Is Google a Cult?

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Is Google a Cult?

Postby CR » Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:31 am

Is Google a Cult?
Google Cult of Censorship, Espionage and Mind Control

Ahreeman X New Expose

Google NSA Deep State Spy Cartoon

Google Anti Trump GOP Censorship Bob Gorrell Cartoon

Google Car Bans Free Speech Internet Censorship Ben Garrison Cartoon

Ahreeman writes:

Google Facts

I state the facts and you be the judge:

Google Indoctrinates Employees to the Google World View

Google Mind Controls the Public to the Google World View

Google Filters Search to Promote the Google World View

Google Promotes Own Liberal Globalist View and World Order

Read more:

Is Google a Cult? ... /index.htm

And more:

Tech Giants Cyber Censorship Cartoons
Tech Giants are Great Danger to Democracy ... /index.htm

Tech Giants’ Mind Control of the People ... /index.htm

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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby Shahrzad BB » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:07 am

“Is Google a Cult?”

Yes it is. =D>

Great piece Cat, spread the word. Shout out to Ahreeman analysis. :praiseyou:

I love this one:


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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:47 am

Is Google a Cult?

Hell Yeah! :thumbsup:

Google Employees wear gay hats and give group hugs! They cry for Hillary losing election and joy for weed legalization. The only thing missing is a bunch of liberal weirdos with hairy legs in girdles and tutus hold hands and sing kumbaya in the Transgender Bathroom!

Google is the Geek Squad Joke of a Cult which wants to conquer the world and brain wash its population’s minds.

They scream Social Justice but they undermine the American workers by hiring cheap IT Labor from Overseas (India, China, so on).

Google screams human rights but they create filtered search and censor system for China Internet!

Google undermines Iran and Iranian and is always sexing around with Arabs. Do you guys recall the Persian Gulf scandal of Google?

Google - Persian Gulf Controversy Cartoons ... /index.htm

Google is a fake liberal hypocritical organization with no principles, sense of right or wrong or moral justice. $$$ is everything and their God.

Google is Anti American and Americanism, so Google is the natural enemy of MAGA and American Patriots.

Google is a globalist filthy monopoly which undermines the American worker every day of the week.

Google is the enemy of the people

Google Distributes Rainbow (LGBTQ) Noogler (New Googler) Propeller Gay Hats amongst the New Employees to Wear them for a Week (forced diversity social experiment)

How come you don’t get us Gay Hats and matching Gay Tutus? :woohoo:

Google conditions the employees’ mindset to accept Multi-Culturalism, Multi-Sexualism, and Multi-Religions as the mainstream diverse social norms but Liberal Group Think as the sole way of thought

You nailed it hard baby. You said it baby. :hammerhead:

Check the Google Cult’s Rainbow Gay Hats:



Check this article:

Michelle Malkin on Leaked Google Video: ‘Cultish,’ ‘Creepy,’ and ‘Hilarious’ ... hilarious/

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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby Shahrzad BB » Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:55 am

You guys are so funny :D

Google Morality = Dollars + Cheap Overseas Labor

Is Ahreeman gonna get us “Gay Hats” and Long Johns? \:D/

What’s a Girl to do?

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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:43 am

Don’t ever say that I did not provide you with your wishes :devgrin:

Here’s your Gay Hats :party:

Now you can wear them, hold hands and sing kumbaya :wave:

Although No Gay Fights :gfight:

Be one big happy family like Google Noogles :partytime:

And here’s ….. :devbrowed:

Google Corporate Meeting
:dumbo: :lachak: :tolab: :jap: :mex: :paki: :balls: :ethiop: :sambone: :lemon: :Volup: :shahabbas: :paperbag: :hizboarab:

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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby Qambujiye » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:47 am

Insane :D
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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby Bita K » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:51 am

No match for Ahreeman’s sense of humor =D>

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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby Bita Qabus » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:44 am

Something Got to Give

Dear Members

Beyond the human decency, Google has been shamelessly stepping all over the first amendment and privacy rights. Google has been sacrificing all the rules and common decency for corporate greed and revenue. With the self-righteous sanctimonious face, Google preaches morality to everyone but in action, breaks all the rules, makes profit off of dictatorships and spies on everyone. Google wants to brain wash people to its own brand of social values which are twisted and upside down wrong. Google’s arrogance is beyond belief. Google has way too much power, control and is overstepping the corporate rights, deep into people’s privacy. Google is playing God with people’s free speech, rights, privacy and lives. Government oversight and regulations are needed. If only in one place, oversight is needed then it is with shameless Internet giants and social media overlords who believe that they rule the Internet and people’s say. Tyranny is tyranny, if it is in China, Iran or in cyber space. Tyranny doesn’t come more obvious than what Google does on the Internet. We need standards and fair system models which are lacking now. People have rights to free speech and privacy. Google and it’s illegitimate child, YouTube are suppressing everyone’s rights.

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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:58 pm

Google Congressional Hearing Needed

Kevin McCarthy: Breitbart’s Exposure of Leaked Google Video Calls for Hearing ... r-hearing/
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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby CR » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:48 pm

Google Free Speech Burning

Our Free speech is Under Tech Giants Knives
Our Throats are Being Choked by Google


New Ben Garrison Cartoon

Google and Tech Giants Free Speech Burning Ben Garrison Cartoon

Does this cartoon remind you of the:

Nazi book burning in Nazi Germany
Communist book burning in USSR

But instead, it is:

Tech Giants Free Speech Burning
Tech Giants Conservative Alternative Media burning

Look at the Unholy Alliance of the players
American Liberal politicians: Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Elizabet Warren
China: Xi Jinping
Tech Giants: Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Amazon, YouTube

Holding hands and dancing with joy around the bon fire burning the Conservative Alternative Media

A direct attack of Deep State, Democrats, Media, Tech Giants and DC Swamp on the Free Speech

Read this interesting article by our dear friend Ben Garrison:


Free Speech Burning
Ben Garrison
September 14, 2018

The authoritarian left continues to shut down free speech and they’re getting away with it.

Their latest victim, ‘Roosh,’ sold his books for years on Amazon. His books mostly proffered advice about picking up girls. It’s an unsavory subject to many—especially feminists—but it’s his free speech and he wasn’t advising anything illegal. Bezos suddenly pulled the plug on Roosh’s books—many which were selling well. Who’s next? Conservative cartoonist books because the content offends the left?

It’s often said that the Internet and social media are the new ‘town square.’ Realizing that, the left-leaning Silicon Valley controls and monopolizes that town square. At first, they claimed to be equivalent to the phone company. They provided the platform and access and let the users add the content in the form of free speech. That’s now no longer the case. Clearly Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are skewing content in favor of the left.

A 60 minute video of a 2016 meeting with top management at Google was released to Breitbart today, revealing their panic and dismay that Hillary had lost and Trump won. Google’s top executives, who preside over a company with unrivaled influence over the flow of information, are disparaging the motivations of Trump voters and plotting ways to use their vast resources to thwart the Trump agenda. Google is nothing more than Democrat propaganda and used to influence voters and swing elections.

Conservatives are banned based on vague and subjective terms such as ‘bullying’ and ‘hate.’

In the case of Alex Jones, they said he bullied families involved in the alleged Sandy Hook massacre. He didn’t. He did yell at a CNN reporter (a public figure) who was bent on silencing him. That’s not reason to shut down Alex’s free speech. Yes, Alex does indeed express hatred—for the globalist Deep State and the tyranny it brings. Yet he was also accused by the censors of being a racist, homophobic and other nonsense. His listeners know for a fact that those accusations are not true. Still, the authoritarian left pulled the plug on his social media and will probably try to de-person him altogether.

The Deep State and their collectivist media are trying to regain control of the narrative of what is true. They want to again control what people think. They’ve been losing the narrative and the argument. The only way they can win now is to censor conservatives and whistle blowers. It won’t end with shutting down our free speech. PayPal and banking services will be denied to those smeared as ‘hate speech’ purveyors. Not only will their social media access be blocked, their website domains will be pulled. This is probably one of the reasons Obama wanted to hand the Internet over to foreign, globalist hands.

What Silicon Valley wants is what China is developing. It’s a ‘social credit’ system that rates citizens based on Internet interactions as well as real life behavior. For example, jaywalkers will lose points and there are cameras everywhere to observe citizens. That’s why facial recognition is becoming a big thing. Bloggers who dare to criticize their communist tyrants lose a lot of points. Those with low scores aren’t able to travel. They aren’t able to buy property. They aren’t able to work. They aren’t able to engage in commerce or exchange digital money.

This is what the socialist, globalist left wants for America. A Chinese-style censored Internet and a scoring system that applies to the citizens but not those who own and control the data. We all need to speak out loudly against this—NOW! Otherwise, the voices tossed onto the lefty bonfire won’t end.

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The Ugly Face of George Soros is behind the Internet Censorship

Google and George Soros Internet Censorship and Control Cartoon
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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:14 pm

Dear Brother X,

Your ability to stay focused on issues that affect man’s inhumanity to man is astounding because you do it with balanced objectivity and a great sense of humor. The issue of media indoctrination of the American people to facilitate an agenda to control national elections and achieve a global world order by the powerful rich is an extremely serious one.

The identification of a problem is good but it is now necessary for our government leaders to act to preserve the precious right of free speech and a free press.

However, the solution needs to go deeper, into the values our children and students are taught. Today, educators have become so liberal that love of country, beliefs in God, and a well-founded understanding of American history based upon truth is being distorted.

The problem of indoctrination with false information can be stopped and must be addressed at all levels of education to emphasize integrity, honesty, and truth. As a lover of humanity, I constantly state the command given by Jesus Christ, Love One Another. This command cannot be successful if taught only by religious institutions. That is why values of honesty and truth must be taught in all levels of higher learning. Such an education by our schools and universities will cause people to quickly react to lies that make fools of us. The best way to make wise decisions in life is to attain knowledge based on truth. Truth was the most highly esteemed value of the Egyptians. But it has been corrupted by leaders who seek power by controlling the minds of people.

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Re: Is Google a Cult?

Postby Atusa Qajar » Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:43 am

Senior Google Search Engineer Advocates for Censorship of
‘Terrorist’ Marsha Blackburn

Allum Bokhari



A senior software engineer at Google with responsibility for a key feature of Google’s search engine labeled Tennessee Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) a “violent thug” and a “terrorist,” who Google shouldn’t “negotiate” with, according to internal emails obtained by Breitbart News. The employee also defended the censorship of her campaign ads on social media.


The comments took place in an internal email discussion that began on June 19 this year. The topic of discussion was Rep. Blackburn’s Fox News op-ed of the same month, which urged Silicon Valley companies to address bias against conservatives on their platforms. Blackburn, who has herself been the target of social media censorship, has been a vocal critic of tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Twitter during her time in Congress.


The op-ed was not well received within the corridors of Silicon Valley power. One Google employee, a site reliability engineer, called Blackburn’s piece “hilarious” and said Republicans are becoming “tribalists focused on stirring up outrage to maintain power.”


Blake Lemoine, a senior software engineer at Google, was harsher in his comments. Saying the public is being “lied to” by Blackburn, he went on to accuse the Tennessee representative of “causing the deaths of people she claimed to protect” — something he attributed to her work on the anti-trafficking bills FOSTA and SESTA.

“We certainly shouldn’t acquiesce to the theatrical demands of a legislator who makes political hay by intentionally reducing the safety of the people who she claims to protect,” said Lemoine. “I’m not big on negotiation with terrorists.”

When another Google employee objected to his use of the word “terrorist,” Lemoine responded that he’d be “willing to go with ‘thug’ as a compromise.”

“Would you be more okay with characterizing it as not being big on acceding to the demands of violent thugs?” asked Lemoine.

“This is a woman who passed a bill that killed people and is trying to use her passage of that bill to intimidate people. It’s clear to me that “do what I say or I’ll pass more bills like this one” is the implicit message.”

Lemoine is named in this story because he occupies a key position in the company’s influential search team, as a technical lead on Google’s search feed, formerly known as Google Now. The Google feed’s most distinctive feature is that it sends information to users proactively, using personal data to predict what information users want before they search for it.


According to Lemoine’s LinkedIn, he also works on “research pertaining to fairness and bias in machine learning,” making his own biased comments particularly relevant.

Lemoine also indicated that he supports censorship on social media: he defended Twitter’s decision to temporarily censor one of Rep. Blackburn’s pro-life campaign ads on the platform, arguing that the takedown was not, in fact, censorship.

“Taking down libel is not censorship,” said Lemoine.

He went on to say “I think that believing that Twitter too it down because it was a lie is more reasonable than believing they took it down because she was a Republican. Especially considering how the legislation that she is touting in her article was sold through lies that she told.”

“In summary: she’s a lying liar who lies and Twitter treats her like one”

Although Lemoine caveated himself by stating “not all Republican ads are lies,” a question that Lemoine did not address is whether his own bias affects what he sees as “lies,” and whether that bias affects the decisions he makes in his role overseeing a key element of Google search.

Responding to a request for comment from Breitbart News, a Google spokeswoman directed us to an open letter to employees written by CEO Sundar Pichai and reported in the press last month following Breitbart’s release of the Google tape. In it, Pichai said “We do not bias our products to favor any political agenda. The trust our users place in us is our greatest asset and we must always protect it.”

Marsha Blackburn’s campaign spokesman, Abbi Sigler, provided the following statement: “These emails are despicable. Marsha Blackburn is a mother, a grandmother, a friend, a dedicated public servant, a pro-life champion, an ally for veterans, and an advocate for lowering our taxes and cutting regulation. To call her a terrorist is offensive and degrading. These emails are indicative of the bias conservative women in the political arena face every day. Liberals do not want them to have a voice in the public arena, and too many social media employees carry their bias to work with them.”

Independent research acknowledged even by the anti-Trump Washington Post, found that Google search results tended to favor Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. Research conducted prior to the 2016 election also found that if Google deliberately skewed its search results to favor particular candidates, it could shift the votes of undecided voters by margins of 20 percent or more. Lead researcher Dr. Robert Epstein also says that Google could potentially manipulate its search results without leaving a paper trail, as there is currently no system of monitoring or oversight to detect bias in the platform’s hyper-personalized search functions.

Beyond Google, other tech platforms are affecting elections in more transparent ways. Over the past two years, major figures in the conservative, populist, and pro-Trump movements have been banned from platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and both the Google and Apple app markets, severely hampering their ability to digitally mobilize their supporters ahead of crucial midterm elections in November this year. Multiple conservatives have also been kicked off payment processing and crowdfunding platforms, crippling their ability to fundraise for campaigns and causes. Despite this, Democrats continue to call the tech censorship a “conspiracy theory.”

Rep. Marsha Blackburn is currently running in a tight two-way race against her Democratic opponent Phil Bredesen in Tennessee. Even minor bias on the part of tech companies could easily tilt the race against her — unless her voters turn out in high enough numbers to nullify such bias. The threat from big tech notwithstanding, Blackburn continues to be a vocal critic of Silicon Valley’s failings, including political bias and failures to protect privacy. In June, Blackburn came out in favor of new regulation to protect consumers on social media platforms.
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The Good Censor, Google Style! Leaked Google Meeting

Postby CR » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:41 pm

The Good Censor, Google Style!

Leaked Google Meeting

Google Admits Abandoning Free Speech


The Good Censor
Leaked Google Briefing Admits Abandonment of Free Speech for ‘Safety and Civility’

Allum Bokhari

Breitbart News

An internal company briefing produced by Google and leaked exclusively to Breitbart News argues that due to a variety of factors, including the election of President Trump, the “American tradition” of free speech on the internet is no longer viable.

Despite leaked video footage showing top executives declaring their intention to ensure that the rise of Trump and the populist movement is just a “blip” in history, Google has repeatedly denied that the political bias of its employees filter into its products.

But the 85-page briefing, titled “The Good Censor,” admits that Google and other tech platforms now “control the majority of online conversations” and have undertaken a “shift towards censorship” in response to unwelcome political events around the world.

Examples cited in the document include the 2016 election and the rise of Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) in Germany.

Responding to the leak, an official Google source said the document should be considered internal research, and not an official company position.

The briefing labels the ideal of unfettered free speech on the internet a “utopian narrative” that has been “undermined” by recent global events as well as “bad behavior” on the part of users. It can be read in full below.

It acknowledges that major tech platforms, including Google, Facebook and Twitter initially promised free speech to consumers. “This free speech ideal was instilled in the DNA of the Silicon Valley startups that now control the majority of our online conversations,” says the document.

The first approach is described as a product of the “American tradition” which “prioritizes free speech for democracy, not civility.” The second is described as a product of the “European tradition,” which “favors dignity over liberty and civility over freedom.” The briefing claims that all tech platforms are now moving toward the European tradition.

The briefing associates Google’s new role as the guarantor of “civility” with the categories of “editor” and “publisher.” This is significant, given that Google, YouTube, and other tech giants publicly claim they are not publishers but rather neutral platforms — a categorization that grants them special legal immunities under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Elsewhere in the document, Google admits that Section 230 was designed to ensure they can remain neutral platforms for free expression.

Trump, Conspiracy Theorist

One of the reasons Google identifies for allegedly widespread public disillusionment with internet free speech is that it “breeds conspiracy theories.” The example Google uses? A 2016 tweet from then-candidate Donald Trump, alleging that Google search suppressed negative results about Hillary Clinton.

At the time, Google said that it suppressed negative autocomplete suggestions about everybody, not just Clinton. But it was comparatively easy to find such autocomplete results when searching for Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump. Independent research from psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein also shows that Google search results (if not autocomplete results) did indeed favor Clinton in 2016.

Twice in the document, Google juxtaposes a factoid about “Russian interference” in American elections with pictures of Donald Trump. At one point, the document admits that tech platforms are changing their policies to pre-empt congressional action on foreign interference.

The document did not address the fact that, according to leading psychologists, the impact of foreign “bots” and propaganda on social media has a negligible impact on voters.

From Suggestions to Company Policy

It is unclear for whom the “Good Censor” was intended. What is clear, however, is that Google spent (or paid someone to spend) significant time and effort to produce it.

According to the briefing itself, it was the product of an extensive process involving “several layers of research,” including expert interviews with MIT Tech Review editor-in-chief Jason Pontin, Atlantic staff writer Franklin Foer, and academic Kalev Leetaru. 35 cultural observers and 7 cultural leaders from seven countries on five continents were also consulted to produce it.

What is also clear is that many of the briefing’s recommendations are now reflected in the policy of Google and its sibling companies.

For example, the briefing argues that tech companies will have to censor their platforms if they want to “expand globally.” Google is now constructing a censored search engine to gain access to the Chinese market.

The document also bemoans that the internet allows “have a go commenters” (in other words, ordinary people) to compete on a level playing field with “authoritative sources” like the New York Times. Google-owned YouTube now promotes so-called “authoritative sources” in its algorithm. The company did not specifically name which sources it would promote.

Key points in the briefing can be found at the following page numbers:

•P2 – The briefing states that “users are asking if the openness of the internet should be celebrated after all” and that “free speech has become a social, economic, and political weapon.”

•P11 – The briefing identifies Breitbart News as the media publication most interested in the topic of free speech.

•P12 – The briefing says the early free-speech ideals of the internet were “utopian.”

•P14 – The briefing admits that Google, along with Twitter and Facebook, now “control the majority of online conversations.”

•P15 – Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is linked to Google’s position as a platform for free expression. Elsewhere in the document (p68), Google and other platforms’ move towards moderation and censorship is associated with the role of “publisher” – which would not be subject to Section 230’s legal protections.

•PP19-21 – The briefing identifies several factors that allegedly eroded faith in free speech. The election of Donald Trump and alleged Russian involvement is identified as one such factor. The rise of the populist Alternative fur Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) party in Germany – which the briefing falsely smears as “alt-right” – is another.

•PP26-34 – The briefing explains how “users behaving badly” undermines free speech on the internet and allows “crummy politicians to expand their influence.” The briefing bemoans that “racists, misogynists, and oppressors” are allowed a voice alongside “revolutionaries, whistleblowers, and campaigners.” It warns that users are “keener to transgress moral norms” behind the protection of anonymity.

•P37 – The briefing acknowledges that China – for which Google has developed a censored search engine – has the worst track record on internet freedom.

•P45 – After warning about the rise of online hate speech, the briefing approvingly cites Sarah Jeong, infamous for her hate speech against white males (Google is currently facing a lawsuit alleging it discriminates against white males, among other categories).

•P45 – The briefing bemoans the fact that the internet has until recently been a level playing field, warning that “rational debate is damaged when authoritative voices and ‘have a go’ commentators receive equal weighting.”

•P49 – The document accuses President Trump of spreading the “conspiracy theory” that Google autocomplete suggestions unfairly favored Hillary Clinton in 2016. (Trump’s suspicions were actually correct – independent research has shown that Google did favor Clinton in 2016).

•P53 – Free speech platform Gab is identified as a major destination for users who are dissatisfied with censorship on other platforms.

•P54 – After warning about “harassment” earlier in the document, the briefing approvingly describes a 27,000-strong left-wing social media campaign as a “digital flash mob” engaged in “friendly counter-commenting.”

•P57 – The document juxtaposes a factoid about Russian election interference with a picture of Donald Trump.

•P63 – The briefing admits that when Google, GoDaddy and CloudFlare simultaneously withdrew service from website The Daily Stormer, they were “effectively booting it off the internet,” a point also made by the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the FCC in their subsequent warnings about online censorship.

•P66-68 – The briefing argues that Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are caught between two incompatible positions, the “unmediated marketplace of ideas” vs. “well-ordered spaces for safety and civility.” The first is described as a product of the “American tradition” which “prioritizes free speech for democracy, not civility.” The second is described as a product of the “European tradition,” which “favors dignity over liberty and civility over freedom.” The briefing claims that all tech platforms are now moving toward the European tradition.

•P70 – The briefing sums up the reasons for big tech’s “shift towards censorship,” including the need to respond to regulatory demands and “expand globally,” to “monetize content through its organization,” and to “protect advertisers from controversial content, [and] increase revenues.”

•P74-76 – The briefing warns that concerns about censorship from major tech platforms have spread beyond the right-wing media into the mainstream.

Read The Good Censor in full below. Alternative download option available here.

Full Document with Graphics ... from_embed

Original Article + Video ... -civility/
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Tech Giants Plot to Replace American Workers with Cheap Labo

Postby CR » Wed Feb 13, 2019 6:21 am

Tech Giants’ Plot to Replace American Workers
with Cheap Foreign Labor

Tech Elites, Donor Class Unite with GOP/Dems to Outsource White-Collar American Jobs

John Binder
Breitbart News


Silicon Valley’s business elites and donor-class billionaires are uniting with elected Republicans and Democrats to ensure that white-collar, middle-class American jobs are swiftly outsourced to mostly Indian and Chinese nationals.

A plan known as the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, introduced in the Senate by Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Kamala Harris (D-CA), as well as Reps. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and Ken Buck (R-CO), would eliminate the U.S. country caps in the legal immigration system and would fast-track outsourcing of white-collar American jobs to mostly Indian and Chinese nationals imported to the country by businesses, outsourcing firms, and multinational corporations.

Google Spy, FBI Big Brother Cartoon
Big Brother is tracking you and watching your every move.

The country caps were originally implemented to prevent any one country from monopolizing the legal immigration system. Eliminating the country caps would immediately fast-track up to 300,000 green cards, and eventually American citizenship, to primarily Indian nationals in the U.S. on the H-1B visa, so long as they agree to take high-paying, white-collar jobs from Americans.
In the process, not only would other foreign workers be crowded out from receiving employment-based green cards, but the elimination of the country caps would fast-track the outsourcing of high-paying American jobs that would otherwise go to U.S. graduates.

The plan is garnering support from Silicon Valley tech executives like Google’s Sundar Pichai and Microsoft executives to donor-class heavyweights like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the billionaire GOP mega-donor Koch brothers.

Amazon executives went as far as to post online their gratitude to Lee and Harris for introducing the white-collar outsourcing plan.

On Lee’s Senate website, he touted the support that the plan has from across the political spectrum, ranging from pro-outsourcing outfits like the Information Technology Industry Council to open-borders organizations like UnidosUS, formerly known as La Raza.

In 2017, when identical legislation was introduced, outsourcing firms like Cognizant — which is responsible for outsourcing thousands of American jobs to foreign workers — lobbied lawmakers to support the plan. Other multinational corporations like IBM, Oracle, Cisco, Intel, and Hewlett-Packard lobbied Congress to pass the legislation.

The Senate co-sponsors of the plan include a coalition of Republicans and Democrats:
•Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO)
•Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
•Sen. Jim Moran (R-KS)
•Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE)
•Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR)
•Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
•Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
•Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)
•Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
•Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR)
•Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO)
•Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND)
•Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-AZ)

The plan is a boon to Silicon Valley billionaires, big business elites, and outsourcing firms, as it would enable them to readily import more lower-paid Indian and Chinese foreign workers to take American jobs, which would have otherwise gone to American citizens.

Last year, when a coalition of Republicans and Democrats attempted to pass the legislation, the pro-American, anti-outsourcing group U.S. Tech Workers said the plan would be “the most radical change to our immigration system in history.”

“Just as Indian outsourcing companies and a handful of big US tech companies have gamed the H1B visa system, so too are they now seeking to game the US green card distribution process, and smaller American startups are shut out of the process, unable to access work visas or green cards for potential employees … ” Marie Larson with U.S. Tech Workers wrote.

The Center for Immigration Studies Director of Policy Jessica Vaughan has explained in detail the impact of eliminating country caps in the U.S. legal immigration system:

Experts have said that should the country caps be eliminated, India would be able to monopolize the country’s legal immigration system for the next ten years. After that decade of an Indian-first legal immigration system, the legal immigration flow from India to the U.S. would likely stabilize to make up around 75 percent of all employment-based legal immigration.

Overall, four million young Americans enter the workforce every year, but their job opportunities are further diminished as there are roughly two new foreign workers for every four American workers who enter the workforce. These foreign workers are imported by businesses through visa programs like the H-1B, L-1, OPT, O-1, and J-1 visas, among others, to replace Americans in the workforce.


Center for Immigration Studies

Jessica Vaughan Discusses Scrapping the Per-Country Cap

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Google is Planning to Rig the 2020 Election for Democrats

Postby CR » Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:38 pm

Google is Planning to Rig the 2020 Election for Democrats

Jen Gennai Google Executive Cut on Video
Jen Gennai Confessed on Google’s Plan to Rig the Election
Jen Gennai Video was Removed from YouTube Owned by Google
We have Alternative Link to the Video

Google Bias Cut on Tape
Google Monopoly Must be Stopped
Google is the Enemy of American Democracy




Donald Trump: Google ‘Trying to Rig the Election’

Charlie Spiering
Breitbart News


President Donald Trump reacted Wednesday to reports of Google’s efforts to suppress conservatives online.

“Let me tell you, they’re trying to rig the election,” Trump said during an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo. “That’s what we should be looking at.”

Trump referred to a Project Veritas report exposing Google executive Jen Gennai for discussing whether they could manipulate their algorithm to prevent a Trump victory.

“I tell you what, they should be sued, because what’s happening with the bias, and you see it with that executive from Google, the hatred for the Republicans,” he said. “It’s not even like, ‘Gee let’s lean Democrat,’ the hatred.”

Bartiromo asked Trump how he planned to fight the political bias of the biggest tech companies in America.

Trump demurred but admitted that possible regulatory legislation was necessary.

“You may need legislation to create competition,” he said.

Trump acknowledged that Europeans and the European Union were already suing tech companies for various reasons.

“We should be suing Google and Facebook, perhaps we will,” Trump said.

The president said executives at Google were liberal Democrats and would try to stop his supporters in 2020.

“These people are all Democrats, it’s totally biased toward Democrats,” Trump said.

He criticized Twitter for cutting and slowing the count of his Twitter followers, making it harder for supporters to find him.

“Twitter is just terrible what they do,’ he said.


Project Veritas: Google Exec Decries Trump’s Election:
‘How Do We Prevent It from Happening Again’

Allum Bokhari
Breitbart News


Undercover videos recorded by Project Veritas reveals that Google is determined to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump in 2020, and is altering its products with this aim in mind.

The report includes undercover footage featuring a top Google executive, Jen Gennai, discussing how Google might prevent an electoral outcome like 2016 from happening again.

Important Note:

YouTube which is owned by Google had removed the footage but here is another link to the footage to view:

Jen Gennai Google Executive talks about Rigging the Election for Democrats ... idden-cam/

Here’s what Gennai says in the undercover video:

Jen Gennai:

“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.

We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?”

Gennai also declares her opposition to Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s proposal to break up Google. Why? Because, says Gennai, if Google is broken up it can’t prevent another “Trump situation.”

Jen Gennai:

“Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.”

Gennai also declared that no amount of soft pressure from Congress or the White House will make Google change its ways. In other words, talk won’t help — if politicians want to change Google’s behavior, they’ll have to go beyond committee hearings and actually change the law.

Jen Gennai:

"We got called in front of Congress multiple times, so we’ve not shown up because we know that they’re just going to attack us. We’re not going to change our, we’re not going to change our mind. There’s no use sitting there being attacked over something we know we’re not going to change. They can pressure us but we’re not changing. But we also have to be aware of what they’re doing and what they’re accusing us of.”

According to her professional profile, Gennai works on “responsible innovation” in the Global Affairs division of Google — the same division run by Kent Walker, the Google VP who has declared his intention to make the populist-nationalist movement represented by Donald Trump a “blip” or “hiccup” in history, which he said “bends towards progress.”

Important Note:

Jen Gennai Professional Profile is removed from Linked In

Walker made these statements just days after the 2016 election, in a confidential video recording that was leaked to Breitbart News.

Are you an insider at Google or any other corporation who wants to confidentially reveal wrongdoing or political bias at your company? Reach out to Allum Bokhari at his secure email address:

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News.
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