Reza Yazdani Response to Ahreeman X Guitar Riff Challenge
“Vaqti Ke Bidari Sakhteh” (When Staying Awake is Hard) SongReza Yazdani Never Produced Anything Like This Before!
Ahreeman X Was Correct: Reza Yazdani is Master of Persian Rock! 
Reza Yazdani produced a fast beat heavy Rock song with a guitar riff desired by Ahreeman X. I did not expect Reza Yazdani to produce results this fast, particularly when Ahreeman asked for no time limit but fine results. That was fast!
{ IX. Take your time as long as you desire, no rush. This is not a speed test. The quality of the produced song is what matters. You need to produce the best according to your ability.}
I say, Reza Yazdani was up to the challenge, he produced what asked of him and more. Let’s go though point by point and see iof Reza Yazdani succeeded:
The Ahreemanic ChallengeThis was Ahreeman X challenge:
Reza Yazdani Persian Rock Guitar Riff Challenge
Producing a Heavy Fast Beat Persian Rock Song ... /index.htmLet’s go point by point over challenge conditions and check if they were met:
The Challenge ConditionsIt is surely a challenge because:
I. The poem must be chosen to fit the fast beat guitar riff, yet sooths the heart.
II. The poem must fit the song pattern, yet to make sense and still holds its Persian poetry poetic value.
III. Playing the riff is not hard but you must keep it through the song all the way to the end.
IV. Transition between the riff and intermission pieces in between the song must be smooth.
V. The guitar licks during the intermission pieces must Rock.
VI. I’m not holding you to play the guitar riff all through the song yourself, because you need to focus on your singing, you can allow your band member to play the riff; however, you must play the guitar licks during the 2 intermissions in between the song where you bring down the music or bring up the music or both.
VII. You must release a studio version and live version in concert and film them both as video clips on your YouTube channel. Studio version does not have to be a music video, just an audio clip is fine but the concert version must be a live music video, so it must look great.
Studio Check / Live in Concert Not Check
VIII. The Music beat must Rock heavily and the Poem must be poetic.
IX. Take your time as long as you desire, no rush. This is not a speed test. The quality of the produced song is what matters. You need to produce the best according to your ability.
More than Asked Check
X. The music piece must have both Persian Eastern theme and lyrics, also western Hard Rock beat and rhythm. Best of both worlds indeed!
Eastern Partial Check / Western Check
XI. May your God help you, because I can’t! Even though an atheist, I pray for you!
What a Riot, Ahreeman kills me!
Results AnalysisI say, Reza Yazdani produced What Ahreeman asked him to do, even more.
SuccessesWhy More:
a) The song Rocks. It is a fast beat heavy Rock song.
b) Reza produced it so unexpectedly fast
c) Lyrics are great and harmonize with the music.
d) Intermissions maybe not 2 full ones but the transformations from riffs to intermissions were great and smooth
e) Matching of lyrics into music and harmonizing them was super.
f) Ending was smooth even Reza decided to end with the riff.Problemsa) Reza Yazdani still needs to release a live concert version video of this song. I am sure in his next concert; he will sing this song and make a live video of it. Looking forward to it.
b) Eastern theme of the song, I gave partial credit because in my opinion it was a bit lacking.Final JudgementIn total, I must say Reza Yazdani surprisingly was up to the challenge, so fast, great production and the song Rocks, fine recording, Fine mixing, fine melody, awesome riff, Rocking licks and lyrics totally match the music. It is a Rocking fast beat Persian Rock song. I have a feeling in time, especially after future concert, this song will be a hit and one of his best ever. This is a Dance Beat Rock Song but with serious deep poem. Love it.
To Reza YazdaniIt is a must for you to produce a live in concert video version of it. You can do it in your future concert. No rush indeed. I am surprised you made the song so fast. You are truly a superb musician. Ahreeman was correct. You are the Master of Persian Rock!
Dear Members and Readers You Decide?Reza Yazdani Answer to AX ChallengeBrand New Song:
Vaqti Ke Bidari Sakhteh (When Staying Awake is Hard)Vaqti Ke Bidari Sakhteh (When Staying Awake is Hard) MP3 Song ... akhteh.mp3Go to Reza Yazdani YouTube and like the awesome new song:
Vaqti Ke Bidari Sakhteh (When Staying Awake is Hard) MP4 Video Yazdani YouTube Yazdani Site Reza Yazdani Songs:
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