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FBI Raids Over 35 Trump Allies’ Homes!

Postby CR » Sat Sep 10, 2022 12:11 pm

FBI Raids Over 35 Trump Allies’ Homes!
Last Dying Breathes of the DC Illegitimate Communist Regime
Biden’s FBI Mass Arrests of the Opposition

Biden Regime Tactics: Jail & Bankrupt Opposition
FBI Tactics: Raid Opposition Homes & Arrest Them
IRS Tactics: Fabricate Audits & Jail Opposition

Dems Agenda: Bring Fabricated Charges Against Opposition
There is No Difference Between Biden Regime & Mullahs Regime
Democrats & Mullahs Cut from the Same Cloth!

Steve Bannon Interview After the Latest Arrest
Steve Bannon: FBI has to Kill Me to Shut Me Up!
Democrats’ Fascist & Communist Tactics Against Opposition

Steve Bannon is a Patriot & a National Hero

Democrats, FBI & DOJ Will Pay Dearly After November Elections







Arrest & Jailing of the American Opposition by Fascist Democrats


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For New Revolutionary War Of Information ... 5919d44150

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& The Deep State’s Expanding War Against Americans ... 5bd3fabfe9


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Steve Bannon Claims At Least 35 Trump Allies Were Raided Yesterday by The FBI

Info Wars

Former White House advisor Steve Bannon is claiming that at least 35 allies of President Donald Trump had their homes raided and electronics seized by the FBI just this week. ... the-fbi%2F

Bannon claimed the DOJ operation was partially referenced in the Washington Post.

The Justice Department is seeking details about the formation and operation of Donald Trump’s post-presidential political operation, according to three people familiar with the probe, sending a raft of subpoenas in a significant expansion of the criminal investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol and efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

A federal grand jury sent subpoenas on Wednesday to a wide range of former campaign and White House staffers asking for information about the Save America PAC, according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing probe. They described the subpoenas as broad, seeking all documents and communications about opening the PAC and every dollar raised and spent.

At least one of the subpoenas also demanded information about the plan to submit slates of phony electors claiming Trump won pivotal states, including all communications with several key lawyers and advisers involved in the effort, one of the people said. They include Rudy Giuliani, Boris Epshteyn, Bruce Marks, Victoria Toensing and Joseph DiGenova, this person said.

Another one of the three people, who has direct knowledge of one of the subpoenas, said the document was “wide ranging” and included multiple other categories of information, but this person declined to describe them. FBI agents served at least some of the subpoenas in person on Wednesday, one of the people with knowledge said.

Spokesmen for Trump and the Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Some of the details of the subpoenas were reported by ABC and the New York Times.

Epshteyn declined to comment. So did Toensing, who is married to DiGenova. Giuliani did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Bannon himself was frog marched on Thursday for supposedly defrauding investors through the “We Build the Wall” campaign and charged with money laundering, conspiracy and fraud.

Bannon pleaded not guilty on all charges and said the feds will have to kill him to shut him up.


GOP leader suggests homes of dozens of Trump supporters may soon be raided by FBI


A GOP leader and prominent conservative attorney is warning that the homes of dozens of Donald Trump supporters could be in the crosshairs of imminent FBI raids just weeks after the former president's home was raided by bureau agents.

Harmeet Dhillon, who has served in the Republican Party in various roles including vice chairwoman of the California Republican Party, said Friday evening on the Fox News Channel that a reporter with Politico recently tipped off Trump affiliates that the FBI was preparing serve "[approximately 50] search warrants and/or subpoenas on Trump supporters."

"Within 24 hours of that two of our clients, three of our clients, actually, did either get search warrants or subpoenas. And these subpoenas are extremely broad," Dhillon claimed the cable TV news network's Tucker Carlson Tonight" show.

The subpoenas, Dhillon said, "ask for broad categories of documents. They ask for all communications dating from a month before the election until a month, two months after the election.

"And they ask for all communications regarding dozens of people and the categories are alternate electors, fundraising around irregularities around the election, and also a rally that happened before the January 6th situation at the Capitol."

Based on the Politico reporter's advanced knowledge, Dhillon speculated that the FBI "is telling reporters about these search warrants and subpoenas before they’re executed."

"There’s no other explanation for this," she said. "And I think the reason for this is to instill fear into Donald Trump’s supporters and into those who would challenge election irregularities right before an upcoming election."

"[I]t is illegal for the DOJ to leak this information to the media," Dhillon also said.

Carlson responded that the allegations, if true, would "wreck the country," while progressives are "saying nothing about it."

"It’s really shocking to me," he also said.
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FBI Purge of the American Patriots!

Postby CR » Thu Sep 15, 2022 12:55 pm

FBI Purge of the American Patriots!
Democrats’ Call of Arms Against the Conservatives
George Soros’ FBI Raids and Arrests of the Patriots

Fight for America While There is an America to Fight For!
America on the Verge of Collapse; America the Police State

Deep State Swamp Democrats Flag of Our Fathers Branco Cartoon
Swamp Democrat Donkeys keep the Banana Republic Banner stand while RINO Republicans swim in the Swamp! IRS, FBI, DOJ and DNC are solid wings of the DC Swamp!


Please review what has been hidden from you by the Media and the Social Media:


FBI Purge of the American Patriots!
Democrats’ Call of Arms Against the Conservatives
George Soros’ FBI Raids and Arrests of the Patriots

Ahreeman X
September 16, 2022

Deep State’s Final Solution

The Democrats’ Final Stage of implementing Communism to replace the American Capitalism and Democracy is here and it is called Democrat’s Final Solution! The Democrats’ Final Solution is creating a police state and drafting the Deep State’s DOJ, CIA, IRS and FBI against the American people. Censoring, Silencing, Raids, Interrogations, Arrests, Incarcerations and possibly Assassinations of the American Patriots is the final stage known as the Final Solution. FBI Purge of the American Patriots is here!

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FBI Purge of the American Patriots! ... /index.htm

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Star Trek Democrat Pedophiles Seasonal Flu Meme Cartoon
Lieutenant Spock to Captain Kirk: It appears to be a planet named Earth where the Liberal Elite Pedophiles cling to power via keeping the citizens in a constant state of fear by hyping up seasonal flu types mainly COVID!
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Deep State Must Learn from Iran Uprising!

Postby CR » Wed Oct 26, 2022 12:38 pm

Deep State Must Learn from Iran Uprising!
Revolution in Iran Today; Revolution in America Tomorrow!
US Structure of Corruption: Uniparty, Deep State & Establishment

Death of Democrat Party & Deep State Coming Up!

Deep State of America Reigning Since January 20, 2021 Ahreeman X Graphic Cartoon

Trump Ultra MAGA Jaws of Justice vs. DOJ Ben Garrison Cartoon
Midterm Election Fabricated Case Against Trump and the Ultra MAGA Giant Shark


Review the latest Ahreeman X piece:


Deep State Must Learn From Iran Uprising!
Ahreeman X
October 27, 2022

See the IRI Regime in Iran is crumbling piece by piece and fighting for survival? That will be the future of the US Deep State if they don’t obey the wishes of the people! Iranian people are rising against the oppressive Islamist regime; American people will also rise against the oppressive police state of the Democrats and Deep State!

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Deep State Must Learn From Iran Uprising! ... /index.htm

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United States of Criminals: US Government vs American People

Postby CR » Sun Nov 12, 2023 10:12 am

United States of Criminals
US Government vs. American People
Justice for All: Deep State Must Die so America Can Live!

American & Iranian Upside-Down Societies in the Age of Globalism!

Trump and MAGA vs. Obama and Deep State Ben Garrison Cartoon
Leftist Judges (Bull Shiite Indictments), Globalist Deep State, Fake News Media, Hussein Obama’s 3rd Term Regime (Biden) and other Spooks are trying to bring down Trump riding the MAGA American Bald Eagle to reach the America first Sun!

Iran Politics Club vs. Silicon Valley Persian Media Mafia Ahreeman X Iran Cartoon
“Tech Giants’ Management are Iranian!” (Media)
IPC stands alone but strong against the Complete Tech Giants Machine run by the Persian Media Mafia!


Please review Ahreeman X new piece:


United States of Criminals
Ahreeman X
November 13, 2023

Justice for All

We the People must and will torch and burn down the DC Deep State Swamp after the 2024 Elections when Trump will become the president. From the ashes of the corrupt and rotten corpse of the Deep State, shall rise the Government of the People as visioned by the Founding Fathers. Once again we shall gain our unique form of Democracy, dignity, humanity and justice for all …….

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United States of Criminals ... /index.htm

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Re: Deep State Coup Against Trump & the People

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:39 pm

As of today, November 13, 2023, it has become clear that America has got to wake up!! To let an incompetent president, Joe Biden, to continue to have Open Borders, letting into America millions of immigrants that are unvetted, points to an insane man that does not love this country. But this insanity is due to the failure of our educational systems. We have let educators espouse their socialistic views into the minds of students and have failed to remind the branches of government that though they are separate bodies, they must truly seek ways that benefit the people.

Instead of working together to make our country what our forefathers envisioned, the administrative parties are working for their own individual leadership instead of working together to make America great for all people that have the capacity to make America the land of opportunity for all. Why is it we have the Democratic and Republican parties fighting each other rather than working to make our country a blessing for all? Is it because there are political views that divide the hopes for the American people? But this is strange, that is, the two bodies of representatives should be working for the best interest of all Americans.

Yes, what is needed in America is an assessment of our values and should they be what all people desire? In the 2024 Election, it is hoped that all people have enough sense to vote for Donald Trump who loves this country. He has become a success in this country, and he has the vision to make it a success for others. The election will be a chance for the American people to make the choice that benefits all of us. That means get out and vote and make your voices heard!! :lol:
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US Police State Collects Info on Trumpists!

Postby CR » Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:43 am

US Police State Collects Info on Trumpists!
Jack Smith Warrant for X to Disclose Trumpists’ IPs
DOJ Asks Elon Musk for Info on Millions of Americans

:peeper: :virus: :007: :shootlurk: :shocking: :paperbag: :compbreak: :fingering: :peeper:
DOJ & FBI Overreach of Power Flexing on Social Media
Deep State Openly Spies on MAGA & Even Average US Citizens
Big Gov. Wants Your Location & Private Information

:hazardeous: :peeper: :voltage: :warning: :voltage: :peeper: :hazardeous:
FBI Colluded with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube to Steal 2020 Election
Now Deep State Wants Information on You & Your Family
Taxation Without Representation in 1776 & Now

:swat: :marines: :swat:
For America to Live, the Deep State Must Die
Another Reason to Eliminate Deep State When Trump Gets Elected.
Trump Win = Torching Deep State = Freedom & Democracy

:discuss: :rend: :discuss: :rend:
FBI, Democrats Orchestrated Jan 6 Not to Recount Votes on 2020
:perfect: :usaflag: :usam: :usaflag: :thmbu:
MAGA Forever

CIA Deep State Obama Shadow Government Backstabs Trump Branco Cartoon
Deep inside the government, there exists a Deep State shadow Government which controls the government! Deep State used to affect the foreign and domestic policy before, but since Obama, the Deep State went on steroids and spied on the president of United States (Trump) and the people. Deep State has deep ties with Obama and Democrats who support and fund a Big Government! Deep State is the Shadow of Hussein Obama!

CIA Deep State 4th Branch of the Government Ben Garrison Cartoon
The Illegitimate, Unelected and Unconstitutional Deep State has become the 4th Branch of the US Government spying on the 3 other branches and the American people! Deep State is taking control of America!


Special Counsel Jack Smith Demands X/Twitter Give Info
on All Americans Who Interacted with Donald Trump



Special Counsel Jack Smith, in a search warrant sent to X, formerly Twitter, requested a vast swathe of information about the account of former President Donald J. Trump, as well as information on the millions of accounts that interacted with it — even those that liked a tweet by Trump in the timeframe of October 2020 to January 2021.

The heavily redacted search warrant requests a list of all users who liked or retweeted posts from Trump between October 2020 and January 2021, including “all associated logs and metadata,” which could cover location data. This extraordinarily expansive request would result in data on millions of American users being turned over to the DOJ.



X/Twitter initially delayed complying with the request, per the New York Post, resulting in a $350,000 fine levied against the company.

The warrant also requests all IP addresses associated with Trump’s account, and a list of all devices used to log in to it. This means that any staffer or aide who logged into the account would have the information divulged to the special prosecutor.

All information on Trump’s “connect” and “notification” tabs was requested, as well as all search history, blocks, mutes, and even drafted tweets.

The warrant instructed X/Twitter not to notify Trump of the search order. The company attempted to overcome this in court, but failed.


In counter-arguments that overcame X/Twitter’s objection, Smith argued “there is reason to believe notification to the former president, a sophisticated actor with an expansive platform, would result in a statutorily cognizable harm.”

“The [Non Disclosure Order] was granted based on facts showing that notifying the former president would result in destruction of or tampering with evidence, intimidation of potential witnesses, or other serious jeopardy to an investigation or delaying of trial.”


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New January 6 A True Timeline Documentary

Postby Atusa Qajar » Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:32 pm

New January 6 A True Timeline Documentary
How Nancy Pelosi, FBI, DC Police Staged January 6 Riots?
How Deep State Blocked 2020 Election Votes Recount?

How 2020 Election Was Stolen from Trump?
Deep State Coup Against Trump
Trump Won 2020 Election

January 6th is the First Insurgency in the World Without Guns!

New Doc Exposes Democrats & Deep State Lies

USA Election Fraud Coup 2020 Erection of Biden Backstab of the Century Ahreeman X Cartoon
Fine collusion of Deep State and China resulted in erection of a Puppet President, “Shiite Bag Joe” in the White House! January 20, 2021 was the starting point of the Socialist Dictatorship in America.

New J6: A True Timeline Doc

How Nancy Pelosi, FBI, DC Police Created the January 6th Riots to avoid the recount of legitimate votes by the congress. Democrats’ narrative is that J6 is an insurgency! J6 is the First Insurgency in the world without guns! How Democrat Regime, Deep State, Media, Social Media, Tech Giants colluded to suppress the truth from the people.

J6: A True Timeline Doc

J6: A True Timeline – Open Link

J6: A True Timeline - Rumble ... ntary.html

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J6: A True Timeline - RSBN ... -of-jan-6/

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Kash Patel Interview by Glenn Beck on Deep State

Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:27 am

Kash Patel Interview by Glenn Beck on Deep State
Trump’s Director of National Intelligence Exposes Deep State
Every Level of Deep State Dissected

Deep State the 4th Illegitimate Branch of US Government
Who is Deep State & Why Deep State Must Die?
Deep State Control of Media, Tech Giants & Government

Know Deep State the Enemy of the American People

US Deep State Collusion with Globalist WEF Davos

Deep State of America Reigning Since January 20, 2021 Ahreeman X Graphic Cartoon

CIA Deep State 4th Branch of the Government Ben Garrison Cartoon
The Illegitimate, Unelected and Unconstitutional Deep State has become the 4th Branch of the US Government spying on the 3 other branches and the American people! Deep State is taking control of America!











Kash Patel Interview by Glenn Beck

Kash Patel, the Trump’s Director of National Intelligence exposes every level of Deep State, the illegitimate 4th branch of the US government which controls the country, elections, media, social media, tech giants and US Government.

Trump Admin Insider Exposes Every Level of the Deep State

Our founding fathers designed this country with checks and balances. They hated tyrannical government so much that they created a system that put each branch directly at odds with each other. They even made the president the weakest head of state. Well, that was so 247 years ago. Today, the United States federal bureaucracy has grown into a monster where the Deep State lives practically unimpeded. It’s where decisions are made to throw Catholics in jail, send the IRS to audit political enemies of Democrats, or use federal agents to raid the private home of former President Trump. Was it part of his punishment for trying to expose a nameless, faceless, sinister level of government? Glenn interviews Kash Patel, author of “Government Gangsters” and one of President Trump’s closest advisers. As principal deputy to the acting director of national intelligence, he oversaw the operations of all 17 intelligence community agencies. He also worked with the National Security Council, the secretary of defense, and the Department of Justice. And he spearheaded the investigation into Russia’s campaign to influence the 2016 election — meaning he knows what was REALLY Russian disinformation and what was the Deep State and the Clinton campaign’s meddling. He saw the Deep State firsthand, fought it, and he’s naming names. And it’s all going up on Glenn’s chalkboard.

Kash Patel Interview


Kash Patel Interview by Glenn Beck - Rumble ... p-323.html

Kash Patel Interview by Glenn Beck - YouTube


Glenn Beck Channel - Rumble

Blaze TV Channel - Rumble

Glenn Beck Channel - YouTube

Blaze TV Channel - YouTube

Fight with Kash - Rumble


Glenn Beck Site

The Blaze Site

Fight with Kash – Kash Patel Site

Kash Patel – Truth Social

Kash Patel - Wikipedia

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Deep State Propaganda Machine

Postby CR » Thu Feb 22, 2024 10:11 pm

Deep State Propaganda Machine
How CIA Created Google?
How CIA Manipulates the Tech Giants?

Deep State Police State of America!
How Deep State Destroyed American Unique Democracy?
How We Must Take Our Country Back?

Deep State Tentacles: Media, Tech Giants, Hollywood, Corporations

Trump vs. Deep State Lawfare Branco Cartoon
The Deep State thrown the full power of DOJ, FBI, George Soros Prosecutors, Corrupt Judges, Neo-Cons, Media, Tech Giants, and everything else even the Kitchen Sink at Trump to destroy him but with every attack, Trump had become more popular, his poll numbers went higher and more Americans joined and supported him! Trump is Man of the People.

Trump Never Surrender Mugshot Graphic Poster
Deep State sent Trump to jail and published his mugshots everywhere to destroy his reputation but it backfired Big League! Trump Genius, used the mugshot as the marketing publicity and sold a full line of clothing and merchandise of it! Mugshot made Trump more popular with the Blacks, Latinos and the Comon Man! Never in the history 30% of Blacks and 50% of the Latinos supported a Republican but now they support Trump! Every punch the Deep State thrown at Trump, he used it and punch them back harder! Deep State found the wrong person to FAQ with!

Globalist Liberal Tech Oligarch Billionaires Dictatorship Ben Garrison Cartoon
Tech Oligarchy vs. Trump and MAGA
Zucker-Turd (Mark Zuckerberg) Cyber Censorship
Lex Luthor (Jeff Bezos) Small Business Destruction
Evil Demon (George Soros) Globalist Destruction of Nationalism
Mad Psycho (Bill Gates) Fear and Genocide of Humanity with Virus and Vaccines
Join Hands to Enslave Humanity!



Please review Ahreeman X new Expose:

Deep State Propaganda Machine
Ahreeman X
February 24, 2024

How Censorship Killed Free Speech

Google is the illegitimate child from the marriage of CIA and NSA! CIA and NSA funded the creation of Google as a mean to control and brainwash the American citizens and create chaos and revolution inside the American enemies’ nations. Google was originally a Deep State tool supposedly for Free Speech inside the Dictatorships problematic to the US Regime, so the people could jump start a revolution and overthrow their governments such as the Arab Spring. Later on, Google had become a tool for the Deep State including the CIA, NSA, DOD, DOS, DOJ, DHS, Pentagon and in general MIS (Military Industrial Complex) to spy on the American citizens and propagate the US Government’s agenda, suppressing freedom of speech, conservative voices and strictly censor democracy and free speech. That’s why at first ….

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Deep State Propaganda Machine ... /index.htm

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CIA Control of Internet: Danger Alert

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:01 pm

CIA Control of Internet: Danger Alert
Mike Benz Alarming Interview by The Blaze TV

Cat thank you for posting and Ahreeman thanks for the wonderful piece. Mike Benz is an insider to the Deep State as Department of State (DOS) past employee and now activist for Free Speech and Free Internet.

Internet was created as a tool for Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and CIA, in general Deep State to use as a system to create instability, chaos and ultimately revolution in rival nations and unfriendly nations. They tried it in Russia but it didn’t work because Russia has strong economic base. They tried in many 3rd world nations as a threat and ransom for them to accept the American Deep State Woke policies such as Global Warming, Transexual Agenda, LGBTQ Agenda, DEI Agenda and other woke means but it didn’t work because China as a rival, interfered by using its power and money to build infrastructure to build these countries, in other word used bribery and trade diplomacy to conquer public opinion rather than American Deep State policy of threats and ransom!

In some places the Deep State succeeded, as Ahreeman stated, in Middle East and North Africa causing chaos by Arab Spring. Obama and Clinton created chaos in Middle East and gave rise to the Fundamentalist Islam by destruction of the secular authoritarian regimes. These so-called revolutions and Arab Spring were all backed by CIA, MIC and Deep State to put the Middle East on fire and put puppet regimes in their place but it backfired when Islamists took control!

Once Deep State failed by enforcing their hegemonial policies abroad, the free speech agenda caused the domestic threat of the American people against the regime, so the Deep State focused on censorship and silencing of the domestic voices to be direct, the MAGA, Conservatives and Patriots.

Now the Deep State uses the Internet to fight the American and Global Free speech. Wall Street, Big Pharma and Big Tech in collusion with the Deep State are highly censoring the Internet to destroy free speech. We are moving towards Private Internet and back to the Government control of the web. Danger alert is ringing by the rise of National Populism around the world.

Mike Benz, executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, joins James Poulos to discuss protecting digital liberties and the growing government control over censorship and access to information. As conflicts like Russia and Ukraine unfold, censorship on social media platforms further complicates the discourse, hindering efforts toward constructive dialogue and peace. While the U.S. government limits online free speech domestically, it continues to hold a weakened global position compared to China (Huawei) and Taiwan (chip manufacturing), both of which have technological superiority.


How the Deep State Is Nationalizing the Internet | Guest: Mike Benz | Zero Hour


Blaze TV YouTube


The Blaze

Foundation for Freedom Online (Mike Benz)

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Is Google a Cult?
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Is America an Oligarchy or a Democracy?

Postby CR » Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:00 am

Is America an Oligarchy or a Democracy?

Last week, the corrupt US government including the Democrats and Republicans by majority passed bills in which guaranteed:

* Billions of dollars more for Ukraine ($ 61 Billion)
* Billions of dollars more for Israel ($ 26 Billion)
* Billions of dollars more for Taiwan and Indo-Pacifics ($ 8 Billion)
* Billions of dollars more for Hamas, Haiti and Sudan ($ 9 Billion)
* No dollars to secure the wide-open US southern border

We are $ 34 Trillion in debt and we finance never ending wars around the globe!

US southern border doesn’t even need any dollars but to enforce the existing laws on the book to be executed which is ignored by the Biden Regime!

A minority of Democrats and Republicans rejected these bills but the Uniparty, a coalition of Democrats and RINOs unanimously agreed on these bills.

Most majority of the American people do not want to send anymore money to Ukraine and they want to ends this war. Most of the Americans do not want to send anymore money anywhere else in the world. Most of the Americans want all the money to be spent in USA to solve our homeless problems, fix our infrastructures, aid American citizens, solve high crimes, solve energy problems, fix inflation and stop the flood of illegal aliens in to the USA.

American congress unanimously passed these bills to please the MIC (Military Industrial Complex), Globalist Corporations, WEF and US Oligarchy. The US government flipped the finger to the American people and loudly said: FAQ All of You!

United States of America in this day and age is no more a Representative Republic, a Constitutional Republic, a Unique Form of Democracy and the Government of the People.

United States of America in this day and age is a Globalist Oligarchy run by the Corrupt DC Deep State serving the Globalist Elite and the Uniparty.

Both Democrat and Republican Parties are rubbish, corrupt and part of the swamp.

These are the reasons that we the people are cleansing the GOP from RINO filth by the great efforts of the Lara Trump.

Yes, I was wrong, Ahreeman was right. Mike Johnson is a RINO. They start National Populists but they end as Swamp creatures. Some are blackmailed by the Deep State on their dirty activities, so they vote for the Deep State, some are bought and some are threatened but all of them end up voting for the Swamp and not for the people.

The closest thing to DC literally being blown up to hell is for the MAGA to establish the government of the people back in the DC and USA. That is why the Deep State and Democrats are trying to put Trump and National Populists all in jail. Dr. Peter Navaro is in jail for America and his beliefs. So are many others. We have political prisoners in America. Wake up call for the people.

This is not a Democracy; this is a Communist Oligarchy on the path to become China.

Time to get back to our roots, founding fathers and 1776. Time to clean the filth and rubbish in DC. Time to drain the CIA, FBI, Congress, Judicial System, Deep State Swamp and replace all the bloody rubbish with the Government of the People, the National Populist way.

Bloody Hell Right,

Government of the People by the People and for the People

MAGA Forever

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In America, Patriots are Jailed!

Postby CR » Sat May 11, 2024 9:00 am

In America, Patriots are Jailed!

Dear Patriots

Dr. Peter Navarro is in prison, they want to incarcerate Steve Bannon, Donald Trump is ready to go to jail to protect the American constitution. January 6th Heroes are political prisoners. Trump allies and MAGA are imprisoned every month. Do not be surprised if Ahreeman will be jailed. Ahreeman is a hardcore patriot and does not hesitate to be jailed or die for America. This country is in deep shih-tzu!

Once upon a time this country stood for freedom, democracy, human rights and dignity. Today, this country is a swamp down the drain.

Be honest, today’s America is,

Government of the DC Swamp Scum-bags, by the Deep State Dirt-bags, and for the Elite Douch-bags!

Bent Pig Bloody Bastards operate this nation. It is not a magnificent form of Democracy anymore but it is a brutal oligarchy. Democrat Communists in coalition with RINO GOP Establishment form a Uniparty which owns every part of this regime including,

Government Branches
MIC (Military Industrial Complex)
Big Tech
Social Media
Deep State (CIA, FBI, NSA, DOD, DOS, DOJ, DHS, etc.)
Banking System
And everything else.

Scumbags run America and now imported in total over 35 million illegal aliens to give them drivers licenses, so they can vote. It is a Uniparty serving the elite. Illegals provide cheap labor for Republican establishment and voters for Democrats. America is a state-controlled Capitalism AKA Croney Capitalism becoming the replica of China CCP.

A fog of bloody rubbish such as DEI, CRT, PC, Social Justice and other liberal spam poisoned the nation and airways. The scumbags took over the universities and educational system, poisoned the students’ minds. Islamists, BLM, ANTIFA and Anarchists lead the student movements.

The scumbags enslaved the labor, destroyed the middle class and oppressed the workers. Country is in deep Shiite! Swamp water is up the roof and beyond!

Only MAGA with leadership of Trump can save this nation drowning in Shiite.

We need to get back to the vision of the Original Founding Father George Washington by the efforts of the Neo Founding Father Donald Trump. If we don’t win 2024, America will become beyond help, declining towards speedy death. Demise is in sight.

Bloody Pig Bastards occupy the DC Swamp and rule the nation. Bent Bastards operate the daily life in USA. Government of crooks, poofs, degenerates, and con artists rules USA. Bollocks is all we got mate. This bloke got to go! This sham charade Mortar and Pestle got to bloody go mate. This spice grinded is poison for the patriots.

We will fight, we will never back down and we will free America.

Death to Deep State
Death to DC Swamp
Death to Establishment

God Bless Trump
God Bless MAGA
God Bless IPC

Free American People will make America Free Again!

Persian Cat Wide Awake
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2nd American Revolution

Postby CR » Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:53 am

2nd American Revolution
Deep State in Full Panic Mode!
Democrats Shaking in their Stolen White House!

:toxic: :voltage: :trump: :toxic: :voltage:
Communist Regime Awaits MAGA Judgement!
End is Near: Deep State, Big Gov. & Woke Corporations Heed!
Collusion of Democrats, Media, Big Tech & Hollywood in Panic Mode!

:usaflag: :usapat: :usam: :usaflag: :usapat:
Never Surrender; MAGA Forever

Donald John Trump’s Famous Two Thumbs Up Gesture with the US Flag
Storm is Coming, The 2nd American Revolution of Trump and MAGA

Donald John Trump MAGA Political Prisoner of the Biden Illegitimate Regime and Deep State
Greatest American President in the History, Man of the People, MAGA Spokesperson
Trump Mugshot – Democrats want to bankrupt, jail and murder him in prison via Lawfare


Please review the latest Ahreeman X article and analysis:


2nd American Revolution
Ahreeman X
June 22, 2024

Storm is Coming!

2nd American Revolution is coming on November 5, 2024. It is victory or death; we must take our country back. End of the line for the Biden Illegitimate Regime and the Internal CIA Coup of January 20, 2021 is approaching so fast that the usurper regime is vastly attempting to jail all the political opponents via lawfare as the final tactic to remain in power!

US Government in collusion with Media, Tech Giants, Wallstreet, Globalist Corporations and Hollywood whom are all Democrats are indeed in panic mode, sad and indecision!

Read more:

2nd American Revolution ... /index.htm

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Catayoun Razmjou
IPC Web Mistress
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Trump Rebel Patriot on MAGA Tank Top with Rifle
Trump is the Ultimate Symbol of the Resistance to Tyranny: Never Surrender!
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Re: Deep State Coup Against Trump & the People

Postby CR » Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:26 am

Dear Members

Let me be the first to comment on this piece. I’m not going to give you a lecture. I’m going to make it brief and useful. Ahreeman is bloody right, Dems are in full panic mode. Bent Pig Bloody Bastards are shaking in fear in their bloody boots. Judgement Day is coming! What’s good for the Goose is also good for the Gander! Tranny Days, Woke Events, EV Mandate Celebrations, Climate Change Fabrications, Poof Porn Filming at White House and Cocaine Parties in the Oval Office will be soon over! Get bloody ready to pack the buggers up and take the bollocks out of the DC. This bloke is out! Government of Spooks and CIA Deep State, pay bloody close attention, American people will soon be back in charge. Pack your nicknacks and dildos and migrate to San Francisco! Swamp will be drained, and Swamp creatures will be dumped in San Francisco, home of the lush Nancy Pelosi. The 3rd term of Barak Hussein Obama will be soon over. It was fun incarcerating the Patriots while it lasted for you bastards, but the show is almost over. American people have spoken! You bloody murdered America, now it is time to Make America Great Again!

Only one advice to the patriots:

Vote Vote Vote

Tata and cheerios to you Bent Pig Bastards

MAGA Forever

Persian Cat Wide Awake
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Re: Deep State Coup Against Trump & the People

Postby Shahrzad BB » Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:35 pm

:D Democrats are preparing to leave and move from Washington DC:

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