Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

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Low Humming Machine Sound in San Diego Dark!

Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Oct 28, 2023 12:50 pm

Low Humming Machine Sound in San Diego Dark!

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Brother Nicholas and Dearly Beloved IPC Readers

Do you want to hear something weird? It was weird enough for me to write this! Have you heard it too? The Early Morning Low Humming Machine Sound in San Diego North County Dark!? This is one of those things which makes you go Hmmmmmmmmm! I assure you that I am not crazy, paranoid, schizophrenic, earrings, tinnitus, or delusional!

Early this morning from 5AM to 6:30AM when it was dark, a “Low Humming Machine Sound” sounding like a continuous nonstop low-pitch industrial Whooooooo, got my attention. I usually wake up at 5AM but sometimes like this morning (even on weekend) I was up 4:30AM; however, the sound did not let me sleep further! Finally I got out of the bed and searched for the root cause. I went over every inch of the house, backyard, front courtyard, pool deck, patio, garage, you name it and zilch!

First I assumed it could be the pool pump, water heater, furnace heater, pipeline broken but it wasn’t. Then I thought it could be one of the neighbors’ pumps broken but it wasn’t. I walked all around the house; neighbors’ houses and I could not find the source. I am an obsessive-compulsive neat freak and once I get fixated on something, I must figure it out! Like when I am looking for a word and cannot remember it, right away I must search it on the net to find out! I simply could not let it go!

Then I thought maybe it is my ears ringing, maybe some ear problem! Hell no, I blow my eardrums by holding my nose and blow air to open them because I get swimmers’ ears! Eardrums popped out open and no it wasn’t the ears! Then I was talking to myself: Am I going crazy, am I hearing things? Do I have ear problem? Am I going deaf? There were famous conductors and philosophers who could not get a note, a melody or a sound out of their heads! Earworms which become brainworms! Am I getting the Beethoven syndrome? Am I going insane? Am I hearing things? Hearing Schizophrenia?! What the hell is going on over here?

I searched the net to see if anyone else heard this sound? I found out that on 2016 in San Diego North Country someone heard something like it and it was documented in the city forums. Many explained it as San Diego is a military town with many bases. Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Miramar, CA (near me) could be a source for the sound. Miramar Lake (near me) could also be the source for the sound. Miramar Reservoir (near me) could also be the source. I live in a suburb of San Diego, the Rancho Penasquitos which is near the neighboring Miramar.

There was also this site which mentioned various similar sounds have been heard by many not only in San Diego but around the world. Sources could be Military Facilities, Water Reservoirs, Lakes and even aliens!

We have over 30 military bases in San Diego, In case of WWIII, San Diego will be a prime target to blow. San Diego was also a prime target by Iran Lobby to turn from Republican to Democrat, so to control. That’s why George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg and crew stole the San Diego City, County, California and National election to turn the tide for the Democrats. Iran Lobby and Agents are very interested in San Diego Military Facilities! Let’s not forget that San Diego is also the IPC headquarter and the IPC is the largest Iranian website and network in the globe and the backbone of the Iranian Opposition to IRI!

Iran Lobby Infiltrates San Diego Persian Cultural Center PCC

Iran Lobby Billion Dollar Industry in USA ... /index.htm

San Diego County Military Bases


San Diego County Military Bases

US Army anti-aircraft artillery replacement training center, La Jolla, CA
US Army Camp Lawrence J. Hearn, Palm City, CA
US Army Camp Lockett, Campo, CA
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, CA
Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, CA
Camp Horno, Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, Oceanside, CA
Camp Las Pulgas, Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, Oceanside, CA
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Miramar, CA
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, CA
Naval Base Coronado, Coronado, CA
Camp Morena Training Facility, Naval Base, Coronado, CA
Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, Coronado, CA
Naval Air Station North Island, Coronado, CA
Mountain Warfare Naval Special Warfare Center Training Camp Michael Monsoor, Campo, CA
Naval Base Point Loma, San Diego, CA
Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA
Naval Outlying Landing Field, Imperial Beach, CA
Silver Strand Training Complex South, Imperial Beach, CA
Naval Training Center San Diego Bay, San Diego, CA
Navy Broadway Complex, San Diego, CA
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, San Diego, CA
Coast Guard
U.S. Coast Guard Air Station San Diego, San Diego, CA

So Miramar which is a neighbor of Rancho Penasquitos could be the 3 different possible source of the suspicious sound!

No way I could let this go! I actually went outside to the source of the sound! It was a very low humming machine sound, like an industrial mechanical sound, very low at the background heard from the distance! By the time I searched the net, went outside to investigate and checked the neighborhood, Brunettey was still sleep but Blondie was up. By the time she was up, it was the final minutes of the sound. The quiet of the neighborhood was fading away with the neighborhood sprinklers, air conditions and noise. I still could hear it but she couldn’t! Afterwards when Brunettey woke up, I told her the story but the smart ass told me: you cannot hear me from upstairs but you can hear the weird sound coming from a city away in Miramar?! For God’s sake, you are deaf! I told her how small children, dogs and certain folks are sensitive to seeing spirits, hearing sounds while others can’t, also when children grow up, they lose their sensitivities of seeing spirits and visions!

But then again I had so many strange adventures and expeditions in the past and some of them are right here in this thread! Remember the Bermuda Triangle Expedition searching for Time-Lapse of losing time?!

Debate Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Blondie and Brunettey are almost always taking parts in my global X Diaries adventures!

Interesting X Diaries Episodes:

Ahreeman X Near Death Experience: American River ... /index.htm

Ahreeman X Diaries: Russian and Scandinavian Cruise ... /index.htm

More X Diaries:

IPC Founder Index

I finally came to the conclusion that the source of the sound was Miramar, whether it was the Miramar Airbase (Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Miramar, CA), Miramar Lake or Miramar Reservoir, I don’t know! The sound was heavy but still low from 5AM to 6AM, yet fading away from 6AM to 6:30AM. I did not get a chance to locate the exact source yet most likely it was the Miramar Lake!

They could be working at night and early hours in Miramar Airbase building some secret aircraft. They could be filtering the reservoir in these hours or was it something going on at the lake? Most likely the direction was the lake. What is going on in those hours at the lake? What is at the bottom of the lake?

Could it be continuous filters? That loud?! Could it be Aliens doing activity at the bottom of the lake? Could it be they are finally coming for Nicholas to abduct him? Inquiring minds want to know?

My investigation in the early dark hours of the morning did not end because the sound stopped! What was going on with the strange sound? No way it was construction anywhere around because I investigated! Will it occur tomorrow? Is it the Airbase? Should I go near the base? I don’t think I should sneak in and get arrested! I don’t think it is the base! Is it the lake? Will I get a chance to go closer to the lake? The lake is closed in those hours, I think! Will I be able to sneak in? So many questions?

This whole ordeal is like a mystery from the George Noory Show! So bizarre, so bizarre!

Related Sites

George Noory

Coast to Coast with George Noory - YouTube

Coast to Coast with George Noory - Site

George Noory Wikipedia

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens – History Chanel

Erich Von Daniken

Erich Von Daniken YouTube

Erich Von Daniken Site

Erich Von Daniken Wikipedia

Giorgio Tsoukalos

Giorgio Tsoukalos Site

Giorgio Tsoukalos Wikipedia

IPC YouTube Chanels

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Ahreeman X
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:48 pm

Dear Dr. X,

As of today, my website,, has been down for about one month due to malware since I posted the controversial topic, "Public Impeachment of President Biden Before the 2024 Election."

That means, all of the references to my website, in the debates we have had, will show the Forbidden Warning. Therefore, my references are not accessible.

However, I am now working with the software company that I built my website on. It is WordPress via the link:
WP Website Help Support HUB <>. I will let you know of the success or failure.

Good News!! WordPress was able to update my website but also, I will be obtaining a new version of WordPress with backup capability. There is a yearly fee and my previous version was free. Since I have only ten years to live it will be acceptable. More importantly, the IPC website does serve to preserve my legacy as a writer and perhaps a philosopher that has given others the incentive to further investigate and understand ourselves and the many wonderful entities in our universe.

Below is an article that deals with philosophy of religion. Hopefully, it will be posted on the IPC Homepage. :lol:

However, before introducing the philosophy by Deana Jensen, I will quickly answer your post where you indicated a low humming sound deprived you of sound sleep and caused you to venture around San Diago to find where its source was. As you already know, I am a profound believer that aliens have visited our earth, and the disreputable CIA has shot down many unidentifiable flying objects (UFOs). Within a few months, the CIA shot six UFOs and one made the news headlines near Area 51 in Arizona. The humming sound may be due to the vast number of underground highways built throughout the United States and San Diago. It is very likely that near where you were awakened, there is a centralized station where CIA operations are conceived and managed. :wow:

I liked the many references you provided to learn more about alien landings and issues. But I have already absorbed much information about Extraterrestrials from our star investigator, Dr. Steven Greer. He is presently getting a host of lawyers together to reveal in court next year the many laws broken, and deaths coordinated to continue use of biofuels and hold-back the use of anti-gravity and zero-point energy. It is these highly futuristic inventions that once provided to our innovative and manufacturing systems, will improve the lives of millions of people. :-k

Just one thing regarding the many links to learn more about Extraterrestrials, the many investigators you provided where deficient in not being able to obtain what are their favorite mind absorbing interests? Do they enjoy sports, that challenges physical and mental competition? How about their philosophical findings about the beginning of the universe? Do they share emotional feelings of laughter, sadness, and introspection? Do they play any musical instruments, like to dance and sing? Funny, that we earthlings have not really found out much about the worldly travelers in the universe. =P~

Instead of answering your interesting article, I have elected to present the philosophy of Deana Jensen below. :hug:

GodWho: Why I am Not a Mormon

On November 19, 2012, I read a written article posted on OpEdNews, and was so impressed that I felt it should be shared with readers who have various thoughts about the existence of God. First, I have decided to introduce you to the author who recommended the article. The article, posted by Daniel Geery, resides on: ... 1-339.html =D>

He started his article by stating: This article was written by a friend of mine, Deana Jensen, who died recently in her early nineties. She wrote the piece in her early seventies and published it as a pamphlet, titled "Godwho: Why I am Not a Mormon." I promised Deana I'd try to keep the story "out there," since I agreed with her as to its importance….

Deana wrote three sections that are available with the link shown above. I was moved by the last few thoughts she provided in the last section of her writing, they are provided at the end of this article.

Below are the comments I provided to Daniel Geery in the OpEdNews. I enjoyed what Deana set down in words to share a philosophy that took many years of searching for the Truth.

Dear Daniel,

I found the article by Deana Jensen titled, "The Foundation of Religion: Fractured, Wobbly, & Exposed" a highly worthwhile read. It was so full of perceptive observations about human nature in her quest to obtain the truth about the development of religions. The article was quite long but so impressed was I with her knowledge acquired by reading books written by philosophers, historians, and religious prophets that I have taken some notes; they are provided for readers so they may be enticed to read the article for themselves. The website link provided by Daniel Geery in his comment to my article is obtained by Clicking Here (this click goes to the link provided above).

Deana was brought up being indoctrinated into the Mormon religion. At the age of 73, she shared how she was able to break away from the beliefs inculcated into her being as a young girl and gradually, through extensive reading became knowledgeable about how mankind developed the beliefs in a god. As such, I learned more about the Mormon religion that was established by Joseph Smith with the use of two gold tablets he claimed to have found in America. As with most religions, he taught "Mormons are God's special people." She became enlightened to search for the truth after admitting that, "I was a snob. I was one of the uninformed being led by the misinformed."

A memorable statement by Deana Jensen was, "As my intellect broadened, I fought a deep sense of guilt that I was looking into secret places that were forbidden me. I could feel the chains breaking which had been confining me, holding me back from new things which should have been given to me freely. I couldn't blame my parents nor my teachers. They had been imprisoned in the same chains which held me." There was a statement that Deana Jensen made about Joseph Smith that could apply equally well to the President of the United States, "At last I was impelled to admit that Joseph Smith had been a fraud and a tyrant no matter how charismatic, personally charming, and occasionally sympathetic he could be."

I especially liked the quotation by Socrates: "Philosophy begins when one learns to doubt-particularly to doubt one's own beliefs, one's dogmas, one's axioms. Who knows how these cherished beliefs became certainties, with ease, as if some secret wish did them, clothing desire in the dress of thought? There is no real philosophy until the mind turns around and examines itself."

Another astute observation by Deana Jensen was, "When writing came into being those rules were written down and the written rules became scripture. As each generation grew up and studied the old scriptures some of the more creative of the scholars’ made changes and new interpretations. Therefore, almost all writing was done to reinforce laws and beliefs that already existed, or to revise them, put new interpretations on them or to introduce new laws."

Particularly humorous, was Deana's account of the revelations by a prophet, "As we travel through those biblical times, we find accounts of prophets speaking with God. All we have as proof that those messages from God were valid is the say-so of the so-called prophet. When Moses saw God in the burning bush there was no other witness. God never revealed himself to more than one person at a time. In reality the only "evidence" we have of the existence of such an important being is hearsay and you know how much validity hearsay carries in a court of law. If a man sees what no other person sees, and if he hears what no other person hears, then we must speak of a derangement of the senses." She paraphrased the words of Voltaire that we should ponder seriously, "All gods are man-made and that's why the workmanship is so shoddy that it can't stand investigation."

Deana makes another conclusion that deserves respect, "Religion is humiliating for human intelligence, yet humanity clings to its absurdity and error. It is bewildering that for most cases, superstitions have long been regarded as a universal fact. Man is the only creature endowed with reason yet he is also the only creature who pins his devotion and hopes on things unreasonable." This astute woman goes on to write, "The Bible also says: "Lean not unto thine own understanding." Thus, giving the death blow to curiosity and debate, putting the responsibility of one’s behavior on the authority, thereby taking one’s destiny out of one’s own hands and putting it into the hands of someone else. That's a very dangerous thing to do if one values his freedoms. Religion an opiate? Definitely. But like all opiates it threatens to enslave its user."

All of us can gain a better understanding about religion by reading Deana's words," When a child is trained to think in the mystical modus that God is watching over him, directing him and will punish in some nether world all who disobey him, or reward him for good things done, then he begins to regard the world as down a long corridor. He thus falls prey to all sorts of holy excesses, fanaticism, self-torment, prudery, gullibility and a morbid inability to meet the world. The healthy mind, the one which is free of all fetters of mysticism doesn't need to be born again. He sees life for what it is and can accept it. It is only the warped mind, the sick soul who needs to be born again to be happy."

Finally, with your indulgence (I know this reply has been much too long), I leave the reader with Deana's beliefs about life:

"I do not need the idea of God to help me identify the world in which I live. I believe that life is its own greatest reward. Just to be aware of the world around me gives life all the meaning it needs. I am comfortable with my philosophy. I seek no converts. I need no converts. I challenge all who disagree with my philosophy to seek his own philosophy with as much candor and honesty that has gone into my research. Search for the truth. It will make you free. If you are afraid to look at the truth then you will always be a slave.

It is the obligation of every good citizen to dissent when individual rights and freedoms are being destroyed or endangered. The greatest of these freedoms and rights is to know, to know who he/she is and how she/he fits into this world, and how the world in which we all live fits into the universe. When that knowledge is denied anyone, when that knowledge is twisted and distorted deliberately through fear and/or mysticism then the freedoms and rights of that person have been abused.

Unless organized religions can openly promote the rights of everyone to KNOW without fetters and without limits then religions are the abusers of human freedom." \:D/

It is remarkable, the final words Deana set down to share a philosophy that took many years of searching for the Truth are what I have been earnestly revealing to people that have an open mind. It takes courage and the will to seek Truth in the facts, knowledge and experiences that enter your life. To deny this honest appraisal of what you accept into your philosophy is to forever be a slave by those who claim to know if all. Except nobodies’ knowledge or beliefs into your precious being without doing what a true philosopher stated below:

Socrates: "Philosophy begins when one learns to doubt--particularly to doubt one's own beliefs, one's dogmas, one's axioms. Who knows how these cherished beliefs became certainties, with ease, as if some secret wish did them, clothing desire in the dress of thought? There is no real philosophy until the mind turns around and examines itself."

This philosophy is reflected in a legacy constructed with the many articles and books written in the later part of my life. Hopefully, many people, around the world, will possess the energy to seek the Truth about God and religion. Your daring, courage, honesty, and intellect will confirm when you have found it. :jump:

Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
Seeker of Truth
Lover of Life

Future of God Amen
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Ancient Aliens 2023: Top 10 UFO Encounters

Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:05 pm

Ancient Aliens 2023: Top 10 UFO Encounters

Debate: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects & General Aspects

CIA Coverups, Pentagon Lies, Government Murders!
Are 4 Alien Races Working with the US & Global Governments?
Does CIA Own Zero Energy, Anti-Gravity & Alien Technology?

Very Popular & Followed Online Philosophy Debate
10 Year Long Online Philosophy Debate Continues …


Our Solar System’s position (Red Dot) in our Milky Way Galaxy Astronomy Map
Our Planet Earth is one of the many Planets in our Solar System
Our Solar System is only one of the many Systems in our Milky Way Galaxy
Our Milky Way Galaxy is only one of the many Galaxies in our Universe
Our Universe is only one of the many universes in the Multiverse
That is how small and microscopic we are compare to the Multiverse!
We are so arrogant and ignorant to believe that we are the only species in the Multiverse!

Brother Ginex:

Let’s get back to our 10 years long online philosophy debate.

As recently your article “Understanding the Alien Extraterrestrial Mind” is being read by a massive number of our readers globally:

Understanding the Alien Extraterrestrial Mind ... /index.htm

Kindly watch both below clips thoroughly and then inform us about your inputs and comments:

Ancient Aliens: Top 10 Alien Encounters of 2023 – Part 1 ... 4I4uOcEb_8

Ancient Aliens: Top 10 Alien Encounters of 2023 – Part 2 ... 4I4uOcEb_8

Also inform us about your future book project?

Related Video

Chariots Of The Gods: New 50th Anniversary Doc - Erich von Däniken

Chariots Of The Gods 1970 Doc - Erich von Däniken

Related Article

Universal Intelligence vs. God ... /index.htm

Alien Factor: Macro Analysis – Part 1
The Philosophical and the Scientific Theory ... /index.htm

Alien Factor: Micro Analysis – Part 2
The Philosophical and the Scientific Theory ... /index.htm

Theory of Everything
Part One: The Basic Concepts ... /index.htm

Theory of Everything
Part Two: Parallel Universes ... /index.htm

Alien Extraterrestrial Culture, History, and Beliefs ... /index.htm

History of God and Religion ... /index.htm

Related Book

Future of God Amen

Related Thread

Alien Factor: Ancient Aliens Scientific Theory

Universal Intelligence vs. God – Philosophy

Debate: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects



History Channel

History Channel YouTube

History Channel

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens Live

Ancient Aliens Wikipedia

Erich von Däniken

Erich von Däniken Site

Erich von Däniken YouTube

Erich von Däniken Wikipedia

Giorgio Tsoukalos

Giorgio Tsoukalos Site: The Aliens Guy

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos Wikipedia

George Noory

George Noory Site: Coast to Coast

George Noory YouTube: Coast to Coast

George Noory Wikipedia

Nicholas Ginex

Nicholas Ginex Index ... /index.htm


Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:24 pm

Debate: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects & General Aspects

CIA Coverups, Pentagon Lies, Government Murders!
Are 4 Alien Races Working with the US & Global Governments?
Does CIA Own Zero Energy, Anti-Gravity & Alien Technology?

Ginex Response to Ahreeman X dated Feb 18, 2024

Hello dear IPC members,

Dr.X has provided two very interesting videos titled,
Ancient Aliens: Top 10 Alien Encounters of 2023 – Part 1 ... 4I4uOcEb_8
Ancient Aliens: Top 10 Alien Encounters of 2023 – Part 2 ... 4I4uOcEb_8

I found them to be interesting, but of greater interest was the thought-provoking CIA coverups, lies and questions that followed;

CIA Coverups, Pentagon Lies, Government Murders!
Are 4 Alien Races Working with the US & Global Governments?
Does CIA Own Zero Energy, Anti-Gravity & Alien Technology?

The two videos are for those readers who have had perhaps little knowledge of the existence of UFOs and recorded history that appears to link alien life in cultures that have since disappeared. More importantly, I prefer to deal with the present threat of the CIA, its high technology partners, the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) and the corrupt fake national news media that is controlled by the CIA. There is a 2nd reason, I am presently writing the last chapter of what may be my final book. It is titled, Enjoy Free Energy and Life Throughout the Universe.

Fortunately, Dr. X has indicated his support for this book and even offered to redo the cover if necessary. Right now, the cover shows the Milky Way Galaxy with a red dot that locates Earth in our Solar System. The first draft of the book is expected to be completed in 2 to 3 weeks after completion of the final chapter. And would you know that chapter features how Americans and people around the world can get our Government (the elected representatives) to have all previous hidden science of free energy, under strong captivity by the CIA and selected MICs, disclosed so that people in every country can lead their lives freely without having their resources sucked by large corporations and a corrupt government (the CIA hidden government and untrustworthy representatives in the elected government).

It is amazing that so few journalists in the media and television, are knowledgeable about the existence of extraterrestrials and few devote their energies to inform the people. Most of the disinformation and confusion is controlled by the secret CIA as they provide millions of dollars to the media to shut down real news and provide fake news (lies) to keep the American people confused and uneducated about the Truth. Truth is presented in the first chapter of the book being finalized. Without Truth of the greatest scientific discoveries, zero-point energy and anti-gravity, the human race has indeed lost 100 years of benefitting from them.

Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the book gives a well-documented overview of the Coverups, Pentagon Lies, and Government Murders! The question about whether there are 4 Alien Races Working for the CIA and Global Governments is beyond the scope of this author's knowledge. However, the questions, Does CIA Own Zero Energy, Anti-Gravity & Alien Technology are an affirmative yes? That is why I will devote the rest of my debate with the information I will add to my last chapter. In that way, Dr. X and IPC readers may add some of their ideas or information I either overlooked or could not find. What is provided below may be subject to change as it is the first draft for Chapter 9. For example, for the title below an IPC member may have other suggestions.

9.0 The Immediate Call for All Americans and People Worldwide!

Dr. Steven Greer and attorney Derek Garcia have discussed the legal implications of filing a RICO (Racketeering Influence Corrupt Organization) lawsuit on behalf of those wronged by the actions of the corrupt entities that have been controlling the UFO extraterrestrial issues. Those entities are secret CIA officials and the top representatives of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). Derek Garcia, a civil rights attorney from New Mexico is heading up an effort that is history making in many ways. His experience was 13 years with state and federal courts.

The effort pursed opens the door for Dr. Stevens and Garcia to open the door to be able to involve under testimony depositions, subpoenas and to enter into sites that have been run illegally. It is Dr. Greer and Dave Garcia's aim to prove that government agencies (CIA and FBI) were run without the oversight of the president and approval or the Congress which is required by law and thereby are criminal activities. The violations run the gamut from murder, kidnapping, drug running, embezzlement of federal funds and a host of other major felonies. Provided by the video,

They have had multiple top-secret whistleblowers who have had witnessed may violations and their lives had been tampered with intimidating threats. Dr, Greer has a written statement from the ex-president Bill Clinton when he said he had a little bit of information (about aliens) that he was reportedly admonished by a former CIA director and former President George H.W. Bush that said, "this is none of your business you're just the president and you're not to look into this any further." So, my dear readers, when you wonder just how deep a former president and the CIA controls a Hidden Government, that in reality controls the Elected Government, you need to rise up with every other American to make sure Dr. Greer will be able to successfully have The UAP Disclosure ACT adjudicated by the Supreme Court.
Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
Seeker of Truth
Lover of Life

Future of God Amen
Nicholas Ginex Word Press
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Nicholas Ginex
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Interdimensional Aliens - Philosophy of Existence

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon May 13, 2024 11:46 am

Interdimensional Aliens

Debate: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Man reaches out for the sun, the truth, the Universal Intelligence ……

You are not alone.
Man meditates to the Universal Intelligence
Man is never alone because he is a part of the whole (Universal Intelligence System)

Interdimensional Aliens

Brother Ginex

:hatsoff: Greetings to the kindred soul. Let us continue our decade old debate on philosophy.

We are both agreed on the existence, evidence, coverups and effects of the aliens’ observations, interference, interactions and interrelations with the humans. In the past we discussed “Place Travel Aliens” and “Time Travel Aliens” but now we will discuss the “Interdimensional Aliens” and explore the possibilities.

Alien Theories
Place Travel Aliens Theory
Time Travel Aliens Theory
Interdimensional Aliens Theory

Let us review:

Place Travel Aliens Theory

This theory emphasizes on aliens who travel from another planet in our solar system, our galaxy or our universe to earth. You are obviously very keen on this theory; more likely you believe this is a fact with much evidence.

Place travel can be done through high-speed space ships by warp speed and high speed much faster than speed of light due to various sources such as Zero Gravity, Anti-Gravity and other fuel sources.

Worm Holes bending through space and time can also provide place travel. Worm Holes such as Gates in space, connecting two points in space totally in distance with one another.

Time Travel Aliens Theory

This theory emphasizes on aliens travelling through time either from the future, past or both (Time Loops) to earth. Actually in the past discussion posts on this thread, I have had put forward a theory that possibly aliens (grays) are our future, past, or both (Time Loops) travelling through time to our time on earth. Grays are us in the future evolved to what they are. Also they are our past (Ancient Aliens) who built our civilization, so in a way we are in a Time Loop. Elsewhere we discussed other possibilities of other alien species time travel to earth. Considering Eistein’s Theory of Relativity, time is at different speed in various places.

Black Hole Time

For instance time is slower near Black Holes. So time slows down near the black holes due to extreme gravitational force existing in the holes much more-dense than planets.

If we consider one orbit of planet around our sun, a year, then this is how each year goes:

Planetary Year Time

Mercury: 88 days
Venus: 225 days
Earth: 365 days
Mars: 687 days
Jupiter: 4,333 days
Saturn: 10,759 days
Uranus: 30,687 days
Neptune: 60,190 days

So time varies as we can observe that for instance if I was born in Venus, I would have been older now. If I was born in Mercury, I would have been much older now. If in Mars, I would have been much younger. If in Saturn, I was not even born yet!

Same goes with space travel from distance to distance. A person on a spaceship travelling by warp speed much faster than speed of light going across the solar system and back to earth is much younger than I who reside on earth steady!

Factors in Time

Time is relative to place, speed, gravity and similar factors. Depending on advancement of technology, aliens can travel very fast back and forth to earth while we stagnate steady.

Interdimensional Aliens Theory

Now this theory we never discussed. What if we are not talking about place travel or time travel. Not even combination of both? What if we consider other universes, multiverse, dimensions and therefore interdimensional travel from one planet in one system, one galaxy and one universe to another? Mind boggling, isn’t it?


It is foolish to believe that in our universe, life only exists on earth. Then isn’t it also foolish to believe that there only exists our universe and no other universes?

If there only exists our universe, then what is beyond our universe? Dark Matter? Anti-Matter? Dead
Space? Logic dictates the existence of Multiverse. It is beyond imagination and outside the box but then again we are scientific people beyond religious mumbo jumbo, beyond Good and Evil and in search of the Truth.

Human Story

Consider this situation,

Picture our history, our lives, our past, present and future as a movie on a DVD. It is called the “Human Story.” Due to Theory of Relativity of Time, the aliens from another dimension have seen this DVD before. They have been observing us for a long while. For us, this time frame of us on earth or earth’s existence in general can be millions and billions of years. To them it can be a short while. We are speaking of Time, Dimensional Jumps through gates, openings and observation points.

In the past, aliens could observe our story from beginning to end but could not interfere. Now due to their advance technology, they can intervene, jump in and possibly try to effect the story.

Every creature has a Lifespan

It is true that nothing was born or will die but they only change forms, yet these forms could be the lifespans of each creature.

“Matters and Energies were never created and will not be destroyed but they only change from one form to another.”
(Conservation Law of Matters and Energies)

I know you have a hangup about this scientific fact and you tend to pick and choose your scientific facts and theories; however, what you call “Everything has a beginning even the universe,” is not really the beginning but a change of forms.

In other words, it may seem like a baby is born and an old man will die but in reality, a group of matters and energies change form and a baby is born. Then they change form again after an old man dies!

Same amount of energies and matters will still exist but in different forms.

What you call “beginning,” I call “lifespan of each element.”

This doesn’t mean everything is by chance but it means it is by a complex order of the nature, the Universal Intelligence, but the UI has nothing to do with Religious God, Devil and Mumbo Jumbo Superstitions!

Universal Intelligence vs. God – Philosophy + Photo Gallery Thread

Universal Intelligence vs. God ... /index.htm

Every single creature in the universe has a lifespan, some long, some short but in their structural form, they have a limited lifespan. Us as humans, we also have a lifespan. Our story started a long ago and will end some-day. We may evolve to another form of the same species or somewhat near totally different form. Story of the Homo Sapiens and Earth in general is a long-time span and a long movie beyond our full comprehension. This is due to the length of the story’s time period and our short lives. However, to the aliens, this maybe a short movie.

Time Controls All

To them, this may be a short movie which originally, they did not have the technology to interfere but now they do. After all we are talking about Time and Relativity of Time. Everything including Place Travel, Time Travel and dimensional Travel has everything to do with Time. It all comes back to Time and Einstein well pointed it!

This could be the reason that in ancient past, we see evidence of alien interference with our civilization. We also see evidence of interference in the contemporary time of the past few centuries but in between we barely see any evidence. That’s because the ability of different species of aliens depending on their technology was limited at certain periods of their time and advanced through other periods of their times.

Afterall, it is logical to assume that there are more than one species of aliens in other dimensions, same as more than one species of aliens and creatures such as us in our dimension! We are speaking of math, possibilities and odds. Logic defines surely more than one!

So I see Interdimensional Aliens Theory highly astonishing, hard to digest but easily possible and extremely logical to picture and believe.

In other words, Interdimensional Aliens were watching our story, but now they have the ability to intervene but incapable to completely change the story. Maybe it is logical to them to aid us to evolve for a better future. Maybe it is logical to them to aid themselves by shortening and eliminating our story as a possible future threat to their extinction and other species of aliens’ extinctions! Their information, knowledge, perspective and understanding of our story is much complete, whole and scientific than ours!

We can only see now, bit of the past and possible future but they have seen the whole story. They know the whole story of mankind and our planet from beginning to the end.

What does Ginex Say?

I would like you to read, analyze and ponder upon each theory, specifically the last one. What do you think of the:

Place Travel Aliens Theory
Time Travel Aliens Theory
Interdimensional Aliens Theory

If someone can think outside the box, for sure you are one of those someone! With your Aerospace background, philosophical mind and scientific analysis, you can dig through theories mentioned here or others you may be aware of and then put forward your take on the truth. Afterall, we are in search of the Truth.

We shall look forward to your analysis, also your future upcoming book.

Truth is what we seek, without Dogma, without prejudice, without fanaticism and without subjective influences. We must study the Truth without Religious, Superstitions, Fanatical and even Scientific biases! Truth is Truth, we seek the Truth, we study the Truth and we move towards discovering the Whole Truth. Even if we discover a Big Part of the Whole Truth, we will be happy indeed!

Splendidly Fabulous to have these moments with you.

May the Truth be Unveiled to All


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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Thu May 16, 2024 6:00 pm

Interdimensional Aliens - Philosophy of Existence
Response by Nicholas Ginex » Fri May 17, 2024 11:00 am

Interdimensional Aliens

Debate: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Interdimensional Aliens

Dear Brother, Dr. X :sunny:

It is an honor to be your brother. Few people have gained the enjoyment of sharing philosophical thoughts as I have with you. You offer me the opportunity to express thoughts that I have not put into words. Before I probe the questions and ideas you presented me, I would like to reiterate the words of a profound man:

"Truth is what we seek, without Dogma, without prejudice, without fanaticism and without subjective influences. We must study the Truth without Religious, Superstitions, Fanatical and even Scientific biases! Truth is Truth, we seek the Truth, we study the Truth and we move towards discovering the Whole Truth. Even if we discover a Big Part of the Whole Truth, we will be happy indeed!" . . . . Dr. Ahreeman

Now, with my best efforts, I will try to present the Truth, even if I must hypothesize ideas that enter my brain.
Before entering the main topic pf this debate, Interdimensional Aliens Theory, I must share my beliefs on the opening topics: Place Travel Aliens Theory and Time Travel Aliens Theory.

Place Travel Aliens Theory

We are in agreement, due to the evidence already demonstrated by Extraterrestrials that, "Place travel can be done through high-speed space ships by warp speed and high speed much faster than speed of light due to various sources such as Zero Gravity, Anti-Gravity and other fuel sources." However, I am not fully convinced that "worm holes" are a reality because I am not aware of evidence that supports such an assertion. Who is to say a worm hole will allow entry into any galaxy or any part of the universe? This is a nice hypothetical, but I have no confidence that a worm hole will get a traveler to appear at a discreet place in the galaxy or universe.

Time Travel Aliens Theory

Dr. X, you stated, "This theory emphasizes on aliens travelling through time either from the future, past or both (Time Loops) to earth. Actually, in the past discussion posts on this thread, I have had put forward a theory that possibly aliens (grays) are our future, past, or both (Time Loops) travelling through time to our time on earth. Grays are us in the future evolved to what they are. Also, they are our past (Ancient Aliens) who built our civilization, so in a way we are in a Time Loop. Elsewhere we discussed other possibilities of other alien species time travel to earth. Considering Eistein’s Theory of Relativity, time is at different speed in various places."

Much of what you described is plausible. But I truly believe that humans developed through time and at various stages and reached the honorable state of being called human beings. However, I also believe in evolution whereby we have survived the age of the dinosaurs. All life had a beginning here on earth without the influence of Extraterrestrials to guide us as a special organism that exceed our cousins, the monkeys, apes, dogs, cats, birds, and fishes of the sea. These forms of life all originated from the same elements that make up each atom except that they evolved differently based upon the environment they were exposed to.

Is it possible that the Extraterrestrial mind was able to communicate with some special human beings, such as, Nikola Tesla, Paramahamsa Tewari, and Albert Einstein? I think, perhaps with Tesla there is a possibility, for he developed AC current we enjoy around the world. However, I rather give credit to where it is due. We have had many great minds contribute to our knowledge of life and the world. But there is the ancient Egyptian civilization thar built pyramids and formed a religion that envision how their world was formed with an unknowable, incomprehensible, and mysterious god called Amen. That god has survived the ages and even Jesus Christ in Revelation revealed, "These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God (Saint John's Revelation, 3:13,14).

If one conjectures that Extraterrestrials influenced the building of pyramids and temples that formed the beliefs we have today, there is some truth to that. For they formed the goddess Maat that introduced the symbol of Truth. The greatest symbol that stands for Truth is not included in the Ten Commandments, namely, thou shalt not lie nor distort the truth throughout life. :rofl:

Planetary Year Time

I found this topic to be very revealing. Dr. X enlightened us with the following information:

Mercury: 88 days
Venus: 225 days
Earth: 365 days
Mars: 687 days
Jupiter: 4,333 days
Saturn: 10,759 days
Uranus: 30,687 days
Neptune: 60,190 days

So time varies as we can observe that for instance if I was born in Venus, I would have been older now. If I was born in Mercury, I would have been much older now. If in Mars, I would have been much younger. If in Saturn, I was not even born yet!

What was phenomenal, I never thought that it takes Neptune over 60,000 days to circle the Sun! Its seasons appear to be fixed as its inhabitants never enjoy the different seasons as they live through each one for many earth years. Scientists don’t know very much about Neptune—it’s over 30 times Earth’s distance from the sun and gets only one nine-hundredth of the sunlight. It takes around 165 Earth years to complete an orbit, meaning that the researchers’ 17 years of data account for only a small fraction of one season.

Factors in Time

Dr. X points out that "Time is relative to place, speed, gravity and similar factors." Depending on advancement of technology, aliens can travel very fast back and forth to earth in time while we believe Time is a fixed element.

Interdimensional Aliens Theory

In the immense domain of our universe, Dr. X has us consider other universes, multiverse, dimensions and therefore interdimensional travel from one planet in one system, one galaxy and one universe to another? This is a mind-boggling idea that is highly hypothetical. Our scientists have no idea of the extent and vastness of our universe. To believe there are universes just as there are multiple galaxies, is a wonderful stretch of the imagination. Even if there were to be another universe with life throughout, will it have forms of life that exist throughout our universe? That is, in this other universe, are the structures of life also made up of atoms that possess electrons or are their atoms made up of different fundamental particles?

In other words, is the electron, a master particle of every atom, in existence in other universes? Nobody knows. We are struck with the knowledge that the largest galaxy discovered in our universe is 16.3 million light-years wide. It is called the Alcyoneus galaxy which has a diameter 160 times wider than the Milky Way. Can you imagine, 160 times wider than the Milky Way with billions of stars throughout! And here we are hypothesizing that there are other universes similar to our own. I venture not.

We are trying to run when we have not begun to learn how to walk. That is, we are letting our minds develop, or shall we say, imagine universes that do not exist. Still, I admire our creative minds to construct other world entities. But let us not deceive ourselves into beliefs that are imagined, such as we have deceived ourselves into thinking there is a god that created us on earth. If this is so, God created life throughout the universe around billion's of stars in the multiple galaxies. This is a man-made conjecture or belief for there are many different forms of life, throughout the universe. Life is not made by the same god but the fundamental elements that made the universe (atoms consisting of electrons, protons and neutrons).


Dr, X claims,
"It is foolish to believe that in our universe, life only exists on earth. Then isn’t it also foolish to believe that there only exists our universe and no other universes?"

It is foolish to believe in more than one universe when we don't even know how vast our universe is. Dr. X extends the idea by indicating:

"If there only exists our universe, then what is beyond our universe? Dark Matter? Anti-Matter? Dead
Space? Logic dictates the existence of Multiverse. It is beyond imagination and outside the box but then again we are scientific people beyond religious mumbo jumbo, beyond Good and Evil and in search of the Truth."

It is not known what exists beyond our universe. Dark Matter, Anti-Matter, Dead Space, does not logically dictate the existence of a multiverse. It's good to think outside the box, but we are using mumbo jumbo in search for the Truth. Truth must have as its basis, some scientific evidence, such as has been discovered in our universe. The electron is an element born through the medium of energy, and life finds its way through the many atoms it becomes a part of.

I advise the reader to refer to the book hosted on IPC, Everything Has a Beginning - Even the Universe.

Every creature has a Lifespan

Dr. X takes the position that,
"It is true that nothing was born or will die but they only change forms, yet these forms could be the lifespans of each creature."

This sentence is incomplete for it is known that life is born and it is not a change in its lifespan. When life dies it will not change form from dead matter. I do not believe in the following scientific law signifying energy and matter.

“Matters and Energies were never created and will not be destroyed but they only change from one form to another.”
(Conservation Law of Matters and Energies)

Dr. X believes that,
"I know you have a hangup about this scientific fact and you tend to pick and choose your scientific facts and theories; however, what you call “Everything has a beginning even the universe,” is not really the beginning but a change of forms."

The one thing the scientific mind overlooks is what has been revealed over the past several decades, the theory of quantum physics. What the Conservation Law of Energy and Matter overlooks is that in the beginning there was only energy. Matter never existed and never converted into energy. It was energy that created matter through the mechanism of the electron. Yes, energy changed form to create the electron, which later created atoms of many, many kinds that formed the immense stars and later, life throughout the universe.

Dr. X, it is true that, "Every single creature in the universe has a lifespan, some long, some short but in their structural form, they have a limited lifespan." This is true, the human being is still evolving, but there are setbacks, such as wars and human greed, fears and power that the human mind has not yet learn to resolve.

The Interdimensional Aliens Theory

Dr. X likes to probe out of the box ideas. He considers interdimensional aliens as "highly astonishing, hard to digest but easily possible." He further claims that they (interdimensional aliens) are extremely logical to picture and believe. Unfortunately, as presented above, let us learn to walk before we can run with the idea that there are multiple universes that are visited by interdimensional aliens. Yes, aliens are able to enter other dimensions but within our universe. To conceive of other universes when we have no idea where our own universe ends is somewhat foolish.

It is true that Interdimensional Aliens are watching our story and have the ability to intervene. But they may be capable of completely changing our story. As you stated,
"Maybe it is logical to them to aid us to evolve for a better future. Maybe it is logical to them to aid themselves by shortening and eliminating our story as a possible future threat to their extinction and other species of aliens’ extinctions! Their information, knowledge, perspective and understanding of our story is much complete, whole and scientific than ours!"

Aliens have already intervened by meeting with the president of the United States, Dwight D Eisenhower. The Greys and were involved in the secret Greada Treaty of 1954.

What does Ginex Say?

I have expressed my views upon the three theories listed below.

Place Travel Aliens Theory
Time Travel Aliens Theory
Interdimensional Aliens Theory

Being a proponent of Quantum Mechanics, I constantly think about how our universe was formed. In the beginning there can only be energy, not matter, that caused the universe to exist. To believe they both existed at the same time is an incomprehensible belief. But the question that exists is, how did energy come into being throughout the universe? This is a question that needs to be pursued by our scientific minds. Presently, my mind can only envision empty space. What causes something to evolve in space and become known as energy? What is also questionable is how did this energy attain motion at extremely high speeds that approach the speed of light? In the book, Everything Has a Beginning - Even the Universe, I was astounded that the engineer, physicist, and inventor, Paramahamsa Tewari revealed that energy can be transformed into matter; a fundamental particle called the electron. This book is hosted on the IPC website, ... /index.htm

For me, the greatest explanation of how the universe began is a scientific discovery that may be known by Extraterrestrials. Perhaps, once we learn to communicate with aliens, we may learn how the universe began.
That is a prime reason why I would love to meet and converse with life from other parts of our galaxy or universe. There is so much we can learn from these exceptional beings or entities. :out:
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Extraterrestrials UFO Fuel Source

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Aug 22, 2024 7:56 am

Extraterrestrials UFO Fuel Source

Debate: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

UFO Built by the USAF via Reverse Engineering of the Alien UFO


Extraterrestrials UFO Fuel Source
Element 115: Mc - Moscovium (289)?

:scientist: Brother Ginex,

:hatsoff: Greetings, with all the present episodes in the US and Iranian politics, it is best to take a break from politics and in that manner from Earth, and set time for much more important issues such as Planetary, Galactic and Universal matters. Let us discuss the Extraterrestrials UFO Fuel Source.

On the subject of the “Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?” We have went exploring on the “Macro Aspects”; therefore, in the past, we have discussed Universal Intelligence vs. God:

Universal Intelligence vs. God ... /index.htm

Universal Intelligence vs. God Topic

We also discussed the issue in this topic.

Now, lets go about the “Micro Aspects” and focus on the “Extraterrestrials UFO Fuel Source” and alien Vessels.

Please observe below factors:

Bob Lazar, Physicist claims that he Reverse Engineered a UFO for the US government.

As you are aware, there were crashes with a distance of a year:
UFO crash in Roswell, USA
UFO crash in Astrakhan, Russia

Then there were Area 51 episodes which finally the CIA admitted that Area 51 exists, yet it is not for UFO research but for governmental and military research and aircraft building.

Element 115: Mc - Moscovium (289)
In stable form can be used as fuel for space travel

On the Chemical Periodic Table, Moscovium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Mc and atomic number 115. It was first synthesized in 2003 by a joint team of Russian and American scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia.

Joint team of Russian and American scientists” and there were UFO crashes in both countries!

Moscovium Wikipedia

Dr. Steven Greer

Dr. Steven Greer Wikipedia

Bob Lazar

Bob Lazar Site

Bob Lazar Wikipedia

Important Episode

Now, I would like you to watch this complete episode:

Ancient Aliens: UFO Fuel Source Discovered! (S14, E3) | Full Episode

Then give us your take on these issues:

* Bob Lazar
* Area 51
* Element 115: Mc - Moscovium (289)
* USA and Russia UFO coverups
* Relation between Dr. Steven Greer and Bob Lazar
* General Concept of UFO Fuel

What say you? :question:

Informing Lins

Ancient Aliens

History Channel YouTube

Ancient Aliens Site – History Channel

Erich von Däniken

Erich von Däniken YouTube

Erich von Däniken Site

Erich von Däniken Wikipedia

Giorgio Tsoukalos

Giorgio Tsoukalos Site

Giorgio Tsoukalos Wikipedia

George Noory

Coast to Coast (George Noory) YouTube

Gaia (George Noory) YouTube

Coast to Coast Site (George Noory)

Beyond Belief TV – Gaia (George Noory)

George Noory Wikipedia



Best to you Brother :magnify:

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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Sun Sep 22, 2024 2:17 pm

:sunny: Hello Dr. X,

It’s been a little over a month since you posted another topic that extends our debate. I found it to be interesting because it explores an element that provides space travel. The title, Extraterrestrials UFO Fuel Source, referred to an element in the Periodic Table of Elements found within a UFO. Specifically, it is Element 115, known to have 115 electrons. It is also known as MC, an abbreviation for Moscovium, after a region of Russia in Moscow.

In addition to this new element that somehow propels a space craft, I will briefly discuss how from our open-air environment, a Motionless Electric Generator can put out more electrical power than its input. But first in Part 1, I will address the several topics you asked what I thought about that were presented in the video

Ancient Aliens: UFO Fuel Source Discovered! (S14, E3) | Full Episode

and titled, Ancient Aliens: UFO Fuel Source Discovered!

* Bob Lazar
* Area 51
* Element 115: Mc - Moscovium (289)
* USA and Russia UFO coverups
* Relation between Dr. Steven Greer and Bob Lazar
* General Concept of UFO Fuel

Part 1. An Element that Enables Interstellar Travel :UFO:

Before presenting this topic, we must all keep in mind that Extraterrestrials from planets on different galaxies are different from each other based upon the environment they came from. Their biological breathing system may be different from humans depending upon the gas that exists in their environment. For humans it is oxygen, but the environment an extraterrestrial may live in may have a different gas for survival, such as methane. In the same way, Extraterrestrials from other parts of the universe have different biological structures and may have different scientific developments, whereby their ability to travel within galaxies may utilize totally different propulsion or scientific methods.

Retrieved UFOs has enabled scientists, such as Bob Lazar, to find that the element used in the field propulsion of UFOs appears to be the element 115. There is a belief that a bubble, called an Alcubierre drive, derived by an astrophysics scientist with that name, can effectively provide the means to transport a UFO in space. It is done by contracting space in front of the craft where space actually bends and expanding space behind it. A bubble of curved space forms around the craft and in an atmosphere like that of earth, the air temperature inside the bubble would be significantly cooler than the surrounding atmospheric air. This bubble creates a field-propulsion craft that distorts both space and time.

This effect would make it possible for the UFO to travel faster than the speed of light without breaking any of the laws of physics. Bob Lazar pointed out that, “You’re simply distorting the gravity field so you can kind of surf along this wave.” It is possible that element 115 may provide the field that turns as the vehicle turns. This observation appears a lot like what Bob Lazar related about propulsion which creates a halo of light around the spaceship. The halo exhibits strange little striations.

This observation has science conclude that element 115 may be associated with the propulsion system. The observation of the Alcubierre bubble draws the possibility that the Hidden CIA (not the DoD) is in possession of this extraordinary technology. There are reasons why the CIA and Military Industrial Complex (MIC) would want to keep it secret. Most obvious, they want continued use of biofuels for transportation but use of propulsion system would cut off their ability to accumulate trillions of dollars. The Astro scientist, David Childress believes that space travel has been developed by the CIA within the Area 51 complex using element 115. He further contends that we’re already exploring Mars and perhaps other planets, and the military (CIA) has been keeping it a secret from us.

Russian scientists have synthesized the 114th, 115th elements of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table. And there is much more effort that’s going on than we know about. Nick Pope says, “Whenever you’re dealing with these superheavy elements, you are dealing with something that has the capability to generate large amounts of energy.” Bob Lazar said these elements was the ultimate secret of UFOs. So, the question we ask, is how long before we are out there among the stars? :confused2:

Nick Pope tells us, “We are at an interesting time in the development of our species.” If the government has secretly been attempting to reverse engineer a stabilized version of element 115 recovered from an alien craft, will the new experiments they conduct accelerate that effort?

This new technology is a fearsome, powerful technology, and with great power comes great responsibility. David Childress tells us, “The idea that extraterrestrials are giving us technology, perhaps, is an exciting idea. But… we have to wonder just what interactions we are really having with extraterrestrials, and what they think of us. And I like to think that the space programs of our own military, and of other countries as well, that we are going to work together, that our own efforts to go into space and other planets are for peaceful purposes, and not for ones of conquering other civilizations or taking other people’s resources. And I think that the extraterrestrials, too, are watching us for those very reasons.”

Ginex: Based on the secrets the CIA has kept hidden over the past 75 years, it may be concluded that they will continue their agenda to keep the public ignorant of the exceptional discoveries used to travel throughout space.

The narrator of the video, Ancient Aliens: UFO Fuel Source Discovered! (S14, E3) | Full Episode ( stated, “We are on the verge of harnessing the awesome power of element 115 and embarking on a journey unlike humanity has ever seen? Perhaps, as we reach this critical next step in human evolution, we will finally know the full truth about both our history and our origins… and begin the next chapter of mankind… in the universe.”

Ginex: The next critical step in human evolution is for our society to embrace Truth and the fundamental law by a man of God to love one another. :drlove: Until the Hidden CIA Government and all intertwined organizations, beginning with our educational systems, the MIC and our media in all forms, regard truth and love as the basis for a successful and thriving future, there will be no opportunity to enjoy free energy and life throughout the universe. This concluding thought brings up the next topic Dr. X asked me to discuss, the issue of the relation between Dr. Steven Greer and Bob Lazar.

How the Internet Portrays Dr. Steven Greer and Bob Lazar. :fenc:

It should be clear that the Internet and many other forms of media have distorted the relationship between Dr. Greer and Bob Lazar. I viewed the video titled, “Dr. Greer Doesn’t Believe Bob Lazar’s Alien Claims (Part 14)” on

Dr. Steven Greer Doesn't Believe Bob Lazar's Alien Claims (Part 14)

In no way is there a misunderstanding in the existence of UFOs and ETs between them. In fact, Dr. Greer made it clear that he did not have any corroboration with Bob Lazar on any particulars concerning UFOs. He did indicate that S4 was a site in which Bob Lazar worked but due to the high pressure of the Hidden CIA, Bob did not verify any other information. However, the media provides the belief that Dr. Greer does not believe in Bob Lazar’s claims. This is a planned distortion of the facts to mislead the public. Both Bob Lazar and Dr. Greer are two respectable men who have devoted their lives to revealing the Truth about Extraterrestrial life and to inform the public that there are scientific discoveries that led to universal travel.

Part 2. The Warp Drive or Alcubierre Drive

During the month of August, I was somewhat absorbed with an invention by Tom Breaden who, presently retired, was a Lt. Colonel in the US Army. He personally developed and published the basis for a drastic revision of electromagnetic theory and engineering, based on the work of Whittaker and Maxwell. He authored or co-authored several books and over 70 major papers published in leading science and physics journals. He developed and owned many patents on electrical devices demonstrating over-unity, and was a pioneer investigator in healing technologies incorporating bio-electric fields. His work is primarily responsible for the widespread interest and research into scalar electromagnetic phenomena throughout the world over the past two decades. He has a M.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering, is well known in the New Energy field, and is also president of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists (ADAS).

Before providing a brief description of Tom Bearden’s Motionless Electromagnetic Generator (MEG), I believe a short abstract of the warp drive be given as it is related to the field propulsion system using element 115. From

Classical and Quantum Gravity ... 1/11/5/001

It is shown how, within the framework of general relativity and without the introduction of wormholes, it is possible to modify spacetime in a way that allows a spaceship to travel with an arbitrarily large speed. By a purely local expansion of spacetime behind the spaceship and an opposite contraction in front of it, motion faster than the speed of light as seen by observers outside the disturbed region is possible. The resulting distortion is reminiscent of the `warp drive' of science fiction. However, just as happens with wormholes, exotic matter will be needed in order to generate a distortion of spacetime, such as element 115.

Ginex: I am not convinced in the existence of wormholes for how does one enter such a hole in space and how does the traveler know where to exit a wormhole? The above topic that presents element 115 verifies that space time can be modified as demonstrated with expansion and contraction of space to accomplish space travel.
In 2001, Mr. Breaden wrote six sections in his article titled, Brave New World. Viewers who desire to learn more about it may refer to

Tom Bearden: How MEG Really Works

Tom Breaden’s article surfaces implications that successful engineering of the longitudinal waves are enormous, and will change the world as we know it, one way or another. Among other things, these discoveries mean that:

1. The solutions to the energy crisis and the "oil problem" are in hand. These oil wars are unnecessary. There is endless energy available freely from the domain of time.

2. Unbelievably powerful weapons are not only possible, but are already operating in several nations. The many powers of these weapons are unprecedented and mind-boggling.

3. The cure of diseases such as cancer and AIDS, in fact nearly any disease, has become possible within a few years of sufficient funding. Everyone can be made healthy and stay healthy.

4. Mind control on a mass scale has now become possible, and the machines to do it are already in place in certain nations. It has become possible to mentally enslave whole populations with the twist of a few dials.

Ginex: Towards the end of his MEG presentation, Tom Breaden reveals that the United States is not amenable to the development of such an invention because it would impact the billions of dollars big corporations receive by the mass use of biofuels. A shame. The U.S. consists of representatives of the people who are controlled by the Hidden Government, the CIA, and they lack the courage to demand full disclosure of the greatest inventions of our century, zero-point energy and anti-gravity which would give people the opportunity to achieve peace on earth and the freedom to explore the universe.

Part 3. Space Is Not Empty On and Off the Earth

Tom Bearden in his MEG (Motionless Electromagnetic Generator) article reveals that space is not empty but a great ocean of seething energy. As with mass, an expression reveals that time, can be associated with the speed of light C, as compressed energy. We are familiar with the expression, E=mc2 (2 is squared). In the same way, another expression for energy by Bearden is E=tc2 (2 is squared).

Bearden reveals that, “Time-energy, time currents, and time-structuring play a dominant role in electromagnetics. Time-as-energy eventually becomes engineerable, as easily as is spatial energy now. We are always dealing with spacetime and with spacetime curvature.”

Ginex: It is a dramatic new formula and Bearden stresses that citizens must be informed of its capability. “For our very survival, it is absolutely imperative that informed citizens be aware of this dramatic change, which is just now starting. The powerful new science and engineering must be controlled and used for humanity's benefit, not its detriment. Else it will eventually be let loose unrestrainedly, to destroy all life on earth - a possibility indicated by Nikita Khrushchev in 1960." – Bearden

Tom Breaden’s Six Sections

New waves discovered

Of the six sections below, a brief discussion will be presented only on the topic of New Waves.

1. New Waves 2. Tapping the Waves 3. Weaponization 4. Healing 5. Psychoenergetics 6. As It Stands

New Waves Discovered

Longitudinal EM energy fills the enormous vacuum of space, the time domain of spacetime, where compressed energy can be expressed with time and the velocity of light squared, E=tc2 (2 is squared).

Nikola Tesla. Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels."

Tom Bearden. At any point and at any time, one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous EM (Electromagnetic) energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself.

Section 1. New Waves Discovered by Tom Bearden.

Mr. Bearden starts his topic by drawing a toroid coil where a wire is wound around very tightly and closes almost on itself. He indicates that inside the coil is a magnetic field B confined inside the coil. This field has two components, one is swirling but the other component is hidden. It doesn’t have a curl, moves straight so its curl end is zero. Now Tom says if you take all that B field, all that curl compound and pull it into a little localized area, so that it doesn’t spill out into space, you reveal outside there, that hidden component, the uncurled or the curl free potential. He finds this interesting, if you localize the B field into a little small location instead of spreading through all space, you have all the B field energy you would have had through all space.

So, Tom points out that if he could find a transformer core material, he would be able localize the B field. By doing that, instead of just looking at the B field in his transformer, which is the field now inside the core material, outside the core material I would have a new available reservoir of extra energy in my environment. All I have to do is perturb it and it’ll make electric fields which come back into the system and introduce real electric field energy into the system, which normally no transformer does.

Tom found a nanocrystalline material used for new Transformers. Redrawing two wound coils, one on the left side of a rectangle which allows an input to enter and the other wound coil on the right side where the wire connects to a resistor load. The input he pays for. He emphasizes that all the magnetic field from this coil, is trapped in the core. It doesn’t get out and there’s no spillage out into space. He then places a permanent magnet in the middle of the rectangle that has no wire around it. The magnet, also without a wound coil provides a South Pole and a North Pole. The magnet has very good contact in the middle of the rectangle where no wire is wound above and below the rectangle.

With a field probe, Tom finds there’s no magnetic field or it’s almost zero. There is essentially a zero magnetic field right on the surface of the N-S pole magnet. Tom now makes the observation that all the magnetic field that normally spilled out of this magnet everywhere has got sucked into this core and it’s sitting there.

What Tom concludes is in the MEG, he didn’t have to pay for what this material (magnet) is doing. The core material will do for free what I got to pay a toroid to do. It takes time to understand that the material does the extra action of potential energy formed outside the core for free. It was re-gaged space-time which is a change in that vacuum (of space). Tom says that’s the beauty; material Effects by the way are one of those places already recognized in thermodynamics itself as violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Material effects like long-term memory and all kinds of things re-trigaging and contribute the book Modern Thermodynamics that deals with non-equilibrium systems. You will find that that’s one of the areas that is known by the thermodynamic system cells to violate that second law. So, I don’t have to prove that I’m violating it permissibly. It’s already been done by a Nobel Prize winner.

Ginex: The above paragraph is somewhat nebulous but it’s included to appreciate what Tom Bearden has found in his own words. Although some aspects of his findings are somewhat difficult to understand, I give you my attempt to simplify his findings of what a MEG can do.

Tom goes on to say, “So, what we have now is I have an interesting situation. I have a norm what looks like a normal Transformer core but there’s a very abnormal thing happening in it. All of the magnetic field B is now confined to the core and around that I’ve got all the magnetic field energy, the swirling energy that I normally have in every Transformer. I’ve got all of that, I haven’t lost anything. But in addition, I’ve got this extra energy Reservoir in space just outside the core. And every time I perturb the core like with my input coil, I put (the clever devil that we are), put in pulses, sharp rise time and sharp delay time. If I want to get a little bigger E field, I make a sharper rise time and a sharper decay time. I get a knee feel one direction one time and the other and what happens in the space here (on the drawn diagram). I can have as many coils wound on this core as I wish.

Let’s put an output coil on it, just to say we got an output and over here I got a big load. But in this space outside the core, I’m going to shade the core here so we can begin to see what this looks like. In this space outside the core where my uncurled A potential is, and I’m going to put a bar over that A to mean that it’s a straight moving A. It’s not a swirling, hey, it’s not a magnetic field at all. Every time I shake or perturb this A potential, it makes an E field. A = -dADT and the sharper the change the greater the size of the E field from space around the core. This does not happen in any other normal Transformer in the whole world as far as we’re aware. From the space outside the MEG there arises then these tremendously strong E fields which radiate into every coil that’s wound on this Transformer.

So, every chord on this Transformer, this way I could have a dozen coils on here. Every one of them is also, regardless of what other function it’s producing is also an input coil for energy coming in from the vacuum (space) in electric field form not magnetic field form. The biggest action in the MEG is an electric field Transformer not a magnetic field Transformer. The output power is almost pure power in pulse form. And so, what we have to do we have to add another unit on here (referring to the core diagram). Standard technology to change these pulse forms into a normal kind of power form like oscillating current or DC current, whatever.

I have my system called the MEG. I’m going to do the open loop. I’m putting in the operator input. I’m paying for that, paying the power company, or you know, paying for a battery or something. But now, from the environment I have this extra input of energy, and I’m going to put the bar over the A and when I perturb it it’s going to be in dA/dt = -E instead of going out it’s going to come in. So now, I have an extra input of energy into my system, free from the environment. Just for putting in the input, I’m putting in that comes the other part, comes along for free. I get that as an extra added attraction.

So, if I put in one part and I get my input from the uncurled A potential active environment the E field input, if I get that to be, let’s say five parts, be very conservative here, I can make it 10 to 12 or 100 parts. But it’ll burn the insulation right off the wire then it’ll destroy the unit. But suppose I settle for 5 I make, adjust the rise time and decay time until I get 5 parts. Now coming out, I have 6 parts total. The part I put in and I the 5 parts that the environment puts in, I don’t have to pay for. So, I have 6 parts of energy coming in here, a normal Transformer can be about 85 percent, 90 percent efficient.

I’ll have 90 percent of the 6 parts which is 5.4. Okay, what’s the cop (Coefficient of Performance) I get out 5.4. I get 5.4 times as much usable energy out as I get in. This is just an energy converter. Okay, then the question that’s asked, then why don’t you guys have this thing on the market in mass production rolling everywhere. It’s a very good question because let’s see why we don’t have what is going on in the MEG that we went through. We pointed out that the E field hits every one of those coils, there’s a little bit of out of phasing and everything they’re not all on the same phase and each coil once it gets and E field fires at every other coil and everything’s feeding forward feedback. That’s a highly non-linear situation and that is very difficult to precisely measure. To measure, forget your normal oscilloscopes and probes, you can never straighten all of that out. You do it by trail and error and adjust it until it’s mostly additive.

We don’t have good control and good models for all of this. What we have to do is adjust everything by hand and that’s not science. We have to keep tweaking the heck out of it and so what we have to do is a standard but very interesting and very dense highly non-linear control problem, an adjustment problem. We have to have modeling, full modeling for it. We have to have an air enough measurement specialist, air enough bomb measurement specialists. Those guys are well employed. Very few of them that know our measurement. Measurement also you can get them, but they’re expensive.

We have to have another person that knows non-linear oscillation theory and also, we have to have another one that knows non-linear oscillation control theory. Those are specializations you don’t run down to your local university and your local PhD can do that. The interactions have got to be moved to design and science and modeling rather than fiddling with it. We have a 9 million dollar, one-year job with a team including not only the normal guys, but those four specialists. We got to hire that are very highly paid. By the way, I might say they’re fully employed gainfully. They’re not looking for a job.

So, what you’re going to have to do, you’re have going to go to venture capitalist. Here you, it’s a mixed bag, a mixed breed. There are some good venture capitalists, there’s a whole bunch that isn’t too good. You cannot work with, uh, as we discussed before with a government agency, they’ll steal you blind and patent you all around. What you’ve done, so you’re still going to have to go to a risk venture capitalist.

Once we can do all of that from the front end, we can build the thing straight forward and put it together and it’ll work just like that. You’ve made it a technology and a science at that time not a twiddle with it. Research outfit we have, a lab bench experiment that’s successful. We do not have a ready for production device that can be cranked all across you know by the thousands and put on the market. We’re approaching all the control problems first. We have to do all that first.

The things that I’ve described, we have to before we get ready for pre-production engineering is a minimum of one year and a minimum of 9 million dollars. Any way we price it when we get the people that we have to have, the specialists, the equipment, the new test equipment, the new methods of tests, new test guys that do that kind of testing, it’s an expensive proposition. It’s not cheap. But that’s peanuts compared to what we’re spending on hot fusion or what we’re spending on all kinds of things. Fuel cells and things like that they’re spending billions of dollars here. This is scalable, this is doable. Now there’s one other way we could do it, we could sell stock and raise stock from investors, and I could make all kinds of songs and dances and so could the rest of our group. We prefer not to do that. We are seeking one single risk venture partner that we can work with. It’s an honest group of people we can work out a mutual agreement for both our benefits and then we can get on with the job.

Ginex: Mr. Bearden ends his presentation with the knowledge that he must be careful to carry on full development of the MEG because like zero-point energy and anti-gravity has been put under strict control from the public, the Hidden Government (CIA) and their cohorts, the MIC, would put this promising invention that opens space engineering on the shelf. Below are his concluding remarks.

Now what we refuse to do is turn control over to it (referring to the CIA and MIC who refuse to have the public gain use of technology that will eliminate the use of biofuels). We could have gotten funding if we would surrender control and guarantee it never makes the market. We have no intention of doing that. So, we will stumble along until we get funding that we can still guarantee it’ll go to market. Or we can give it the best shot that human beings can give in the world. We’re not going to take something and park it on the shelf and it’s just one more system that is never going to make it.

Ginex: I had to present the problems and the pressure of an inventor who needs to be watchful of the CIA and cohort patent office and MIC operatives that want to keep the status quo of using biofuels and gaining trillions of dollars.

The main reason I took time to present this topic to our readers is to have them become aware that there is another equation similar to E=mc2 (2 is squared) and should be taught in every level, that is E= tc2 (2 is squared). A new concept in astrophysics is that time together with velocity squared represents Energy :Twriter: We have a serious educational situation. Nowhere with an Internet search could this new equation for Energy been found. Our educational system starting at the college and university levels have very few physicists capable of teaching it and certainly all lower levels it is NOT taught at all. We have been deprived of the knowledge developed within the Hidden Government, the CIA.
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Aliens, CIA and Dr. Steven Greer

Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Dec 15, 2024 7:55 am

Aliens, CIA and Dr. Steven Greer

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Part 3: General Aspects
Aliens, CIA and Dr. Steven Greer

:scientist: Brother Ginex

:devbrowed: I am going to compare comparison the:

Trump 2020 Stolen Election Case
Dr. Steven Greer Planetocide RICO Case against CIA

I don’t want to burst your bubbles but from time to time, you find a cause and you tend to get obsessive, fixated and go gong-ho about it, on the other hand, my approach to issues are unlike you, objective, skeptic and rational. As a realist I am Devil’s Advocate. Let’s begin:

The same obsession which you had on Reforming Islam, which many others also done and failed, now you are having about this case. Now a logical analysis and approach,

Trump’s Stolen Election Case

Even though I believe that 2020 was stolen, yet Trump will not bring a case about it to the court and to be precise, all the way to the Supreme Court. Why?

I. Who is Defendant?

Who will he sue? Trump is the Plaintiff but who is the Defendant? Who rigged the election? You cannot bring a case against the CIA or Government or even Democrat Party and win! Who is to say or prove that at what specific points, which organizations and where rigged the election? You must bring a case or sue individual people such as Secretaries of states in various states like Georgia, Wisconsin and other states. You must bring a case about Legislators in various states. You must bring a case about Mike Pence. You must bring a case about many individuals who rigged the election in various states. Do you know how long this will take and how many cases Trump must bring forward?

I am sure that his counselors such as Alina Habba will never take on this grand task. Instead, the best Trump’s revenge as he stated is to Make America Great Again and in this way the Economic Success is the best revenge against all who stole the 2020 election.

II. Hard Evidence

Even though there are tons of videos, audios, witnesses, whistleblowers, documents and so on, yet they prove that there were inconsistencies in various states which not necessarily means that all the stolen votes add up to change the results of the election! Still they do not add up as hard evidence in the court of law. Even if they do, this case will never see the light of the day. Even if it does, it will not go all the way to the Supreme Court. Even if it will, then it will not win. Too many cases, too many individuals to blame, too many circumstantial evidence, lack of hard evidence and so on.

Trump will never take the 2020 Election to Court because it is a Boondoggle. Instead, he will Make America Great Again and that is the best punch right in the face of the Democrats and Deep State.

Dr. Steven Greer vs. CIA Case

Same goes with Greer case.

I. Who is Defendant?

He can never sue CIA and US government and win. Who is to say who killed Aliens and humans at what period? CIA and Gov. as a whole cannot be responsible. You must sue individuals who held office at those certain points. For instance, you must hold responsible John Brennen (CIA), James Clapper (DNI), James Comey (FBI), and so on. Case against CIA and Gov. never sees the light of the day. Even if the case happens, it will not be won. Even if it goes to Supreme Court, it will fail. Who is to say who done what wrong at what time? How many cases must be brought against how many people? How will you prove who done what wrong?

II. Hard Evidence

Again, there are tons of circumstantial evidence, documents, testimonies, witnesses and so-called videos and audios, yet not as near as Trump’s case; however, where are the hard evidence? Not enough if at all. You need the Beef. Where’s the beef?


So as I believe that the 2020 Election was stolen but it is so hard to prove it in the court of law and it is so time consuming to decide which individuals to hold responsible and who to bring the case against, to the point that Trump will never do it.

Dr. Steven Greer can never win this case because of the above points Who is the Defendant and where are the hard evidence. I am saying that primarily this case will never see the light of the day and if it does, it will not go to Supreme Court and if it will, it cannot be won.

:UFO: Ancient Alien Theory

I do not believe that you fully understand how huge is the Ancient Alien Theory? And I say Theory, it is only a theory. Since 1970s when I was a kid, Erich von Däniken started it with his book Chariots of the Gods, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos his protégé, later on expanded it and sold it to History Channel as a series. Along with many other Ancient Alien Theorists such as George Noory, they created the “Ancient Aliens” TV Series on History channel.
The series become one of the most watched and popular documentary series in history of Television. It is not only on Cable TV, Smart Cast Streaming, YouTube, Netflix and so many other tribunes but then they made websites, merchandise, marketing products, conventions, lectures and all and all, every single one of them had become a Multi-Millionaire. History Channel made out like bandit from Ancient Aliens. Now why am I bringing this up?

:devgrin: Devil’s Advocate

Dr. Steven Greer with all his RICO case, Planetocide, CIA Episodes, Website, YouTube Clips and so on, finally made it to Ancient Alien Series. They brought him on board, talked about his story in a few episodes and now he has appearances on the show, short but good enough to be known in a wide public. Now he has huge audience.

Dr. Steven Greer gets a lot of publicity from his site, tubes and other means but Ancient Aliens Series will make him known in a massive level.

Knowing that primarily I was the one who introduced you to Steven Greer, his ideas, his videos and his cause, then once you bought his ideas and become an advocate, I also provided you with a tribune by encouraging you to write articles and books about the subject, I supported you to promote his ideas and I supported you and promoted your articles and books on the idea.

If you ask what’s my take on the issue, I will tell you that same as everything else, I take the skeptic approach with a grain of salt. Of course there is a base to all of his accusations. Of course CIA is corrupt. Of course I believe in existence of aliens and of course I agree with some of his statements, but his complete allegations no matter how willing you are to believe it, for the above points mentioned, cannot be proven.

Trump will not even bring his case about the stolen election, set aside aid Greer on his case about CIA! This case will not happen and if it will happen, it cannot be won and I explained why.

What if unlike what you imagine, this whole case is only a theory? An Opinion? Now I am not saying that it is a publicity stunt and he is a fraud but I am saying that you turn it to hardcore fact! It is not proven fact but only a theory. There is no way that Greer can prove the complete case actually happened!

You believe that respectfully Bob Lazar case is not true because Steven Greer said so. What makes you think Steven Greer case is true?

I introduced you to Reforming Quran narrative, you got obsessed and you would not let go because you found a cause to fight for. You went overboard and you finally stopped because I made it clear to you that Islam cannot be reformed, it can only be completely flushed down the toilet.

Now you are obsessed with Aliens and CIA episode of Dr. Greer. Again you are going overboard. You take it as statement of fact. As usual your obsessions disallow you to be a realist, rationalist, objective, openminded critical thinker, fair analyst and looking at the big picture. Your typical Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (which I have OCD too) goes beyond the limit, surely extreme and much more than mine! You repeatedly write articles, books, posts and repeat yourself like a parrot and will not let go!

:-k What if the Whole Thing is Only a Theory?

If nothing, I have learned one thing in life that to not be Overzealous, Fanatical, Subjective and Dogmatic about anything. Nothing is absolute, not even God. This is called the Scientific Way and I am a Scientist and you are a scientific person. So act like a scientific person, behave like it, think like it and conduct like it. Dogma towards anything including but not limited to God, Religion, Creation, philosophy, aliens, CIA and even science makes one blind to reality. Be objective and avoid subjectively creating a hype and obsess over it as statement of fact.

As a response, don’t get defensive :readyfighting: but get rational. :scientist:

Avoid Boondoggle!

Nothing is Absolute and Everything is Relative. That is Albert Eistein. :scientist:

Sometimes we get so focused on a single issue and obsess over it that it takes an outsider to point us to the right path, another path or skepticism to turn us back to be logical, rational and skeptic about all.

This is my point of view, think about it, analyze it and sleep on it. I am not criticizing you but I am only seeing a pattern in you and telling you to not take anything absolute as a word of God because a scientific person does not take anything for granted. Avoid boondoggle.

CIA is a corrupt spook Deep State organization, but you elevated them to interplanetary space travelers who do planetocide! Wild imagination? :question:

Remain Scientific :scientist: and avoid Dogma! :preach:

And for God’s sake don’t jump to another obsession! :art:

Amen! :gardner:

Best :hatsoff:
Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Mon Dec 16, 2024 3:31 pm

Aliens, CIA and Dr. Steven Greer
Post by Ginex » Mon Dec 16, 2024 4:30 am

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Part 3: General Aspects
Aliens, CIA and Dr. Steven Greer

Dear Dr. X, :hatsoff:

I enjoyed your analysis of me on our last debate, Aliens, CIA and Dr. Greer. It gave me an opportunity to evaluate myself with respect to being obsessive, fixated, and going gong-ho on certain issues, like reforming Islam, the existence of space aliens, and that the United States has within its country a corrupt CIA. :evil:

As you know, I believe you have a high regard for me, because I do dig for the Truth. Yes, I will admit, I tend to get too obsessive in proving a point and yes, I admit I was wrong with Islam. This religion cannot be revised; it is too corrupt with an educational system that breeds dopes (hate, bigotry and murder). But one thing I always strive for; that is the Truth. I don’t like being made a fool of. It is irresponsible when citizens witness drones and have several arrogant government officials say the drones in our shies are not a threat. How silly or should I say stupid. :pulp:

Dr. X, you brought up the 2020 stolen election, whereby Donald Trump did not bring up a case about it to the Supreme Court. The looming question you bring up is who is the important part of the case, that is, who is the defendant? You bring up that if the defendant(s) cannot be identified it is difficult, if not impossible to bring the case in court. My, my, is our judicial system so dumb that they cannot hold a case against an organization because it is hard to determine the defendant? If this is the case, then like President Trump fraudulent 2020 election, forget the criminality and multiple frauds because the courts are unable to determine who are the culprits. Jeepers, is our judicial system so stupid that they are not able to put a corrupt organization and its many defendants on trial? If so, let us give up and let America and the world go to hell. Let’s do nothing. :pulp: I disagree.

Dr. X, you contend that hard evidence cannot prove the 2020 presidential election was a fraud even though there are tons of videos, audios, witnesses, whistleblowers, documents and so on because they do not add up as hard evidence (in your own mind) in the court of law. You wrote there was,

“Too many cases, too many individuals to blame, too many circumstantial evidence, lack of hard evidence and so on.”

I disagree. The problem is our judicial system has too many dopes who are unable to see the forest between the trees. I strongly believe a logical, systematic approach will unravel the stupidity that exists. :weightlifter: Yet, you believe because hard evidence does not exist, and even if it did, “Dr. Greer can never sue CIA and US government and win.” You further emphasized lack of hard evidence by stating,

Again, there are tons of circumstantial evidence, documents, testimonies, witnesses and so-called videos and audios, yet not as near as Trump’s case; however, where are the hard evidence? Not enough if at all. You need the Beef. Where’s the beef? . . . . .
Dr. Steven Greer can never win this case because of the above points Who is the Defendant and where are the hard evidence. I am saying that primarily this case will never see the light of the day and if it does, it will not go to Supreme Court and if it will, it cannot be won.


Dr. Steven Greer’s RICO CIA Case

I disagree with Dr. X’s belief that Dr. Greer’s RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) case against the Hidden CIA cannot be won. The corrupt CIA organization, national media, and compromised government leaders will not be able to stop the ground swell of support he will receive from people in America and around the globe. Normally, government representatives are unwilling to try difficult cases but when their constituents become overwhelming, then they have the courage to pursue the case once thought impossible. Dr. Greer’s video, less then a week old, has been circulated to many media sites in countries throughout the world. This author is quite sure that President Trump has the fortitude and intelligence to back the thousands of people who voted for him. It may take several months for him to act for he presently has on his agenda the pressing problems of illegal aliens, inflation, and need to make America great again. :belly:

Recently, on December 14, I posted an IPC alert, it was an on-line email supporting Dr. Greer’s video,

The Battle for Disclosure,

Presented on the Iran Politics Forum, United States of America Room. This post alert was deleted. To show an obligation to inform all people, it is provided below to mobilize IPC members to support Dr. Greer’s efforts to reorganize the Hidden CIA. It contains the following: :intel:

The Battle for Disclosure presented on,

must be read by all people. On December 13, 2024, Dr. Steven Greer teemed with Billy Carson to address a possible threat to humanity, the unapproved drones that appeared across the United States.

The video by Dr. Greer informs the public that the Hidden CIA must disclose to the public zero-point energy and anti-gravity. These scientific discoveries can be used by humanity, in every country, to enter an era of prosperity.

Dr. Greer’s effort must be supported by every American, albeit all people, to overwhelm and reorganize the Hidden CIA. It can be done if every American, people around the globe, are willing to confront and overcome the corrupt CIA, a threat to peace and prosperous future.

Provide Dr. Greer’s video to many people. The voice of the people must be heard now!!


The above video, The Battle for Disclosure, placed on internet media worldwide, is available for people to watch. Dr. Greer also wrote a Sensitive and Confidential briefing document (312 pages) of intelligence and information about the Hidden CIA that documents hard evidence of CIA corruption and crimes. It has been passed on to followers and President Trump to override and overcome the corrupt CIA and corporate media. The document put together by Dr. Greer represents the people’s movement to disclose the corrupt secrecy of the Hidden CIA. It is not coming out of the U.S. government. It’s coming out from people who were in CIA illegal black projects handing off evidence against the disreputable CIA. He is sort of a public face for the people until the corrupt CIA is unmasked in a court of law. Dr. Greer has elected a peaceful, yet widely public way to override and overcome the corrupt CIA. Consequentially, it will also expose the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) and reveal media that obfuscate and disinform the public. :woohoo:

Ancient Alien Theory

As a theory, authors have captivated many readers starting with Erich von Däniken with his book Chariots of the Gods. Exceptionally good reading, the present world now has the reality of real, identifiable aliens that have been shot down from the skies many times by the corrupt and Hidden CIA. No longer a theory, one day the public will greet the highly intelligent beings from other parts of the universe. Of course, the corrupt CIA do not want humanity to converse with these highly intelligent beings for that would mean the end of so many things many accept as truth, such as the various religions.

Dr. X you have introduced me to Dr. Steven Greer, his ideas, his videos and his cause and have supported me to promote his ideas as well as my articles and books dealing with the universe and how life has evolved in the many galaxies. You are an exceptionally brilliant man who shares many of my views about aliens but of course, you exercise a great deal of skepticism. This is good, but at least you respect both Dr. Greer and myself for extending thought to possibilities that allow people to reach out and see for themselves other avenues to pursue.

There are other scientific minds that believe what Dr. Greer and I believe which is aliens are real and have been captured by the corrupt CIA due to the shooting down of UFOs. There is hard core evidence that I have presented in the IPC library, under the Ginex Index, ... /index.htm. Readers may refer to sections 2.0 through 4.0 to contemplate the many crimes committed by the CIA organized mob. :sunny:

The idea that the alien issues may simply be a theory is totally rejected because scientific evidence, including aliens are living on the back side of the moon has been proven. To advocate alien existence is a theory is nothing more than boondoggle. You believe the CIA is a corrupt spook Deep State organization, but wrongly asserted that I have elevated them to interplanetary space travelers who do planetocide! This is far from the truth about my imagination. To clarify, it is the corrupt CIA that has committed numerous crimes enumerated above, that has recently frightened American citizens with drones, and they have the warped mentality to initiate the murder of millions of people. That is planetocide! :restpeace:

Ginex Loves this Planet and Humanity

The one thing I will always do is fight for a better life for all people, regardless of race, color or creed. We are all creatures of this earth and I believe in the greatest command given by a man of God, love one another (Gospel of John,13:34, 15:12, 15:17). Yes, he was so emphatic, he said it 3 times. When we follow that command, we, as humans, are ready to join the universe and meet other life. I love all people and wish they come to their senses to follow a man who has dedicated more that 30 years of his life to make a better world without pollution and freedoms to be all we can be. That man is Dr. Steven Greer. Support his efforts to achieve a better life by overwhelming the criminality of the Hidden CIA. Again, view his video below and share it with everyone you know. :usa:

The Battle for Disclosure

Dr. X, I end with the great opportunity you have given me to speak out for humanity. Your patience, yet belief in the quality of my thoughts makes me forever grateful to you.

Thank you and Amen. :mehr:
Last edited by Nicholas Ginex on Tue Dec 17, 2024 2:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Dec 16, 2024 4:24 pm

:scientist: Brother Ginex:

I. The primary element for people to read one’s post or article is for it to be well organized and published. Would you kindly take a look at yours? It is a mess! It would be nice to read what you post and fix what you post, so it is coherent and has ease to read so people can read it. I refuse to fix it as I have been doing it for centuries! A writer of your caliber should be able to display a coherent and readable article with paragraphs separated with blank space lines, quotes marked with quote BB code, links functional and everything professional.

II. Nothing gets deleted in IPC unless it is repetition or sabotage or nonsense. Your post was not deleted. Every time you tend to post a repetition on a top room because you assume more people will read it, then it will be moved to the proper room:


Of course your post was lacking a link to the video. The conspiracy theorist which you are, assumed that your post was deleted. Stubborn person that you are, you keep posting every repetition on top of the forum assuming that more people read it and Atusa will keep on moving them. If your assumption is true, then no one supposed to have read this debate because it is all the way at the bottom! Yet it has over 390,469 views.

It does not matter where you post but it matters what you post, boring repetition or new exciting material. This is how people read posts!

III. Naturally you did not think that possibly I assumed that you will listen to my advice, did you? I know you very well, the stubborn fixated obsessive person which you are, you will never listen to any advice. You do what you do until it hits you right on the head and then you will realize that yes, I was correct. So we will let the process takes its course and for you to see that I was correct.

IV. I could have easily sent you an e-mail and put all of these in it but I believe it is time for you to clean up your own posts rather than me being your Cleanup Guy!

Any which way you see the issue, Dr. Steven Greer made it to Ancient Alien Series as a minor character. This means big money and good publicity. You must make a lot of commotion to get there. So he did. Now, one may see this as a way to be noticed by National Populists to support his case and also one may see it as publicity seeking attention needing to get noticed. Either way, if the end results are constructive, then let it be!

V. Lets hope on their way out, the Biden Admin will not sell all the border wall material for 5 Cent a Dollar, spend Billions of leftover money in budget for boondoggle and start WWIII.


You must be telepathic because by the time I wrote this post, you fixed your own messy post! :discobanana:

Adion Amigo



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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Jan 16, 2025 2:55 am

Nicholas Ginex Enjoy Free Energy & Life Throughout Universe 2nd Edition

:scientist: Brother Ginex:

I reviewed the new 2nd edition of your book, looks good. Updates, corrections and edition, very nice. Keep up the good work.

Enjoy Free Energy & Life Throughout Universe: 2nd Edition
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