J words

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J words

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:02 pm


Jew Rag = An Arab Jew

Jerk Weed = Low Life

Jew Bird = Jew

Juje = Chicken, little boy, new bee

Jalq = Male Masterbation

Jaq = Jalq

Jonob = Islamic Climax!

Jam bone = A bone which gets jamed in things, a penis which gets stuck in places

Jew-Belly = A Jewish Belly, Sarcastic for Jubilee (Celebration), A Jewish Celebration

Joy Stick = penis, sex tool

Jenabat = Sex

Jigar = Liver, Dear, Sexy Woman, Babe

Jigar Tala = Golden Liver, High Quality Woman, Top Notch Babe

Jiggy = Cranked Up, State of Excitement

Jam-Booli Khahan = Politically, ones whom their Bools, Jams!, sarcastic for Liquidy Republicans

Jakesh = Pimp, Low life

Jakash = An extreme Jakesh, very Jakesh

Jigar Kaboby = Very Hot babe, liver kabob

Jebhe Kachalan-e Qeyr-e Melli = Iranian Bald-headed Internationalist Front, Jebhe Meli

Juicy = Hot, good stuff
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Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:48 pm

Jumarak = (Jew-Maarak) = (1) Jujeh + Marmulak => Baby Lizard, (2) Jewish Lizard
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Re: J words

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:29 pm

* Note: :badgrin:
Read below terms with Persian Turkish (Azeri) accent.

Jindagani = Whorish Living (Jindagani rhymes with Zindagani = living)

Jindagani Doroqi = Pretending to whore around to make your partner jealous

Jindagani Rasti = Actual whoring around, True whoring around

Jindagani Rast Rasti = Really Whoring around, Very Much Whoring Around

Jindagani Mardanah = Male whoring around

Jindagani Zananah = Female whoring around

Jindagi = Whoring, Prostituting (Jindagi rhymes with Zindagi = life)

Jindah = Jendeh (Persian), Whore, Prostitute

Jindajat = Whores (Jindajat rhymes with Sabzijat = Vegetables)

Jindajat-e Bi Dool = Whores without Dicks, Female Whores

Jindajat-e Ba Dool = Whores with Dicks, Faggot Whores, Sissy Boys, Shemale Whores, Chicks with Dicks, Gay rising stars of Persian Pop Music (6/8 Rhythm) in Tehrangeles (Los Angeles)
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