Liberal Made Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax!

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Liberal Made Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax!

Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:12 pm

Liberal Made Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax!
:4shanbe: :drown: :sheeple: :tan: :youda: :jaccuzio:
Bill Gates Drinks Poop Juice & Eats Synthetic Meat
Bill Gates Wants to Cover the Sun & Warns Earth Dies Soon
Bill Gates Recommends Us to do the Same!

Bill Gates Also Pollutes the Air with Private Jets
Bill Gates Buys Ocean Front Multi-Million Dollar Homes
Bill Gates Also Eats Cheese Burgers

If Bill Gates of the World Run the World, We Are FAQed!
Liberal Motto: Do As I Say But Don’t Do As I Do!
Liberals Fabricated a Religion Called Climate Change!

Say Hello to Liberal Bull Shiite Religion of Global Warming!
A Multi-Billion Dollar Industry Called Climate Change Hoax!
Climate Change Created to Destroy the American Economy!

GOP had the Religion Gimmick But Democrats had Nothing!
So, Democrats Created Their Own Religion Called Global Warming!
Climate Change Psychosis to Fool People & Steal Their Wealth!













Liberal Made Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax!


I am beginning this thread and, in the future, I am planning to write an article and publish the best of Climate Change Hoax cartoons for you. This thread will be the comment thread for these future articles and toons. In this thread, we will update you on this rubbish fabricated by liberals, named global Warming! Global Warming is how Al Gore, Clintons, Bill Gate and many other liberals make billions of dollars. It is their milking cow.

Since 1970s, we have been hearing that the earth will end in between 12 to 9 years! Earth is still here, the O-zone actually got smaller and we have more like global cooling than warming! America is the most environmental nation on earth. Trump’s government was the most environmental government on earth. We have the freshest water, air and environment.

China, India and Russia are mass polluting the earth but get away with it as developing nations. Paris Accord is created to destroy the American Economy. Democrats are a group of globalist charlatans who get rich out of this religion called Global Warming! In fact, Global Warming was created to destroy the American economy and industry with regulations and accords. It is all Bull Shiite.

Europe is under mass psychosis called global Warming. I mentioned it here:

Ahreeman X Russian & Scandinavian Cruise Travel Diaries Thread

X Diaries: Russian and Scandinavian Cruise
Chapter 1: Scandinavia ... /index.htm

X Diaries: Russian and Scandinavian Cruise
Chapter 2: Russia and Germany ... /index.htm

Scientists are getting paid big league (Trump terminology) by Climate Change Sponsors to come up with Bull Shiite proofs fabricated in lab to make people believe in this hoax! It is all garbage. They are scaring the kids in schools and creating a paranoid delusion and a nightmare for brainwashed kids and teens! The reality is that there is no scientific proof of global warming!

If they really want to do something about pouting the air, then they must talk to China and India but you know what? China and India who create the most of the earth pollution, do not give a flying fandango about this hoax! They will not destroy their economies, mining coal, drilling oil, gas, shale and seize their factories to operate because of global warming nonsense! That is why China is dominating the global economy!

This rubbish only flies in the west because this nonsense is created by Globalist Corporations, China and Democrats to get rich and destroy the American economy!

You are welcome to post your expose articles and news about the Global Warming Hoax under this thread.

Stay tuned for my future article and toons linked for comments under this thread. I have a feeling this will be a great thread.

Do not fall victim and make life miserable for yourselves by believing in this garbage called Global Warming. It is all a hoax and a religion created by liberals to get rich, kill American industries, kill jobs, and destroy the economy.

Where does global warming gets you? Take a good look at Texas 2021 winter with no water, heat, electricity and Internet because windmills and solar stopped working! To run a great economy, you need reliable sources of energy like Oil, Gas, Shale, Coal, Nuclear and so on. If you are planning to rely on wind and solar in death of winter, good luck to you! Texas did and people died!

Only fools believe in global Warming!
Don’t be a fool!

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Let’s kick off this thread with a wonderful funny article from our friends in Breitbart:


Bill Gates Drinks Poop Juice and Pretends to Be a Scientist

John Nolte
Breitbart News


Our fake media has spent a year ramping up the pretense Bill Gates is some sort of scientific expert, especially on matters such as the environment and the coronavirus.

Bill Gates is not an expert. Bill Gates is a Bond villain who drinks poop.

Bill Gates drinks poop juice. No, really. Although there are literally oceans of water out there, Bill Gates literally drinks water squeezed from human poop.

Bill Gates also wants to darken the sun and force us to eat fake meat.

Only a Bond villain would tell us darkening the sun is a good thing after a glass of poop juice.

So, Bill Gates is a true-life Bond villain who is taken seriously by a fake media desperate to fool us into giving up our freedoms to lunatic billionaire-technocrats such as poop-drinker Bill Gates.

This guy literally drank poop juice. I can’t say that enough. Bill Gates drank poop juice and wants to darken the sun, and we’re supposed to sit back impressed and say, Yeah, let’s put Mr. Poop-Drinking-Sun-Killer in charge of our lives.

Here’s a picture of Bill Gates drinking poop juice: ... ientist%2F

Bill Gates:
“I drank water made from human feces. Here’s an update on the machine that produced that water.”

Someone pooped and Bill Gates drank the water in the poop.

He also wants to darken the sun, but not with poop, because we will need all that poop to drink.

Like a true Bond villain, Bill Gates has a lair — actually he has five lairs — where, if his sun-darkening, poop-drinking, synthetic meat, social engineering goes astray, he will be fine with his cheeseburgers and private jets.

Bond villain Bill Gates also tells us global warming is real, even though he himself does not believe it.

If Bill Gates believed global warming was real, would he spend $43 million on oceanfront property? No, of course he wouldn’t. Someone who believes global warming is real would also believe his $43 million investment would soon be underwater.

Bond villain Bill Gates also tells us global warming is real while he flies all over the world in a private jet.

Why not fly commercial?

Maybe because commercial airlines don’t serve water extracted from poop?

People who believe global warming is real behave as though they believe global warming is real. They don’t have five mansions, they don’t build mansions on the ocean, they don’t fly private jets, they don’t eat cheeseburgers.

Bill Gates is a Bond villain.

I’ve read a few serious biographies about Howard Hughes, who is remembered as a rich man who collapsed into madness.

Howard Hughes did a lot of nutty stuff.

He never drank poop.
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Re: Liberal Made Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax!

Postby Shahrzad BB » Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:58 am

Climate Change is a money maker and a business for Democrats and Liberals worldwide. Big money in it and an army of fools who believe and follow it. :roll:
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Re: Liberal Made Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax!

Postby CR » Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:00 am

Global Warming Hoax

Liberals worldwide created a religion called Climatology and they are Climatologists. Climate Change AKA formerly known as Global Warming is a scam and a hoax which liberals and so-called scientists have been benefiting from since 1970s and Earth is still here!

China had an important role in creating Climate Change hoax to screw America and the West, later on, the hoax was so beneficial that China decided to destroy the American economy by funding the global warming Scientists, the same way that it does WHO.

Global Warming is an old scam for the EU and China to destroy the American economy. If this is really about the environment, then USA had the cleanest environment, water and air during the Trump era, so why was it necessary for USA to join the Paris accord again? Democrats rejoined the Paris Accord because they make loads of dollars off of it.

If anyone amongst the big powers care about the environment, it is USA. Russia, India and particularly China do not give a hoot about the environment, global warming and child labor. They care about their economy and progress.

A scam named Global Warming and now Climate Change is for fools to make a big fuss about it. If the world really cares about the environment, then they should follow Trump’s environmental policies. Everything else about liberal environmental policy is a scam, money maker and a hoax. They all resulted in disasters all over the Blue States, just go to California and witness the drought, brush fires, and then try to get a license for any type of construction or infrastructure from the local or state government which takes years and much bribe!

Democrats are corrupt and Global Warming is a Sham for Fools to get occupied with. Global Warming is big business for Liberals and globalist corporations to make money by pushing the so-called Green products. Who gets screwed? American Energy Industry, American Labor and American People. Just watch the inflation, unemployment and high cost of food caused by Global Warming liberal scam. Rubbish, simple and clear rubbish and a liberal hoax. Biden and Democrats get rich off of Global Warming and the American people get more poor!
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When Woke Green New Bull Shiite Ruined the World?

Postby CR » Sun Sep 26, 2021 1:19 pm

When Woke Green New Bull Shiite Ruined the World?
Bits O Wisdom by Shiite Shoveler X
Liberal, Muslim, Same Shiite, Full O Bull Shiite!

:tantrum: :jumpy: :shocked: :surprised: :wwr: :banghead: :horseman: :lolbang: :tan: :brainwash:
Woke Green New Bull Shiite, Full O Same Old Liberal Shiite!
Hear Yee, Hear Yee, it’s a Brand-New Woke World!
We are setting back to the Same Old New World Order!

No Liberal Bull Shiite Sign Ahreeman X Graphic Cartoon
Hear Yee, Hear Yee, it’s a Brand-New World! We are setting back to the New World Order by the Woke Globalist Corporations and the Tech Oligarchs! Come and get your Green New Bull Shiite fabricated by a Dimwit Bartender AOC, accepted by a psycho witch Nancy Old Pussy and enforced by the Woke Liberals! Get your Green New Deal at your local Welfare Office along with your Liberal Kool-Aid, Stale Old Bread and Government Cheese which smells like Ass Residue! Big Gov. will take care of you and makes sure that you will never evolve and prosper beyond the borders of the Project Housing and Section 8 to succeed in life! We make sure that you Government Mules born in the Liberal Plantations and Die in the Liberal Plantations! Nanny State will take care of yous! Just make sure you vote Democrat until your demise in the housing project! Now run along and be good Liberal Plantation Slaves!

No Shiite Islam Sign Ahreeman X Graphic Cartoon
Muslims, Liberals, they’all the same Shiite cut from the same con Shiite, Full O Bull Shiite!

Gender Neutral Brotherhood of ANTIFA, BLM and Marxists
Democrat Liberal Socialism in a Nutshell
Socialism teaches you that someone, somewhere out there owes you something, either that or the whole world owes you something; therefore, it is your natural right to instead of getting a job, go and protest, riot, loot, steal, pillage, assault and destroy Capitalism, Democracy and along with it get whatever you are entitled to from the Evil Rich Working People!


Please review Ahreeman X hilarious new piece on Wokeness, Green New Deal and Climate Change Hoax:


When Woke Green New Bull Shiite Ruined the World?
Bits O Wisdom by Shiite Shoveler X

Ahreeman X
September 27, 2021

Do you know at what point the “Liberal Poisonous Stew” of the “Woke Green New Bull Shiite” ruined the world?

* When sexy miniskirt wearing young and beautiful stewardesses changed to old, bald, gay guys branded as “Flight Attendants” to be politically correct and enforce equal opportunity work force in the skies, but that is when the joys of air travel died!

* When nice and bright simple white light bulbs changed to Green Energy Saving, dim and dark “Orange Light Bulbs” where you cannot see what the hell you are doing at night in the bathroom!

Read more:

When Woke Green New Bull Shiite Ruined the World? ... /index.htm

My Experience with Shiite!

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France & Germany Back to Coal Energy Forget Climate Hoax!

Postby CR » Tue Jun 28, 2022 9:35 am

France & Germany Back to Coal Energy Forget Climate Hoax!
Necessity vs. Climate Change Hoax
Democrats Still Hold America Oil Hostage

:B :lol: :rofl: :jump: :lol: :B
USA has Collapsed but Democrats don’t Drill Oil
Save the Planet with No Humans in It!
Democrats War on Fossil Fuel, Economy, Industry & Humanity!

Climate Monarchy, Davos, Globalism Destroys the World
Summer Airconditioning & Winter Heating vs. Climate Rubbish
Climate Change Rubbish Gig is Up!

Greta Thunberg Suck On This!

How Dare You IPC!

How Could You EU?

I’ll Be Back!

Return of the Mental Terminator Teen!

How Dare You Denying the Climate Hoax!


Energy Crisis: Government to Restart Coal Plant After Power Company Tsars’ Warning



After a warning from the head of three power companies, France’s government has announced that it will restart a coal-fired plant this winter.

A coal-fueled power plant in the north-east of France is due to be restarted by the country’s government this winter in order to better combat energy insecurity resulting in part due to ongoing hostilities with Russia.

The announcement that the Saint-Avold will be brought back online comes shortly after the heads of three major energy companies in France warned that the general public must “immediately” cut back on energy use to better enable officials to better handle energy insecurity.

According to broadcaster RTL, officials have said that the coal-fired plant is being brought back into service “a precaution, given the Ukrainian situation”.

Le Figaro meanwhile notes officials as saying that they will be including so-called “environmental compensation” as part of the plan to reactivate the plant, with the publication claiming that an environmentally neutral reopening for the plant has been demanded by government.

As a result, the plant’s operator will engage in the likes of reforestation as part of the reopening to meet this green demand. ... warning%2F
Green Fail: Dependent on Russian Gas, Now Germany Fires Up Coal Power Stations

The announcement that authorities will reopen the plant comes shortly after the head of three major energy companies in France — Engie, EDF and TotalEnergies — warned that the public must start conserving energy straight away in order to secure the country’s energy situation.

“Acting this summer will allow us to be better prepared to tackle next winter and in particular to preserve our gas reserves,” the power tsars wrote. “We therefore call for awareness and collective and individual action so that each of us – each consumer, each company – changes their behaviour and immediately limits their consumption of energy, electricity, gas and petroleum products.”

“The effort must be immediate, collective and massive,” they went on to say, emphasising that “every gesture” towards this goal “counts”.

Environmentally obsessed Germany has also announced that it will be revving up its own coal-burning capabilities in order to better deal with the ongoing energy crisis, with the country’s economic and climate Tsar, Robert Habeck, saying that the measures are necessary to conserve much-needed gas.

“To reduce gas consumption, less gas must be used to generate electricity. Coal-fired power plants will have to be used more instead,” he previously said, though admitted that he found it “bitter” that his green agenda-driven government had to rely on such a high emission fuel.

The official however has remained adamant that Germany’s nuclear power plants — the last three of which are due to be shut down by the end of the year — will not be used to buffer energy supply problems, despite calls from all sides for Germany to keep them online.

So bad is the situation that even officials within the climate-crazy EU are now calling on Germany to keep using the plants.

“There are still three nuclear power plants operating in Germany, this corresponds to 25% of their electricity consumption,” Internal Market tsar Thierry Breton is reported as saying.

“Rather than deciding to cut them at the end of the year as provided for in the coalition agreements, we can perhaps say to ourselves that we will continue them for one or two years in order to solve this problem,” he went on to say.


Green Fail: Dependent on Russian Gas, Now Germany Fires Up Coal Power Stations



Climate-crazy Germany is now being forced to burn more coal for energy after Russia dramatically reduced the country’s supply of gas.

Despite the country’s obsession with climate-crazy policy decisions, Germany has announced that it will be forced to rely more heavily on coal for its electricity supply after Russia reduced the amount of gas it will supply to the country.

This has left the central European state in a very precarious situation regarding energy security, a predicament that was predicted by former U.S. President Donald Trump back in 2018 over the fact that the country was overly reliant on energy exports provided by Moscow.

While Trump was laughed at for his warning at the time, it appears that the former American head of state has been vindicated, with an article published by Deutsche Welle on Sunday reporting that the seismic reduction in the amount of gas being supplied by Russia has left Germany facing a potential energy crisis

As a result, Germany will now be forced to ration gas while increasing its reliance on coal — the bete-noire for environmentalists — for the purposes of generating electricity.

“To reduce gas consumption, less gas must be used to generate electricity. Coal-fired power plants will have to be used more instead,” said German green party Minister Robert Habeck while announcing the new measures.

“That’s bitter, but it’s simply necessary in this situation to lower gas usage,” he continued, referencing the fact that his nation had aimed to spearhead the phasing out of coal to better achieve its climate targets.

A form of energy generation that was not mentioned by the minister however was nuclear, which is despite the fact that the relatively low-carbon emitting energy generation method is due to be completely phased out by Germany by the end of the year.

The country’s Green-obsessed government had begun the phaseout at the start of this year, and while it was initially thought that at least some of the deactivated plants could be brought back online to fight energy insecurity caused by a breakdown of relations between Russia and the west, such a move was previously rejected by Habeck himself.

“We have again examined very carefully whether a longer operation of the nuclear power plants would help us in this foreign policy situation,” the minister previously claimed. “The answer is negative — it would not help us.”

Meanwhile, one of the German Green’s coalition partners, the Freie Demokratische Partei, has suggested the country re-examine its ban on fracking, seemingly in the hopes that the technology could remedy the current situation.

“As scientific studies show, fracking does not cause any relevant environmental damage under modern safety standards,” one official from the party said. “It should therefore be seriously examined whether larger shale gas production is feasible in Germany from an economic and technical point of view.”

The Greens however have largely rejected this call, saying that there is not enough gas to access via the tech in
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Re: Liberal Made Climate Change Catastrophe Hoax!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Tue Jul 11, 2023 7:18 am


Sun controls the earth climate, not human! Bill Gates and Joe Biden want to cover the sun! that is how Dinosaurs got extinct! Meteor dust crushed on earth, covered the sun shine! If Bill Gates, Joe Biden and other psychos of the world manage to run things, we will be in Deep Shiite!

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New Liberal Made Climate Change Apocalypse + Gallery

Postby CR » Wed Aug 02, 2023 7:12 pm

Liberal Made Climate Change Apocalypse + Gallery
Climate Cult is Not Science Fact But a Flawed Theory
The Great Reset is for the Elite to Enslave the Workers

:tantrum: :drown: :suicidebomber: :hazardeous: :toxic: :hazardeous: :suicidebomber: :drown: :tantrum:
IPC Exposes Climate Cult Hoax Wide Open!
Everything They Told You About Climate Change is Lies!
They Just Want to Control You

* CO2 Carbon is Good for Environment
* Earth is Underpopulated
* Polar Bears are Not Dying!
* Icebergs are Expanding
* O-Zone Hole is Getting Smaller
* Sun Controls the Climate Not You!

Climate Cult Hoax Lies Since 1970s & Beyond:
Earth Will be Destroyed Unless ….
Don’t Drink the Liberal Kool-Aid

Globalist Plans for You:

Starvation, Depopulation & Genocide
Eat Bugs & Drink Poop Juice
Obey Oligarchs & Own Nothing
Global Tyranny & Slavery

The Real Virus of Our Time!
The real virus of our era is not COVID, AIDS, or any Pandemic! The Real Virus of our time are the Globalists. This one is a 4 headed monster consisting of Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Anthony Fauci. One of their handy works of the past was the movie COVID! Klaus Schwab wrote the screenplay, Bill Gates blessed it, George Soros planned and directed it and Anthony Fauci paid for it and produced it! Where did the money come from? Your tax dollars! Millions of people died and millions more decapacitated and been never the same again! This is how liberals Depopulate the world!

“George Soros finances Greta Thunberg’s events and campaigns.” (Media)
Puppet Master Soros: …. And away you go ….
Puppet Thunberg: How dare you people ruining my generation's safety with your emissions….

“Alexandria Ocasio Cortez stated that the earth would end in 12 years!” (Media)
In a meanwhile at the Climate Comedy Club, AOC standup:
AOC: Hey, have you heard the one about only having 12 years to save the earth?!

Church of Climatology Goremons Gospels Show!
Church of Climatology Goremons presents Prophet Al Gore:
Hallelujah, praise the lord, keep them carbon taxes coming, more red tapes, more regulations, more environmental cockamamie rules, more cash, more money, mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money for the church ….. Keep them dough coming, Prophet knows best!

Al Gore: Hey climate change denier, you want proof? You want to see greenhouse gasses? Just pull my finger and I lay you a big one! Go ahead, I dare you?


Be the first to read Ahreeman X paper on Liberal Made Climate Change Apocalypse and observe the Photo Gallery which will officially be published tomorrow:


Liberal Made Climate Change Apocalypse + Gallery
Climate Cult is Not Science Fact But a Flawed Theory
The Great Reset is for the Elite to Enslave the Workers

Part 1
Ahreeman X
August 3, 2023

Climate Cult the Big Lie!

Adolf Hitler used to say: “Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it.” Vladimir Lenin used to say: “A lie told often becomes the truth.” Dr. Joseph Goebbels used to say: “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”

The Nazis and the Communists with big lies and repeated lies, conditioned the people through the media propaganda to believe in their rhetoric as science. That’s how back then the Nazi Youth and the SA Storm Troopers ran the streets, ransacked the businesses and gathered the undesired such as the Jews!

Klaus Schwab (Hitler’s nephew) and his fellow Climate Cultists at the WEF (World Economic Forum), since the 1970s have been repeatedly preaching a fantasy to the public that the world would end in 10 to 12 years and they branded it as “The Global Warming” and then as “The Climate Change” hoaxes!

Read more:

Liberal Made Climate Change Apocalypse + Gallery
Part One ... /index.htm

Liberal Made Climate Change Apocalypse + Gallery
Part Two ... /index.htm

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Klaus Schwab: I suffer because you people exist! That’s why most of you must die, the rest will serve as our slaves! Ahreeman you like formulas, so here’s a formula for you:
Depopulation + Servitude = Climate Change Solved!
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Climate Change the Big Lie by the Globalists

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:55 am

Climate Change the Big Lie by the Globalists
3 Important Takes from Ahreeman’s Essay on the Big Lie


It is amazing how certain people have been lied to repeatedly for decades and still they are convinced that the lie is the truth! The Big Lie is exposed in front of their eyes since before 1960s until this day in the 2023 repeatedly but they don’t believe their own eyes, ears and brain, but they believe in what Media and Government propagate to them!

Never underestimate the power of the “Big Lie” which is being “Repeated” by the Media, Social Media and the Big Tech directed by the Global Governments and WEF.

3 Very Important Takes

1. List of Climate Cult Doomsday Prophecies Bloopers Gone Wrong
2. Climate Cult is Not Science
3. Sun and Not Man Causes Climate Change

I will post the short sum of these points below and conclude.

1. List of Climate Cult Doomsday Prophecies Bloopers Gone Wrong

List of Climate Cult Doomsday Prophecies Bloopers Gone Wrong
1966: Oil Will be Gone in Ten Years (that was awesome!)
1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975 (I was actually getting fat then!)
1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide (Wow!)
1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (Maybe because of LSD?!)
1970: Ice Age By 2000 (I felt a bit of a freezer burn down there!)
1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985 (Too much farts?!)
1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable (So we had to hover?!)
1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish (That’s a good thing I don’t eat much fish!)
1970: Killer Bees Invasion!
1970: Liberals predicted earth would destroy in 1990 due to global cooling
1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
1972: New Ice Age By 2070
1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years (OPEC got blooming!)
1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast (Must have been a broken satellite!)
1974: Another Ice Age?
1974: Ozone Depletion a Great Peril to Life (O-Zone Hole actually got smaller!)
1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s (My schlong was at its peak in the 90s!)
1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes (Then what the hell are all these fish?)
1980: Peak Oil In 2000 (another peekaloo, maybe a peekaboo?!)
1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs (Because DC is always full of Hot Air!)
1988: Maldives Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
1990: Liberals predicted earth would destroy in 2000 due to global warming
1996: Peak Oil in 2020 (Peekaboo, I can see you!)
2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is (Really?!)
2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy (Eat Bugs!)
2002: Peak Oil in 2010 (How many peaks?!)
2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024 (Watch out British!)
2005: Manhattan Underwater by 2015
2006: Super Hurricanes!
2007 Al Gore predicted earth would destroy in 2017 due to global warming
2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018 (What happened?!)
2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013 (Like he invented Internet!)
2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles (now King) Says we Have 96 Months to Save the World
2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014 (Again?!)
2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015 (Keep on moving the goal post?!)
2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
2019 AOC predicted earth would destroy in 12 years due to now called climate change (Sure about that?!

2. Climate Cult is Not Science

Climate Cult is Not Science

Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Order of Primates are 66 Million years old. Genus of Homo Habilis are 2.5 million years old. Species of Homo Erectus (Straight Standing Man) are 2 million years old. Sub Species of Neanderthals are 800,000 years old. Species of Homo Sapiens (Modern Man) is 300,000 years old.

The climate changes in the periods of hundreds of thousands to millions of years on earth but it surely does not change from 1970s until now in 2020s! The only climate which changes in these few decades is the climate of liberal elite’s rectums, creating fantastic lies out of their asses and feeding it to the naïve public that humans can actually change the earth’s climate! Actually the most that the earth climate had ever changed was way before the existence of the humanity! The sea levels have been rising by the rate of the one third of an inch every 300 years! So the ocean water rise of few inches in every millennium is not catastrophic to the humanity!

3. Sun and Not Man Causes Climate Change

Sun and Not Man Causes Climate Change

Climate changes and it is a fact. Climate causes Global Warming and Global Cooling. This is how the system of earth and in general the solar system works. The climate changes gradually through the periods of hundreds of thousands of years on earth. No matter what humanity does, the human effect on the climate is microscopic. The actual factor which changes the climate on earth is the Sun!

Sun shines and that is the reason for earth to be alive. Sun does not shine, such as when giant meteors hit the earth and blocked the sun with dusts, then life on earth dies such as dinosaurs died and got extinct! So when you hear Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab want to block the sun and a senile buffoon like Joe Biden is actually ordering his Regime to study the concept, then comprehend that this could be the Doomsday Scenario! Yes, liberals can actually change the climate by covering the sun to shine and they can destroy the earth!

Sun will not burn out at least for 5 billion years and that is when the earth dies! So basically Climate Change is a liberal Bull Shiite concept!

Above is science. What the Government and Media propagates is the Big Lie for brainwashing the public, a supreme method of “Control” and “Making Money” by the Globalists. I don’t want to lecture and I remain satisfied by repeating this phrase by Ahreeman to end this post:

Only fools believe in Global Warming!
Don’t be a fool!

Amen Brother, Amen!!!
Ba Sepas
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George Carlin on Liberal Climate Change “Very Funny”

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Dec 15, 2023 12:01 pm

George Carlin on Liberal Climate Change “Very Funny”
George Carlin on Environmentalist Wackos & Planet
George Carlin Exposes Tree Huggers & Animal Rights Nuts

:hystery: :yeees: :readyfighting: :pcharm: :fry: :yourock: :brick: :drown: :vdance: :spanked: :riot: :thmbu:
Saving Endangered Species is Interfering with Nature
Planet is Fine, People are FAQed!
George Carlin Awesomely Hilarious Show on Climate Change

George Carlin on Environmentalist Wacko Sheeple















George Carlin on Environmentalist Wackos and Planet – Live Show

George Carlin on Environmentalist Wackos and Planet – Drawing Animation

George Carlin on Environmentalist Wackos and Planet – Backup File

George Carlin 1996 Full Show


George Carlin Channel


George Carlin Site

Geroge Carlin Quotes

George Carlin Wikipedia

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“There is nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine ... been here 4 1/2 billion years. We've been here, what, a 100,000 years, maybe 200,000. And we've only been engaged in heavy industry a little over 200 years. 200 years versus 4 1/2 billion. And we have the conceit to think that somehow we're a threat? The planet isn't going away. We are.”

“Environmentalists changed the word jungle to rain forest, because no one would give them money to save a jungle. Same with swamps and wetlands.”
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Liberal Weather Manipulation Systems for Climate Change

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Jan 27, 2025 3:00 pm

Liberal Weather Manipulation Systems for Climate Change
Teaser for the Future Piece on Climate Change

“Alexandria Ocasio Cortez stated that the earth would end in 12 years!” (Media)
In a meanwhile at the Climate Comedy Club, AOC standup:
AOC: Hey, have you heard the one about only having 12 years to save the earth?!

Intro Future

In the past we spoke of liberal made climate change:

Liberal Made Climate Change Apocalypse + Gallery ... /index.htm

Have in mind that:

Climate Cult is Not Science Fact But a Flawed Theory
The Great Reset is for the Elite to Enslave the Workers

Now we will give you a teaser and a preview of the future piece on climate change:

Of course for now, there is no proof and evidence that in 2024, CIA played with the satellites and secret weapons to expand the hurricane levels from 1 to 5, so they could commit election interference by avoiding South East USA people (conservatives) to vote and furthermore killing them! Maybe one day in the future, it can be proven; however, nothing is farfetched from the depth of crimes which can be committed by the CIA against the American people and the global population!

Liberal Weather Manipulation for Climate Change

Let us talk about a few scientific methods which the Deep State and Globalist Establishment uses to manipulate the weather:

Manmade Climate Change Methods
Satellite Manipulation of Ocean Tides
Electro Magnetic Manipulation of Gravity of Ocean Waters
Turbines Manipulation
Cloud Seeding
Rain Making Systems
Weather Cooling Systems
Water Cooling Systems
Laser Systems
Liquid Nitrogen Systems

Think about it, these methods to manipulate the weather and climate are scientific methods which the public never suspects are happening!

Stay tuned for the future pieces on liberal made manipulation methods for climate change which resulted in droughts, hurricanes, earthquakes, iceberg melting and extreme or lacking of rain in various geographical locations.

Greta Thunberg to Joe Biden: Hey wait a second, if both of your hands are my shoulders then what is that thingy shoving its way in to my shorts from back of my pants?!
Ol’ Uncle Joe: You don’t understand what’s good for you child, let me open new horizons to you, so you can solve more problems with the climate change! For now, let me show you my climate!
Greta: How dare you!

The liberal media bombards you with fake news and climate cult garbage. The elite are making tons of money from climate change fantasy by directing the public as puppeteers. This fantasy is cooked by the so-called scientists financed by Globalists, WEF and CCP China to get rich via making you poor and the enslavement of the individualist workers.

Liberal made Climate Change is a method to take away the Wealth of the Nations and put it in the Globalists’ bank accounts!

Think outside the box which the Establishment provides for you.


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