Ahreeman X Poetry Updates - The Selection

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Re: The Persian: Epic Persian Poetry of Ahreeman X

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Sat Dec 26, 2020 5:30 pm

I just read the review by Atusa Qajar, our lovely mistress of the Iran Politics Club. She captured all of the significant points of The Persian with such love and admiration for the great Persian leader, Dr. X, that I hesitate to provide a comment of my own.

I am not a Persian but I have been captivated by the imagination, sensitivity, intellect and devotion of Dr. Ahreeman to preserve the culture of one of the greatest civilizations that has impacted the modern world. Few men recognize the contributions that the great nation of Persia gave to mankind and is why Dr. Ahreeman is to be honored and applauded for insuring mankind does not forget. Each succeeding generation of mankind builds upon former ideas that help all of us to better understand our world and achieve higher accomplishments.

For me, not a Persian, I will be on board to grab the hand of Dr. X and stand with him to improve our world. All those of Persian descent have a heritage to be proud of and whenever possible, join him now to preserve what Persians have given to this world.

It was fitting that Dr. Ahreeman was inspired to write his poem for the end of 2020. It reminds all members of IPC to learn more of Persia’s great men and women as we enter 2021. I am proud to be welcomed by the Iran Politics Club and the honor will always be treasured for I love the Persian people.

Yes, post this poem every year to remind all of us that we share a common sense of love and are willing to die for the values that makes us worthy human beings.
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Re: The Persian: Epic Persian Poetry of Ahreeman X

Postby Bita Qabus » Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:18 am

Atusa thanks for posting this note in the club and send it with mailing list. I was abroad a while and missed a lot of updates.

This thread:

The Persian: Epic Persian Poetry of Ahreeman X

Needs to be added to or linked to this thread:

Ahreeman X Poetry Update Thread

and it is a great sequel which accompanies this literature piece:

Plastic Persian - Epic Photo Literature with No Hero!
Persian Sunset and Persian Sunrise
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/art-litera ... /index.htm


In my humble opinion, this one is one of your best and one of the best patriotic poems ever written about Iran, Patriotism, Nationalism and mother Persia. I really enjoyed it and I’m glad Atusa posted it because I could have missed it for a while. Soon or late, I would have read it but now soon than late.

You never seize to amaze me and capture my attention and widen my imagination, making me explore new concepts. With you, sky is the limit. You add spice and flame to Persian Nationalism and as we specify to it as Persianhood. It is for sure glorious, heartwarming and proud. It makes Iranians feel good and proud of themselves and it makes them to make a move and get off of their butts to actually jump start a change and a revolution. Something must give and make this dead silent majority to wake up.

I love it. Only you can start a spark with poetry and create an uproar. Wonderfully illustrated without you lifting a paint brush and without the need for a paint brush. You captured the picture and imagination. Marvelous Doc, one of the best.

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The Persian: Epic Persian Poetry of Ahreeman X

Postby CR » Fri Mar 12, 2021 6:09 pm

The Persian: Epic Persian Poetry of Ahreeman X

Read this poem:

The Persian: Epic Persian Poetry of Ahreeman X
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Destination: Persian Poetry + Gallery by Ahreeman X

Postby CR » Sun Jun 12, 2022 9:30 am

Destination: Persian Poetry in English & Gallery - Ahreeman X
Latest Ahreeman X Poem
Out of This World!

A Journey in Time
Questioning the Meaning of Life?
Be the First to Recite it in the Club before Publication!

Ahreeman X Destination Poem
The Dark Man in the Hat waits for the train at the station in a foggy night

Ahreeman X Destination Poem
The Dark Man with the luggage waits for the train at the station

Ahreeman X Destination Poem
The Dark Man in the hat with the luggage leaves the train station

Destination Persian Poem

Destination Persian Poetry & Destination Photo Gallery
Questioning the Meaning of Life in Sections:
Reality, Game, Dream, Paradise, Sea, Train Station, Journey in Time


Ahreeman X
June 12, 2022

Sometimes I question if this is the true reality?
Or is it a virtual reality built for us?
And the players from above, play it for us?
Are we only pawns in a video game?

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https://iranpoliticsclub.net/poetry/des ... /index.htm

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Ahreeman X Destination Poem
Ahreeman X the Dark Man in the hat waits for the train at the station in a foggy evening
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Destination Poem of Ahreeman X Review

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sun Jun 12, 2022 2:40 pm

Destination Poem Review
One of Ahreeman’s Best

:thumbsup: :B :WOW2: :compcr: :thumbsup:
My interest is poetry. I love poetry. Ahreeman X is one of my favorite poets. In my opinion, Ahreeman is a world class level poet. As Ahreeman’s secretariat, when he is away for business, politics and pleasure, I check his emails. A good number of his emails are fan mails about his poetry. Ahreeman has more poetry fans in India and Germany than in Iran and America! How many poets are you aware of that write and recite poetry in classical, in modern and even old English style? Not only writing them but he is a master and class act in all styles of poetry. Ahreeman writes poetry in English, Persian and he is a masterful poetry translator too.

I recall once he wrote a modern poetry titled “Shangri-La” but that one was not even close to the level of this one. “Destination” is in a class of its own.

https://iranpoliticsclub.net/poetry/Sha ... /index.htm

“Shangri-La” was more of a play with many acts but “Destination” is heavy philosophical poetic justice! It’s not even traditional modern poetry but it’s philosophy posing as a poem.

https://iranpoliticsclub.net/poetry/des ... /index.htm

Personally, I’m a big fan of classical poetry and I prefer Ahreeman’s classical poems. My favorite is “The Persian”.

The Persian

More of a contemporary poetry is like “Racing With The Death!”.

Racing With The Death!
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/poetry/rac ... /index.htm

But we can notice a great poet with super poetic range, when we read old English style poetry where sentence structure is backward than today’s English. The ingenuity displays when he rhymes so superbly while he clearly writes poetry in old English!

A Nightmare, Together We Share!

Rhyming and weights are important parts and classifications of the poetry. Classic poetry can be rhymed at every half a line, every line or every other poetry lines. The weight and sentence structure or phrase structures must also be equal, clear and pleasant to read. Ahreeman focuses on all of the above in his classical poetry. That is why I love his classical poetry.

When it comes to modern poetry also known as the Neo Poetry style, rhyming is not a factor but literary artistic lining of the poem is a factor. Ahreeman writes modern poetry with such an amazing artistic talent. They are more like literature pieces of art.

The wording, the terms used, the story telling, the concepts and structures of the complete poems are super. Where does he get his concepts?

Let us view “Destination” concepts:

- Virtual Reality or Actual Reality?
- The Game Concept
- The Dream Concept
- The Paradise Metaphor
- Thrown in Sea Metaphor
- Train to Final Destiny
- Train Line of Life
- Ants in the Ant Farm Metaphor for the Naïve Public
- Ahreeman’s Journey in Time Where he Meets the Immortal in a Time Loop
- The Final Discovery of Truth

These are only main concepts but he has side section concepts in between each of these main concepts. There are hidden concepts. Ahreeman is like a subliminal preacher where he does his preaching subliminal in between the lines of poetry. Once you read the poetry, he got you hooked and you don’t even know that he got you. He shoots himself deep in to your mind, like morphine through your veins! He works psychology in a subliminal way.

The concepts on this poem are magnificent, futuristic and Sci-Fi. There is no way he could do classical poetry with these concepts. He had to do modern style. How can you rhyme all of these concepts and still be faithful and obedient to your philosophical integrity? He had to do it modern style.

I’m a classic poetry lover but this poem is one of his best. He captures the mind of the reader and then he challenges the reader to think. This is deep and heavy poetry. It is mind boggling, deep thinking and mysterious. Ahreeman takes you on a roller coaster of mystery, thriller and exciting refreshing ride. No boring, tiring same old lines and stories. Ahreeman hits you with fresh concepts, one after another.

This poem is more like philosophy literature and suspense theatre than poetry! Masterful testament of mind-boggling story telling posing as poetry. In this poem, Ahreeman challenges you to think deep and do some heavy critical thinking under the surface of literature.

Ahreeman is like an old Persian carpet. It gets finer and more valuable by age and by walking on it. Ahreeman ages like wine. Read his poems and you will notice that he gets better by the decade and by the year. This poem is out of sight. It is a future classic. It has my two thumbs up and 4 out of 4 stars.

“Destination” is a poem which you need to read a few times. Then you put it down on a piece of paper, dissect it, fraction it, open it up and analyze it. You take it apart and then put it back together until you get the message and the each of the many concepts. Even when you think you got them all, there is still more to come. Ahreeman challenges your mind with the mind games. He is a master in mind games.

This poem is not a poem to read and put away. This poem is a read for few times over a week and then to dissect and think about it. It takes heavy reading and heavy thinking to get the complete story, the message and the concepts.

I love it. It’s not classical poetry but it is Ahreemanic. I definitely put it as one of his best and for sure, his best modern poetry.

Few memorable lines:

“Some were good for the sake of goodness
Some done good deeds
Some bought their way to the paradise,
With a religious prayer or two!”

How about his one:

“The train has left the station
The train had disappeared in the misty fog of the evening
Our eyes anxiously said farewell to the fading train
We looked at the train
Then we looked at ourselves
We were now at the front of the line!”

Wow, how about his one:

“I asked him: how do you understand me?
You speak Pahlavi Sassanid Persian; I speak modern Persian?
He sighed and he whispered to me:
The Dead speak the same language!”

It is Persian miniature painting in Twilight Zone, Ahreemanic style!

Then he blows the lid off:

“Our final journey will be,
The journey from the death of life to the life of death”

Think about it:

“Are our lives real?
Is this only a game?
Snapshots of my life?”

You get the point. Study it, open it up, write it down and do some deep thinking. The more you read it, the more you get it. Surely the more you get it, the more you think about it. It is a mind exercise and thinking thriller.

Lovely job by Cat posting the topic and superb job by Ahreeman’s poetry mastery and photo art.

“Destination” is food for not only poetry lovers but philosophical minds and people who like to challenge their minds, the Critical Thinkers who love heavy thinking concepts.

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Re: Ahreeman X Poetry Update

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sun Jun 12, 2022 2:47 pm

Modern Poetry for Thinking People
Destination Poem by Ahreeman X
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/poetry/des ... /index.htm
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Re: Destination: Persian Poetry + Gallery - Ahreeman X

Postby Shahrzad BB » Sun Jun 12, 2022 2:50 pm

Wow so deep, all I need to say is that it is awesome and breath taking! :shadesi:
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Re: Destination: Persian Poetry + Gallery - Ahreeman X

Postby Bita Qabus » Sun Jun 12, 2022 6:03 pm


Super lovely and deeply meaningful concepts, intriguing stories all in one, coherent and steady flow of poetry plus your special little touches had made this piece a hit. I have read it a few times, Atusa is right, once is not enough. Every time you read it, you discover new hidden facts. It’s like a puzzle, every time you read, you put new pieces together and discover something new. I really liked it. It is expected from you to produce something like this. Been a while, I guess you got your poetic sense back and it was time to release a new one. I wonder was this spontaneous or you have been working a while on it? Same as Atusa, I also wonder about where do you get all of your amazing concepts. These concepts make people think. I also liked Atusa’s review. She always writes good reviews on your poems. Top concept poetry indeed.

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Re: Destination: Persian Poetry + Gallery - Ahreeman X

Postby IPC » Sun Jun 12, 2022 6:14 pm

Doc, solid piece, truly enjoyed it, should write poetry more often.
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Re: Destination: Persian Poetry + Gallery - Ahreeman X

Postby CR » Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:51 am


Been a while since your last poem, I’m glad you created this one. This poem is fine but I must say, I cherish your classical style of poetry more than your modern style. I’m old school and your classic poetry is masterpiece in rhyming and structure. This one is deep and way too heavy. I guess Atusa is correct, there was no way to recite this one as a classic poetry. The wording and the depth, also subject matters, doesn’t allow much rhyming!

I have one question for you. This is not questioning your poetic skills because everyone knows you are a born poet but it is a curiosity question for you. Why are you so skeptic, always looking for alter motives and always so dark? Your poems are so dark, why so dark? In person, you are not a dark person, you are very funny, happy go getter and silly. Why such dark poetry? I guess its your MO but why so dark?

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Re: Destination: Persian Poetry + Gallery by Ahreeman X

Postby IPC » Mon Jun 13, 2022 9:09 am

Are you kidding? Why so dark? He is the Lord of Darkness! Cannot get darker than Ahreeman. He has a reputation to maintain. Of course, he must be dark, not just dark but darkest! Why his poetry is dark? Give us a break Cat! What do you want, sun and daisies with rainbow and birds dancing in the sky? Maybe with a gay unicorn flying above it all? That’s not Ahreeman! Ahreeman’s poetry is not dark, it is depth of abyss! That’s why it is so popular. His darkness makes people to think and question the world. That’s Ahreeman for you.

Asking why Ahreeman’s poetry is dark is like asking why Edgar Allan Poe doesn’t write happy bear drinking lyrics for the drunk? Are you kidding me? Darkness is in his character, that’s what makes him special. The smile is on his face but the darkness is deep inside him.
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Re: Ahreeman X Poetry Updates - The Selection

Postby Atusa Qajar » Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:56 am

New Ahreeman X Poetry Update: The Selection

Ahreeman X Destination Poem
The Dark Man with the luggage waits for the train at the station

Let us review Ahreeman X poetry with hope for him to create a new one, enjoy the saga:

https://iranpoliticsclub.net/poetry/des ... /index.htm

The Persian

A Nightmare, Together We Share!

The Mirror

Master, O Master!

What I Believe?

The Time

https://iranpoliticsclub.net/poetry/Sha ... /index.htm

Racing With The Death!
https://iranpoliticsclub.net/poetry/rac ... /index.htm

How Had The Persians Died?!


Persian Poetry Index

Ba Sepas

Ahreeman X Destination Poem
Ahreeman X the Dark Man in the hat waits for the train at the station in a foggy evening
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