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Trump Press Conference NY Exposed Democrats & Media

Postby CR » Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:15 pm

Trump Press Conference NY Exposed Democrats & Media

Trump Plays the Swamp (Democrats, Media & Deep State) like a flute!

Trump Turns Table on Democrats, Media & Deep State Swamp




Democrats, Media & Deep State have already lost 2020 Election
American People have already won the 2020 Election
Trump Destroys Fake News Again

Trump is changing USA and the world by accomplishments
Democrats are fabricating another hoax for impeachment
Media follows Democrats leads 24/7




Trump Turned the Table on Democrats & Media
Trump has been fighting the Democrats, Media & Deep State for 3 years
Trump has been fighting for the American People for 3 years

Trump exposes Lying American Media AKA Fake News
Trump Exposes Democrats New Plot & Hoax: Ukraine Hoax
Trump Drains the Swamp

President Trump's New York Press Conference - VOA

Backup File

President Donald Trump holds press conference – USA Today

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Move ‘Will Backfire on them in 2020’

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019 ... m-in-2020/

Trump National Populist Revolution
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/tr ... /index.htm

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Laura Ingraham Hype & Hyperbole: Ingraham Angle 9/3/19

Postby CR » Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:14 pm

Laura Ingraham Hype and Hyperbole Angle
Ingraham Angle October 3, 2019

Laura Ingraham Nailed the Coffin of the Media
Laura Ingraham Masterful Analysis of the Liberal Lies
Media + Democrats + Deep State = Anti Trump Coup





Ingraham Angle: Hype and Hyperbole

Ingraham Angle FOX

Laura Ingraham Site
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Trump Speech at Young Black Leadership Summit 2019

Postby CR » Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:19 pm

Trump Speech at Young Black Leadership Summit 2019

Blacks are Leaving Liberal Plantation
Blacks with Brains Support Trump

Trump is Taking the Black Vote Out of Liberal Plantation
Black Support for GOP Before Trump was 5 %
Black Support for GOP Now is 35 %

Hardworking Independent Blacks Support Trump
Dependent Negros on Liberal Plantation Support Democrats

Trump Promised and Delivered for Blacks
Lowest Unemployment Rate for Blacks in History
Schools of Choice for Blacks
Safe Neighborhoods for Blacks
Highest Wages for Blacks
This is Only the Beginning for Blacks
Blacks will be Democrat Free








Trump Speech
President Trump remarks at Young Black Leadership Summit 2019


Full Event
Candace Owens Opening
Trump Speech
Trump delivers remarks at the Young Black Leadership Summit 2019


Backup File

Trump Speech at Young Black Leadership Summit 2019

Candace Owens Chanel
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL0u5u ... pe-VC8TY-w

Turning Point USA Chanel

Candace Owens Site











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Turning Point USA 2019 Convention

Postby CR » Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:28 pm

Turning Point USA 2019 Convention

TPUSA 2019 Convention
Best of TPUSA 2019 Speeches

Young Conservatives Convention
Young College Students Convention
Young High School Students Convention

TPUSA Fights Back Liberal Socialist Educational System
TPUSA Wins Back Young Minds to Fight the System
TPUSA Cleans Universities from Democrats’ Marxist Propaganda












Trump Speech Video

Rush Limbaugh Speech Video

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019 ... on-summit/

Alex Marlow Speech
Editor in chief of Breitbart News

https://www.facebook.com/Breitbart/vide ... 651212615/

Video YouTube

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019 ... on-summit/

Don Jr. Speech
Video and Article
Donald Trump Jr. on Bidens Speech at TPUSA 2019

Donald Trump Jr.:
‘If 13-year-old Barron Trump Is Not Off Limits, Hunter Biden Sure as Shiite is Not Off Limits’

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019 ... ff-limits/

Candace Owens Speech at TPUSA

TPUSA YouTube Channel


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Rush Limbaugh Unveils Full Story on Medal of Freedom Award

Postby CR » Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:24 pm

Rush Limbaugh Unveils Full Story of Medal of Freedom Award at SOTU

Rush Tells the Amazing Story
Rush Limbaugh Show Tells the Full Story
Watch & Listen the Marvelous Video









Rush Limbaugh Reveals Amazing Story Behind Trump’s SOTU Invite

Breitbart News

Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative radio icon Rush Limbaugh revealed behind-the-scenes details of President Donald Trump surprising him with an invitation to the State of the Union Tuesday, where he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

A partial transcript is as follows:

At 9 a.m., the phone rings. I’ve got the number in my address book. So it’s the White House. I answered the phone, and they said, “Can you hold for President Trump?”

I said, “Yes.”

“Rush! Rush! How you doing, buddy? Great to hear from you! Hey, look, what are you doing later today?”

I said, “Well, I have a serious medical procedure that’s gonna start — all this — at 5 o’clock.”

“Well, look, what’s the doctor’s name? I want to call him and have him delay it for a couple days ’cause I need you down here tonight.”

I said (chuckles), “Uh… (chuckles) Mr. President, um… I’m stunned.”

He said, “Look, your health comes first; there’s no question. But can’t they just do half of what they’re gonna do and then send you down here? Believe me, you don’t want to miss this. It’s gonna be great. It’s gonna be great. You don’t want to miss this.”

Well, I don’t know what’s up. He told me he wanted me to be his guest at the State of the Union, that he was gonna mention my name, recognize me. I hung up the phone and for the next hour and a half, I agonized — I literally agonized — over what to do. Kathryn and I are both sitting in the hotel room. As time is marching on, we’re faced with the possibility of having to ask an entire medical team to broom their schedule and reschedule to accommodate this.

But we haven’t told ’em yet. We’re discussing the logistics. Now, there’s something else. Earlier that day, I had sent EIB One to take my nieces from New York to Cape Girardeau, and it wasn’t gonna be available to me until 4:30 in the afternoon. So I’m putting that in the equation. I mean, there’s no way to even get there even if I want to, unless we charter. We could do that. But no clothes, no shirt, no tie, no socks, no dress shoes.

An hour and a half later, I called the president back and tried to tell him no. Remember, I don’t know what’s gonna happen. I have no idea. I just… He’s told me, by the way… I should say, he has told me that he’s gonna present me with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, but a couple weeks from now in the Oval Office. I had no idea at this particular time on Tuesday morning that this was gonna happen at the State of the Union, and he didn’t tell me during all these phone calls.

So I called him back around 10:30, intending to be as persuasive as I could, to thank him and just say that there was too much here to overcome to get down there, including the medical schedule. The doctors and everything have been scheduled. This story, if I could tell it — and someday, I’m gonna be able to give you every detail here. But for people that do not know Donald Trump, this story will explain him, his essence, his attitude toward life.

There simply is nothing you can’t do. There’s nothing that can’t be done, and there’s not a single obstacle that can’t be dealt with — and it’s not even hard. It’s not even… He didn’t have to stop and think for a moment about this. Now, granted he’s got presidential power. If he wants to clear us into Reagan National, if he wants to send a car for us and get us from the airport to the White House, he can do all of that — and he did, and he was willing.

But the fact was that this is what he wanted, but not for him, you see? It was for me, and he wasn’t going to let me talk myself out of it. Part of me is not wanting to create any problems for him. I mean, he’s got so many more important things to do than deal with logistics, and I told him. He said, “You think I’m gonna do it? I’ve got people here! What do you mean? I’m gonna call a guy here; in an hour, all this will be done. All you gotta do is find a way to get the clothes.”

So Kathryn… (chuckling) This was amazing too. Kathryn got in gear and (again, without divulging too much), we went and met the doctor. We kept the appointment at noon to discuss what was gonna happen. We signed the papers, get as much of the procedure out of the way as we could, and then tell the doctor, “Hey, I have been summoned to Washington. Can this be moved to tomorrow?”

“Sure! It’s not a problem. In fact, show up at 5:30 tomorrow morning before anybody else gets here. We’ll get it started; we’ll get it rolling.”

I’m jumping ahead, but there was a meeting in the Yellow Oval Room. Teddy Roosevelt loved the Oval Office so much, he had an exact replica built in the residence. It’s yellow, and it’s the same dimensions as the Oval Office in the West Wing. The entire Trump family is there, and the subject of the Democrats’ meltdown in Iowa, in the Hawkeye Cauci, came up. I said, “Mr. President, don’t you find it a little ironic?

It’s the exact same award that Congress gives, the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, it’s the exact same thing. There are different requirements. Military people who qualify are awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor with sometimes a ceremony at the White House. But this is the Presidential Medal of Freedom. And there was a part of me, I’m a radio talk show host, and I sit here behind this microphone and I talk. And this is, by the way, nothing new.

So the way they get everybody over — and I’m truncating this. They’ve got a couple of buses, minivans. They’re very nice. Don’t misunderstand “minivan.” They put all the guests in, and the guests are the tail end of the caravan. It is a massive caravan, more SUVs than I’ve ever seen in a row, and we left the White House about 8:15 to get over there, and they hustle you into the gallery, and you sit down.

I’ve never been in the gallery. Oh, I have in the Senate, never in the House. I have seen the House Chamber from floor level. You’re not allowed to go out there if you’re not a member, and it was pretty full by the time we got there at 8:30, and all the Republicans are just… They’re looking up and they’re waving, thumbs up. It was so inspiring and gratifying and there was just a…

If you can imagine an envelope or like a wave of warmth that just swept over me sitting there. Every Republican congressman, every senator, every… I’m looking down there. And then to see the Democrats not doing a thing and they’re dressed in all white and so forth. It was just a moving, moving night, and I’m sitting there. I can’t believe we’re there, can’t believe it happened, can’t believe it all came together — and then, it happened.



Rush Unveils the State of the Union Award Full Story
Rush Limbaugh Show – Friday, February 7, 2020


Rush Limbaugh Receives Medal of Honor


Trump, Rush Limbaugh, IPC and Dr. X

'The Five' react to Rush Limbaugh's lung cancer announcement

Rush Limbaugh Show VIDEO February 5 2020

More Videos

Rush Limbaugh Show Video Friday - February 7, 2020

Rush Limbaugh Show Podcast Tuesday - February 4, 2020

Rush Limbaugh Show Channel
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE0w08 ... 0p3eBujQ-Q


Rush Limbaugh Show

Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia
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CPAC 2020

Postby CR » Sat Feb 29, 2020 2:48 pm

CPAC 2020
Conservative Political Action Conference

Trump Rocked CPAC















Donald Trump

Donald Trump - Backup File

Donald Trump – Backup File 2

Diamond and Silk

Diamond and Silk – Backup File

Candice Owens

Candice Owens – Backup File

Kimberly Guilfoyle

Charlie Kirk

Charlie Kirk – Backup File

Mercedes Schlapp

Mike Pence

Nigel Farage

Rick Harrison

Pete Hegseth

Tammy Bruce

Alice Marie Johnson

Wayne LaPierre

Dalia al-Aqidi

Coup: The Day After Tomorrow
Rep. Jim Jordan & Rep. Mark Meadows


The Coup: Rep. Devin Nunes & Dan Bongino

Verdict: Ted Cruise & Ronna McDaniel

Conversation: Senator Marsha Blackburn & Senator Joni Ernst

Conversation: Kellyanne Conway & Betsy DeVos

Conversation with Ivanka Trump And Larry Kudlow

Conversation with Brad Parscale and Lara Trump


Trump fires up CPAC: President blisters 2020 Democrats, rips ‘low life’ Romney


CPAC YouTube


CPAC Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservat ... Conference
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Socialist News Network – Mocking CNN

Postby CR » Sat Mar 07, 2020 12:17 pm

Socialist News Network – Mocking CNN
Socialist News Network: From Our Studio to Your Breadline!
Funny Jesse Kelly Hosts SNN





Socialist News Network Weekly Update with Jesse Kelly

Socialist News Network – Mocking CNN Article
https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-like- ... spoof-cpac

CPAC YouTube
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Trump Interviews Trump: Father’s Day Special

Postby CR » Fri Jun 19, 2020 12:40 pm

Trump Interviews Trump: Father’s Day Special
Don Jr. Interviews Trump for Father’s Day
Don Jr.’s New Program: Triggered

One Day before the Great Trump Tulsa Rally
Awesome Interview from the Heart
Don Jr. for 2024?!

Trump One on One with Trump
Trump on Economy
Trump on Future
Trump on Democrats
Trump on Biden
Trump on Aliens
Trump on 2nd Term
Trump on Retirement
And More













Triggered hosted by Donald Trump Jr
and special guest President Donald Trump!



Donald Trump YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAql2D ... i2nMYsqOA/

White House YouTube
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Trump Interview by Laura Ingraham FOX News

Postby Atusa Qajar » Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:00 am

Trump Interview by Laura Ingraham FOX News
Important State of the Union Interview
Important Future Plans










Trump Interview Part 1

Trump Interview Part 2

Trump Interview Part 3

FOX News YouTube

FOX News Online

FOX News TV Shows

FOX News
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Maskless Nancy Pelosi Caught Sneaking in Hair Salon

Postby CR » Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:30 am

Maskless Nancy Pelosi Caught Sneaking in Hair Salon
Nancy Pelosi: Not Wearing Mask is Slap in the Face of Science
Nancy Pelosi Just Drowned Science in Pacific Ocean!

Hair Salon Owner Hating Pelosi for Lockdowns Exposed Video
Liberals Don’t Do as They Preach
Liberals are a bunch of Hypocrite Charlatans

Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi Preaches Masks
Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi Locks Down Salons in San Francisco
Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi Sneaks in to Salon Maskless

Trump Slaughtered Nancy Pelosi for Double Standards
Trump Crucified Nancy Pelosi for Two-Tiered Justice
Trump Destroyed Nancy Pelosi for Being a Scumbag













Trump slams Pelosi for visit to shuttered salon: 'Constantly lecturing everyone else'

FOX News

'Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated,' president tweets

Caught on video: Maskless Nancy Pelosi gets hair done
The San Francisco salon owner told Fox News that Pelosi's trip was 'disturbing' and 'a slap in the face.'

President Trump slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday for "constantly lecturing everyone else" after she visited a San Francisco hair salon earlier this week, despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Fox News first reported Pelosi’s visit to the salon and obtained security footage, which showed her walking through the studio with wet hair, and without a mask over her mouth or nose. The stylist doing her hair can be seen following her wearing a black face mask.

"Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated for having a beauty parlor opened, when all others are closed, and for not wearing a Mask–despite constantly lecturing everyone else," the president tweeted Wednesday. "We will almost certainly take back the House, and send Nancy packing!"


“Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated for having a beauty parlor opened, when all others are closed, and for not wearing a Mask - despite constantly lecturing everyone else. We will almost certainly take back the House, and send Nancy packing!”

Salons in San Francisco had been closed since March and were only notified they could reopen on Sept. 1 for outdoor hairstyling services only.

Salon owner Erica Kious, in an exclusive phone interview with Fox News on Tuesday, shared details of Pelosi’s visit. Kious explained she has independent stylists working for her who rent chairs in her salon.

“One of the stylists who rents a chair from me contacted me Sunday night,” Kious said.

A screengrab of the text message she received from one of her stylists, and obtained by Fox News, said: “I’ll be there at 2:45 tomorrow. Pelosi assistant just messaged me to do her hair.”

Kious replied: “Pelosi?”

“I was like, are you kidding me right now? Do I let this happen? What do I do?” Kious told Fox News, while noting that she "can’t control” what her stylists do if they rent chairs from her, as “they’re not paying” at this time.

Kious cast Pelosi’s visit as a double standard.

“It was a slap in the face that she went in, you know, that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can’t work,” Kious told Fox News, adding that she “can’t believe” the speaker didn’t have a mask on. (From the footage, it appears Pelosi had some kind of covering around her neck.)

“We’re supposed to look up to this woman, right?” Kious said. “It is just disturbing.”

The president, on Wednesday, added that “the Beauty Parlor owner must really dislike Crazy Nancy Pelosi. Turning her in, on tape, is a really big deal.”

“She probably treats him like she treats everyone else…And she strongly supported a Kennedy who just lost in, of all places, Massachusetts!” Trump added.


“The Beauty Parlor owner must really dislike Crazy Nancy Pelosi. Turning her in, on tape, is a really big deal. She probably treats him like she treats everyone else...And she strongly supported a Kennedy who just lost in, of all places, Massachusetts!”

Asked for comment, Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill maintained that the speaker was following the rules as presented to her.

“The speaker always wears a mask and complies with local COVID requirements. This business offered for the speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business. The speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment,” he said.

But the owner pushed back.

Kious said Pelosi received a wash and a blow-dry, but told Fox News that “you’re not supposed to blow dry hair” according to coronavirus safety precautions for hair salons.

“We have been shut down for so long, not just me, but most of the small businesses and I just can’t – it’s a feeling – a feeling of being deflated, helpless and honestly beaten down,” Kious said.

“I have been fighting for six months for a business that took me 12 years to build to reopen,” she explained. “I am a single mom, I have two small children, and I have no income.”

She added: “The fact that they did this, and she came in, it’s like a slap in the face.”



The San Francisco salon owner told Fox News that Pelosi's trip was 'disturbing' and 'a slap in the face.'

Caught on video: Maskless Nancy Pelosi gets hair done

White House slams Pelosi's visit to salon closed due to coronavirus
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Nancy Pelosi’s Apology: Blame the Salon!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Sep 02, 2020 3:14 pm

Nancy Pelosi’s Apology: Blame the Salon!
:banghead: :hammerhead: :fry: :vik:

This woman is shameless! This is not an apology! This is passing the buck and blame the salon! Her and her ilk Gavin Newsom and liberals are responsible for the Shutdown Hoax and destroying the businesses. The salon owner fed up with her kind, exposed her hypocrisy to FOX. Instead of apologizing, she twisted the whole tale and blamed the salon!

You miserable ignorant old slut, you are the one not wearing the mask which you punish people for not wearing, but you blame the salon for setting your butt up! Do liberals ever take responsibility for any of their actions?

There is always double standard. One for the rich and powerful and the other for public. Pelosi can brake her own law but if the public does it, they get a ticket! She got caught red handed and still she lies, twist it around and shamelessly not apologizing. Only a liberal politician can be so shamelessly bold to do this!

Politicians on the Hill and elsewhere get away with everything, even get out of jail free card like Clintons.

Are you still wondering why people got fed up and elected Trump to bring down the whole Deep State and Establishment?

Check her so-called apology which is worse than saying nothing:

She says she is sorry that the salon set her up!
What kind of apology is that?
Say you are sorry you old hypocrite bitch! :swat:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says San Francisco hair salon set her up.

Gutfeld on Nancy Pelosi's visit to the hair salon

“It was Clearly a Setup” Nancy Pelosi responds to Hair Salon visit controversy
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Hair Salon Owner Exposes Nancy Pelosi & Leaving San Francisc

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:59 am

Hair Salon Owner Exposes Nancy Pelosi & Leaving San Francisco!
Why People Leave Blue States?

For 6 months her business has been shut down by Pelosi, Newsom, and liberals’ lockdown. Liberals will impose the lockdown hoax until November 4th when election is over. Her business is destroyed, her employees are jobless and San Francisco is a cesspool full of feces, drug needles, homeless, crimes, degenerates, perverts, and ANTIFA. Then Pelosi masks an appointment to do her hair, without a mask she walks in! the salon owner asks herself, if she can walk in without a mask, then why are we closed?

Salon owner reports to FOX. Now ANTIFA, BLM and Democrats threat her life, leave her bad reviews in Yelp, nasty messages in Social Media and wanting to burn down her house and business. Of course, Tech Giants are with Democrats and welcome the threats! Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, Google and rest of the trash.

So, Nancy Pelosi closes down her business, so she can’t work, but she goes there one on one to throw her a bone, a handout, a welfare (like liberals do)!

Is there any wonder why there is a huge exodus from California, New York, Illinois and blue states to red states like Texas, Arizona, Florida and so on?

High taxation, high regulation, high crimes, high pollution, State government tyranny, chaos, forcing LGBTQ down your throat, forcing liberal world view down your throat, indoctrination of your kids at schools, protests, ANTIFA, BLM and rest of the liberal nonsense!

Now ANTIFA and BLM are running for office and wining votes! That’s the future of Democrat party!

Enough is enough and time to move to Real America and leave the degenerates alone! But the problem is that many liberals also leave these states to red states and they bring their liberal culture there! Then they infect the red states! They are too stupid to know that the reason they left the blue states is liberalism, then why are you bringing your liberal values to red states? That is why liberals are gaining population in red states like Texas and Arizona.

Liberals screwed up their own states, now they go to red states to screw them up too! Where liberals go, trash follows and then bankruptcy!

Check the video of salon owner’s interview with Carlson. Now she is leaving San Francisco:

Salon owner joins Tucker, pushes back on Pelosi’s claim she was ‘set-up’
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Project Veritas Undercover Investigations On Democrat Crimes

Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:41 am

Project Veritas Undercover Investigations Expose Democrat Crimes
Project Veritas Exposes Liberal Corruption & Crimes
Exposing ANTIFA, BLM, Planed Parenthood & Other Liberal Orgs.

Undercover Investigations to Mass Expose Corruption, Bias and Crimes

Project Veritas YouTube

Project Veritas Site


Real News Networks List vs. Fake News Media
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Democrat High Taxation 101 for Fools in 5 Minutes

Postby CR » Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:50 pm

Democrat High Taxation 101 for Fools in 5 Minutes
Candace Owens Educates the Blacks & the Poor
Candace Owens Educates the Indoctrinated Liberals

Democrat Party Exists by High Taxation for Everyone!







Watch this Important 5 Minutes video on Tax:

50 Cents Votes for Trump, Ignorant Blacks Feel Betrayed!

Candace Owens YouTube

Candace Owens Show at Prager U YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... eehFTWbtdf

Candace Owens Site

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Democrats’ Socialist Hell is Coming, Here’s the Preview!

Postby CR » Thu Dec 24, 2020 3:07 pm

Democrats’ Socialist Hell is Coming, Here’s the Preview!

$ 1 Trillion COVID Aid Bill but Only $ 600 for Each American Worker!

I would like to make a remark on the upcoming Democrat disaster which is taking control. I’m not going to talk about how democrats will destroy the American energy independence, stock market, freedoms and prosperity. I’m also not going to talk about how the Democrat regulations on environmental red tapes, Paris Accord, construction, mining, drilling and foreign policy will literally destroy America and put America back in the gutter. I’m not even going to talk about how Democrats will set back every Pro America agenda which made America First and empowered the American workers during the Trump reign. I’m not surely speaking of Democrats going to destroy every positive Trump reform to empower the people and reset things back to empowering the government, tech giants, wall street, global corporations, media and the Deep State.

I only will give you one example of how the upcoming Democrat administration will destroy America and is care free about the American workers.

Democrats are passing a Trillion-dollar COVID-19 aid bill. RINO Republicans are in cahoots with them. In this bill, they are funding overseas transgender causes in Pakistan, aid to Palestine, helping global warming fantasies, bailing out blue states like California, New York, Illinois and others who have been bankrupt for 60 years due to bad Democrat policies and there are many other wastes of money programs set in this bill for everyone in USA and around the world except the American workers, small businesses and farmers who voted for Trump.

Democrat bill set over a Trillion dollars for asinine causes but only $ 600 per American workers and average American! Trump wants to reject this bill and force them to give $ 2000 for American workers and $ 4000 for American families but Democrats’ priorities are not the American people. Democrats priorities are the pork they are inputting in this bill to empower the Big Government, Deep State, Tech Giants, International Corporations and other pigs.

Democrats will charge China zero dollars tariffs, sell America to China, lift sanctions from Iran, work with Iran Lobby, Feed Mullahs billions of dollars and get paid by China and Iran lobby.

Democrats are the deeply corrupt politicians of West and East coast America enriching themselves and punishing the Middle Class, Small Businesses and Workers. In this country the working class gets punished because they are Trump voters.

Democrats stole the election in a calculated plan by the aid of George Soros and China. They added over 6 million fraudulent votes to steal the election. Every official, legislator, governor, and Supreme court justices is either in cahoots with them or afraid of them for riots. They are turning the blind eye to this fraud. They are putting a nursing home patient named Biden in the White House, so they can control him as a puppet, hence in reality the Big Government and Deep State will take control and Media plus Tech Giants will operate as the liberal propaganda machine and censorship machine.

A socialist Regime, the Obama 3.0 will take over America. Democracy will die and American freedoms will be forgotten.

This will be the scenario under Biden and Democrats. In Democrats’ America, the American Workers are worth $ 600 each! Democrat lockdowns killed 30 % of the small businesses, unemployed the American workers and now punishes them with only paying them dog food crumbs of $ 600. On the other news, Big California Government and New York Government along with another 1000 corrupt liberal causes get billions of dollars.

Democrats motto:

Rules are for Thee, but not for me.

Elite breaks all the rules, mask usage, social distancing, partying, socializing but the people are incarcerated in their homes now for a year.

Democrat Socialist Hell is coming to your city. Enjoy it or do something about it.

Time for American People to stand up and fight the Deep State!

Choose Freedom over Slavery under Democrats.
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