Ahreeman X Quote on The Truth
This quote was sectioned and put forward by Nicholas Ginex from a debate post of Ahreeman X. It was a very interesting part of the debate which Nicholas Ginex had to point at it, so I added it to the Ahreemanic Quotes and posting it here:
“Truth is what we seek, without Dogma, without prejudice, without fanaticism and without subjective influences. We must study the Truth without Religious, Superstitions, Fanatical and even Scientific biases! Truth is Truth, we seek the Truth, we study the Truth and we move towards discovering the Whole Truth. Even if we discover a Big Part of the Whole Truth, we will be happy indeed!”
(Ahreeman X)
Debate: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X – Philosophy of Existence
More quotes:
Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/philosophy ... /index.htm