your format is proper. Always go over posts after publishing them or else if you don’t, then (like this debate); none of your links may work!

Also select "Notify me when a reply is posted" box (when posting), so you will know who (and when) responds to you.

Another Suggestion

Your posts are long; therefore, you need to divide them into few parts (like you done here) or else it will not fit to be published.

New Articles and Posts

In regards to your e-mails, I have mentioned to you before that you are welcome to post all your new material including articles, links and posts directly into the club. Later on, we will fix your errors (such as not working links) and we will publish them on the website (if we desire). This way, your updates will get directly published by you in the club and the readers will read them. This is why we created the club (forum).

A while back, Cat also replied to your post and e-mails in the club:


Now we can begin:

The Rest of the Story

“First, Dr. X, I do not consider myself a spiritual person.”

And the wasted hopes and dreams of all those little kids awaiting for their hero “Saint Nicholas G” down the chimney for all them decades …..

G-Nex, you should be ashamed of yourself! You uncompassionate scientist you!

“Yes, I have been brought up in the Catholic religion”

In that case send my regards to Peter, Paul and Marry! Also kindly accept my condolences for all the beating you took from Mother Matilda throughout all them Sunday School Days!

“To me, from a hypothetical view, there are two elements, matter and energy that form the universe. The third element is not “spirit” or “spirits” but a consciousness that pervades the universe. Spirit is akin to God and both entities are what man has conjured up in his mind.”

Consciousness is the result of the element of “Thought” and possibly sometimes due to the “Ability of Critical Thinking”. You may not agree but I see “Thought” as “Spirit”; therefore, Consciousness is a fragment of “Spirit”. As long as Consciousness cannot exist without Thought and Thought cannot exist without Brain, then I conclude:

Brain created Thought
Matter created Spirit
I created God

Then again, you deny the existence of Spirit in whole and you basically claim what I call Spirit, is Energy.

“This consciousness I try to comprehend is forever growing, like a baby. For the consciousness that formed the first atom is very different from the consciousness that created the stars, the galaxies, and the universe. It finds itself in the creation of matter that can develop into inorganic life that have very different levels of consciousness.”

Consciousness grows and evolves, this is further evidence to comprehend that Consciousness is consciousness and the same element. There are different levels of consciousness; however, it is all consciousness. This is where “Universal Intelligence” comes to the picture. And no, it may sound like Sci Fi but have in mind that today’s Sci Fi is tomorrow’s science fact.

One consciousness throughout all universes (or at least our universe) which is called “Universal Intelligence” which has nothing to do with God and Religious Mumbo Jumbo!

“The human being has reached the highest form of consciousness because it is able to think and reflect on its surroundings and create complicated things like the computer, rocket ships and robots from proven theories like electricity and magnetic phenomenon.”

Correction, you assume human consciousness is the highest because so far you have not met other consciousness forms and creatures much higher than human. Do not be so sure, it is a large universe. Aliens who genetically created us by mix and matching ape + alien DNA are higher intelligence, but to prove it to you scientifically, you have to wait until we meet on the “Dark Side of the Moon”!

“If spirits are in fact energies, then it means spirits exist in many forms, all at different levels of development whereby they exist in stones and organic matter.”

Exactly! Spirits are not Energies but creations of Energies + Matters, and yes, Spirits are everywhere with the exception that unlike Theologists, us Scientists believe that Matters + Energies created spirits, not vice versa! But then you go one step further and deny the existence of Spirits!

“Energy, to me, had existed before matter.”

That is another whole argument! I believe they both co-existed eternally and until infinity.

“There had to be consciousness that somehow developed electrical, magnetic and gravitational forces that exist in the atom, which our scientists have constructed as a miniature solar system. The electron(s) orbits around a nucleus of protons and neutrons that is held together by gravitational and magnetic forces and, together they comprise a system similar to our planet revolving around the sun. Was there a spirit that created the first atom or was it a consciousness that willed its self into existence?”

Now you are talking about a model and a plan created by a conscious mind. I do not believe it was all by chance and accident; however, I also do not believe that there was a single consciousness (so called God or such) who created all. Again, this is where “Universal Intelligence” comes in! Millions and Billions of years of Universal Intelligence evolvement.

“To believe it was a Spirit, then it gives credence to the belief that it was God that willed the creation of the first atom.”

Or the “Universal Intelligence”!

“But again, God just does not appear out of nowhere. I believe a consciousness created the atom and slowly, over trillions of years, was able to develop the universe as we know it.”

Something does not start from nothing. This Universal Intelligence which is the interactions between energies and matters has always been there and will always be there. From eternity to infinity indeed!

“Unfortunately, I am not able to understand how the gravitational, electrical and magnetic forces, that is energy in different forms, came into being but they all exist in the system of the atom, which is made up of protons, electrons and neutrons; these physical entities with their inherent energy forces, I believe, built the universe.”

It all occurred gently, slowly and via evolution ....

“You know, I would not be able to even reflect of what I just wrote without the education I received to become an electrical engineer. Knowledge is power and without it I would have a blank mind. I am grateful that I have the ability to think, even if my thoughts are hypothetical.”

You know, I am also glad that you are a thinking creature, an engineer and a critical thinker or else I hate to discuss these issues with a Cabbage, a Turnip, a Muslim or a Crow (whichever comes first)!

“Dr, X, we are in close agreement except that “Spirits” are the inherent embodiment of consciousness that is able to express itself in organic life.”

I love the way you defined that! I like the way your mind works!

“I do not believe a “Spirit” exists in a stone even though it is made up of atoms.”

But Muhammad believed that Jinns exist in Black Rocks and Allah in Prayer Rock! Shame on you infidel G-Nex, don’t you know that Allah is passionate and works in mysterious ways?!

“The mind is fed data”

How interesting, so you say the element of “Mind” is Data. What you refer to as Data, I refer to as Spirit! So what is Thought? Consciousness! And what is consciousness? What is the element of Consciousness?

“Universal Intelligence (UI) is a concept because nobody knows what this intelligence is. Does it exist as it does in a human being, a bird, or an ant? The level of UI is, at least to me, a consciousness that exists at all levels of development from the smallest atom to a complex galaxy with many stars and life forms. Yes, UI and consciousness may be thought as being energies. But they exist at many different levels until consciousness reaches its highest level, the ability to think and reflect on the universe itself. This may be the crowning glory of UI or consciousness that started as a baby, only simple atoms, that after many trillions of years developed the high form of intelligent being that is able to think about who or what created it.”

Bravo, I could not put it better than this! How wonderfully put and indeed “philosophically correct”!

“For the next Persian New Year of 2015, I wish you a happy Nowruz!!”

And I wish you a happy Nowruz a year later for 2016 Nowruz AKA 2575 PIY!

“I am pleased to know you are making brotherly duties as an older brother to me. And I am comforted to know you are watching over me. What you have done for me, just being a dear and supportive friend, is very special to me and that is why I say you are “a blessing in my life.”

Just doing my brotherly duties.

“I liked the last few lines for it shows hope for the future still exists. Dr. X you are a strong man physically and mentally. The lines I liked are:

Now we will Run The Night ...
We Run to Reach The Shangri_La ...
Have you seen The Shangri_La?
Have you heard of The Shangri_La?
I tell you, we must get there,
If that's the last thing that we do!
One day we will get there,
One day we will reach The Shangri_La,
I promise you,
One day soon ...”

Regarding Shangri-La

Shangri-La Poem

Yes, there is always hope or else we may as well pack it up, call it quits and enjoy our comfortable lives by piling dollars on top of dollars and live like cattle, caring about our bellies and under bellies like Persian Billionaires and Millionaires do!

I can see that you really enjoyed Persian poetry:

Persian Poetry

Nothing like Persian poetry, the best in the globe, indeed full of mystery and shown paths!

“Dr, X, thank you for being able to sense my spirit by the way I write. I do enjoy thinking along a path that may have some golden fruit at the end. The article I wrote on Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe? was impressive to me after I read it again several months later. Upon reading it again I said to myself, “Did I do that?” You wrote:

[“Yes as a scientist, aerospace engineer and a technologist you do not want to go there but as a philosopher and seeker you need to go there! I feel your pain, dilemma and thirst for discovery!”]

Thank you for stimulating my mind and encouraging me to continue along the path of hypothetical thought.”

Yes, indeed some deep critical thinking was put into this:

Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe? ... /index.htm

Think more philosophy …..

“My best guess is yes that there had to be some kind of energy that somehow through its own consciousness willed into existence matter. Many people have determined that had to be the unknowable, incomprehensible and mysterious God. But at what level of consciousness did God exist if the first few atoms to form were the infancy of the universe? You wrote:

[“I do not believe in Big Bang, instead, I believe that the graph of existence is a “Snake-like” shape which I call it the “Snake Theory” or “String of Eternity theory”:

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to him to evolve.”

... and as you know I believe everything have existed since infinity and they will exist for eternity; therefore, everything has always existed but all goes in to changing forms through a snake-like shape graph. In other words, universe has no beginning and no end, no creator and no eliminator. The universe is also not a circle that loops over and over; therefore, no one created this circle, yet the universe is a snake which each of the loops are open loops and they never quite reach each other and oneself, but each of the circles are open end and open start and snake goes on for eternity.

I bring evidence from the “Conservation Law of the Matters and Energies” which is a law and not a theory but I know you are not keen on that!

You on the other hand, the same as me do not believe in Big Bang, yet you believe in creation of matters via energies as you explained in your star creation situations, pulsars and quasars (am I right?).

Yes, even though we differ on creation of elements but I always dig your philosophical views.”]

“For me, there is a beginning for everything, which is why I cannot agree with the scientific theory of the Conservation of Matter and Energy. It is a good theory or scientific fact but it occurs after matter has been formed by the energy forces. Yes, as our distinguished scientist Albert Einstein has deduced, matter and energy are interrelated by the square of the speed of light as, E=mc2 . But note the third term, which is the speed of light; it presumes that even with mass there is an energy component on the other side of the equation.

To me, the driving force is energy, the electrical, magnetic and gravitational forces that somehow had to exist to create matter, which consists of atoms – and it is the various combinations of atoms that form all the elements in the universe.”

So you say “Energies” existed first.

“To my following statement, “I would not care to have 100 % use of my brain because it might override the physical attributes of my body, such as my ability to love and enjoy the sensations of a woman at my side”

Actually in doing some minor chores, you are using 100 % of your brain but in most chores, you are only using 10 %. Have in mind that Dolphins and some Whales use 15 % to 20 %. Dolphins managed to create a natural sonar radar communication and Whales do sound communication.

I thought as a scientist, you would be interested to use more than 10 %, no?!

“That’s why I am a great follower of Jesus Christ”

I would follow Jesus too but I can’t walk on water; however, I walk on fire, thus I am Ahreeman, the great ancient Persian God of Evil or the Dark Side of Ahuramazda, besides, Hell is all warm an cosy and I prefer warm places like Southern California, Hawaii or Hell!

“I was fortunate to have read his book Cosmos. It was fascinating. Regarding the future to artificially create bright minds, I disagree. Part of and the joys of life is growing up and falling down, and with each step we get smarter through our experiences. The poets you referred me to also believe that it is the experiences of life that produces a great mind, some with the gift to think on a hypothetical level.”

Well sorry to burst your bubbles, but the future is brain transplant, consciousness transfer to artificial intelligence, cloning, consciousness of machines and more Frankenstein Style Monstrosity without moral guilt, deal with it Saint Nicholas!

Machines will come alive at the moment of singularity!

“I wrote about the Salman Farsi Mosque and that Ali was the prophet's right hand and Salman was the prophet’s left hand”

Salman was one of the co-authors and brains behind the creation of Quran and Islam. He was an Anti Iranian who despised the Iranian way of life; the irony was that himself, he was Iranian!

222 Years of Struggle for Independence of Iran: Part 3 ... /index.htm

“It would be nice to get the real truth about the writing of the Qur’an.”

Quran was written by Muhammad, Ali, Salman and Abu Bakr; however, in later years it was added to (but not revised) by Islamic scholars.

“Dr. X, Thank you for being my instructor to learn about Cyrus II The Great who was head of the Achaemenid Dynasty and starter of The Persian Empire. My history classes did not teach me that Cyrus II created two of the finest documents that laid the foundation of a free society, namely, The First Charter of The Rights of Nations and The First Declaration of Human Rights in the World.”

My friend, your history books do not include many global facts and that is why there exists:

Iran History Index

This history is censored in west (due to political correctness) and in east (due to Islamic correctness), but in IPC we do not censor history or minds!

The Cyrus Cylinder ... /index.htm

“In addition, Cyrus II did not profess his worship to Ahura Mazda but instead for the god Marduk. However, from the text, it can be ascertained that he established government and for all his conquered territories he promoted peace for the inhabitants, their well-being, abolished slavery, brought relief to their living conditions and housing, rebuilt sanctuaries of the god temples in other lands, returned former inhabitants to their lands, the gods of Sumer and Akad brought into Babylon were returned unharmed into their former chapels, and he allowed people of his lands to pray to their god(s).”

This is where Federalism started in Iran. Persians created Federalism but today, Iranians, Americans and the West are all ignorant about this fact.

History of Federalism in Iran ... /index.htm

“Dr. X, your introduction pointed out a fact that I always suspected and that is many Muslims have not read the Qur’an. Instead, they are fed what their Ayatollahs, Hojatol Eslams, Marja'e Taqlid, parents, clerics, schools, text books, authorities and society in general had told them about Islam!”

My brother, on the contrary of what Hussein Obama preaches, there is no such thing as “Moderate Muslim” and “Good Muslim”!

There are only 2 types of Muslims:

1. True Muslims
Example: ISIS and Al Qaeda
Who follow Quran and Muhammad word by word
Muhammad was a terrorist and Quran is a Terror manual.

2. Ignorant Muslims
Majority of Muslims in the world and Rag heads in America who never read Quran but follow Islam because their parents and grandparents were Muslims!

Islam a Dangerous Political Ideology ... /index.htm

Islam is a Disease and Muslims are Infected ... /index.htm

It is ironic that Westerners are ignorant to the facts about Islam and Muslims and now many take sides against Trump Policies!

They worry about Muslims rights but little do they know that Islam is far worse that Nazism and Communism combined!

Take it from the horse’s mouth:

“I have already lost one country to Islam and Muslims (Iran) and I am not planning to lose another one (America) due to words of a closet Muslim (Obama)!

It all starts like this (refugees), but then it becomes a full blown (invasion) destruction of the western culture, same as Persian culture!

Islam and Muslims do not blend into the melting pot, but they will destroy the pot and the pot owner all together!

Europe is already trashed by Islam and Muslims, so we better stop them right here and right now.

Better eat the “Trump Steak” than eat them Government Cheese and wash it down with Liberal Kool-Aid!

Continued as Part 2 of 2 next
Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)

Postby Ahreeman X » Sat May 07, 2016 5:29 pm

Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Part 2 of 2

“I also wrote, “It’s true that Christians, Jews and Hindus believe in a soul or spirit that goes on to another entity, be it another human body, animal, or tree, and others believe the soul joins a creator god in heaven. This is a hopeful belief that the personality of a person lives on after death.”

Yes and I stated:

[ But in a way, we do live another life as energy, and matter changes form and we become released energy joining all universal energy or shall we color it in a way that our intelligence becomes a part of the “Universal Intelligence”!]

And in a way, it is true because nothing dies, matters and energies just change forms; therefore, after you depart, in a way you will become some matter and some pure energy, in your case, you will become a shining star!

“Isn’t it sad that priests have to give false hope or create fake fear and put them in the hearts of the people so they stay in line and become good human beings?! Why can’t people just be decent?
But I do not need a reward for being nice to other people and to love others with sincerity.”


Christian Priests promise after life while banging altar boys in this world!

Muslim Mullahs also promise afterlife and 72 virgins while banging Tolab (religious study students) in Islamic centers of Qom, Najaf and Karbala!

Organized Religion is garbage and religious people by majority are the worst sinners and immoral people!

Responsible Atheists are the most moral people on Earth!

“Nicholas wrote in the last debate, “Regarding the Universal Intelligence that I believe pervades the universe; it is the progenitor of matter and inorganic matter using the atom as its mechanism. This does not mean life as a soul continues by joining its intellect or energy with the cosmos and retains the personality of the deceased human.”

On the contrary to Christianity Doctrine, my theory is that Consciousness during this life (not after death) is a part of the “Universal Intelligence” which covers the known universe. Each consciousness is a small part of the collective consciousness as we refer to the “Universal Intelligence”.

“The soul is a construct of the mind, in the same way God is a construct of the mind; both are used to try to explain why humans must endure pain and misery and provides hope for relief after death.”


“Ahreeman, you constantly state that the mind is Spirit. Spirit is a concept and if you believe in a spirit then go for it as long as this belief does not interfere with the beliefs of others. For me, the mind is another word for the tissue we call the brain. How the brain develops a mind that is capable of understanding, evaluating, and making decisions to better one’s life depends on the upbringing with love from a mother and father and information provided by teachers. Yes genetics has a lot to do with it but means nothing if the mind is taught to hate as done on a mass scale to young children as early as 4 and 5 years by Islamic teachers of the Qur’an.”

This is very interesting. So now we know where you are coming from. Your spirituality does not include spirits! Your spirituality is a part of “Data” (mind and thought) created by your brain, right?

So correct me if wrong, you do view mind and thoughts as data, right?

You do not see mind and thoughts as a separate element than matters and energies, right?

Now in your own words, how do you describe your spiritualism? Is it part of your moral codes? Is it symbolic? Does it even exist outside your brain? How do you define it?

“Dr. X, I cannot agree with you that mind cannot be part of the brain because it represents pure thought. Without the brain there is no mind.”

Exactly my point, however, mind exists and it is not fantasy. It is an actual reality and an entity. This is why I say:

I have defined the philosophical definition of the Spirit. I believe Mind is a spirit because it cannot be sensed with the 5 senses.

Whatever that can actually exist in real life (not fantasy like God sitting in the sky) and you cannot sense it with 5 senses is defined as spirit.

This is the classical definition of spirit as an element, not only by me but also by many classical and modern philosophers.

Now you say “No”, mind and thoughts are not spirits but they are data and creation of consciousness which itself is a reflection of brain.

Would you please clearly define:

What is Thoughts?
What is Mind?
What is Consciousness?

“Dr. X, yes, I do not believe that Spirits exist.”

Now you are making things complicated again! Explain how?

Are you going to tell me that Spirits are figment of imagination from our brains?

“I believe in the Conservation Law that was discovered by our scientists. But is a law that can only exist after matter has been formed through the evolutionary process. In the beginning, at least to me, there was energy that had to start the process in creating matter, which consists of atoms - the building blocks of all matter.”

OK, so you do believe in “Conservation Law of Matters and Energies” but you believe it after the primary creation of matters by the energies, right?

Do you realize what this sounds like?

You are picking and choosing your scientific laws! Laws are laws, they are not theories! You cannot make clauses and conditions to the scientific laws!

In a way, don’t you think, subconsciously, you are replacing a “Creator spirit” with a “Creator Energy” which is more scientific; however, you are still creating a Creator?

Why is it so hard to believe that even at the beginning point, there existed no Creator? No creator because there was no beginning and there will be no end!

How can you make this assumption that energies existed before matters? This sounds like a sort of Big Bang to me! But the difference is that in your Big Bang, Big Energy (like possible lights, sounds, gravity, magnetism and electric impulses of a star or stars broke in to billion pieces and distributed around the universe and formed matters!

This is far from my theory of “Continuous Snake Open Loops” with no beginning and no end, but eternal and infinite matters and energies changing forms forever.

Now honestly, tell me, is your or my theory more scientific? Which one is morely based on scientific laws?

“In addition, the electron is the main player for a lot of phenomena such as magnetic and electric fields, light and radio waves emission, and chemical reactions. It can stabilize itself around the nucleus to form an atom, and it can bind molecules together. Finally, it is a well known fact that electron and positron collisions produce quarks and gluonic fields. This indicates that in this case electrons and positrons involved do not really annihilate. They should most likely be hidden but still present inside quarks and have their standing waves joined together as gluonic fields. This strongly suggests that matter (or any other particle) is solely made of electrons.”

This is very scientific and logical; however, it requires energies to primarily create matters. But how did the first energies got created? Could they been created without existence of matters?

Both matters and energies need each other to primarily create one another. This is the dilemma with your theory.

“I do believe that it is the nature of energy to express itself into matter to the point that by creating complex elements, stars are formed that enable life to create itself on a planet. When life attains the intelligence to think and hypothesize, then the electron has succeeded in its ultimate creation to allow the state of consciousness, whereby thought is made possible.”

Beautifully put and scientifically stated; yet, I cannot fully agree and I believe it has flaws.
“By Mr. La Freniere’s analyses, I believe it supports my conclusion that energy came first to create matter. However, I do believe that energy and matter is interchangeable and hence, the Conservation Law of energy and matter still holds.”

Well thank you very much (with lip twitch, Elvis style) for at least agreeing with scientific facts (Conservation Law of energy and matter) aside from creating “Neo Scientific Theories” along with your scientist buddies!


[“Then are you telling me that you do not know the quality and element of your Creator? Or as I refer to it the Universal Intelligence? But something at the back of your mind says that there is a Creator? Is that what you are telling me?”]


“No. There is no God or Spirit creator but the inherent development of extremely small parts that create the electron, then the atom, and finally the mass of matter that forms our universe. Because there is the development of life forms (grass, flowers, trees, ants, animals, etc., where some reach to ability to think, I believe there is a conscious element to this entire process, which grows like a baby, for I don’t think the process is sure of what it will create. On another planet it is conceivable that the life forms will not be exactly like those on earth.”

Thank you for clearing this issue. I am finally beginning to get your take on this issue. It was confusing before but now you have clarified it.

“However, I also loved your Humpty Dumpty remark. He was a great egg. I taught my granddaughters the short ditty of Humpty Dumpty. In fact, I demonstrated Humpty Dumpty falling off the kitchen table only to crash to the ground to prove “All the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put Humpty Dumpty back together again.” Right now I am smiling at our humor.”

You are indeed a Riot! I am picturing that!


[“The String of Eternity Theory

The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to him to evolve.”

That was good to characterize the evolutionary or universal force as the “String of Eternity.”

String of Eternity Theory

Snake-like Graph

Yes that is my belief vs. Big Bang.
So far, logic bounds me to believe in the “String of Eternity Theory”. So what is your verdict? Do you agree with me or somewhat agree or what is your version?”]


“I do not believe in the string theory. I believe everything has a beginning and that includes the creation of matter from energy. The little bit I wrote above about the electron appears to back up my belief.”

Your writing on Electrons justifies on possibly why energies created the matters but they do not justify that everything has a beginning including energies!

So in this case, you are stating that at some point, something (which we do not know yet) has created energies and in return energies eventually created matters, Right?

Fine and dandy but not scientific based, yet more Sci Fi based! Why you ask?

Because as of now and according to our present scientific knowledge, taught and researched by our cream of crops such as Einstein and Hawking, the scientific discoveries, theories and laws dictate that there was no beginning to matters and energies. What do you say to that buddy?

“I did answer this question in the last debate. Jesus is the Son of Man. Jesus himself in all 5 Gospels said he was the “Son of Man” 76 times versus only 5 times in the last Gospel of John. However, the Church Fathers decided to make a liar out of Jesus when John’s Gospel was written. The last Gospel of John was written around 60 years after Jesus died. This was when the church fathers became more powerful and they got people to believe Jesus was God by inventing the Trinity.

Jesus was the greatest prophet man has ever known for he gave mankind the greatest command, not from God, but from himself. He stated the command three times. In John 15:17 he stated, “These things I command you, that you love one another.”

This is very interesting. So you do believe that bible has been revised possibly many times.

“Dr. X, whether Jesus was made up by fragments of recorded history of not, there were men who devoted their lives to improve the morality of their people. The Gospels are an effort to put together the stories and events that may help people to believe in God. You cannot fault them for at that time there was no scientific method and people were not educated.”

Yes you do have a point but even now at 21st century, people by majority still believe in religious fairy tales!

I always stated that if religion makes one to be moral, then more power to him and his religion.

“Ahreeman, I reread our conversation on God versus Universal Intelligence and was glad that we appear to agree UI has a purpose, which is to evolve by creating matter and energy that becomes a product to be proud of – intelligent life; a crown achievement of UI.”

Well there’s a compromise!

“Dr. X, You have made a jump in logic and that is “Matter, Energies and UI co-existed forever (String of Eternity Theory).” One element came after the other, that is, energy existed first as electrons and its sub-parts. To say the Universe always had matter and energy from the beginning is a big, big leap in a hypothetical assumption. I cannot believe your idea that, “UI is me and I am UI.”

Universal Intelligence is simply a consciousness that evolves from once being a baby in the beginning. As I said above, the consciousness is growing from its inception and develops matter from first being energy. That consciousness does not create the same life forms on each planet in the universe. The consciousness you possess has been developed through your genes (body make up) and the experiences you went through in life. It is a unique UI that is personal to Dr. X for UI may not even have the level of intelligence that you possess. To say the universe has an intelligence is nice but nobody knows the extent of this intelligence.

One thing is for certain, organic life has many different levels of intelligence depending upon if you are a flower, a bee, or a human being. Does the universe have organic life? Yes, but only in the organic life it creates on a planet. It definitely does not exist in the sun because it is too hot to think. The UI that I imagine is a consciousness that is simply the desire to create and that the end product is organic matter that is able to think.”

See, I knew it was too good for compromise!

You got interesting points, but also have in mind that I did not state that UI is a machine which behaves the same everywhere like in the Sun or Earth! I stated that UI is a collection of intelligence from all and of course it varies in different points of time and place. Also it evolves at different points of time and space.


[“I think it is you who loves to make it mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible. In reality if one has a doctrine and belief system of either Idealist or Materialist, then it is very clear what God is, but if one is Agnostic, then God is mysterious, unknowable, and incomprehensible!

Well, Nicholas, are you an Agnostic?”]


“Dr. X, since I do not know God, then I admit that I am an Agnostic. But then, I do not believe anybody knows God. People are brought up to believe in a construct of God taught by religious leaders.”

But then again Atheists know that there is no God! No mystery there!


[“I thought you were an Atheist!?”]


“No, how can I be an atheist when I don’t know if God exists? To be an atheist I have to believe He or She exists so I can then deny that God.”

Ok allow me to explain that typically classical way of thought takes it for granted that scientists must be atheists and you are not. Some see this as a dilemma.

“Yes. I liked reading the scientific paper by Gabriel LaFrenienre mentioned above and present his link below. I learned a bit more about Quantum Mechanics.



[“Yes UI is All, because UI is all intelligence that accelerates evolution. Have in mind that unlike the La La Landers, the “Philosophically Confused”, the “Theocratically Epidemic” and the “Logically Challenged”, I have not stated that UI is Good, UI is the Shining Light and UI is Pure Love; but I said that UI is Evolution. There is a big difference.

There is no absolute good or Evil. No God, No Devil, No Good, No Bad, No light, No Dark .... that is all garbage.
I just stated:

Universal Intelligence is Pure Evolution.

That is All.”]


“Dr. X, to me UI is not “all intelligence” that accelerates “Pure Evolution.” I believe UI is a “new” term invented to explain the beginning of the universe. However, the way I ‘see” it is that UI is a consciousness that is part of the growth process that causes the development of energy, which then forms matter. We humans are lucky in that we have advanced to the conscious level of thinking that is able to discern, scrutinize and develop thoughts of our own. Does UI have that same ability? I think not.”

Something to ponder about!

“ UI is an evolutionary process driven by a consciousness very different from the consciousness developed in advanced life like humans.”

Another thing to ponder about.

“it is only a belief; a belief that I do not deprecate because mankind is still learning about himself and his universe.”

I like that statement

We may have different definitions of UI but can we agree that UI is the dynamic and evolving force behind the development of the universe? Or at least it is the latest logical explanation?


[“What is the Meaning and Purpose of Life?”]


“Ahreeman, I agree that the greatest legacy is to leave this world in better shape than when you came to be a part of it.”

Well stated.

The Time

So you liked it; however, you stated:

“I guess I am not easily swayed by worm holes, black holes, string theory, and time travel. From a realistic view, one will never survive a black hole because the gravitational forces will you into a bunch of electrons or add your flesh to its database of matter.”

But then how about Einstein’s Relativity?


[“Now I am going to hit you with a Truth Inspired piece of Poetry which was based on actual events occurred in my life. It is symbolized poetically and metaphorized (an Ahreemanic Term out of many Ahreemanic Terms) but every event had occurred and the poem is factual based:

Racing with the Death ... /index.htm


“Dr. X, I read “Racing with the Death!” and was intrigued with your meeting the Angel of Death at least six times. One, when you dove through the wall size window into the balcony to be showered with blood and Death took the Black Dog a month later. Two, a girl on the back seat of your bike flew above your head when you suddenly hit the brake and though you were in a state of shock and panic, she also was taken by Death a month later. The third time in a brawl, dark men attacked you and a boy who was fighting next to you when a dark man stabbed you with a knife in your bladder. You escaped on a bike to be healed but one month later the boy was taken by Death. The fourth time was a dream when Death smiled at you and said in a month I will take her in your place. The fifth time you were in a car and then ran through streets only to end up in a dead end and Death caught up to you pushing her nails into your throat. You woke up from the dream and she became the last woman in your life. You and your Eternal woman always meet in the night; you looked into her eyes and death smiled back at you! You touched her thighs and Death invited you!”

Very intriguing!

“What is the man’s worth, if his word mean nothing?”(Ahreeman X)


“Dr. X, A man is worth nothing if he cannot be true to his word. My father was a man of his word and has been my model of a man. Though not educated beyond high school and a slave worker all his like to earn a decent living for his family, he was a man of integrity – a man of his word.

I would like to also tell you he was an athlete, a very strong man. He was able to walk up and down a flight of stairs on his two hands even at the age of fifty. The one thing I shall always remember is his quickness and ability to act swiftly. I was about 11 years old going down a flight of stairs when in front of me was a big black dog about to spring at me and I was just frozen. My father came out of nowhere and he tossed me aside as the dog leaped into the air towards my throat. He got me back upstairs and got the dog under control.”

Sounds like a man of substance.

Time and Bermuda Triangle Expeditions
A Different View on an Interesting Issue


E=mc2 => m=E/c2

Einstein’s relativity states that mass equals to kinetic energy divided by speed of light squared. This equation expresses the fact that mass and energy are the same physical entity and can be changed into each other.

Back to

Conservation Law of Matters and energies, we go!

Imagine a steady object A and a moving object B.

B speeds faster and faster around A, until B is so fast that practically disappears from the sight of A. This is the point that A does not even see B and assumes that B does not exist. However, B is there, yet with a different speed.

In other words A and B exist in the same universe but with different speeds.

One can conclude that A and B will eventually exist in parallel universes because at some point, they will never see each other and are not aware of each other’s consciousness. Life is at different speed in each of their consciousness. They have two separate worlds.

Bermuda Triangle Expeditions

As you know, I have been involved in a series of expeditions to the Triangle to study and possibly find a solution to the mysteries of this amazing area.

This is also related to years of my study on “Time” and “Time Travel”.

I am a part of the crew with ongoing expeditions to the Triangle. It is an ongoing investigation and Experimentation. Eventually they will release a Documentary; therefore, we are not allowed to reveal any details.

Without revealing any details, we have come to the conclusion that it has everything to do with “Time”.

For some reasons (hypothetic under sea magnetic fields, natural anomalies, weather electrical anomalies, Atlantis the lost continent, Aliens, etc.) there are time speed differences for various lost planes and ships in the area.

For instance, one of the best cases was the case of the private plane which crossed the side of the triangle entering from one corner (near Puerto Rico) and exiting from the other corner (near Miami) landing far away from Miami in the boonies with almost a full tank of fuel, while logically it had to either run out of fuel or have an almost empty gas tank. Throughout the hours of flight, this plane practically vanished off the radar and once it landed, it reappeared!

The most logical explanation for these cases (so far) is that this plane (or such planes) travelled with a speed far faster than the speed of light inside the triangle. As long as the fuel was almost intact, then anomalies caused the speed difference which in return caused the time difference.

The Triangle is one of the very few places on Earth that there are so many unexplained cases available which the Relativity, Time Laps and Different Time Speeds are the only logical explanation about them (so far).

Once I have actually studied these cases, experimented in the Triangle and experienced amazing episodes there, I have actually shifted towards Einstein’s Time Theories, Relativity and Different Time Speeds causing literally different worlds.

So far, these expeditions are the closest that I have come to get some conclusions and closure on Time Travel even if it has to be only few minutes, hours, days or decades, but the question is, once you travel, can you always return safe and sound to your point of departure?

Different speeds cause different Time Zones.

Without going to detail, all I have to tell you is that what I have experienced in the Triangle will blow your mind and change everything you know about the concept of Time.

Expeditions are ongoing and we have a long way to study, experiment and experience.

I tell you this much that at one point; I experienced immediate and irreversible danger, one of the closest in my life. It was fascinating.

Eventually one day I will write about these episodes and reveal as much as I am allowed.

Thank you for your patient, wisdom and trade of logic and knowledge. I truly enjoy our consorting and debates. More power to G-Nex. Say hello to the lovely family.


Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Tue May 10, 2016 8:37 pm

Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy of Existence)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Part 1 of 2 - Greetings Brother X:

Thank you for providing technical advice on how to do a better job adding articles onto IPC. Sorry to learn that on my posts none of my links worked and that you had the patience to correct them everywhere on IPC. I admit, I do not spend time learning computer knowhow; I still do not know how BB and HTML codes work. My mind has a limited capacity and throughout my life I discriminate as to what I want to retain in the record files of my brain. That could be why at the age of 80 ½ I still look young because I avoid information that I feel I would not use. Less thinking may have something to do with longevity. Tee, hee. My sense of humor is a bit jerky at times.

Regarding the quotes, I prefer to just highlight your quotes in yellow for ease of following who is who. Also, I will see if I can use the Quote icon/button effectively like you do. I will certainly preview my posts to insure they look good and the links work.

I read Catayoun’s response, Staff Sergeant of IPC, to my comment on her post titled, “Egyptian President El-Sisi Calls to Reform Islam!” The Cat is truly an intelligent woman and she provided a succinct summary why El-Sisi would make a better president of the United States than Obama.

Now we Begin the Rest of Our Dialogue.

I return to where you begin with you quoting my last opening response to your use of a third element in ‘Universal Intelligence’ as being Spirits. You quoted my response, which was, “First, Dr. X, I do not consider myself a spiritual person.” And you replied,

And the wasted hopes and dreams of all those little kids awaiting for their hero “Saint Nicholas G” down the chimney for all them decades …..

G-Nex, you should be ashamed of yourself! You uncompassionate scientist you!

Dr. X, your sense of humor is fascinating, as it brought a smile to my face. I was once a kid and always looked forward to Santa Claus! In fact, I played the role of Santa Claus for my four daughters before they got too wise to know it was their Dad.

Then in response to my writing, “Yes, I have been brought up in the Catholic religion,” you gleefully displayed your humor again by writing,

In that case send my regards to Peter, Paul and Marry! Also kindly accept my condolences for all the beating you took from Mother Matilda throughout all them Sunday School Days!

After that remark about Sunday school days, you finally returned to the hypothetical discussion about consciousness versus the term, Universal Intelligence. It appears that you tend to agree with my writing the following:

This consciousness I try to comprehend is forever growing, like a baby. For the consciousness that formed the first atom is very different from the consciousness that created the stars, the galaxies, and the universe. It finds itself in the creation of matter that can develop (from inorganic) into organic life that have very different levels of consciousness.

Dr. X, your response was very agreeable, in that you wrote:

Consciousness grows and evolves, this is further evidence to comprehend that Consciousness is consciousness and the same element. There are different levels of consciousness; however, it is all consciousness. This is where “Universal Intelligence” comes to the picture. And no, it may sound like Sci Fi but have in mind that today’s Sci Fi is tomorrow’s science fact.

One consciousness throughout all universes (or at least our universe) which is called “Universal Intelligence” which has nothing to do with God and Religious Mumbo Jumbo!

The only thing I like to clarify is that Universal Intelligence is a new term with many different ways to interpret it. First, what level of intelligence are we talking about and in what way is it universal? I like to keep ideas simple for they come closer to the truth that way. Consciousness has many levels and its intelligence at one point in life may be very different at another stage in the development of matter consisting of different and complex inorganic and organic forms. That is why I characterize consciousness as being a baby that grows and evolves in its inherent will to define itself and its ultimate purpose as being the creator of all there is!!

It appears that I am starting to intimate that there may be a Spirit of intelligence that people have created within their minds as being the God of all Creation; a god which the Egyptians were perceptive and honest to say is, “incomprehensible, unknowable and mysterious. I am not certain if it is fair to write off the Egyptian priesthood as spouting their beliefs as being Religious Mumbo Jumbo.

In my studies of the growth of religions and the concept of God, I have learned that mankind strives to attain a higher level of moral and spiritual growth. In some small way, the consciousness that pervades the universe in also within us, the living matter that is able to not only exist but to think and perceive thoughts that go beyond our own existence. I therefore have respect and a high regard for the intelligent and perceptive beings that have formulated the laws that help to instil integrity and promote love.

At this point of our discussion, I would like to inform our readers that there are two articles of interest that also relate to this debate. They may wish to go to the Nicholas Ginex Index on IPC-Authors and read:

Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe?
Provide History of Religion and God This link is found in IPC Nicholas Ginex Biography or you may use the http link below: ... /7729/7793

I wrote, “The human being has reached the highest form of consciousness because it is able to think and reflect on its surroundings and create complicated things like the computer, rocket ships and robots from proven theories like electricity and magnetic phenomenon.” You provided a correction by writing:

Correction, you assume human consciousness is the highest because so far you have not met other consciousness forms and creatures much higher than human. Do not be so sure, it is a large universe. Aliens who genetically created us by mix and matching ape + alien DNA are higher intelligence, but to prove it to you scientifically, you have to wait until we meet on the “Dark Side of the Moon”!

You are right. I was only referring to the highest form of intelligence on earth. But yes, there are certainly other forms of intelligent life elsewhere in our universe. However, I do not agree that Aliens genetically created us by mixing and matching us with apes and DNA that improved our ability to think. To me, that is mumbo jumbo for I believe that we humans are not far different from our four legged animals be they apes, monkeys, cats and dogs. Note, we all have the same bodily functions. Did the Aliens also help create the other animals on earth? I think not.

Dr. X, you quoted me as if I believe spirits are in fact energies that exist in stones and organic matter by taking the following thought out of context:
“If spirits are in fact energies, then it means spirits exist in many forms, all at different levels of development whereby they exist in stones and organic matter.” But preceding that thought and after it I indicated, respectively: “Spirits are not energies.” and, “Spirit is not energy.”

It seems to me, that many Middle Eastern people have been exposed to the idea that there are Spirits that hover about and affect their lives, such as the Jinn believed by Muslims. My Britannica World Dictionary provides the following definition:

Jinni. pl Jinn. In Moslem mythology, an order of supernatural beings able to assume animal or human form, and often at the service of men through some magical controlling object. Sometimes spelled djinni, genie. Also jinnee.

Dr. X, I get the feeling that you have been influenced by this Muslim mythology for I have met other Far-Eastern men who also felt the presence of jinn. But again, I do not believe in Spirits just as I do not believe in the Devil. Such mental creations are figments of the mind created by inputs from other misguided people. I have all to do to try to believe God exists so that now introducing other Spirits is just too much for be to accept. In a word, Spirits are creations of the mind for if they do exist what is their purpose? There is none. At least, regarding the creative concept God, we subscribe a purpose, which is for mankind to reach a level of development so that God can be proud of his creations.

Dr. X, you wrote:

Spirits are not Energies but creations of Energies + Matters, and yes, Spirits are everywhere with the exception that unlike Theologists, us Scientists believe that Matters + Energies created spirits, not vice versa! But then you go one step further and deny the existence of Spirits!

Yes, I deny the existence of Spirits and promote the idea that there is a consciousness that somehow has the will to create matter, which is then able to exist both inorganically and organically. That consciousness becomes viable when matter has developed in complex and fluid forms whereby thought processes are able to be formed. A stone is unable to form a thought, but a dog, cat, even ants as well as apes, flowers, bees, and humans are able to sense and react whereby at the higher levels of consciousness can interpret what to do next. Run or fight to stay alive.

Therefore, I still believe Energy came before Matter for it is this Energy that possesses the initial birth of consciousness. That is why I feel it begins as a baby, not knowing exactly how it will create its highest form of intelligence. But this Energy did somehow learn how to create Matter for without matter the complex forms of inorganic and organic entities cannot be created. Yes, Energy and Matter co-existed eternally for an infinite period but it was Energy that precipitated the process – at least in my mind. Finally, I equate this Energy as possessing a consciousness that develops and creates as its crowing purpose in its life-type existence. Inherent in that purpose, its will to exist has become a part of all living matter.

Dr. X, in response to my analogy of the atom being very similar to our solar system, you remarked that it was created by a conscious mind. That is true, but a mind that has used empirical knowledge and has proven to be valid as an understanding of the atom was essential in development of the atom bomb. You also indicated,
I also do not believe that there was a single consciousness (so called God or such) who created all. Again, this is where “Universal Intelligence” comes in! Millions and Billions of years of Universal Intelligence evolvement.

Like you, I do not define consciousness as a single God who created all, but I do not subscribe to this consciousness as being ‘Universal Intelligence.’ Such a term implies an intelligence that is universal or the same throughout the universe. Just as we do not know god we do not know what this Universal Intelligence (UI) is. At what level of intelligence does it exist and is it the same everywhere? I believe if you want to use the term UI, then one must be careful to not try to quantify it for I believe it is a consciousness that like a baby, has grown, and after many trillions of years, constructed many ways to build our universe with all its different forms of matter, which can also come to life as organic matter.

Therefore, even God, if we were to believe in such an entity as UI, had to have been a baby and grew over the period of infinity to become a consciousness that pervades the universe. Hence, my article is presented for your reading pleasure again, “Does Consciousness Pervade the universe?”

So Dr. X, are we both saying that Consciousness and UI are the same thing? If so, I prefer Consciousness because I have no idea what UI is because Intelligence signifies an entity and I do not envision an entity such as God.

You made a statement that may be true. It is repeated below:

Something does not start from nothing. This Universal Intelligence which is the interactions between energies and matters has always been there and will always be there. From eternity to infinity indeed!

The UI or Consciousness, to me, like everything else, came from something. Whether it was first in the form of Energy or Matter is a question that scientists may never agree on. The only reason why I subscribe to Energy as being first is that Matter by itself does not possess the Will to Exist. That Energy was very likely the magnetic, electrical and gravitational forces that are inherent in Matter. But I believe Matter is a static entity while Energy is viable force that is mobile and has the Will to exist. That is why I feel Energy created Matter and is the Consciousness that is the Creator of the Universe.

Dr. X, after I wrote, “Dr, X, we are in close agreement except that “Spirits” are the inherent embodiment of consciousness that is able to express itself in organic life,” you gave me a wonderful complement, which was:

I love the way you defined that! I like the way your mind works!

You know, I could not be more blessed to have a friend, a highly intelligent man, who likes how I think. But you do more than like a person, you give of yourself to uplift and enhance the lives of others. I am blessed to have a gift like you in my life for through you the world may yet get to know more about me. Thank you Brother X.

Dr. X, I liked your comment to my statement, “I do not believe a “Spirit” exists in a stone even though it is made up of atoms.” Your response was:
But Muhammad believed that Jinns exist in Black Rocks and Allah in Prayer Rock! Shame on you infidel G-Nex, don’t you know that Allah is passionate and works in mysterious ways?!

Once again, you make me laugh! I indicated the definition of Jinn above. Muslims worry too much about Jinns, which is an indication of their mental development. At least they believe in one-universal God Allah. But gee, their belief is corrupted by the abominations in their Holy book, the Qur’an. For our readers to truly understand what is written in the Qur’an, they have easy access to the IPC on-line version of Allah, We Our and Us. It is retrievable on the link: ... /index.htm

Dr. X, you gave me another wonderful complement for writing:

Universal Intelligence (UI) is a concept because nobody knows what this intelligence is. Does it exist as it does in a human being, a bird, or an ant? The level of UI is, at least to me, a consciousness that exists at all levels of development from the smallest atom to a complex galaxy with many stars and life forms. Yes, UI and consciousness may be thought as being energies. But they exist at many different levels until consciousness reaches its highest level, the ability to think and reflect on the universe itself. This may be the crowning glory of UI or consciousness that started as a baby, only simple atoms, that after many trillions of years developed the high form of intelligent being that is able to think about who or what created it.

I have to show your complement because you made my day to credit me as being a philosopher. Here it is,

Bravo, I could not put it better than this! How wonderfully put and indeed “philosophically correct”!

Dr. X, thank you for providing the link for the article, Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe? It is: ... /index.htm

You continued with our philosophical discussion of Energy and Matter. I was surprised to see that what I wrote over a year ago (May 10, 2015) I still have the same thoughts. I am referring to the paragraph you quoted me on, which provided Einstein’s equation, E=Mc(squared). There, I concluded Energy in the form of magnetic, electrical and gravitational forces, namely, energy waves preceded the development of Matter. But this is a hypothetical idea and an attempt to break through into the realm of thought whereby others may be able to find paths of reasoning that may lead to a clearer understanding of the beginning of our universe. We both agree that it did not all start with the Big Bang.

I liked your humorous characterization of yourself as Ahreeman, the great Persian God of Evil or dark side of Ahuramazda. I believe you are the that Persian God who is trying to have people wake up and learn to seek the truth by honestly letting go of misinformation taught to us by men of limited knowledge.
You wrote that in the future the brain can be transplanted, artificial intelligence, cloning, and consciousness built into machines will become a reality. True, but then happiness cannot be fully appreciated for one must know sorrow and disappointments to feel the joys of life. Will preprogrammed minds be able to reach the level of hypothetical thinking and the physical sensations that consciousness has willed into our bodies? Namely, will life still laugh, cry, and enjoy the sensations of physical love and creative mental thought?

Thank you Brother X for enlightening me to know that it was an Iranian, Salman Farsi, that was Muhammad’s left hand that led to the beliefs that were put down in the infamous Qur’an. You have indicated that is about 222 years in the struggle of Iran’s independence. You also wrote that Muhammad, Ali, and Abu Bakr were instrumental in writing the Qur’an. My research indicated that Muhammad could not read or write and that it was his Companions that put together the Qur’an about 20 years after the death of Muhammad in 632 CE. Perhaps you have data to indicate if true or otherwise.

Dr. X your library that presents a History of Iran and its many great Persians, such as Cyrus the Great, is to be commended. You have provided a source of information that is invaluable for mankind to refer to in the years to come.

You have confirmed what I have also concluded about there being only two types of Muslims. I repeat it below for our misinformed Americans who would love to accommodate President Obama’s desire to have hundreds of thousands of Muslims enter the United States.

There are only 2 types of Muslims:

1. True Muslims
Example: ISIS and Al Qaeda
Who follow Quran and Muhammad word by word
Muhammad was a terrorist and Quran is a Terror manual.

2. Ignorant Muslims
Majority of Muslims in the world and Rag heads in America who never read Quran but follow Islam because their parents and grandparents were Muslims!

It is true that Islam is far worse that Nazism and Communism for their objective is for Islam to dominate the world with an outdated and poorly written document titled, The Qur’an. You also wrote:

I have already lost one country to Islam and Muslims (Iran) and I am not planning to lose another one (America) due to words of a closet Muslim (Obama)!

I recently submitted an article for IPC titled, The First Muslim-American President. As of this writing, I found that you featured it on the front page of IPC. Thank you.

Part 2 of 2 - Ahreeman Awakens

We are back onto philosophy whereby you began with my writing, “It’s true that Christians, Jews and Hindus believe in a soul or spirit that goes on to another entity, be it another human body, animal, or tree, and others believe the soul joins a creator god in heaven. This is a hopeful belief that the personality of a person lives on after death.”

And then you responded by writing,
But in a way, we do live another life as energy, and matter changes form and we become released energy joining all universal energy or shall we color it in a way that our intelligence becomes a part of the “Universal Intelligence.

Dr.X, I disagree that, in some way, we live another life as energy and in a way our intelligence becomes a part of Universal Intelligence. After we die, as energy we are no longer independent-thinking energies. Only fragments of generated wave thoughts may still linger in space. Our personality, based upon the parts of a living body does no longer exist. Yes, what energy floats in space to join UI has no real significance any longer. Sorry to disappoint the believers that there is of afterlife living as some sort of Spirit. But life ends when your heart stops to feed nourishing blood to the brain, which allows the mind to be active. The Hereafter is a religious belief to induce people to follow a certain path or set of rules.

You continued by writing,
And in a way, it is true because nothing dies, matters and energies just change forms; therefore, after you depart, in a way you will become some matter and some pure energy, in your case, you will become a shining star!

I do not believe that that our intelligence joins what you call Universal Intelligence after death. I do not believe that humans have spirits or an intelligence that continues on to join UI. Yes, our bodies decay and may serve as matter that may be transformed into some other life form. But the mental thoughts, transmitted as brain waves created by our hearts and minds, will no longer be generated. Once the brain, the transmitter, has died thoughts are no longer created.

The idea that our brain waves enter the universe and may be part of Universal Intelligence is valid; but only while we are alive and well. Matter and Energy will create other forms of inorganic and organic matter, but never will these forms possess the original thoughts that were created by former living entities. The process of star-planet evolution begins anew and new creatures may emerge. So, I do not believe I will become a shining star. But thanks for the compliment.

Its nice to see great minds do think alike. You agreed with what I wrote that, “The soul is a construct of the mind, in the same way God is a construct of the mind; both are used to try to explain why humans must endure pain and misery and provides hope for relief after death.”

Dr.X, I agree with you that,
On the contrary to Christianity Doctrine, my theory is that Consciousness during this life (not after death) is a part of the “Universal Intelligence” which covers the known universe. Each consciousness is a small part of the collective consciousness as we refer to the “Universal Intelligence.

I will add to your theory and that is small fragments of thought enter the universe to join a Consciousness that has existed for eternity. It is this Consciousness that has the will to create Matter, which will consist of inorganic and organic entities. Hopefully, this Consciousness, that pervades the Universe, will succeed in creating life forms that are capable of constructing thoughts that may eventually reach back out into the Universe and perhaps, someday, will appreciate and understand its power. The energy forces that began as a baby but has grown to attain its crowning achievement – life forms it could be proud of. The respect given to this Consciousness is to name it God – the Creator of all there is.

Dr. X, you have gotten to know me better as to my beliefs, by writing,
So now we know where you are coming from. Your spirituality does not include spirits! Your spirituality is a part of “Data” (mind and thought) created by your brain, right?

I do not have any spirituality. I have a high regard for education, learning, and experience, which adds to the blackboard of our brains. The sensitive, discerning, and introspective individuals take such information and are able to construct thoughts that are based upon reality and truth. Great men and women have been able to use their thoughts to create theories and inventions that affect every aspect of our lives in the medical, scientific, and philosophical spheres.

Thoughts are constructed due to matter, our brain, and energy that gives rise to consciousness. It has nothing to do with spirits. Our mind is what we are blessed with to create simple and complex ideas. These ideas originate out of necessity to live with one another. That is how morality and integrity came to be. We learned that by being nice to one another we can have more friendships and live happier lives as we build communities together.

Hence, religion uses these find thoughts and incorporated them into the beliefs of good and evil, which then presumes the existence of God. I do not believe in God or Spirit but yes, I sense a Consciousness that pervades the Universe. I, like you and all people, do not know God. Those who believe they know God or some Spirit have been indoctrinated as a follower of an idea that organized religion takes advantage of.

Brother X, it appears that you are a believer in a Spirit. If so, you might as well as define that Spirit as God. Or, you may believe that all humans have spirits because they have a mind that is capable of thought that creates the idea of a Spirit. You indicated that many classical and modern philosophers define the spirit as an element because you cannot see or feel it. That is, it is not part of the 5 senses. I say, so what. Why does thought have to be tasted, heard, touched, seen or smelled? Thought cannot be any of the 5 senses because thought consists of transmitted waves, which are devoid of the 5 senses.

I believe I have already expressed what is thought, mind and consciousness. These words are used to help express ourselves but each mean different things. How are these words related? Thoughts are originated in the mind, the active part of the brain that promotes consciousness. Without the brain, the mind is incapable of forming thought, which is a sign of consciousness. I do not equate Consciousness with Spirit. It is energy that is created by the body whereby the heart sustains the flow of blood and nourishment to the brain that allows the mind to create thoughts. So yes, I believe that the concept of a Spirit is a figment of our imagination just as is the concept of God.

Now, Brother X, you accuse me of picking and choosing my own scientific laws because I deviate from the theory of Conservation of Matter and Energy. This makes me sound like a deranged person. To this accusation I can only say, there are exceptions to any law. For I believe that for anything to exist there must be a beginning. To say Energy and Matter always existed makes no sense to me. There is a beginning for everything.

You did write,
In a way, don’t you think, subconsciously, you are replacing a “Creator spirit” with a “Creator Energy” which is more scientific; however, you are still creating a Creator?

Yes, I am creating a Creator, which I refer to as Consciousness because even the Creator (God) has a beginning. That is why I characterize Consciousness as being a baby at the very beginning. It took trillions of years for this baby to realize it was capable of having magnetic, electrical and gravitational powers that eventually enabled it to create Matter. Matter contained particles, ever so small, that was able to combine into little solar systems, which we call the atom. And it is the atom that has become the basic building block of all inorganic and organic entities.

Dr. X, you chastise me by writing,
Why is it so hard to believe that even at the beginning point, there existed no Creator? No creator because there was no beginning and there will be no end!

To you, and all the great scientific minds and philosophers, I simply believe that everything has a beginning. To me, this is a fundamental concept. My simple concept has nothing to do or compares with the Big Bang Theory because the big bang had to have been due to the extreme gravitational forces that exploded matter and energy out into the universe. But first, it was Consciousness that existed that brought all the particles and atoms together, which caused such high pressures and heat that the Big Bang occurred. We have had other big bangs due to black holes, pulsars and quasars that releases energy and matter back out into the universe.

I will agree with you that my theory is hypothetical and is not based on scientific laws. But nevertheless, I cannot agree that Matter always existed with Energy. These are two very different entities or things. I guess we have the classical argument, which came first the chicken or the egg?

I am glad that we have come to some agreement for you once again made me laugh after you presented my quote, “By Mr. La Freniere’s analyses, I believe it supports my conclusion that energy came first to create matter. However, I do believe that energy and matter is interchangeable and hence, the Conservation Law of energy and matter still holds.” You wrote in response to the quote:

Well thank you very much (with lip twitch, Elvis style) for at least agreeing with scientific facts (Conservation Law of energy and matter) aside from creating “Neo Scientific Theories” along with your scientist buddies!

Dr. Ahreeman, again you made me laugh, but I need to respond to your next concern:

Then are you telling me that you do not know the quality and element of your Creator? Or as I refer to it the Universal Intelligence? But something at the back of your mind says that there is a Creator? Is that what you are telling me?

The simple answer is that there was a Consciousness that existed in the beginning that started out as a baby as it created matter from its energy sources. This baby became a creator as it found it could create great bodies of stars and planets, which eventually gave birth to organic life forms. So yes, the Creator was a child that after trillions of years, was able to give rise to matter that could sustain life. You can call this initial Consciousness the Creator or God, I have no problem with that. I do believe that it is this Consciousness that pervades the Universe. Other people, because they do not like the word God because of the stigma it connotes after having been misled by corrupted religious organizations, I agree that they should call this Consciousness – Universal Intelligence, which infers it has the ability to create as well. So, in essence, we can call Consciousness the Creator.

Back in a light vein, I am glad you liked my Humpty Dumpty story that I demonstrated to my granddaughters.

Dr. X, you provided the following, which I need to respond to:

Because as of now and according to our present scientific knowledge, taught and researched by our cream of crops such as Einstein and Hawking, the scientific discoveries, theories and laws dictate that there was no beginning to matters and energies. What do you say to that buddy?

I would be arrogant to pit my thoughts against some of the greatest scientific minds. I humbly provide a hypothetical theory that may open other paths to rethink the beginning of the Universe. I guess it’s because I am foolish to believe that everything has a beginning. But just as the Conservation of Energy and Matter is fundamental so is my belief. It is a hard belief to entertain because if presumes you can get something from nothing. But we have seen that life evolves in water and it may be possible that matter evolves in the universe. The parallel may not be scientific but it is a parallel.

Gee, I laughed again after you remarked about my passage on consciousness has the desire to create and that the end product is organic matter that is able to think. You wrote,
See, I knew it was too good for compromise!

I read about your trip to the Bermuda Triangle and your adventure that almost brought immediate and irreversible danger. You lead a very intriguing and interesting life. Your quest to understand the unknown is admirable and it’s because you thirst for knowledge and the truth. I, and your readers look forward to you eventually writing about your experiences within the Bermuda Triangle.

It was a long time before you found enough space from all your projects and responsibilities to respond to my last set of comments. We learn and explore ideas together and that is what I enjoy with you. Call it the romance of the minds. If you were a woman, I would find you very intriguing in other ways. Being able to express my thoughts to you, where I have not had the pleasure with others, has helped me to better articulate ideas that I normally don’t talk about. This is good because I also learn more about myself as well as you, another human being that is a gift to me.

Amen! By the way, I am convinced that Amen is the name of God. At least, the God mankind has conceptualized and believes in.

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Nicholas Ginex
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