New Chapter of Our Struggle to Free Iran
Goal: Death of IRI Islamist Regime
Start of the New Topic and the New Era
Iran Politics Club Operations Official Announcement

Blood Faravahar Flag
Iran Politics Club Futurist Faravahar Blood Trim Iran Flag
IPC Revolutionary Faravahar Banner

Futurist Faravahar Iran Flag
Present Green, White and Red Order Iran Flag
Iran Politics Club Futurist Faravahar Tricolor Iran Flag
New Era of Opposition Struggle to Free Iran
Dear Friends, Colleagues, Fellow Opposition, Members, Readers and Friends of Iran,
We are starting a new topic thread with new concepts yet looking back at our history of struggle against the IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) Islamist Regime. We are beginning a new struggle era after the expulsion of the Biden Illegitimate Regime and Democrat Regime whom destroyed America and the World Economies from the US White House, Senate, House of Representative and Gubernatorial majorities in America which is great news for the American people, Iranian people and the global public.
The good news is that the Iranian Opposition is now having a great friend and supporter inside the White House. Trump is the hope for the better future for America, Iran and the World. Trump will operate the government, politics and country as a business, the way it supposed to be. As a National Populist, Trump is the supporter of the Individualist Workers fighting the Globalist Establishment.
Trump has started the “Golden Age of America” and his agenda will start the “Golden Age of the Iranian Opposition.” Freedom of America is mandatory for Freedom of Iran.
Democrats are the greatest supporters of the Mullahs and the Islamist Regime of Iran. Democrats have been in cahoots with the Mullahs since 1979 when Carter gave birth to Khomeini and in return Khomeini have given birth to IRI which has been creating and funding the global Neo Islamism in the world.
The true founder of the Neo Islamism is the world is Jimmy Carter and the US Democrats whom are the enemies of the Iranian people and Iranian opposition to free Iran from the Mullahs, IRI Regime and Islamists.
Carter Finally Croaked!
IPC Operations and Opposition has been actively battling the IRI for over quarter of century and extensively fighting the Iran Lobby and their efforts in the United States. When we took the mission to fight the Iran Lobby in USA, they were very powerful but now they have been commonly exposed and weaken to rubbles, thanks to the hardcore efforts of the IPC Operations and the Iranian Opposition.
Originally they misguided the Iranian Americans and the global public in to believing that they are lobbying for the Iranian Americans and the Iranian people in Usa and abroad, yet the truth was exposed by us and distributed to the global public that the Iran Lobby in USA and UK are nothing but front organizations for the Mullahs’ Regime to gain power in USA and UK. Today, more or less majority of the Iranian Americans, Iranians abroad and most importantly in Iran are aware of the filthy face of the Iran Lobby in USA. Global public has also been informed about the true nature of the Iran Lobby in USA. These successful achievements could have never been achieved without the hard efforts of the IPC Operations and the Iranian Opposition abroad.
Today, the IRI Regime is nothing like what it was a quarter a century ago. IRI Regime is weak, vulnerable, bankrupt and broke. They have been losing and abandoned by their many proxies in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia and Balkans in Europe. Through the past quarter of century, thanks to the struggle, mass information and exposure by the IPC Operations and Opposition, the IRI Regime is a shell of what it used to be.
Since 25 years ago, Mullahs, Hezbollahis and Islamists in Iran got rich, people got poor and the country has been destroyed. If IRI Regime could have never been born by Carter and the Democrats, then Iran of today would have been the second Japan. Democrats are the greatest enemy of the Iranian people.
Iranian American Democrats knowingly or unknowingly help to destroy Iran. Some are traitor Iran Lobby, others are Marxists, some are Democrat party hacks and the rest are uninformed followers and voters whom are the greatest danger to Iran and Iranians because they are uninformed voters. That is the reason that we have been informing the Iranian public globally to the realities of the Iranian, American and global politics for the past 3 decades.
Until the death of the brutal, bloodthirsty, Gender Aparethide Regime of IRI, we will continue the struggle and we will remain the voice and the backbone of the Iranian Opposition struggle against the inhuman Regime of the Mullahs and their Islamist puppets around the region.
The struggle will go on until the total victory which sums in:
“Iran Politics Club supports the fight to establish Freedom, Secularism, Federalism, Human Rights and Democracy in Iran.”
Until then, we will never back down, we will never surrender and we will fight the Islamic Beasts until we pull their roots out of the future Free Iran and the future Iranian government.
We will now display some important links representing information about our past struggles, today’s agenda and number of Iranian Opposition manuals and instructional readings for the Freedom Fighters and Opposition inside and outside Iran.
Democrats and Mullahs History
History of Democrats & Mullahs: Democrats' Misfires
Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran?
Opposition Struggle History Against IRI Regime
Battleplan Against IRI in Biden - Harris Era
Iran Protests: IRI Islamic Regime Got to Go!
Opposition Struggle Against Iran Lobby in USA & Globe
Iran Lobby Infiltrates San Diego Persian Cultural Center
Iranian Hezbollah Agents, Lobby & Front Businesses in USA
Iranian Opposition Manuals for Battle Against IRI Islamist Regime
Iranian Opposition Missions Manuals
IPC Flags
Chapter 14: Iran Politics Club Flags
Iranian Opposition Articles
Iran Democratic Movement Index
Until Total Victory Against the Islamic Regime and Islamists
Long Live IPC operations and Iranian Opposition
Free Iran
Persian Cat Wide Awake