Pan Iranism and Islam (Pan Arabism)!

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Pan Iranism and Islam (Pan Arabism)!

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:46 pm

Pan Iranism and Islam (Pan Arabism)!
March 10, 2006


I had a discussion with a few friends inside & outside Iran, about this issue. I am going to share parts of what I have told them, with you.

Pan Movements (Panism Political Ideologies)

Pan movements are about unification of a group of people with elements of a united race, culture, language, religion, history or all the mentioned elements, to expand their power influence, land mass & cultural effects.

For instance Pan Iranist Movement's motto has been:

"Iranian Plateau under one flag."

Definition of Pan Iranism

Pan Iranism = Expansion of Iran via unification of All Iranian people & nations including but not limited to: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kurdistan of Iraq, Baluchistan of Pakistan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Ossetia of Russia, etc.

Note that Persia & Persian are latin terms for Iran & Iranian.

Iranian Characteristics

Iranian people have similar characteristics of:
Race: Aryan
Culture: Aryan (Persian, Median, Parthian, etc.)
Language: Persian (other similar Iranian-Aryan Languages)
History: 8000 years of Persian Civilization (Kingdom, Empire, etc.)
Religion: Zoroastrianism & other Persian philosophies such as Ancient Persian Multi Thesis, Mithraism, Vedaiism, Maniism, Mazdakism, Babism & Bahaism.

For more information, read:

A vision for Iran of tomorrow (Nationalism)

Definition of Pan Arabism

Pan Arabism = Expansion of Arab Nation via unification of All Arab countries via tool of Islam as a primary step. The secondary step will be revival & recreation of the Islamic Empire.

Arab Characteristics

Arab people have similar characteristics of:
Race: Hemitic (Hemites) branch of "Semitic (Jews) & Hemitic (Arab) Race"
Culture: Islamic
Language: Arabic
History: Arabo_Islamic history
Religion: Islam

Pan Iranist Party

This is the URL for Pan Iranist Party of Iran:

Pan Iranist Party

Pan Iranist Party of Iran has a long history going decades back to the golden age of Iranian political parties in 40s & 50s when:

SUMKA (National Socialist)
Tudeh (Communist)
Jebhe Meli [Iran National Front] (Liberal Democratic)
and later on
Pan Iranist (Nationalist)

Ruled the political spectrum of Iran.

Basically Pan Iranist Party represented the Nationalist point of view.

The movement was led via Mohsen Pezeshkpour & Dr. Mohamad Reza Ameli Tehrani.

Dariush Forouhar

Later on in 1970's the leadership of Pan Iranist changed. In my opinion, Jebhe Meli hijacked the Pan Iranist Party! Dariush Forouhar practically became the head of Pan Iranist Party. Pan Iranist doctrine, moved from "Nationalism" to "Social Democratic" & "Liberal Democratic" agendas of Jebhe Meli!

Eventually, Pan Iranist Party became yet another satellite (Side Kick) of Jebhe Meli. As we know, Jebhe Meli has/had many satellite organizations including but not limited to:

Pan Iranist Party
Marze Por Gohar Party (Ruzbeh Farahanipour)
Nehzat Azadi Iran (Ebrahim Yazdi)
Jebhe Etehade Meli
Jebhe Meli in Sweden
Jebhe Meli in Washington
and many more ............

Jebhe Meli acts as an octopus with many tentacles, which poses as various different organizations.

However, during & after the Islamic Reaction of 1979, once Forouhar left the Pan Iranist Party, he created this organization:

Iran Nation Party (INP)

Also, once Forouhar left Pan Iranist Party, the party started to go back to its original doctrine, which was indeed based on "Nationalism". Today, Pan Iranist Party has more or less Cleansed itself from Forouhar & Jebhe Meli!

Also Marze Por Gohar Party (Ruzbeh Farahanipour), changed its views and obviously seized acting as a satellite of Jebhe Meli. Now they have their own identity.

As of now, we (IPC Operations) do communicate with both Pan Iranist Party & Marze Por Gohar Party, which in the past we could not do such, due to their affiliations with Jebhe Meli.

IPC Operations supports & works with All Iranian Opposition Parties & Organizations, except those who have a history of flirtations with Islamic Republic of Iran. Those who play the Cat & Mouse games, those whom their internal (inside Iran) organizations works with IRI as reformists, yet their external (outside Iran) organizations, remains happy with as little as releasing scattered Anti Regime announcements in their sites, & slapping IRI on the hand, saying: Bad Bad Mullahs!

Whores of Opposition

These organizations have no clear constitution, policy or program about the Islamist Regime!

Opportunist Organizations such as:

Jebhe Meli Iran
Hezbe Tudeh
Fedayian Aksariyat
Nehzate Azadi Iran

have a long history of selling their souls, along with Iran, to the Islamists. The complete leadership of Jebhe Meli & their satellite orgs. such as: Sanjabi, Bazargan, Forouhar, Amir Entezam, Yazdi, Boroumand, etc. were directly responsible for the 1979 Islamic Reaction of Iran. Later on Sanjabi, Forouhar, Amir Entezam, etc. became cabinet ministers to the cabinet of Bazargan, serving Imam Khomeini & Islamic Republic of Iran.

In other words, leadership of Jebhe Meli sold Iran for position, power & dollar! Instead of sticking with Dr. Shapour Bakhtiar (The final hope for saving Iran), they went & kissed Khomeini, their Imam, on both cheeks & handed him the deed to Iran! They betrayed Bakhtiar & Iran both!

Now the question remains, Does getting imprisoned (Amir Entezam) or getting assassinated (Forouhar), gives them justification (Haqqaniyyat) for their past political betrayals? If so, then all the betrayals of Hezbe Tudeh (Kianuri, Eskandari, Tabari), Jebhe Meli, Fadayian Aksariyat, Nehzat Azadi (Ebrahim Yazdi) & etc. can also be justified! Every single one of these groups sold Iran to Khomeini & Islamists. Every single one of these groups helped the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran. After Islamists took control, then step by step, they killed & jailed every single one of these groups & their leaders. So in a way, The Revolution killed his own children! The children got what they deserved!

Jebhe Meli also had a history & has a history of Nationalist Islamism (Meli Mazhabi)! It all started with Mosadeq all the way to Bazargan & Yazdi! Go to Mosadeq's memorial & you will see a picture of Ali (The 4th Arab Caliphate of Rashedin) on the wall!

Now, INP follows the path of Forouhar:

Iran Nation Party (INP)

And Jebhe Meli as always is on top of the list of Iranian Opportunist Organizations seeking to make a Deal with anyone to share power, may it be Monarchists, Islamists, Communists, or any other group! A Jebhei would sell his mother to you for $ 5.

Pan Iranism Website

Now let's talk about this:

Pan Iranism Website

This website, has nothing to do with the Iranian Pan Iranist Party. For more information, read:

Pan Iranist Supra Parliament

This is a website owned & made by a number of Kurd, Afghan & Tajik Muslim Nationalists. This website is not even an Iranian website. These people are promoting Pan Iranism, yet they are Muslim! The fundamental of Islam is based on Pan Arabism! The sole enemy of Pan Iranism is Pan Arabism, yet these people promote Pan Iranism & Islam both!

This is same as becoming a "Black Panther-Ku Klux Klan"! It is humorous, morely an abomination! Islam is not just another religion, yet a dangerous political ideology which promotes Pan Arabism! In Islam, there is no separation of Church & State, yet everything including State, Judicial, Legislative, Executive, Social Patterns, Dress Codes & every other aspects of the society is part of the Church (Mosque). Religion rules the Islamic Society. Islam is not just a religion, but a way of life, a government type which controls every aspect of the society.

On top of it all, moderator & admin of this website deleted our post & censored us, Islamic style! If you can't tolerate other's voice, how will you establish democracy in the reign? What are you afraid of? Is Islam taboo & no one is allowed to talk about it?

I got news for you. The wind of change & democracy is coming & it will blow away the whole region & its Islamic Mentality. Middle East & Near East will commit to a renaissance & must Evolve or be doomed to self-destruction, Terrorism & further religious ignorance than already has!

This is all set aside that Islam had destroyed Iran in two separate occasions, once on 651 AD & once on 1979 AD. To be a Pan Iranist and a Muslim, both is simply not possible. It is an Oxy Moron. Only a clearly confused person might claim he is a Pan Iranist Muslim. Only a person absolutely illiterate to history of Iran, Iranian Plateau & Iranian people would be a Muslim Pan Iranist!

This complete website "Pan Iranism" is a contradiction in contradiction! It is Blind leading the Blind, & obviously they will both fall in the same Well where the Imaginary Mahdi (Shiite 12th Imam) had disappeared in it!

The owner & operators of this site, need to primarily educate themselves to the definition of Pan Iranism, history of expansion of Islam via sheer force, destruction of Pan Iranism & Iranian Culture by Islam, & the definition of Islam which is basically another term for Pan Arabism! After they educate themselves, then they can come & create a website & hopefully, this one will not be another "Bang O Salavat" cheesy site for the Dazed & Confused!

You cannot identify with Islam, when Islam is the very reason for annihilation of the Iranian Culture! How can you worship a religion, which enslaved your people? Which is trying to destroy your culture?

Types of Muslim

Either you are promoting Pan Iranism or Cultural Ignorance Mixed with Historical Ignorance, which is it?

Kurds, Afghans & Tajiks are our Iranian brothers & sisters, but @ some point of their lives, they need to educate themselves & decide between:

Iran or Islam?

You cannot have both! Because one is the enemy of the other! In an Iranian nation, for one to survive, the other must die, simple as that.

to be a Pan Iranist Muslim is as cockamamie as to claiming that you are a Nazi-Zionist! This is pure confusion; furthermore, laughable!

All Iranians need to eventually make up their minds & answer the question of Iran or Islam? Why?

Because roots of all your problems, your divisions, your backward societies, your misfortunes, your corrupt regimes, your corrupt societies, your regional disasters, your ignorance, your tragedy of economies & The Fall of The Persian Empire is Islam.

Islam is everything that a Pan Iranist must fight against!

Islam = Pan Arabism

And Pan Arabism is the key for destruction of Iran & Iranians, including All Iranian People (Afghans, Tajiks, Kurds, etc.)

When the whole civilized world is @ war with Islam, then why are you clinging to Islam rather than your own Iranian Culture? Have you no identity? Have you lost your Iranian Identity?

Face Reality or face:

The Fall of The Western Civilization by Islam!

Our Mission

We are fighting Islamic Republic of Iran, a regime based on Islam; furthermore, True Islam in practice. To fight the regime, we must attack the heart of this regime. The heart of this regime is Islam. Primarily we must end the reign of Islam in Iran, clean our own house & only then create The Persian Union to return all our past states (Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kurdistan, Turkmenistan, etc.) back to motherland. The third step would be the revival of The Persian Empire.

But how can we clean our house from AIOG (Arabo_Islamic Occupational_Government), when confused & historically illiterate Iranians are @ the same time, to promote Islam & Pan Iranism both?!

The Melting Pot Syndrome
(Ashe Shole Qalamkar)!

You cannot mix & match ideologies as you go by! This is not The Melting Pot Syndrome (Ashe Shole Qalamkar)! You cannot get rid of the Islamic Regime, but cherrish Islam! Because an Islamic Democracy is a myth! Islam knows no democracy! Since the begining of Islam, first Mohammed ruled the Islamic nation by sword, then Caliphates of Rashedin (Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali), then Abbasid, Omavid & all the way to Taliban, Khomeini, & Khamenei. Islam is a Theocratic Dictatorship, it has always been that way, from Mohammed all the way to Khamenei. Islam was spread by pure force & sword. Why don't you wake up & smell the Reality?

We are fighting for survival of our Iranian Culture, are you with us or against us?

Make up your minds:

Are you Arab Worshipers or Iranian?

Always remember:

"Many are schooled, yet only a few are truly educated!"

I hope I have clarified the whole concept of Pan Iranism for All.

More power to All Freedom Fighters of Iran

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Postby Xerxes » Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:36 am

The post is really funny actually, especially the comments on, I would love to know where you get your ideas from about the owners of the website, so as a moderator on the site I would know too! the owner as far as I know, is Persian, and so am I and so is the other moderator. Website has never preached about Islam or any other religion. Nor has the website ever claim to have any associates with the 'pan-iranist' party of Iran. For your information, Pan-Iranism ideology does not hold a copyright. You can come and criticise but publishing fake facts about it shows how insecure you feel about it.

Now on the other matters. You guys seems to have a misunderstanding of the Iranian revolution. Bazargan was against the Islamic regime, thats why Khomeini took him out of power, he and all his cabinets and ministers including Forouhar.

The aim of revolution was to take Shah out of power. Shah was a dictator, and a revolution was necessary. When Bazargan came in to power in the temporary government (Iran's interim government), he opposed to the cleric rule, same with Banisadr who came after him, both were took out of their power and imprisoned or sent to exile by Mullahs. You call this political fight for Iranians to have freedom and not be ruled by Mullahs, political betrayals?!

Misunderstanding this important part of the Iranian politics is dangerous, I advise you to educate yourselves.

The Pan-Iranist party was FOUNDED by Mohsen Pezeshkpour and Dariush Forouhar, Tehrani also co-founded it, but he was murdered by the clerics straight after the revolution. Pezeshkpour ran away for his life.

Pezeshkpour was inactive for so long which led to the party being pretty dead, they never did anything really. Then your beloved Pezeshkpour wrote a 'ghalat kardam' letter to Khamenei to let him back in Iran, which was accepted. I heard the poor guy was also arrested recently for his activities, same with Mr. Seif from Hezbe-mellat.

However unlike your beloved Pan Iranists who ran away for their lives, and only came back begging to Mullahs, Forouhar (R.I.P) stayed and stayed active until he was murdered because of his activities and beliefs against the republic. You want to call that betrayal, you are the one betraying Iranians by your false propaganda.

Go kiss the feet of these obsecure parties who never did anything and now you claim that just because they didn't do anything and only have a 'policy' against the regime, it gives you the right to kiss their feet and hands. Good for you.
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Postby Qambujiye » Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:14 pm


You are a Hot Head with too much Mixed feelings.

You have a lot to learn and you are far from understanding who is your friend and who is your enemy or who lied and deceived you and Iran, and who served and is serving Iran.

Biani is a confused illiterate German Muslim who identifies with Islam and follows role models as Khomeini, Rafsanjani, and Ahmadinejad. He is torn between Pan Iranism and Islam. He glorifies Islamic Republic of Iran. Biani is a Wanna Be Iranian. He may think he is Iranian and he may call himself Persian, but then, so do Afghans, Iraqi Kurds and Tajiks! To think of it, Afghans, Iraqi Kurds and Tajiks are Persian, but Biani is not! Biani can only identify with Iran in his mind!

As Ahreeman wrote, same goes for rest of the Blind (operators) leading the blind (readers) of your Pan Arabism Forum. Selling false information to uninformed people doesn't make your friends Nationalists.

That would leave us with you. What about you? One minute you cheer for Ahreeman and IPC (take a look at your posts over there), then one minute you trash Ahreeman and IPC. Xerxes, you can try as hard as you want, but you can never change the history of Forouhar and Jebhe Melli's crimes. So what about you? Are you Iranian? Don't be so sure!

You hang with a few lost and confused Muslim Germans, Afghans, Kurds and Tajiks who think they are Iranian Pan Iranists! They don't even know where Iran is or what it looks like! They have lost their Iranian identity. So if it looks like a Tazi, speaks like a Tazi, promotes Pan Tazi, worships Pan Tazi, writes like a Tazi, talks like a Tazi and acts like a Tazi, then hey boy, he might as well be a Tazi!

Xerxes, don't be so sure, you are Iranian! Your name is Iranian, but are you? Its really a shame where some of our young generation are going! Like Forouhar, don't sell yourself and Iran too cheap. Grow up, before it gets too late.

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Postby Shahrzad BB » Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:26 pm

Biani Pashimani :D

Biani is a fool, he had a few screen names. I used to read his silly posts in couple other forums. Are you telling me, now he is a guru? Dude is a psycho. Pan Iranist, are you guys pulling my leg or are you serious? He is a mental patient! Biani is a mozdoor, an immature young German Islamist. Originally he is an Afghan refugee. Before this silly Pan Iranist Forum, he used to post in a few other Iranian forums. He can't read or write proper Parsi or English. Biani is not an Iranian name. It is an Afghani name. He pretends he is Iranian. His father is an Afghan refugee to Iran who lived in Iran, then migrated to Germany. Biani has no clue about Iran or Iranians. All he knows about Iran, is the Islamist Regime. Before this Pan Iranist forum, he used to be an extreme defender of IRI in other forums. I think his father was an Afghan mercenary at service of Islamic Republic, maybe a pasdar or something. This Biani guy is a fanatic Islamist and very uneducated. He was the laughing stock for his goofs in two Iranian forums. He is very unstable and paranoid.

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Postby Xerxes » Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:23 am

Qambujiye wrote:Xerxes:

You are a Hot Head with too much Mixed feelings.

You have a lot to learn and you are far from understanding who is your friend and who is your enemy or who lied and deceived you and Iran, and who served and is serving Iran.

Haha. Yes, if you want to teach me something do so, don't just talk about it.

As I said before, I am open to criticisms - do teach me, you claim to be older and wiser. However sadly all you seem to show is hatred toward Islam.

I am a BIG critic of Islam - however I think we should pass this point. I think everyone knows about the problem with Islam. But we should move on.

You see, Mr. Ahreeman here, I do respect him for his efforts but I crticised this post and he has not even replied - I would love to know what he says on the topic.


Perhaps if you 'older generation' would be able to answer a crticism instead of just nagging about how much you hate Islam. Move on people, we got that point!

Biani is a naughty naughty lil boy who likes Islam. We get it. Move on!

Open your eyes, yes! Are you proud of the Persian culture and poetry? are you proud of Hafez, Rumi, Saadi and Attar? No? I am not going to argue about the amazing Perso-Sufi part of our culture. No. I am just going to leave you to think about it.

Stop being little children crying over a young man. Biani is a muslim? Yes, we get it. Move on.

Biani is a confused illiterate German Muslim who identifies with Islam and follows role models as Khomeini, Rafsanjani, and Ahmadinejad. He is torn between Pan Iranism and Islam.

Sure, he has chosen a wrong and laughable path to be a pan-Iranist, I have no problem with what you are saying.

However he is against Khomeini, Rafsanjani and Ahmadinejad. So what exactly don't you understand about this simple fact?

He glorifies Islamic Republic of Iran.

You shouldn't drink alcohol before trying to teach a young man about things you have to say, father.

Biani is a Wanna Be Iranian. He may think he is Iranian and he may call himself Persian, but then, so do Afghans, Iraqi Kurds and Tajiks! To think of it, Afghans, Iraqi Kurds and Tajiks are Persian, but Biani is not! Biani can only identify with Iran in his mind!

Well, so far I have not read anything beside your hate toward him. Which has given you a confused picture of him. I am not going to defend him about his religion. It has nothing to do with me.

As Ahreeman wrote, same goes for rest of the Blind (operators) leading the blind (readers) of your Pan Arabism Forum. Selling false information to uninformed people doesn't make your friends Nationalists.

The word sheep goes with you too my friend. You are the blind readers who had absolutely no comment on my criticism of the post, yet all you took on board was the hatred toward a poor muslim. So much for you older generation who did fuck all to help Iran zamin.

That would leave us with you. What about you? One minute you cheer for Ahreeman and IPC (take a look at your posts over there), then one minute you trash Ahreeman and IPC. Xerxes, you can try as hard as you want, but you can never change the history of Forouhar and Jebhe Melli's crimes. So what about you? Are you Iranian? Don't be so sure!

I cheer for Ahreeman's efforts - but who are YOU exactly to say anything?
I gave a constructure comment above and all you had to say was what?

"Oh Biani is not iranian :(:( oh no he is a muslim, he loves muslim guys"

Yes, I am Iranian. No, I am not a sheep. If you have something to say to me, say it to me. If you had ANY arguments about Forouhar, you would have said it. Sadly, you don't. So I am not sure why you even bothered to reply here.

Am I Iranian? you bet. This leaves us with you father, who had nothing to say to me, yet thought perhaps you can scare me with your little old 'younger generation' phrase. What have you done exactly for Iran is what I wonder.

You hang with a few lost and confused Muslim Germans, Afghans, Kurds and Tajiks who think they are Iranian Pan Iranists! They don't even know where Iran is or what it looks like! They have lost their Iranian identity. So if it looks like a Tazi, speaks like a Tazi, promotes Pan Tazi, worships Pan Tazi, writes like a Tazi, talks like a Tazi and acts like a Tazi, then hey boy, he might as well be a Tazi!

I don't 'hang' with anyone my friend. Biani is probably the only Muslim on that board. Is that all that pisses you guys off? aww you poor little things!

You hate muslims? aww..! is that why Ahreeman sent an email to me saying he also likes Mojahedeens? He can be abit of a hypocrite. First he says he loves Iranians, then he says he hates muslims. Then he says he supports MKE. Well, I leave you guys to love him up and give him a hug when he is down because he has not replied to me about my criticisms.

Xerxes, don't be so sure, you are Iranian! Your name is Iranian, but are you? Its really a shame where some of our young generation are going! Like Forouhar, don't sell yourself and Iran too cheap. Grow up, before it gets too late.

Yes father, You are right. I am not Iranian, but You are. Because apparently you are a sheep who follows Ahreeman. You see, unlike this board here, I actually have my own mind so I don't go around doubting people's nationality because apparently someone else on the same website is a muslim. You are a very confused old man.

My generation is going fine. We fight for a secular Iran. Sadly YOUR generation have done nothing and the only thing they have is the good old 'age' card. Give me a break. Revolution happened before me. So it was infact YOU who failed us. Now atleast try to be helpful.
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Postby IPC » Wed Mar 15, 2006 7:35 am

Dear Xerxes:

"do teach me"

"is that why Ahreeman sent an email to me saying he also likes Mojahedeens?"

In that email, Ahreeman also wrote to you, the first rule of the game and IPC Operations code is:
"Secrecy, Secrecy, and more Secrecy"
You were a prospect to become a member of that operations. Before you became a member, you broke that trust! You have spoken of a private email on a public forum! This is a terrible shame. Can you be trusted?

Let's refresh your selective memory of what was written about mojahedin:

"I may not be keen on Mojahedin, Anjoman Padeshahi and Reza Pahlavi, yet I have to support All three, because IPC Operations supports All Iranian Opposition and All Three are Iranian Opposition."

Rule one: Loose tongs, provide decapitated heads. Secrecy, Secrecy and More Secrecy is the code.
Rule two: Don't have a selective memory when quoting an Operation member, especially Ahreeman.

You are not even an Op. member, but you already broke 2 IPC Operations' Codes of Honor! Codes of Honor, that's what Biani or alike can never teach you, but Ahreeman can. I ask you again, can you be trusted? Would you trust yourself to be a part of a political organization?

"I crticised this post and he has not even replied"

Maybe he is very disappointed in you because he had high hopes for you.

"Revolution happened before me. So it was in fact YOU who failed us. Now at least try to be helpful."

Revolution happened before you, but we were also young teenagers and children in Iran when it happened. Some of us, like Q, Ahreeman and others picked up a fight and did fight the Islamists in Tehran and when everything was lost, they fled. Young teenagers were not responsible for Revolution. On 1978, at the same time, teenagers same age as Q and Ahreeman were sucking on candy in Tehran, not street fighting. You should be thankful for some teenagers like Q and Ahreeman to at least tried to do something.

Young teenagers were not responsible for Revolution, but your Grand Fathers and our Fathers were! Your Jebhe Melli Iran and Dariush Forouhar were. Please don't twist the reality of what happened. Every True Iranian Nationalist knows what happened. If you choose to close your eyes to reality, then it is your choice, remain in darkness.

"I gave a constructure comment above and all you had to say was what?"

Let me give you a constructive reply:

Go and re-read Ahreeman's article but this time, during the reading, put both your eyes and mind in to it. Please don't impose on yourself to have a selective blindness, selective acknowledgement and selective memory about events. Have an open mind to history. Try it!

PS: For an observant Animator and Graphic Designer, you are pretty careless! Fix your avatar and signature, none shows!

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Postby Liberator » Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:58 pm

Dr X-jaan,

I was paying a regular visit to that one site owned by a muslim who is trying to convince people he is a "pan-iranist". Well I came across this post by none other than Khashayar (Xerxes).

I present to you the future PAN-IRANIST's of Iran NOT!!!

Norouz 1385

The roots of this ancient traditional Iranian New Year festival go in to pre-historic times, but it is generally believed that it was originally the Iranian/Aryan pegan religion Zoroastrianism (Zartoshti) which contributed this to the Persian and Iranian culture.

Today it is still recognised as the official New Year festival at the exact moment of astronomical vernal equinox (coming of spring!) in not only Iran but in many countries who were influenced under the Persian Empire. The festival is celebrated and is public holiday in many countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and parts of India.

Even though the festival has been celebrated for perhaps over 3000 years, after the Islamic conquest of Persia, the current Iranian calendar stands at 1384. Tomorrow we go to the year 1385.

So go and celebrate this ancient festival tomorrow, which stands at the high point of the Persian culture which connects much of the Middle East and Central Asia together.

This guy who you were considering to accept as a member of IPC ops! is classfying our ancient Iranian religion as PAGAN! (similar to how the mollah's consider anything Iranian to be PAGAN!) and as if that's not enough he renames the Taazi calendar as "Iranian" in one sentence!!!
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Postby Qambujiye » Fri Mar 24, 2006 7:22 pm


(IPC Office: Traitor Xerxes' full name has been removed and doted at his request.)

I believe to consider ............. (Xerxes) as an IPC Operations candid, was one of the worst moves of your political history. I'm posting this to remind you of it, so you won't make the same mistakes again. Someone must like us up there, because if this deal would've gone through, the results would've been a nightmare. I know Liberator disapproves and I'm sure if Catayoun was here, she would also dissaprove. Next time you could find someone more reliable, mature and politically aware. I don't know if this is a phase but I wish he grows out of it quick because person's value is determined by the company he/she keeps and when the company is a born confused as Biani, who is a step away of psych ward, then I can only wish good luck to Khashayar.

This incident was a good learning experience for all of us.

I almost forgot to post this news. Biani created a new site, this is his new Pan site

I wish Biani best of luck with his new Pan site.

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Postby Emam Kooni » Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:30 am

Well said Q.

Good to see U and the machine gun, again. Good to have U calling the shots when your Mistress Catayoun is away.

Many thanks for your devoted support for this Emam toward IPC operations candidacy.
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Postby Atusa Qajar » Sat Mar 25, 2006 3:26 pm


You are funny! LOL

Who said you are a candidate? Have you candid yourself?Please let me correct you, we have posted to you that "If you would like to join IPC Production Team?", for Anime/Graphics.

No one candid you, we only asked you that how do you feel about it! LOL

When the time comes, and when someone candids you, then we will decide if we can trust you to join the team. To become a candid, doesn't mean you are in! LOL

You have to be approved and every relevant member must give their opinion about you. Every major Operation member, productions member and major web site contributor such as Myself, Qambujiye, Liberator, CR, Prologicam, Admzad, CA, James, LOJ, others .............. and of course Ahreeman. You must be approved.

CR is not Q's mistress. If anything Q and ten others could be CR's mistresses! LOL
Are you shooting for information? That's Ahreeman's style! Have you learned that from Ahreeman? LOL
Sneaky sneaky Emam! LOL

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Postby Emam Kooni » Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:39 am


1- I assure U, your lack of confidence in my leadership, is your lost. After all, we are Iranians, between U and I, can I slip under the table few “TOMANsâ€
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Emam Kooni
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Postby Atusa Qajar » Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:26 am


You are so funny Emam. This Emam sounds like a Con Artist to me! How about you guys? Emam is like a chameleon lizard, changing colors to get votes! He is also cheap and trying to get rid of the left over toomans from the last Iranian trip, so Emam is giving bribe in Tooman! LOL


1- I assure U, your lack of confidence in my leadership, is your lost. After all, we are Iranians, between U and I, can I slip under the table few “TOMANsâ€
I am a Liberated Woman.
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Postby Emam Kooni » Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:30 am

Good to be informed by an insider, AQ.

Worst! It’s more such as joining a Secret International Cult

With Q its sexual favors, have you shown him an inch above your skirt?

Gender skeptics are welcome to reach down the emamic-robe (skirt) and grab the.

But, I am afraid, then, they will require substantial therapy!
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Postby Liberator » Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:05 pm



Feel free to add this word to the IPC dictionary!

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Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:38 pm

Liberator :vik: , Admzad :painter: , LOJ :headnurse: :

I have come to this conclusion:

The reason you do not directly enter your "Creative Terms" to the "IPC Dictionary of Alternative Terms", is because you love the way which I define your terms; therefore, you create the terms, yet you leave them to me to "Define" them!

And that is what we call Harmonizing! :band:

:devil: Volah: ... =3800#3800

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