RINO Extermination in GOP: The Great RINO Hunt

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RINO Extermination in GOP: The Great RINO Hunt

Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Aug 04, 2021 5:55 pm

RINO Extermination in GOP: The Great RINO Hunt
RINOs are Undocumented Democrats!
Exterminate Them All; Let God Sort Them Out!

:elephantdance: :bazooka: :raton: :machinegun: :elephantdance:
RINOs are Far More Dangerous Than Democrats
RINOs are the Enemy Within the Body of GOP
RINOs Must Get Exterminated So GOP Can Live

Let The Great RINO Hunt Begin!

RINO = Republican In Name Only

The Great RINO Hunt of 2021 Ben Garrison Cartoon
Trump is GOP and The Great RINO Hunt has Begun!
RINOs are Undocumented Democrats! Run RINO Traitors Run!
Kill Them All, Let God Sort Them Out!

Real Collusion AF Branco Cartoon
Democrats, Deep State (Obama Shadow), RINO Republicans and Media Collusion to Destroy Trump

# 9 Fugitive
Name: Mitch McConnell
Alias: RINO Mitch, Turtle
Occupation: Senate Majority Leader, Career Politician, RINO, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Not Defending the Constitution, Abandoning the President, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Human
Species: Swamp Turtle

# 10 Fugitive
Name: Lindsey Graham
Alias: RINO Lindsey, Lindsey Rat, Spineless Lindsey, Dirty Rat, Shark, Seasonal Fan, Fair-Weather Friend
Occupation: Senator RINO, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Not Defending the Constitution, Abandoning the President, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Primate, Political Opportunism, Going with the Flow, Turncoat
Species: Rat, Lobster Arthropod with No Backbone

# 8 Criminal
Name: Lisa Murkowski
Alias: Psycho Lisa, Patho Lisa
Occupation: Senator RINO
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing, Holding Vote Hostage in Pro-People Congressional Legislations
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Woman, Pathological Hatred for President Trump, Hidden Serial Killer Waiting to be Born
Species: Wild Baboon

# 7 Criminal
Name: Mitt Romney
Alias: RINO Mitt
Occupation: Senator RINO, Career Politician, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Patriot, Creating Multiple Personalities
Species: Sewer Rat

# 3 Criminal
Name: Paul Ryan
Alias: RINO Ryan
Occupation: FOX Board of Directors
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Obscuring the Real News, Fabricating Fake News, Lying to Public, Destruction of FOX News
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Human
Species: Vampire, Blood Sucker, Eddie Munster Reincarnate

FBI Most Wanted List Posters - Post January 6, 2021 in 2 Parts
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RINO Extermination of GOP

“What is the Future of the RINOs?

RINOs must and will be eliminated and exterminated like microbes and stains on the body of the GOP, because if they do not get exterminated, then the GOP will never fully become the party of the American workers.”

(Ahreeman X)

“The days of GOP being an Establishment Globalist Republican Party is over. We are turning GOP to Party of the Workers, the Conservative National Populist Party of America.”
(Ahreeman X)

Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/philosophy ... /index.htm

We are going to start a new thread exposing the RINOs.

Trump is the GOP and Trumpism is the Future of GOP. Let’s make one thing clear: In GOP, either you are a conservative national populist and with Trump or you are an Undocumented Democrat posing as a RINO. As of now, 95% of the GOP base are Trumpists. A slim minority of the GOP Establishment who are RINOs are trying to hang on the GOP and they pretend that GOP is a separate entity than Trump! The future is very clear: Either you are with Trump as a Republican or you will be kicked out of the GOP as a RINO and welcome to go join the Democrat Party where you belong!

We have been constantly pushing Trump but now it is very clear to him that the RINOs must be exterminated. You cannot make deals or cooperate with the RINOs. The RINOs are similar to Vipers. Can you form a coalition with a deadly snake? Behind the mask of every RINO, there is a liberal waiting to come out!

Let us together drain the GOP Swamp Establishment by exterminating the RINOs. Let’s begin with these RINOs by making sure that they will never get elected again as a Republican:

The 6 GOP RINO senators who voted to advance the January 6 Commission bill:

RINO US Senators
Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah
Sen. Susan Collins of Maine
Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska
Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio

The 35 GOP RINO Representatives who voted to advance the January 6 Commission bill:

RINO US House Representatives
Liz Cheney of Wyoming
Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
Stephanie Bice of Oklahoma
Tom Rice of South Carolina
Tony Gonzales of Texas
Tom Reed of New York
Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
Dan Newhouse of Washington
Fred Upton of Michigan
Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
Peter Meijer of Michigan
John Katko of New York
David Valadao of California
Don Bacon of Nebraska
John Curtis of Utah
Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
Andrew Garbarino of New York
Dusty Johnson of South Dakota
David Joyce of Ohio
Chris Smith of New Jersey
Van Taylor of Texas
Chris Jacobs of New York
David McKinley of West Virginia
Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska
Maria Elvira Salazar of Florida
Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa
Steve Womack of Arkansas
French Hill of Arkansas
Mike Simpson of Idaho
Rodney Davis of Illinois
Blake Moore of Utah
Michael Guest of Mississippi
Trey Hollingsworth of Indiana
Carlos Gimenez of Florida
Cliff Bentz of Oregon

Join Dumping the RINOs

Primary the RINO

Drain DC Swamp PAC

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Stephanie Bice Iranian American RINO Congresswoman

Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Aug 04, 2021 6:16 pm

Stephanie Bice Iranian American RINO Congresswoman
Oklahoma Fake Conservative Infecting GOP

:victory: :thumbsup: :victory:
Ahreeman, Thank You for the New thread, it was needed!
I always wanted to create a thread like this one!

Stephanie Bice the Iranian American RINO US Congresswoman Ahreeman X Graphic
Exterminate the RINOs, so GOP can grow as the American Workers Party
RINOs represent the GOP Establishment in alignment with the Liberal Socialist Democrats. Don’t Feed the RINOs, They’re Fat and Lazy. No More RINOs, Take Back the GOP

Stephanie Bice the Iranian American RINO US Rep. Ahreeman X Graphic
Don’t Feed the RINOs, Terminate the RINOs


Please review Ahreeman X new expose piece on Stephanie Bice the Iranian American RINO:


Stephanie Bice Iranian American RINO Congresswoman
Oklahoma Fake Conservative Infecting GOP

Ahreeman X
August 5, 2021

Trump is the GOP and Trumpism is the Future of GOP. Let’s make one thing clear: In GOP, either you are a conservative national populist and with Trump or you are an Undocumented Democrat posing as a RINO. As of now, 95% of the GOP base are Trumpists. A slim minority of the GOP Establishment who are RINOs are trying to hang on the GOP and they pretend that GOP is a separate entity than Trump! The future is very clear: Either you are with Trump as a Republican or you will be kicked out of the GOP as a RINO and welcome to go join the Democrat Party where you belong!

We have a term in Persian which is called “Zerangi” literally meaning “Cleverness”; however, through the years and decades, due to Shiite Islamic infected culture infecting the Persian Culture, the meaning of the term has been transformed from “Cleverness” to “Con”! So, when Persians talk about “Zerangi”, they mean being “Coning”! Stephanie Bice is thinking that she is “Zerang” (Conning) and she had done some “Zerangi” (Con)! Primarily, she deceived the patriots and used Trump to get elected as a conservative but as soon as she got elected, she backstabbed the public and Trump by aligning herself with the RINOs and called for January 6th Commission to flame the witch hunt against the Trump and to empower Nancy Pelosi!

Read more:

Stephanie Bice Iranian American RINO Congresswoman
Oklahoma Fake Conservative Infecting GOP

https://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/s ... /index.htm

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Re: RINO Extermination of GOP: The Great RINO Hunt

Postby Shahrzad BB » Wed Aug 04, 2021 6:23 pm

Awesome job Doc :hug:

The RINO Backstab of Trump Branco Cartoon
RINO GOP Establishment is on the constant backstab of Trump and the Conservatives!
Exterminate the RINOs to Save GOP!
RINOs represent the Establishment, not the workers.

I like this one most :thumbsup:

Hey Hey, Ho Ho,
RINOs Got to Go!

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Re: RINO Extermination of GOP: The Great RINO Hunt

Postby Asghar Ghasab » Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:04 pm

I don’t understand, if you’re not a conservative, why join the Republican party?
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Re: RINO Extermination of GOP: The Great RINO Hunt

Postby CR » Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:20 pm

Please understand that before Trump, the GOP was a Globalist Republican Establishment Party. Trump changed it to the Conservative National Populist Party which is the American Workers Party. The GOP Establishment like Bush Family doesn’t like that! But unlike the Establishment, the people are conservative and Anti-Establishment. The base is Trumpist. It is all about People vs. Establishment.
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Re: RINO Extermination of GOP: The Great RINO Hunt

Postby Shahrzad BB » Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:30 pm


Great RINO Hunt Begins!
I like that!

Shoot Them All! :B

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US Present Political Polarization 101

Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Aug 04, 2021 8:00 pm

US Present Political Polarization 101
Present American Political Situation Made Simple


I don’t understand, if you’re not a conservative, why join the Republican party?


Please understand that before Trump, the GOP was a Globalist Republican Establishment Party. Trump changed it to the Conservative National Populist Party which is the American Workers Party. The GOP Establishment like Bush Family doesn’t like that! But unlike the Establishment, the people are conservative and Anti-Establishment. The base is Trumpist. It is all about People vs. Establishment.

This is exactly where the problem starts. You have opposing forces:

Establishment, Democrats, GOP Establishment RINOs, Media, Big Tech, Hollywood, Academia, Big Gov., MIC, Deep State which are all considered Establishment on one side.

Average American Workers and Everyday People on the other side.

People are sick and tired of having no voice in this country and being slaves to the Establishment. They work hard, pay all the taxes and they have no representation and no voice.

The rich gets all the tax breaks and pays no tax.
The poor gets all the benefits and pays no tax.

The Middle-Class Hard Workers pay all the tax and have no voice.

Taxation without Representation. That’s how the American Revolution of 1776 started and people kicked Monarch and Monarchists’ ass and kicked the British out of here.

Today, we don’t have monarchists but today’s monarchists are the Democrats and the RINOs!

People spoken on 2020 but the election was stolen by the Establishment. That’s why the people are pissed and they want fair elections. The Establishment, the Big Tech, the Media, the Democrats and the RINOS are censoring and silencing anyone who speaks of Fair Elections and the Stolen Election. We have unelected thieves and organized crime in the White House ruling the nation. We have a Gang of thieves known as the Democrats and a Regime Leader known as the Usurper Biden with an absent mind ruling over the people by force. Everyone knows the election was stolen but no one wants to talk about it or is not allowed to talk about it! That’s when the war begins!

It is a War: American Patriotic People versus the American Globalist Establishment

How long do you believe the Google, Facebook, Twitter and Media can silence the people? This bomb will explode, the bottleneck will blast, Establishment will be losing this war and this country will once again be ruled by the people. Just like 1776.

That sums it.
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Who is Responsible for the Iranian Problems?

Postby CR » Thu Aug 05, 2021 8:20 am

Who is Responsible for the Iranian Problems?

Joe Biden Violin Played by China and Iran Lobbies Branco Cartoon
Xi Jinping and Ayatollah Khamenei play Biden like a violin.
As senator and VP, Biden has been on China and Iran Lobbies’ Payrolls for decades.
Joe Biden is the most corrupt politician in DC for 50 years!
White House occupied by the Biden Crime Family is now the Crime House!

To Iran Lobby, Democrats, RINOs, Silicon Valley Persian Mafia and Deep State:

You can fool some of the people, all of the times,
You can fool all of the people, some of the times,
But you can never fool all of the people, all of the times.

American people and Iranian people are getting wiser, politically educated and refusing to give free rides to Establishment, anymore.

Trump is Loved Inside Iran

In fact, more Iranians inside Iran are wiser than outside Iran. Iranians inside Iran know that both Democrats and Republicans were enemies of the Iranian people until Trump showed up! Trump trashed the Establishment and disorganized the Deep State Organization!

No one in the history has ever done more for the Iranian opposition and the Iranian people as Trump done. Trump proved that he is the true friend of the Iranian people. Iranians inside Iran who are against the IRI, by majority like Trump. Surely Trump is very popular inside Iran.

Iranian Americans are Still on Liberal Plantations

In America, by tradition and by ignorance, majority of the Iranians are Democrats but slowly they are waking up. Iranians still assume that Democrat party is party of the working people but nothing is far from the truth. Democrat party is not the party of JFK anymore. Democrat party is the party of coastal elite in California and New York who lobby in Washington DC. Democrat Party is the party of Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Military Industrial Complex and the Establishment. A Group of White Billionaires and Millionaires operate the Democrat Party and they ride the minorities by giving them handout for their votes. Everything Iranians hated about the Republican Party is now defines the Democrat Party.

Trump is Man of the People

On the contrary, the Republican Party is now the party of Trump and surely Trump stands for the Workers. Trump is man of the people who sacrificed everything for the people and for America. Trump stood by the Iranians and stood firm against the IRI.


We still have a small pile of trash in the GOP, called the RINOs which represent the Establishment. We are working on it to get rid of them ASAP. One by one we eliminate RINOs from the Senate and the House. We dump them in trash like rubbish and they can go join their friends, the Democrats and the Democrat Party.

Who Screwed Up Iran?

Can we be blunt on a fact:

There are no more justifications, if you are Iranian and live anywhere in the world and you are a Democrat or a Liberal, then you are the enemy of the Iranian people and the friend to the Mullahs, Iran Lobby and Globalist Corporations who enslave the working class.

You cannot justify your treason anymore. Ignorance doesn’t fly in the court of law and it surely doesn’t fly in the Iranian community anymore. Ahreeman made it very clear here:

Iranian American Democrats, who are they?
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/i ... /index.htm

I go one step farther than Ahreeman and state:

If you are an Iranian American or an Iranian anywhere in the world, and you are a Democrat or a Liberal, then you are an enemy of the Iranian People.

Clear and understandable for everyone.

We made it clear that Iranian American Billionaires and Millionaires are the reason for Mullahs being in power for over 40 years. The enemy is not in your nonsensical conspiracy theories, the enemy is not Super powers, Imperialists, Global Corporations, America or Britain. The enemy is us.

Look for the enemy, no more because it is right here inside your community. Your own Iranian American Rich and Famous have been supporting Mullahs and Iran Lobby for decades:

Iran Lobby Billion Dollar Industry in USA
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/movement/i ... /index.htm

They done it for money. They support the Iran Lobby so they can make business with Iran to make millions more.

The enemy is amongst us the Iranians, because the Iranian American Billionaires and Millionaires are the ones who empower the Mullahs, Global Corporations, Imperialism and all your enemies to destroy Iran and allow the Mullahs to rule Iran and for you to live in misery.

Unfortunately, the majority of Iranians who are still Democrats are blind or choose to be blind to this fact. They think of these people as heroes, follow them, give them rides like donkeys and are registered Democrats.

Iranian Conspiracy Theories

You can clearly vision that the worst enemy of the Iranian people are the Iranians themselves. In the future, before you create conspiracy theories and point at the USA, UK, Imperialists, Global Corporations or anyone else as the root of the Iran’s problems, please take a fine look in the mirror at yourselves.

Are You a Democrat? Then You are the Problem!

If you are still a liberal Democrat, then you are the problem but no one else! You have been feeding these fake Iranian Democrat Heroes, their bank accounts, their globalist party, their Deep State and the system which has been riding you for decades to remain slaves to the Liberal Plantation System!

Liberal Plantation System and Globalism
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/l ... /index.htm

Mullahs Rule Iran for over 4 decades because of no one else but you the Iranians. Maybe it is time for you the Iranians, the same as the Blacks to stop giving piggy back ride to the Democrats and the Iran Lobby whom both support the Mullahs, no?!

Why Iran is Screwed?
Because of you Iranian Liberal Democrats who appease the Mullahs!

Stop your asinine justifications, bloody reasoning, liberal crap logic, leftist rubbish and Democrat Bull Shiite!

Iran is in bloody hell because of you the Iranians and every other one of your rubbish analyses is bollocks!

Take responsibility for your own bloody actions and stop being a braindead brainwashed liberal follower! Get an individual identity of your own. Be smart and be aware. Don’t be a follower and break the tradition to vote Democrat.

PS: Atusa sometimes makes interesting analysis!

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11 RINO Senators Betrayed the American People!

Postby CR » Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:59 am

11 RINO Senators Betrayed the American People!
Pig RINO Bastards Betrayed the People Again!
Vote RINOs Out of GOP & Cleanse GOP

:hanging: :guillotin: :shootlurk:
Swamp Turtle Backstabbed GOP & the People
Retire the Turtle
# 9 Fugitive
Name: Mitch McConnell
Alias: RINO Mitch, Turtle
Occupation: Senate Majority Leader, Career Politician, RINO, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Not Defending the Constitution, Abandoning the President, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Human
Species: Swamp Turtle

RINO Repeated Backstab

RINOs as always caved in to the Democrats and betrayed the people. Democrats were about to collapse but as always RINOs betrayed the GOP and the American People!

Eleven Republicans joined with all Democrats to break the filibuster during a tense vote that cleared the chamber’s supermajority requirement and passed the $480 billion debt increase.

Senators who voted to pass the debt ceiling included:

Know the Criminal RINOs
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
John Thune of South Dakota
Michael Rounds of South Dakota
Susan Collins of Maine
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
John Barrasso of Wyoming
Roy Blunt of Missouri
Richard Shelby of Alabama
John Cornyn of Texas
Rob Portman of Ohio
Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia

Make sure you don’t vote for these RINOs again and get them out of the Senate.

Trump: McConnell 'Not the Guy' to Lead
https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/trump ... d/1039734/

‘Civility Is Gone’: Senate Republicans Chew Out Schumer for Speech
Even Manchin Called ‘F***ing Stupid’

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021 ... ng-stupid/

Senate Votes to Delay Borrowing
https://www.breitbart.com/news/senate-a ... borrowing/
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Once Again RINOs Betrayed America & Bailed Out Biden

Postby CR » Fri Nov 05, 2021 10:42 pm

Once Again RINOs Betrayed America & Bailed Out Biden
13 RINOs Helped Pelosi to Pass $ 1.2 Trillion Pork Bill
Green New Deal Passed as Infrastructure Bill

:dumptrash: :raton: :dumptrash:
The Failed Bill Passed Because of RINOs
Biden & Pelosi Were In the Gutter But RINOs Saved Them
GOP Establishment Always Betrays the Patriots

:bazooka: :raton: :grenadelauncher:
Why is it that RINO Republicans Always Give In?
Know their Names & Never Elect Them to Any Office
This is Why You Should Never Vote Republican But Vote Trumpists

RINOs Will Always Betray the People, Patriots & America
RINOs are Enemies Within the Body of GOP
Cleanse GOP of RINOs & Only Vote for Trumpists

How Many Times You Must be Betrayed by the RINOs?
Will You Learn Your Lesson: RINOs Must Be Exterminated!

The RINO Backstab of Trump Branco Cartoon
RINO GOP Establishment is on the constant backstab of Trump and the Conservatives!
Exterminate the RINOs to Save GOP!
RINOs represent the Establishment, not the workers.

13 RINO Traitor Pig Bastards’ Names
John Katko (R-NY)
Don Bacon (R-NE)
Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ)
Fred Upton (R-MI)
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)
Don Young (R-AK)
Tom Reed (R-NY)
Chris Smith (R-NJ)
Andrew Garbarino (R-NY)
Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY)
Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)
Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH)
David McKinley (R-WV)

This Bill Would Have Never Passed Without the RINOs

The good news is that once we take over on 2022, we can cancel all of these pork bills. Now Trump and conservatives know that RINOs cannot be trusted. They repeatedly betray the conservative principles. Now you must understand to never vote Republican but only vote for candidates endorsed by Trump. It is always Republican establishment which votes along with Democrats and betray the people. Once they are voted in by the people, they forget the people and they sellout to the DC Establishment and special interest. The only solution to clean GOP is to exterminate all RINOs and never vote for anyone only because he or she is a Republican. It means nothing to be a Republican. Vote only for Patriots approved by Trump. If they are not Trumpists, kill them mercilessly!

RINOs are Worse than Democrats

MAGA Forever

Republicans Bail Out Biden and Pelosi to Pass $1.2 Trillion So-Called Infrastructure Bill


Thirteen House Republicans voted to bail out President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) agenda and pass the $1.2 trillion so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill.

The House voted to concur on the Senate amendment to H.R. 3684, or the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill, formerly known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

The bill passed 228-206, featuring overwhelming Democrat support and some Republican support.

Thirteen House Republicans voted to bail out Pelosi and Biden’s agenda, giving them the majority in the House necessary to pass the bill.

Reps. John Katko (R-NY), Don Bacon (R-NE), Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ), Fred Upton (R-MI), Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Don Young (R-AK), Tom Reed (R-NY), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Andrew Garbarino (R-NY), Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH), and Rep. David McKinley (R-WV) reportedly voted yes on the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill.

https://twitter.com/JakeSherman/status/ ... re-bill%2F

The House voted on the infrastructure bill after progressives struck an accord with moderates and Biden, in which both sides of the Democrat Party wanted assurance that they would vote for the other infrastructure bill.

Moderates pledged to vote for the Build Back Better Act once they receive a Congressional Budget Office (CBO score,” no later than the week of November 15:”

https://twitter.com/JakeSherman/status/ ... re-bill%2F

As part of the agreement, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), said in a statement that they will vote to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the rule for the $1.75 trillion Build Back Better Act.

https://twitter.com/JakeSherman/status/ ... re-bill%2F

Former President Donald Trump released a statement before the vote, saying that progressives are “being lied to and played” by moderate Democrats.

“So interesting to watch the so-called Democrat “Progressives” being lied to and played by the Democrat Moderates,” Trump said. “It used to be the other way around. Let’s see if the Progressives fold, and how long it will take them to do so?”
The so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill passed through the Senate with 19 Senate Republicans despite strong opposition from Senate conservatives.

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) said in August that Republicans are “complicit” by supporting the bipartisan bill, as it would lead to the passage of the Democrats’ Build Back Better Act.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN), the chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), has consistently rallied Republicans against supporting the bipartisan bill.
Since August, Banks has noted that the bill would not actually fund infrastructure, while it adds to the debt and is rotten with leftist carveouts:

https://twitter.com/RepublicanStudy/sta ... re-bill%2F

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that the bill would add $256 billion to the deficit, and the Penn-Wharton Budget Model said the bill would add no “significant” level of economic growth.

The bipartisan infrastructure would also advance leftist priorities by:

* Defines “gender identity” as a protected class.
* Doles out “digital equity” grants partly based on racial or ethnic minority status.
* State-mandated carbon reduction program
* Contains funding for “zero-emission vehicles”
* Addresses “over-the-road bus tolling equity”
* Contains the word “equity” 64 times
* Provides roughly $2.5 billion to help the U.S. government expand the border processing stations used by migrants from poor Central American nations and other regions around the world.
Notably, the so-called bipartisan infrastructure bill does not contain any sizable conservative victories.

The legislation calls for a study to review the potential impact of revoking the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, even though it does not restore the job-creating project. The bill also has billions of dollars for border crossers and zero dollars for a border wall.

The bill now goes to President Joe Biden’s desk to sign.
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Re: RINO Extermination in GOP: The Great RINO Hunt

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Feb 17, 2022 9:59 pm

For latest info, readers, please refer to this post:

IAL Iranian Americans for Liberty = Monarchist RINO CIA

From this topic:

Iran Lobby & Liberal Monarchists Connection
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RINOs, Democrats & Media Axis of Evil

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sat Mar 05, 2022 9:48 am

RINOs, Democrats & Media Axis of Evil
RINOs AKA Neo-Cons War Mongering in Ukraine
RINOs War Can Destroy GOP’s Midterm Chances

RINOs & Democrats are Cut from the Same Cloth
Beware of RINO Sabotage of GOP
Cleanse GOP Off of Establishment RINOs

GOP is Party of the Workers & the People

Don’t Feed the RINOs Republican Poster
Don’t Feed the RINOs, They’re Already Fat and Lazy!
Sincerely, Conservatives Everywhere

# 10 Fugitive
Name: Lindsey Graham
Alias: RINO Lindsey, Lindsey Rat, Spineless Lindsey, Dirty Rat, Shark, Seasonal Fan, Fair-Weather Friend
Occupation: Senator RINO, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Not Defending the Constitution, Abandoning the President, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Primate, Political Opportunism, Going with the Flow, Turncoat
Species: Rat, Lobster Arthropod with No Backbone

# 9 Fugitive
Name: Mitch McConnell
Alias: RINO Mitch, Turtle
Occupation: Senate Majority Leader, Career Politician, RINO, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Not Defending the Constitution, Abandoning the President, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Human
Species: Swamp Turtle

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RINO Republicans on China Payroll

Postby CR » Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:41 pm

RINO Republicans on China Payroll
Red Handed Expose # 1 Book by Peter Schweizer
Peter Schweizer Released Another Best Seller Book

:hazardeous: :WOW2: :shocking: :voltage: :shocking: :WOW2: :hazardeous:
Democrats & RINOs on China Payroll
Big Tech, Athletes, Media & Hollywood on China Payroll
China Lobby Donations to US Universities

:complimenti: :kodak: :nuke: :kodak: :complimenti:
RINOs Have Been Selling America to China for Decades

RINO Neo-Con Republicans are on China Payroll

RINO Republican Hall of shame



Red Handed Best Seller Book
Click on the Picture and Buy Here:


RINO Sellouts

We already know about the fact that major leaders of the Democrat party are on China Lobby Payroll. That is the main reason which Democrats never criticize, sanction or go against China. Leaders such as:

Democrats on China Payroll
Joe Biden
Biden Crime Family
Hunter Biden
Clinton Crime Family
Dianne Feinstein
Nancy Pelosi
Chuck Schumer
Eric Swalwell (Farting Democrat)

And so on …

We also know that Many NBA Basketball Celebrities, NBA Owners, NBA Admins, NBA Athletes, Hollywood Establishment, Hollywood Producers, US University Admins, Media Lords, Tech Giant Oligarchs, Google Owners and other Democrats are also on China Lobby Payroll, CCP Communist Party Dough and Chinese Government’s Pie.

But did you know how many present and past RINO Neo-Cons GOP Establishment are also on China Payroll to protect and serve the Chinese benefits in America? RINOs such as:

RINOs on China Payroll
Mitch McConnell
Jeb Bush
Bush Family

And other major RINOs …

In this article we explore the corrupt RINO Neo-Cons on China Payroll:


‘Red-Handed’: 20 Republicans Who Sold Out to China



A total of 20 former and current elected Republicans are named in Peter Schweizer’s new bestseller Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win as having business dealings and political ties to the United States’ largest adversary, China.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) talks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol on October 6, 2018, in Washington, DC.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his wife, former President Trump’s Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, “enjoy some of the deepest and most abiding ties to Beijing- linked entities of anyone in Washington, D.C.,” Schweizer writes.

Those ties mostly stem from Chao’s fathers’ massive shipping business, the Foremost Group, which has built the family’s fortune by sharing a close financial relationship with China-owned companies like the China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC).

After McConnell visited Beijing, China in 1993, alongside Chao, the Foremost Group received 10 mammoth ships from China-owned companies between 2001 to 2011.

“There can be little doubt that the McConnell-Chao family business fortunes could be disrupted overnight if Beijing looked with too much disfavor at the policy positions he takes toward China,” Schweizer notes.

Former President George H.W. Bush and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush

Former President George H.W. Bush with son Jeb Bush

George Bush with Sons George W Bush and Jeb Bush

The Bush family’s ties to China began before former President George H.W. Bush became vice president to former President Ronald Reagan but flourished when he became Commander in Chief.

Prescott Bush, Bush Sr.’s brother, met with Chinese officials in Beijing in February 1989 just days before the president was set for an official visit. Prescott’s meeting helped close the deal to build a golf club in Shanghai, China for non-Chinese business executives when they were visiting the country.

Prescott also met with Chinese officials, on that same trip, to push for the creation of a communications network across China. Prescott was trying to secure the deal on behalf of New York-based Asset Management International Financing and Settlement Ltd. which had been paying him $250,000 a year.

Months later in 1989, Bush Sr. lifted U.S. restrictions on exporting satellite technologies to China — a boon for Prescott’s client, Asset Management. Prescott would later launch the U.S.-China Chamber of Commerce (USCCC) which exists to this day and has sought to further tether the U.S. economy to China.

When former President George W. Bush entered the Oval Office, Schweizer writes that “a new generation of Bushes began securing deals with Chinese officials” including Bush’s brothers, Neil Bush Jeb Bush.

Neil, for example, scored a $400,000 annual salary working for the Chinese company Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing which had deep political ties in China. Neil also a China-linked firm called the Interlink Management Corporation.

Jeb, in 2013 after leaving office, began meeting with a number of Chinese business executives. Later, he created Britton Hill Holdings and raised $26 million to invest in a liquid petroleum shipping company backed by the China-based HNA Group “with close ties to Beijing’s “red aristocracy,’” Schweizer writes.

Former Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH)

While Speaker of the House, former Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) “took positions and actions that were highly beneficial to Beijing,” Schweizer writes.

Particularly, in 2011, Boehner single-handedly blocked legislation that would have held China to account for its years of currency manipulation after the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. deployed the lobbying firm, Squire Patton Boggs, to lobby lawmakers against the bill. Boggs was paid $35,000 to block the legislation.

“It’s a pretty dangerous thing to be moving legislation through the U.S. Congress forcing someone to deal with the value of a currency,” Boehner said at the time.

After leaving office in 2015, Boehner became a “strategic advisor” for Boggs. The firm, Schweizer writes, is “one of the most powerful in the United States, has deep and abiding ties to the Chinese government.”

“Beyond representing the Chinese government, Boehner’s firm also has a wide array of Chinese government-linked corporate clients that it lobbies for in Washington,” Schweizer writes. “These include ChemChina, China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation, Huawei, and Wanhua Chemical Group.”

Former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour

One of China’s “most effective organizations cultivating Chinese interests on Capitol Hill,” known as the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation (CUSEF),” signed former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour’s lobbying firm BGR Group as a client.

CUSEF, founded by Chinese billionaire Tung Chee-hwa who has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party, has paid Barbour’s BGR Group about $370,000 to lobby on its behalf.

Former Sen. David Vitter (R-LA)

The Chinese surveillance company Hikvision, which is owned mostly by a China-controlled defense corporation known as the China Electronics Technology Group, has been hired by the Chinese Communist Party to monitor the nation’s Uyghurs ethnic minority who are held in prison camps.

Former Sen. David Vitter (R-LA), a partner at the lobbying firm Mercury Public Affairs with former Rep. Toby Moffett (D-CT), has taken Hikvision as a client to lobby for their interests in Washington, D.C.

Vitter and Moffett’s firm was $70,000 a month to represent Hikvision.

Former Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad

After being appointed by Trump as U.S. Ambassador to China, former Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad — who admittedly considers Chinese President Xi Jinping an “old friend” — sought to get the former president to back away from “restrictions on goods and services trading,” Schweizer writes.

Branstad’s sons, Marcus Branstad and Eric Branstad, have even deeper ties to China.

Marcus Branstad, for instance, lobbies on behalf of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) which opposed Trump’s U.S. tariffs on China. The ACC’s members include the Chinese company Wanhua Chemical Group whose largest shareholder is China’s government agency in charge of state-owned companies.

Eric Branstad previously served as Trump’s Iowa director in the 2016 presidential campaign and later got a job in the administration as the U.S. Commerce Department’s liaison to the White House. While at his post, he befriended Bryan Lanza, a lobbyist working on behalf of the China-owned company, the ZTE Corporation, for Mercury Public Affairs.

In June 2018, after leaving the Trump administration, Eric Branstad traveled to Shanghai with Bryan Lanza and Li Zhao — the Iowa-based business consultant who was previously investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for intellectual property theft.

After the trip, which included meetings with Chinese officials, the Trump administration settled their dealings with ZTE. Eric Branstad went on to work for Mercury Public Affairs for a few years and now works as a “senior advisor” at Trump’s Save America PAC.

Former Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA)

After failing to secure a job as Trump’s top trade representative, former Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA) was hired by CUSEF — founded by Chinese billionaire Tung Chee-hwa who has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party — as part of its lobbying arm in Washington, D.C.

In 2019, Boustany took former lawmakers to China on a trip sponsored by CUSEF while at the same time lobbying the Trump administration against U.S. tariffs on China via the group “Tariffs Hurt the Heartland.”

Former Sen. Norman Coleman (R-MN), former Rep. Connie Mack IV (R-FL), and former Rep. Jon Christensen (R-NE)

The China-owned ZTE Corporation, linked to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), has been represented in Washington, D.C. by the likes of former Sen. Norman Coleman (R-MN) as well as former Reps. Jon Christensen (R-NE) and Connie Mack IV.

Coleman’s firm, Hogan Lovells, has cashed in nearly $3 million in 2019, alone, lobbying for ZTE’s interests on Capitol Hill.

Former Sen. William Cohen (R-ME)

In 2001, former Sen. William Cohen (R-ME) created the Cohen Group which now has two offices in China out of its four total offices. Executives with the firm, including Cohen, have sought to popularize among U.S. lawmakers China’s Belt and Road infrastructure projects despite its use of forced labor.

“I think it’s a very important project,” Cohen Group executive Marc Grossman previously said of Belt and Road. In addition to lobbying on China’s behalf, Cohen is a government advisor in China to the mayor of the Tianjin Municipal Government and is an honorary professor at Nankai University.

Former Sen. Tim Hutchinson (R-AR) and former Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ)

Sen. Tim Hutchinson (R-AR), right, and Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), left.

The brother of Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, former Sen. Tim Hutchinson (R-AR), now works as a lobbyist for the Chinese Communist Party-linked e-commerce corporation Alibaba.

Hutchinson’s firm, Greenberg Traurig, was paid $200,000 in 2020. Former Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) is also a part of the lobbying deal representing Alibaba.

Former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS), former Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), and former Rep. Jeff Dehman (R-CA)

From left to right: Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS), Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), and Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA).

China’s Tencent Holdings company, linked to the Ministry of Public Security and the PLA, makes technology and products to help the Chinese Communist Party control the nation’s 1.4 billion residents. Former Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) is a lobbyist for the company, scoring $330,000 for his firm in 2020, alone.

Likewise, former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-MS) is a lobbyist for ByteDance which operates the population social media application TikTok. Schweizer writes that “there are [Chinese Communist] Party cells within [ByteDance’s] corporate structure, and the company admits that it censors political content.”

Former Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA) also lobbies on ByteDance’s behalf. His firm raked in $160,000 from the Chinese company in 2020.

Former Reps. Lee Terry (R-NE), Jack Kingston (R-GA), and Cliff Stearns (R-FL)

From left to right: Reps. Lee Terry (R-NE), Jack Kingston (R-GA), and Cliff Stearns (R-FL).

The Chinese telecommunications company Huawei, with close ties to the PLA, enjoys lobbying services from former Reps. Lee Terry (R-NE) and Cliff Stearns (R-FL), among others. Stearns, with the firm APCO Worldwide, has lobbied for the PLA-linked China Ocean Shipping Corporation (COSCO).

Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, Schweizer notes, told employees in 2018 to “wage war” on the West and urged them to “surge forward, killing as you go, to blaze us a trail of blood.”

Meanwhile, former Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) has lobbied on behalf of the China-owned chemical company ChemChina.


Red Handed by Peter Schweizer

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Kevin McCarthy the RINO Must Go!

Postby CR » Fri Apr 22, 2022 10:19 am

Kevin McCarthy the RINO Must Go!
All RINOs Must be Exterminated
Or There Will be No Trump’s 3rd Term!

Trump Must Learn From the Past Mistakes

The RINO Backstab of Trump Branco Cartoon
RINO GOP Establishment is on the constant backstab of Trump and the Conservatives!
Exterminate the RINOs to Save GOP!
RINOs represent the Establishment, not the workers.





Exterminate All RINOs

Trump must clearly comprehend that he cannot make deals with RINOs such as Kevin McCarthy and others. McCarthy cannot be trusted. Speaker of the House in Trump’s 3rd Term (because he already won twice but cheated out of his 2nd term) cannot be a RINO.

There is no difference between Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney or Kevin McCartney. A RINO is a RINO and they must all be exterminated.


Rachel Maddow shares exclusive audio of House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy saying that he would call Donald Trump and recommend that he resign in the wake of the January 6th so-called attacks and with a second impeachment looming, as reported by Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns of the New York Times in their new book "This Will Not Pass," and contradicting McCarthy's multiple denials.

Listen: Audio Contradicts McCarthy's Denial In Recommending Trump's Resignation

Lawrence And Rachel Discuss McCarthy Tape On Trump Resigning After Jan. 6


Audio: Kevin McCarthy Tells Liz Cheney He Will Recommend Trump Resign


New York Times reporters Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin offered a recording on Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” allegedly of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) telling Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) that he would recommend to then-President Donald Trump that he should resign.

Earlier today, a spokesman denied the report that McCarthy called for Trump’s resignation from the upcoming book, “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future,” authored by Burns and Martin.

Partial transcript as follows:

CHENEY: I guess there’s a question. When we’re talking about the 25th Amendment resolution, and you asked if, you know, what happens if it gets there after he’s gone, is there any chance, are you hearing, that he might resign, is there any reason to think that might happen?

MCCARTHY: I’ve a few discussions. My gut tells me no, I’m seriously thinking of having that conversation with him tonight. I haven’t talked to him in a couple of days. From what I know of him, I mean you guys know him too, do you think he’d ever back away? But, what I think I’m going to do, is I’m going to call him. This is what I think, we know it’ll pass the House.

I think there’s a chance it’ll pass the Senate, even when he is gone. And I think there’s a lot of different ramifications for that. Now, I haven’t had a discussion with the DEMs, that if he did resign, with that happen? Now, this is one personal fear I have. I do not want to get into any conversation about Pence pardoning. Again, the only discussion I would have with him is that, I think this will pass. And it will be my recommendation you should resign. I mean, that would be my take. But I don’t think he would take it. But I don’t know.
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Democrats & RINOs January 6th TV Shiite Show

Postby CR » Thu Jun 09, 2022 9:36 am

Democrats & RINOs January 6th TV Shiite Show
Nancy Pelosi’s 7 Democrats & 2 RINOs Erected Committee
Liberal Showtime on Mainstream Media Which No One Watches!

All They Have to Do is Show the Tapes of Riots Hidden by FBI
January 6th Was Staged by Nancy Pelosi
Pelosi Rejected Trumps Offer having 10,000 National Guards Present

Jan 6th Committee Goal: Block Trump to Run in 2024
Democrats Destroyed the Country & Now Having a Show
Inflation, Gas Prices, Empty Shelves, Caravans at the Border, FAQ Ups

RINOs Collude with Democrats on Gun Control & Go Against Trump
RINOs Always Vote with Democrats
Eliminate RINOs from GOP, Let Them Extinct!

Drain the DC Swamp













# 9 Fugitive
Name: Mitch McConnell
Alias: RINO Mitch, Turtle
Occupation: Senate Majority Leader, Career Politician, RINO, Swamp
Major Offence: Coup Against US President, Treason, Not Defending the Constitution, Abandoning the President, Sabotage of Electoral Votes Objection Hearing
Minor Offence: Impersonating a Human
Species: Swamp Turtle

FBI Most Wanted List Posters - Post January 6, 2021
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RINO Dirt Bags

Negotiating with Democrats on Gun Control:

Senate RINO 2nbd Amendment Sellouts
Mitch McConnel, Kentucky
John Cornyn, Texas

Convicted Trump for Jan 6th Riots:

Senate RINO Turncoats
Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania
Mitt Romney, Utah
Susan Collins, Maine
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
Ben Sasse, Nebraska
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana

Colluded with Democrats on Passing Gun Control Laws

House Republican Hall of Shame
Liz Cheney (R-WY)
Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)
Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA)
Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH)
Chris Jacobs (R-NY)
John Katko (R-NY)
Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY)
Maria Salazar (R-FL)
Chris Smith (R-NJ)
Michael Turner (R-OH)
Fred Upton (R-MI)


Here Are the GOP Traitors Who Betrayed Us on Gun Rights



Betrayal isn’t a shocking move from the GOP anymore. In the Senate, you can always count on Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Mitt Romney (R-UT) to do the wrong thing. You can always count on Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) to do the wrong thing. You have other Senate Republicans wanting to hash out a deal on immigration during this midterm cycle. Some of the same folks want to hash out a deal on gun control. There are cracks in the line, and Democrats will find ways to exploit that and cause disruption. The only issue is that the terrible economy overshadows all. In the wake of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, the call for gun control has become deafening despite all the evidence showing that every proposal Democrats are clamoring for wouldn’t have prevented the shooting.

A background check was performed when shooter Salvador Ramos purchased his guns. Should it have been rejected? Yes, the address which belonged to Salvador Ramos’ grandfather should have raised a red flag. Ramos’ grandfather has a criminal record. He publicly said he cannot own or be around firearms. The kid was known for starting fights, slashing his face, and shooting people around town with a BB gun. He was trouble.

Yet, we just must do something. Even if it’s unconstitutional, we must do something. That’s always a recipe for disaster when the political class comes to that conclusion about any issue. The House was always going to pass something insane. It’s going to suffer legislative death in the Senate. It could lead to primary challenges for the Republicans who signed off on this debacle. Well, ten of them decided to join the Left’s crusade to shred our constitutional rights. Ten Republicans decided to back the bill that would increase the age limit to buy long guns (via Business Insider):

https://twitter.com/HouseDailyPress/sta ... s-n2608465
The House voted to retrain TITLE 1 of H.R. 7910 by a vote of 228-199.

Lawmakers in the House of Representatives voted in favor of raising the age from 18 to 21 for semi-automatic weapon purchases in response to the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York.

The 228-199 vote occurred largely along party lines, with two Democrats voting against the bill and 10 Republicans siding with the Democrat-led proposed legislation.

The age hike was part of a package of gun safety bills known as the Protecting Our Kids Act, introduced by Rep. Jerry Nadler, which was broken up into certain gun policies, including prohibiting the sale of ammunition magazines with a capacity of more than 15 rounds, to pressure GOP congresspeople resistant to tighter gun laws.

I think everyone should give Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH), Chris Jacobs (R-NY), John Katko (R-NY), Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), Maria Salazar (R-FL), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Michael Turner (R-OH), and Fred Upton (R-MI) a call about this vote.

What are we doing here, guys? Again, we all know confiscation and the end of the Second Amendment is the Democrats’ agenda. There is no compromise, no debate, or deal to be had on this issue.
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