E-mails to Ahreeman X

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Google vs. Persian Gulf Controversy

Postby IPC » Wed May 30, 2012 4:41 pm

Google vs. Persian Gulf Controversy

Google, Persian Gulf and IRI Iranian Agents in USA
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/go ... /index.htm

Google vs. Persian Gulf Controversy
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Interview with Ahreeman X

Postby Ahreeman X » Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:18 pm

Interview with Ahreeman X

Here is an interesting e-mail trade with a dear fellow author:


Subject: Interview Request
Name: Jack Holland
Location: Laredo, Texas, USA
June 1, 2012

Greetings Ahreeman,

Jack Holland here, hailing from Laredo, Texas. I'm a writer and
currently working on a book about the U.S. Foreign Policy entitled
"Yemen False Flag Operation, the Hijacking of U.S. Foreign Policy".
One of the chapters in this book deals with the subject of U.S.
intervention in Persian politics and the 1953 coup.

A lot of Americans are unaware of history, being the dumbed down
lot we have become. In my research, I ran across your site and
have read nearly everything you have written. I discovered we have
a couple of things in common: One, being the politically incorrect
bit, and the second being we both have an inquisitive mind.

I would like to know if I may send you a few questions, we can call
it an email interview that I could publish in my book. I am
interested in presenting more than one view on history. You are
quite correct that Americans are being suckered into debates that
should not even be happening with the mullahs, etc.

And, I would like permission to use some of your historical photos.
Also, if you have historical memories related to your own family's
previous life in Iran you would like to share, I am willing to
include this type of information also. Basically I want to open
American's eyes beyond their 5 minute daily brainwashing session
from CNN and the mainstream media.

If you would agree to this, I will put together a list of questions
and forward them to you. I greatly appreciate your time and kind
consideration and hopefully look forward to hearing back from you.

Jack Holland
Laredo, Texas


June 3, 2012

Howdy Texan Jack Holland:

Greetings from the Eye-Rainian Redneck!

I just got back from overseas (a while back) and accidentally opened my mail and amongst tons of e-mails yours caught my eye! It is a good thing that I checked my mail (which during travel time I never touch a computer)otherwise I would have respond to you a few months later and you would not like that!

Now let’s dig in …

How yall doin down there? Eatin them Southern Cookin, shootin them guns and waving bibles?

Hey now simmer down n let me ask yee somethin (that’s my Southern accent)?

How is it ye been writin all o them books in amazon n yeenever wrote for IPC? Shame on yee!

Yee sure yee’re not one o them pink belly commies from Chicago immitatin one o us down in Texas? General Lee is shakin in his grave!

As a good Christian are you sure you want to interview Satan?!

Now be careful, you are entering new domains!

First of all, make up your mind Jack. Which Jack are you?

Have you returned from the grave?

Jack Holland 1947 - 2004

Are you a British Snob?

Dr Jack Holland (Centre for International Intervention, Department of Politics)

Are you a Hollywood Liberal?

Jack Holland (Hollywood)

Or are you this off the radar guy?

Jack Holland (The Last American Newspaper)

http://www.amazon.com/Jack-Holland/e/B0 ... r_dp_pel_1

Which is it now?

Now really, how could you have nearly read everything which I have written, in such short time?

Have you really read all my books, Series, Papers, Articles, Speeches, Announcements, Poems, Cartoons, Graphics, Animations, etc?

Unless you are a new prototype CIA Web-Bot Model # 92126from Langley?!

You have read almost everything about me but I don’t know anything about you!

I have some questions from you:

I. Is there an online or e-copy biography about you which I can read?

II. Is there a picture of you which I can glance at?

III. Do you describe yourself as a Conservative, Liberal, Libertarian, Independent, or what?

IV. As a Red Blooded Good Ol Southern boy, how is it that you are Anti Zionists and Pro Palestinians?

V. Now don’t tell me you are also pro Mossadeq?

Now pay attention, yee sure yee’re not one o them Sissy, touchy, feely, Wishy, Washy Hollywood Liberals posing as a Good Ol’ Texan Boy? I’m onto you Jack, confess Jack, confession is good for the soul, it’s all in the Bible! Spill the beans Jack?

Tell me about yourself?

Fer now Adios Jack



Eye-Rainian Redneck from 69 Louisiana Confederacy Cavalry CSA


June 3, 2012

Howdy Mr. X

I'm the off the radar guy...with The Last American Newspaper.com

No known photos, if there is one floating around I would like to
see it. There is an old one of me in the front of the Cheju Island
Jesus book..but sort of obscured by a door frame.

Born in Alabama in 1961, Heritage of a Tennessee Family,
Independent thinker with degrees in International Relations (BA) and
Accounting(MPacc), and certainly neither a Democrat or Republican.

I'm not pro-anything other than the U.S. Constitution, Jim Beam

My ideal Congress would be one that would pledge to go to
Washington and remove 100,000 bad laws off the books each year and
promise not to write any new ones.

Until I attended college over twenty years ago, I knew nothing more
much about Iran other the crap that that was shoveled out by the
mainstream press during the Carter Administration. And in doing
the research for this book, I discovered I really still did know
that much.

Thus, I'm after some diverse opinions and information on the
subject. I dare not set myself up as an expert, or engage in the
fray of Persian politics as I would most certainly get diced and
sliced from all sides from what I gather of the multitude of views
on the subject by the Persian people living here in the U.S.

I will not take sides on the internal debate of nations. I will
take sides on how my tax dollars are spent. The only matter of
fact opinion I have on the current leadership in Iran is that I
would not tolerate the likes of'em in my own country, and should it
ever come to be that such a regime attempts to come to power in the
United States, then I'll most certaily be oiling up my shotgun.

I also do like the mainstream media lying about what dicatators
have to say no more than I like them lying about what presidents of
the United States have to say. I don't want their propaganda. I
want the truth, good or bad. I will make up my own mind about the
rest. Thus the anti-Zionist media sentiment. And yes I have
read your articles on the bias of news that is being perpetuated by
certain factions in the debate by certain U.S. based Iranian
organizations....good stuff...

I find your views interesting, so I thought they would make a good
addition to my book. I am writing about this subject to educate my
fellow Americans about the hoodwinking they have been getting from
the mainstream media.

So if you are game, I'll send the questions.

I am also working on a 1600 page book on religion...that challenges
the world's generally accepted views on the suject...that is why I
stated you and I share a few similar views...when you get a visual
on that feller called God, shoot me an email....we'll both have a
chat with him...

Best Regards,


June 6, 2012

Greetings Ahreeman,

I am now finalizing my book. Attached is a PDF containing the Chapter I intend to include about IPC if you have no objections. The last page has room for a photo, if you wish to have one in it, send me a jpeg. I would also add the answers to the questions I sent you if you can find the time to answer them.

Best Regards,



June 6, 2012

Hi Ahreeman,

Speeding along here...book is almost done...here is my final draft of the chapter that includes your IPC website....let me know soon if you wish to answer interview questions, or add something or point something out I should share with reader....



June 7, 2012

Hi Ahreeman,

Am almost ready to go to print....have added artwork to your section of book. Hope it suits you. Let me know soon if you wish to add anything. Probably will publish at the end of this week.



June 3, 2012

Mr. X,

Now I've had my evening coffee, I thought I might write another
word or two...

As you have quickly learned, I think faster than I write, so
forgive the language slaughter...I tend to leave out articles & s's

and such...my mind doesn't require them, but then I realize that
might confuse some folks, so forgive me and I will try to be more
careful...writing and researching twelve to fourteen hours a day
will do that to a man sometimes...

You asked about politics...I had hoped the "Tea Party" would have
actually gone beyond their initial cause and stepped forward and
founded a third party Americans could be proud of...didn't
happen...I think this fact will one day be looked back upon as the
most squandered opportunity of a lifetime for a third political
party to get off the ground in this country...

My preference for all nations is this...America should butt
out...I'm with Ron Paul on this one...between the British and we
Americans, we have screwed up more countries that flies on a boar

I would prefer to go to Persia, eat Persian food, learn about
Persian customs, and enjoy Persian hospitality...and then go home
to my own culture...I do not want to go to Persia, eat at
McDonalds, and wish everybody spoke English...I'm of the school
that when in Rome, do as the Romans do...In my view, the
Americanization of the world is making it a pretty dull place and
quite frankly uninteresting...I am now rooting for the Greeks to
throw their middle fingers up at the world bankers and tell'em to
take a hike. Who in their right mind would want to go to Greece if

it becomes an uptight-everybody work around the clock mini-America?

My view on the Islamic Mullahs and other "religious" fanatics like
them is that most of their ideals have nothing to do with religion,

but the control of men over women...

It is also my view that it is the women that must rise up in mass
to change this...what are their men going to do...kill'em all...If
the women stopped washing their clothes, stopped cooking for them,
and stopped giving them what they can't get from their
sheep...things would eventually have to change...

I have only one question for the religious leader of fundamentalist

Islam..."Sir, if we pay for the airfare and provide the planes,
would you allow the women in your nation that wish to leave the
right to do so freely without interference?"

One would quickly knock down the facade of Allah with that
question, if the leaders answered honestly.

Most of the Arab men expressing these views are simply brainwashed
and therefor are psychologically unable to handle the eyes of
another man traveling up and down the bodies of their women
folk...that's the bottom line...

I served in the USAF and on one base where Arabs were coming to
learn our aircraft systems, the Arab men would be out whoring
everynight, sleeping with the local trash, and drinking alchohol
like it was going out of style...A Saudi Cheif Master Seargent once

offered me one of his daughter of my choosing if I would move to
Jeddah, and then he I would be off to the playgrounds of Europe to
gamble and have fun...he was dead serious...

My view on religious fundamentalists and bible-thumpers in the U.S.

is that most of these folks are brainwashed and fear the unknown
because that fear was instilled in them at an early age....the
proselytizers are even more insecure...as they have a need for
others to believe the way they do because it gives them a "false"
sense of comfort...

I grew up going to fundamentalist Baptist church...I'm an expert on

the subject...

However, I do like the ethics of certain philosophies and
"religions" and would prefer most folks understood them and lived
by them...

Buddhism was never meant to be a religion until the West branded it

one...that's how the elites in the West prefer to sort out the rest

of the world...branding, categorizing, and then setting aside, and
destroying the ones that don't meausure up...once you label it and
write it down on paper, you can light a match to it...

Here are my questions if you are interested...

1. Had the British accepted the fact that Iran's oil belonged to
Iran and stepped back, where do you thing Iran would be today?

2. Were you born in Iran? and if so, what are you best memories,
what are your worst?

3. Should American Iranians or exhiled Iranians be involved in the
"American way" of putting together exhiled coalition governments
and therefore becoming future American puppet regimes? Or has
American gotten so powerful that this is the only way forward? (I
read your piece on the pots of money being tossed out by the State
Dept. and the CIA)

4. Would you move back to Iran if it had Democratic government? Do

you think most Persians living in Iran would move back or stay

5. Which individuals if killed by the U.S. Government-say a typical

stray drone fired missile or two, or maybe 200, would cause the
Islamic government to collapse? Do you think the U.S. Government
already has such a hitlist?

You may answer if you wish, avoid any question if you wish or tell
me to go to hell and leave you the hell alone...

Best Regards,


June 10, 2012

Hello Jack:

I have just read all of your e-mails and have not read your chapter. You are moving by the speed of light and I am dead busy. If you want my take, you have to give me more time to answer your questions. I can also send you some links. Maybe if you are in rush, I can vastly elaborate on your next book or project.

You are welcome to use all IPC material as long as you mention the source and the link to IPC. I would also like to down the road debate you in IPC forum. I also recommend for you to write articles and become an IPC Author. If you want to do so, let me know.

So would you say you are more of a Libertarian? Are you a Non Denominational (just believe in God) or an atheist?

About Jews and Arabs, hell I’ll take Jews any day of the week. At least they are democratic, civilized and more logical. I have no love affair with the Jews but amongst the sea of Arabs in Middle East, I can only see fit for Persians and Jews to form an alliance (like before 1979).

You are an interesting fellow, we need to debate and either publish the debate or just directly post in the forum (when we get time) and then maybe later publish it in the website.

Cheers buddy



June 10, 2012

Thanks for the Response,

I hope I shared the essence of your site in my book. I included two of your photos on Reza Shah..interesting man, he is....

On the religious question.... it depends upon what one calls God and if he must be a human form. I have huge two volume book I'm working on about religion, spirituality, etc., ...which will share with the reader many historical books and writings on religion that most folk do not know exist, or if they do, they most likely have never read. If you have any knowledge of ancient religions, or actual writings that folks may not be familiar with, I would appreciate you pointing me in the right direction....

I sent my Yemen book to the printer today....should be on Amazon soon.

The final title is Yemen False Flag Operation, The hijacking of U.S. foreign policy

The debate sounds interesting....let know when you are ready.....just send a fresh email, so we can start from there.....ask a question and I'll answer...I could then put the emails in a PDF for you when we are satisfied we are finished....and you could then publish it on your site.....let me know....

Thanks Ahreeman...

Best Regards,



June 10, 2012

Without reading your latest response ……

On the short notice, quick responses without elaborations:

“1. Had the British accepted the fact that Iran's oil belonged to
Iran and stepped back, where do you thing Iran would be today?”

Oil was nationalized with or without Mossadeq. Eventually Shah played a role in it later on. The better question to ask is:

On 28 Mordad, 1953, if the CIA / MI6 Coup would have not occurred and Mossadeq’s regime would have remained in power, then where would Iran be today?

I used to believe that if 28 Mordad did not occur, then Iranwould have been worst off! Now I believe that if 28 Mordad would have not occurred, Iran would be better off! Why you ask?

Worst Scenario: Tudeh Communist Party would have seized control and pushed Mossadeq and Jebhe Meli aside. Iranian Marxist Regime as a satellite of USSR would have been at least progressive and people would have been more educated; therefore, on 1979 they would have not made an Islamic Revolution.

Best Scenario: Mossadeq would continue rule either as a Democratic Regime or as a Nationalist Semi Dictatorship regime in the form of Constitutional Monarchy or Republic. Either way Iran would have moved towards democracy and the Absolutist Imperial Dictatorship would have not resulted in suffocation and as a backlash an Islamic Revolution would have not occurred.

Have in mind that I am an Anti Mossadeq and Anti Jebhe Meli,yet I still believe Iran would have been better off today, if the 1953 Coup would have not occurred.

“2. Were you born in Iran? and if so, what are you best memories,
what are your worst?”

Yes I was born in Iran. First 16 years of my life until 1979was spent there.

A Best Memory:
Riding my dad’s 1965 Classic convertible Ford Thunder bird right by the Caspian Sea Shores on the sand with my wild girl and guy cousins and friends riding along. Afterwards hanging in Port Pahlavi (Today’s Anzali) Boulevard, dinner at Hotel and then hit the Nightclub dancing with live Rock music during our early teen years.

A Worst Memory:
1978 street to street rumble with Hezbollah and Khomeini thugs, while writing Anti Khomeini graffiti on the walls, predicting that the Islamist Baboons would take over the nation and turn the progressive Iran in toan Islamic Shiite Hole while we could do nothing about it! It was fighting a lost battle!

“3. Should American Iranians or exhiled Iranians be involvedin the
"American way" of putting together exhiled coalition governments
and therefore becoming future American puppet regimes? Or has
American gotten so powerful that this is the only way forward? (I
read your piece on the pots of money being tossed out by theState
Dept. and the CIA)”

With the present situation of the Iranian Opposition as themost disunited opposition in the world, the only way to bring IRI down is the US military invasion / occupation of Iran. Whatever part of opposition willing to participate is welcomed and whatever part does not participate so be it. There is no other solution.

You could have not bring the Nazi Germany down only by wishful thinking that the German opposition could succeed! A total war was needed. IRI is similar to Nazi Germany.

I do not see invasion and liberation of Iran as American Imperialism but I see it as the only solution left.

CIA wastes a lot of money supporting the irrelevant so-called opposition while they have to support effective opposition inside and outside. CIA has no clue who to support and they have been wasting money for decades supporting leaches and career exilists in the west.

“4. Would you move back to Iran if it had Democratic government? Do you think most Persians living in Iran would move back or stay here?”

Yes I will. I have big plans for the future regime. My firsttask would be drafting a task force to kidnap and drag all IRI Lobbyists and Agents in America and UK back to Iran to be put on public trials (Like Capture of Nazi Criminals, MOSSAD Style) and then to take care of these baboons who lived like kings in the west serving as IRI 5th Column in the west while the average Iranian had to hold 2 or 3 jobs only to make ends meet.

What you mean is if most Iranian Americans (2.7 million) would return or stay in America? Majority will stay in America. They are not political people and they do not care what happens to Iran. The minority will return to rebuild Iran.

“5. Which individuals if killed by the U.S. Government-say atypical stray drone fired missile or two, or maybe 200, would cause the Islamic government to collapse? Do you think the U.S. Government
already has such a hitlist?”

IRI will not collapse by a hit list of 200 people. A good 2million people will fight to death for IRI. Their lives depends on the regime. Fundamentalist, Moderate or Reformist Hezbollah makes no difference; they will all defend this regime. They know very well that if this regime goes, this maybe the end of Islam and Islamic government in Iran. IRGC, Qods, Basij, Ansar Hezbollah and their satellites including Hamas, Hezbollah, Syrians, Shiite Afghans, Shiite Iraqis, Foreign Legion of IRGC, etc. will fight to death to save IRI because if Mullahs go, they go.

I have no problem eliminating 2 million Iranian Hezbollah to save the other 73 million inside and 7 million outside.

Related links:

Iranian Population Inside and Outside Iran
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/library/ira ... /index.htm

Iranian National Socialist Movement (A History)!

Memoirs: Reza Shah vs. Mohammad Reza Shah
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/history/rez ... /index.htm

Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran

History of Federalism in Iran
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/history/fed ... /index.htm

Should US Invade and Liberate Iran?
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/in ... /index.htm

Hezbollah in America



June 10, 2012


I hope you can still reach the publisher about the interview. Now about religion, you may find these interesting:

Zoroastra and Zoroastrianism, The Real Story!
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/philosophy/ ... /index.htm

Persian Mythology, Gods and Goddesses
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/culture-lan ... /index.htm

Alien Factor
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/philosophy/ ... /index.htm

Religion,Living in Fantasy
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/philosophy/ ... /index.htm

Brain and Mind
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/philosophy/ ... /index.htm

Famous Atheist Expressions andIdioms
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/philosophy/ ... /index.htm

On something totally different which you may find interesting:

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Philosophy
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/philosophy/ ... /index.htm

Sweet Home Alabama ….

Adios Amigo


June 10, 2012


I will see to it the questions and answers get in the book...Thanks!


Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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What’s Ahreeman’s Education?

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:19 pm

What’s Ahreeman’s Education?
(Ahreemanic Education!)

Various readers have had the same question; therefore, I shall answer all in one shot:


Subject: Question on Education?
Name: Shahram Bonakdarpour
Location: Delmar, California, USA
May 6, 2012

Dorud Dear Doctor Ahreeman X

Highest greetings and many dorud to you the true protector of the Persian Culture. Calling from your neighboring city of Delmar in San Diego County, a long time reader since day one and a great fan of your wonderful writing, Shahram here with your permission I have a question. I don’t know why us Iranians act the way we do but unfortunately we do. It ticked me off when I read one of your authors had a verbal with you and called you a janitor. This fellow undermined you by name calling and doubted your education.

I’m aware of your history of teaching in SDSU, but I have wondered about your field of studies and education. If I may ask what is your field?

Thanks for IPC, thanks for your great informative writings and thanks a million for educating our youth and turning them on to the Persian Culture.

Your long time reader
Ba Sepas


June 15, 2012

Shahram Jan:

With much apology to return the call almost a month and a half later but hey I am known to return calls 6 months later. You can’t blame me but blame it on my hectic schedule and dead busy lifestyle. Thank you for following us since day one. Yes, many have been asking the same questions.

First of, there are nothing wrong with janitors. They are hard working labors and the most proud element is for one to enjoy the fruits of his labor rather than leeching off the society and parasite symbiotic blood-sucking the tax payers’ money such as Queen Elizabeth II, British Monarchy, Reza Pahlavi II and the rest of the monarchs and loyalists. I have the highest respect for the working class and labors and practically no respect for the leech monarchy (Angal-e Ejtema’e).

Second, this is nothing new that I have helped someone, promoted them and aided them to break through and then they bitten my hand. Ignorance is a bliss (the less you know, the happier you are). Iranians are famous for biting the hand that feeds them. This is a part of the “Iranian Disease”:

The Iranian Disease
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/ir ... /index.htm

But one cannot stop helping and supporting his countrymen and countrywomen only because some are not well mannered and appreciative. Many Iranians drink the wine and break the glass, sadly this has become a part of our diseased culture and hopefully together we will work on it, return our culture to the good old Persian Culture and cleanse it from these types of Arabo-Islamic infections and impurities. Hopefully we can all become better human beings and appreciate what other good Persians have done for us.

My friend, my education, fields of studies and certificates are no secret or obscured, all you and others must do is to view them around the site. For detailed information view:

IPC MySpace

IPC Founder

Or better I make it easy on you and in a nutshell copy past them here:

Fields of Education: Computer Science, Business Administration, and Health Sciences

Fields of Study: History, Politics, Philosophy, Geography, Sociology, Archeology, Anthropology, Raciology, Music, Art, Science and Evolution

* Ph.D. Computational Science
* MS Information and Decision Systems
* BS Information and Decision Systems
* BS Health Sciences
* AS Business Administration

Particularly many wonder if I am a historian. I am not a professional historian but an amateur historian. Even though I am not a historian by profession, yet due to decades of study of history since age 10 and research, also expeditions for decades, I have a vast knowledge of history. In other words, history is one of my great hobbies; however, I am one of a handful of “Scientific Historians” available amongst the Iranians.

I make much humor about being this and that friend, author or reader’s family doctor, but my field of study is not medicine and I am not a Doctor of Medicine. Even though I have a degree in “Health Sciences” but I am not a medical doctor. As I stated, I am not a doctor of history either.

By education, I have a doctorate degree in Computer Science. I am a Computer Scientist with a degree in “Computational Science”. I have served many years as Lab Supervisor, Technology Specialist and Security Consultant for various colleges and universities and have taught many different computer science courses as a university professor. Courses such as:

Computer Architecture
Computer Technology
Computer Animation
Computer Presentation
Computer Web Design
Computer Programming

I have also served and serving as a Private Security Consultant for the private sector’s high tech networks.

Computer Science is my field of education. I am also having degrees in Business Administration and Science.

On the other hand, I have self educated myself since age 10. I had the privilege of having access to my father’s and my mother’s grand libraries. I grew up with books. My father (journalist, author, cabinet minister) had his own library (a wall wide in his large office). This library was full of historical books, you name it he had it. Versions of Shahnameh, Ancient histories from Pre Historic Iran to the Mongol Era all the way to Imperial Pahlavi Era. I read acres of books on history, philosophy, politics and literature from my father’s library and acres of books on poetry, literature, science and medicine from my mother’s library.

So as you can see, even though I have studied in various colleges and universities in Philadelphia, El Cajon and San Diego, I have mostly self educated myself since age 10 in Iran with my dad and mom’s libraries and then in America through my own library.

But let me tell you something, the core of my education did neither come from university nor from libraries but from the street and from the masses:

Labor Day and Aqa Nuri

DeChadorization Day
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/history/DeC ... /index.htm

From Homeless to Corporate Manager, My Life

Degrees, I have a handful of Ph.D., MS, BS and AS but Degrees do not bring true knowledge and wisdom. Ahmadinejad is also a doctor but he knows as much as a cow or a donkey! I have gained my knowledge and wisdom not only because of a doctorate degree, other degrees and libraries but because of first hand experiences, experimentations and studies within the streets and amongst the masses. My best teachers were the everyday labors and working class masses of Iran and America. I have worked since I was 18 and until this day I have always had between one to three jobs at a time. My closest consorts were with working class people. This is something that built my character. This is something that aristocracy of Iran including the Qajars (my dynasty) and Pahlavis had never experienced and never had the privilege of having. Pampered aristocracy with silver spoon in the mouth living in luxury had never experienced a day work set aside working and living with the working class (look at Reza Pahlavi). With me, it was the rebel in me who broke apart with the social class and lived amongst the masses to start from zero and build my way to the top, the hard way.

I can pretty much state that I am a self made man who built myself from zero and earned whatever I own today.

… and that was the Ahreemanic Education ….

Anyhow, cut the long story short,

Many are Schooled, yet only a few are truly Educated!

Cheers buddy

Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Will You Marry Me?

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:21 pm

Will You Marry Me?

This one is a riot!


Subject: Don’t Miss Out on Me!
Name: Shideh S.
Location: Beverly Hills, California, USA
May 15, 2012

I love your style Ahreeman

I have been following your writings from way before IPC in Yahoo and AOL. I love your style. Said so much for knowing you for so long, I came to conclude that you need me! I’m one of a kind and I know you best. I know everything about you. I’m sure you will miss out if not catch up with me and take advantage of this opportunity. The opportunity of your lifetime is here. Will you marry me?

Let me know your answer and interest and I’ll send you my complete profile.

Rush rush rush
The object of your desire


June 15, 2012

Shideh joon, akh babam jooooooooooon …..!

Listen jigar tala, I am so amazed at your boldness, thankful for your years of fanhood but mostly surprised at your self assurance that you are the catch of my life! What makes you to be so sure? How on earth can you assume that you can satisfy all my desires? Well can you? Yavash yavash khodam ham shakam bord!

Let me give you a few facts on myself:

I. I love all women but somehow I always end up with “Chunky Little Blondes”, so are you a “Chunky Little blonde”?

II. I consort with all women but I only go serious and steady with highly intellectual and top career women (Aerospace Engineers, Medical Surgeons, Rocket Scientists and Authors). I’ll screw around with all and Bull Shiite around in a manner of great flirts, hell I even bang “desperate house wives” but I don’t hang around with them! Love em and leave em Ahreeman they call me! My heart is with highly sophisticated, highly educated and highly talented professional career women who are also great chefs! After all, way to the Persian man’s heart is through Kabob!

So the question is do you qualify?

III. Even though in Zeros, there required 4 women for each man:

Final Sexual Solution for the Zeros (2000s)
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/humor/final ... /index.htm

Yet ……

Ahreeman is not local but global. Ahreeman cannot be trapped to only one woman but the womanhood in general! After all there is only one Ahreeman and then the global femehood! As you know, us Qajars enjoy 1000 wives each! Fath Ali Khan was the perfect example of the love appetite for a grand of ladies, Qajar Style! So do you mind sharing?

IV. Last but not least, are you physically qualified to unite with Ahreeman? Ahreeman enjoys Larger Size Meme, Basan and Maqz-e Roon! Huge T & A indeed! My ancestors were Butchers and I love meat! Aqa Mohammad Khan was the greatest butcher of them all! He just loved meat!

Now you wouldn’t be one of them skin and bone type of gals or possibly a Liberal Femi-Nazi or worst a Femi-Tazi (Muslimette) or more worst a chick with Dick (Tranny)? Na. actually I like Transsexuals.

Long live Transsexuals; Down with Gays [Not that there’s anything wrong with Gays (Seinfeld)]!!!!

FemiTazis of IRI - Islamist FemiNazis

So the bottom line is that we must review what you got?
But on the bright side, you have a fine Persian name and your name is not Ozra, Soqra or Kobra!

Shideh jan, khosheman amad (Naser eDin Shah Style). Send us your resume, profile and sexy pictures. And do not go out with strangers or competition, I’ll work on you later (Ba’dan rut kar mikonam)!
Ahreeman is generous, Ahreeman Does All! Ahreeman bless you my child.


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Making Iranians Feel Good About Themselves!

Postby IPC » Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:14 pm

Making Iranians Feel Good About Themselves!
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/fe ... /index.htm
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Re: Making Iranians Feel Good About Themselves!

Postby Atusa Qajar » Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:35 pm

IPC wrote:Making Iranians Feel Good About Themselves!
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/politics/fe ... /index.htm

“Iranians are a community lost in their own dust!”
(Dr. X)

Awesome on the dot, sad but true …
I am a Liberated Woman.
I am a Danger to Islam and Muslims.
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Fling from the Past!

Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:59 pm

Fling from the Past!

Checking my box full of mail, came up with this one. Flings from the past! Aren’t they cherished, memorable, historical and great?! Well here’s one to remember and one good enough to be published:


Subject: From the Past
Name: Karen D.
Location: San Diego, California, USA
June 19, 2012


Was looking at your site today. I have enjoyed watched it grow and change over the last ten years (yes, I am a lurker). It seems like you are doing great! It was funny/shocking looking at your pictures and seeing myself in 5 or 6 of them and listed as your colleague from our days at GC. I was so young and naive when you knew me then. LOL. So much has changed since then.... Hope you are happy, healthy, and loving your life.

Music is the Universal Language!


June 30, 2012

Holla Senora:

Or is it Senorita now? Why am I speaking Spanish to you (you may ask)? Well first I saw the last name and I was wondering if you were one of my past Mexican Brides or Maidens, yet I could not recall a Karen amongst them! Boy is the Alzheimer kicking in (I told myself)? But then I saw your e-mail address and I remembered that no one would have that e-mail except one person!

So what is with the Mexican last name? Is it from husband number one or two? Does this mean that little Mexicans are now running around? Damn, was that politically incorrect or was that politically incorrect (I kill myself)! Or is it that you have become Mexican only in solidarity to all the illegal immigrants rushing the South Western border as a wave to reunite and return it to the Mexico? Are you jumping on the Mexican wagon now?

You were so young back then but you were not naïve. Do not undermine yourself. You were always a classy and sophisticated lady. For God’s sake at that age you were a Classical Violin player from the Philharmonic Orchestra of GC. Do you think just anyone can say that?

Of course we were colleagues! We were Sex Colleagues! We carried the legend in two separate educational environment, one college and one university! You were molesting me in your office at GC and later on I was molesting you in my office at SDSU!

How can one ever forget your tradition of wearing your maxi dress gown and before each of your Classical performances on stage, dragging me to your office at GC, locking the door, push me on a seat and then lifting up your skirt and rubbing your black panty house on Haji Kuchike (Junior Pilgrim), sitting on my lap and rubbing back and forth?! Maybe that was your way of warming up before your concerts (Riot, killer)!

How can we ever forget when you were my child bride and girl toy at SDSU? I recall I was always sitting behind my large size L shaped desk on my large size office chair with you sitting on my lap (of course with the door locked). My hand was always in your crotch and my head was always buried in your Bazookas! For some bizarre reason my hand always smelled like your …. and my mouth always smelled like your …..! Yeh those were the times!

And then you got married and decided to leave me because you could not carry the guilty conscience of cheating on your hubby! How selfish of you!

Let me ask you something: Do you think women are allowed to leave Ahreeman only because they get married? So just because of getting married, one can dare leave Ahreeman? Now you are a good Christian girl and you know your Bible, White Cake, Apple Pie and the Rules of living in the God’s Country! Don’t you know that the “Private Ownership of the body is a Sin!”? Well here:

“Private Ownership of the body is a Sin!”
(New Testament, Book of Ahreeman, Chapter 6, Verse 666)

Do you just think that only because girls get married, they should cut and throw away their choochool (Clit) and become nuns? You should be ashamed of yourself. You have committed a sin against “Nature” and Ahreeman! Shame on you!

But little did you know that once married to Ahreeman and becoming an Ahreemanic Maiden means always being an Ahreemanic Maiden!

Once a chunky little blonde in the Ahreemanic Court (maybe not so chunky then but surely now, cause I can see you through the monitor!), always a chunky little blonde in the Ahreemanic court! Or how else do you define your behavior as a lurker, lurking around IPC over 10 years after the fact that you seized being my child bride and girl toy? Once you are married to Ahreeman (Ancient Persian God of Evil), you are married for life!

Boy, those were the days, you were so in love with me and I was so in lust with your …..! Oh pardon me, that did not came out correctly, what I meant was that it was a love made in Hell!

Now aside the theatrics, it was great hearing from you again (after a decade). Even though thou have sinned against Ahreeman, yet Ahreeman thine Lord is forgiving and he shall forgive you my daughter. Ahreeman forgives thus Ahreeman is generous, passionate and forgiving.

You will always have a special place in our heart.

Date: Over 10 Years AA (After Ahreemanic-Relations)!

Ahreeman Bless you my daughter


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Meaning of Arab Spring?

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:01 am

Meaning of Arab Spring?

Dig this one out:


Subject: Arab Spring
Name: Benjamin Neman
Location: London, England, UK
May 5, 2012

Dear Dr. Ahreeman X

I’m curious to find out your expert opinion of Arab Srping. I’m an Iranian of Jewish descend and an Ex Patriot residing in UK. As you know the movers and shakers of the Jewish community who were important factors of building the pre IRI Iranian economy and trades were forced out of Iran due to prejudice, limitations and oppressions. In my opinion one of the important reasons for the collapse of the Post IRI Iranian economy is lack of the Jewish Entrepreneurs in the economic scene. This is my opinion, what’s yours?

A Great Fan of Yours
Benjamin from London Town


July 2, 2012

Benjamin jan,

Shalom Aleichem

Thank you for your kind words and patronage towards IPC. Sorry for delay of response. You know how busy life is but better be late than never!

Regarding your 1st question

Arab Spring = Transformation of the Secular or Pro American Arab Dictatorships in the Middle East and North Africa to the Islamist States and Pro IRI Dictatorships by the support of Obama and his Socialist Regime.
Examples: Egypt, Libya, etc.

Arab Spring Reasons = To undermine America, reduce the American Exceptionality around the globe and to help transforming America to yet another 2nd rate European nation. Also to help accelerating the collapse of the American Capitalist System so Obama Regime can rebuild America as a Socialist System in the image of the Europe.

Arab Spring Results = Undermining Israel and shafting Israel and the Jews which Obama despises plus shafting the true Arab Democratic Movement’s struggle seeking freedom and democracy in the region. These are a part of Obama’s Grand Plan to cause chaos in the Middle East, America and the Globe to fundamentally not just changing America but also to establish a new Socialist World Order. This is Obama Regime and his Allies’ Grand Plan.

Regarding your 2nd question

Migration of the Persian Jews from Iran to abroad was a catastrophe and a massive hit on the Iranian economy. Persian Jews were a great value to the Imperial Iran’s economy. If IRI would have not caused the Persian Jews, Bahaiis, Armenians, Assyrians, Zoroastrians, Atheists, Seculars and Free Thinking Iranian Businessmen, Entrepreneurs, Specialists and Brains plus their children to forcefully migrate to abroad, then all of these people were today living in Iran and building Iran to be another Germany rather than serving foreign countries such as USA and UK. What IRI had done was to kick Iran’s economy and society back half a century and what Iranians done on 1979 was suicide. But do we ever learn from the history?

In hope for better days


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Make Me a Model Please!

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:38 am

Make Me a Model Please!

I just stumbled upon IPC Print Shop’s mail and this was on top of the list, accidentally I opened and read it and I found it extremely funny in a naive way; some of you who been waiting for months for an answer will not like this a bit for me to reply to a day old mail, but sorry I could not get over this one! I simply must reply to this one, so hundreds of you will not send us similar e-mails and you learn from this experience to send us proper e-mails. So let’s roll:


Subject: IPC Models Print
Name: Niloofar
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
July 12, 2012


Please read this mail fully to the end, thanks.

I am a persian girl who wants to become a model. I am 24 years old and a bit over 170 cm in height.
Is IPC a serious model agency? Because all I could find was that you wanted me to send you some pictures.

Please inform me more about IPC, things like where is this agency located? Who is responsible for the photoshoots? etc..

I am serious about this and there has been alot of people telling me I should model, but I would like to know more about an agency before they get my pictures. How serious is IPC?

I will get back to you when you have answered my questions.

Please notify me of what it takes to make it..

persian girl


July 13, 2012

Niloofar Joon:

Please read this e-mail all the way to the end because this is the best advice which you will ever get for your modeling career!

How are you? Hope well. We don’t usually reply to mails this fast (check this thread), but reading and replying to your e-mail was an accident which is good for you. I’m going to be honest with you. IPC Print Shop and Cat (Catayoun Razmjou) the modeling editor would have never replied to your mail because they get so many like it. The only reason I am replying to it is because:

I. I am creating a humor piece out of it for my thread (E-mails to Ahreeman) for my readers to laugh. The thread is about Nutty, Sexy and Educational. Your e-mail has all 3 elements!

II. I am going to give you the best advice which you will ever get for your modeling career. This is your lucky day.

So first before giving you my advice, let’s dig in:


Please read this mail fully to the end, thanks.”

All 20 pages of it?!

“I am a persian girl who wants to become a model.”

I’m a Persian man who wanted to become a cabinet minister but Islamic Revolution happened and Shiite hit the fan! You know what I mean Jelly Bean?

“ I am 24 years old and a bit over 170 cm in height.”

5’ 6.9” is too short for Runway, Fashion and pageant modeling, but don’t feel so bad, Persians girls often have this problem. They are too short. On the bright side, you can always do Art, Catalogue, Print and Entertainment modeling.

“Is IPC a serious model agency?”

No it is a joking modeling agency! Girl you crack me up! Where did you get the idea that IPC is a modeling agency?

“ Because all I could find was that you wanted me to send you some pictures.”

I never said that! I don’t even know you!

“Please inform me more about IPC,”

Oki Doki

“things like where is this agency located?”

Which agency? Travel agency or Agency Agency (CIA)?

“ Who is responsible for the photoshoots?”

A mean bad bad bad woman with no patience and tolerance for these types of e-mails! She has 10 inch nails, she is mean and high karate kicks. Her name is Cat!

“ etc..”

Is there more?

“I am serious about this”

I’m not!

“ and there has been alot of people telling me I should model,”

My mom and grand maw also told me I should’ve become a cabinet minister in my God Father’s (Hoveyda) cabinet but hey I told you that Shiite had happened and Bull Shiite (Muslims) took over the country and kicked me out!

“ but I would like to know more about an agency before they get my pictures.”

Well that’s great.

I charge a dime (10 C) to view dressed photos and a quarter (25 C) to view nudes. More for nudes because some of them are scary!

“ How serious is IPC?”

Girl don’t you listen? I told you we are not serious. We are a joke!

“I will get back to you when you have answered my questions.”

If you must!

“Please notify me of what it takes to make it..”

Wisdom, Boldness, Persistence, Risk, Great Face, Great Body and Tough Skin, you must really be tough!

“persian girl”

Persian Boy!


OK I’m up again, now first, check it out,

You called IPC as the first step in your modeling career!
You had to call IPC as the last step in your modeling career!

You had to take these steps before calling IPC:

Find good and reliable:

I. Makeup Artist
II. Dress Stylist
III. Photographer
IV. Modeling Agent

If you make it in the field then:

V. Modeling Manager

Then do some work.

Then prepare a portfolio of at least 25 to 35 large size photos taken professionally + a biography including your hobbies, likes and dislikes. Send the package to IPC.

If you are good enough for IPC, then we publish you.
If you are really good, then we do a photo shoot of our own and publish it.
If you are special, then we interview you and publish it.


IPC is not a modeling agency, photographer or manager.
IPC is the largest Iranian Website on the net.
IPC is a media form.

To call IPC, you must be a “Known Model” or at least an “Unknown Model”. First become a model, then call us. IPC makes you global and promote you globally. We are a media unit.

But in a way you are lucky that I read this e-mail cause now I am going to give you the best modeling advice of your career.


Girl, why are you so naïve? You are so simple. Modeling is a business of Sharks and Wolves but you are Little Red Riding Hood!

You are lucky you called us. In this business, men or women, get you in their office or motel room by 15 minutes of sweet talk. Then they will blow you, screw you, tattoo you, chew you and then spit you out in the street.

World is full of Wanna Be Models. Sharks and Wolves of the Iranian Community are the worst charlatans and predators.

How many of these wanna be models do you think can make it?

Do you know how many end up as Porn Stars (if lucky) or Call Girls and Hookers (if not lucky)? Hollywood, Las Vegas or alike are cities of broken dreams full of Bar Waitresses, Show Girls or Two Bit Hookers who once wanted to become Top Models!

I know by majority models are famous for being Bubble Heads and Ding Bats and it doesn’t take brains to model, but hey to become a top model of any field, you must be wise, street smart, risk taker, tough skinned and somewhat of a shark!

You sound so naïve, simple and elementary.
You even assumed that IPC is an agency and photographer!
Wizen up and toughen up girl. It’s a dog eat dog world.
Watch out for sharks!

As I told you, IPC is the final step and final call in your modeling career, not the first step!
Go do the 10 step program, once a model, then come back and call us.

Do you know how many Persian models send their complete professional bio and portfolio to us on monthly basis? Do you know how many we reject or have no time to even reply to? We receive hundreds of e-mails every week and many of these e-mails are from artists, photographers, cartoonists, writers, authors, poets, entertainers and models who are local and want to go global or they are already global but want to become more famous. This is why they call us.

Out of thousands of models or wanna be models, some send amazingly cheesy e-mails, but yours was one of the cheesiest! Don’t take it harshly, I’m not being tough on you, but I only want to show you the ropes in this business of sharks.

Do not look at all of these beautiful models, agents and photographers who look stylish and sweet. They are sharks who will eat you alive if you don’t know how to talk, where to talk, and what to talk about!

This was for you and thousands of other sweet Models to be or Wanna be in the Persian Community.

Wish you the best


Ahreeman X
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Why you don’t write and publish works in Persian?

Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:52 am

Why IPC is not in Persian?
Why don't you write and publish works in Persian?

Subject: Why not Persian?
Name: Azita F.
Location: Berlin, Germany
July 27, 2012

Dear Satan

I have a question from your Evilness Majesty! Why don’t you publish works in Persian, so people can send you Persian articles to publish and why don’t you write in Persian and publish it? Isn’t it oxymoronic for site of this grandeur and such famous Persian site to not publish in Persian? Think about it Satan, OK? I’m watching you.

Long time fan, reader and lurker


From the Desk of Dr. X
August 22, 2012

Greetings Azita
Satan here!

Azi Joon, Akh joon, jooooooooon …. Khosheman amad (Naser eDin Shah Style)!

Us Qajar’s like bold girls and bold moves!

Well alrighty then, let’s roll,

“Dear Satan”

Jan-e Sheytan? Begu Baba jan, natars, I don’t bite, well sometimes!
Boro jelo, daramet!

“I have a question from your Evilness Majesty!”

Ask my daughter, you may question the Lucifer!

“Why don’t you publish works in Persian, so people can send you Persian articles to publish”

Please read:


I. Even though the site is in English, yet we do publish limited Persian material. There are books, humor and few other material in Persian which is published and being published in Persian.

“and why don’t you write in Persian and publish it?”

I have had done that, but only a few.

Iranian Women’s Liberation Day
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/history/wom ... /index.htm

For Imam with Love!

Reaction (An-Qolab)!


“Isn’t it oxymoronic for site of this grandeur and such famous Persian site to not publish in Persian?

It seems like we have a misunderstanding here. It is not oxymoronic and I will tell you why:

I. I do not believe in writing Tazi Persian (Persian in Tazi Alphabet).

Why Change Persian Alphabet from Tazi to Latin?
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/culture-lan ... /index.htm

Persian Latin Alphabet
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/library/per ... /index.htm

Read the above and you will get your answer.

It is beneath me to write Persian in Arabo-Islamic alphabet. I refuse to lower myself to that level. It is beneath all true Persians to write in Tazi alphabet.

We are the torch of human civilization. Persian culture started it all. How degrading it is for Persians to write in Tazi. By doing so, we accept Arabo-Muslims as our superior culture, give in to their alphabet, accept their religion of Islam and submit to their will.

In fact I rather eat Shiite and die to write in Persian Tazi alphabet. I am Persian. I am crown of the human civilization. I will not submit to the filthy Barbarian Hemitic Arab alphabet. I will refuse to submit to the savages who destroyed my holy land in two separate occasions (651 AD and 1979 AD).

I will read the filthy thing with disgust but will not write it.

II. It is not practical to go back to Spike Alphabet (read above article), even though the Spike Script was also not ours.

III. After the over throw of the AIOG (Arabo-Islamic Occupational Regime) AKA IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) and establishment of a Civilized Free Iranian Regime in Iran, we will change the alphabet to Latin. It is a historical destiny and it is a must to do so. Why you ask?

A. English is the International Language and the language of the Internet. English is written in Latin and we must become compatible with Latin.

B. Western World writes in Latin. Free World writes in Latin. We must be compatible with the free world.
No, Russia, China, and the Middle East (except Israel) are not included in the free world.

C. Our language (Persian) is not compatible with the Tazi Arabic alphabet. Our language is compatible with Latin (read the above article).

D. The wave of progress comes with switching to Latin and dump the Tazi alphabet in the dumpster of history.

E. I only wished that Reza Khan (like Ataturk in Turkey) would have done this task back in 1920s or 1930s, so by now we would have been free of this filthy Arabic alphabet. Not to worry, hopefully in the future we will dump the Arabic Alphabet along with the Arabic Religion (Islam) and the Arabic Culture and Celebrations and everything Arabic all together in the dumpster of history and cleanse Iran from the Arabo-Islamic Filth.

Reza Shah the Great, the Real Story!

“Think about it Satan, OK?”

I thought about it and the answer is no.

Reason 1:
It is good for the Iranians to learn the International Language of English. Many of them read and write in English and many don’t. For those who do, it is a good exercise to practice it in IPC. For those who don’t, they can learn in IPC. Educate yourselves to English. You will thank me later!

Reason 2:
IPC is also here to educate the globe about what is going on in Iran. The global language is English.

Reason 3:
If everyone united in one day stops writing in Tazi. What will the IRI do? Kill all Iranians?

The same thing with Hejab. If all the women united in one day stop wearing hejab and rush the streets, what will IRI do? Kill all Iranian women?

It can be done. All needed is a standard which we have provided and we will enforce it in the future free Iran.

Even though I can speak Arabic, I can write Arabic and I can write Persian Tazi scripts, yet I refuse and I write Persian Latin or English.

So the bottom line is that:

Why IPC is in English?
English is the International Language and the Language of Internet.
Until our alphabet transforms to Latin, Persian Tazi really has no place in IPC (maybe a little, like the Persian Library). After all, we have the largest Persian Library online.

Iran Online Persian Library
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/library/per ... /index.htm

“I’m watching you.”

I’m watching you, watching me baby!
Are you watching? I’m changing now, getting undressed …..

“Long time fan, reader and lurker

Thank you for years of dedicated readership and support of IPC.
IPC is alive and standing because of hardcore fans such as you.

Who loves you baby?
Ahreeman indeed!
Who else?

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Please Publish My New Modeling Portfolio

Postby Ahreeman X » Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:42 am

Please Publish My New Modeling Portfolio


Here is an interesting one for you to glance over, specifically for you models who want your updated portfolios to be published in IPC, so without further due, let’s roll:


Subject: Please Read – New Portfolio
Name: Tala Golzar
Location: Woodland Hills, California, USA
Date: October 10, 2012

Hello dear

Hope you are doing well. The reason i am contacting you is your great website that makes all the picture come up first on google. I googled my name and all the pictures you put up from 3 years ago came up ,thank u for promoting me ,however those pics are old and i would really appericiate it if you would do me a favor and update my pictures on your website, i d prefer them to be removed and be replaced by my new pictures

On Facebook you can find my new pics.

here are the pics that i want to be removed ,i guess there are two parts (2 pages )

Tala Golzar, the Persian Gold
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/fashion-mod ... /index.htm

PLZ CONSIDER,it is very important to me and in return i will do anything as promoting your website on my pages.

hope to hear back from you


October 11, 2012

Tala jan:

Thank you for your e-mail and I know that you have been sending some unanswered e-mails to IPC Print Shop. I apologize for them not responding to you. Please understand that we are dead busy and we receive hundreds of e-mails every week. You were waiting for an answer for a long time and you do deserve an answer, after all you are an IPC Class Model!

Shame on IPC Print Shop not responding to such beautiful young lady such as you. I tell you what? I’ll make it up to you by personally answering your e-mail and including it to the famous “E-mails to Ahreeman” Thread. That is quite publicity by itself.

Ready darling? Let’s Rock and Roll:

“Hello dear”

Hello Tala:

“Hope you are doing well.”

Hope you and the family are well and happy.

“The reason i am contacting you is your great website that makes all the picture come up first on google. I googled my name and all the pictures you put up from 3 years ago came up, thank u for promoting me”

Thank you for kind words. This is why 3 years ago you were persistent to be published in IPC, because you get results.

“,however those pics are old and i would really appericiate it if you would do me a favor and update my pictures on your website,i d prefer them to be removed and be replaced by my new pictures
On Facebook you can find my new pics.

here are the pics that i want to be removed, i guess there are two parts (2 pages )

Tala Golzar, the Persian Gold
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/fashion-mod ... /index.htm

PLZ CONSIDER,it is very important to me”


Editorial Policy

Once anything is published in IPC, it will stay on the net forever, even God cannot remove it. We spend good time, effort and money to photo shop, graphic design, program and publish every single page of IPC with creativity. We do not do this to later on delete it!

You do not remove old pictures and add new pictures to your portfolio because portfolios show your life and modeling career from the beginning until the present. They show how you progressed, bloomed and matured. They show your growth as a model and as a woman. Deleting old photos and adding new photos in your portfolio is the same as throwing away your baby pictures in your photo album and replacing them with your grown up pictures! You will throw away a part of your life!

There are always a line of authors, cartoonists, artists, poets, photographers, musicians and models such as yourself who are waiting to be published in IPC. We are very selective about who we publish in IPC but when we promise that we will publish someone, then we will. It may take a while because we are very busy, but soon or late we will.

In case of your first album, it took a while but we finally done it.

Now if you would like to have a new album published in IPC, we will do it. It will not be right away but we will do it. For your new album, we need you to send us:

1. The high pixel “large size” new photos of yourself which you would like to be published. The photos in Facebook are too small. Maybe we can use some but most are small and low quality. We will go through the photos you send and select the best. Also like last time, we will go over the net and find new and great photos of you around the net and add it to your portfolio.

2. Send whatever text which you need people to read about you such as new bio, updated information and etc. (make it juicy and interesting). We will go over it and publish it along with your photos in your second album.

We will mix and match the best of your new photos (sent by you + on the net) along with new bio + updated information (juicy).

I guarantee you that your second modeling album will be a smash the same as the first one.

“ and in return i will do anything as promoting your website on my pages.
hope to hear back from you”

Dear, thank you and you are welcome to link to us or connect with us on Facebook, but IPC does not need promotion. IPC is the largest Iranian website on the net. We do not need promotion or advertisement; on the contrary, we promote and advertise for authors, cartoonists, artists, photographers, poets, organizations, politicians, musicians and models such as yourself. That’s why you were very persistent to be published in IPC at the first time, and also now you are very persistent to be published in IPC for the second time. You want to be published in IPC because you know that we provide results and we are the best at what we do. We take a local model and turn them to an international sensation bringing them global fame. That is why there are always a line of people wanting to be published in IPC. We take the best and the other media can take the rest!

You must be one of the best because we selected you amongst the many and you already have one album published in IPC and going for the second!

By the way, don’t say “I will do anything to be published in IPC”! You said that the first time too! I may hold you responsible for your word and get you to run around naked on Hollywood Boulevard, get you to kill someone for me or do even worst things! Don’t say things unless you mean them! Ahreeman holds you responsible for your word!

Who loves you baby?
Ahreeman indeed!
Who else?


Best wishes


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Why Bash Baha’ism?

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:41 pm

Why Bash Baha’ism?

Here is an interesting one. Many have argued about this issue, many have e-mailed us about this issue and many have posted about this issue on the IPC Forum. I have never fully responded to this issue because I was planning to write a full article about it; therefore, I delayed responding to this issue. Still, in the future, I shall write a full article about this issue but for now, here’s food for brains:

Subject: Why do you bash Baha’is?
Name: Qodrat Ma’navi
Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
Date: October 2, 2013

Dr. Ahreeman X

Why all the hostility towards Baha’is and why bash Baha’is? Don’t you think they suffer enough under the IRI? You say a fourth of your own family are Baha’is, why bash? You should support Baha’is, not bash them. When someone bash Baha’is and say they are against Hezbollah, they can lie because in Islam, Taqiyah Law allows Muslims to do justify lies. You could be a Muslim Hezbollah pretending to be Anti Islam and Anti IRI. You could be agent of IRI. How else can you bad mouth beautiful religion of Bahaullah and call yourself Anti Hezbollah? Shame on you. Baha’is in your forum argued and argued but with you and your kind, there is no sense and reasoning to argue. It’s a waste of time. We will continue informing and unveiling the truth to you and your pack. Long live pure and progressive religion of Bahaullah. Prophet Bahaullah was a shining light.

What is wrong with religion of Bahaullah? What is wrong with unifying the earth with one race as the human race where everyone is equal? Good Baha’is are asked to repeat the phrase Allah-u-Abha 95 times per day, as ordered by Bahaullah the prophet in Ketab-e Aghdas book of laws.

I wish for you to see the light.



Read my response:

Why Bash Baha'ism?

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You are polarizing the Persians!

Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:53 pm

You are polarizing the Persians!

This is a great one! Many have been sending me e-mails, messages and have asked me the same question over and over and over ….., well allow me to respond to Natasha and All, over here:


Subject: Why polarising?
Name: Natasha Avesta
Location: Berlin, Germany
Date: October 12, 2013

Dear Dr. Ahreeman X

I’m an old IPC reader and fan. I’ve been reading your site since beginning and I’ve been reading your writings before you started IPC. I followed your writings in Yahoo and before that in AOL. It’s a good and fair statement if I may say that I know you pretty well. You have a great mind and may I say you are one not in a million but in ten millions. Iran and Iranians can use a mind such as yours to achieve their goals. You can be a great service to Iran and Iranians. Unfortunately there’s a problem....

Why are you polarising? You critic and display issues with every single religion, political group, ethnic branch, opposition leader, reform leader, celebrity and personality. Why polarising people? Polarising doesn’t get you anywhere. You can’t make it with anyone if you polarise everyone. Polarising won’t bring you popularity, leadership and align everyone behind you. You can’t even cross your message. Polarising will be your downfall and you become irrelevant. You’re not a sociable person, no one likes you much.

Free advice
Try capturing the heart and soul of the people. Be unifying rather than polarising and you’ll see you’ll make it big, everyone will love you and by leading and getting people behind yourself, you can make the change that you been crying and screaming over it for years.

But that’s my two wits of wisdom and you know better because not everyone such as yourself is truly educated, but they are only schooled!!!!!



November 6, 2013

Natasha Jan:

Thank you for your input and thank you for years of reading my material and stalking me online! Now allow me to respond:

“Dear Dr. Ahreeman X

I’m an old IPC reader and fan. I’ve been reading your site since beginning and I’ve been reading your writings before you started IPC. I followed your writings in Yahoo and before that in AOL.”

For God’s sake, you must really lovese lovese lovese love me!

“It’s a good and fair statement if I may say that I know you pretty well.”

Darling, reading my material and stalking me online for decades does not make you an “Ahreemanologist”! Ahreeman is a complexed creature to comprehend and a tough nut to crack! My own mother doesn’t even know me! So go figure!

“You have a great mind and may I say you are one not in a million but in ten millions.”

Well thank you, thank you very much (with a lip twitch like Elvis)!

“Iran and Iranians can use a mind such as yours to achieve their goals. You can be a great service to Iran and Iranians.”

Well I’m glad to be a help.

“Unfortunately there’s a problem....”

Oh Oh! Ah Ah! I knew it! There’s always a problem! There’s always a but! Those pesky problems!

“Why are you polarising? You critic and display issues with every single religion, political group, ethnic branch, opposition leader, reform leader, celebrity and personality. Why polarising people?”

I see a problem.
I diagnose the problem.
I analyze the problem.
I criticize the problem.
I speak about the problem.
I seek solution.
I offer cure.

This is the scientific method. Polarising is meaningless. I do not seek popularity!

Sweetheart allow me to elaborate,

Many in the intellectual Iranian circa have had asked me this question before and I looked at them and gently stated:

< I am not here to win a popularity contest, but I am here to “Change All” by destroying all the Old and creating all the New! >

I am not running for a political office, I don’t want to be an opposition leader; I am not setting a goal for myself to become an Up and Cumming Eye-Rainian Celebrity and a new rising star in the skies of Los Angeles or Tehran! I am not a Cult Leader, I am not a Group Leader, I am not a Spiritual Leader, I am not a Celebrity (even though many claim that I am an International Celebrity!) and I am surely not planning to become the future Iranian Mandela, president or Shah! I am not planning to establish a new religion, a new political party, a new movement and surely I do not seek to become the face of the Iranian Opposition and the poster boy for the democratic movement and definitely not a martyr (even though I have no fear of death!) for the Iranians to worship!

“Polarising doesn’t get you anywhere. You can’t make it with anyone if you polarise everyone. Polarising won’t bring you popularity, leadership and align everyone behind you.”

I believe that I have addressed this issue above. Just look and read my last paragraph.

“You can’t even cross your message.”

Is that so? Are you sure?

Let’s see, hmmmmmmmmm, Aha ....

A decade of running a cyber empire, the largest Iranian Website online, a 24 hour online Anti Islam, Anti Islamism, Anti Islamic Republic of Iran, mass broadcasting around the globe, even inside Iran, with over 25 % of readership residing inside Iran (an unmatched record number amongst the English language exiled Iranian websites) who manage to tune in to IPC any which way possible (proxies, filter breakers, siphons, etc.) to gain information.

Hmmm, wouldn’t you pretty much call that getting the message crossed?

“Polarising will be your downfall”

I thought my downfall would be due to gaining so much weight because of over eating Chelo Kabob Kubideh (my favourite), don’t you think?!

“and you become irrelevant.”

My love, Ahreeman can never be irrelevant, thus I have created a special spot in the minds of a great number of Iranians. This spot maybe a favourable spot or an unfavourable spot but surely the spot has been registered in their minds! This spot maybe not in their hearts but it is surely established in their minds!

Masses either hate me or love me but no one dares to ignore me!

“You’re not a sociable person, no one likes you much.”

Now you gonna make me cry! Here hear me cry:

Ahreemanic Cry: “Boo hoo barahoot, boo hoo, boo hoo, yaraqoot maybe kapoot!”

“Free advice”

I just can’t wait! Tell me, tell me? Please? Pretty please? Anticipation .....

“Try capturing the heart and soul of the people. Be unifying rather than polarising and you’ll see you’ll make it big,”

Yes mother, now I maybe little but I’ll promise that I will drink my milk and one day I will become a Big Boy, a Real Big and Chubby Boy like let’s see who, oh yeh, like Reza de Nim Pahlavi II, or other fat Desk Balling (playing with their testicles behind their large size office desks) Iranian Up-Position Leaders and Feeders!

“everyone will love you”

.... and then can we all get along? (Rodney King), hold hands, swing move to the right and left and sing Cumbaya?! Oh Lord Cumbaya .....

“and by leading and getting people behind yourself, you can make the change that you been crying and screaming over it for years.”

Again, refer to the above paragraphs in which I have stated that I seek not being a Guru of any shape or form!

And do I really cry and scream so much about the “Change”?

“But that’s my two wits of wisdom and you know better because not everyone such as yourself is truly educated, but they are only schooled!!!!!”

I love it when ladies get sarcastic! It turns me on!

As long as you love that statement, then for your sake, I’ll spell it out to you and all, for one more time:

< Many are Schooled, yet only a few are truly Educated! >

Did you love it? I lovese lovese loves it! Because it is true!


Toola roola roola roooooooooo ....

Oki Doki Doopsi Doo, now let’s get down to business:

Dear Natasha,

I have set over 34 years of my life (since 1979) aside, dedicated to create a “Change”. I have been a part of the Iranian Opposition since 1979. During the past decade (with IPC), I have been transforming the minds of the masses via IPC Broadcasting. Internet is the greatest Information tool of the 21sth century and I know pretty well on how to use it. As far as creating this change, I believe I am on the right track.

Mass broadcast, mass information and mass Anti Islam, Anti Islamism and Anti IRI (heart of Islamism) on 24 hour basis for a decade via a cyber empire is called not just trying to cross the message but it is called a Great Start!

Allow me to clarify this issue for you and all:

I am not here to become famous.
I am not here to become a star.
I am not here to become a leader.
I am not here to be the future president of Iran.
I am not here to make friends.
I am not here to make fans.
I am not here to mingle with the elite.
I am not here to be politically correct.
I am not here to do Persian Flattery.
I am not here to do Ass Kissing.
I am not here to do Hand Kissing.
I am surely not here to win the popularity contest!

I do not care about this group or that group’s feelings not to be hurt.
I do not care about how the Iranian Opposition leaders, media lords or elders speak or think of me.
I do not care to polarise or unify.

I only care about one thing!
I am a Factor for Change.
I am here to make Change.
I am here to accelerate The Change.
I am here to Change the minds of the Youth.
I do not care about The Old, I concentrate only on The Youth.
The Youth will create the Future Islam Free Iran.

I am only a Preacher with a mission.
My mission is to do my best to aid the Secular, Free Thinking, Democratic, Freedom Seeking Iranians, The Student Movement, The Democratic Movement and The Opposition to end the reign of Islam in Iran.

I am here to accelerate the Death of Islam in the Iranian Government, Iranian Politics, Iranian Social Fabric, Iranian Culture, Iranian Literature, Iranian Language, Iranian Spirituality and Iranian Lives.

Death of Islam in Iran = Freedom and Democracy for All
Therefore, I seek the Death of Islam.

This is what I care about and this is what I do and I am great at what I do.

My only mission is to End the reign of Islam in Iran.
Everything else is irrelevant.

I do not care if people’s feelings gets hurt.
I do not care to make coalitions.
I do not care to make deals.
I do not care to be hated.
I do not care to be despised.
And surely,
I do not give a rat’s ass about how the LA Mafia, Tehran Mafia, Political Gurus and Media Lords think of me.

I transfer information and knowledge to the new generation, so they will not grow up as cattle (like their mothers and fathers) following the shepherd (Mullahs, Quran and Islam).

I am injecting “Free Thinking” via the serum of the ‘Web” in to the Shiite’s minds full of Shiite!

I am here to make a Social Revolution primarily via a Cultural Revolution enforcing the Moral Revolution. The Persian Moral Revolution.

I am injecting “Persianhood” in the brains and sucking out the “Islamo-Arabization” via siphon.

I am in the business of Changing the Minds and to be frankly, the business is good. Business has been very good to me! What I do works, so I keep on doing it.

Change will not occur overnight but it will occur throughout the generations. It takes generations of free thinking Persians to get Islam out of Iran.

I do not seek any office, wealth or fame.
I am only a preacher.

I, The Preacher

If anyone out there is still in the haze and daze about my goals and what I do, then I hope that I have clarified it for all.


I, The Preacher
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Re: E-mails to Ahreeman X

Postby CR » Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:20 pm

Washing toilets is Beneath You!

Ahreeman writes:

Below you will read an interesting e-mail sent to me by an interesting lady. The subject brought up by her is a popular subject which also has been brought up by many others to my attention. This is an interesting and important social and cultural issue; therefore, I shall respond to all by responding to her. This issue is so important that I have decided to put my response in a form of an article rather than post it under the “E-mails to Ahreeman X Thread”. I believe it is crucial for the Persians to read about this issue, find out about my take on this issue and then do some deep pondering about this issue. It is time to openly speak about the flaws and ills of our culture. Maybe by bringing this issue forward, I will focus the Iranians’ attention to the future goals and Futurism, rather than petty Iranian social, political and cultural tribal issues! Enjoy reviewing this trade of E-mails about this taboo Iranian subject.

Washing toilets is Beneath You!

Subject: Washing toilets is Beneath You!
Sender: Yasmin Ariana
Location: Paris, France
Date: November 29, 2013

Dearly beloved Ahreeman

I wish you and the family the best. I wish you and the IPC staff the best. I wish the Iranian opposition the best. I want to bring a subject in to your attention which is hard for me to put in words so I just go straight to the point.

I think it’s beneath you to write about your hard days memories and acts which you had done such as washing toilets, washing floors and hard labor. In today’s time frame, you’re not only a scholar, writer and a journalist but you’re an Iranian opinion leader and opposition personality. Iranians around the world read everything you write and they pass judgment upon you.

Do you honestly believe it’s a good idea to write about many things you have done in the past? Isn’t it too much information and is it honestly necessary for the public to know about these details of your periods of hardship in the past or what you had done in the past? Juvenile days, Biker days, Hard days?

I think statements such as janitorial tasks, past hard life days, homeless days and washing toilets and floors is beneath you. It may give the wrong ideas to the readers and it’s not in your social level and family level to write or speak of a period of hard life and sadden days in your past. Your enemies may use these information to belittle you and mock you in public. Your family may not also want or bless you to publicly write or speak about this period of your life. Publicly, it’s not a good idea to bring these issues forward in to the light and in to the general public. Way too much information my friend, you may want to consider giving less information to the public. It’s for your own good.

With love and kisses

Boos Boos
Yours truly,

Read Ahreeman’s response:

Washing Toilets is Beneath You!
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/founder/was ... /index.htm


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Re: E-mails to Ahreeman X

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Dec 30, 2013 1:36 pm

Cat Darling,

Thanks for posting this article also in the club. Regarding this important issue, I have a remark for all. Allow me to quote myself:

Iranian Aristocracy is Soft

Iranian aristocracy is soft and cuddly! They are like Teddy Bears! They have soft hands, soft feet and soft bellies! These chubby boys will not be able to survive a single day in the streets! Take any of these guys for instance Reza Pahlavi or his Sissy Spring Chicken Monarchists (Jujeh Monarchist) and dump them in the downtown Tehran or downtown Los Angeles. They will become “Belly Warmers” for some rough neck thug in the ghetto!

First they get gang raped, “oralized” and “sodomized”, then they get mugged, next they get beat up and tortured, and last they get murdered! These guys are not real men but they are little woosy pussy, wishy washy, sissy faggy, soosool boy toys! Aristocrats, Monarchists and Feudals they are all soft, they are girly boys! They will not last a day in the street and they will not last a week in tough climates and environments such as the woods, jungles, mountains, pits or deserts.

I have survived the harsh environments and the streets. I am a survivor, I have passed my test and that is how I have become Steel. Do you want to make a man out of any of these Sissy Boys, hand me one of these Jujeh Monarchist or Bache Soosool (Sissy Boy), I’ll take him down the Ahreemanic Dungeons of Pleasureful Pains, lock him up down there for a month, well train him, force educate him, toughen up his soft girly body and build up his mind. After a month, any of these little faggots will turn to a real man, a productive member of the society and a hardcore Nationalist Guerilla (Reza Khani Style)!

Hand me a “Little Faggot” and after a month I will hand you a “Real Man”. “Man Maker Ahreeman” they call me!


Gorg Ali Dar Qorbat
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