Lori Foroozandeh Philosophical Lost in IPC Post Lori Darling
I am glad that you are in one piece during the pandemic because a number of my authors passed away and some decapacitated and out of order! Good to see you here.
Even though you are a philosophical person, yet this post has nothing to do with philosophy (Famous Quotes – Bits O Wisdom)! But then again, that is you!
Now I shall respond to you:
“Geezus nuts galore”
Woman, leave Jesus’ nuts out of this and hang on Muhammad’s because you are more knowledgeable about Islam.
Jesus: Why are you involving my nuts in between your dialogue?!
“you can't even look at a simplified index to tell you where you have to go to post or make a new post.”
Uno: This forum is the best designed forum on Internet globally, simply because it has been designed by a God, the Persian God of Evil.
Dos: Social Media killed the Internet Forums, gathered all the people under their rule, brainwashed them with Globalism and Liberalism, dumbified them and turned them slaves to the Establishment; therefore, people are now used to their system of one index and sending and receiving Bull Shiite posts until their thoughts contradicts the Social Media and Tech Giants’ thoughts, and then they get kicked out of the Social Media. Social Media turned people to Dumb Numb Nuts, under control of the Social Media “Liberal Plantation Jew Masters such as George Soros, Mark Sucker Turd (Zuckerberg), Google and YouTube Liberal Jew Bosses (Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Susan Wojcicki) and such.
These Liberal Plantation Jew Masters make their dough on Globalism, selling out to China, IRI and Arab Oil. They are enemies of the American, Iranian and Israeli people. They even betray their own people who are the Jews.
People without conviction of their own, fly by the fad of the day and that is why they flown with the fad of the day which was the social media and now that they have been censored, silenced and ruled upon, they wonder what happened?!
“I thought you were better organized than this MR> DOC????”
The problem is not the IPC Club. The problem is you! In the past, when you were better functional, you could easily find your way around IPC. Now that you are not 18 anymore, all the drugs and booze and God knows what else which you have done in your childhood and youth is catching up with you! That’s why you get lost in the Club and the most organized forum on the net look s like a maze to you! As Jim Morrison recited:
“You’re lost little girl …
You’re lost …
Lala Lala La la la ….."(The Doors)
This is you:
(back then, we even made a smiley AKA Lojack for you!)
This is your brain:
This is your brain on drugs:
Moral of the Story Kids, do not do drugs in your young ages, because in your old ages, you end up not finding your way in the IPC Club Forum!
“I had to spend 2 fricking hours trying to figure out where to post where the link was to post so I just said frick it and posted a reply to my last post in 2021.”
And even then, you still posted in the wrong place! Jee Wiz, Holy Shiite Kickers, Jumping Jehovahs, Polygamist Mormons and Pedophile Muslims, all gather around and aid Little Miss Dizzy, dazed and confused to find her way in the halls and rooms of IPC club!
Not to worry, Ahreeman is here. Just grab my hand and I shall drag you out of the maze! Ahreeman is gracious. Ahreeman is resourceful. Ahreeman is a God!
So, it is OK for you to post under philosophy because after all, you are a philosophical person!
What you had to do was to go to:
Direction for the Lost Little Girl:
IPC Club Forum => General Hall => General Discussions and Events RoomAnd then post a post titled:
“I Miss You Dearly Ahreeman X” And then I would have come to your rescue, but still, this post is OK!
“So how are things going big guy,”
They are going and I am trying to catch up!
“no, I haven’t seen you lately”
You’re sure about that?!
Allow me to remind you that:
No, I am not the guy hiding in your closet, waiting for the hubby to leave the house!
No, I am not the Liberal plantation Negro named Hambone Brown under your bed with a foot long Bone!
No, I am not the bum hitting on you for change in the alley!
No, I am not the retard online on social media stalking you!
No, I am not the degenerate with hairy legs in mini skirt, arguing with you on Twitter, jumpin up and down like Tweety Bird!
No, I am not the illegal alian Mexican wetback which you hired to mow your lawn!
No, I am not the perverted bar tender in Shack O Love Bar who serves your drinks!
No, I am not the Tranny with hairy tities and the bulge who sends you love e-mails!
No, I am not the guy who often chases you down the alley, holding his schlong, late at night!
I know, I understand that you always see Ahreemans everywhere, but I assure you that they are not me!
“I'm just assuming due to the pandemic and all you would have put a few pounds on, not that you were "skinny: before
Ehem, excuse me, do you look the same as you looked 20 years ago? What makes you think that I should?!
At least I still have my marbles, you sure about yours?!
“We can all claim to be the son of evil”
No woman, you are all wrong about it, you the same as Muhammad do not comprehend Trinity! Here is how it goes
Father @ Under Son @ Above Raven the Evil Spirit Connecting the 2 Get it? We are all one!“but the big guy just can't make your waist go down can he??? LOL.”
Ehem, excuse me, have you seen your waistline lately?!
Mine are baby fat, are yours?!
“oh since you asked, I'm doing great,”
I am glad about that.
“living life on the edge (of my bed) so really not a whole lot to share...”
You have always lived life on the edge, may it be adventure or bed!
“except I truly miss the old IPC,”
Exactly what do you miss about the old IPC?
You have never consorted with anyone except me, because you have always been head over hills about me! Every single new member who entered IPC, you either accused them of being an IRI Agent or Hezbollah, so you ignored them or you accused them of being shells of avatars and IDs with me behind them, operating them as alter egos, so again you ignored them! Due to your paranoid delusions, you have ignored every new person in IPC! You used to create various IDs due to multiple personality disorder; therefore, you could have a gang, legitimizing you, so you assume that everyone is the same as you with 5 IDs! You also had a tranny Turkmen Boy Toy with mental problems under your wings who used to stalk you!
Basically, you have seen IRI Agents and Ahreemans everywhere! Again, due to paranoid delusions!
So, the only thing that you could have missed about the Old IPC (so-called) must have been me, but then again, you read everything I write, you follow me everywhere to every post, you worship the ground I walk on and so on! So, what is there to miss?
Not to worry, I have that effect on women, they stalk me on the net!
“I have no idea who these people are”
Times change, people evolve, technology evolves, things change, evolve or become obsolete!
“is shiite still on here”
Robert is not posting much but as an IPC author, his material is still being published on the website.
“and betty boobs you know the one who was so dumb but thought her looks could carry her.”
Yes, and she is so fond of you too!
“Well let me know what the new topic is so i can pretend to know what I'm talking about and reply just to start an arguement....”
Just look around and see what suits you or may as well start your own.
“Love ya and miss ya truly.”
I know!
Ahreeman Joon
Lori, you know what’s your problem?
As your family doctor, trainer and spiritual guide, I believe I have a prescription for you:
You need to be tied down, belly down flat on the King Size Bed, crossed diagonally 2 hands and 2 feet to the four heavy wooden bed posts of the bed’s head and foot stands. Sort of like crucified Jesus but diagonally! Of course, all naked but not gagged so we can hear you scream and then Ahreeman will take care of the rest while doing the nasty to you in the Ahreemanic Dungeon of Pleasureful Pains! There Are various new positions and toys available, I am sure you are aware of! We’ll make a new woman out of you!
It is always good to hear from you, after all, you are a Founding Mother of the club!
Are we still in Michigan or we moved?
Are we still with Husband # 3 or # 4?
Are we still an author, belly dancer or pornographer?
Are we still taking pills and booze together?
Are we still sleeping with our Pussy (Cat)?
Are we still sleeping with our Pussy (Not Cat)?
Are we inspired these days?
Make it though pandemic and Dark Winter of Biden in one piece until Trump will be back and fix the country!
Ahreeman is Gracious
Ahreeman Bless You My Daughter