Battleplan Against IRI in Biden - Harris Era

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Re: Battleplan Against IRI in Biden Era

Postby Bita Qabus » Thu May 27, 2021 5:12 am

IRI Elections in Short

Another sham election, another sham candidates run, another fooling the people and another 4 years of fraud, incompetence and Islam ruling Iran and Iranians to make Iran weak and broke but to make Arab satellite proxy terrorists rich and to keep them in line to terrorize the region.
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Re: Battleplan Against IRI in Biden Era

Postby Shahrzad BB » Thu May 27, 2021 5:39 am

Hi Bita, good to see you and hear from you. Best way to put the Iranian Democracy is like this:

Iranian Islamic Democracy Iran Cox and Forkum Cartoon
Reformist and Conservative Puppet Games of Tehran

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Iranian Election Fake Photo-op COVID-19 Vaccine Lineups

Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:22 pm

Iranian Election Fake Photo-op COVID-19 Vaccine Lineups
Fake Iranian Election Lineup Photos
IRI is Using COVID-19 Vaccine Lineups as Election Lineups
How Low Can You Go? Not As Low as IRI!

What a Sham, We Bull Shiite the World, Now for 4 Decades!

IPC Web Mistress writes:


Iranian Election Fake Photo-op COVID-19 Vaccine Lineups
Catayoun Razmjou
June 3, 2021

IRI haven’t had a real election in Iran since Mullahs took over in 1979 but some western media excitingly promotes these sham elections like they are real! Mainstream Liberal Media treats these elections with excitement and Democrats whom as usual are in cahoots with the Mullahs and the Iran Lobby, are yet looking for another so-called Great Moderate like Mullah Khatami to fool both the American and the Iranian people, while cooking the 2nd round of Obama-Iran Nuclear Deal in Obama’s 3rd Term presidency of Puppet Biden!

Read more:

Iranian Election Fake Photo-op COVID-19 Vaccine Lineups ... /index.htm

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Iranian Democracy Front

Postby Atusa Qajar » Mon Jun 07, 2021 4:24 am

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I am a Danger to Islam and Muslims.
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Iran Opposition Surveillance & Espionage Operations

Postby CR » Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:48 am

Iran Opposition Surveillance and Espionage Operations

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Iran Politics Club Futurist Faravahar Tricolor Iran Flag

Iran Politics Club Flags
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Iran Opposition Surveillance and Espionage Operations

Patriots, Freedom Fighters, Comrades, Colleagues, Members, Readers and Friends:

Islamic Republic of Iran’s Regime and their Iran Lobby Operations in United States are great with Espionage Operations because they are big on bribes and payoffs. Many Iranians are easy to be bought and they sellout easily. Morely, Chinese spies and hi-tech industry works with the Iranian spies and Internet Information Operations. With Democrats’ Open Border Policies, allowing Iranian spies and assassins to pour inside United states, we have a big challenge to face.

We must be resilient, aware and competitive with the Regime’s espionage operations. We must focus on Surveillance and Espionage Operations both Inside and Outside Iran.

We will discuss:

* Surveillance and Espionage Operations Outside Iran
* Surveillance and Espionage Operations Inside Iran

Surveillance and Espionage Operations Outside Iran

Outside Iran, we have managed to establish a good start on surveillance of the Iran Lobby Organizations, monitor their financial transactions with the IRI Regime, Iran Lobby Connections and Firms inside Iran (Namazi Family, etc.), San Diego Terrorist Bank (PCC, etc.) and George Soros Operations (Quincy Ins., Open Society Foundations, etc.). Our surveillance and research on Iran Lobby orgs go back 12 years. Once gathered enough evidence and information, then we released and are releasing exposes and expose them wide open.

Iran Lobby Infiltrates San Diego Persian Cultural Center PCC: 2 Chapters

San Diego Iran Lobby Threatens Ahreeman X
PCC Persian Cultural Center San Diego Iran Lobby Bank ... /index.htm

San Diego is the Bank for Terrorism
PCC SD - Persian Cultural Center of San Diego ... /index.htm

Namazi Iran Oil Mafia Family History and Photo Gallery
Namazi Family Created the IRI Iran Lobby in America

Namazi Family are Iran Lobby, Not US Hostages!
Globalist Criminal Billionaires, Not Innocent Victims! ... /index.htm

Espionage is very important for the success of a movement. IRI Regime and Iran Lobby are active in espionage but they are not good in it. Their security systems are also weak. As of the results, you repeatedly witness Israeli and Opposition infiltration of their systems, sabotage of their bases of operations and elimination of their sellout mercenaries, spies and agents all the way to their scientists.

On Espionage front we have begun drafting informants and setting operators inside the Iran Lobby Organizations to gain information, insider trades info, the info on their ops. in coalition with the IRI Regime, Iran Lobby Firms Inside Iran, George Soros Operations, and Between each other. Iran Lobby Organizations have a strong communication system not only with Iran, businesses but with each other and of course with the PCC Persian Cultural Center of San Diego which is the bank for the Iran Lobby and the San Diego City Hall which is Democrat run and is a corrupt institution cooperating with the PCC and the Iran Lobby.

Surveillance and Espionage Operations are important keys in gaining information, gaining documents, discovering tactics and financial transactions, also key members and new members discoveries amongst the Iran Lobby orgs.

Surveillance and Espionage Operations Inside Iran

Inside Iran Operations must be inspired by outside Iran operations but draft different tactics to achieve strategical goals.

On Surveillance front, you must have the Regime’s armories, stock storages, bases, communication centers, Internet Operations, Related Ministries, Safe Houses and VEVAK Ministry of Intelligence (Vezarat-e Ettela'at va Amniyat-e Keshvar) hidden houses and bases monitored and keep them on constant surveillance.

In this manner, you will establish a routine and gain information on:

Hours of Operation
System of Movements in and out
Who goes where?
What weapons and equipment are stored where?
Distribution of the manpower
Major players in IRGC, Basij, VEVAK and Other Regime’s entities
Operators on the ground
System of Operations

This information is crucial to collect for operations inside Iran.

On espionage front, you must establish and input deep undercover operators inside IRGC, Basij, Hezbollah and Government offices and organizations, also make connections and form alliances with presently members of the IRGC, Basij, Hezbollah and Government Offices working for IRI. Use your family members, associates and friends already working for the security forces and the government as pawns or as informants. In addition to these tactics, create new cells inside the security forces and the government offices. Use similar tactics as we use outside Iran with the Iran Lobby orgs. Gain information on their members, find their secrets, and use the information to make them turn against each other and become informants.

On this issue, in advance we have sent manuals and instructions to Tehran Central and Major Cities’ Central Quarters inside Iran. The instructions will be distributed by your local headquarters and universities and schools’ fellow comrades.

Draft more and more students, workers and young technocrats inside hi schools, universities, factories and government offices. Be extremely cautious in your movements because regime has strong espionage operations inside the schools. Remember the rule of 4 and system of 4:

IPC Cells Manual: Communications & Distributions
Freedom Fighters Manual


Also remember the agenda and the grand plan:

Battleplan Against IRI in Biden Era

The goal is to infiltrate deep inside the regime’s administrative operations, cyber operations, security forces and government offices.

The goal is also to ultimately create insider connections which in the “Zero Hour” are able to distribute arms and ammunition to the opposition so they can challenge the regime’s forces, guerrilla warfare and do major damages. Remember that Armed People are Free People:

Armed People are Free People

Surveillance and Espionage are very important. That is what we do with the Iran Lobby and that is what you need to do with the armories, storages and supply centers. You must find the schedules, times of operations, stockpiles and chain of supplies. This is how you will be able to monitor the IRGC, Basij and Hezbollah. By finding the schedules, you will be able to find their pattern of operations, logistics and stockpiling.

Through surveillance and espionage, you will at last be able to raid and get your hands on weapons. The tactic is to make connections, form alliances, draft informants and input spies deep in the IRGC, Basij, Hezbollah and Regime’s Operations both Administrative and Cyber Sections.

At the same time, when you conduct surveillance and espionage, keep your eyes and activities also focused on your second task which is getting your hands on hot and cold weapons of all types. Stockpile them and keep them safe for target practice, combat training and future usage.

Democrats Go Hand in Hand with Mullahs

Regime’s operations during the Democrats’ Era are expanding, their memberships are also expanding. Their inter organizational relations are getting harmonized and on the same wave length. NIAC, PAAIA, AIC and their Bank PCC are creating secretive and closer ties to cooperate.

Trita Parsi, now directly under the unlimited financial empire of George Soros (Quincy Institute), Big Iran Lobby Oil Mafia (Namazi Family), Corrupt Business tycoons (Anousheh Ansari, Tayebi Brothers, Omid Kordestani, others) and IRI Regime’s funding is now operating with unlimited funds and open hands. Trita Parsi blessed by Democrats’ Socialist Regime in America and IRI Islamist Regime in Iran is well financed to create new lobby operations, new members, new financiers and new plots to destroy the opposition. Democrats in America go hand in hand with the Mullahs of Iran.

In America, Iran Lobby has grand financiers and supporters. Big Tech, Social Media and Search Engines like Google are backing the Iran Lobby:

Google Iranian American Corrupt Management
Google, Facebook and Twitter Iranian American Management ... /index.htm

PCC Persian Cultural Center of San Diego Treason

PCC Persian Cultural Center of San Diego as the Iran Lobby Bank is also now expanding web operations, financial operations and its members are financing the Iran Lobby Groups. With inside San Diego City Hall and San Diego City members and operatives going back 20 years such as Shahriar Afshar the Port of San Diego Regulatory Affair Manager, PCC Member, AIAP member, Head of Iranian American Democrat Party of SD, Head of Iranian Trade Association (ITA) are good connections between the corrupt San Diego City Hall deep in the pocket of Special Interest and Iran Lobby and the Iran Lobby Orgs.

Shahriar Afshar as the Iranian Trade Association (ITA) head and Association of Iranian American Professionals (AIAP) member and Public Relations is a great asset to IRI, a born traitor to Iran and a professional sellout to Iran Lobby. San Diego City Hall is a corrupt entity and the corrupt Iranian employees are not limited to Shahriar Afshar!

You are the Hopes and Dreams of the Iranian People

Finally have in mind that our operations outside Iran are not as important as what you do inside Iran. You are the core of the operations and hopes of the opposition. Pay special attention, put them on top of your priorities, discuss them and set agenda to strongly focus on Surveillance and Espionage operations inside Iran.

Best of our hopes and support to you.

Power to the Iranian Workers and People
Death to Islamic Republic of Iran
Down with the Iran Lobby
Down with the Iranian Billionaires and Millionaires Supporting Iran Lobby

Victory Belongs to Us
Victory Belongs to the People

Pure Persian Pride

Catayoun Razmjou
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Iran's New President is Executioner Judge of 1988 Massacre

Postby CR » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:53 pm

Iran’s New President is Ex Executioner Judge of 1988 Massacre
Hojatol Eslam Ebrahim Raisi Butcher of 1988, Now President
Beijing Biden Wants to Make a Deal with a Mass Murderer

Crimes Against Humanity Stains Raisi’s Robe
Raisi was 1 of 4 Panel Judges for 1988 Executions
33,000 Opposition Members Executed by Raisi’s Blessing

Raisi was Khomeini’s Executioner Judge of 1988
Raisi has Blood on his Hand
Today’s President, Ex Mass Murderer

Another Sham Election, Another Selected President
Ebrahim Raisi is Khamenei’s New Puppet President
Khamenei Selected his Yes Sir Man as President

Ex Chief Justice Becomes New Puppet Presidnet












Mass Execution of Iranian Opposition Political Prisoners 1979 - Present
1988 Iranian Opposition Massacre
Summer of Blood
On 1988, Imam Khomeini, in tradition of Imam Ali (according to his historic speech in the video) ordered the “Death Commission” (made up of judiciary and prison personnel) to execute over 33,000 Iranian Opposition Political Prisoners consisting of boys, girls, women and men. The regime dumped the bodies in Khavaran (near Tehran) and other deserts in mass graves dug for this special operation. The “Death Commission” Genocide Operation took 3 months to complete.

Mass Execution of Iranian Opposition from 1979 until today.
Summer of Blood (1988 Massacre) was only one example.
IRI has the greatest rate of execution in the globe.


Iran’s New President Defends Role in Mass Executions: Claims to Be ‘Defender of Human Rights’



Ebrahim Raisi, the head of Iran’s judiciary and the country’s incoming president, defended his role in mass executions in 1988 at a press conference Monday, telling journalists that he was a “defender of human rights.”

Judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi described himself as a “defender of human rights” when asked about his involvement in the 1988 mass execution of thousands of people.

“All that I have done through my years of service has always been towards defending human rights,” said the Iranian president-elect, accusing the West of violating human rights.

The Associated Press described Raisi’s role in the 1988 executions when he became judiciary chief in 2019:

After Iran’s then-Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini accepted a U.N.-brokered cease-fire, members of the Iranian opposition group Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, heavily armed by Saddam Hussein, stormed across the Iranian border in a surprise attack.

Iran ultimately blunted their assault, but the attack set the stage for the sham retrials of political prisoners, militants and others that would become known as “death commissions.” Some who appeared were asked to identify themselves. Those who responded “mujahedeen” were sent to their deaths, while others were questioned about their willingness to “clear minefields for the army of the Islamic Republic,” according to a 1990 Amnesty International report.

International rights groups estimate that as many as 5,000 people were executed, while the MEK puts the number at 30,000. Iran has never fully acknowledged the executions, apparently carried out on Khomeini’s orders, though some argue that other top officials were effectively in charge in the months before his 1989 death. Raisi reportedly served on a panel involved in sentencing the prisoners to death.

Raisi also ruled out a meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden and demanded that the U.S. remove all sanctions on Iran. He said there would be no compromise on ballistic missile development or Iran’s support for regional terror groups as a condition of returning to the Iran deal.

Biden has been eager to restore the deal, and has turned away from traditional U.S. allies in the region since taking office in an apparent effort to show American willingness to accommodate Iran. Biden’s diplomatic envoy to Iran, Rob Malley, is in Vienna trying to continue talks toward returning to the deal negotiated by President Barack Obama, under which Iran only agreed to pause nuclear enrichment activity for about a decade.

Raisi was elected after the country’s religious leaders handpicked the candidates. A significant portion of the voting population boycotted the election or spoiled their ballots.

New Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Raisi’s election ought to be a sign to world leaders to “wake up” about Iran and the danger of returning to the nuclear deal.

Raisi will officially take office in August. The Biden administration is said to be desperate to reach a nuclear deal before he does.


Iran Selects Executioner Ebrahim Raisi as ‘President’ with Record-Low Turnout



The Islamic regime of Iran predictably chose Ebrahim Raisi, a longtime prosecutor responsible for the killing of thousands of dissidents, as its “president” in an election this weekend in which less than half the eligible population participated.

Raisi’s extensive clerical background and record holding several senior judiciary positions, including top prosecutor, contrast significantly with the record of predecessor Hassan Rouhani, which establishment American outlets consider a relative “moderate” at odds with the most extreme Islamist factions in the regime.

While Iran has regularly held presidential elections for decades, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei typically handpicks the winners through his Guardian Council, which decides who gets their name on the ballot. This year, the Guardian Council rejected 592 candidates filing to run for president, including former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and left seven on the ballot. Three dropped out before election day and endorsed Raisi, leaving him no significant competition in the vote.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK), the country’s largest and most active dissident organization, urged a nationwide boycott of the election to prevent Khamenei from credibly claiming the election’s results reflected the will of the Iranian people. The campaign appeared to succeed, as over half of eligible voters did not participate, a record low.

The state-run Fars News Agency confirmed late Saturday that 48.8 percent of voters went to the polls, representing about 29 million of the nation’s 59 million eligible voters. Raisi received nearly 18 million of these votes; the closest runner-up, Mohsen Rezaei of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) terrorist organization, received only 3.4 million votes. None of the candidates approved by the Guardian Council represented the alleged “moderate” win of Iranian politics.

Fars News claimed that several polling stations extended their hours to accommodate the large number of people flocking to them to vote. Videos taken by dissidents within Iran show a different story, however — largely abandoned polling places and evidence of government officials allegedly bribing people on the street to go vote.

Evidence suggests that local turnout in major cities fell below the 48-percent nationwide turnout. The Kurdish outlet Rudaw, citing officials in Tehran, reported that the capital city saw a 26-percent turnout in the election, or about 3 million of 10 million votes.

PMOI, the dissident organization, accused the regime of lying about the overall turnout. Claiming evidence compiled from 400 cities nationwide and extensive video evidence of empty polls, PMOI claimed that “less than 10 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots, which displays the Iranian people’s utter contempt for the regime in its entirety.”

The low turnout ran afoul of Khamenei’s personal plea to the Iranian public last week to vote and avoid embarrassing the Islamic regime. Khamenei called voting an “act of virtue” and said Iranian voters could have a “unique impact” on Iran’s international stature if they granted Khamenei a high turnout as a sign of confidence in the regime.

The dissident-led boycott movement made the same case — a low turnout would be an expression of the low levels of support and confidence Iranian people have in their regime and an expression of a desire for change.

“This time around, unlike previous occasions, there [are] no prominent candidates from the regime’s ‘reformist’ faction. That means that the regime has decided to forgo its bogus campaign fervor of previous occasions in favor of consolidating power and further contraction,” Hadi, an Iranian professor active with the resistance, told Breitbart News in an interview last week.

The decision to elevate Raisi to the title of “president” proved particularly noxious to dissidents and international human rights observers due to his extensive record of ordering mass executions of opponents of the Islamic Regime. Raisi’s single most egregious human rights crime was the execution of between 5,000 and 30,000 opponents of the regime, most of them affiliated with the PMOI, in 1988. Raisi held a seat on the Central Committee of the nation’s “death commissions” at the time and held the title of Tehran Deputy Prosecutor — giving him power personally to oversee, order, or cancel the executions.

Anticipating global disgust with his “election,” Raisi, in remarks this weekend, claimed he was a “defender of human rights.” He also vowed to cooperate on the transition with Rouhani and categorically rejected any negotiations with the United States.

Fars News defended Raisi’s record and claimed he had attracted national admiration during previous failed presidential runs.

“He had a strong presence in the struggles leading to the Islamic Revolution and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, with the election of martyr Ayatollah Beheshti as the judiciary chief he entered the judiciary of the Islamic Republic,” the outlet said of the new president. “Rayeesi gained a high degree of trust and popularity in the public opinion with a deep understanding of the demands of the people, which had peaked since the economic turmoil of 2018, and dealing widely and openly with economic corruption and major corruptors inside and outside the Judiciary, regardless of political affiliations.”

Related Article

Iranian Opposition Massacre of 1988
Crime Against Humanity Gallery
1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran ... /index.htm

Ebrahim Raisi - Wikipedia
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Iran Nationwide Strikes Slowly Begins July 2021

Postby CR » Sun Jul 04, 2021 6:03 pm

Iran Nationwide Strikes Slowly Begins July 2021
Oil Workers, Cattle Ranchers, Teachers & Others Strikes
Strikes Due to Inflation, Unemployment, Shortages & Back Wages

Lack of Electricity, Water, Cattle Food & Other Shortages
Workers are Rising, Assembling and Striking
Goal: Upcoming Nationwide Strikes

Rigged Election Will Not Silence the Iranian People

Iran Lion and Sun Flag Revolution Fist Protest Poster of Iran Politics Club

Free Iran Fist Breaks Allah Spider Logo IRI Flag Protest Poster of Iran Politics Club

Iran Nationwide Protests Political Posters ... /index.htm


Iran Protests Since the Election ... -election/

13th Day of Oil Workers Strike in Iran ... e-in-iran/

'Tired, Desperate, and Hungry': Energy-Sector Strikes Put Pressure On Iranian Regime ... 32175.html

Unions Back Striking Oil Workers as Parliament Ignores Demands


Iran Online News – IPC Central


Ahmadinejad Interview on Rigged Election - CNBC

Ahmadinejad Views on Fake Election and Regime Oppression

Glassworkers Strike - Markazi

Teachers Strike - Tehran

Water Strikes - Tabriz

Esteghlal Fans - Tehran

Esteghlal Fans Against Management - Tehran

Economic Strike for Corruption

Educational System Protests

Cattle Ranchers - Fars

Pharmacists - Esfahan

Cattle Rancher Strike - Yazd


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VEVAK Kidnap Plot of Masih Alinejad Exposed by FBI

Postby CR » Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:12 pm

VEVAK Kidnap Plot of Masih Alinejad Exposed by FBI
VEVAK IRI Intelligence Plot to Kidnap Journalist US Citizen
Kidnap Plan of Iranian American & 4 Others Exposed

Another IRI Serial Kidnaping Plot Exposed by FBI
VEVAK USA Operations Expands During Biden Era
Biden Open Borders Welcomes Iranian Terrorists

Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamists & IRI Agents Welcome to USA
Biden & Democrats Regime Endanger Iranian Opposition Lives in USA
Terrorists Roam Free in USA, Thanks to Biden Occupational Regime

Anti Hejab Activist Kidnap Plot Exposed by FBI








FBI Indictment of IRI VEVAK Agents

Alireza Shavaroghi Farahani – VEVAK Commander
Mahmoud Khazein – VEVAK IRI Agent
Kiya Sadeghi - VEVAK IRI Agent
Omid Noori - VEVAK IRI Agent

Not Indicted Yet
Financial Services for Kidnap
Niloufar Bahadorifar – Financial and Services Facilitator


Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Iranian Intelligence Officials Indicted on Kidnapping Conspiracy Charges

Iranian Intelligence Services Allegedly Plotted to Kidnap a U.S. Journalist and Human Rights Activist from New York City for Rendition to Iran

A New York federal court unsealed an indictment today charging four Iranian nationals with conspiracies related to kidnapping, sanctions violations, bank and wire fraud, and money laundering. A co-conspirator and California resident, also of Iran, faces additional structuring charges.

According to court documents, Alireza Shavaroghi Farahani, aka Vezerat Salimi and Haj Ali, 50; Mahmoud Khazein, 42; Kiya Sadeghi, 35; and Omid Noori, 45, all of Iran, conspired to kidnap a Brooklyn journalist, author and human rights activist for mobilizing public opinion in Iran and around the world to bring about changes to the regime’s laws and practices. Niloufar Bahadorifar, aka Nellie Bahadorifar, 46, originally of Iran and currently residing in California, is alleged to have provided financial services that supported the plot.

“Every person in the United States must be free from harassment, threats and physical harm by foreign powers,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Mark J. Lesko for the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “Through this indictment, we bring to light one such pernicious plot to harm an American citizen who was exercising their First Amendment rights, and we commit ourselves to bring the defendants to justice.”

“As alleged, four of the defendants monitored and planned to kidnap a U.S. citizen of Iranian origin who has been critical of the regime’s autocracy, and to forcibly take their intended victim to Iran, where the victim’s fate would have been uncertain at best,” said U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss for the Southern District of New York. “Among this country’s most cherished freedoms is the right to speak one’s mind without fear of government reprisal. A U.S. citizen living in the United States must be able to advocate for human rights without being targeted by foreign intelligence operatives. Thanks to the FBI’s exposure of their alleged scheme, these defendants have failed to silence criticism by forcible abduction.”

“As alleged in this indictment, the government of Iran directed a number of state actors to plot to kidnap a U.S.-based journalist and American citizen, and to conduct surveillance on U.S. soil - all with the intention to lure our citizen back to Iran as retaliation for their freedom of expression,” said Assistant Director Alan E. Kohler Jr. of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. “We will use all the tools at our disposal to aggressively investigate foreign activities by operatives who conspire to kidnap a U.S. citizen just because the government of Iran didn’t approve of the victim’s criticism of the regime.”

According to the indictment, Farahani is an Iranian intelligence official who resides in Iran. Khazein, Sadeghi and Noori are Iranian intelligence assets who also reside in Iran and work under Farahani. Since at least June 2020, Farahani and his intelligence network have plotted to kidnap a U.S. citizen of Iranian origin (Victim-1) from within the United States in furtherance of the government of Iran’s efforts to silence Victim-1’s criticisms of the regime. Victim-1 is an author and journalist who has publicized the government of Iran’s human rights abuses.

Prior to the kidnapping plot, the government of Iran attempted to lure Victim-1 to a third country in order to capture Victim-1 for rendition to Iran. In approximately 2018, Iranian government officials attempted to induce relatives of Victim-1, who reside in Iran, to invite the victim to travel to a third country for the apparent purpose of having Victim-1 arrested or detained and transported to Iran for imprisonment. Victim-1’s relatives did not accept the offer. An electronic device used by Farahani contains, among other things, a photo of Victim-1 alongside photos of two other individuals, both of whom were lured from third countries and captured by Iranian intelligence, with one later executed and the other imprisoned in Iran, and a caption in Farsi that reads: “gradually the gathering gets bigger... are you coming, or should we come for you?”

On multiple occasions in 2020 and 2021, as part of the plot to kidnap Victim-1, Farahani and his network procured the services of private investigators to surveil, photograph and video record Victim-1 and Victim-1’s household members in Brooklyn. Farahani’s network procured days’ worth of surveillance at Victim-1’s home and the surrounding area, videos and photographs of the victim’s family and associates, surveillance of the victim’s residence, and the installation of and access to a live high-definition video feed of Victim-1’s home. The network repeatedly insisted on high-quality photographs and video recordings of Victim-1 and Victim-1’s household members; a large volume of content; pictures of visitors and objects around the house; and depictions of Victim-1’s body language. The network procured the surveillance by misrepresenting their identities and the purpose of the surveillance to the investigators, and laundered money into the United States from Iran to pay for the surveillance. Sadeghi acted as the network’s primary point of contact with private investigators while Noori facilitated payment to the investigators in furtherance of the plot.

As part of the kidnapping plot, the Farahani-led intelligence network also researched methods of transporting Victim-1 out of the United States for rendition to Iran. Sadeghi, for example, researched a service offering military-style speedboats for self-operated maritime evacuation out of New York City, and maritime travel from New York to Venezuela, a country whose de facto government has friendly relations with Iran. Khazein researched travel routes from Victim-1’s residence to a waterfront neighborhood in Brooklyn; the location of Victim-1’s residence relative to Venezuela; and the location of Victim-1’s residence relative to Tehran.

The network that Farahani directs has also targeted victims in other countries, including victims in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates, and has worked to procure similar surveillance of those victims.

As alleged, Bahadorifar provided financial and other services from the United States to Iranian residents and entities, including to Khazein, since approximately 2015. Bahadorifar facilitated access to the U.S. financial system and institutions through the use of card accounts and offered to manage business interests in the United States on Khazein’s behalf. Among other things, Bahadorifar caused a payment to be made to a private investigator for surveillance of Victim-1 on Khazein’s behalf. While Bahadorifar is not charged with participating in the kidnapping conspiracy, she is alleged to have provided financial services that supported the plot and is charged with conspiring to violate sanctions against Iran, commit bank and wire fraud, and commit money laundering. Bahadorifar is also charged with structuring cash deposits totaling more than approximately $445,000.

Farahani, Khazein, Sadeghi and Noori are each charged with: (1) conspiring to kidnap, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison; (2) conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) and sanctions against the government of Iran, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison; (3) conspiring to commit bank and wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison; and (4) conspiring to launder money, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. Bahadorifar is charged with counts two, three and four, and is further charged with structuring, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The FBI’s New York Field Office, Counterintelligence-Cyber Division and Iran Threat Task Force are investigating the case.

Trial Attorney Nathan Swinton of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Michael D. Lockard, Jacob H. Gutwillig and Matthew J.C. Hellman of the Southern District of New York are prosecuting the case.


Feds Charge 4 in Iran Plot to Kidnap US Journalist, 4 Others


Journalist Masih Alinejad tweeted Tuesday night she was the target of an Iranian intelligence kidnapping attempt foiled by the FBI.

An Iranian intelligence officer and three alleged members of an Iranian intelligence network have been charged in Manhattan with plotting to lure a U.S. journalist and human rights activist from New York to Iran, authorities said Tuesday.

An indictment in Manhattan federal court alleges the plot was part of a wider plan to lure three individuals in Canada and a fifth person in the United Kingdom to Iran. Victims were also targeted in the United Arab Emirates, authorities said. The identities of the alleged victims were not released.

According to the indictment, all of the targeted victims had been critical of Iran, including the New Yorker, a Brooklyn resident described as a journalist, author, and human rights activist who has publicized the government of Iran's human rights abuses.

Masih Alinejad acknowledged she was the target from Brooklyn in a series of tweets Tuesday night:

"I am grateful to FBI for foiling the Islamic Republic of Iran's Intelligence Ministry's plot to kidnap me. This plot was orchestrated under Rouhani. This is the regime that kidnapped & executed Ruhollah Zam. They've also kidnapped and jailed Jamshid Sharmahd and many others."

Although not charged in the kidnapping plot, Niloufar Bahadorifar, also known as Nellie, was arrested July 1 in California on charges that she has provided U.S. financial and other services to Iranian residents and entities and some financial services supported the plot and violated sanctions against Iran, according to a release.

The indictment said Bahadorifar, 46, originally from Iran, works at a California department store. Bahadorifar's lawyer, Assistant Federal Defender Martin Cohen, declined to comment.

Bahadorifar has pleaded not guilty to charges lodged at the time of her arrest and been released on bail, authorities said. She still faces arraignment on charges in Tuesday's superseding indictment.

The rest of the defendants are fugitives believed to be based in Iran, authorities said.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said the four defendants charged in the kidnapping plot "monitored and planned to kidnap a U.S. citizen of Iranian origin who has been critical of the regime’s autocracy, and to forcibly take their intended victim to Iran, where the victim’s fate would have been uncertain at best."

"Among this country’s most cherished freedoms is the right to speak one’s mind without fear of government reprisal. A U.S. citizen living in the United States must be able to advocate for human rights without being targeted by foreign intelligence operatives," she added.

"Every person in the United States must be free from harassment, threats and physical harm by foreign powers," acting U.S. Assistant Attorney General Mark J. Lesko said. "Through this indictment, we bring to light one such pernicious plot to harm an American citizen who was exercising their First Amendment rights."

William F. Sweeney Jr., the head of New York's FBI office, noted the indictment sounded a bit like "some far-fetched movie plot."

"We allege a group, backed by the Iranian government, conspired to kidnap a U.S. based journalist here on our soil and forcibly return her to Iran. Not on our watch," he said.

The Iranian intelligence officer, who remains a fugitive, was identified as Alireza Shavaroghi Farahani.

Farahani, 50, and three other defendants tried since at least June 2020 to kidnap the U.S. citizen of Iranian origin who lives in Brooklyn, the indictment said. If caught and convicted, the four could all face life in prison.

Farahani and the network he led on multiple occasions in 2020 and 2021 lied about his intentions as he hired private investigators to surveil, photograph and video record the targeted journalist and his household members, the indictment said. It said the surveillance included a live high-definition video feed of the journalist's home.

The indictment alleged that the government of Iran in 2018 tried to lure the journalist to a third country so a capture would be possible, even offering money to the journalist's relatives to try to make it possible. The relatives, the indictment said, refused the offer.

Authorities said Iranian intelligence services has previously lured other Iranian dissidents from France and the United States to capture and imprison critics of the Iranian regime and have publicly claimed responsibility for the capture operations.

They noted, as did the indictment, that an electronic device used by Farahani contains a photograph of the New York journalist alongside pictures of two other individuals. Those individuals, the indictment said, were captured by Iranian intelligence authorities. One was later executed and the other was imprisoned, it said.

The others charged in the kidnapping plot were identified as Mahmoud Khazein, 42, Kiya Sadeghi, 35, and Omid Noori, 45, all from Iran.

According to the indictment, Sadeghi researched a service offering military-style speedboats that could perform a maritime evacuation out of New York City that would ultimately reach Venezuela, whose de facto government has friendly relations with Iran.

Khazein, it said, researched travel routes from the journalist's residence to a waterfront neighborhood in Brooklyn and the location of the journalist's residence relative to Venezuela and Tehran.


U.S. charges four with plot to kidnap New York journalist critical of Iran


WASHINGTON, July 13 (Reuters) - U.S. prosecutors have charged four Iranians, alleged to be intelligence operatives for Tehran, with plotting to kidnap a New York journalist and human rights activist who was critical of Iran, according to a Justice Department indictment unsealed on Tuesday.

In recent years, Iranian intelligence officers have tricked a number of overseas activists to travel to destinations where they were kidnapped and sent back to Iran, U.S. authorities said.

While the indictment did not name the target of the plot, Reuters has confirmed she is Iranian-American journalist Masih Alinejad, who has contributed to the U.S. government-funded Voice of America Persian language service and reports on human rights issues in Iran.

Asked by Reuters to confirm that Alinejad was the target of the plot, the Department of Justice declined to comment.

But Alinejad, reached by phone by Reuters after the indictment was released, said she was in a state of shock. She said she had been working with the Federal Bureau of Investigation since the agency approached her eight months ago with photographs taken by the plotters.

"They showed me the Islamic Republic had gotten very close," she said.

The four Iranians hired private investigators under false pretenses to surveil the journalist in Brooklyn, videotaping her family and home as part of a plot to kidnap her, according to prosecutors.

The four defendants planned "to forcibly take their intended victim to Iran, where the victim’s fate would have been uncertain at best," Audrey Strauss, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said.

The Iranian operatives hired private investigators in Manhattan to surveil Alinejad and her family, claiming that she was a missing person from Dubai who had fled the country to avoid paying a debt, prosecutors said

Prosecutors said the Iranian operatives had researched how they might spirit the journalist out of New York on a high-speed boat headed for Caracas.

Iran directed the operation against the journalist with "the intention to lure our citizen back to Iran as retaliation for their freedom of expression,” said Assistant Director Alan E. Kohler Jr. of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division.

In 2019, Iranian intelligence officers lured Ruhollah Zam, a journalist living in France, out of the country, capturing and later executing him in Iran on sedition charges, prosecutors said.

Representatives for the Mission of Iran to the U.N. could not be reached for comment.

Alinejad said she had drawn the ire of Iran by publicizing women in Iran protesting laws requiring head coverings, as well as accounts of Iranians killed in demonstrations in 2019.

Alinejad said Iranian operatives had tried multiple times to lure her to Turkey with threats and promises to meet family, she said.

FBI agents warned Alinejad earlier this year that Iran was planning to kidnap her, moving the journalist and her husband to a series of safe houses as they investigated the case.

She said she was still reeling from reading the indictment.

“I can’t believe I’m not even safe in America,” she said.


Iranian Intelligence Plotted to Kidnap U.S.-Based Activist, Prosecutors Say


Alleged scheme targeted Masih Alinejad, a Brooklyn-based critic of Tehran who has rallied opinion against Iran’s compulsory head scarves for women

Tehran has targeted dual nationals like Masih Alinejad amid simmering tensions with the West over Iran’s nuclear program and civil unrest at home.

Iranian intelligence agents plotted to kidnap a U.S.-based human-rights activist and critic of the Islamic Republic and forcibly return her to Iran, federal prosecutors said, marking an escalation of Iran’s attempts to silence dissidents around the world.

The alleged scheme targeted Masih Alinejad, an Iranian-American who has used her social-media profile, Western government contacts and cable news appearances to rally opinion against Tehran’s treatment of women and the government policy of compulsory head scarves.

In an interview, Ms. Alinejad, who lives in Brooklyn, said federal agents informed her of the alleged kidnapping scheme last year and told her it was the first known attempt by Iranian officials to carry out a kidnapping plot on American soil.

On Tuesday, federal prosecutors announced the kidnapping conspiracy charges against an Iranian intelligence official, Alireza Farahani, and three Iranian intelligence assets, all of whom remain at large in Iran. It couldn’t be determined if the men have U.S. attorneys.

A fifth individual, Niloufar Bahadorifar, a California resident, was charged with providing financial services that supported the kidnapping scheme and conspiring to commit fraud, money laundering and sanctions violations, though she isn’t charged with the kidnapping plot. Ms. Bahadorifar’s attorney declined to comment.

Masih Alinejad, shown in 2016, said she assisted with the federal investigation and was moved to a safe house for several months.

The Iranian government tried to lure Ms. Alinejad to Iran through her relatives, prosecutors said. When her family refused, Mr. Farahani’s intelligence network paid investigators to surveil and record Ms. Alinejad and her family in Brooklyn. They also researched ways to sneak Ms. Alinejad out of the U.S., including a plot to abduct her to Venezuela before bringing her to Iran, according to the indictment.

“My goal was to come to the land of opportunity, not be harassed by my own government in New York,” Ms. Alinejad said. “That shows how much they’re scared of me.”

The New York charges represented the latest reported attempt by Iranian intelligence to capture foreign-based critics and return them to Iran. Tehran has targeted dual nationals like Ms. Alinejad amid simmering tensions with the West over the country’s nuclear program and civil unrest at home.

Iran executed France-based journalist Ruhollah Zam in December, after he was abducted by Iranian forces and sentenced to death for inciting antigovernment protests in 2017.

The execution of Mr. Zam, who ran a popular news channel on the Telegram messaging platform that he used to share news and logistics involving antigovernment unrest in Iran, showed the willingness of Iranian authorities to defy international opposition in its suppression of the country’s media and opposition activists, and demonstrated the reach of its intelligence services beyond the country’s borders.

A spokesman for Iran’s U.N. Mission in New York didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Ms. Alinejad said she assisted with the federal investigation and was moved to a safe house for several months. She said she had viewed surveillance photos taken of her and her home in Brooklyn that were intercepted by law enforcement.

The Iranian government arrested her brother who remained in the country last year and sentenced him to eight years in prison for her activism, the indictment unsealed Tuesday said.

Ms. Alinejad receives videos from Iran of women being harassed, taking off the hijab covering and of protests, which she posts to her widely followed social-media accounts, bringing attention to the issues. The Iranian government has previously threatened a decade of imprisonment for dissenters who share videos that are considered against the regime. Still, Ms. Alinejad said, she continues to be bombarded with footage.

Ms. Alinejad, who works for U.S. government-funded international broadcaster Voice of America, wants to meet Biden administration officials to advocate for Iranian women. During the Trump administration, in 2019, she met with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

“I’m not going to give up,” she said.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Assistant Director William Sweeney said the FBI would work with international partners to bring the Iranian suspects to the U.S. for prosecution.
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Re: Battleplan Against IRI in Biden Era

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sat Jul 17, 2021 1:21 pm

Welcome to the club of the assassination candidates. Ahreeman and Cat have been targeted for 2 decades! Iran Lobby marks the targets and researches the marks, then they contact Tehran and VEVAK. Tehran sends the terrorists, now crossing the border easy during Biden Regime. Hezbollah connections in US as sleeper cells and business connections, provide finances and facilitate the terror. Plan gets executed. So far IRI agents failed. IPC security is top notch and IPC activists are too smart for Hezbollah.

Biden open borders are welcome wagon for the Chinese, Iranian and Islamist terrorists and spies to come in USA and terror opposition. Democrats are Mullahs best friends. Democrats are always on the Iran Lobby’s payroll.
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Iran Protests Casualties Rise on Both Sides

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:47 am

Iran Protests Casualties Rise on Both Sides
People & Police Killed in Protests
Protests are Slowly Turning Nationwide

IPC Supports & Promotes Iran Nationwide Protests & Strikes
IPC Agitates Iran Uprising & Overthrow of the IRI Islamist Regime
Down with IRI, IRGC, VEVAK, Hezbollah, Basij & Islamists

IRI Regime Agents, The Time to Join the People is Now
Tomorrow Will be Too Late & You Will be Marked as Traitors
Join the Revolution & Free Iran from the Islamic Regime

Death to Islamic Republic of Iran

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Police Opens fire on People in Khuzestan

Anti-Riot Police Runs Away from People in Khuzestan

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Khuzestan Confrontations

Mahshahr Protests

Masjed Soleyman Protests

Esfahan Protests

Yazdan Shahr Esfahan Protests

Asking People to Rise Up in Tehran Metro

Karaj Gets Hairy


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Iran Protests Expands to Other Provinces

Postby CR » Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:46 pm

Iran Protests Expands to Other Provinces
Death Toll & Riots Expand to Various Cities
Khuzestan, Lorestan, Esfahan, Yazd, Tehran On Fire

Call for Nationwide Protests to the Iranian People
Momentum is Now, We Try & Fail Until Total Victory
We Keep Trying Until We Get it Right

Organizing of the Labor, Students & Farmers Continues
Distribution of Anti-Riot Police Defense Tactics Continues
Mass Strikes, Protests & Riots Must Continue

Get Your Hands on Guns, Hot & Cold Weapons & Stockpile

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Shooting in Mahshahr

Aligudarz, Lorestan Riots

Ahvaz Protests

Mahshahr Riots

All People Rise Up

Defense Instructions Against IRI Anti-Riot Forces

System of Carrying the Injured

Qazvin Freeway Burning

Bakhtiari: Death to Islamic Republic

Yazd Protests

Opposition Message to IRI Forces

Rouhani Justification of Slaughter of Protesters

Martial Law in Izeh

Behbahan Riots and Fires

Report: Protests around Iran

Labors Strike Khuzestan

Labors Strike Haft Tapeh

Esfahan Protests

Dezful Riots

Shooting at Protesters

Police Opens Fire


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Day 7 and More Death ... -7th-day-0


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Iran Protests Spark Nationwide

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Jul 29, 2021 4:58 am

Iran Protests Spark Nationwide
Protests are Spreading to the Large Cities
Strikes, Sit Outs & Protests are Growing

Tehran, Karaj, Esfahan, Yazd, Urmia, Tabriz Join the Protests
National Uprising is in the Horizon
Death Toll of Protesters & Police on the Rise

Call to Protests Become Popular for Uprising
Protests are Getting Larger & More Intense
Regime Shuts Down Water, Electricity & Internet in Various Sites

IPC Operations does its best to Agitate & Organize Protests
Opposition Inside & Outside Iran Cooperate for Mass Uprising
The Goal: Mullahs Regime Got to Go

Regime May Silence the Protests Again
But Mullahs Cannot Putout this Fire, We Will Try Again
Protests Will Continue Until the Death of IRI

Workers, Farmers, Students & Masses of Iran Unite

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Khamenei poster burned in Esfahan circle

Esfahan protests

Esfahan protests expands

Esfahan: We don’t want the Islamic Republic

Karaj: No Fear, We are all united

Ilam car protests

Yazd: Anti Riots attack farmers

Urmia: Workers strike

Yazd Workers and farmers strike

Yazd farmers sit outs

Abadan workers strike

Karaj protests: Death to Dictator

Karaj: We will die but we will take Iran back

Karak protests: No Fear, We are all Together

Karaj gathering

Esfahan protests

Tehran Protests

Tehran Protests

Tehran Street Protests

Tehran Bridge Protests

Tehran street protests

Tehran: Support the Protest

Tehran protests

Tehran Protests

Karaj Protests

Tehran Protests

Khuzestan Protests

Karaj protests

Esfahan burning Khamenei poster


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Re: Battleplan Against IRI in Biden Era

Postby Minoo Mojahed » Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:36 am

Islamic Republic will not only explode from opposition protests but it will implode from conflicts within. Things are so horrible that people like Ahmadinejad are right now speaking against the regime. The regime cannot even tolerate fundamentalists like Ahmadinejad, so-called moderates like Faezeh Hashemi Rafsanjani and surely so-called reformists like Khatami. Regime has come to a dead end.
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Re: Battleplan Against IRI in Biden Era

Postby Bita K » Thu Jul 29, 2021 11:44 am

Islamic Republic will not only explode from opposition protests but it will implode from conflicts within. Things are so horrible that people like Ahmadinejad are right now speaking against the regime. The regime cannot even tolerate fundamentalists like Ahmadinejad, so-called moderates like Faezeh Hashemi Rafsanjani and surely so-called reformists like Khatami. Regime has come to a dead end.

Great analysis. I second that.
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Re: Battleplan Against IRI in Biden Era

Postby Qods IRI » Thu Jul 29, 2021 12:06 pm

Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim

In the name of Hazrati Odama, Leader of Global Shia’, Imam Ali, Moula Ali, Seyed Ali Khamenei, our brave courageous Supreme Spiritual Leader of our Republic and inspiration of the Shia’ worldwide, I begin this note.

I am only a soldier of Islam and follower of our Imam. I’m only a journalist. I don’t claim to know very much but I know one thing. You munafighin, ifratiyoun, moshrikin, inhirafiyoun and taghoutiyoun have been throwing these tantrums and treasonous riots for so many times in the past. I lost count, how many times since 1979 you have been colluding and collaborating with Estekbare Jahani and Great Satan to create anarchy in Iran? What happened? Did you win? No, of course not! All of the past treasons failed. This one will fail too.

The protests are about shortages. Imam is aware of it. We will fix the problems. Don’t try to get the good Iranian people and good Muslims on to your nasty side and turn them against our republic. People are wise and they don’t fall for propaganda of kuffar like you. You are evil.

Rouhani leaves, our new president comes and things will be fixed. Imam is watching over the country and over the Middle East. Imam is watching over the land of Islam. He knows best.

If I was you, I would stop celebrating and look at history of your defeat. Our republic is here to stay. Land of Islam is ours, from Yemen to Lebanon. I am a soldier of Islam, I roam free around the world, one minute I am in America and one minute I am in Syria and one minute in Iran, I enlighten people and I do the deeds, Imam directs me to do. Imam knows best. He who is the representative of Allah on earth.

Musulmanan don’t fall for kuffar’s propaganda, la takhaf Musulmanan, our republic will last forever.

I only answer to Imam

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