Stand Against Corporate Globalism Wokeness
Globalist Corporations vs. Individualist Workers
Globalism vs. Patriotism

No Liberal Bull Shiite Sign Ahreeman X Graphic Cartoon
Hear Yee, Hear Yee, it’s a Brand-New World! We are setting back to the New World Order by the Woke Globalist Corporations and the Tech Oligarchs! Come and get your Green New Bull Shiite fabricated by a Dimwit Bartender AOC, accepted by a psycho witch Nancy Old Pussy and enforced by the Woke Liberals! Get your Green New Deal at your local Welfare Office along with your Liberal Kool-Aid, Stale Old Bread and Government Cheese which smells like Ass Residue! Big Gov. will take care of you and makes sure that you will never evolve and prosper beyond the borders of the Project Housing and Section 8 to succeed in life! We make sure that you Government Mules born in the Liberal Plantations and Die in the Liberal Plantations! Nanny State will take care of yous! Just make sure you vote Democrat until your demise in the housing project! Now run along and be good Liberal Plantation Slaves!
When Woke Green New Bull Shiite Ruined the World? ... /index.htm
Corporations Go Woke, Make Them Broke!
Stand Against Corporate Globalism Wokeness
Ahreeman X
April 14, 2022
We are starting a new thread:
Corporations Go Woke, Make Them Broke!
Enough is enough and it is time to make a stand against the Corporate wokeness. The Corporate wokeness has nothing to do with Minority rights and Gay rights but it has everything to do with Corporate Greed and opportunism to make hefty bank accounts, New world Order, Mind Control, Destruction of Nationalism, Oppression of the Global Individualist Workers, and Control of the Global Economy.
Woke Corporate Commercials
These corporations are similar to blood sucking leeches. All of a sudden, their commercials are full of wokeness. Every single commercial has a black actor and a gay couple in them! If someone doesn’t know better, they will assume that we live in South Africa with a black majority which all of a sudden turned Gay! If commercials got to represent the statistical sample of the population (as liberals state), then how come an 80% white majority and 94% Straight majority has no trace in the commercials? How come all of a sudden, the complete Entertainment Industry, Hollywood, and Commercials are loaded with blacks and gays?

BLM and ANTIFA 2 Headed Monster Black Lives Matter Tina Garrison Cartoon
Dr. Democrat-Stein has Created a Monster!

BLM, ANTIFA, Anarchist and Democrat Band of Brothers Black Lives Matter Branco Cartoon
Democrat Band of Brothers are Destroying the Blue State Large Cities.
Black Lives Matter Cartoons
All of a sudden, these corporations hand out big donations to BLM, ANTIFA and Democrats! All of a sudden, the whole Corporate America went CRT (Reverse Racism), Gay and Liberal? These corporations are kissing up to the Democrats who stole the election and are now destroying this country and Nationalism around the world.
These corporations are the most racist bastards found on the planet but they pretend to be woke, so they gain global control, and make mega dollars.
Unfortunately for them, the majority of Americans are Conservative and Independents. Even much of the Democrats are Blue Dog Democrats which are conservative workers. These people are now boycotting the woke corporations.
I Boycott Woke Corporations
Personally, I used to drink Coke, shop Walmart, watch mainstream media, watch mainstream TV Series and Movies and eat, drink and love Football! I purchased Football gears, watched football, support football and lived NFL.
Today, not that I have ended my love affair with football and NFL, I do not shop in any woke business and use any woke product. On purpose, I support Anti Woke or None-Woke businesses and corps and so does majority of America. I have not been in Walmart for 2 years but I used to be there every other week!

NFL Football Gone Gay Woke Social Justice League Ben Garrison Cartoon
NFL Football Gone Gay Woke and Wants to Go Broke!
Screw Nike, NBA and the rest of them woke bastards. You can live without them!
My TV Viewing
I was never watching much TV and specifically mainstream TV to begin with. I watch Historical Dramas, Historical Battles, Historical Series and documentaries. I watch music concerts. I watch Horror and Sci Fi Series and Movies. I watch a lot of Russian Historical TV Series and movies, Spanish TV Series and Movies, Some worthy Iranian Series and Movies. I watch foreign series and movies, mostly historical.
I completely phased out of Hollywood movies, mainstream TV channels, Mainstream media and corporate entertainment.
I get my news from Smart Cast, Smart TV or online sources around the globe. I do not watch Mainstream Media news.
Real News Networks List vs. Fake News Media
Then you may say, it is not impossible to boycott all of these woke corps and I tell you, do your best, replace them with lesser woke ones, specifically buy products from conservative companies and Trumpist companies.
Jeff Bezos and Amazon Case
Again, some of you have been e-mailing me and bringing up the Amazon case and I am telling you that Amazon unlike other Tech Giants who censor you directly (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), is not really a tech corporation but a shopping place. In addition, we need to use the Amazon revenue to finance everything that Jeff Bezos is against!
Jeff Bezos finances Communists like Van Jones with 100 Million Dollars, we finance Patriots in America and Iran who believe in National Populism. Jeff Bezos does not support the Freedom Protests in Cuba while he is Cuban himself (Cuban Step Father) and he does not lift a finger against the Cuban Communist Regime but he supports Communists worldwide and he is against Patriots in America. On the contrary I use my large Amazon Stock Revenue which I have been share holder sine Bezos created Amazon, to finance Iranian Opposition and American Patriots.
So, Amazon revenue can be used against the people (Like Bezos) or for the people (Ahreeman X)! That is why IPC still deals with Amazon. In every revolutionary’s life, they had to accept the support of some of the oddest resources to advance their revolution, get it?
Amazon ANTIFA Cyber Censorship & Espionage! + Cartoons
My Advice to You
I am not telling you to seize using all woke products and business with woke corporations but I am telling you that do the best that you can. You can replace woke corporations’ products with none-woke corporations’ products or at least stop buying “Made in China” and instead buy “Made in USA”.
Woke Corporations are here to control you, sell you their garbage, brainwash you and establish Globalism. You must be here to stand up to them tall and proud to maintain your individualism as proud workers.
Woke Corporations are here to destroy Indian, Iranian, Russian, English and specifically American Nationalism and American Exceptionalism. They are here to turn you to mindless Robots and Consumption Braindead Zombies. Fight them and make a stand.
Corporations Go Woke, Make them Broke
Dr. X
Watch: Parents March on Disneyland to Protest Studio’s Woke LGBTQ+ Agenda for Children

Hundreds of concerned parents and activists converged on Disneyland in Anaheim, California, Wednesday evening to protest the Walt Disney Co.’s woke agenda that includes targeting children with radical gay and transgender ideology.
Their demands included a consumer boycott of Disney and an end to the left’s sexual indoctrination of young children.
The peaceful protest was organized by Hold the Line, the Christian activist group that spearheaded last week’s demonstration at Disney corporate headquarters in Burbank. On Wednesday, they were joined by members of Turning Point USA, the conservative non-profit headed by Charlie Kirk. ... name=small
Hold the Line leader Sean Feucht said the group has gathered 50,000 signature for a petition demanding Disney stop trying to indoctrinate children.
Disney cast members also spoke out against the company’s political lurch to the left
Last week, the group rallied hundreds of protestors in front of Disney corporate headquarters in Burbank.
Some of the demonstrators chanted “Boycott Disney” while a woman who identified herself as a conservative Disneyland worker spoke about the difficulty of working for the company as someone who holds conservative values.
Recently leaked internal videos show Disney leaders speaking candidly about their plans to incorporate radical LGBTQ ideology into its TV shows and movies for children. In company meetings, they spoke about embracing transgenderism and introducing more “queer” characters into Disney content.
Disney CEO Bob Chapek has also vowed to continue fighting Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, saying the company will work to get the law repealed. He has also promised to fight similar legislation in other states that would seek to protect the youngest school children from being taught sexual and gender ideology.
But the company’s hard-left turn is backfiring among ordinary Americans.
As Breitbart News reported, a recent poll found that more than 68 percent of general-election voters are less likely to do business with Disney as a result of the studio’s new commitment to woke LGBTQ activism.
The backlash isn’t just among conservatives. Among independents, 73 percent said they are less likely to do business with Disney, while more than 48 percent of Democrats said the same thing.
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