Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Blood!

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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:31 pm

Kargozaran, are you still alive mentally?

You are a weak-minded man who refuses to engage in any discussion that will reveal the many abominable verses in the Qur'an that are used to indoctrinate Muslims to become bigoted, hateful of non-Muslims, violent, and will kill innocent people who do not follow Islam.

You are a product of the insidious indoctrination of an objective ingrained into weak-minded Muslims, which is that Islam is the true religion and will prevail over all other religions, Qur'an 9:33.

With your limited exposure to much of the great literature of the world, you are unable to compare Islam with many other religions because your mind is trapped by only the beliefs in the Qur'an. I have read the Qur'an line-by-line as well as the scriptures of the Egyptians, Hebrews, and Hebrew priests that wrote the Gospels and it is clear that Islam is simply born from those great religions. The fact remains that the Qur'an has much to be desired for it omits the GREATEST COMMAND given by a man of God - love one another.

To learn how qualified I am to write about the Quran and Islam, go read "Allah, We, Our and Us." It is provided as a FREE READ via the link:

Show IPC members that you have an open mind, willing to compare and evaluate the Quran verses that incite bigotry, hatred, and violence against people with other religious beliefs. But, unfortunately, all you can do, like a little boy, is accuse Nicholas Ginex that he has "no idea of what he knows about the Qur'an." Like a child, you wrote of him that "You are all about self-gloat, self-admiration, empty talk, clueless writing, no clue research and clueless about inside Iran today. Iran is heaven on earth." Such stupidity from a man who ends his logic with nonsensical ha, ha, ha, ha, ha laughter reveals that objectivity, honesty, and the truth is lacking.

Read my dear man and educate yourself as I have by reading some of the greatest books written by mankind. Do not be a fool and limit yourself to the pages of the Qur'an. Even when I write to help you help Muslims to read the Qur'an and learn it has many abominable verses, you are unable to understand and raise your people to the next level of spiritual development. I will not laugh at your stupidity.
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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby Kargozaran » Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:31 am

Hello Buddy, you’re still kicking it, good

You post in an Iranian forum without knowing Farsi
You criticize Quran without knowing Arabic
Do you eat without having teeth?
Sorry I forgot, you have dentures!

Hahahahahahahahaha haha hahaha hahahahahahaha ha ha ha

Please let me inform you. It’s true that posters name is on top left of his post under his icon but not everyone is so arrogant with pride to put their real name under their icon like you do. Isn’t pride a grand sin in your Christianity Cult?

You go mess with Qods IRI and call him “Bismellah al Rahman al Rahim”! You have to admit that was so foolish to call someone “In the name of God”! His name is not Qods IRI either. Do you know what that means buddy? Qods means Qods special forces of Sepah Pasdaran and IRI stands for Islamic Republic of Iran. He doesn’t have his real name posted. You can call him “Soldier of Islam” because he is a journalist and a fighter for freedom and justice against Imperialism of Great Satan. Hey buddy, are you small Satan?

So now you assume my name is Kargozaran because it is under my icon. Wrong again! Do you know what Kargozaran means? Don’t be clueless about Iran, Middle East and Islam and then go talk about it in a forum and make a fool of yourself.

Kargozaran is a movement, a political group and a belief. Iranian intellectual technocrat builders of Iran who build Iran and follow the path of Ayatollah Rafsanjani PBUH (Peace Be Upon Him), Allah bless his soul, the great builder of Iran, are referred to as Kargozaran.

Kargozaran means technocrats. Great Iranian technocrats, technologists, builders, or as you call them movers and shakers who build a country are called Kargozaran. Ayatollah Rafsanjani was a builder first and a cleric second. He was a business tycoon and one of the richest men in the world. Rafsanjanis built Iran. We follow his path and we work with his children.

My name is not Kargozaran. Don’t get confused. It is too much for you to learn for one day. Chew on it and digest it. I studied in America and Britain. I know how hard it is to learn new subjects foreign to you in one day.

You are a technocrat and a technologist and that is great but you have no clue of what you preach here in this forum because you don’t know Quran, Islam, Middle East and Iran. Until yesterday, you thought Iran is an Arab country and we are Arabs. You thought our friends name was “In the name of God” and you thought Quran is a vegetable we use in Iranian cuisine! You thought Kargozaran is a name.

Hey buddy, you are not qualified to speak of these subjects until you learn background knowledge needed to lecture us. You are the last person qualified to lecture people on Quran. Go read it in Arabic first. Original Arabic which we learn in middle school and now sooner.

Do you see me talk about Aerospace, even I know a lot about it? Go stick with your field and leave Quran alone. You are not qualified.

I inform you of what’s happening in the neighborhood. Iran is the new boss of the neighborhood. You are the old boss. We own Syria, Iraq and other spheres of your hegemony. Soon we will own Saudi Arabia. One by one, people begin to recognize that Iran’s ideology is pro Middle Eastern people and against Middle Eastern puppet governments like Saudi Kings.

Palestinians, Lebanese, Yemenis and so many others are turned or turning to our side. We are pro people and against the puppet bullies like America and Britain. Welcome to the New Order for the people. Iranian Empire of Middle East. Deal with it or get out.

Hey buddy, Islam is only a religion. Don’t mess with it. We are not talking religion. We are talking politics. You pillage Middle East’s fortune and oil. There is a new sheriff in town and his name is Iran. We kicked your ass out of town and we will kick your ass out of the whole region. Deal with it buddy.

Haahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahah ha ha ha ha ha

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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby Atusa Qajar » Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:48 am

Iran’s Military Facility Build Ups in Syria

Iran Builds Facilities in Syria Close to Russian Bases to Avoid Being Attacked

Asharq Al Awsat

Iran's Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri, left, looking into binoculars, and other senior officers from the Iranian military, visit a front line in the northern province of Aleppo, Syria. Photo: AP

Iran is building military facilities and bases very close to Russian forces in Syria to keep them from being attacked by Israel, security sources in Tel Aviv said.

Sources stressed that Israel has learned that Russians do not favor this activity, noting the increasing tension between Moscow and Tehran.

According to Israeli security sources, Iranian facilities built close to Russian positions in Syria are publicly held as Iranian sites.

This new construction, which the sources said is not being coordinated with Russia, potentially turns the nearby Russian forces into de facto human shields in any future conflict with Israel.

The facilities were built under the guise of residential building for civilians, but in fact, they were facilities for accommodating its Shiite terrorist arm deployed by Iran in Syria.

The Iranian move is one of several developments in Syria indicating that Moscow and Tehran are no longer quite as much in lockstep when it comes to Syria.

While Moscow accepts that the presence of Shiite ground forces in Syria is vital to ensure Bashar Assad’s continued control of the country, some of Iran’s broader actions and efforts to expand its footprint in the Syrian arena are causing consternation in the Kremlin.

Moscow is said to urge Assad to rebuff Iran’s efforts to establish a seaport at Tartus, in an indication of the conflict between the Russian and Iranian interests in Syria.

While working to open airports, military bases, intelligence bases and more, Iran is also continuing to seek to carve out its share in Syria’s solar and phosphates industries, among others.

These steps sometimes cause tension with Moscow; the Russians are finding themselves competing with the Iranians for various economic projects, an uncomfortable new reality in a Syria where everyone seems to want to profit from its potential restoration.
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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Mon Mar 26, 2018 3:53 pm

Hello Mr. Kargozaran, my happy and contented Muslim. This post is in response to your IPC comment dated Monday, Mar 26, 2018 8:31 am.

I post in an Iranian forum because I do not like how Qur’an indoctrinated Muslims are so gullible to believe that Qur’an verses are the words of truth from Allah, the Islamic God. I do not criticize the Qur’an but reveal why many of its verses could NOT be the words of Allah but a group of despotic, lazy, greedy, arrogant, and uneducated men that wrote many of the verses.

Have you read the Torah, the Gospels, and Revelation, but also the Qur’an line-by line as I have? The translated Qur’an I used as a reference was written by a highly respected and intelligent man. Muslims and people seeking to obtain a reliable and unaltered translation of the Qur’an, whereby they can judge for themselves the sanctity and accuracy of its suras (chapters), are recommended to secure a version of the Qur’an that was translated in 1893 by Muhammad Zafrulla Khan. His book, titled The Qur’an was published by Olive Branch Press, under ISBN 1-56656-255-4.

A truly honorable Muslim, Mr. Khan offers a deep understanding of Arabic scholarship and Islamic learning, and he has a capable command of the English language. His English translation appeared in 1970 and was reprinted in 1981, 1991, and 1997. His text renders a strictly faithful translation of the Qur’an, includes the Arabic text, and offers clarity and precision for the reader. This author has found that recent translations of the Qur’an have been altered by Islamic scholars to be politically correct and morally acceptable.

Indeed, I do not need to know Arabic for as an educated man I am able to read and arrive at justifiable and logical conclusions. Unfortunately, Islamic scholars and supposedly, educated men (like yourself) have been so brain-washed that they are unable to “see” before their very eyes that the Qur’an could not be the words of Allah but as stated above, written by despotic, greedy, powerful men that used the Qur’an as a manual to capture many lands and subjugate people to follow Islam or die by the sword. Tell me my honorable Muslim, are you laughing at the way Islam has become a world religion by force, killing millions of people and taking their lands and wealth? Are you laughing at the countless lives Islamic extremists are killing around the world today and will do so tomorrow?

Mr. Kargozaran, to give you an opportunity to refute my conclusion that the Qur’an was written by a group of men and not the word of Allah, I present for you the following verses from the Qur’an. Let me know if your Islamic scholars, and you, can refute the conclusion. The following verses, written in the Qur’an, were translated by the highly intelligent Muslim, Muhammad Zafrulla Khan and have been presented in Paragraph 3.3.12 of the book, ALLAH, WE, OUR And US. This book resides as a Free Read on:

Paragraph 3.3.12. A Party of Men Use the Qur’an to Command Atrocities

The small set of suras provided above have given the discerning reader ample reason to believe that the Qur’an was compiled by followers of Muhammad that used his revelations to acquire wealth, power, and control of human beings to establish a theocratic empire. The following sura reveals that it had to have been written by overzealous imams and/or caliphs without any direction from God. Close inspection of the following sura indicates that it had to have been written by a religious leader, a commander of high rank, that tells his people to draw on the wrath of Allah to kill disbelievers or hell shall be their abode.

Sura 8:16-19. O ye who believe, when you encounter an hostile force of the disbelievers, turn not your backs on them. Whoso turns his back on them on such an occasion, unless maneuvering for battle or turning to join another company, shall draw upon himself the wrath of Allah and hell shall be his abode. An evil resort it is.
Thus on the day of Badr it was not you who slew them, but it was Allah who killed them; and it was not thou who didst throw gravel at their faces, but it was Allah Who threw it, that He might confer a great favour upon the believers. Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. That is so; and Allah will surely undermine the design of the disbelievers.

It becomes convincingly clear that the sura was written by a commander as one reads of the strategy not to turn and run when encountering a hostile force unless it is necessary to maneuver for battle by turning and joining another company. But notice in the second paragraph that the commander uses his leadership to strengthen the resolve of his troops by stating “it was not you who slew them, but it was Allah who killed them.” Clearly, these are not the words of Allah but a commander or a powerful religious leader.

The commander’s technique of using Allah as sanctioning atrocities has been a successful form of brainwashing or leadership to convince his fighters that the killings were not through their own volition but by Allah who supports and directs their cause. This mind trick is another way of convincing people that they are not responsible for their misdeeds but some outside force, which they attribute to Allah, their God.

Conclusion: Islamic religious leaders and scholars are either completely indoctrinated or lack cognitive ability to understand that the Qur’an was NOT written by a man of God but a group of men that use the belief in Allah as a tool to command uneducated Muslims and obtain the wealth and lands of other people.

When will people around the world wake up and educate themselves to realize that the Qur’an is nothing more than a manual to indoctrinate unsuspecting minds to die for a god developed by despotic and corrupt men? Mr. Kargozaran, read ALLAH, WE, OUR And US and “see” if you can discount the conclusion made above.

Regarding your phony name, Kargozaran, a movement and a belief that refers to political leaders and great Iranian technocrats, technologists, and builders. Tell me, are Islamic Iranians known for their building and educating their people or destroying countless civilizations because their people could not accept the Islamic God Allah?

Hey Kargozaran, prove to IPC members that you are qualified to refute the above conclusion. You are the last person qualified to lecture people on the Quran because you have been indoctrinated in memorizing its verses before you were able to learn how to think logically and objectively. Knowing the original Arabic which you learned in middle school and soon after being born reveals the extent of your indoctrination. You must admit that with such continuous indoctrination your mind is now in a cage unable to reflect and deal with other more advanced ideas and concepts.

Yes, I use my name because, unlike you, I am proud of my God-given capability to think logically and objectively. I only reveal the facts that demonstrate the conclusion just as I revealed that the verses in the Qur’an were written by a group of men who live off the wealth and lands of other people because they are too lazy to work for a living. But it may be because most Muslims are uneducated and kept that way by their leaders who restrict what they read and debate for fear that they would get too smart.

Hey buddy, Islam is NOT only a religion, it is a way of life that is inculcated into every Muslim through constant indoctrination. Sharia law is the political aspect of Islam and is simply derived from the beliefs in the Qur’an. That is why Islam will be doomed to die in the future because the real threat to Islamic leaders is that their people will eventually get so educated that they will realize that they have been made fools of, like you.

Oh, if you are brave and honest, you will debate the conclusion that verses in the Qur’an are NOT the word of Allah but by despotic, lazy, arrogant men who want to rule by subjugating other people taking their lands and wealth. These attributes of Islamic leaders and taught to Muslims will continue terrorism and discontent until it will lead to the downfall of Islam. Countries around the world are starting to understand that they must confront the repressive ideology of Islam.

Nicholas Ginex, a man that aspires to reveal the truth for mankind to grow spiritually and intellectually with compassion and love for others.
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Israel Is Now Directly Confronting Iran in Syria

Postby Atusa Qajar » Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:19 pm

Israel Is Now Directly Confronting Iran in Syria

Iran and Russia are Responsible for Assad’s Genocide of Syrians.

After Assad’s Mass Chemical Genocide,
Iran and Russia have Blood on their hands!

Israel Is Now Directly Confronting Iran in Syria
Amos Harel


Israeli soldiers stand on a field overlooking Syria in the Golan Heights March 19, 2014

Israel won't say it is indeed behind the overnight strike in Syria, but admitted in the past of attacking the T-4 air base. Iran continuing to establish a foothold in Syria may encourage an aggressive Israeli approach

It was a hectic night in the Middle East. In the early morning hours, still-unidentified planes struck the Syrian T-4 military air base near Homs. A short time later, Palestinians reported an Israeli air strike in the northern Gaza Strip against a Hamas target. The regional upheaval continues – and it seems Israel is no longer sitting on the sidelines, but rather is taking a more active role in the events.

There were reports of casualties at the Syrian base. The U.S. said it is not responsible for the strike. Russian and Syrian officials blamed Israel and Israel refused to comment. Twice in the past – in March last year and in February of this year - Israel has taken responsibility for attacking that very base, where Iranian military advisers are present. In the February strike, the Israel Air Force destroyed an Iranian control center at the base, after an Iranian drone entered Israeli airspace. It was a day of battle that also saw an Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down.

Israel already set red lines back when the Syrian civil war began. It announced it will act to thwart smuggling of sophisticated weapons from Syria to Hezbollah in Lebanon, and since then foreign media attributed to Israel dozens of aerial strikes against weapon convoys and arms depots in Syria. Last year, another red line was drawn: Iranian entrenchment in Syria.

Syria's T-4 air base near Homs.

Photos of Iranian drones and control center, released by Israel after it struck T-4 air base in Feb.

There are additional developments that should be noted in the context of Sunday night's strike: Assad's chemical attack on the rebels, the growing Russian-Iranian influence in Syria and the signals from the Trump administration about pulling out the American troops from the country. An Israeli strike – if one did indeed occur – should be viewed in the wider strategic context.

Just last Wednesday, the presidents of Turkey, Russia and Iran met in the Turkish capital, Ankara, for a summit dealing with arrangements dividing up the power and influence in Syria in the face of the Assad regime’s apparent victory over its adversaries.

At the same time, U.S. President Donald Trump was plying his intention to withdraw American forces from Syria, even if a final decision has not been taken and despite the fact that the idea is opposed by some of Trump’s advisers and generals. Is it any wonder that President Assad or someone who reports to him in the chain of command has interpreted recent developments as a window of opportunity, permitting the regime to massacre its civilians with chemical weapons to speed up the process of eliminating final pockets of resistance east of Damascus?

As in other instances in which proof of Russian involvement could embarrass Moscow, it’s not clear if Assad got a green light from the Russians to act. As expected, Damascus and Moscow are totally denying that chemical weapons were used. And it’s worth resorting to the rule that “nothing should be believed until the Kremlin denies it” (just as Russia denied involvement in the attempted assassination in Britain a month ago of former spy Sergei Skripal). With Russian backing, Assad has continued to engage in mass murder of civilians by various means, occasionally restoring to chemical weapons which shakes the West out of its apathy briefly.


The original sin here, it should be recalled, belongs to the Obama administration, which reconsidered punitive measures against Assad after his regime’s first proven massacre using chemical weapons in the summer of 2013. The agreement reached at the time, through Russian mediation, to get the Syrian regime to relinquish its chemical weapons did in fact dispose of most of Assad’s chemical weapons stocks. But it appears that the regime held onto a certain quantity of usable chemical weapons, in addition to its more frequent use of means that are somewhat less lethal, such as chlorine gas.

Trump is not acting that differently from his presidential predecessor. A year ago this week, Trump did in fact order a cruise missile attack on a Syrian air force base in response to the chemical attack in Syria on Khan Sheikhoun, but it appears that in the process (after the obligatory praise from the media), Trump’s interest in events in Syria had, as a practical matter, come to an end. Even if the United States carries out another punitive attack at this time, Assad knows that he can do almost anything he feels like, with Russian backing, and that the Americans are on their way out.

These events have several implications for Israel. They buttress the assessment about Assad’s self-confidence and his readiness to use any means to restore control over wide swaths of Syrian territory, an approach that will also be seen in the near future in the south of the Syrian Golan. They also again raise doubts about the wisdom of the decision to halt production and distribution of gas mask kits for the Israeli population.

Much of what was decided at the Ankara summit is of concern to Israel. It appears that at the summit, Tehran received backing for a continuation of its efforts to establish a presence in Syria, including in locations near the Israeli border. These are steps that could accelerate Israeli efforts to counter the Iranian presence, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman have been threatening.

This is an aggressive approach, supported by the head of the Israeli security services, but it may still have consequences – from an American exit from Syria to an Israeli predicament there. In the north, Israel is now walking an ever-thinning line.

More News:

Iran-Israel Conflict Escalates in Shadow of Syrian Civil War ... -base.html

Syria strikes spotlight Israel's nightmare: an entrenched Iran ... er-n863826

Iran tells Trump he would regret dropping nuclear deal ... SKBN1HG0U7

Syria Airstrike Attributed to Israel Was Attempt to Curtail Iranian Air Power ... -1.5988643

Bolton Ruins Iran's Nuclear Holiday as Trump Warns on Syria ... obama-deal

Iran on border, Trump's 'unpredictability' creates nightmare scenario for Israel ... er-n863826

Putin, Iran ‘Responsible’ for Assad’s Actions, Trump Says ... trump-says
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Trump Message to Iran and Russia after Syrian Airstrike

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:59 am

Trump Message to Iran and Russia after Syrian Airstrike

Bombing of Syrian Chemical Facilities was a clear message to Syria, Iran and Russia:

“Do not mess with the American Military Might!”

US, UK and France conducted an airstrike on Syria’s strategic areas and chemical facilities. This action was the reaction to the Syrian chemical attack on its own people, including women and children.

Donald Trump with his American Bald Eagle Uncle Sam at Trump Office in Trump Tower
Making America Great Again

President Trump's full address to the nation after ordering airstrikes on the Syrian regime. He also included a message for Syria's allies Russia and Iran.


Trump Message on Syrian Airstrike

Corey Lewandowski: Syria strike was perfectly executed ... show-clips

Pentagon officials share details of Syria airstrikes ... show-clips

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What media in Russia, Iran and Syria are saying on Syria strikes ... 55218.html
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Iran - Israel War in Syria, Now Expands to Israel

Postby Atusa Qajar » Wed May 09, 2018 6:59 pm

Iran - Israel War in Syria, Now Expands to Israel

Israel bombs IRGC backed Quarter in Syria
IRI rockets Golan Heights, Israel

Iranian forces fire rockets at Israeli military in first direct attack ever, Israel’s army says
Loveday Morris

Washington Post

Israeli tanks take position near the Syrian border in the Golan Heights on May 9, 2018. (Jalaa Marey/AFP/Getty Images)

Confrontation between Israel and Iranian forces in Syria sharply escalated early Thursday morning as Israel said Iran launched a barrage of 20 missiles toward its positions in the Golan Heights. TIBERIAS, Israel —

Heavy military jet activity, explosions and air-defense fire could be heard throughout the night in the area. An Israeli military spokesman said the rockets were fired by Iran’s Quds Force, a special forces unit affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, marking the first time Iranian forces have ever fired directly on Israeli troops.

The Israeli military said several of the rockets had been intercepted by Israel’s missile defense system, and sparks could be seen as they broke up in the sky.

No one was injured on the Israeli side, the military said.

The Syrian state news agency, however, reported that it was Israel that had fired on targets near the town of Quneitra, located just east of the Golan Heights. Syrian air defenses had responded, it said. It later reported a “new wave” of attacks.

The Israeli miliary said it “views this event with great severity and remains prepared for a wide variety of scenarios.”

Air-raid sirens sounded in the Golan Heights shortly after midnight. In nearby Tiberias, on the edge of the Sea of Galilee, explosions could be heard above the music of bars entertaining busloads of tourists. The explosions were followed by sporadic fire into the early morning hours.

With Syria’s civil war raging just across the border, Israeli residents of the Golan Heights have become used to the air-raid sirens and errant fire. But recent days have been different, and war jitters have spread across Israel.

On Wednesday, it had seemed like business as usual on the Golan, a plateau that rises dramatically behind the Sea of Galilee, captured from Syria by Israel in the 1967 war. Children went to school and wineries welcomed groups of tourists.

But Israel trucked in tanks and additional air defense batteries, and the military chief of staff touched down in a helicopter to tour the area to assess the army’s readiness.

On Tuesday, an airstrike attributed to Israel reportedly killed eight Iranian soldiers after Israel said it had detected unusual Iranian troop movements across the border and had intelligence about a possible attack from Syrian soil.

Iran had threatened to retaliate against Israel after an airstrike in April that killed seven Iranian soldiers at a base in Syria.

President Trump’s decision on Tuesday to pull the United States out of the nuclear deal with Iran has given Tehran less reason to exercise caution in confronting Israel, analysts said.

“U.S. withdrawal has accelerated the escalation between Israel and Iran,” said Ofer Zalzberg, and analyst at International Crisis Group. “Iran faces less restraint in terms of the timing for a retaliation,” he said, adding that Iran probably had been waiting for the U.S. decision before formulating its next move.

While Trump was in Washington announcing the withdrawal, Golan residents were being told Tuesday to open up their bomb shelters — the first time the army has instructed them to do so during seven years of civil war in nearby Syria.

At Kibbutz Ein Zivan, a few miles from the Syrian border, David Spelman had pulled up a text on his phone sent from the regional council just minutes after Trump finished speaking. It instructed residents to be “watchful and prepared.”

A populace with a pioneering spirit, Golan residents seemed accustomed to being on the fringe, close to Israel’s enemies. The Golan Heights was officially annexed by Israel in 1981, but that action has not been internationally recognized.

“You have different level of worries, but people are pretty seasoned here,” said Spelman, a former regional council member who has lived on the kibbutz since it was established in 1968.

“There are certain points of time that you have to face things head on, and Netanyahu is doing it,” he said of Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

“It’s a really tense time,” said one regional council official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss preparations. “We are telling the citizens to still have regular life; children are going to school. But our job and the army’s job and people involved in security, it’s 24 hours. It’s something a little more this time.”

At a winery on Ein Zivan, American tourists said Wednesday they were unaware that the U.S. government had told its employees to stay away from the Golan until the situation stabilizes.

“Seems like much ado about nothing,” one said after a tasting.

Amid warnings of a potential attack, some 62 percent of Israelis think a war is imminent, according to a poll commissioned Wednesday by Israel’s Hadashot news channel.

“Iran will retaliate through proxies, sooner or later, against Israeli military sites in the north,” Gary Samore, a former White House coordinator for arms control and weapons of mass destruction, said at a security conference in Herzliya, Israel.

But he said that no side is interested in a full-scale conflict, and there is debate in Iran over how to proceed. He said Iranian President Hassan Rouhani wants to avoid confrontation because he is trying to preserve the nuclear deal with world powers. But Iranian military commanders want to retaliate for the death of Iranian soldiers.

Rouhani said his government remains committed to a nuclear deal with Europe, Russia and China, despite the U.S. decision to withdraw, but is also ready to ramp up uranium enrichment if the agreement no longer produces benefits.

Netanyahu had been a leading advocate of a U.S. withdrawal, but his military chiefs had been more cautious. He met with Russian President Vladimir Putin Wednesday in Moscow. Russia, which is backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces alongside Iran, is seen as key in preventing ­Iranian-Israeli tensions from escalating.

Israel, determined not to let Iran expand its military presence in Syria, has struck over the border at least 100 times during the war, extending its targets from suspected arms convoys to Iranian-linked military bases.

“Iran is not fully inside. It has not yet succeeded in building what it wants to build there, and now is the time for Israel to push back,” said Chagai Tzuriel, director general of Israel’s Intelligence Ministry.


Israel Strikes Iranian Targets in Syria in Retaliatory Attack
Dov Lieber

Wall Street Journal

This long-exposure photograph shows Israeli fire directed toward Syrian military targets. A number of rockets reportedly fired by Iranian forces in Syria at Israeli targets in the Golan Heights late Wednesday night were intercepted by Israel’s Iron Dome rocket-defense system, the Israeli military said

Israel’s military says no one was injured and damage was limited from rocket fire on Golan from within Syria

Israel’s military carried out strikes against Iranian targets in Syria after it said Iranian forces based there fired about 20 rockets at Israeli soldiers along the border in the Golan Heights, in what appeared to be the first instance of a direct attack by Iran against Israel from Syria.

The attack late Wednesday night caused no injuries and only limited damage to property, the Israeli army said.

The attack came after suspected Israeli missiles targeted an Iran-linked army base south of Syria’s capital, Damascus, on Tuesday, shortly after President Donald Trump said the U.S. would withdraw from the international nuclear deal with Iran.

Those strikes heightened tensions in a region already on edge, and underlined the risk of direct confrontation between Iran and Israel following the U.S. exit from the nuclear agreement.

The Israeli military’s official Arabic-language spokesman, Avichay Adraee, said Israel was carrying out retaliatory strikes against Iranian targets in Syria and warned that Syrian involvement against it would “be met with great severity.”

Syrian air defenses had “confronted” Israeli missiles and reported Israeli shelling in the Syrian city of Baath, near Israel’s northern border, according to the Syrian state news agency. Later, the agency said a fresh wave of Israeli missiles was intercepted in the vicinity of Damascus, the capital. On social media, activists reported loud explosions to the south and northeast of the city.

Israel is targeting some air-defense systems and radar, the agency reported, publishing pictures and videos of Syrian air defenses intercepting what it said were Israeli missiles.

Israel has been bracing for Iranian retaliation to an attack last month when presumed Israeli missiles hit an Iranian-controlled base deep in Syria. The U.K.-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said as many as 18 Iranians were killed in that attack, though Iran denied there were any casualties.

Israeli military spokesman for English media Jonathan Cornricus said the Israeli military was sure the Iranian Quds Force, an arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, was behind the attack Wednesday night. He declined to explain how Israel knew the Quds Force was behind the attack.

A few of the rockets fired at Israeli forces were shot down by Israel’s Iron Dome rocket-defense system, Mr. Cornricus said. The projectiles were fired at several Israeli military bases on the front line with Syria, he said.

“The Israel Defense Forces view this event with great severity and remain prepared for a wide variety of scenarios,” the Israeli military said in a statement.

An Iranian official at the country’s United Nations mission didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Until now, Iranian forces had held back from any retaliatory response to recent Israeli strikes on Syrian bases that local media and a watchdog group said killed Iranian forces. Prior to the attack last month that killed a reported 18 Iranians, another suspected Israeli strike in Syria in April killed seven Iranians.

Iranian military officials, however, had promised to retaliate at a time and place of their choosing.

In February, Israel said an Iranian attack drone flew into its airspace, prompting Israeli raids inside Syria, which ended in the downing of an Israeli jet.

This appeared to be the first incident of direct conflict between Iran and Israel. Iran is usually known to operate in the region via its allies and proxies.

Israel has amplified criticism of Iranian attempts to set up military bases and weapons factories in Syria in recent months, warning it would engage in a conflict with the Syrian regime should Iran and Tehran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah entrench on its border.

Some observers feared President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal would prompt Iran to scale up its military activities in Syria and in Iraq and Yemen, and further empower militias loyal to it in the region.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who supported the U.S. leaving the Iran deal, has said he would prefer to confront Iran earlier rather than later.

“We are determined to block the Iranian entrenchment, even at the cost of confrontation,” Mr. Netanyahu said at a cabinet meeting Sunday. “We don’t want confrontation, but if there needs to be one, it is better now than later.”

The Israeli prime minister in Moscow on Wednesday met Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose troops are fighting alongside Iranians in defending the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad. He presented “Israel’s obligation and right to defend itself against Iranian aggression, from Syrian territory,” according to a statement from Mr. Netanyahu’s office.


Syrian state media says dozens of Israeli rockets fired into Syria


The scale of Israeli fire was far higher than in previous incidents and Damascus residents described seeing a series of explosions above the city from air defense systems.

Tensions between Israel and Iran have threatened to spill over in Syria, where the Iranian military and allied Shi’ite militia are backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in his war against rebels seeking to oust him.

“Air defenses confronted tens of Israeli rockets and some of them reached their target and destroyed one of the radar sites,” Syrian state news agency SANA reported, citing a military source. Another rocket hit an ammunition warehouse, it said.

Asked whether Israel had attacked near Damascus or scrambled communications there, an Israeli military spokeswoman said: “I have no comment on that at this time.”

Syrian state television was broadcasting footage of its air defenses firing at incoming rockets, and playing patriotic songs.

It said Israeli warplanes were firing the rockets from outside Syria’s borders and targeting Baath City in Quneitra province.

Israel’s military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus said earlier that Israel had retaliated for an attack on its outposts in the strategic Golan Heights plateau. He did not elaborate.

Israeli media said residents of Metulla, on the Lebanese border, had been instructed to go to bomb shelters. There was no official confirmation.

Syria’s state news agency, SANA, and a war monitor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, had reported artillery fire from Israeli-held territory at Baath City, located near the border. The Observatory said rockets were fired at military positions of the Syrian army and allied forces.

A correspondent for SANA said strikes were targeting Syrian air defense brigades and attempting to destroy radar installations.

Lebanon’s National News Agency, citing Lebanese Army Command, reported Israeli jets circling over Lebanese territory early on Thursday before exiting.


The late-night incident followed a surge in tensions between Israel and Syria, where Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah forces have been helping Damascus beat back a 7-year-old rebellion.

Israel describes Iran as its biggest threat and Hezbollah as the biggest threat on its borders.

Fearing that Iran and Hezbollah are setting up a Lebanese-Syrian front against it, Israel has occasionally struck at their forces. Iran blamed it for an April 9 air strike that killed seven of its military personnel in Syria, and vowed revenge.

Conricus said that in Thursday’s attack, around 20 projectiles, most likely rockets, were fired by the Quds Force, an external arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, at around 12.10 a.m.

“A few of those rockets were intercepted” by Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system, Conricus told reporters. “We are not aware of any casualties. The amount of damage that we currently assess is low.”

Asked if Israel retaliated for the salvo, he said: “We have retaliated but I have no further details about this.”

Expectations of a regional flare-up were stoked by U.S. President Donald Trump’s announcement on Tuesday that he was withdrawing from the Iranian nuclear deal. Hours later, Israeli rocket rockets targeted a military base in Kisweh, a commander in the pro-Syrian government regional alliance said.

The strike killed 15 people, including eight Iranians, the Observatory said. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied responsibility.

Reporting by Stephen Farrell and Dan Williams in Jerusalem and Dahlia Nehme in Beirut; Writing by Angus McDowall; Editing by Grant McCool and Peter Cooney


'Iranian soldiers killed' in Israeli airstrike on Syrian army base
Raf Sanchez and Nick Allen


Flames rise after an attack in an area known to have numerous Syrian army military bases Credit: AP

Iranian soldiers were killed in an Israeli strike in Syria carried out just hours after Donald Trump’s announcement that the US was pulling out of the Iran nuclear agreement, according to monitors.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that Israeli jets had targeted a weapons depot near al-Kiswah, a Syrian military base south of Damascus that is used by Iranian forces. It has been hit by suspected Israeli strikes in the past.

At least nine pro-regime fighters, "including members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and other pro-Iranian Shia militiamen” were killed in the strike, the Observatory said.

Israel’s military refused to comment, as is its policy when it comes to operations in Syria. The strike appeared to be the latest round of an increasingly bloody shadow war being fought by Israel in an effort to stop Iran from building up its military presence in Syria.

At least seven Iranians were killed in a suspected Israeli strike on the T4 airbase in central Syria in April. Israel’s military has been on high alert since then in anticipation of potential Iranian retaliation.

Those tensions will only rise further after Mr Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the 2015 nuclear and reimpose sanctions on Iran.

Shortly before Mr Trump’s announcement, Israel’s military said it was seeing signs of “irregular activity of Iranian forces in Syria” and ordered Israeli civilians in the Golan Heights to ready their bomb shelters.

“Defence systems have been deployed and IDF troops are on high alert for an attack,” a spokesman said Tuesday night. “The IDF is prepared for various scenarios and warns that any aggression against Israel will be met with a severe response.”

Reserve troops from military intelligence, air defence, and the home front units were called up, according to Israeli media, and Israeli school trips to the Golan Heights were cancelled.

By Wednesday morning, the situation appeared to have calmed slightly. The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) lowered its alert level on the Golan Heights, the mountainous area Israel captured from Syria in 1967.

Schools were opened as normal and farmers were told they could go about their work.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, left for a planned trip to Moscow - a sign that Israel’s government did not believe that an immediate escalation was imminent.

"I am now leaving for an important meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin,” Mr Netanyahu said.

“The meetings between us are always important and this one is especially so. In light of what is currently happening in Syria, it is necessary to ensure the continued coordination between the Russian military and the IDF."

Israel has warned that any Iranian attack on Israel from Syrian territory will be met with a major response.

Mr Netanyahu said Mr Trump had made a “brave and correct decision” to withdraw from the agreement.

"Israel fully supports President Trump's bold decision today to reject the disastrous nuclear deal,” Mr Netanyahu said in a speech moments after Mr Trump’s address.

The Israeli leader has consistently warned that the deal would pave the way for Iran to build an arsenal of nuclear weapons and called the agreement a “recipe for disaster”.


Israel Bombed IRGC Quarter

BREAKING Israel News 8 Iranians killed in Israeli strike in Syria weapons depot Iran elite Revolutionary Guards in Kisweh south of Damascus - Iran plans to retaliate May 9 2018 News

BREAKING Israel News 8 Iranians killed in Israeli strike in Syria by Damascus May 9 2018

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Israel Destroys Iran’s Military Infrastructure in Syria

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu May 10, 2018 11:59 am

Israel Wipes Out Iran’s Major Military Infrastructure in Syria
Israel’s Retaliation Strike Hits IRGC in the Head


White House condemns Iran rocket attack into Israel - FOX

Israel strikes Iranian targets in Syria - FOX

Israel strikes Iran targets in Syria - FOX

Israel strikes Iranian targets in Syria - CBC

Israel fires 60 rockets at Iran outposts in Syria - RT


Israel strikes Iranian targets in Syria in response to rocket fire


Israeli forces in the occupied Golan Heights have been on high alert since Tuesday night

Israel says it has struck almost all of Iran's military infrastructure inside Syria in its biggest assault since the start of the civil war there.

The strikes came after 20 rockets were fired at Israeli military positions in the occupied Golan Heights overnight.

Syria's military said the Israeli "aggression" had killed three people.

There was no immediate comment from Iran, whose deployment of troops to Syria to help President Bashar al-Assad has alarmed Israel.

Iran has repeatedly called for an end to the existence of the Jewish state.

Israel's defence minister said it had "no interest in escalation" following the strikes

Russia, Germany and France called on both countries to exercise restraint, but the US said Iran bore "full responsibility for the consequences of its reckless actions" and that Israel had a right to defend itself.

What happened in the Golan?

The Golan Heights is a rocky plateau in south-western Syria, about 50km (30 miles) from the capital Damascus. Israel occupied most of the area in the 1967 Middle East war and later annexed it in a move not recognised internationally.

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) said that early on Thursday morning 20 rockets had been launched at its forward posts there by the Quds Force, the overseas operations arm of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.


IDF spokesman Lt Col Jonathan Conricus said four rockets were intercepted by the Israeli Iron Dome aerial defence system, while 16 others fell short of their targets. No injuries or damage were reported.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, confirmed that rockets were fired towards the occupied Golan. But it said the attack came after Israeli forces bombarded Baath, a town in the demilitarised zone.

A senior source in an Iranian-led military alliance that supports Syria's government also told AFP news agency that Israeli forces had fired first.

How did Israel respond to the rocket fire?

Col Conricus said fighter jets had struck 70 military targets belonging to Iran inside Syria, causing significant damage. The targets included:

◾Intelligence sites associated with Iran and its proxies
◾A logistics headquarters belonging to the Quds Force
◾A military logistics compound in Kiswah, a town south of Damascus
◾An Iranian military compound north of Damascus
◾Quds Force munition storage warehouses at Damascus International Airport
◾Intelligence systems and posts associated with the Quds Force
◾Observation and military posts and munitions in the Golan demilitarised zone

The IDF said it had also targeted Syrian military air defence systems after they fired at the fighter jets despite an Israeli "warning".

Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman later told a conference in the town of Herzliya that the IDF had "hit almost all of the Iranian infrastructure in Syria".

"They must remember that if it rains here [in Israel], it will pour there," he said. "I hope that we have finished this chapter and that everyone got the message."

However, Syria's military declared it had "thwarted a new Israeli act of aggression" and that its air defences "destroyed a large part" of the missile barrage.

Three people were killed by the missiles, a spokesman said. A radar station and an ammunition depot were also destroyed, and several air defence bases sustained damage, he added.

The Syrian Observatory reported that at least 23 people were killed, including five Syrian soldiers and 18 other allied fighters.

Russia, which is also supporting the Syrian military, said Israel fired 60 air-to-surface and 10 surface-to-surface missiles and that more than half were shot down.

'No-one wants an all-out war'
Jonathan Marcus, defence correspondent, BBC News

These events have tactical and strategic dimensions.

In the short-term the Iranians are seeking "pay back" for an Israeli strike against one of their bases in Syria a little over a month ago. On Wednesday night, according to the Israeli military, Iran's Quds Force launched rockets against Israeli positions in the Golan Heights.

But the scale of the attack was limited - a single multiple-barrel rocket launcher appears to have been used, which the Israelis say they subsequently destroyed. They then apparently hit every Iranian facility they know of in Syria to send a powerful message to Tehran.

But neither Israel nor Iran appear to want an all-out war at this stage.

Nonetheless their strategic rivalry is clear. Tehran is seeking to establish itself as a military player in Syria to open up another potential front against Israel. And Israel is equally determined to prevent this.

Why is Israel so worried about Iran's activities in Syria?

Israel's military had been anticipating an attack by Iranian forces after reportedly carrying out a number of strikes on their facilities in Syria in recent months. They included one on an airbase in April that killed seven Iranian troops.

Israeli officials have repeatedly warned that they are determined to stop what they consider Iranian "military entrenchment" in the country.

Iran has deployed hundreds of troops, ostensibly as military advisers to the Syrian military. Thousands of militiamen armed, trained and financed by Iran have also been battling rebel forces alongside Syrian soldiers.

Earlier this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Revolutionary Guards had moved advanced weapons to Syria, including surface-to-surface missiles and anti-aircraft batteries that would threaten Israeli fighter jets.

Mr Netanyahu's lobbying against the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers, which US President Donald Trump abandoned on Tuesday, has raised tensions further with Tehran.

Mr Lieberman stressed that while Israel had "no interest in escalation", it had to "be prepared for any scenario". "We are facing a new reality where Iran is attacking Israel directly and trying to harm Israel's sovereignty and territories," he added.


Iran's Long Arm: Who Is the Elite Quds Force That Attacked Israel From Syria
Yaniv Kubovich 


In this photo released by the semi-official Iranian Mehr News Agency, Iranian revolutionary Guards personnel, foreground, watch the launch of a Zelzal missile during military maneuvers outside the citCredit: AP

The Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force is charged with arming proxies across the Middle East and even the world – and is behind a number of past attempts to hit Israel


The Quds Force, a special forces unit of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, was behind the rocket attack against Israel on Wednesday night. The Quds Force, commanded by Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, is responsible for all of Iran’s military activities – secret and public – outside of Iran’s borders.

The Quds Force is also in charge of relations with Islamic and non-state military and terrorist organizations recruited by Iran. These groups serve as Iran’s arm in countries where it is trying to export its Islamic revolution or as proxies in the conflicts in those countries. The Iranians support these militias mostly through providing weapons, funds and protection for the groups.

In 1998, Soleimani replaced Ahmad Vahidi, who was appointed in 1988, as commander of the Quds Force and who later served as Iran’s defense minister. Soleimani is considered to be a protégé of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Soleimani’s power is so great that even though he is blacklisted by most Western nations, he still is able to meet with world leaders. It was reported that he has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his foreign minister.

Soleimani is the most senior Iranian officer active outside of the country and is responsible for setting up militias and cooperation with the likes of Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, militias in Iraq, and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. In Gaza, among others, Soleimani was also been behind the Karine A, a ship filled with weapons meant for Hamas that was seized by the Israeli Navy ion 2002.

Before his Syria role, Soleimani established Shi’ite militias in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sudan, as well as Egypt and even in some African nations and countries in Latin America.

Today he and his Quds Force are in charge of three different fronts in Syria. The unit is responsible for the front from Aleppo to the north, the second is the Aleppo to Damascus area and the third is from Damascus southward. The militias on the ground in those regions are under the command of the Quds Force headquarters in each region.

Among others, they are tasked with building a Shiite land bridge from Iran to Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea through Syria. One of the militias established in Syria to support the regime is the National Defense Forces, backed by Hezbollah and the Quds force. This militia is made up of tens of thousands of soldiers, mostly Syrian citizens from Assad’s own Alawite community and Shi’ites from rural communities in Syria. Other Iranian-backed militias with tens of thousands of Shi’ite fighters operating in Syria come from Iraq and Afghanistan.

A number of attempts to attack Israel and Jews around the world have been attributed to Soleimani in the past. Some succeeded, such as the terrorist attack in Burgas in Bulgaria, in which a suicide bomber killed six and injured 32 and Israel accused Soleimani. In other cases the terror attacks did not succeed.

In 2011, two men were indicted in the United States as part of an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States. It was thought at the time that Soleimani had contacted a drug trafficking cartel to have them carry out the attack without leaving any Iranian footprints behind. This plot was foiled while still in the planning stage.

He was also linked to other attempted terror attacks which never materialized, the last of which is the attempt to hit Israeli targets last night on Israel's northern border. The failed attempt and the Israeli response represents a severe blow to the infrastructure he and the elite force set up in recent years in the north.

Despite the unusually harsh attack by the Israeli Air Force on Wednesday night in Syria, that seriously affected Iran’s capabilities, Israeli defense officials doubt that the Revolutionary Guards and Soleimani will give up on their desire to establish themselves militarily in Syria.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard troops march, during a military parade commemorating the start of the Iraq-Iran war 32 years ago, in front of the mausoleum of the late leader Ayatollah KhomeiniCredit: AP

So far, the Revolutionary Guards have invested $17 billion in Syria. They have lost many soldiers and received harsh criticism at home from those saying there is no need to sacrifice Iranian soldiers for Assad. After they have paid such a price, it is hard to believe that the IDF’s attack will cause them to abandon their great plan to build a second Hezbollah along Israel’s border with Syria on the Golan and change Iran's overarching strategy.


Israel Launches Most Extensive Strike in Syria in Decades After Iranian Rocket Barrage
Amos Harel, Yaniv Kubovich, Jack Khoury, Amir Tibon and Noa Shpigel 


In first, Israel accuses Iran of attacking its territory ■ 23 militants, 18 of them foreigners, reported killed ■ Russia: Syria shot down half of Israeli missiles

Missile fire as seen from Damascus, Syria May 10, 2018. Credit: \ OMAR SANADIKI/ REUTERS

Israel attacked dozens of Iranian targets in Syria in what the military said was the most extensive strike in the neighboring country in decades. The strike was carried out in response to a barrage of 20 rockets that were fired from Syria at Israeli military outposts.

The Israeli military accused the Revolutionary Guards' Al Quds force and its commander, Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, of launching the attack at the Israeli Golan Heights. This is the first time Israel has directly accused Iran of firing toward Israeli territory.

Four of the rockets were intercepted by Israel's Iron Dome air defense system and the rest of the rockets exploded on Syrian territory, the military said. Israel said there were no casualties in the attack.

Israel said its targets included weapons storage, logistics sites and intelligence centers used by elite Iranian forces in Syria. It also said it destroyed five Syrian air-defense battaries after coming under heavy fire. It said none of its warplanes were hit.

Twenty-three fighters, among them 18 foreigners, were killed in the attack, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The Syrian military said that three people were killed and two were wounded in the attack.

Russia's Defense Ministry said that the Israeli strike on Syria used 28 planes, fired 70 missiles, adding that Syria shot down more than half of Israeli missiles.

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Thursday morning that Israel has struck "all of the Iranian infrastructure in Syria." Lieberman said that Israel does not seek escalation, but added that it won't allow Iran to turn Syria into a "forward base" against Israel.

A source in the Israeli security establishment said this attack was the largest carried out by Israel since it signed a disengagement agreement with Syria in May 1974. The Israeli military warned Syria not to respond to its attack.

Russia is reported to have been informed in advance of the Israeli attack.

There was no immediate word on Iranian casualties. Reports said that there were several casualties as a result of the Israeli strike and that explosions were heard near the Syrian capital of Damascus.

Map of targets of Israeli strike in Syria

Reports in Syria said that Israel has also struck army posts as position used by Hezbollah and Iranian-backed militias in the Syrian Golan, near the Druze village Khader and Khan Arnabah, close to the border with Israel. The reports said that the rockets that struck Israel overnight were fired from those posts.

Tensions along the Israel-Syria border

The rocket barrage was fired from Syria at Israel at around midnight Thursday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that Israel has attacked targets of the Syrian military on the outskirts of Quneitra in the Golan Heights.

Shortly thereafter siren alerts sounded in communities in the north and center of the Golan Heights in northern Israel. The Home Front Command released a reminder on safety regulations to residents of the area; some reported hearing explosions.

The Golan Regional Council released a statement saying that several towns in the Golan were targeted by rocket fire and that residents of those towns are requested to stay in shelters until notified otherwise.

Over the past month, tensions have been high along the Israeli border with Syria and the army has increased security measures in the area, deploying more Iron Dome batteries across the northern region.

The rocket launcher from the Israeli air force's perspective, moments before the rockets were launched, May 10, 2018Credit: IDF Spokesperson

On Wednesday, the Syrian Observatory said eight Iranians were among 15 killed in a strike carried out a day earlier by Israel. The strike reportedy targeted Iranian missiles aimed at Israel.

The Israeli military had anticipated that after U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he was withdrawing from the Iranian nuclear accord, Israel was likely to be targeted by rocket fire and Iran would try to retaliate for an attack last month on the Syrian T4 air base in which seven Iranians were killed. However, the military has predicted that such an Iranian retaliation would not lead to a full-fledged war.

This is the first time Israel directly accuses Iran of firing towards Israeli territory. During the Syrian Civil War, rockets were fired at Israel from Syria several times, usually by groups in southern Syria that are affiliated with Iran, Hezbollah and the Assad regime.

Tehran has issued several threats over the past month, saying that it would hurt Israel in response to a slew of attacks that were ascribed to the Israeli air force.

A U.S. State Department official responded to the escalation on Wednesday, telling Haaretz that U.S. wishes to reiterate Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's statement from last week in which he stressed the U.S. support of Israel against the Iranian threat.

"We stand with Israel in the fight against Iran’s malign activities and we strongly support Israel’s sovereign right to defend itself. If true [evidence provided by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding Iran's nuclear activity in recent years], this only bolsters our decision to terminate the JCPOA. Iran will have showed the world its true intentions. Let there be no doubt."

French President Emmanuel Macron called for a deescalation of tensions in the Middle East on Thursday. "The president has been kept regularly updated. He calls for a de-escalation in the situation," Macron's office said in a statement.

This attack comes on the heels of a Syrian report Tuesday accusing Israel of carrying out an attack on a military base south of Damascus, which was used by Iranian forces. According to reports, Israeli fighter jets entered Syrian airspace and struck Iranian missiles aimed at Israel.

Israel Struck 'Almost All of the Iranian Infrastructure in Syria,' Defense Chief Says
Yaniv Kubovich


Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman speaks the morning after Israel and Iran exchange rocket fire at the IDC Herzeliya, May 10, 2018.Credit: Tomer Appelbaum

Avigdor Lieberman says Israel does not seek escalation, but won't allow Iran to turn Syria into a 'forward base' against Israel. 'I hope we finished this chapter and everyone got the message'

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Thursday that Israel struck ''almost all of the Iranian infrastructure in Syria" overnight in response to a rocket barrage at its military outposts in the Golan Heights. He confirmed that no rockets landed in Israeli territory.

Lieberman said that Israel won't allow Iran to turn Syria into a "forward base" against Israel and that, as opposed to the Iranians, Israel has no desire to expand their military presence to create new proxies and fronts.

"I hope we finished this chapter and everyone got the message," Lieberman said, adding that Israel does not want the situation to escalate. He added a warning: “If it rains on us, it will pour on them.”

"Iran is truly the only country today that represents extremism, not just ideologically but also in its willingness to sacrifice its citizens, sacrifice its future for this same extremist ideology, the defense chief said.

Early Thursday, Israel attacked dozens of Iranian targets in Syria in what the military said was the most extensive strike in the neighboring country in decades. The strike was carried out in response to a barrage of 20 rockets that was fired from Syria at Israeli military outposts.

Israel said the targets of the retaliatory attack included weapons storage, logistics sites and intelligence centers used by elite Iranian forces in Syria. It also said it destroyed several Syrian air-defense systems after coming under heavy fire.

This is the first time Israel directly accused Iran of firing towards Israeli territory. Tehran issued several threats over the past month, saying that it would hurt Israel in response to a slew of attacks that were ascribed to the Israeli air force.

This attack comes on the heels of a Syrian report Tuesday accusing Israel of carrying out an attack on a military base south of Damascus, which was used by Iranian forces. According to reports, Israeli fighter jets entered Syrian airspace and struck Iranian missiles aimed at Israel.

Lieberman also spoke to the misdirection of Iranian funds from the country's economy to military expenditures. “So far, [Iran] has invested $13 billion on its adventure in Syria," he said.

"The entire financing of Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad costs a huge amount of money and this comes at the expense of citizens who are suffering in Iran. In Tehran, we see the younger generation asking why the rulers are continuing to waste money,” he added.

The defense minister then shifted his focus to the internal situation in Syria, saying “Assad is fighting for his survival. It is a brutal regime that does not hesitate to murder its own citizens. We are talking about almost 600,000 murdered during the seven years of civil war, with the help of Hezbollah, Iranians and Shi’ite militias.”

Without the $13 billion in Iranian aid Assad would not have survived and his ability to oppose the wishes of the Iranian forces, even if he wanted to, would be very limited, Lieberman added.

As for the defense budget, Lieberman said Israel should invest more in firepower in the north and “we will convince the treasury and National Security Council to implement a five-year plan for protecting the home front.”

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Iran vs. Israel Proxy Wars in Syria Continue

Postby IPC » Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:26 pm

Iran vs. Israel Proxy Wars in Syria Continue

IRI Qods Force was testing Israel to see how far will they go, so they started a little test of aggression and fired a missile into Israel!

IRI’s IRGC Qods Force fired a surface to surface missile to Golan Heights territory of Israel.

Israel retaliated by bombing various targets including surface to air missile launchers, artillery positions, ammunition sources and military commands of the Qods Force, Syrian Military and Hezbollah in Syria. 11 total Iranian, Syrian and Lebanese forces died.

Israel stated that he will not hesitate to defend himself and strike back on those who want to eliminate Israel.

Iran stated that if she wants, she can vanish Israel from the global map.

Same story and proxy war continue on.





Syria war: Israeli jets target Iranian positions around Damascus



Israel says it has hit Iranian targets around the Syrian capital, Damascus.

The Israel Defense Forces say the overnight operation targeted the elite Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, as well as Syrian air defences.

The Syrian military says it shot down most of the Israeli missiles. But a monitoring group reported that at least 11 pro-government fighters were killed.

The IDF says it acted after the Quds Force fired a rocket from Syria towards the occupied Golan Heights on Sunday.

Iran, Israel's arch-enemy, has sent thousands of military personnel to support Syria's President Bashar al-Assad in the country's civil war.

What do we know about the Israeli operation?

The IDF rarely admits carrying out attacks inside Syria. But it announced the start of Monday's strikes on the Quds Force in a tweet.

A statement issued later said Israeli fighter jets had hit munition storage sites, a site located in Damascus International Airport, an Iranian intelligence site and an Iranian military training camp.

The jets also struck several Syrian military air defence batteries after dozens of surface-to-air missiles were launched "despite clear warnings", it added.

"We're operating both against Iran and against the Syrian forces that are abetting the Iranian aggression," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

"We'll strike at anyone who tried to harm us. Whoever threatens to eliminate us, bears full responsibility."

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, reported that weapons depots and positions belonging to Iranian forces and the Iran-backed Lebanese militant group, Hezbollah, were hit.

It said at least 11 fighters, including two Syrians, were killed.

What does the Syrian military say?

Syria's state-run Sana news agency quoted a military source as saying it "confronted an Israeli attack" and "prevented it from achieving its objectives".

The IDF said it targeted Syrian air defence batteries after they ignored warnings not to fire

"Our air defences dealt with the situation and intercepted the hostile missiles, downing most of them before reaching their targets as they continue their heroic response to the aggression," the source added, without mentioning any casualties.

The Russian military, which like Iran also backs the Syrian government, said more than 30 missiles and guided bombs were shot down.

However, it added that the "infrastructure" of Damascus International Airport was partially damaged and that four Syrian soldiers were killed and six were wounded.


There was no immediate comment from Iran. But the head of its air force, Brig Gen Aziz Nasirzadeh, said the country was "fully ready and impatient to confront the Zionist regime and eliminate it from the Earth", according to the Young Journalists' Club website.

What prompted Israel to strike?

The operation came a day after the IDF said the Quds Force had launched an Iranian-made surface-to-surface rocket from Syrian territory towards the northern Golan Heights, which was intercepted by the Iron Dome air defence system.

The IDF said a rocket fired by the Quds Force endangered skiers at a resort on Mount Hermon

IDF spokesman Lt Col Jonathan Conricus said the rocket endangered thousands of Israeli civilians at a ski resort on Mount Hermon in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

The rocket launch followed a reported Israeli air raid on Damascus airport on Sunday afternoon, which a Syrian military source said air defences also "thwarted".

New rules of the game

By Jonathan Marcus, diplomatic correspondent, BBC News

The strategic context on Israel's northern border is changing. All the major actors are trying to influence the new rules of the game. President Assad has survived; in large part due to Iranian support. President Trump is pulling out US ground forces from Syria. And Russia, which also backs Mr. Assad, is eager to put its diplomatic stamp on future developments.

It is this new context that - in part - explains Israel's greater willingness to speak publicly about its air campaign.

The strategic dialogue between Israel and Russia continues at a high level. Only last week senior Russian officers were in Israel for talks. But Russia has not persuaded the Syrians to remove or contain Iran's growing presence.

Israel's war of attrition is set to continue. But the firing of a missile from Syria, which prompted an additional wave of Israeli strikes, shows just how dangerous things are becoming.

How often does Israel attack Iranian targets in Syria?

Until recently the IDF rarely commented on reports of strikes. But it has become increasingly open about its attempts to dislodge Iranian forces.

Earlier this month, IDF's now former military chief-of staff Lt Gen Gadi Eisenkot told the New York Times the IDF had struck "thousands" of targets since Syria's civil war began in 2011.

Until two-and-a-half years ago, the IDF mainly struck Iranian weapons shipments destined for Hezbollah, he said.

Iran then changed its strategy significantly, seeking to build a 100,000-strong force of Shia militia fighters from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq and constructing intelligence bases at Syrian air force facilities, he added.

Gen Eisenkot said that in January 2017 he had obtained the government's consent to change the IDF's tactics and strikes in Syria began to take place almost daily.


Watch: Israel attacks Iranian targets in Syria — video from both sides

Israel strikes alleged 'Iranian military targets' in Syria

Israel says strikes launched against Iranian targets in Syria

What Message Is Iran Sending Israel from Syria and Lebanon?


Israel Confirms Attacks on Iranian Targets in Syria ... -iran.html

Israel Confirms Strikes on Iranian Targets in Syria ... 019-01-21/

Israeli military strikes Iranian targets inside Syria ... side-syria

The Battle Between Israel and Iran Is Spreading ... an/560111/
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Who is Financing the Syrian Civil War & Rebels?

Postby CR » Sun Dec 01, 2024 2:05 am

Who is Financing the Syrian Civil War & Rebels?
Who Benefits from the Never-Ending Wars?

Syria is Another Fallen State in the Long List of Globalists!
Big Boys Will Chop Out Each a Piece of Syria!
WEF Globalists Never Ending Wars!

Syria in the Middle East Map

Ahreeman X writes:


Syrian Civil War started in 2011 and basically went in remission and coma in 2019 but all of a sudden in 2024 with only a few days it enflamed again! Who sparked it? Syrian Opposition Coalition started a new round of Syrian civil war, revolution or whatever else you want to call it which so far has killed over 300,000 people and sent over 6 million refugees to exile out of the country. This civil war also had wider ramifications across the Near East and the Middle East ….

Read more:

Who is Financing the Syrian Civil War and Rebels?

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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Mon Dec 02, 2024 12:23 pm

On December 1, 2024, Dr. Ahreeman has probed two deeply disturbing questions in his post,

Who is Financing the Syrian Civil War and Rebels?
Who Benefits from the Never-Ending Wars?

Below, his post verifies the extent of the collusion by several parties,

Short History of Arab Spring

As I have stated before, Obama-Clinton administration as the puppet of CIA, Deep State and MIC (Military Industrial Complex) started the “Arab Spring” supposedly for freedom and democracy; however, this Arab Spring resulted in destruction of the Functioning Arab Secular Dictatorships and replacing them with the Islamist Regimes around the Middle East and North Africa. One after another Obama collapsed Syria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and on and on. General el-Sisi fixed Obama’s mess, made a coup and saved Egypt from the Muslim Brotherhood but the rest of the Arab nations were not that lucky and fell into chaos. Bashar Al Asad after a long civil war got back by the support of Russia and Iran. The bottom line is that Obama created chaos in Middle East and North Africa via backstabbing America’s Dictator Allies, destruction of functional regimes and replacing them with Islamist groups and regimes or civil wars!

Who Benefited from Arab Spring?

MIC got rich selling weapons, Deep State including CIA gained more control, power and wealth but the America’s Arab allies in the Middle East got shafted and got betrayed by the US Regime. Since then, the Arab Dictators figured that they cannot rely on America as an ally. America is not a reliable ally and could even back stab them to become their worst enemy. Mohammad Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia completely understood this fact! Obama done this due to ideological reasons of being a Marxist Islamist but CIA done this for power and putting more dollars in the pocket of MIC Corporations.

It is important to obtain an overview of the war in Syria for it identifies the culprits, namely, the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) got rich selling weapons, the Hidden CIA gained more control, power and wealth, and even the US Regime stupidly was involved under the auspices of Hussain Obama.

This is pointed out because all Americans have got to wise up and comprehend that America is controlled by the Hidden CIA, a corrupt organization that has infiltrated Congress, Senate, Pentagon, and legal system up to the U.S. Supreme Court. Dr. Steven Greer has planned a RICO case against the Hidden CIA and MIC organizations which control the American media. To understand the extent of global control the Hidden CIA has organizationally and technically, read the post on, ... /index.htm. It reveals what the corrupt CIA has achieved:

* Not having the public learn and implement antigravity and zero-point energy around the earth.

* Not revealing that Extraterrestrials live on our moon.

* Not revealing that from the late 1950s, they developed spaceships that can travel around the Earth and reach many planets throughout the galaxies.

* Depriving countries around the earth to construct a better world without pollution and enjoy free energy for all modes of transportation.

* Killing space age scientists, inventors, news journalists, military and private citizens that wanted to reveal the exciting discoveries of zero-point energy for space travel.

* Controlling the Military Industrial Complex and news media for seven decades to convince humanity that Extraterrestrials are a hoax.

People around the world, especially in large measure in the United States, appear to be unaware of the CIA objectives that deprive freedoms to live decent lives.

For the awesome crimes committed by the Hidden CIA, the reader may access the numerous crimes presented in the following sections of the book, Enjoy Free Energy and Life Throughout the Universe. It is accessed via: ... /index.htm

2.0 The Greatest Threat to America is the CIA
2.1.2 The Shadow (Hidden) CIA Government
2.1.3 Kevin Shipp Exposes the CIA
2.2 The CIA Killed Space Aliens and Human Beings
2.2.1 Space Aliens Shot Down by the CIA
2.2.2 Hundreds of Human Murders by the CIA and FBI
2.2.3 The Murder of Mark McCandlish
4.0 CIA Crimes from Around the World
4.1 The 25 Worst CIA Crimes and Atrocities

In the 2nd half of Donald J. Trump's presidency, 2026, will he support Dr. Steven Greer's RICO case against the Hidden CIA and MIC using the Supreme Court of the United States? If so, he will lead the most important task of his presidency for the outcome will affect every country around the globe. But will he be strong enough to deal with the power the Hidden CIA has within America and around the world? Yes, but that depends upon support by Americans and people in many other countries. Where there is numerous support worldwide, there can be success.

Nicholas Ginex
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Iran Backed Proxies Iraqi Shiite Militia Floods Syria

Postby Atusa Qajar » Mon Dec 02, 2024 5:33 pm

Iran Backed Proxies Iraqi Shiite Militia Floods Syria
IRI Sends Fresh Troops to Help Bashar Al Asad
IRI Vows to Unconditionally Support Syrian Government

Russian & Syrian Jets Bomb Rebels Nonstop
Iran Backed Afghan Militia Enters Syria
Iran & Russia Will Not Abandon Syrian Government

Iran Drafts Proxies to Fight in Syria Supporting Bashar Al Asad
















Iran Sending its Proxies to Fight in Syria

Iran Sent these groups to Syria to back Bashar Al Asad Regime:

Iran Proxies Sent to Syria
Kataib Hezbollah of Iraq
Badr of Iraq
Nujabaa of Iraq
Shiite Militia of Iraq
Shiite Militia of Afghanistan

IRGC Foreign Legion consisting of Iraqi, Afghani, Pakistani and Bosnian forces will play the advisory and military attaché rolls in the invasion. IRGC Qods Force Command will organize and lead the operations.

The reason the Syrian Rebels consisting of the below groups were successful in Aleppo, Idlib and Raqqa was because Israel occupied the Iranian IRGC and its proxies Lebanese Hezbollah and Syrian Shiite Militia by military attacks, bombings and maneuvers. Rebels took advantage of this chaos and invaded the Syrian large cities in the north west.

Rebel Coalition Groups
HTS (Hay’et Tahrir al-Sham) whom are Sunni Islamists, an off shoot of Al Qaeda
SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) whom are Kurds.
Other Groups

Tehran confirmed that IRI will stand firm backing Bashar Al Asad with all possible Iranian proxies, IRGC Foreign Legion and IRGC commands.


Iraqi fighters head to Syria to battle rebels but Lebanon's Hezbollah stays out, sources say


* Iran-backed militias cross into Syria, sources say
* No Hezbollah plan to join fight now, sources say
* Iran says it will provide 'any support needed'
* Rebels seized Aleppo last week in lightning assault
* Syrian and Russian airstrikes target rebel-held areas

Hundreds of Iran-backed Iraqi fighters crossed into Syria on Monday to help the government fight rebels who seized Aleppo last week, but Lebanon's Hezbollah has no plans for now to join them, according to sources.

Iran's constellation of allied regional militia groups, aided by Russian air power, has been integral to the success of pro-government forces in subduing rebels in Syria who rose up against President Bashar al-Assad in 2011.

But that alliance faces a new test after last week's lightning advance by rebels in northwest Syria, with Russia focused on war in Ukraine and Hezbollah's leadership decimated by a war with Israel that ended in a ceasefire last week.

The rebel storm of Aleppo is the biggest success of anti-Assad fighters for years. Government forces had held complete control of Aleppo since capturing what was then Syria's largest city in a siege in 2016, one of the major turning points of a war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

The head of Syria's main opposition group abroad, Hadi al-Bahra, told Reuters the rebels were able to seize the city so quickly because Hezbollah and other Iran-backed groups were distracted by their conflict with Israel.

Preparations had been made since last year for an assault on Aleppo, but it was held up by the war in Gaza, he said.

Syria's civil war had been frozen since 2020, with Assad in control of most territory and all major cities. Rebels still held an enclave in the northwest, Turkey-backed forces held a strip along the northern border and U.S.-backed, Kurdish-led forces controlled a pocket in the northeast.

Any prolonged escalation in Syria risks further destabilising a region roiled by the conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon, with millions of Syrians already displaced and with regional and global powers backing rival forces in the country.

Iraqi and Syrian sources confirmed the deployment of more Iran-backed Iraqi fighters to Syria. Iran's Foreign Minister said Tehran "will provide any support needed" and that "resistance groups" would come to Assad's aid.

At least 300 fighters, primarily from Iraq's Badr and Nujabaa groups, crossed late on Sunday using a dirt road to avoid the official border crossing, two Iraqi security sources said, adding that they were there to defend a Shi'ite shrine.

A senior Syrian military source said the fighters had crossed in small groups to avoid airstrikes. "These are fresh reinforcements being sent to aid our comrades on the front lines in the north," the source said.
The head of Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Forces, which includes the major Shi'ite militia groups aligned with Iran, said no group under its umbrella had entered Syria, and that it does not operate outside Iraq.
The spokesperson of the Iran-aligned Iraqi armed group Kataib Hezbollah, meanwhile, said in a statement on Monday that the group was closely monitoring "the aggression of criminal groups on the Syrian people", adding that they had not yet decided whether to send fighters.

Lebanon's Hezbollah, long the most capable Iran-backed force on the battlefield and key to Assad's military alliance in Syria, has not yet been asked to intervene and was not ready to send forces after its gruelling conflict with Israel, said three sources familiar with the group's thinking.

One of the sources said the group had pulled senior officers responsible for Aleppo out of northern Syria to help in the ground war against Israel that raged until last week's ceasefire. Two other sources, one Lebanese and the other Syrian, said Hezbollah had pulled back forces from Syria in mid-October when the fighting with Israel intensified.

Arab countries and Washington have seen the weakening of Hezbollah as a potential opportunity to peel Assad away from his alliance with Iran.

Sources have told Reuters that the United Arab Emirates and United States had been discussing the possibility of lifting sanctions against Assad if he reduces his reliance on Tehran. The rebel advance could complicate this, if it pushes Assad to depend more on Iranian support.

Deadly Strikes

Russia, whose 2015 entry into the conflict turned the military balance decisively in Assad's favour, continues to support him and is analysing the situation on the ground, the Kremlin said.
On Sunday Moscow dismissed the general in charge of its forces in Syria, Russian war bloggers reported.

The Syrian government said Syrian and Russian air forces were striking rebel-held positions in the countryside east of Aleppo city.

The White Helmets rescue organisation and residents of rebel-held areas in the north said warplanes had hit residential areas of Aleppo city and a displaced people's camp in Idlib province where seven people were killed, including five children.

The government said the military was working to secure a string of towns recaptured from rebels on Sunday that run along the front line north of Hama, a major city lying between Aleppo and Damascus. Rebel shelling of Hama killed three people on Monday, state television said.

The Syrian government said it had killed hundreds of rebel fighters in recent days, which Reuters could not independently confirm.

The rebels fighting in Aleppo, Idlib and Hama provinces in northwest Syria include mainstream groups backed by Turkey as well as the Islamist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the former al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria.

A Turkish official told Reuters Turkey had not given any permission for the rebel offensive, and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham took no instructions from Turkey.

The Turkish and Iranian foreign ministers discussed the fighting in Syria on Monday. Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said rebel advances could not be explained by foreign intervention and urged the Syrian opposition to compromise.

A spokesperson for Israel's military said it would not let Iran exploit the Syria conflict to transfer weapons to Hezbollah.

Turkey's state-owned Anadolu news agency said the Turkey-backed Syrian National Army had taken the town of Tel Rifaat from the Kurdish YPG militia and was advancing in outer areas of the district.

Rebel sources and an Aleppo resident said the Kurdish YPG group was pulling out of longstanding positions in the city's Sheikh Maqsoud district under a deal with rebel forces.
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Syria Celebration or Beginning of the Nightmare?

Postby CR » Mon Dec 09, 2024 3:08 pm

Syria Celebration or Beginning of the Nightmare?
Is Syria Scenario Pre-Planned?
Destroy Functional Secular Dictatorships & Get Islamism!

Destiny of Syria, Region & the World!

Syria Map After the Fall of Assad December 7, 2024

The Dark Crow brings the news of Crescent and Star!
Once Islamism takes control, it runs deep roots to grip the power.

Ahreeman X writes:


Syria Celebration or Beginning of the Nightmare?
Ahreeman X
December 10, 2024

Intro to Disaster!

While everyone abroad and in Syria celebrates the victory of so-called Revolution, I am skeptic because I have seen this movie before! This Syria movie reminds me of another movie directed by the Globalist WEF, produced by the CIA and acted by the Democrats in 1979 Iran! This movie has been played over and over in the history of the Middle East and North Africa, particularly during the Obama-Clinton’s Arab Spring! Yes, I have seen this movie before!

Read more:

Syria Celebration or Beginning of the Nightmare?

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Re: Iran will defend Syria to the last drop of the Syrian Bl

Postby Atusa Qajar » Tue Dec 10, 2024 5:44 am

Metaphorically, expecting a Bearded Muslim Man to give you Freedom is similar to:

Expecting a Jewish Rabbi to willingly hand you a Million Dollar or even a penny of his wealth!
Expecting a Nazi to care about Jews human rights during the Holocaust!
Expecting the KKK to dine with Black Boys from the Hood!
Expecting a Flaming Faggot to give up BBC (Big Black Cock)!

Get real, will ya?

Only in IPC you can read a spicy political analysis like this one! Out of this world, yet so true!
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