Death to Manufacturers, Distributers and Sellers of Fentanyl
It is alarming that there isn’t a U.S. law that requires the severe penalty of death for the manufacture, distribution or sale of drugs that kills human beings. It appears the reason that this is so, is that lawyers are able to obtain cases that are brought to court because of financial support by the murderers of the deadly drug.
For example, lets look at the new state law presented on the Internet by Elizabeth Friend that became effective December 1, 2019. It resides on the link, ... bution-law.
This law appears to create harsh penalties for those who illegally sell drugs that cause death to the purchaser. Prosecutors won't need to prove the seller acted with malice. The new felony charges carry a sentence of up to 19 years for a first offense, and up to 40 years for a repeat offense.
Then on January 3rd, 2023, the following article reported charges for deadly drug sales and drug dealing:
4-200 grams: a 1st-degree felony punishable by a minimum of 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000
200-400 grams: a 1st-degree enhanced felony punishable by a minimum of 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $100,000
400 grams or more: a 1st-degree enhanced felony punishable by a minimum of 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000
As with the new law indicated by Elizabeth Friend, the most recent law above dated January 2023, ignores any penalties for the manufacture and distribution of the deadly drug. If you are a lawyer, you can make a living receiving payment from the supporter of the drug dealer. Our American justice system appears to support the biggest murderers of human beings, that is the manufacturer and distributers of the deadly drug.
To show that America is run by the judicial system organized and supported by the lawyers, refer to paragraphs presented in the January 2023 law which encourages legal help by lawyers. They are titled, Federal vs. State Drug Trafficking Laws and, Getting Legal Help with Your Drug Dealing Charges.
Effectively Stop Manufacture, Distribution and Sale of Deadly Drugs
American Congress and the U.S. President must approve a more encompassing law to effectively penalize the manufacture, distribution and sale of deadly drugs such as fentanyl. It is insane to conduct law cases for the murder of human beings caused by fentanyl. Murder by deadly drugs can be immediately stopped by passing a law that requires death of any company, distributor or seller of the deadly drug fentanyl.
The fentanyl law can be enforced by simply showing proof of the deadly drug by two of more witnesses that are able to confirm its manufacture, distribution, or sale. The quick response would expedite the end of the deadly drug without having years of court cases and lawyers trying to protect the murderer for financial gain. Hey, if a person willingly takes an overdose of fentanyl, or was stupid enough to take the deadly drug, then there must be retribution by having the murderer also take the deadly drug. That is, there should be equal application of the deadly drug to the manufacturer and distributer as well as to the seller. The death penalty would be swift within days and lo and behold, the deadly drug problem would be eliminated.
A graph on the Internet shows American deaths due to fentanyl up through the year 2020. At the rate shown, the steep climb easily projects 140,000 deaths ending 2023. This drug is 100 times more powerful than morphine.
The solution proposed above can be enforced if the American people are strong enough to fight the deadly drug fentanyl.