IPC Considering to Leave Facebook
Dear Facebook Readers of IPC:
IPC is seriously considering to leave Facebook. This may happen soon; therefore, inform everyone you know to follow IPC directly from the IPC Website
Iran Politics Club
Facebook has shamelessly deleted one of our posts including Michelle Obama’s cartoon (The Transsexual Cartoon). Everyone is well aware that Facebook is a liberal entity and supporter of Obamas, but to dictate and shove their liberal propaganda down free media’s throat (such as IPC) is something else.
Of course we can argue with Facebook and put the cartoon back but once they delete something, then they will start deleting posts and censoring our material. We do not have time to ongoingly argue with Facebook censorship.
Iran Politics Club is the largest Iranian website in the world and Facebook is too irrelevant and too small of a factor for us to start arguing with them not to remove our material. We certainly do not need Facebook publicity and we surely can do without Facebook censorship under the cover of community standards.
Liberal entities like Facebook have been censoring Free Media and promote Fake News actively. Facebook is too small and too unimportant for us to bite this action and allow their censorship of our material.
Social Media comes and social media goes (remember MySpace & Yahoo), but IPC stays!
We have been fighting Media censorship for decades, starting from AOL and Yahoo decades ago. We will be damned if we allow Facebook to order us around and censor us. Facebook is too small of a liberal shack to block freedom of speech.
Stay tune for our final decision.
IPC Office