Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Blood!

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Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Blood!

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:12 am

Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Blood!
Ahreeman X
July 16, 2012

Brothers Obama and Ahmad Aqa!


Let us analyze the situation over there. Soon or late it is inevitable that a regime change will occur in Syria. Of course IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) will do her best to avoid this change because Syria is IRI’s access to the Mediterranean and her supply line to send arms, funds and Trainers to Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Palestine (Hamas). Syria is also a great Shiite Run satellite and proxy for the Tehran’s Regime.

Even though IRI is bound to stand by Bashar Al Assad’s Regime, yet IRI must also be realistic and think of the future. What if Assad’s regime fall? These are all the scenarios:

A. If Assad’s Baath Regime stays.

Win for IRI because she gets to keep her satellite.
Lose for USA because a rogue regime in Middle East gets to stay.
Lose for Syrian people because they remain suffocated.

B. If Assad’s Baath Regime falls.

Win for IRI because Islamists including Al Qaeda (IRI fellow brother Terrorist Organization) will gain control.
Lose for USA because Islamists gain control.
Lose for Syrian people because they get worst off than living under Baath!

So as you see it will be a:

Win Win Situation for IRI
Lose Lose situation for USA
Lose lose situation for Syrian people.

Hussein Obama will manage to damage America’s exceptionality more and more.
Hussein Obama will manage to yet add one more Arab Spring victory for Middle East.

Arab Spring ... 17a2c#7567

Hussein Obama will manage to yet turn another Secular Arab Dictatorship to an Islamist Regime.
Hussein Obama will manage to yet hand over another Arab Regime in the Middle East to IRI as a sidekick Islamic Regime.

A Victory for Obama and his new socialist world order, a victory for IRI and a loss for everyone else!


So as I mentioned before:

Iranians make sad terrorists and bad suicide bombers (look at the latest IRI bombings in South East and south Asia and America).
Iranians are better off fighting the Jews to the last drop of the Lebanese and Palestinian blood!
Same goes for Syria!
Iranians will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian blood!

Iranians always fight the Great Satan (USA) and Small Satan (Israel) to the last drop of the Arab blood! And that is called the “IRI Style” of fighting the global Imperialism and Zionism!

Everyone is happy:

Obama destroys American Exceptionality, Global Free Market Economy, Middle East, and Arab’s future.
IRI gains more Islamist proxies in the Middle East.

Arab Spring is Victorious:

Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, ……. Another one bites the dust and turns Islamic Republic ….

Arab Freedom loving people get shafted!
More dead Arabs dead for IRI cause and Islamism.
Another sad day for Democracy and Freedom.
Another glorious day for IRI and Obama’s Neo World Chaos!

There goes all scenarios for you.
As I have always stated:

Liberalism is the best friend to Islamism.
Liberalism and Islamism go hand in hand.
In this case Liberal Socialism (Obama Style) go hand in hand with IRI (Islamist Style)!

Praise be upon Allah!
Praise be upon Karl Marx!

Once more as I have always stated:

A Regime change in Iran requires a regime change in America.

Primarily on 2012 Elections, the Jerk Weed Jigaboo (Hussein Obama), Harry Reid and Nancy Old Pussy gots to go and we the GOP Conservatives (Tea Party) must control the House, Senate, Governorships and the White House, so the next step would become the Death of IRI in Tehran.

First we must get rid of Imam Hussein Obama in Washington DC and then we must get rid of Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei in Tehran.

Iranian Americans make sure to use your votes (2.7 million strong community) as arms to end Imam Hussein Obama’s Socialist Reign in DC, so we can end the IRI’s Islamist reign in Tehran.

Iranian Population Inside and Outside Iran ... /index.htm

Imam Hussein Obama and Imam Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

With Obama and Liberals in the House, nothing will ever change in Iran.

Get the drift? Get the clue? Now get ready for 2012 Elections.

And there’s your prayer …….


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Conflict of Interest in Syria and Middle East

Postby CR » Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:08 am

Conflict of Interest in Syria and Middle East

IRI, Russia and China vs. America and West

Everywhere in the region, whoever America and the West support, Russia, China and IRI support the opposing party because their interests conflicts with America and the West.

China needs oil from these parties to supply his industrial machine.
Russia needs markets to sell weapons.
IRI needs proxies to establish his regional empire.

Russia, China and IRI’s benefits don’t collide in the region, but all three’s benefits collide with America and the West’s benefits
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Qods Forces on Pilgrimage in Syria!

Postby CR » Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:37 am

Qods Forces on Pilgrimage in Syria!

IRI IRGC Qods Special Forces were found, arrested and interrogated in Syria awaiting trials by the opposition forces. Qods Forces claimed that they were pilgrims and on pilgrimage to Syria’s Shiite shrines visiting Syria.

It is amazing that out of all the places, a good number of Qods Forces were on the pilgrimage to Syria!

Of course no one said that training the Syrian regime’s forces, delivering funds to Assad’s regime, delivering guns to the Syrian military and mass murdering the Syrian opposition rebels and people was not a part of this beautiful pilgrimage of Qods Forces in Syria! :D

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Syrian Rebels capture IRGC

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:02 am

Syrian Rebels capture IRGC
Iranian IRGC Thugs are killing Syrian Rebels

Iranian IRGC Qods Special Forces parade in their white camouflaged uniforms.
Curtain reads: America Cannot Do Jack Shiite!
Banner reads: We Can – We are Standing Until the End!


Syrian rebels say hostages 'Iranian soldiers'

Free Syrian Army says it captured five Iranian soldiers


48 Captives Are Iran ‘Thugs,’ Say Rebels in Syria ... uards.html

Syrian Rebels Said to Be Holding Elite Fighters From Iran ... .html?_r=0

Syria rebel video claims to show abducted Iranians ... -iranians/

Syrian Freedom ... -troops-us

Syrian Rebels Hold Iranians ... lenews_wsj
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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:12 pm

IRI: Syrian Crisis Prelude for Coming of Mahdi
Reza Kahlili

IRI: Syrian Crisis Prelude for Coming of Mahdi ... /index.htm
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Obama Betrays Syrian Rebels & Gives Syria to Iran!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sat Jan 25, 2014 8:05 am

Obama Betrays Syrian Rebels and Gives Syria to Iran!

Please read this important article by Reza Kahlili, the Ex CIA IRGC Author Spy:

Obama Betrays Syrian Rebels and Gives Syria to Iran!
Reza Kahlili
January 25, 2014

Bashar Al Assad Hunting Falcon sits on his Master’s hand, the Rouhani of Iran
Obama made a deal with the Islamist Terrorist Regime of Iran, betrayed the Syrian Rebels and handed Syria as a puppet satellite to Iran.

Let us take a look at a series of events which has led for the Obama Administration to betray the Syrian Rebels, submit to Iran’s will and hand Syria as a satellite to Iran.

Iran Threatens USA and Israel on Syria
IRI Massive Strike Will Occur if Military Action Launched on Syria

Iran is threatening to launch a massive missile strike against Israel if the United States attacks Syria for using chemical weapons against its own people, which could touch off a full-blown war in the region.

“The day of reckoning is near,” according to Hossein Shariatmadari, the chief editor of Kayhan newspaper, an outlet controlled by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Bashar Al Assad fights the Syrian Rebels while wearing an Iranian Turban and sitting in a Russian Hat!

An Op-Ed penned by Shariatmadari Tuesday warned that the impending confrontation between the West and Syria would “provide the long-awaited opportunity for revenge against Israel and America.”

Read More:

Obama Betrays Syrian Rebels and Gives Syria to Iran! ... /index.htm

Reza Kahlili Updates Thread

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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby Qods IRI » Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:19 am

Syria is Free and Islam is Victorious

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

In the name of Allah the merciful and In the name of Moula Ali, Seyed Ali Khamenei my supreme spiritual leader, the leader of world Shia’, non Shia’ Musulmanan and representative of Allah on earth, I will begin my letter

Hello infidels

Make fun of Syrian Brothers, Qods Force and Islam and see where does it take you? To Hell it will take you.

I’m here to shine a light on your miserable night. Spirit of Imam Khomeini watches us. Qurani Karim teaches us:

Sura Al Kaffirun (Infidels)

“ Qol yaha’oha al kaffiruna, la a’bodo ma ta’boduna, va la antom abeduna ma a’bodo …”

“Oh ye who are infidels, I worship not what you worship, nore will yee worship what I worship …”

And Allah then explains:

Sura Al Fath (Victory)

“Ena fatahna lak fatha mobayna leyaqfera laka Allaho ma taqadama men zanbeka va ma ta’akhara vayoutema ne’mata’o va alayka va yahdeyaka sera ta’a mostaqeyma …”

“Verily we granted thee manifest victory that Allah may forgive thee thy faults of the past and those to follow; fulfill His favor to thee; and guide thee on the Straight Way;…”

The message is:

I know you are kaffirs, on the wrong path, infidels and lost in darkness, but if you beg for forgiveness, see the wrong in your doing, change your ways and “Toubah” and ask for mercy from Allah and his representative on earth, Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei, Moula Ali, then you may be forgiven, given second chance to walk a straight path and be allowed to return to Iran. We can be forgiving.

Aren’t you tired of being kafiir? Allah is merciful and Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei, my Moula Ali is merciful. Beg for forgiveness and you will be welcome to go back home to Iran.

Syria is free at last

The latest news is our beloved homeland, our great Syria is free again. On the great orders of Moula Ali, Imam Ali Khamenei, our glorious combine forces of Syrian, Iranian, Lebanese, Palestinian and Muslim brothers have defeated the Munafiq Rats and Agents of the Great Satan in Syria and taken control of the country. We must be honest, civil war is over and we are in control.

The Syrian military under the direction and blessing of the Qods Force, Sepah Pasdaran and under the guidance and spiritual powers of Moula Seyed Ali Khamenei, our leader, has conquered the land. Most of the Munafiq Rats joined “Halakat” and extreme suffering death. Syrian government is in charge and control. We support the Syrian government and victorious Qods Force is in control of Syria.

By the order of Moula Ali, Seyed Ali, we destroyed the infidels, agents of Great Satan and slaughtered the Munafiq Rats. Halakat is what they deserved. We have kicked the Great Satan in the face and kicked Obama and America out of Syria. Another victory in the Middle East and Land of Islam for my Moula Ali, Umma’ al Islam and the good followers of Allah, Prophet (PBUH) and Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei prevails.

It is clear that Islam is victorious because Allah is with us. Islamic Republic of Iran is the generator to establish the government of just, the government of fair Allah on earth. One world, one faith and one Umma’ under Allah will be established in the region and inshaAllah on earth.

After the great victories of Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, we will now determined to vallahi focus on the greater Middle East, Qods and Zionists. Brothers and sisters want to be free and live as Musulman. We are the soldiers of Imam, we only take orders from Imam who is the sole authority and representative of Allah on earth. We are soldiers of Islam and we answer only to Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei, our Moula Ali.

People want Islam, people want Imam
We are Qods Force, we give them Islam and Imam


How many more years are you willing to bark like wounded dogs in exile, while the Islamic Iran builds the Islamic Middle East and the world? Iran is not important but Islam is important. Focus on Islam and you will be saved. Change your ways or vallahi you will pay dearly. Islamic Republic of Iran is a superpower. Islam will save you.

I swear vallah vallah we are all brothers and we will fight to the last drop our blood for Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei, our great commander and our great “Marja’ Al Taqlid” the supreme authority and representative of Allah on earth.

La Takhaf Musulmanan, La Takhaf

La illahi illa Allah, Ya Moula, we are at your service

Ya Imam, ya Imam, we will fight forever
Ya Moula we will destroy the Kaffirs
Ya Hazrat, Islam will be victorious
Ya Seyed, Allah is with us

Kaffirun, see the light of Allah and do Toubah, beg for Moula’s forgiveness because Moula Ali, Seyed Ali is merciful and he will show you the way. Come back to Islam, come back to Iran before it’s too late.

See the light or your place is deep in Hell. You are in Hell. Western life is Hell and you suffer and wish you were in Iran. Iran is heaven. Beg and Toubah and Seyed will forgive you. Come back to Islam. Every soldier of Islam from all over Middle East loves to go to Iran, the heart of Islam, the shining light of Islam. We protect Iran as our heart. Iran is our bloodline and heart. Iran is heart of Islam.

I am soldier of Islam
I am soldier of Imam
I only answer to Moula Ali, my Moula, Hazrati Seyed Ali Khamenei, Moula of Shia’ and non Shia’ Musulmanan of earth

Qods is at his disposal, Sepah is at his disposal, Umma’ is at his disposal,

Great Satan has no place on land of Islam. Musulmanan will be victorious and Islam will be victorious.

Ali Ali, Ya Ali, Moula Ali, Seyed Ali, Seyed Ali Khamenei
Moula Ali will lead us to victory over Kaffirun, Munafiqun and Mal’ounin.

Some good sites for good people:

Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei Site
Office of Imam Seyed Ali Khamenei Site
Sepah News - IRGC

In the name of Seyed Ai Khamenei, Imam of world Shia’ and our Moula Ali, Seyed Ali Khamenei I end this letter.

Allaho Akbar

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Russia and Iran Invasion of Syria

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:01 pm

Russia and Iran Invasion of Syria
Russia's Syrian bombing gives boost to Iran
Mehrdad Farahmand
BBC Persian

Seda Image caption How Iran's media sees Russian intervention in Syria

While Russian cruise missiles were flying over Iran towards targets in Syria on Wednesday, Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was delivering a strongly worded speech ruling out the need for further political dialogue with the US.

"Talking to the US will not hold any benefits for us," he told an audience of Revolutionary Guards. "On the contrary, it will be extremely detrimental."

It may not be a complete coincidence that the Ayatollah was addressing members of the Guards, the very same organisation now believed to be playing a key role in planning and supporting Russia's Syrian intervention.
To young Iranians buoyed up by the nuclear deal and already looking forward to the prospect of their country opening up to the West, the Ayatollah's remarks came as a blow.

But in the context of President Putin's latest moves, they seem less surprising.
Russia joining the war in Syria is a major boost to Iran's involvement in Syria.
It also adds weight to Iran's position as a key power in the Middle East.

For much of the past 15 months, there have been repeated sightings of the powerful Revolutionary Guards commander Qasem Soleimani apparently shuttling between Damascus, Baghdad and Tehran.

It is now established that he has been playing a key role in setting up and supporting the Shia militia groups battling so-called Islamic State (IS) fighters in Iraq.

The recapture of the city of Tikrit from IS after a year of occupation marked a successful example of joint military action involving the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the mainly Shia militias and the Iraqi army.

In Syria too, Iranian support for the army and militia groups, including Tehran's ally Hezbollah, seems to be an open secret.

The Iranian media regularly report funerals of Revolutionary Guards commanders killed in Syria as well as Iraq.
And this summer's flood of refugees and migrants into Europe has included many young Afghan Hazaras, who have described to BBC Persian how they were recruited by Iran into special Shia militia brigades and sent to the front line in Syria.

Their stories back up claims widely reported and pictured on social media this year.

In July, Gen Soleimani apparently resurfaced in Russia where reports - neither confirmed nor denied by Tehran and Moscow - said he was beginning to put in place the plans that led to this week's Russian offensive.

Qasem Soleimani:
Born: 11 March 1957

Since 1998 he has been commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards' elite Quds Force, reporting directly to Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Has emerged from a lifetime in the shadows directing covert operations abroad to achieve almost celebrity status in Iran.

Since 2012 he has helped bolster the Syrian government, a key Iranian ally, during the Syrian civil war.
Also assisted in the command of combined Iraqi government and Shia militia forces that advanced against so-called Islamic State.

Visited Moscow in July to discuss possible Russian military intervention in Syria.
Gen Qasem Soleimani: Iran’s rising star

There has been no official comment from Tehran so far on the Russian operation.

But the tone of Iranian media reporting about it has been overwhelmingly positive, with much stress on the fact that it is happening as part of a joint coalition against IS, along with Iran, Iraq and Syria.

Russia's intervention means Iran is no longer the only foreign state to have militarily intervened in support of Bashar Assad.

It can now claim to be part of a major new military alliance with a former world superpower as an ally.

From the Iranian perspective, Russian intervention opens up a new possibility to challenge the US-dominated world order - something Iran's hardliners have dreamed of for decades.

But they are not the only ones celebrating Russia's intervention.

According to Ahmad Naqibzadeh, a professor of international relations at Tehran University, it's a development that also suits moderate politicians.

For them, he explains, Russia's decision to back Bashar Assad and attack all the groups opposing him means it's more likely all sides in the Syrian conflict will eventually have to come to the table - without pre-conditions - to find a political solution to the conflict.

"Convincing the West to stop insisting on the removal of Bashar Assad from power would be a victory for Iranian foreign policy and would then facilitate the normalisation of ties between Iran and the West," he told the BBC.

'Eternal enemy'

According to Mr Naqibzadeh, key policymakers around Iran's President Rouhani are also hoping the Russian campaign might actually bring the US and Iran closer together.

In a bid to persuade Iran not to throw everything behind Russia, they think the US could adopt a more conciliatory policy, he explains, and this would give Iran the opportunity the moderates are looking for to break out of the current isolation.

Judging by Ayatollah Khamenei's latest remarks, rapprochement with the US is the last thing on his mind.
An Iranian academic close to President Rouhani, and speaking to the BBC on condition of anonymity, says the idea of normalising ties between Iran and the US is something that deeply worries the Ayatollah.

"He believes the Americans are waiting for an 'Iran without Khamenei' in order to take Iran completely into their camp," the academic said.

The Ayatollah is the ultimate decision-maker in Iran's foreign policy, and he has made clear that he sees the US as an eternal enemy.

But the irony is not lost on many observers both inside and outside the country, that in order to combat one old enemy, the US, and to rescue his Syrian ally, Mr Khamenei is now turning to Russia, a country with which Iran shares a much longer history of adversity.

In the coming months, Iranians will be watching to see if the Ayatollah's gamble pays off, or whether Mr Putin's entry into the fray will draw Iran and its allies even deeper into the Syrian quagmire.
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Iranian General Killed in Syria

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:06 pm

Iranian General Killed in Syria
Commander Hossein Hamedani died at Islamic State hands as Iran steps up its involvement in the Syrian civil war.

Brigadier General Hossein Hamedani, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), was killed by Takfiri terrorists ISIS

YouTube Video

CNN Video ... yria-isis/

In May 2014, Hossein Hamedani, a top general in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, made a statement at a council meeting in Hamedan, the western Iranian province.

“Today we fight in Syria for interests such as the Islamic Revolution,” he said, adding, “Our defense is to the extent of the Sacred Defense”— a reference to Iran’s eight-year war with Iraq in the 1980s.

FARS, Iran’s state-run news agency, later struck his remarks from their account of the meeting because it contradicted Tehran’s official line—Iran is not militarily involved in the five-year-old Syrian civil war. As Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty noted, Hamedani’s boasts that Iran had created “a second Hezbollah” and that Iran’s efforts meant the Assad regime in Syria was no longer “at the risk of collapse” were also removed.

On Friday, Iran announced Hamedani had been killed this week in Syria in an ISIS attack. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the general and some of his bodyguards were killed outside a military airport near Aleppo.

President Hassan Rouhani praised Hamedani as a “martyr” and said his death was a “big loss.”

The New York Times reported that Hamedani’s “death illustrated both the level of Iran’s direct involvement on the government side in the Syrian civil war, and the pervasive violence of the conflict.”

Even as Iran has denied it, the country’s level of involvement in the Syrian civil war has always been substantial. However, as the Assad regime has continued to lose its grip on territory and control, the Iranians have scaled up their presence to bolster the Syrian leader. Just last week, The Wall Street Journal noted Iran’s latest major expansion of troops, which was being coordinated with Russia’s launching of airstrikes in Syria, and an offensive by Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

The costs of Iran’s involvement in Syria are also increasing. The news of Hamedani’s death dovetails with a statement by U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter confirming reports that four cruise missiles fired by Russia from the Caspian Sea had errantly landed in Iran. Russian media have dismissed that claim.

CNN Reports

Brigadier General Hossein Hamedani, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), was killed by Takfiri terrorists ISIS

Washington (CNN)The death of a top Iranian military commander in Syria this week has dealt a "psychological blow" to elements backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, according to a U.S. intelligence official.

The killing of a commander in the Revolutionary Guards Corps at the hands of ISIS also highlights the extent of Iranian involvement in Syria and the dire straits in which Assad finds himself, Washington-based analysts say.
Brig. Gen. Hossein Hamedani was killed outside Aleppo, Syria, where he was advising the Syrian army in its fight against extremists, Iranian state media reported Friday.

Iranian media carried messages of condolence from Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who described Hamedani's death as a big loss and applauded the senior commander for his bravery.

"He was in charge of [Iranian] operations inside Syria," said former CIA officer Reuel Marc Gerecht. "He's been involved in this from A to Z, so in the short term, it's probably a fairly significant loss."

The current U.S. intelligence official said the general's death would be a setback for fighters supporting the government.

"There's no doubt that it is a psychological blow to pro-regime forces in Syria," he said.
Analysts say the high-level loss highlights the extent of Iran's involvement in the fighting.

"The fact that you have a senior Iranian general shows both the desperation of the regime, as well as now the degree of Iranian involvement now in Syria," said Andrew Tabler of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
The United States and Iran both say they are fighting ISIS terrorists, but in practice they have different goals: The United States is supporting rebels trying to oust Assad, while Assad's close ally Iran became involved to defend his regime.

"I'm not sure it's the Iranian objective to beat ISIS," said Gerecht. "I think the primary Iranian objective is to ensure that Assad does not fall."

Iran has become increasingly public about its aid to Syria's government, at first not disclosing flights to Syria in 2012 which Washington believed to be full of advisers and weapons. Now, however, Iranian officials praise their officers for assisting and advising Syrian regime forces.

"It's harder for the Iranians to hide when it's someone like that who has real visibility," said Dennis Ross, former adviser on Iran to President Barack Obama.

In an interview with Iranian TV last weekend, Assad publicly thanked the Iranians -- along with Russia, which last week began bombing his opponents -- for their support.

"We want help from our friends, and this is what Iran is offering, and what Russia is offering," he said, hailing Russia's recent initiative to form a coalition between Russia, Syria and Iran.

During the summer, the commander of Iran's elite Quds force, Gen. Qasem Soleimani, traveled to Moscow.
Tabler says he believes Iran was instrumental in bringing Russia into a coalition to come to the regime's aid -- and planning a two-tiered military comeback campaign to do it.

"Iran and their Shia militias, and Hezbollah, are the ground component to Russia's air involvement," he said.
"While most attention seems to have been focused on Russian intervention in the last week or so in Syria," he continued, "actually it is combined with a giant Iranian offensive that was planned months ago with the Russians -- and that is unfolding."

But the involvement is not cost-free for Iran.

"The losses for the Guard Corps are increasing," said Gerecht. "We see the funeral announcements all the time of (Iran Revolutionary) Guard members who are perishing in Syria."

In addition, U.S. officials told CNN on Thursday that four missiles Russia had aimed into Syria landed in Iran instead, resulting in some destruction of property and possibly civilian casualties. Russia and Iran both denied the reports, but any such "friendly fire" would complicate Russia and Iran's partnership.

The U.S. intelligence official noted the cost to Iran in continuing its support of Damascus, raising the question of how much in resources Iran will be willing to devote to its Syrian operations.

"Though it appears that Tehran is committed to doubling down on supporting the Syrian regime, its expanding role in the conflict will put more Iranian lives at risk to support a failed dictator," he said.

Press TV Reports

Rouhani extends condolences over IRGC commander killing in Syria

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has offered his condolences on the killing of Brigadier General Hossein Hamedani, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), by terrorist groups in Syria.
In a message on Friday, Rouhani said the killing of the brave IRGC commander during an advisory mission to help strengthen the resistance movement in the fight against the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group and its allies was “a big loss and caused deep grief.”

The Iranian president said Hamedani played a leading role in establishing the IRGC and successfully commanding different operations during eight years of sacred defense against the Iraqi invasion in the 1980s.

Rouhani extended his condolences to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Iranian Armed Forces, particularly the IRGC forces, and to all Iranians.

The IRGC announced in a statement carried by Sepah News on Friday that Hamedani had been killed by Takfiri Daesh terrorists during an advisory mission on the outskirts of the Syrian city of Aleppo the night before.

Other Iranian officials' reactions

In a Friday message, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Hamedani’s killing by the Takfiri terrorists was a great loss, calling on the international community to prioritize the urgency to fight terrorism.

IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari also praised the deceased for his role in the resistance against the US and the Israeli regime.

He said Hamedani was killed by the mercenaries of the US and the Israeli regime in the region who are supported by certain countries including Saudi Arabia, and are killing the Muslim people of Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Bahrain.
In his message, Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said the killing of the IRGC commander would undoubtedly ramp up determination of the resistance front to eradicate terrorism.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani said the killing of the Iranian commander will only speed up the eradication of Daesh.

Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, for his part, said Hamedani played a key role in improving regional and international security and fighting terrorism.

In separate messages, Iran’s Parliament (Majlis) Speaker Ali Larijani, Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani and Secretary of the Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei also expressed their condolences over Hamedani’s death.
The Syrian military has been fighting the terrorist groups for over four years. Iran has been offering Syria military advice in its fight against terrorist groups.

Since March 2011, about 250,000 people have lost their lives and millions more been displaced by the turmoil in Syria.
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Re: Syria is Free and Islam is Victorious

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Tue Apr 05, 2016 4:04 pm

Response to Qods IRI and Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim, IPC post dated Mar 7th, 2014

The propaganda praising Islam and belittling free-thinking intelligent people by addressing them as infidels reveals an indoctrinated mind trapped in a cage with old, outdated religious beliefs. The passages in the Qur’an verify that the revelations of Muhammad were written and assembled by his Companions to obtain power and wealth over many countries by force. After the death of Muhammad in 632 CE, within 118 years, they established an Iranian Theocratic Empire by 750 CE. Towns and cities were destroyed and conquered people were given the choice by Islamic leaders; pay a tax to worship Allah or die. Today, that same mentality exists to force Islamic beliefs on all people around the globe.

Most Muslims, schooled imams, caliphs, and mullahs lack knowledge of the history of Islam. An objective study of the Qur’an will reveal it is used as a manual to indoctrinate people to believe it is God, the Islamic God Allah, that commands them to impose the “true religion” on all people and have it “prevail over all other religions.” See Qur’an suras 9:29 and 9:33. This is a false belief for no God will kill His creations by assisting and commanding Muslims to kill innocent people in His Name because they have other religious beliefs or paths to learn about and worship Him. This is the objective of greedy, powerful religious leaders who want to dominate the world with one religion.

All Muslims need to try to escape the cage of indoctrination that commands them to kill their brothers and sisters, including themselves, because they believe it is the will of Allah. This is an insane theology and only the uneducated, unthinking, illogical mind can become fooled to kill in the name of God.

Smart Muslims will take time to investigate why free people of the world cannot accept Islamic beliefs. A good start is to read Allah, We, Our and Us. It is hosted on the link below: ... /index.htm
Last edited by Nicholas Ginex on Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Iranian Regime is Bleeding in the Syrian Quagmire

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:56 am

Iranian Regime is Bleeding in the Syrian Quagmire
Hassan Daioleslam

Important Article:

Iranian Regime is Bleeding in the Syrian Quagmire
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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Fri Aug 26, 2016 1:55 pm

After reading the IPC post, Iranian Regime is Bleeding in the Syrian Quagmire by Hassan Daioleslam (author, investigative journalist and political analyst), dated August 26, 2016, I was encouraged by the possibility of Iran being weakened by the continued conflicts that drain the country economically and militarily. Hassan wrote, “The battle of Aleppo showed the failure of Iranian military surge in Syria since 2015 to reach a decisive victory and proves how deeply Iran is bogged down in the Syrian quagmire.”

However, from a realistic view, all people have got to learn that Islam is an ideology that will persist because it is ingrained into young minds that Islam will prevail over all other religions. We see this ideology expressed by Bismillahi Rahmani and Allaho Akbar Wasallam, both Soldiers of Iran in the IPC post, Syria is Free and Islam is Victorious by Qods IRI, dated Friday, March 07, 2014.

In response to the post, (Syria is Free and Islam is Victorious), on April 05, 2016, I ended my reply with the following appeal:

“All Muslims need to try to escape the cage of indoctrination that commands them to kill their brothers and sisters, including themselves, because they believe it is the will of Allah. This is an insane theology and only the uneducated, unthinking, illogical mind can become fooled to kill in the name of God.

Smart Muslims will take time to investigate why free people of the world cannot accept Islamic beliefs. A good start is to read Allah, We, Our and Us. It is hosted on the link below: ... /index.htm

This appeal is wishful thinking because, unfortunately, most Muslims are not educated and those that are, they are infected with an ideology very early in their formative years. After reflecting on the danger of the Islamic threat to people around the world, it became obvious to me that the source that promotes its ideology must be identified and dealt with.

It is informative to identify the Iran military threat that has surfaced the around the world. The free nations must access the threat and deal with it before it will swallow them up as increasing numbers of indoctrinated minds multiply within their countries. But, to attack and deal with the Islamic threat, the smartest and wise action is to deal with the source of the problem. Anybody who has read the Qur’an objectively, will be dismayed to learn it is the source that infects young and uneducated minds with bigotry, hatred, violence and the senseless murder of people who do not believe in the Muslim God Allah.

To inform and educate people AROUND THE WORLD, as an IPC author, philosopher, humanist, and lover of all people, I have written an article that challenges Islamic religious leaders and scholars. It is titled, END Islamic Terrorism and has been posted on IPC for your evaluation and comments. It is imperative that all people recognize the Islamic problem starts with its source, the Qur’an. Only by understanding that it is the Qur’an that is used as a manual by Islamic leaders to indoctrinate people can people solve the problem.

I earnestly believe that the following quote predicts a reality. This quote will be passed onto the Internet via a Press Release on August 30, 2016, titled END Islamic Terrorism.

“To not revise the Qur’an, its abominable versus will cause Muslim extremism to ALWAYS EXIST."
_________________________________________________________Nicholas P. Ginex.”

For active IPC members to join in an effort to wake up uninformed people and indoctrinated Muslim minds, it will be a proactive and positive action to read the article and comment. Only by consistent exposure of the abominable versus in the Qur’an can people learn that its Islamic ideology has got to be revised with the greatest command given by a man of God.

The IPC post, END Islamic Terrorism, may be read via the link:


Make your voices heard by commenting on the IPC post, END Islamic Terrorism.
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Iranian Foreign Legion of IRGC Force in Syria

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:48 am

Iranian Foreign Legion of IRGC Force in Syria

Iranian IRGC Qods Force Special Forces Motorized Mobile Units play an important role in Syria and around the Middle East. A Great number of these units are of the Iranian Foreign Legion of the IRGC.


Please review this informing article:


Iranian Foreign Legion of IRGC Force in Syria
Hassan Daioleslam
September 22, 2016

Iranian regime intensifies its campaign to lure Afghan immigrants to fight in Syria

Syrian Opposition Political Poster mocking the Syrian Puppet Regime of Iran:
"Vote for Qassem Soleimani President of Syria and his deputy Bashar Al Assad!”
Syrian Opposition openly critics Assad’s Regime as the Iranian Puppet Regime.

For the past several months, the Iranian regime has been carrying out a large-scale public campaign to justify its military intervention in Syria and reinvigorate the regime’s ideological base that seems shaken by the Syrian quagmire. This campaign specifically targets Afghan immigrants who provide the majority of recruits for the “Fatemiyoun” Division, the Afghan unit of Iran’s Qods Force fighting in Syria. The Fatemiyoun Division was founded in 2013 and is estimated to have around 12,000 members, 400 of whom have been killed in Syria.

Read more:

Iranian Foreign Legion of IRGC Force in Syria ... /index.htm

Iranian Regime is Bleeding in the Syrian Quagmire ... /index.htm

Hassan Daioleslam Index ... /index.htm

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Iranian Girl Fan of Major General Qassem Soleimani Commander of Iranian IRGC Qods Force is participating in the demonstration, welcoming the General back to Iran while waving the photo of the General, stating: “I am your soldier General Soleimani”! Yes, you guessed it! Another IRI propaganda rally with students and fashionable girls waving pictures with English slogans directed to the English speaking audience and media!
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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby Kargozaran » Fri Nov 04, 2016 6:21 am

It is Iraqi Forces and Kurdish Forces backed by IRI who are taking over Mosul and pushing back ISIS in Iraq. In same tradition, it is Syrian Army and Russian Forces backed by IRI who are pushing back the Rebels in Aleppo and ISIS in Syria. Glorious forces of IRI with the leadership of IRI are securing Iraq and Syria. IRI is the regional power who is becoming a global power. America is a declining power who sticks his nose in Middle East but his efforts are a waste and without IRI cooperation and blessing will turn to nothing. Middle East is ours and America is a paper tiger. IRI is here to stay, deal with it.
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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby CR » Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:01 pm

Hello Kodan-e Kheng-e Akhund-che
Excuse me :fingering: , do we have a problem understanding that we have no business in Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen or anywhere else in Middle East seeking adventures and imperialistic intentions while Iranian people are hungry? First we need to feed our own people and providing jobs for our people, then we are allowed to spend money on our proxies around Middle East and feed Arabs and every single Arab Terrorist proxy org! Is IRI really that stupid to figure this out or is it that IRI does not care about Iranians because they are half breed Arabs themselves? If IRI was a legit Iranian regime, then it would feed and provide jobs for Iranians first, before seeking adventures and proxies in Middle East. IRI is in no condition to spend mass money in Middle East on her proxies. IRI, Mullahs and buffoons like you must comprehend this fact.

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