Why Trump Propaganda Works?

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Why Trump Propaganda Works?

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:49 am

Why Trump Propaganda Works?
To All Dearly Beloved Trump Haters!

Do you want to know why Trump propaganda works and not only on 30 % of Americans but on the majority of Americans?!

Trump the Captain steers the American Ship Inauguration Cartoon (Benjamin Garrison)
Trump steers the American ship towards the “Shinning City upon the Hill”!
Direction of the wheel is from Globalism towards MAGA (Making America Great Again)

Before I roll, I need to make a point:

It is funny how liberals want Socialism for America and want to let Muslim Refugees in! They have never actually lived under Socialism and Islam or else they would have not desired this upon America!

Now we can Rock & Roll:

To all Trump haters in all categories including but not limited to:

Liberal Establishment
GOP Establishment
Big Government Enthusiasts
Corporate Media Establishment
Hollywood Establishment
Academic Establishment
Wall Street Establishment
International Global Corporate Establishment
George Soros Empire (MoveOn.Org, Black Lives Matter, etc.)
And 1001 other liberal or semi liberal beloved folks

2016 Election is over. Trump is the president. He has been in office since Jan 20, 2017. I completely comprehend how hard it is to digest this and cope with the reality because I also suffered for 8 years under Hussein Obama Marxist Islamist Regime in silence!

De Nile AKA Denial is not only a river in Egypt but it is also a liberal state of mind! Get out of this state and accept the reality. Eventually all of these riots, protests, congressional derailing, media slander, sabotage, leaking national security, crimes and lies which never have seen before in the history of America at this extent, will end and Trump will still be there!

Hussein Obama, the Muslim leader of resistance can remain in DC, run a shadow government to sabotage Trump Administration until Hell freezes over, Hollywood can bash and trash forever, Media can spew Fake News until next Ice Age, Academics can throw tantrum and block freedom of speech in universities for another few years like they have done for many decades and all and all can riot and burn public and private property until next eclipse but at the end of the day, all these good folks will end up in their Safe Space licking their wounds, holding hands and singing Cumbaya! Trump would still be there!

Trump will be president for 8 years and he will do such an awesome job that after 8 years Trump Jr. will be there for another 8 years! Hell, why not making it a monarchy?! So all of you good folks can scream from top of your lungs and sabotage and spew hateful, spiteful, envious insults forever, however, get ready for 16 years of Trumpism. Welcome to the New America!

Now, you can whine, nag, create conspiracy theories, search for Russian connection or missing link but then you can also grasp the reality and come out of your Bubbles detached from the reality and the average American Joe and Jane! Face the reality because the sooner you face it, the sooner the pain will be over and you can digest Trump and Trumpism!

Bells are ringing, light bulb is showing, fact is unveiling, Ding Dong, Ding Dong, are you ready for Reality? Let’s roll:

After decades of government corruption, media corruption, both party corruption, and one big happy corrupt global corporate corruption and their cronies in DC, a Revolution occurred!

A National Populist Revolution had occurred. American People created a Movement. They said enough is enough and we want to put an end to the DC Swamp. After Brexit came Trexit!

Movement won, Leader of the Movement became president. Yes, majority voted for him and I am excluding the millions of Dead People, Double State Voters and Illegal Aliens who voted for the Corrupt Witch!

After decades and since Reagan, for the first time America is:

Government of People by the People and for the People

The Liberal, GOP, Media, Wall Street, Global Corporations and their paid protestors are angry because they are losing power and power is slipping away from their grips!

What can I say?

National Populist Revolution has established. Welcome to New America! Digest it! The sooner you do, the less suffering you will do!

Now, I have been a revolutionary since teen years. It is 38 + years that I am with Iranian opposition fighting with IRI AKA Islamic Republic of Iran, major sponsor of the Islamist Terrorism in the globe. I also publish the largest Iranian Website in English online.

As an American Patriot and a Persian Nationalist, In 2015 I told myself that on 1979, I have already lost one country to Islam and Muslims; therefore, I am not planning to lose another one! That is why I endorsed Trump, campaigned hard and supported hard to get him elected.

Regime Change in Iran Requires Regime Change in America. One Down, One to go!

With American Muslim President Obama who betrayed the Iranian Opposition and flirted with the Mullahs, a Free Iran was not possible; with Trump it is very much possible!

I do not care about GOP or Liberal Establishment. I really do not know which is worse?

Americans specifically Liberals are extremely naïve and ignorant about the global history and historical threat of Islam. They have no clue about the history of Islam and the danger it poses to the civilized world. Liberals always bend over backward for Muslims and the funny thing is that when Muslims come to power, the first people they kill are the liberals and leftists who helped them to gain power! This happened in Iran, it is pretty close in Europe and it almost happened in America during the first Muslim presidency of Hussein Obama!

Do you want to stop the ignorant rants and raves and know historically, philosophically, economically and culturally, why Trump came to power and why he will succeed and why there will be at least 8 years of Trumpism?

Please educate yourselves:

Islam Contradicts Democracy and US Constitution
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/is ... /index.htm

Liberal Groupthink but Cultural Diversity!
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/li ... /index.htm

Obama Shadow Government in Trump Administration
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/sh ... /index.htm

Welfare States of America: WSA

http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/we ... /index.htm

Trump National Populist Revolution
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/tr ... /index.htm

Ahreeman X Endorses Donald Trump for President
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/ah ... /index.htm

Iran Online Library Index

Islam Index

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And please stop comparing Trump to Hitler because it is getting old and boring, so please find a new line, will ya?!

Many are Schooled, yet only a few are truly Educated!

And there is your prayer …


Loves and kisses

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Re: Why Trump Propaganda Works?

Postby CR » Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:24 am

Message from Ahreeman X to Trump


Read a message from Ahreeman to President Trump:


Why Trump Propaganda Works?

Greeting to Donald & Other Friends in Our Movement

Donald I want to emphasize that Iranian Opposition have been with you since the beginning and we support you on the new Refugee Ban and we urge you to go all the way to the Supreme Court if you have to. We also urge you to clean house and get rid of Obama Operatives in all government departments specifically National Security because it seems like it will be War for 8 years! Every step of the way the liberals will sabotage, leak, derail, stall, riot, protest and resist the National Populist Movement and its leader which is you. They are still in denial about the victory of the Workers Movement!

Donald we got your back and we will be there to fight alongside with the internal saboteurs and external enemies such as IRI Islamist Regime of Mullahs every inch of the way.

Read this, you will enjoy it:

Why Trump Propaganda Works?

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Re: Why Trump Propaganda Works?

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:07 pm

Dr. Ahreeman,

Your post. "Why Trump Propaganda Works," was top notch. You presented sound advice for irate people who cannot accept Donald Trump as President of the United States. For the most part, they are the spoiled kids given a free education and the millions of lazy people who prefer to live off the Government. They are too ignorant to realize that President Trump is in office to make their lives better with not only better health care but jobs, jobs, jobs to allow them to gain back their self respect by working for a living and bring up children who are well fed and educated.

It's sad when our colleges and universities have brain-washed our youth whereby they are not able to engage in civil discussions with people who have different points of view. To shut down voices who support President Trump really indicates that hate has infested their minds and they can no longer think objectively and determine what is best for them. To stop freedom of speech is the most stupid way of trying to win any disagreement. It simply means that these people opposing Trump are really stupid or so hateful that they have lost the American dream.

No other country in the world affords people the opportunities that are available for those who have self-respect and willing to work for a living. But again, have educated youth been so indoctrinated in our educational system that they lose respect for their country and the American flag? If so, they will continue to be losers. It's time for them to wake up and like any opposing team that lost to graciously accept the winners. By playing fair and showing respect, one day the losing team will become a winner. But it won't happen if all they are capable of doing is throwing stones and filling their minds with hate that distorts the ability to reason.
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Re: Why Trump Propaganda Works?

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:56 pm

Reality Check for Liberals

We shall not allow 1 Muslim Refugee or 1 Illegal Alien or 1 Hispanic Migrant Worker in to this country until we feed all American hungry children, get jobs for all American unemployed and home all American homeless. Not even 1 unskilled immigrant, legal or illegal should enter United States until we take care of our own people first.

We are not the Mother of the world underprivileged, uneducated and poor.

Multiculturalism kills American Culture

This is not Racism but it is Logic and common sense.

America, love it or leave it.
America First

There is your prayer

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Re: Why Trump Propaganda Works?

Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Apr 23, 2017 6:04 am

Why America is a Democracy?

Some of the good folks on the Liberal Left claim that America is not a democracy because the people do not directly vote for presidency by the popular votes like Europe. Well look at the European Parliamentary Republics where the cabinets and the governments constantly fail and collapse due to lack of the popular vote of confidence in the European parliaments! Then the whole country goes in shambles!

In fact America is the most unique type of democracy because the wise Founding Fathers invented the Electoral College; therefore, every state of the union no matter how small, has a say in the elections or else, New York and Los Angeles would decide the US elections and we know how that goes!

NY and LA loaded with liberals, illegal aliens, dual state voters, convicted felons and dead people who vote would erect Bill de Blasio, Madonna, Pocahontas, Bugs Bunny or better Jerry Brown as the president and then he would bankrupt the nation the same as he bankrupted the richest state of the union California!

Founding Fathers were the most visionary and wise Free Thinkers of the modern era and back then they seen the future of the popular vote! Founding Fathers saved America from NY, LA and becoming yet another bankrupt Socialist nation, European Style!

But I have to hand it to the liberals; they really tried to transform America away from America during the 8 years of Hussein Obama Socialist Islamist Regime! But now the nightmare is over! Thank God for our National Populist Revolution and the Wisdom of the American Hard Workers, the average Joe and the average Jane.

In 100 Days, Trump has done more good than Obama has done in 8 years of destruction. See you in Harrisburg next Weekend where we turned over America by turning Pennsylvania to celebrate the 2016 Revolution of the American People and the 100 days presidency of the Savior of America, The Godsend Donald J Trump.

Making America Practical Again

And there is your prayer


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Re: Why Trump Propaganda Works?

Postby CR » Thu Jun 15, 2017 6:44 pm

Ahreeman X wrote:Reality Check for Liberals

We shall not allow 1 Muslim Refugee or 1 Illegal Alien or 1 Hispanic Migrant Worker in to this country until we feed all American hungry children, get jobs for all American unemployed and home all American homeless. Not even 1 unskilled immigrant, legal or illegal should enter United States until we take care of our own people first.

We are not the Mother of the world underprivileged, uneducated and poor.

Multiculturalism kills American Culture

This is not Racism but it is Logic and common sense.

America, love it or leave it.
America First

There is your prayer


Amen Brother

You said it all, what else can I say? =D>

Liberals, to be precise, Iranian American liberals, to be more precise, Iranian American liberals, as you put it in “La La Land” (LA and Hollywood), out of touch with the average American and Iranian, love to defend the rights of illegal or legal immigrants to US; yet they are absent minded about the rights of the US Citizens already living here!

Let me make it very clear:

No one legal or illegal has the right to come here or to be here. It is not a right to come to US but it is a privilege and honor to come to US. On the contrary, US citizens have the right to live in safety. So no one has any rights to enter US but US citizens have the right to live in safety and demand safety from the US president.

Idiots like Maz Jobrani and other Hollywood elitists living in their bubbles, out of touch with realities, should shove that in their brains!

Look at this short and bald imbecile loser trying to be funny but making an ass of himself in public:

Maz Jobrani - Asking Donald Trump to step down

Then there are super losers who cheer for him!

Message to Iranian American Liberal Elites in Hollywood and LA:

America is not LA and NY; keep your heads under the sand and inside your Hollywood bubble and see where it takes you! You people are out of touch with the average American and average Iranian. You are lucky the Ahreeman does not have time to produce live or studio videos on YouTube or else you would be swallowed alive by the Ahreemanic humor and venom! Don’t worry; I will be encouraging him to put that on his future agenda. For now, we need to update every page of the website to the new format; next, we will plan the future IPC YouTube Chanel to take care of all of these bread crumbs in the Iranian American community like Maz Jobrani and other clowns!

And there’s your prayer

Amen ……

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Re: Why Trump Propaganda Works?

Postby Shahrzad BB » Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:05 pm


Hollywood entertainers don’t understand that they are paid to perform not to lecture people on politics. They should shut their mouth about politics and do what they are paid for, to perform or else they will lose half of their audience who mare conservatives. :yaking:

BB O BB What’s a girl to do with Hollywood self righteous yuppies? :shadesi:

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Maz Jobrani, A Word of Advice for Your Wallet!

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Jun 26, 2017 3:47 pm

Maz Jobrani, A Word of Advice for Your Wallet!


For those who do not know,
Who is Maz Jobrani?









Maz Jobrani:

“This note is for you and in that manner for all Iranian American Hollywood Liberals.”

I want to give you my final advice because I used to be your fan. When you took stand with the rest of your Hollywood Liberal Buddies against the American People and their choice Trump, you started to lose half of your fans whom are conservatives. You may think you are doing great now by bashing Trump and gaining more subscribers on the social media because bashing Trump is the fad of the day; however, in the long run, your decision today, will affect all of your future plans, stand ups, series, movies, book sales, DVD sales, etc.

Whoever cheering you today to speak at Berkley and bash Trump on Late Night Shows and Social Media, is not your friend because this will be an antagonistic conflict with the growth of your wallet. Do you really want to grow your career as a comedian in USA? Do you really want to hit big time? When you line up with Hollywood Liberals against the people’s choice who is Trump, you are alienating at least a third of your fans to half your fans or prospect fans. You are alienating the Iranian opposition to IRI. You are alienating the American Patriots. You are alienating average Joe and Jane of America. Mostly you are committing financial suicide.

Entertainers are here to perform and entertain the people, not to lecture politics to them! What makes you think that people want to hear your politics? Do you really think that the average Iranian Nationalist and American Patriot likes what you have been doing as a so called activist? You have been lining yourself up with NIAC and PAIIA whom are IRI Lobby in USA. Now you are openly bashing Trump, the leader of the 2016 American Revolution who is cleaning up the corrupt swamp of Washington DC. Why do you think people love Trump?

People hate Democrat and Republican Establishments the same as they hate the Hollywood and Media Establishments. It is Trump that they love. Trump is here to destroy the establishment and that is why National Populists such as myself love him. I campaigned for him, I endorsed him and I support him now. Millions of people read what I write on daily basis. These people are Iranian Nationalists and American Patriots. America is not about your neck of the wood, Los Angeles and New York. If your focus is on LA and NY, you will lose the rest of the Iranians and Americans because frankly, you are now standing for IRI Lobby, Hezbollah, Corrupt Liberal Establishment and Liberals in LaLa Land AKA Hollywood.

If you think what you are doing is good for your wallet, career and morality as a decent human being, then by all means continue and see where does that takes you! If for nothing else, at least care about your career and most important about your wallet!

Look at it this way, after 8 years of Trump; he will do such a great job that there will be 8 years of Trump Jr. or Ivanka. By then, Madonna, Johnny Depp, and the rest of the Hollywood drunks, druggies, yuppies, and out of touch millionaires (with the American people) will still whine and mope, and the Anarchists will still burn Berkley and destroy public property but believe me, Trump will still be there, loved by the people and Make America Great Again. Trump is here to destroy the Corrupt System. This includes, Media, Liberals, Republicans, Hollywood, Globalists, Wall Street and the DC Swamp.

You are either on the side of the people or the establishment. Hollywood LaLa Landers are not exactly on the side of the people. NIAC, PAAIA or DNC are not also exactly on the side of the people. So there goes your activist justification down the drain! What’s left for you is your wallet and your career which you are as fast as the speed of light, destroying it. You are committing career suicide. You are on the wrong side of this Revolution and on the wrong side of history.

Please for your own sake, perform and stop hurting your wallet and career because people like me are the real activists and revolutionaries who sacrificed and rallied and fought for one year to achieve and establish the 2016 American National Populist Revolution and bring the head of the Revolution, Trump to power. This is my final words of wisdom to you and I only state them because I used to be your fan. Like me, you will alienate hundreds of thousands of old fans or possible future fans by lecturing your politics. This is of course beside the fact that your politics are all flawed and wasted on the wrong cause! I set time to write you this note and believe me, my time is money and more precious than gold. Obviously I must have cared enough about you to write this for you. Think about what I have told you.


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Re: Why Trump Propaganda Works?

Postby Atusa Qajar » Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:00 pm

You said it like it is.

These Hollywood liberals assume that people care for their politics. These Hollywood singers, actors and performers must recognize that people care for their art, not politics. They open their mouths about politics; they lose half of their fans. Someone must slap them at the back of their necks and bring them to reality. They lived in LaLa Land for too long!


Ahreeman, loved your term “Liberals in LaLa Land”! :lol:

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Linda Sarsour Declares Jihad Against Trump!

Postby Shahrzad BB » Sat Jul 15, 2017 6:31 pm

Linda Sarsour Declares Jihad Against Trump!

Linda Sarsour, Liberal Muslim Activist declares Jihad against Trump! :lachak:

This Muslim bimbo at ISNA (front for Muslim terrorists) gave a speech which was praised by liberals and Muslims (figures) and declared Jihad on Trump and Patriots.

ISNA is a front for Muslim Brotherhood and other Muslim Terrorist Organizations.

Linda Sarsour Declares Jihad
Liberal Muslim Speech at ISNA


Islamic Society of North America

Please send the Muslim Bitch to Palestine so she can fight alongside her brothers and sisters with the Zionists and possibly get martyred to go to the Islamic Heaven, who knows, maybe there will be 72 Arab Dicks waiting for her there!

Garbage like Linda Sarsour bother me. Why are they here? Deport them, flush them down the toilet or dump them in sewer but should any retard have freedom of speech in America?

Listening to Linda Sarsour nonsense is the price we pay to have freedom of speech in America. :hammerhead:

I like the way I changed the title of my post from reply to the topic to what I liked to name my post! :yeees:

BB O BB, what’s a girl to do? :-k


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Dr. Sebastian Gorka Trashed Fake News Media Lies

Postby CR » Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:17 am

Dr. Sebastian Gorka Trashed Fake News Media Lies

Dr. Gorka, Trump’s Adviser gave the Fake News Media,
A taste of Reality!

Trump needs a Pit Bull to take on Fake News Media Lies!
Dr, Gorka is that Pit Bull!

Dr. Gorka with Trump

Dr. Gorka with Trump

Dr. Gorka with Judge Jeanine Pirro

Dr. Gorka with Trump and Hannity



Fake News Agenda

Fake News as a Wing of Democratic Party does not report:

High Creation of Jobs
Good Economy
Low Unemployment
Low Illegal Immigration
Defeating ISIS
So on …

They only scream “Russia Hysteria” which they fabricated in their Fake News Rooms!

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Trump’s adviser, glad to take media flak. World War II bomber pilots liked to say that taking flak proved you had arrived at the target. By any measure, Sebastian Gorka, is in the eye of an unprecedented flak storm from liberal press outlets. The enemy fire proves he must be doing something right. “Look, these attacks are just too predictable,” Dr. Gorka said in an interview. “As they say in the military, ‘You’re only taking flak if you’re over the target.”

For Dr. Gorka, the most revealing aspect of the many column inches devoted to the criticism is that “it’s never truly about our policies or the issues that matter most.”

“It’s always personal, always ad hominem,” he said in an interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “That tells you all you need to know about the other side’s true weakness. They can’t win on the merits of their case, so they ‘play the man, not the ball.’”

Dr. Gorka on CNN, MSNBC & Other Fake News Media
15 minutes of Sebastian Gorka Kicking Liberal Media Butt


Dr. Gorka on FOX Sean Hannity Exposing Fake News
Sebastian Gorka Demolishing Fake News Media


Dr. Gorka on FOX Judge Jeanine Pirro Exposing Fake News Media


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Judge Jeanine Pirro Statement on Fake News Russia Hysteria

Postby CR » Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:20 am

Judge Jeanine Pirro Explosive Statement on Fake News Russia Hysteria

Judge Jeanine Powerful Opening statement

Judge Did It Again!





Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement July 15, 2017
Russia Hysteria and Fake News Media


Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement July 15, 2017
Backup File







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Sean Hannity Warns GOP Senators

Postby CR » Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:03 am

Sean Hannity Warns GOP Senators
Get with the Program or You’re Fired!

Very important and exposing Sean Hannity Program

Do Your Job or be Fired by the American People!






Program deals with:

* GOP Senators Final Warning
* Hillary Clinton 4 Charges
* Fake News Media Updates

Sean Hannity July 18, 2017

Sean Hannity July 18, 2017 – Backup File







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Diamond & Silk: Trump Black Sisters So Funny!

Postby CR » Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:56 pm

Diamond & Silk: Trump Black Sisters
Funny & Crazy Trump Fanatics

New Updates from Trump Black Sisters
Diamond & Silk
Rock the Fake News Media







Diamond & Silk Go Off on House Democrats

Go Off on Maxine Waters & Defending Ben Carson

Girls O Off on McCain Must be Insane in Membrane

Diamond & Silk Not Fake News

Hillary Clinton is Up in the Poles!

Girls Go Off on Rosie O’Donnell

Candidate in the Bowl Goes to … Bill de Blasio

Girls Need a Bigger Bowl!

Diamond & Silk Meet Trump


Diamond & Silk Site

Diamond & Silk YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCug1cL ... oOjXyHjsxQ

Diamond & Silk Twitter

Diamond & Silk Facebook

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Judge Jeanine Pirro on Hillary Clinton's What Happened?

Postby CR » Thu Sep 21, 2017 10:21 am

Judge Jeanine Pirro on Hillary Clinton's What Happened?
Opening Statement

Why Clintons Will Not Go Away?

On Hillary’s New Book, Judge nailed it on the dot!

Hillary Clinton: What Happened?
Judge: I’ll tell you what happened!






Judge Opening Statement

Judge Full Program: Justice


Judge Jeanine Pirro Site

Judge Jeanine Pirro on FOX
http://insider.foxnews.com/show/justice ... ge-jeanine

Judge Jeanine Pirro Wikipedia

Judge Jeanine Pirro Twitter

Judge Jeanine Pirro Facebook




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