by Nicholas Ginex » Saturday Jan 29, 2022 5:00 pm
Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects
Response to: What Is God?

I was impressed with this topic because although it has been presented in the past, after my close call the dreaded Covid -19 virus, I have given it much more thought. To let you know how much your words of encouragement meant to me, I am honored to provide the words you wrote and the sentiments felt by many IPC followers.
Dr. X
2nd Coming of Ginex :![]()
You, Brother Ginex got decapacitated and returned from the dead. You are practically the “2nd Coming of Ginex”! When you were in between life and death for months, I have been in contact with Diane, finding out what the hell has happened to you! I was in constant worries that if we are going to lose you or are you going to make it?! Even though at times it was hopeless, yet I was encouraging Diane that you will make it because I knew that you are strong and if you wanted to, you could beat COVID! At last, you proved me right and literally returned from the death. How many men have returned from hospice back to life? You are a fighter for life and were not ready to leave us! You fought your way back to life and I knew that you could. In a bit, after near death situation on the death bed, I saw your video standing and singing in the kitchen! Amazing, simply amazing, and you even looked good for a dead man! In a little while, you were back and recovering. Soon you will be back in full and back to your old self. I have faith in you. Ginex is valuable to me, to IPC, to American patriots and to Iranian Nationalists. We are not ready to let you go. Even though you are not a fighter but a lover, yet this time you fought like hell! I feel you; I truly feel you! I love you Brother.
What is God?

Dr. X provided several personal thoughts that led to the following conclusion.
In any case, this God is not worth worshipping and surely not worth dying for!
Let us examine each of the premises that caused Dr. X arrive at the above conclusion.
I. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not almighty and does not have infinite power.
There may be many reasons why the man-made god will not prevent evil. We know this God is almighty and has the infinite power to control and prevent evil, but He does not because He gives his creations the will to accept, tolerate, or ignore evil. He gives his creations the ability to make their own choices. But also, it is unfair to accuse God for the catastrophes caused by nature and the many deaths that could occur. These are events caused by nature’s way of evolving, be it rain, tornadoes, volcanos, dry spells or galactic explosions.
II. Is God able to prevent evil, but not willing?
Then He is malicious and evil Himself!
We must remember that the God we envision has been created from the minds of men. Therefore, we can imagine Him to be pure and righteous or malicious and evil. It is what we consider Him to be for the happiness or the evil we encounter. We must remember that God is our creation and to fault Him for the evil and disappointments in life is simply an excuse for our own failures.
III. Is God both able to prevent evil, and is willing?
Then where does the evil in the world come from?
The God we conceive is able to cause and prevent evil. However, a righteous and benign God, to humans, allows such decisions to be made by mankind. The evil in the world is through the deficiencies in mankind due to jealousies, hatred, and power. This is why mankind established many rules to help guide our daily lives and advocate a state of bliss upon death by following them. The early Egyptians proscribed ways for their people to conduct their lives and upon death be accountable on the scales of judgment.
IV. Is God neither able to prevent evil nor is willing?
Then why call Him God?
According to our beliefs in God, He is capable to do all things be they good or evil. The thing all humans must remember is that God may be responsible for creating all things but has the wisdom to have all His creations make their own choices. According to certain religious beliefs, it is only upon succeeding in conducting a wholesome life that the reward of a blissful hereafter can be attained. Humans have created God in their own image and the rewards or pain are imagined at the end of life. But this is the philosophy of mankind for many religions in order to have many generations lead decent lives.
In any case, this God is not worth worshipping and surely not worth dying for!
The above conclusion is based upon preconceived premises that are not valid or poorly conceived. It is therefore necessary to strive for an alternate belief in God that can be more acceptable with mankind’s new understanding of the many galaxies and planets that exists throughout our universe.
With today’s better understanding of astrophysics and the immensity of our universe, knowledge that surpasses the planets that revolve around our star, mankind will begin to learn that their belief in God is limited. This belief must take into account the possibilities that life exists in many other galaxies throughout our universe.
In the book, hosted on IPC titled, Everything Has a Beginning, Even the Universe, it was revealed that energy had to be the very start of creation. The idea of the Big Bang as being responsible for our universe is based upon a shortsighted understanding of physics. Today, our scientists have been able to understand the microscopic level of matter is derived from energy in space and is made up of three major components, the electron, proton, and neutron. In fact, all the elements that make up our earth, have been documented in the Periodic Table of Elements. ... odic-table
The fundamental particle, the electron, had to be produced from energy millions and trillions of times. In the same way, energy caused the formation of other fundamental particles, such as neutrons and protons. Through the supervision of the electron, many different configurations of atoms evolved to create the many elements of matter. Based upon the different configurations of an atom’s electrons, protons and neutrons, the atom has earned the reputation of being the building block of inorganic and organic matter. One may deduce that matter throughout our universe may be part of the basic set that exists for development of our earth. It is therefore possible that life throughout the universe, in the extensive galaxies, could have many similarities since they also contain the basic set of developed atoms on earth evolved from space. We would be most fortunate if we were visited by extraterrestrials and learn how they conceived the beginning of the universe. Refer to Sections 1.0 and 2.0 of ... inning.pdf.
Did God Create of the Universe?

The answer to this philosophical question is not known by our greatest scientists or theologians. However, two of our greatest scientists, Nikola Tesla revealed there is energy in space and, Paramahamsa Tewari revealed energy can be transformed into matter with his Space-Vortex Theory. Refer to ... inning.pdf, Figures 2 and 3. This question poses the problem of what came first; was it energy or some external force that may have produced energy, a force we can only attribute to God? It should be known that when an answer is impossible, the default, due to limited minds, is God. This answer by itself is incomprehensible because nobody knows how God came to be and is therefore simply a default that has no meaning. What remains for our curiosity to understand the beginning of the universe, is to examine what we do know about the scientific knowledge of our universe which is the existence of the galaxies.
With the advancements made of our universe, we have learned that presently, our galaxy is extremely small compared to the largest galaxy, IC 1101. It has a diameter that is 6,000,000 light years whereas, our Milky Way Galaxy spans only 100,000 light years across, a factor of 60 to 1. The distance from our earth to IC 1101 is 1,045 billion light years. There are many differences between the two galaxies and most significant is that IC 1101 is 60 times larger than our own galaxy. If we assume that all elements are derived from energy, dependent upon the makeup of each atom, we may also conclude that like other galaxies, IC 1101 has many planets with the possibility of life; life that has evolved many billions of years before the planet earth.
Knowing that there are billions of galaxies and planets throughout the universe, it becomes evident that with a limited view of our own galaxy, it is presumptuous to imagine that a God in man’s image is responsible for life existing in galaxies throughout the universe. If life throughout the universe exists, it would be foolish for mankind to conceive that their God has created life, both inorganic and organic, in every part of the universe. Therefore, from a practical and realistic sense, the Gods of earth have been conjured up based upon the complexity of different communities and their beliefs. It would be arrogant or presumptuous to believe the God of the major religions on earth also apply to the godly beliefs of extraterrestrials on other planets.
The above statement presumes that it is premature to believe God created the universe when it becomes an accepted fact that the entire universe became alive due to the energy that exists in space. Here again, the reader should refer to Sections 1 and 2 of the IPC book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe. The area of study for astrophysics and scientists is to determine how did energy in space come to exist? Does this energy belong to an unknown God or does it become inherent as a component of space? These questions reach out to the philosophical questions that may have been answered by some of the many life forms that exist in our universe. It would be truly a wonderful experience to someday converse with intelligent life forms that have existed millions and even billions of years before human beings.
The Greatest Challenge for Humans to Become Accepted in the Universe.

A word of caution to our brightest minds who are allowing mankind to enter other territories and adventures in galaxies throughout the universe; be kind, understanding and loving for all living life forms. Learn what they have uncovered to be at peace with their own kind, expose ourselves to their history, morality, science, philosophies, literature, music, dance and art. The amount of knowledge that can be tapped by earthlings can be so extensive that their lives will be enhanced and help them to be accepted by other life forms in the universe.
But history has shown that humans still need to reach a higher level of development. In the research provided in the IPC book titled, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe, Sections 2.0, 3.0 – 3.5, and 4.2 - 4.3, it was revealed that since the discovery and communication of other life forms experienced in Roswell, our military agencies have been secretive and aggressive to shoot down any spaceship that enters earth. Truly, our belief systems will require a greater understanding of the universe to become tolerate of the wisdom acquired by other life forms.
The Human Belief that All Life Begins and Ends on Earth.

As an unknown philosopher, a free thinker, open to all points of view, I must confess that I do not need to be given another life after death to exist for eternity. I like the proverb, “It’s nice to be nice.” I need no reward for being blessed with the desire to love others, treating them with respect, and assisting them to share their gifts of humanity. Will religions in our world recognize that everything comes to an end, just as matter does throughout the universe?
The most important thing to learn from this topic, is to learn to love and enjoy the wonderful life you have been blessed with. After almost experiencing death as a result of Covid -19, I continually am thankful to be given the opportunity to live. Whether it’s just another 10 years or beyond 100 years, I am thankful to be married to my wife Diane and the wonderful friendships that bring happiness into my life. If at all possible, it is my hope that I am able to give people around the world knowledge to view life based upon proven facts that have surfaced by the many great minds in our world.
A Word of Thanks.

I have been very fortunate to have Dr. Ahreeman as a dear friend and to be celebrated on his website, the Iran Politics Club. I thank him and his associates for entering my life and allowing me to reach out to all of you. Perhaps, there is some wonderful force that wills me to live. This thought gives me the energy to stay alive and hopefully add to a greater understanding that we are all children of the same universe. Therefore, let us embrace the solace and love that makes living all worthwhile.
Science is a Cold Harsh Fact!

Dr. X stated,
The only way to believe in God is via faith,
The only way to believe in Science is via logic!
“My spirituality is not due to fear of God,
My spirituality is due to fear of losing my humanity!”
(Ahreeman X)
Science Versus Science

Dr. X wrote:
I understand that you are surrounded by religious family and friends. I also understand that you are trying to be agnostic and you love to believe in a higher power and God to the point that sometimes you drop your scientific mind in your safe space and go cruising as Saint Nicholas searching for that shining light at the end of the tunnel but even you must know that you are only kidding yourself to play make believe! Deep inside your skull, your scientific mind dictates to you that hey Nicholas, you are only playing Santa Clause for Christmas and Papa Noel for Holidays! The harsh reality of evolution cannot digest all of these Bang and bologna children stories made for adults!

I love playing God to bring joy to my children in the spirit of Christmas. As a parent, I have the responsibility to have them easily adjust to the beliefs taught within our religions. But as they grew older, I made it known that my God is not the same God taught to them. What is emphasized to them is the love, compassion and regard for all people and if God supports such noble views that lead us to live better lives, so be it. I do stress that our decisions are our own and it is best to ensure the outcomes of those decisions benefits others. I recall some philosophical talks with my daughter Lori; I had her consider if upon death, would our dog who died earlier, be with her in heaven. But I also had her consider if ants would also be in heaven. I am not sure how she conceives heaven. However, today, she is a lawyer and a fine defender of right over wrong.
Regarding the human demons that destroy America and many other countries, such as Soros, Schumer and Biden, we may never know if a God exists to give them the retribution they deserve after death. This is only a wish that would occur based upon the fair application of justice. The bad and ugly forms of life will have the same death as the best of people; once you are dead there is no longer pain but an enduring sleep. That is why people on earth must ensure that justice is given while alive.
The Ugly and Corrupt American Citizens

Today, American has the worst president, Joe Bidden. In spite of his dealings whereby he and his son, Hunter Biden, have accumulated many millions of dollars in China, the America media closes their eyes, and their corrupt morality is allowed to exist. American legislators and American people have got to ensure that justice is provided for those who deserve it. However, half the American people continue to support Joe Biden, his wide-open borders, the increase in crimes in every state, and the possibility of a socialistic government that allows lazy people to exist. This week, it was revealed that Joe Biden has permitted planes to be used to fly illegal immigrants into many states. This has been done without informing the leaders and citizens of the affected states. He does not follow the rule of law and the laws written over many decades; therefore, Biden and his son should be put in prison. But our American system is so corrupt, and the American people have become so misinformed with a dishonest media that justice may never be served. America has become the land of dopes, easily swayed by the media that is controlled by the Surreptitious Shadow Government (SSG). Refer to Section 3.0 of Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe.
Let it Be known

Let this brief dialogue be known to all Americans, especially the Trump family and all newscasters of TV and liberal media. The above book needs to be read by Americans so that they become aware of the corruption in our system. With knowledge of our advances in the technical spheres, we have got to ensure our educational systems keep our youth abreast of what needs to be done in the coming years. I have overcome the Covid-19 virus to remain a steadfast informer of our youth and all Americans. We cannot allow this virus and other components of this dreaded disease infect the American people and lose the greatest opportunity to lead humanity in the direction of peace, safety, prosperity, and the new world of interplanetary travel.
Nicholas P. Ginex