B words

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B words

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:47 pm


Boobool = Small Pines

Bozoz = Hizbollahi Bozo

Bimbo = Loose Woman

Boy Toy = Pretty Gay Boy Side Kick

Bull Dyke = Masculine Butch Lesbian

Beefy Thighs = Juicy Chunky Thighs

Booboo = Boozineh, Orangutan

Bambooli = Sex

Bang = (1) Sex, (2) Hashish

Bangarooni =Orgi

Beche = Bache, child (Esfahani accent)

Boo Hoo Barahoot =Sarcastic for moping

Ball-Less = Coward

Big Balled person =Brave

Bone = (1) Penis, sex tool, (2) Bone, sex (verb)

Bull Shiite = Shiite feces, a Shiite Muslim Bull

Bangi = Hashish Addict

Bimbette = Small size female Bimbo!

Bozon = The Ozone around the Bozos (Stupid People, pardon me, I meant Intellectually challenged).

Ba-rag = A Barbarian Rag Head!

Ba-zard = A Barbarian Desert Lizard

Boning = To have sex

Bang O Salavat = Sex and Prayer blessings, sarcastic for what happens in the Mosque. Tradition of first banging and then reading Salavat prayers from Quran!

Bache Mozalef = (1) Gay Boy, Feminine boy, (2) Oddly Dressed Boy, (3) Qerti Boy

Bizarre= Twisted, weird

Bozorgtar = Elder

Boos = Mach, Kiss

Boozineh = Orangutan

Boozi = Short for Boozineh

Bozmajeh = Little Monkey
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Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:19 pm

Bozgal = (1) Boz (Bozo = Bozo the Clown, a Bold Clown) + Ozgal (Asshole), a crossover between a Bozo and an Ozgal, an asshole bold clown, a bold clown who is also an asshole, Bache Por-ru-ye Hashalhaf, Bache Por-ru-ye Mozakhraf, (2) Boz (Goat) + Gal (Girl), a female goat, a teenage female goat!, (3) Boz (Bozmajeh = Ugly Lizard) + Gal (Girl), A Lizard-like Ugly Girl, A Monkey-like Ugly Girl, Dokhtar-e Meymun!

Bozgal = Encyclopedia Ahreemanica (IPC Dictionary of Alternative Terms) defines the term “Bozgal” as the above.

[Now c’mon, I really had put some thoughts in to this one and over exhausted myself!]
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Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:27 am

Bozqaleh = Baby Goat

Bowl = Urine (traditional Persian)

Bool = Urine (Baby Slang)

Boolaq = Bool (Urine) + Olaq (Donkey) => A Donkey who urinates all over the place

Badkesh = (1) Suction Cup, (2) A person who asks too many questions, (3) A pest

Badkubeh = (1) Bad (wind) + Kubeh (Slam) => A wind which slams everything, (2) A person who eats your brain out (slams your brain like a wind) by asking too many questions, (3) An extreme pest, (4) A nuisance, (5) an area in Caucasia
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Re: B words

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:36 am

Brandonite Sodomite = Biden Fag AKA Gay Liberal
* Brandonite = Ilk of Brandon
Refers to: Let’s Go Brandon, FAQ Joe Biden
Let’s Go Brandon = FAQ Joe Biden Fun Page
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/humor/lets ... /index.htm
Let’s Go Brandon = FAQ Joe Biden Fun Page Thread
* Sodomite = Gay
Refers to: Sodom and Gomorrah (two cities destroyed by God for wickedness and homosexuality)
Sodom and Gomorrah
Brandonite Sodomite = Biden Democrat + Faggot = Gay Liberal
1. Bidden Type O Fag or Tranny
2. Democrat Homo
3. Gay Liberal
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