Story of the Return of the Medes (Kurds)

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Story of the Return of the Medes (Kurds)

Postby Jaff Sassani » Wed May 12, 2010 3:01 pm

This is a book aiming to Unit Iranian people from Pakistan to Turkey and from Kurdistan to former Soviet Union countries.

It is a book to revive Old Iranian civilizations. Read the book and try with open mind to understand the truth about Iranian people.

Do your analysis based on truth not lie? Greek, Roman, Jewish, Arab, Turk, Western, Easter and traders among Persian, Kurd and other Iranian branches have been working hard to destroy the truth about Iranian people for selfish reasons. This book is going to tell you the truth and the Author is ready to challenge any scholars who are looking for truth with proven record.


Jaff Sassani

داستان بازگشت مادها
داستانی است كه خداوند بزرگ در كتاب عهد عتيق آورده است، و مي گويد كه روزگاري فراخواهد رسيد كه در آن آدمي با[چنان] سرگشتگي اي روبرو خواهد شد كه نمي داند چه كاري را انجام دهد و[يا اين كه] چگونه آن را كنار بگذارد.
مردم ماد از کوه های زاگرس، برخواهند خاست و قيام خواهند كرد. صداي زنان و مردان وكودكان،نرم نرمك،در برابر خشونت و فقدان عدالت بلند خواهد شد. آنان جان خود را براي آزادي و صلح فدا مي كنند.
داستان بازگشت مادها، داستان تماميِ ايرانيان است و در ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌پي آن است تا حقیقت را از دروغ آزاد سازد.
اين داستان در پي آن است كه پرسش هاي تو را پاسخ گويد.[آري]،اتحاد ايرانيان،راه آزادي را به آن ها نشان مي دهد.
با خواندن اين كتاب ،شما داستان هاي راستينِ ايرانيان را خواهيد شناخت.

داستانی گه‌ڕانه‌وه‌ی ماده‌کان ... 1604944495

داستانی گه‌ڕانه‌وه‌ی ماده‌کان
ئه‌و داستانه‌یه‌، که خودای گه‌وره له‌ ئینجیلدا فه‌رموویه‌تیی: رۆژگارێک دادێت، مرۆڤ تێیدا تووشی سه‌رلێشێواویی ده‌بێت و نازانێت چی بکات و چۆن لێی ده‌ربچێت؟
میلله‌تی ماد (کورد) له‌ چیاکانی زاگرۆسه‌وه‌ شۆڕش ده‌کات، ده‌نگی ژن و پیاو و منداڵ که‌مه‌ که‌مه، دژی زوڵم و سته‌م ‌ به‌رزده‌بێته‌وه‌، بۆ ئازادیی و له‌ پێناوییدا گیانی خۆیان فیدا ده‌که‌ن.
داستانی گه‌ڕانه‌وه‌ی ماد (کورد) کتێب و چیرۆکی مرۆڤه‌کانی ئاری نه‌ژاده‌، که‌ راستیی و درۆ، له‌ دووروویی له‌ یه‌کتر جیاده‌کاته‌وه‌، ئه‌م کتێبه‌ وه‌ڵامی پرسیاری دیکه‌ ده‌داته‌وه‌، باس له‌ یه‌کێتیی و هاوپه‌یمانیی مرۆڤه‌کان ده‌کات و رێگای ئازادییان پێنیشان ده‌دات.
ئه‌م کتێبه‌ بخوێنه‌ره‌وه‌، تا به‌سه‌رهاتی راسته‌قینه‌ی میلله‌تی ئاری باشتر بزانیت

Story of the Return of the Medes (Kurds)

It is story that Great God said in Old Testament (Bible), time will came the people will face uncertainty they do not know what to do and how to get out of it.

The Medes (Kurdish) people will rise up in Zagros Mountain. The voices of women, men and children bit by bit will be louder against unjust practice and abuses. They are giving their own life to leave free and in peace.
The book story of the Return of the Medes (Kurds) is a book of the story of Airyanem (Iranian) people. It is going to clear the truth from Lie.
It is going to answer your questions. The Union of Iranian people is going to give path for liberation.

Read this book, you will understand the true stories of the Airyanem (Iranian) people.



Posted in: Ikvot ha'Mashiach

See, I will stir up against them the Medes, who do not care for silver and have no delight in gold. Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, the glory of the Babylonians’ pride, will be overthrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah. She will never be inhabited or lived in through all generations.

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley.

See, I will stir up against them the Medes, who do not care for silver and have no delight in gold. Their bows will strike down the young men; they will have no mercy on infants nor will they look with compassion on children. Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, the glory of the Babylonians’ pride, will be overthrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah. She will never be inhabited or lived in through all generations; no Arab will pitch his tent there, no shepherd will rest his flocks there. (Isaiah 13:17-20)

According to a report I received recently, U.S. ally Turkey and U.S. arch-enemy Iran have formed a military….
March 28, 5:04 AM
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Jaff Sassani
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Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:13 am
Location: Sulaminah

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