Iranian TVs Fake News: Creation, Process and Distribution!Iranian TVs Fake News: Creation, Process and Distribution!Ahreeman XAugust 4, 2020
Primarily, I would like to thank all of you for your comments, compliments and opinions.
Second, I want to dig a little deep in to an aspect of the Iranian Disease which is the
creation of Fake News via
Conspiracy Theories.
The Iranian Disease! Chapters 1, 2 & 3 ... /index.htmThe Iranian Disease! Chapter 4 ... /index.htmConspiracy Theory, Persian Style! ... /index.htmIranian TVs are the most unreliable sources of the news. They truly have no idea about the Iranian politics, activism and events. They bring a group of so-called experts, writers, journalists and politicians to inform them and the public about the current events.
These experts know as much as the experts who run the IRI. In Iran, you have the “
Assembly of the Experts” and in Los Angeles and London, we also have an “
Assembly of Experts” but the
exiled type! They are
career Exilists!
These “
Assembly of Experts”, the same as their brothers in Iran, are a group of Guspand (sheep) who know as much of Gav (cows), yet they claim that they are the news source! So, these experts informing these Iranian TVs is like the blind leading the blind! Together, they inform or shall we say misinform the public! And then you wonder why the public is so misinformed about the true news and politics!
My friends, allow me to inform you that “Opinions” are similar to “Ass Holes” and everyone got one. These experts are no exceptions! Every single one of these experts got their own agenda.
Example of Jamshid SharmahdIn this case, of course the man was over exaggerative (khali band) and imaginative (same as Fouladvand); however, the man is still the leader of an organization amongst the Iranian opposition. He had his methods (right or wrong) which we can agree on or disagree on, but these experts change the complete truth and twist it in to their own narrative. They change the times and places of the events. Some even dispute the occurrence of the events and some give credit to IRI for the events. In other words, they create a new narrative and talking point. They create their own reality and news!
These Gusaleh (Calves) and Guspandan (Sheep) assume that the people are fools; therefore, they twist the complete story in to this format:
Iranian TVs NarrativesUnoJamshid Sharmahd was only a Talk Show Host who reflected the opinions of the listeners from Iran and abroad. Everything done, all political missions, all attacks, all terrors, all political organizations and all the events were done by the people in Iran who planned and executed the events on their own. Jamshid Sharmahd was only a journalist. He did not plan or plot anything.
DosIn addition, IRI Mullahs sit around and create all of these stories. They created the story of all of these missions, explosions, terrorist attacks and events and then the Mullahs created Tondar and the Tondar website. Next the Mullahs accused Jamshid Sharmahd of leading the Tondar!
TresAPI is a myth and Tondar is really an operation which Fouladvand forced a group of families to sit in the plane in Brussels and not to evacuate to attract publicity. There is no such thing as Tondar Freedom Fighting operations and group as the Militant wing of the API.
CuatroSo, basically API is a myth, Tondar is a hoax, Sharmahd was a Khali Band innocent talk show host, all the people executed in Iran were innocent, Mullahs created the whole thing, Mullahs created Tondar, Mullahs created Tondar’s site, Mullahs done all of this to then arrest Sharmahd and get credit for arresting a great terrorist!
CincoBy claiming such bizarre narration, these experts destroy Sharmahd’s reputation as an opposition activist, destroy the history of API, deny the existence of Tondar, discredit members of Tondar and martyrs of Tondar and expand the power of IRI.
SeisEvery one of these experts has an agenda of his own. They take from Sharmahd and give to themselves! They belittle Sharmahd and make themselves larger than life!
SieteBaba jan, the man is not dead yet, he is still alive and in Iran. API and Tondar are also well and alive and they surely exist. Everything said was also done and executed in Iran. Maybe somewhat exaggerated but still executed by Tondar and API.
OchoJamshid Sharmahd’s life story lies in API and Tondar and yes he was the leader of API and Tondar. Why destroy his life story? Why do you people twist the whole story? Why are you guys kick someone who is already down? Why do you deny him credit for decades of fighting IRI? If some of you want to save him from death and prison, still this is not the way to trash his legacy!
NueveIranian TVs are doing a disservice to the public by creating the news out of their rectums, creating the fake news, process it and distribute it. Iranian TVs already have a bad reputation, they don’t need to make the bad, worse!
DiezIt is all “Kos O She’r” (Pussy Poetry) and Bull Shiite, typical Iranian fabricated Bang and Bologna stories by the Iranian Media and Iranian TVs. As usual, the Iranian Media both the internal and external are working as Sulfat Do -Sud to give people the runs and diarrhea!
End of the StoryGood or bad, right or wrong, Jamshid Sharmahd and Foroud Fouladvand were and are opposition organization leaders with their own style, methods and operations. You may agree or disagree with them but by pilling up much lies, kos o she’r and bang and bologna, you change their life stories, ruin their reputation, take away from what they have done, belittle them and trash their legacy. Some of you may think that you are saving their lives by lying but Mullahs in Iran know the whole truth and are not idiots!
Most of you in the media are doing this to belittle them and make yourselves larger than life. The reality is that all of you are little piss ants. So-called Media lords, writers, journalists and experts are a bunch of shallow, vicious, Bull Shiiter and Kos Kalak Baz!
Personally, I was the greatest critic of both Fouladvand and Sharmahd but this is my personal disagreement with their policies and methods. My critics are valid and I state them with evidence and logic; however, I do not go around and discredit them, their life worth and I certainly do not deny them their truth. I do not create an alternative reality, narrative and talking point and then sell it to the public as news!
Basically, what all of you are doing is to make the public to furthermore believe that yes, it is all true that the Iranian Mainstream Media and TVs are all Bull Shiite, Fake News and each with their own agenda. By creating fake news, you:
A) Disservice the public and depriving them of the real news.
B) Disservice yourselves and branding yourselves as Fake NewsSo, as I have always stated:
Iranian Media Mafia is all Nonsense.
Allow me to close with a quote from myself:
“Our problem is not education and culture but our problem is morality. Iranians are the most educated, well-schooled and cultural people on earth but our people are the most immoral people on earth!”(Ahreeman X)
Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes ... /index.htmsolution?
Moral Revolution: The Alternative Tactic ... /index.htmWe must first change ourselves before we change the others and the society.
In hope for better days
Dr. X