To All Dearly Beloved Trump Haters!
Do you want to know why Trump propaganda works and not only on 30 % of Americans but on the majority of Americans?!

Trump the Captain steers the American Ship Inauguration Cartoon (Benjamin Garrison)
Trump steers the American ship towards the “Shinning City upon the Hill”!
Direction of the wheel is from Globalism towards MAGA (Making America Great Again)
Before I roll, I need to make a point:
It is funny how liberals want Socialism for America and want to let Muslim Refugees in! They have never actually lived under Socialism and Islam or else they would have not desired this upon America!
Now we can Rock & Roll:
To all Trump haters in all categories including but not limited to:
Liberal Establishment
GOP Establishment
Big Government Enthusiasts
Corporate Media Establishment
Hollywood Establishment
Academic Establishment
Wall Street Establishment
International Global Corporate Establishment
George Soros Empire (MoveOn.Org, Black Lives Matter, etc.)
And 1001 other liberal or semi liberal beloved folks
2016 Election is over. Trump is the president. He has been in office since Jan 20, 2017. I completely comprehend how hard it is to digest this and cope with the reality because I also suffered for 8 years under Hussein Obama Marxist Islamist Regime in silence!
De Nile AKA Denial is not only a river in Egypt but it is also a liberal state of mind! Get out of this state and accept the reality. Eventually all of these riots, protests, congressional derailing, media slander, sabotage, leaking national security, crimes and lies which never have seen before in the history of America at this extent, will end and Trump will still be there!
Hussein Obama, the Muslim leader of resistance can remain in DC, run a shadow government to sabotage Trump Administration until Hell freezes over, Hollywood can bash and trash forever, Media can spew Fake News until next Ice Age, Academics can throw tantrum and block freedom of speech in universities for another few years like they have done for many decades and all and all can riot and burn public and private property until next eclipse but at the end of the day, all these good folks will end up in their Safe Space licking their wounds, holding hands and singing Cumbaya! Trump would still be there!
Trump will be president for 8 years and he will do such an awesome job that after 8 years Trump Jr. will be there for another 8 years! Hell, why not making it a monarchy?! So all of you good folks can scream from top of your lungs and sabotage and spew hateful, spiteful, envious insults forever, however, get ready for 16 years of Trumpism. Welcome to the New America!
Now, you can whine, nag, create conspiracy theories, search for Russian connection or missing link but then you can also grasp the reality and come out of your Bubbles detached from the reality and the average American Joe and Jane! Face the reality because the sooner you face it, the sooner the pain will be over and you can digest Trump and Trumpism!
Bells are ringing, light bulb is showing, fact is unveiling, Ding Dong, Ding Dong, are you ready for Reality? Let’s roll:
After decades of government corruption, media corruption, both party corruption, and one big happy corrupt global corporate corruption and their cronies in DC, a Revolution occurred!
A National Populist Revolution had occurred. American People created a Movement. They said enough is enough and we want to put an end to the DC Swamp. After Brexit came Trexit!
Movement won, Leader of the Movement became president. Yes, majority voted for him and I am excluding the millions of Dead People, Double State Voters and Illegal Aliens who voted for the Corrupt Witch!
After decades and since Reagan, for the first time America is:
Government of People by the People and for the People
The Liberal, GOP, Media, Wall Street, Global Corporations and their paid protestors are angry because they are losing power and power is slipping away from their grips!
What can I say?
National Populist Revolution has established. Welcome to New America! Digest it! The sooner you do, the less suffering you will do!
Now, I have been a revolutionary since teen years. It is 38 + years that I am with Iranian opposition fighting with IRI AKA Islamic Republic of Iran, major sponsor of the Islamist Terrorism in the globe. I also publish the largest Iranian Website in English online.
As an American Patriot and a Persian Nationalist, In 2015 I told myself that on 1979, I have already lost one country to Islam and Muslims; therefore, I am not planning to lose another one! That is why I endorsed Trump, campaigned hard and supported hard to get him elected.
Regime Change in Iran Requires Regime Change in America. One Down, One to go!
With American Muslim President Obama who betrayed the Iranian Opposition and flirted with the Mullahs, a Free Iran was not possible; with Trump it is very much possible!
I do not care about GOP or Liberal Establishment. I really do not know which is worse?
Americans specifically Liberals are extremely naïve and ignorant about the global history and historical threat of Islam. They have no clue about the history of Islam and the danger it poses to the civilized world. Liberals always bend over backward for Muslims and the funny thing is that when Muslims come to power, the first people they kill are the liberals and leftists who helped them to gain power! This happened in Iran, it is pretty close in Europe and it almost happened in America during the first Muslim presidency of Hussein Obama!
Do you want to stop the ignorant rants and raves and know historically, philosophically, economically and culturally, why Trump came to power and why he will succeed and why there will be at least 8 years of Trumpism?
Please educate yourselves:
Islam Contradicts Democracy and US Constitution ... /index.htm
Liberal Groupthink but Cultural Diversity! ... /index.htm
Obama Shadow Government in Trump Administration ... /index.htm
Welfare States of America: WSA ... /index.htm
Trump National Populist Revolution ... /index.htm
Ahreeman X Endorses Donald Trump for President ... /index.htm
Iran Online Library Index
Islam Index
Iran Politics Club
And please stop comparing Trump to Hitler because it is getting old and boring, so please find a new line, will ya?!
Many are Schooled, yet only a few are truly Educated!
And there is your prayer …
Loves and kisses
Ahreeman X