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Iran National Socialist Movement, A history
Reza Shah the Great, The Real Story
8000 Years of Iranian History
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Iran Political Parties: Part One
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Nazi Girls, Twisted and Wild
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Iranian Ultra Nationalist Groups are on the rise, both inside & outside Iran! The history of the organized Iranian National Socialist Parties goes back to WWII. Many Iranians are Germano-Feel and have National Socialist tendencies. The very first National Socialist Political Party of Iran was SUMKA. Due to the fact that Iranian Tribes (Mad, Pars, Path) being Aryan and also Germans being Aryan, through the history, Iranians had very close ties to Germany. These ties also had many historical and political roots. For more information, read:
The Coming of Aryans
8000 Years of Iranian History
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/library/eng ... /index.htm
WWI (1914 - 1917)
During WWI, when our nation was invaded & each, the Russian Empire and British Empire had their own sphere of authority in Iran, Iranians seeked sympathy from Axis Powers. Russian Sphere of Interest was north of Iran & British Sphere of Interest was South West of Iran. Each of these super powers practically occupied these areas & controled them with sever authority. Officially, these areas were only spheres of interest, but in reality Russians & British ruled these regions! Therefore Iranian as a Fallen Empire (after Aqa Mohamad Khan Qajar) seeked sympathy towards the Axis (Germany, Austria, Ottomans).
Aqa Mohammad Shah (1796 - 1797)
After Aqa Moahamad Khan-e Qajar (The 1st Qajar Emperor), The Persian Empire eventually lost all her territories and turned to the Kingdom of Pars. Qajar Dynasty's Rulers, except Aqa Khan, were a group of useless parasites only with a title of King!
Through the WWI Era
Through the era, prior & during the WWI, there has been a history of cooperation between Iranian Nationalist Movements and Imperial German Military attaches, Fifth Columns and Citizens, specifically in south of Iran to sabbotage the British operations in that region. Ahmad Shah Qajar (the last Qajar King) was properly crowned & throned on 1914 (begining of the war). Germans practically had created & organized many fabrics of the Iranian society, for example Iranian Gendarmerie (equivalent of State Police + County Sherif) was built by Swedes & later organized by Germans.
Iranian Nationalists such as Colonel Mohamad Taqi Khan-e Pesyan (Gendarmerie), Major E'temad Moqadam (Gendarmerie) and many others were openly Germano_Feel.
At the time The "Cossack Militia" were the Iranian Troops in the service of the Russian Empire, operating & keeping order in north Iran and The "Police of South" were the law enforcement organization consisting of Iranian and British Officers/Personnel, maintaining the order in south and under the supervision of British.
Vasmus (a German fifth Column Specialist) was a very popular hero amongst the Iranians. Vasmus started drafting troops for The Qashqai Militia to sabotage and fight the British forces and the "Police of South". Vasmus gathered Tangestani/Dashtestani tribes of south to join Qashqai/Kazeruni troops. Solatol Dolleh Qashqai and Mohamad Baqer Tangestani were amongst the Nationalists who affiliated and fought along Vasmus against the British Supremacy of South Iran.
Note on my Great Grand Father
On 1917, My Great Grand Father (Father's Side) was the General Consulate of the Russian Empire and Tsar's Direct Representative in Port Anzali (Bandar Pahlavi). Back then, Anzali, Abadan and Tehran were 3 major important cities of Iran (politically/economically). Each major foreign power had an Embassy in Tehran & a General Consulate in Anzali (Caspian Sea) and Abadan (Persian Gulf). Once the Russian Revolution (1917) happened, my Great Grand Father stayed (refuged) in Iran. As an Georgian (Gorgi) Russian Aristocracy, directed related to the Romanof Dynasty, his life would have been in immidiate danger! If he would have stayed in Russia, he would most likely have the similar end as Tsar Nicholay & his family. So he stayed in his favorite town (Pahlavi), became an Iranian Citizen and lived in Iran. Thats right, I am 1/4 Georgian-Russian (Fathers side) and from the Russian Aristocracy!
Off the subject, technically I am:
1/4 Georgian-Russian: Russian Aristocracy (Father's Father Side)
1/4 Gilak: Bandar Pahlavi (Father's Mother Side)
1/4 Qajar: Kermanshah Branch of Qajar Dynasty (Mother's Father Side)
1/4 Zand: Zand Dynasty (Mother's Mother Side)
But I am from Tehran! What a combo!
The Reza Khan Factor
Reza Khan-e Pahlavi was originally an officer (Mir 5) of the Cossack Militia, which later on, became the Commander in Chief of the Iranian forces, then the Minister of War and next, he made a coup and started the Pahlavi Dynasty.
Reza Khan's Reign
December 16, 1925 - September 16, 1941
Coronation of Reza Shah The Great
December 16th, 1925 = Azar 25th, 2484 (Shahanshahi).
After crushing the riots of Azerbayjan, Gilan, Khorasan, & Khoozestan, After destroying the separatist & bandit movements around the nation, After securing Iran's boundaries & saving the nation, Reza Khan dropped the title 'Sardare Sepah' which the government gave him & insisted all to state him by his last name 'Pahlavi' only. 'I am an ordinary soldier of my nation, do not give me titles, I want to be the servant of my nation & perform presidency, but if you insist on me being the king, then I shall obey the will of the people'.
President or Shah?
Important Factor
Originally Reza Khan never wanted to become the Shah (King). He wanted to become the first President of Iran (in the tradition of Attaturk in Turkey); however, due to the pressure from Aristocracy, Court-house, Ayatollahs, and some Majlis politicians, he has seen no other choice but to surrender to their will and accept the position & title of the Shah. Thats why he started the Pahlavi Dynasty.
Reza Khan was a very progressive man. He had very little education, but he was the most intelligent, open minded and progressive person in the history of Pahlavi Dynasty! Reza Khan was a sincere believer in Science, Industrialization, progress and modernization. He was free of Religious Mumbo Jumbo, superstitions & he despised the backwarded traditions of Islam & the complete hirarchy of Shiite Islam. During his reign, he always mocked the fanatical religious beliefs of the Mosque & pushed & forced Iranians towards Secularism.
Personally, I am a sincere believer that if Reza Khan would have gotten his way & would have forced the Aristocracy, Court-house, Ayatollahs, and Majlis politicians to submit to his will & allow him to become the president, we would have for sure not have all the present problems! If Reza Khan would become the first president of Iran (as he wished), then Iran would have gone a different way. One after another, qualified presidents would have been elected democratically, by the will of the people and Iran of today would have been a Democratic Republic. In other words, Islamists & Islamic Republic would have never come to power. Reza Khan was an extremely popular man amongst the public. They would have clearly elected him as president & today's Iran would have been Heavens!
But obviously Aristocracy, Court-house, Ayatollahs, and Majlis politicians, despite his (Reza Khan's) personal feelings had shoved the traditional Persian Monarchy, down his throat! As a historian, I sincerely believe that Monarchists of 1925 were the cause of Iran's Today's Misfortune!
Through the history, always a group of Persian flatterers, Hand Kissers and Court Jesters, gathered around the Monarchs (in this case Reza Khan) & distant the Monarch from the people. They created an imaginary world for the Monarch out of touch with the public & realities of the nation.
Yes, I firmly believe that if Monarchy would have ended in 1925, with Qajar Dynasty, & if Reza Khan would have become the first president of Iran, then Iran of today would have been an equal to Germany or Japan rather than a Islamic Republic.
Changing The Name of The Country
Eventually after 1925, and specifically after 1930 Reza Khan changed the name of the country from Pars (Persia) to Iran. A look in to the history of the name of the country:
Until 1797 (off & on): Emperaturiye Pars (The Persian Empire)
1797 - 1925: Mamaleke Mahruseye Pars (Kingdom of Pars)
after 1925: Keshvare Shahanshahi Iran (Imperial Iran)
1935: Official change of the country's name from Persia to Iran.
The Term Iran means "Land of Aryans". That's why Reza Khan emphasized on the term. Many criticized Reza Khan for being a Racist & change the name of the country due to racial reasons. The fact was that Reza Khan was a big time Nationalist and pro revival of the Glory of The Past!
During WWII
The interesting element about Reza Khan, was the fact that he came to power and ruled with the blessing of the Russians and British. In a way, he used the British and Russians to start his reign. Once in power, he done many goods for the nation. To bring Reza Khan to power, was a "Win-Win Situation" for Iran and for Allies (British/Russians). Eventually Reza Khan became too sympathetic to the Axis (Germany, Italy, Japan). Nazi Germany was seriously counting on Iran to prepare the atmosphere to support Germany and the plan was, once the Nazi Army took over the whole Caucasia, they expected the Persian Army to join in, invade from the south Caucasia to Russia and help in Azerbaijan and Armenian Campaigns, also to help secure the oil fields of Azerbaijan. Hitler was planning to use Iran as the "Bridge of Victory" for connections & supplies via Persian Gulf. Little did he know that the Allies would take the upper hand & invade/occupy Iran, exile Reza Shah and use Iran as their own "Bridge of Victory" to aid the Russian Campaign though the Persian Gulf.
Deep inside, in theory and strategically, Reza Khan was pro Axis and heavily Germano-Feel. On paper, Iran was neutral; however, the complete hierarchy of Iranian Railroad, Armed Forces and many industries were built and organized by Germans! The Persian Military Uniforms during reign of Reza Khan was the exact replica of the German uniforms! The Helmets, the color, and the equipment were all German.
Eventually Reza Khan was exiled & Mohamad Reza Shah replaced him. For more information read:
Reza Shah The Great (parts 1 & 2)
WWII (1939 - 1945)
The sympathy for Germany continued through the 40s and truly bloomed & exploded. Allies, despite the official neutrality claim of the Iranian Government, once again invaded Iran & this turn, they had occupied the whole land. Russians in north, British in south started the same episodes as WWI. Before the begining of WWII (1939 - 1945), Iranians were Germano_feel; however, prior to WWII & during WWII, they deffinitly became hard-core Germano_Feels!
National Socialist Iranian Worker's Party (SUMKA)
The original Iranian National-Socialist Workers Party (SUMKA), from the acronym of "Hezb-e Sosialist-e Melli-ye Kargaran-e Iran" (in Parsi language) was the first Nationalist Socialist party of Iran. SUMKA was a very active organization & pretty much involved in politics during the World War II (WWII) & the beginning of the 1950s. In 40s SUMKA became the headquarter for Iranian National Socialists. In a way SUMKA became the Fifth Column of Nazi Germany in Iran!
A Note on my Grand Father
My Grand Father (Mother's Side), was a Big Shot in the organization of SUMKA. He was a heavy duty National Socialist Sympathizer who openly affiliated with Germans. During WWII, once Allies invaded & occupied Iran, My Grand Father was responsible for giving refuge, hiding & escape of many German Nazi Officers from Iran & back to German Fronts or Germany.
SUMKA in 50s
The party was opposed to Mosadeq's leftist social democratic government (1950-1953) and exposed a strong Neo Nationalist Socialistic idealogy. Its leader was Davud Monshizadeh. SUMKA was the Extreme Right Wing, Iranian Ultra Nationalist Party of Iran. In many occasions they went head to head with Jebhe Melli and they definitely had a beef with Tudeh Communist Party (Hezbe Tudeh)! Back then, the majority of youth in Universities & High Schools were extremely political & they were either:
Tudehi (Radical Left)
Jebhei (Liberal Left)
SUMKAi (Ultra Nationalist Right)
These three were the Top Three Political Parties of Iran.
And then there were a minority of political activists pro various Nationalist, Republican and Monarchist Movements and Parties.
Davud Monshizadeh
Dr. Davud Monshizadeh, the leader of the Sumka Party, was very keen on the works of Ortega E. Gasset, the Spanish philosopher. Monshizadeh believed that Ortega's work could serve as the basis for the party policy; therefore, he translated two articles by Ortega, one about technique, the other about intellectuals.
Members of the Nationalist Movement of Iran believed that important philosophical works must be translated into Persian so they could form the cultural foundation for the national policy. They started translating some of Plato's works, and went on to Hegel, Nietzsche and eventually Mussolini and Hitler's works. Many translators/authors have eventually developed a taste for translations of the famous philosophical/political works by the western Nationalist Ideologists.
Iranian Nationalist right, naturally had political reasons for doing so, yet they did not use philosophy as a "Means" to achieve a political "Ends". They temporarily adopted the politics to build a strong foundation.
My Grand Father was working closely with Dr. Monshizadeh & other top figures of SUMKA to establish these goals.
SUMKA disappeared very quickly & then reappeared in the 21sth Century, Decade of Zeros (Decade of 2000s). Today, SUMKA has built a website, teaching fundamental beliefs of the Iranian National Socialist Ideology to the new generation & drafts new blood. SUMKA, even though operated by some devoted members, yet they have never regained their glory of the past. They have also never regained the great number of members that they used to have (40s & 50s)!
SUMKA Original Flag

SUMKA Simorq Flag (Old Flag)
The original flag of SUMKA. Emblem of Simorq Bird from Shanameh Ferdowsi at the center.
The Iranian National Socialist Worker's Party's Old Flag (SUMKA)
The original flag of the Iranian National-Socialist Workers Party (SUMKA), from the acronym of "Hezb-e Sosialist-e Melli-ye Kargaran-e Iran" (in Parsi language) was a Nationalist Socialist-like Flag with a stylized eagle in the middle.This party was a very active organization & involved in politics during the World War II (WWII) & the beginning of the 1950s but it disappeared very quickly & then reappeared in the 21sth Century, Decade of Zeros (Decade of 2000s) with a new Flag. Check:
IPC Website's Political Organizations Section
http://iranpoliticsclub.net/political-o ... /index.htm
The party was opposed to Mosadeq's leftist social democratic government (1950-1953) and exposed a strong Neo Nationalist Socialistic idealogy. Its leader was Davud Monshizadeh.
Today's SUMKA in comparison to the Popular SUMKA of the 40s and 50s, has soften her tone drastically. They have soften their tone about Raciology, WWII, and Nazism. They have even soften their tone towards Mosadeq & Jebhe Melli.
SUMKA New Flag

SUMKA Persian Flag (New Flag)
The new flag of SUMKA with Lion, Sun and Straight Edge Persian Sword at the center of the Derafsh Kaviyani (ancient Persian banner) symbol, with both Persian Spike Alphabet (Khat Mikhi) and Modern Persian Alphabet writings around the logo.
National Socialist Iranian Worker's Party (SUMKA)
"Hezbe Sosiale Mihaniye Kargarane Iranzamin"
* * *
Aryan International League - Iran
This is a new organization with some interesting agenda, articles and with a semi organized website. Our beloved IPC member S&E (Soar and Envision) affiliates with this organization.
They emphasis on Aryan Values and Aryan Racial Factor. The Organization is a Nationalist Organization with Iranian National Ideals as its prerogative.
Aryan International League - Iran
"Lige Beynolmelale Ariyai - Iran"
* * *
Iranian Nationalist Socialist Party
This is also a National Socialist Organization with some interesting articles yet a very disorganized website and almost a chaotic organization! But they are trying and we should give them credit for efforts.
Iranian Nationalist Socialist Party
"Hezbe Nasional Sosialiste Iran"
* * *
JOMJA is yet another National Socialist Movement/Website, newly created & formed to carry & expand the Iranian Nationalist Agenda.
As we see, almost all their graphics are originated from the IPC Website, for instance:
Their Logo is originated from SUMKA's old logo
Also They emphasize on Derafsh-e Kaviyani Banner
They are emphasizing on the old Persian Values. They could use more work on their website, mission statement and organization.
Immortal Nationalists Movement of Iran (JOMJA)
"Jonbeshe Mihanparasthaye Javidane Iran"
All above organizations are National Socialist Organizations/Websites, with Ultra Nationalist Agenda. An interesting element that I have noticed about them is that all of them are basically Iranian Neo Nazi Organizations but they use a softer tone. For instance instead of openly stating their Philosophical/Political/Economical Ideology as Nazism (National Socialism), they use the term National Socialism. They also soften the tone on their Racial Stands and do not consider themselves Racists but they only cherish Aryan Racial Values!
Personally, disregarding these Organizations/Websites ideologies, I consider them as Iranian Nationalists whom have the good of Iran in mind. Also disregarding the fact that they might or might not believe in Democracy, Federalism and Parliamentary System, I believe that they are Hard-Core Nationalists and in good fighting spirit to revive Iran. And of course as I have always stated:
The Enemy of my enemy is my friend!
Anyone who picks up a pen or a gun to fight the Islamic Republic of Iran, is my brother and sister!
Therefore, more power to all Iranian National Socialist, Fascist or Falangist Groups or any other Iranian Resistance Movement of Monarchist, Republican, Social Democrat, Mojahed, Marxist, Socialist or Nationalist (as myself) or any other party.
As an Iranian Nationalist, I emphasize that we (IPC) shall work with all the political parties and organizations of Iranian Resistance from all angles of the political spectrum. After all IPC is a coalition of resistance members from all ideologies.
More power to the resistance