Biden & Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023!

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Biden & Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Oct 11, 2023 6:16 pm

Biden & Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023!
Israel Massacre 2023 is the Result of US Stolen Election 2020
Yasser Arafat is Dancing in his Grave!

Ahreeman X Complete Analysis of the Massacre
Real Story of the Israeli Massacre!
Superb Planning by IRI

No Islam, No Terror Protester – How True!

IRI IRGC Trained, Armed, equipped and Led, Palestinian Hamas Commandos Paraglide with Machineguns into Israel for Mass Massacre of the Israeli Citizens.

Ramadan at the White House!
Obama the Closet Muslim with Imam Mohamed Magid (right) and the Muslims at the White House Ramadan Iftar on Eid Al Fitr 2012; throughout Obama’s presidency, celebrating Muslim Holidays has become a tradition in the White House, while at the same time, Obama ignores the traditional Christian Holidays and even leaves town during the holidays to not celebrate them! Obama brings every excuse (Golf Tournaments, Out of Town Visits, etc.) to leave town during the traditional Christian Holidays!

Biden Brain Dead Rolled in by Hussein Obama, Xi Jinping and George Soros Star Trek Graphic
Biden is a shell, a brain-dead façade which is being rolled in via wheelchair in front of the cameras to read what the Washington DC Cabal puts on the teleprompters for him to read. The Cabal runs America and indeed runs America horribly! To put an Alzheimer patient in a puppet show, isn’t this elderly abuse?!

First Two Islamist Congresswomen in the US Congress
Ilhan Omar (left) and Rashida Tlaib (right) swear not on Bible or Constitution but on Quran! Not in public but in their heads, this is what they said:
“In the name of Allah, I swear to the Holy Quran to protect and expand Islam to conquer America and the World!”

Superb Planning by IRI

People always underestimate the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran). This operation was a well-planned, well-practiced and well executed operation put together by the IRI. The paragliders jumping and invasion was practiced far from Gaza and hidden from the Israeli Intelligence, in Somalia and Iran. As you could see, there were Blacks involved in operations which were obviously Somali Africans from Al Shabab which are also IRI proxies ….

Read more:

Biden and Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023! ... /index.htm

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Iran Politics Index

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Israel Massacre Aftermath Celebrations in Tehran, Iran
General Qasem Soleimani’s Murder Revenge: Storm of Allah from Al Aqsa Mosque Hit Israel!
Pictures of Soleimani killed by Trump carried around due to this victory!
IRI Regime Rallies and Celebrations of the Iranian Hezbollah (Original Hezbollah) at the Palestine Square, Tehran, Iran. Hardcore Islamists supporters of the IRI Regime cheers and fireworks during a night celebration event celebrating the dead Jews slaughter, killed by the Palestinian Hamas!
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Operation Al Aqsa Storm: Israel Attacks

Postby CR » Thu Oct 12, 2023 4:32 am

Operation Al Aqsa Storm: Israel Attacks

In secret:

“Operation Al Aqsa Storm was a heavy punch in the face of the Zionist Regime.”
(IRGC Qods Force Command)

In public:

“We were totally surprised by the bravery and the sudden surprised attack of Hamas on the Israel!”
(IRI Regime)

What a show, a super denial Mullah Show from Tehran! Bravo Hezbollahis, bravo IRI, bravo IRGC. Super Show for the public but experts, Israeli IDF and us, we don’t buy it!

This one goes for all the nuclear scientists Mossad killed right inside Iran.
This one goes for all the chemical scientists Mossad killed inside Iran.
This one goes for all the physicists Mossad killed around the world.
This one goes for all the IRGC Mossad killed in the Middle East.
This one goes for all the operations Mossad conducted in Iran.

Israeli soldiers killed.
Israeli soldiers taken hostage.
Israeli citizens killed.
Israeli citizens held hostage.
Americans killed.
Americans held hostage.
Greatest Operation surprised attack inside Israel since Yom Kippur.

Bravo IRGC Qods Force. Super Dupper Operation.

And if Hamas and Islamic Jahad even Hezbollah get eliminated, so what? Casualties of war.

What’s a few Arabs casualty for the “Holly Cause” right?

Bravo IRGC Special Forces. Months of training in 4 countries, Iranian made drones, paragliders, machineguns, rockets, grenade launchers, grenades, equipment, light arms, all made in Iran, some bought from Taliban Afghanistan, Made in America! Money well spent.

You Hezbollahi Boys put egg on the face of Biden Regime and made Biden eat crow! You peed in Biden Regime’s eyes and pooped in CIA’s faces.

General Qasem Soleimani was avenged, Operation Al Aqsa Storm was a success beyond comprehension. I know you didn’t do it; this whole charade was only a coincident and caught you by surprise, but in case you know about it, Bravo Boys, Bravo, that is the reason we never underestimate you because we know your signs, handywork, tracks and system. We are deep inside your security forces. We are students in your schools and colleges, we are your government workers, we are your security forces, we are so you, in which you cannot tell the difference wo is who? We know you better than you.

This one was another episode of the Cat and Mouse Game between Mossad and IRGC but IRGC made a Big Statement!

Bravo Hezbollahi Boys, this one marked for you. What’s a few human lives for how do you say it: Glory of Islam? Bravo boys.

Just want to say congratulation, you done revenge and more. This one goes out to you but we are watching and we see the story behind the story.

We are watching you all the times, your Regime, your forces, your agents in USA and your Iran Lobby in USA. We always watch and we wait, we are very patient. We will wait our turn.

Allah is with you and we always watch you!

Until Then,

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Re: Biden & Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Oct 13, 2023 6:57 am

Muslims & Illegals will Destroy America

Open borders mean Democrats are importing people who hate America and what America stands for to United States for Globalism and Votes. Do you invite people who hate you in your home? You don’t because they end up changing your house rules and ultimately kill you and your family! Democrats invite Muslims to USA. Islam is Anti-Democracy and definitely disputes the United States Constitution. These people are potential sleeper cells waiting for the right time to spark. Beside Muslims, they import a horde of Central and Latin American Hispanics which have nothing in common with American values. These people will never assimilate, never accept American culture and never become Americans. Democrats are not creating a melting pot but they are destroying the American culture by creating Muti Culturalism and cultures parallel to each other. They are segregating America, same as they have been segregating blacks and whites playing the race card.

Democrats are flooding America not only with Muslims and Hispanics but criminals from over 150 countries. Every country in the world is dumping their prisoners, death-row felons, asylum ills, mental baskets and worst citizens in to America. Situation is so bad that even Democrat run cities’ mayors are complaining that they are in full capacity with illegals. Democrats want to destroy America just like they destroyed Europe.

Israel gave Gaza to Arabs in 2005 and it was a nice productive place. Palestinians owned it since and turned it to hell to the point that there are no jobs in Gaza so they go to Israel for work! Anything you hand to Arabs without proper supervision and consultation, they destroy! Certain intelligent people amongst Arabs like Mohammed Bin Salman in Saudi Arabia and some Arab Shaikhs in UAE are turning UAE and Saudi Arabia around. That’s not the norm of the story there!

What is ongoing in Israel will happen in USA but in grand scale.

End results will be destruction of America by liberals.

Islam Contradicts Democracy and US Constitution ... /index.htm

Who Killed More People: Nazis, Communists or Muslims? ... /index.htm

Illegal Aliens Invasion USA Designed by Democrats
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Re: Biden & Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Oct 13, 2023 3:44 pm

Idiots are Running America!

Biden regime due to much pressure told Qatar to freeze the $6 Billion to Iran. Qatar told Biden they are respectful to the agreement between both parties meaning Iran and USA, so as long as not even a penny from this money was used for supporting terror or Hamas (because IRI uses other money), then they are obligated to respect the agreement, meaning eventually handing the money to Iran!

Of course Iran doesn’t use a penny of this amount for terror! They are not idiots! Iran same as Biden Crime Family are familiar with money laundry and shell corporations. Biden doesn’t use his accounts to receive foreign bribes, but he uses his family’s shell companies accounts! So is IRI.

Mullahs and Biden Crime Family have much in common! So Qatar which is also supporting Hamas, refuging Hamas and is an Axis of IRI, told Biden:

:ayatollah: :money: :hizboarab: :byefinger: :old: :arabj:
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Israel Shouldn’t Give in to Global Political Pressure

Postby CR » Sun Oct 15, 2023 1:03 pm

Israel Shouldn’t Give in to Global Political Pressure

The goal of UN, WEF, WTO, Globalists and Liberal Academics is to quickly turn the public opinion against Israel by branding Israel the oppressor, colonialist and Zionist Occupier. For once in its history, Israel should not give in to the global public opinion formed by liberals against her.

Of course Israel wants to give time to Palestinians to move away from Gaza north and possibly Gaza, because unlike Palestinian Animals, Jews are Civilized, but every minute, day and week which is delayed, Hamas will fortify, get ready, hold more Palestinian women and children as hostage human shields to hide behind them and gets better equipped by Iran.

The key to victory is rapid invasion, quick elimination of Hamas and take over of Gaza Strip to establish a government of law and order.

When Gaza was in Israeli hands, before 2005, it was a beautiful productive and green prospering region. As soon as Arabs were handed the Gaza, everything destroyed, economy collapsed, jobs gone and to the point that Palestinians go to Israel for work!

As Ahreeman mentioned, the greatest mistake of Israel was handing Gaza to Arabs!

Israel should eliminate not only Hamas, Jihad Al Islamiyah, but also Al Fatah and Mahmoud Abbas puppet regime in West Bank. No wonder Egypt closed the door to Palestinians! No one wants terrorists coming in to their land except US Democrats whom are allowing all the global criminals to enter USA so they can destroy USA.

Israel must take over Gaza and West Bank, in this order to establish 1 state country with law and order. This task will be great for Israelis and Palestinians. The Palestinians will become citizens of Israel and prosper like the Arab Israeli citizens do. Israel must eliminate all of the Palestinian terror groups and terrorists indiscriminately. Total elimination is needed. 2 state solution and peace for lands since 2005 did not work. Israel didn’t receive anything but chaos, terror and kidnap from Palestinians.

Save those peaceful Palestinians who truly want to live in peace. There will be casualties of war. Kill all Terrorists, Militants and Jihadis. As Ahreeman states:

“Kill them all, let their Allah sort them out!”

Israel should not give a bloody bollocks about global public opinion because it is controlled by liberals and is always against Israel. The state of Israel has a duty to secure its citizens and that is their job. Unlike US Government who stopped the safety and security of the American citizens by open borders, Israel must secure its borders for security of the Israeli citizens. That is government’s job.

Israel must go ASAP all the way, total take over of Gaza and then West Bank.

To better understand the geo politics of the conflict, observe regional maps from “Atlas of Iran Maps:

Iran and Middle East Political Map

Israel, Iran and Near East Political Map

Israel Political Map

Atlas of Iran Maps
Chapter 11. Iran Political Maps

Atlas of Iran Maps
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Re: Biden & Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023!

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:32 pm

It has become clear that many Americans are indeed stupid. Where are our representatives that represent the people and America? Are they getting paid and do nothing to STOP the OPEN BORDER POLICY of a demented president? It appears he does not love the American people and a country to be proud of. Only a leader without a functioning brain will keep the Texas border open with the amount of conflict around the world. Israel and Hamas are one threat that can multiply, but indeed, America has Iran, China and Russia as real possibilities to start a global war.

With the continuing OPEN BORDER by our demented president, it is becoming obvious that America will "SEE" extremists with an Islamic mindset become activated. What are our leaders doing to ensure the on-flood of immigrants into America is immediately stopped? If they do not act now to CLOSE THE BORDER they, along with all Americans, will need to buy guns to protect themselves and their families.

Also, are the CIA, FBI and National Guard getting ready to eliminate any threat that appears to be mounting? Are the Social NEWS and TV Media alerting Americans of the fool hearty policy of OPEN BORDERS. American people have at this time the greatest threat that will far exceed the 9/11 loss of human lives. ALL CONCERNED AMERICANS need to let their voices be heard - CLOSE THE OPEN BORDERS.

At this time, every American have got to strongly get the attention of President Biden to CLOSE the BORDER. Now!!

The Dr. X article, Re: Biden & Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023! posted the following starred note:

* Note 3

The Muslim Refugees whom are here in Michigan and elsewhere, throwing arena full of rallies supporting Hamas, are in here because of upside down US government policies of allowing any terrorist and terrorist sympathizers in to the United States. This is what happens when you allow illegal or legal immigrants from 152 countries entering USA with no love or honor for American values. When you change the demographics, culture, race, traditions and customs of America and create a generation of Muslim Americans who even have their own congresswomen in the congress, then you are basically pissing all over the American Values because Islam is Anti-Democracy, Anti US Constitution and Anti-American Values. Maybe it is time to take away their citizenships due to treason (Islamism and Communism) and deport them!

What must also be emphasized is the amount of fentanyl brought into America killing thousands of our people. Should not President Boden be brought to trial for not only being an incompetent leader, but he has stupidly promoted the downfall of America beginning with his corrupt deals with foreign governments. Our corrupt leader, through incompetence or ignorance, has placed a very low value on American values and a high value on his riches obtained with his cooked deals. His corrupt leadership has turned America into a 3rd world country. Can the American people and supposedly elite government correct the stupid course he has caused?

Amen, is not enough, your voice must be heard!! Biden is a dope if he does not tonight make it clear that the southern Texas border must be closed. The lives of Americans are at risk if he continues to keep our borders open.

October 19, 2023, 8PM: I just viewed the President Biden speech and he totality ignored the looming threat at the southern border of Texas. This corrupt president appears to continue to lose American lives as thousands of unvetted immigrants come into the United States and bring the deadly drug fentanyl. Can it be that he believes that more confusion over thousands more immigrants will help to keep our legislators busy and not pursue the trial that investigates his dealings with foreign governments? There is a great amount of evidence that link both Biden and his son Hunter to money deals that any legislator would be ashamed of. If any U.S. citizen committed the corrupt dealings of the Biden's they would be put in jail.

Funny, many Americans appear to accept a corrupt president. Maybe, that's why he is our presidential leader or, we just have a lot of dopes in America not willing to clean up the dirty mess. The solution, and it may be too late, Americans better vote for Trump in 2024. To fail, is to invite the downfall of America.

Cheers and Amen
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Liberal Jews Betray Israel Again

Postby CR » Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:07 pm

Liberal Jews Betray Israel Again

Dear IPC Members and Readers

Right now there are Liberal Jews in Capitol Hill, DC, protesting. A group with unified black t-shirts with writing “Not in My Name” have made a sitting circle surrounding a group of pious Jews with Yamaka, shawl and Torah reading off of Torah and all of them are chanting against Israel to cease fire with Hamas!

Many of them are not even believing in existence of Israel as a Jewish state. This is an organized protest but illegal inside the Capitol Hill. Bit by bit they are getting arrested but the Capitol Hill police says it is their first amendment right to protest! They didn’t say that about the January 6th patriots!

George Soros and Globalist Liberal Billionaire Jews who organized this charade must be ashamed of themselves. Media who is now backing Hamas should be ashamed of themselves. Hamas hits a hospital and kills 500 people but Israel gets the blame! Only Palestinians would purposely kill 500 civilians to achieve their goals.

I would not go as far as saying these Liberal Jews should be tried and shot for treason but I would say, these people disgust me. These Liberal Jews who get organized by George Soros organizations to pull stunts like this are the same type of Jews who colluded with the Nazis in WWII concentration camps, operated and organized the prisons and directed the Jews to the gas chambers and hot ovens. Nazis could not kill 6 million Jews without the help of these Traitor Jews.

A Liberal Jew who votes Democrat and follows George Soros and Globalist Billionaire Jew Bosses is a traitor to state of Israel, America and MAGA.

Liberal Jews are Dirt Bags and they are the Reason for Israelis to get slaughtered.

Liberal Globalist Billionaire Jews Who Rule the West
Who are the Liberal Billionaire Jew Masters Running the World? ... /index.htm

Liberal Plantation System and Globalism ... /index.htm


How do you guys like the Way Jordan and Egypt refused to see Biden and allow a single Palestinian refugee to enter their countries? No one respects Biden, and he is literally sleep talking and falling apart in Israel. No one wants Palestinian terrorists in their countries! Only USA Government hates America so much that allows global rejects to come in America through the open borders and may allow hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Muslim Terrorists to also come to America!

America is now a 3rd world nation by making of the Biden Regime!
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Re: Biden & Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:47 pm

Cat, the T-shirts say: “Jews say cease fire now” but some signs say “Not in our name again”

They are getting arrested slowly because the regime defunded the police and do not have enough police force at the Capitol Hill to arrest these people at one time. It is a two-tiered justice system where George Soros organized Liberal Jew protesters and ANTIFA break in to Capitol Hill, take over 3 floors and protest where no one is allowed to protest in the Capitol!

January 6th Patriots walk in and get arrested, then get years in prison! The whole January 6th show was staged by FBI, DOJ and Pelosi.

This show is staged by George Soros and these protesters are ANTIFA and Liberal Jews who are enemy of America and Israel. I promise you that liberal Jew Schumer was involved too!









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DC Insurrection 101 Instructed by Deep State!

Postby CR » Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:18 pm

DC Insurrection 101 Instructed by Deep State!

Biden and Mullahs play war games under the blanket. Under the blanket, they play footsy, over the blanket they play fake war games! Biden to save his presidency and Mullahs to save their regime! Democrats and Mullahs are best of friends! This fake war game only costs civilian lives in Israel and Palestine. The show is a regional war between Biden and Mullahs because the show must go on.

DC Insurrection Mastermind: George Soros

Deep State Rules America
Deep State decides what is insurrection and what is not!
Deep State blessed George Soros’ Anti-Israel Insurrection October 18, 2023
Deep State organized and staged January 6th Insurrection January 6, 2021
Deep State stole Trump’s presidency and gave it to Biden!

Insurrection 101
Instructor: Deep State

* This is not insurrection because Deep State, Democrats and Biden Regime blessed it:

George Soros Organized Insurrection

Jewish demonstrators protest on Capitol Hill

Protesters in US Capitol call for ceasefire in Israel-Hamas conflict

Jewish Voices for Peace call for ceasefire at Capitol Hill protest

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Clash with Cops, Try to Climb Barriers Outside White House

Protesters Blockade White House Entrances to Demand "Ceasefire" in Gaza

* This is insurrection because FBI, Democrats and DC Police organized it to frame MAGA:

MAGA protests

Democrats Staged the US Capitol Break-ins 2021
The Real Story of Derailing the Electoral Objection Hearings ... /index.htm
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Re: Biden & Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023!

Postby Shahrzad BB » Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:30 am

Psychiatrist of the board observations:

1. Arab world ignored Biden in Israel.
2. Biden almost fell from the chair reading from a paper note.
3. Biden is almost dead.
:jew: :ripcall: :old: :arabj:
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Re: Biden & Democrats Financed the Israel Massacre 2023!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:34 am

Psychiatrist of the board observations:

1. Arab world ignored Biden in Israel.
2. Biden almost fell from the chair reading from a paper note.
3. Biden is almost dead.
:jew: :ripcall: :old: :arabj:

:runaway: :dancechad: :dancechad: :swingman: :dancechad: :dancechad: :hystery:
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Will Rashida Tlaib Retrack Her Lies on Hospital Death?

Postby CR » Thu Oct 19, 2023 12:18 pm

Will Rashida Tlaib Retrack Her Lies on Hospital Death?





Now that IDF proved Islamic Jihad amateur rocket misfire landed on hospital and accidentally killed 500 Palestinians and then Hamas and Islamic Jihad tried to put the blame on Israel, thousands protested around the world against Israel and Rashida Tlaib made an angry crying lying performance in front of the Capitol and lead the protesters into insurrection at the capitol, then:

1. Will Rashida Tlaib be charged with 4 indictments and 700 years in jail?
2. Will Rashida Tlaib put on trial for insurrection?
3. Will Rashida Tlaib admit her lies?
4. Will Rashida Tlaib at least get a plastic surgery so we don’t have to repeatedly look at her ugly face?
5. Will Rashida Tlaib receive an Oscar for Top Performance?
6. Will Rashida Tlaib Stop impersonating an Arab Ugly Rabid Dog?

IDF Video Proof of Islamic Jihad Misfire Rocket on Hospital

IDF claim footage proves Gaza hospital explosion caused by 'misfired terror rocket'

Israel releases evidence which it claims shows an Islamic Jihad rocket hit Gaza hospital

IDF claims video shows misfiring rocket striking Gaza hospital

IDF Audio Proof of Hamas members talking about Islamic Jihad misfire on hospital

IDF release intercepted audio of Hamas' misfire admission following Gaza hospital attack

IDF releases audio of Hamas admitting they fired at Gaza hospital

Israel releases ‘Hamas radio messages’ on Gaza hospital attack

Rashida Tlaib Angy Cry Performance speech at Capitol Front Lying

Rashida Tlaib Breaks Down In Tears During Furious Speech Against Biden Over Israel

Rashida Tlaib Leads Protesters to Capitol Building

Protesters in US Capitol call for ceasefire in Israel-Hamas conflict










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Hamas Massacre Photos & Videos in Israel

Postby CR » Sun Oct 22, 2023 10:36 am

Hamas Massacre Photos & Videos in Israel

Observe what type of Animals the Biden Regime and Democrats support and pay money to. Remember that Hamas voted in by Palestinians in Gaza. Remember that IRI was brought to power by Palestinian aid. Unlike what liberal media, Democrats and Biden say, there are no Two Teams and Two sides in this war. There are Animals and then there is Israel. That’s it!

Watch these videos, photos and read article:

Israel frontline: Hardened pathologists break down over Hamas massacre victims

Israel frontline: Inside home where Hamas killed British mother and her daughter

Daily Mail YouTube Chanel

Israeli morgue worker shows horrors inflicted on Hamas's victims
Decapitated pregnant woman and her beheaded unborn child ... child.html

Daily Mail Site
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If US Government Would’ve Supported Iranian Opposition, then

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:32 am

If US Government Would've Supported the Iranian Opposition, then …

When Obama and Biden (Obama’s 3rd term) had a chance to support the Iranian opposition, instead they backstabbed he Iranian opposition and financed Mullahs with $150 Billion by Obama and $6 Billion by Biden (Obama’s 3rd term). If US government would have backed the opposition in 2009, 2020 and most importantly in 2022 and the IRI would have fallen, then today we would have not have a full-blown prospect of regional war in the Middle East by IRI invading Israel from north (Hezbollah and Syrian Shiite Militia) and from south (Hamas and Jihad al Islamiyah).

Democrats Will Not Support Iranian Opposition! ... /index.htm

Destruction of America, Globalist Agenda, Marxist Indoctrination, Islamist Infiltration of US Government, flooding America with Muslim Refugees and illegal aliens, Transgender Ideology, Woke Agenda, DEI, CRT, Feeding Billions to IRI, Undermining Israel, Arab Spring Disaster, Destruction of Peace in Middle East, Destruction of Secular Dictatorships in Arab World and Replacing them with Islamist Regimes and creating chaos, all started by Obama / Clinton administration. Biden is Obama’s 3rd term.

Obama is the first gay, Muslim, Marxist (Marxist Islamist) president of USA elected by fraud because he is not even an American citizen, he pulled the greatest fraud by fabricating birth certificate from Hawaii and university documents. No one ever seen Obama in US University. Obama educated and trained in Islamic Madrasahs in Indonesia and he was born in Kenya. Obama had a mission by Globalist Oligarchs, WEF, UN, Arab Oil, and IRI to destroy America, destabilize the Middle East and North Africa and promote Marxist Islamism in the globe.

Obama and his gay partner Big Michael (Michelle) become the US President and the First Tranny. That is when the destruction of not just USA and Middle East but the world begun!

all the American, European, Middle Eastern and global problems of today started with the Obama presidency designed by the Globalist Liberal Billionaire Jews Oligarchs whom are also the enemies of Israel.

People in deep sleep need to wake up!

Liberal Globalist Billionaire Jews Who Rule the West ... /index.htm

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US Media Photographers Were Embedded with Hamas Attackers!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:15 am

CNN, NYT, AP, Reuters Photographers Embedded with Hamas Attackers
US Mainstream Media Knew about the Hamas Attack
UIS Mainstream Media Owned by Globalist Billionaire Liberal Jews

Media and Palestinian Collusion for Ratings
Still Doubting Globalist Liberal Billionaire Jews Plot Against Israel?
Globalists Destroy Nationalism Everywhere Including in Israel

George Soros & Gang Knew in Advance
George Soros Finances BLM, ANTIFA & Iran Lobby
BLM, ANTIFA & Iran Lobby Support Palestinians & Hamas

Harsh Fact: It is Liberal Jews who Killed Israelis!
George Soros Sent Jews to Gas Chambers & Ovens in WWII
George Soros Killing Jews by Hamas Attack in 2023

It is Jews who Kill Jews; Liberalism is the Problem


Netanyahu Demands Answers from CNN, NYT, AP, Reuters, on Embedded Hamas Photographers



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration is demanding answers from several prominent news agencies after criticism emerged of their photographers appearing to have been embedded with Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attack.

As Breitbart News reported Wednesday, the Associated Press said that it had no foreknowledge of the attack, even though its photographers appeared alongside Hamas terrorists from the first moments that they broke through the Gaza border fence.

Palestinians transport a captured Israeli civilian, center, from Kibbutz Kfar Azza into the Gaza Strip on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023. The militant Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip carried out an unprecedented, multi-front attack on Israel at daybreak Saturday, firing thousands of rockets as dozens of Hamas fighters infiltrated the heavily fortified border in several locations by air, land, and sea and catching the country off-guard on a major holiday. (AP Photo)

The pro-Israel media watchdog organization brought up ethical concerns Wednesday, noting that media photographers seemed to have known about the attack and were quite at ease among the terrorists, who were shooting every other civilian they found.

Later, photographs emerged of one of the photographers posing for selfies with the local Hamas leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar.

In a statement, the National Public Diplomacy Directorate of the Prime Ministers’s Office demanded action by news agencies:

The National Public Diplomacy Directorate in the Prime Minister’s Office views with utmost gravity that photojournalists working with international media joined in covering the brutal acts of murder perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on Saturday October 7th in the communities adjacent to the Gaza Strip.

These journalists were accomplices in crimes against humanity; their actions were contrary to professional ethics.

Overnight the Government Press Office issued an urgent letter to the bureau chiefs of the media organizations that employed these photographers and sought clarifications on the matter.

The National Public Diplomacy Directorate demands that immediate action be taken.

Israel’s Government Press Office (GPO), which regulates press access in Israel, also issued a statement demanding explanations:

GPO Director Nitzan Chen demands explanations from the bureau chiefs of AP, Reuters, CNN and The New York Times regarding the disturbing findings in the Honest Reporting report on the involvement of their photographers in the events of October 7th, which crosses every red line, professional and moral.

Four photographers who work for these networks documented the horrors perpetrated by the Hamas terrorists after they broke through border fence with Israel. They filmed the murder of civilians, the abuse of bodies and the abduction of men and women.

News agencies have faced criticism in recent years for using photographers or local “stringers” who have sympathy for anti-Israel terrorist groups. Often, these are the only photographers that groups like Hamas and Hezbollah will permit to work in the area.

In the hours following our expose, new material is still coming to light concerning Gazan freelance journalist Hassan Eslaiah whom both AP & CNN used on Oct. 7.

Here he is pictured with Hamas leader and mastermind of the Oct. 7 massacre, Yahya Sinwar. ... 8991444219

And here is footage of Eslaiah after he crossed into Israel and took photos of a burning Israeli tank. He then captured infiltrators entering Kibbutz Kfar Azza.

Note that he is not identifiable as a member of the press. But AP & CNN deemed it acceptable to use his services.
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