Who Killed More People: Nazis, Communists or Muslims?

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Who Killed More People: Nazis, Communists or Muslims?

Postby CR » Tue Oct 26, 2021 3:27 pm

Who Killed More People: Nazis, Communists or Muslims?
Number of Murders Through the History
For the First Time Read the True History of the World!

Believe Google’s Filtered Algorithms Or Factual History?
Educate Yourselves to What Has Been Hidden From You!
Learn About Liberal Mainstream Media Lies!

Learn About the Persian Holocaust & the Indian Genocide

Learn About the True History of the World: IPC History

Biden’s Socialist Regime Ice Cream Flavor of the Month Ahreeman X Graphic Cartoon 2021
“Democrat Party’s neo ideology is a combination of Marxist Islamism on Nazi Steroids!” (Media)
“Biden spends more leisure time: vacationing, taking naps, brain freeze and guzzling down ice cream cones than actually being awake pretending to work at the White House, but in fact vegetating behind his desk and never responding to the media!” (Media)
Biden awake or sleep, makes no difference, he is in coma!
Democrats’ Clown Show: USA is going down the toilet and Biden loves his Ice Cream Cones!


IPC Factual History & Statistics Presents:

Dear History Lovers, History Students, Readers, Members & Activists

Study the true history of the world for the first time exposed to you in IPC.
Read Ahreeman X new historical piece:


Who Killed More People: Nazis, Communists or Muslims?
Number of Murders Through the History

Ahreeman X
October 27, 2021


Who killed more people throughout the history of mankind? You may have been asking yourselves this important question? To find the answer to this crucial question, you can take what the Mainstream Liberal Media, Social Media, Tech Giants and Wikipedia feeds you as propaganda or you can read the IPC history section and this article to get educated to the real history. You can trust Google’s filtered algorithms spiced up with wokeness and sugar coated with political correctness or you can read what has been hidden from you by the establishment for decades, you can read the facts right here and by me, a historian who has been studying, researching, reading and writing history since age 10!

Read more:

Who Killed More People: Nazis, Communists or Muslims?
Number of Murders Through the History

https://iranpoliticsclub.net/history/wh ... /index.htm

History Index


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Fight Democrats’ Communist Islamist Tyranny in America

Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Oct 27, 2021 8:27 am

Fight Democrats’ Communist Islamist Tyranny in America

Great research by Doc and post by Cat. Truth hurts and it may bleed the liberals’ bleeding hearts but bleeding hearts cannot change the world history. We knew that Communists and Muslims mass murdered humanity but not this much! May this be a lesson for the present Biden Regime and West European Woke regimes that Socialism, Communism and Islam had brough nothing to the world but murder and misery.

Yesterday’s hippies and radical revolutionaries of the failed 1960s American riots who wanted to make a Communist Revolution in America are today’s Hollywood, Media, Big Tech and Government leaders, celebrities and policy makers but the worst part is that they own the academia. They are your kids’ teachers and college professors. Communists teach in universities and colleges. Don’t hide it or be shy to speak of it because today, parents and concern citizens are standing up to the Critical Race Theory and Woke teaching at schools and universities. We cannot stand by and let these teachers and professors train terrorists and anarchists out of our kids.

We need to take our country back and we need to revive America. Our country is under occupation of Communists, Anarchists and Islamists. We have Muslim Terrorists in the congress! These people have allowed Afghan terrorists to enter and residence in USA along with their child brides. These same people abandoned American citizens, residents and our Afghan allies in Afghanistan to be held hostage and to be killed. People like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC and the rest of the Squad need not to be rewarded as congresswomen but they need to be tried for treason and put in the state prison.

Democrat party of today is a Communist party powered by George Soros, Big Tech and Media who are along for the ride as globalists aching for profit. These liberal Jews who own the Hollywood, Media, Big Tech and Academia are both enemies of Israel and America. Leading them is Soros and his billions who finances BLM, ANTIFA, Iran Lobby and Communists to create chaos in America and ultimately to bring down Capitalism and Democracy. Woke corporations follow Soros not that they care for blacks and minorities but because of profit. George Soros does anything to destroy the American system and replace it with a Socialist Globalist system. Soros makes his billions by creating chaos in America and the West.

We should not be reluctant to shout it from top of our lungs: Liberal Jew Masters own the Liberal Plantations and use Blacks and Minorities as slaves to do their dirty deeds. Unfortunate for them, the blacks and minorities are becoming wise and turning their backs to the Democrat party. Every day, more blacks and minorities become Trumpists! That’s why Democrats are needing new slaves now. Open borders bring democrats new slave labor and voters from around the world.

These illegal aliens are dumped literally from prisons of the 3rd world into America. USA is now the dumping hole for trash of the world! Democrats do not worry about this fact because Democrats don’t care about America. They only care about remaining in power and controlling the money by controlling the Liberal plantations even if they have to steal elections and establish tyranny in America.

We need to get rid of Democrats by election reforms and never allow them to regain power. Democrats are a group of corrupt, criminal elements. They are at best socialists and globalists but at worst, communists and anarchists. Democrat party is a virus which needs to be exterminated or they will exterminate America and Americanism.

They hit us with many attacks for speaking the truth, but we stood our grounds.
It took much guts for Ahreeman to tell the truth:

Liberal Plantation System and Globalism
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/l ... /index.htm

Democrats Want to Destroy America
Stand Up and Destroy Democrats

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Re: Who Killed More People: Nazis, Communists or Muslims?

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:58 pm

Dear Dr. X, Atusa and Catayoun,

The article posted by Dr. X was very instructive for all members to remember the many lives lost by badly indoctrinated leaders. It makes me wonder if the inhumanity to mankind will continue to persist as we view the dangers and warnings that exist today.

Atusa gave a very good summary of the ills confronting us today and a possible solution is for all Americans to heed the call to be responsible voters in coming elections. I, as an 87-year-old patriot, have little hope due to the extensive control by the covert CIA that manages many, if not almost all, of our technical companies, the media and in large part, our learning intuitions. However, as a man who looks towards a future that can give all of us a life to enjoy on perhaps, one of the best planets in our galaxy, I continue to fight for that dream of love and compassion with a promising future.

I recently viewed a U-tube1995 video which was a lecture by Phil Schneider who was murdered several months later by the covert CIA. Though years ago, his video left me somewhat disillusioned because he confirmed the powerful control possessed by the covert CIA, the existence of grey aliens in captivity, their (CIA) ability to fly to other planets (since the late 1950s or early 1960s) and their invention of powerful weapons that could certainly make the United States the strongest power on earth. I did not know, it is now possible to transmit faster than the speed of light via point-to-point communication that surpasses the sinusoidal capability.

Unfortunately, Dr. X, I have gotten the idea that I need not persist in informing our readers of ET type information because I have written a great deal about that in many articles. So, I have taken the liberty to provide a summary of the highlights of Phil Schneider's 1995 lecture. His talk was given on: (98) Phil Schneider - November 1995 (Full Video) - YouTube 

If you find this last lecture meaningful, I will write a summary of some of points by Phil Schneider worth remembering. What I found a useful was the commendation and warning by Col. Wilson, I attach it below.


I only knew Paul slightly, but from what I know, he is giving it straight. Its' time we all make a stand and tell those miserable bastards we sent to Congress, that the time is now, for them to save this country from within. Make Congress force the military and the black budget into the open. We have to collectively drive that element out of our government, or face the consequences. To those who value their miserable lives, and feel that if being quiet will always save you, you're wrong.-- Col. Wilson

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Re: Who Killed More People: Nazis, Communists or Muslims?

Postby Shahrzad BB » Sat Mar 18, 2023 9:49 am

:offoftopic: :spam:
Mr. Ginex :scientist:
I have been following your writings on this board and on the site for a long time but I have never responded to your posts. You started with philosophy, existence of god, meaning of life, Islam, politics, scientific discoveries, space travel but later you travelled to conspiracy theories, CIA coverups and then over to UFO, aliens but now you are writing about intergalactic adventures with aliens!
:UFO: :out: :fenc: :ET:
This is Islam room and this topic is about how many humans have Muslims killed? You are writing about Cowboys versus Aliens, CIA hunting down Aliens, UFO coverups and your outer space travelling adventures known to you and your friends in YouTube! Instead of using this topic by flattering Ahreeman, Cat and Atusa, <<<TO PROMOTE>>> your spam-like intergalactic adventures, you need to post your fictional posts in the <<<General Room>>>. This room is about real life, not fiction!
Looks like Atusa fixed your chaotic post loaded with BB Code errors and made it readable and visible to the eye! Please follow the Yellow Brick Road in the board to find your way to the General Room!
:Candle: :pcharm:
Many educated scholars and talented authors in their old ages, take a fly over the Cuckoo’s nest, become nutcrackers and go Coocoo nuts. They depart from reality and join the fantasy, so their writings become fiction. The fiction becomes an addiction and quickly they start living in an imaginary world of Big Bad CIA Men in Blacks, Cowboys and Aliens!
:ET: :paperbag: :mex: :007:
These fantastic tales become reality and the person becomes obsessed with an imaginary world. When the person lives in a fictional universe, he wants the public to also share his delusions too and he would like to inform them as a reporter unveiling great secrets which he only knows and his cult buddies only see! When it comes to this point, the person needs professional help and I am the professional help.
Please join us at Cedars-Sinai Primary Care Medical Center in Beverly Hills, the Psychiatric Ward for free consultation. As the Psychiatrist of the Board, it is my duty to visit IPC patients for free. Act fast before you absolutely lose it, take a warp speed cruise on a UFO into the deep space and interact in the Cowboys vs. Aliens war, exposing CIA Men in Black and saving Grays in YouTube circa! A person can easily vanish from reality and become part of a cyber fantasy as a fictional character! Mind is a terrible thing to take a trip on a YouTube ride to the Star Wars!
In a world which we are having concerns losing our freedoms to the Democrats and Deep State in USA, Mullahs and Muslims in Iran and Islamists in the world, you are in battle with Men in Black to save the Grays from CIA, what a Beautiful Mind and a Fantastic World you live in! Must be fun! :youda:
:pokey: :out:
In a meantime move it to the General Room and leave Exposing Islam alone in this room!

PS: Congratulation on becoming Sergeant :imcoman:

Visit me before you join the aliens in space! :ET: :kodak: :mixed:

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Re: Who Killed More People: Nazis, Communists or Muslims?

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Sat Mar 18, 2023 1:01 pm

Dear Shahrzad,

Thank you for finding that I made a serious error by responding to an October 2021 article. Please accept my apology which I make to all our IPC members.

However, I write to inform and educate our IPC members. True, the IPC site is to gather support to fight the extremists Moslems who still believe their religion is the TRUE religion and feel honored to kill those who do not honor Allah.

To think I am living in a fantasy world where the Shadow Government may be a foolish dream is false. I truly believe what Phil Schneider stated in his 1995 lecture and the words by Colonel Wilson.


I only knew Paul slightly, but from what I know, he is giving it straight. Its' time we all make a stand and tell those miserable bastards we sent to Congress, that the time is now, for them to save this country from within. Make Congress force the military and the black budget into the open. We have to collectively drive that element out of our government, or face the consequences. To those who value their miserable lives, and feel that if being quiet will always save you, you're wrong.-- Col. Wilson
Author of Philosophy
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