Monarchy or Republic?

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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby IPC » Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:14 am

The root of the problem is the people. Our people must stop thinking with their hearts and start thinking with their minds. Our people must stop “Ta’asob” (Fanaticism) towards their religion (Islam or whatever), towards their political ideology (Monarchy or whatever) and start to be practical, rational and realistic.

True, the root of our problem are the people. Our people must comprehend that monarchy has been dead for over 36 years in Iran and it will never return. Islam also has no future in Iran because it is in contradiction with Iranian nationalism.

The time for any controlling dictatorship may it be monarchy or Islam in Iran is over, even if it may pose as “Constitutional Monarchy” or “Islamic Republic”.

Our people must begin to comprehend their rights as free human beings and not subjects to some monarch, Imam or any other Supreme Leader. Our people must learn to be free and stand on their own feet than to lean on some Shah, Religion or Guru. Of course this will not occur over night but it takes education and comprehension of one’s human rights, intellectual potential and great prospects of the future ages.

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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby Kargozaran » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:20 am

Hey guys monarchy this :byefinger:

Republic is today and Islamic Republic of Iran is the role model.

This is a new world with Islamic Republic of Iran leading it. We are the future and decision makers. We built Iran when you left Iran. We are the minds of Iran not you. We are technocrats and today America has realized that making business with us is the alternative. Iran is the future and America has to deal with it.

Persian racist nationalism is trash. Iran is an Islamic country. Islamic economy has made Iran great and a super power. America is nothing, like jelly in our hands.

Our republic has no room for agitators and enemies of Islam. Islam is a part of Iran. Islamic economy has made Iran a global superpower. We are a factor in global affairs. We have recently bitch slapped America and got 150 billion dollars of our money back. We are nuclear and will always be nuclear and America cannot do anything about it. Deal with it bitches.

Long live Islamic Republic of Iran


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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby Chic Moda » Fri Apr 01, 2016 4:58 pm

Monarchy can be constitutional and democratic and IRI is not a republic but a filthy combo of theocratic and military dictatorship. You know you don’t want to discuss issues but you want to disrupt the club so you will be ignored.
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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby CR » Tue Jun 21, 2016 11:33 am

The Historical Relation between Monarchy and Shiite!
New 2nd Edition

The Future Generation: Future is Bright.


Please review:


The Historical Relation between Monarchy and Shiite!
Ahreeman X
1st Edition: March 19, 2008
2nd Edition: June 21. 2016

Historically, the Shiite Islam had started with Imam Ali (AS) [656 AD – 661 AD]. It continued with Imam Hussein and his martyrdom at Karbalah, but back then, the name was not Shiite! It was simply Ali’s way. Ali’s way was defying Bani Umayyad and Ayisha’s power. Mu'awiyah I (661 AD – 680 AD) and Ayisha (Prophet’s child bride), now a young and brave military commander were in agreement to battle Ali as a despot. For historical dates, check:

Read more:

The Historical Relation between Monarchy and Shiite! ... /index.htm

Iran History Index


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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby Surenareal » Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:19 pm

Talking about the Industrial Revolution, it actually started in England by the construction of the first steam-engine built in England, and England (UK) is still a Monarchy.
There is an unavoidable bias and self righteousness in the opinions of someone from Qajar family, they cannot be impartial. To be so biased is not in Persian tradition and cultural norms.
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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby CR » Mon Dec 17, 2018 12:37 am

Soldier of Iran – E-mails to Ahreeman X


Many readers bring up the same question and issue.
Please read this very informative e-mail from a reader activist and Ahreeman’s respond to him:

Soldier of Iran

E-mails to Ahreeman X Thread

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Why Constitutional Monarchy Will Never Work in Iran?

Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Dec 18, 2018 12:57 pm

Why Constitutional Monarchy Will Never Work in Iran?

If Constitutional Monarchy Worked,
then Why Reza Khan Overthrew it on 1925?

If Absolutist Monarchy Worked,
then Why People Overthrew it on 1979?

Neither Reza Khan nor Iranian People were Stupid!
They just knew that the Time for Monarchy has Passed in Iran!
Do You?

Did You Know Reza Shah the Great Was a Republican?

The True Remedy for the Iranian Disease is:
Secular, Federal, Democratic Futurist Republic

Reza Shah the Great of Iran, Pahlavi I
Designer of the Modern Iran and one of the greatest Shahs in history of Iran

Once again, Sam Ghandchi my bright philosopher friend, had brought this issue up and quoted me on it. Once again, the Reactionary Monarchists are shouting in their megaphones about the Constitutional Monarchy Remedy for Iran.

To Constitutional Monarchists:
Stop sending me nonsense letters and propaganda.
Start reading the true history and learn from it!

To all Iranian Youth
To all Iranian Constitutional Monarchists
To all Def, Dumb and Blind

I am a Historian and I Deal with Facts, not Emotions!

Read History and Educate Yourselves:

Experts from my Article:

Reza Shah The Great, The Real Story

Why Constitutional Monarchy Will Never Work in Iran?

Today's constitutional monarchists desire to create a constitutional monarchy in Iran. These people are pro Reza Pahlavi and Pahlavi Dynasty. They want to bring Pahlavi Dynasty back to power and make Reza Pahlavi a constitutional monarch! This is laughable, because Reza Shah Pahlavi was the person who overthrew the legal constitutional monarchy of Iran! If constitutional monarchy is good, then why the starter of Pahlavi Dynasty made a coup and over threw it?

Today, these constitutional monarchists claim that Islamic Republic of Iran is an "illegal regime" and they consider the Pahlavi’s ousted monarchy the legal regime of Iran! I guess these clowns are forgetting that Pahlavi's monarchy itself is considered illegal! On 1925 the starter of the Pahlavi Dynasty had over thrown the legal constitutional monarchy of Iran; therefore, the complete reign of Pahlavi Dynasty was illegal! But then again, these clowns (today's monarchists) are all suffering from severe selective amnesia. This is a specific monarchist disease, which only monarchists suffer from it! When for their benefit, they recall everything but when it is not for their benefits, they seem to forget the complete history! Monarchists are the greatest political clowns in history of Iran!

Reza Khan, a True Republican

So, on 1923Reza Khan had over thrown the legal and democratic constitutional monarchy of Iran. Primarily he despised Monarchy and Monarchists. He also despised Mullahs and religion. His goal was to establish a secular nationalist republic in Iran. As the Prime Minister, he insisted that they stop calling him "Sardar-e Sepah"(Leader of the Army) and start calling him by his last name "Pahlavi". So instead of Reza Khan Sardar-e Sepah, he ordered all to only call him by the name Reza Pahlavi. Later on, when he became Shah and statesmen and courthouse were calling him Reza Shah, once again he insisted that they stop calling him Reza Shah and if they really care to respect him, then just call him Reza Khan. This man was clearly and openly despised titles, Persian Flattery, Ass Kissing, Hand Kissing and specifically Monarchy and Monarchists. Reza Khan was a down to earth, modest man and a simple nationalist. All his life, he lived a simple life in a simple room named his study and he slept either in a simple single bed or on the floor. He was a military man, a revolutionary and a determined man to change the face and fundamental of his nation. But of course, "Monarchist School of Lies" insists to portray him as a monarchist! The fact was that Reza Khan despised the institution of monarchy and considered it corrupt. Reza Khan could not stand monarchists and considered them fake and superficial. In fact, non-of the great backbones of Monarchy were true monarchists! Take a look at this list:

True Nature of All Great Monarchists

Reza Khan (Reza Shah The Great) = Closet Republican
Dr. Kourosh Aryamanesh = Closet Nationalist
Dr. Shapour Bakhtiar = Closet Secular Democrat
Dr. Fereydoun Farrokhzad = Closet Socialist
Dariush Homayoun = Closet SUMKA (Nazi)

As you can see, the backbones of Monarchy, themselves were not monarchists, but out of desperation and due to the oppression of monarchists, they have blended in as monarchists so they could have made "Changes" from within the corrupt system of monarchy!

These are the facts, which they do not teach you in Monarchist school of lies!

They say I am on the crusade against monarchy!
The truth is that I am on the crusade to get Iranians out of the Dark Ages!
Monarchists at worst live in 1800s and at best live in 1978!
Monarchy is dead and yesterday's news.
I am all about tomorrow.

Read the complete article and True History of Iran because life is too short to stay in the dark:

Reza Shah The Great, The Real Story

How Republicans and Monarchists view the world? ... /index.htm

Why Monarchy has Ended and We Must Start a New? ... /index.htm

Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran

Self-Educate Yourselves because Your Schools Will Not!


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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby CR » Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:15 pm

Amen Brother, Amen!

Loved the logic

Unfortunately, some of our people enjoy living in the past and not looking towards the future with a futuristic scope and vision. Shahollah And Hezbollah are 2 examples.

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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby Chic Moda » Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:54 pm


This is flawed logic. I’m not saying that 1979 was a coup. I’m no conspiracy theory monarchist but you are wrong. People of Iran didn’t end Pahlavi regime but Carter, USA and UK did. It was a plot and Iranians like cattle followed.
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Why Constitutional Monarchy Will Never Work in Iran?

Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Dec 18, 2018 8:27 pm

Why Constitutional Monarchy Will Never Work in Iran?

Greetings Lady

This is funny that you want to teach me Logic! I have taught you everything you know about politics and I was the one who got you in to the politics but you could not hack it as an activist so you become a side-sitter (Dor Neshin O Lengesh Kon Begu)! I practically have raised you with my dried up breast! It’s a Persian Expression (Man to ro ba in pestun khoshkidam bozorget kardam)! Now you want to teach me about Logic! Do not make me laugh!

Chic Moda writes:


This is flawed logic. I’m not saying that 1979 was a coup. I’m no conspiracy theory monarchist but you are wrong. People of Iran didn’t end Pahlavi regime but Carter, USA and UK did. It was a plot and Iranians like cattle followed.”

I figured you would show up to defend Monarchy!

You did not read my post correctly. I wrote:

If Constitutional Monarchy Worked,
then Why Reza Khan Overthrew it on 1925?

If Absolutist Monarchy Worked,
then Why People Overthrew it on 1979?

I did not give opinion on who and what created, caused or was the force behind 1979 Reaction or Revolution.

Please open your eyes and reread. I wrote:

If Absolutist Monarchy Worked,
then Why People Overthrew it on 1979?

Meaning that Absolutist Monarchy of Alahazrat did not work. If it worked, then it would have been in power today. That is the point.

And yes, it was people of Iran who overthrown the Pahlavi Regime. Carter, USA, UK and other factors could not do jack Shiite if the people of Iran would not uprise. It was the people who overthrew Shah. Grasp the reality and stop creating fantasy!

I am not stating that it was right to overthrow Shah.
I am not stating that 1979 was a Revolution.
I am not stating that 100 different factors did not cause the Shah’s downfall.
I am not stating that what plots caused the Shah’s downfall.
I am not stating that we are better off now.
I am not stating that 1979 was logical.

I am saying that:

Shah’s Regime did not work and it was not functional.
That is the reason for its downfall by the people.

Do you get it?
This is a fact. A historical fact indeed.

Monarchists by creating excuses such as 1979 Coup, 1979 UK Plot, 1979 Carter Plan and so on are insulting the Iranian people who shed blood to overthrow Shah.

Actually, I am a hardcore believer that 1979 was not a Revolution but a Reaction. It regressed Iran than progress it.

Everyone is aware of Carter, UK and CIA plots and plans. Everyone is aware of many factors which caused 1979 but the bottom line is that,

1979 Happened.
1979 happened because Shah’s Regime was not functional and did not work.
1979 happened due to people because without the people no one and no power could make it happen.

Put some reality in your cup of tea.

Now, Monarchists can keep on creating fantastic tales of Bang O Salavat such as 1979 Coup, UK Plot or Godzilla Attacked Iran, but all the above will not change the true history.

It is so funny that you are speaking to me about “Logic” because the complete constitution and foundation of Monarchy is illogical! Do you want logic? Here is some logic for you:

Historic Fact I

Canada, Australia and America were British colonies which were established more or less at the same time period. They all had vast natural resources and opportunities to grow. Why is it that today, Canada and Australia are still dangling in the wind like Shambool-e Haj Mashallah but America rules the world?

Because Canada and Australia remained as Neo Colonies under the skirt of Queen of England but America became an independent nation!

Founding Fathers had brains and they created the most advanced constitution on Earth which made this young nation in a few hundred years to rule the Earth. It is the most unique democratic system on earth.

Canada and Australia had no Founding Fathers with brains. Instead they had the Rotten Institution of Monarchy, outdated and cob-webbed the same as Queen Elizabeth’s Suzie!

Historic Fact II

Why is it that all Euro-Pee-On Monarchies have stagnated, became irrelevant in global stage and basically all of them are today’s Socialist nations with some Monarch in monkey suit as head of the state? Examples: Sweden, Netherland, Belgium and so on.

Because Monarchy is not and has no economical system or ideology. In fact, Monarchy is nothing but “Discrimination due to Heredity” (Sam Ghandchi)! Monarchy has no economical, philosophical, social or political ideology or solution. The only thing that Monarchy has is for people to be Subjects of some Monarch due to heredity. We the People has no meaning in Constitutional Monarchy or Absolutist Monarchy. We the People are Subjects of Queen or Shah or Sultan! So, in Euro-Pee-On Countries situation, they erected Socialism to shut the people up and rule them over! Little they knew that Socialism is a failed ideology. You cannot always fund the government with other people’s money because eventually you will run out of money! Government has no money of its own!

Look at Reza Pahlavi II. What kind of loser creates a private social media page (Facebook) and puts the detail of his life with pictures on public view to gather and occupy a bunch of Guspandan and Gavan to read and write Kos O She’r on Facebook instead of rising up against IRI by making a Coup, Revolt or Revolution? What has he done for 40 years? Thank God for Social Media to keep him busy Bull Shiiting or else he would be dead by AIDS in Discotheques where he used to hang!

Do you see me or any other relevant character in Iranian politics and media create a social media page and put the detail of their lives with pictures on it? The reason is that he has nothing else to do! He can hand Kos O She’r to people for a certain time period (40 years) and eventually people will become Kos O She’r proof and fed up with his Bull Shiite! People are on to him! 40 years of garbage done it!

That is Monarchy in a nutshell!

Now, if you want to really know what caused the 1979, then educate yourself:

Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran

Adios Amiga


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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby Surenareal » Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:06 pm

Before we consider the advantages of the Monarchy or other form of governments for future Iran, it is necessary to fully understand and reveal all the facts about the 1979 foreign sponsored regime change in Iran and the Catastrophe of the 12 February 1979 coup d’état in Iran, by foreign puppet "Akhonds", and their foreign masters.

Akhond is a general name given by Iranians to the illegitimate regime's medieval ayatollahs and mullahs, traitors to Iran and Iranians, which have been British assets in Iran for a very longtime, and still are, from the opium addict Akhond Ali Khamenei, to Larijanis, and about 100 other Akhonds who indirectly control the illegitimate regime in Iran today for their foreign masters and puppeteers, including Crude- Oil Companies.

These facts are partially expressed in the book, in Persian , with title "Dar poshteh pardehayeh enghelab" by Syavash Bashiri, "eterafat Jafar Shafiezadeh ISBN 3-9807107-8-7, published by Nima Verlag, in Germany. Its audio files, also in Persian, are easily accessible on You Tube in 60- parts.

To be able to separate fiction, lies and propaganda presented as facts, often recorded in their Newspapers the appearances, taken as facts by very naive Iranian journalists at the time, even today, they take illegitimate foreign puppets regime of Akhonds lies for reality - it is time to reveal to all 80 million Iranians what has really happened behind the scene during 1975-79 years in Iran.

For those who are unaware of what is called by foreign powers as "means and methods", it is important to mention the actions taken for this kind of irreversible political change, such as the foreign sponsored regime change in a country like Iran from 1975-79.

There is one method in particular must be revealed here, and that is, the possibility of "deniability" of the political clandestine actions of these types, by the more advanced foreign powers, and the superpower, who were very deeply involved in the 1979 regime change in Iran.

Unlike what is commonly believed by nonpolitical Iranians, it was not the crowds in the streets that changed the regime in Iran in 1979, but the foreign mercenaries and more than 5500 executions of patriotic Iranians, in first ten days of the coup by those foreign Arab mercenaries, that were called "cheriks" that caused the regime change.

Those foreign powers bought mercenaries from other Arab countries, such as Libya and Syria, and trained them there, as in the case of Jafar Shafiezadeh, and his collaborators, he called "cheriks". Training them to act as body-guards for Akhond Khomeini the accursed and as executioners, in Alavi School roof-top murders of Army Generals, and other murders of more than 5500 patriotic Iranians among the top military and civilians in the government, to bring about regime change in 1979.

These foreign powers can easily buy the mercenaries, and dress them up in, for example, Libyan or Syrian military uniforms, to fool simple minded persons from the third world countries, like Jafar Shefizadeh, and others in Iran at that time (during the preparation of 1979 coup d’état, starting in 1975).

These powers would be able to deny it, if they were unmasked or discovered later, as we are doing today. These foreign powers could claim today that, those executioners were Syrians or Libyans and nothing to do with them!
Last edited by Surenareal on Fri Dec 21, 2018 7:24 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Why Constitutional Monarchy Will Never Work in Iran?

Postby Ahreeman X » Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:50 pm

Why Constitutional Monarchy Will Never Work in Iran?
Arguing with Dogmatic Monarchists, One More time!

Suren Areal

“Before we consider the advantages of the Monarchy or other form of governments for future Iran, it is necessary to fully understand and reveal all the facts about the 1979 foreign sponsored regime change in Iran and the Catastrophe of the 12 February 1979 coup d'etat in Iran, by foreign puppet "Akhonds", general name by Iranians for medieval ayatollahs and mullahs.”

No, it is not necessary! We are discussing Monarchy vs. Republic systems of governments. Once again, you are using this opportunity to jump in here and spam this topic by promoting that fabricated book and those fabricated 60 part audio tapes on YouTube. You are off topic, the same as you were in the other topic.

The other topic by Web Mistress was about Iran Protests. You went there and spammed that topic many times by over and over posting the promotion on this book and these audio tapes until the Club Admin deleted your final posts. This is called Spam. The spam is not only posting advertisement for a product or a site but it is also advertising for a book and audio tapes. Look at every post that you posted here:

Iran Protests: IRI Islamic Regime Got to Go!

Everyone is posting news and debates but you post spam. Now you are here to spam this topic with unrelated material, once again that book and those tapes!

“These facts are partially expressed in the book, in Persian, with title "Dar poshteh pardehayeh enghelab" by Syavash Bashiri, "eterafat Jafar Shafiezadeh ISBN 3-9807107-8-7, published by Nima Verlag, in Germany. Its audio files, also in Persian, are easily accessible on You Tube in 60- parts. To be able to separate fiction, lies and propaganda presented as facts, often recording in their Newspapers the appearnces, taken as facts, by very naive Iranian journalists, even today, present illegitimate regime of akhonds lies for reality - it is time to reveal to all 80 million Iranians what has really happened behind the scene during1975-79 in Iran.”

You know, I even defended you against Hezbollah in IPC for your freedom of speech. I defended you also against prejudice Anti-Semitic remarks of Hezbollah. But the fact is that you have been spamming this club over and over to promote this fictional book and fictional tapes.

Just because some unknown person (Siyavash Bashiri) has published a book and revised the original book by Jaffar Shafizadeh, and just because Foroud Fouladvand made a 60 part audio series and revised the original book in to his own fantasy, these actions do not become evidence of facts.

In no court of law, you can sell these as facts. Your facts are based on a fabricated book and a fabricated 60 part tape both by a couple of Monarchists.

The original book was by Jaffar Shafizadeh, not by Siyavash Bashiri or Foroud Fouladvand! Stop taking people for fools and start talking about facts. These are fantasies not facts. The original book is available on the Internet everywhere. This fictional book and audio tapes are fabrications of the original book.

Go study the definition of the word “Coup” and then you will realize that 1979 was not a coup. I do not call it Revolution because Revolution means Progress but 1979 was Regress; therefore, I call it Reaction of 1979.

What came after 1979 was more Reactionary than Regime of Shah. In other words, Shah’s Regime was more progressive than the Islamic Regime. This is why 1979 was not a Revolution but a Reaction. In any means, by the definition of the Coup, it was not a Coup.

“For those who are unaware of what is called by foreign powers as "means and methods", it is important to mention the actions taken for this kind of irreversible political change, such as the foreign sponsored regime change in a country like Iran from 1975-79.”

Believe me, everyone is aware of this Fantasy Fiction book and 60 part audio by a couple of Monarchists incognito! Non of these are the original book by Shafizadeh!

“There is one method in particular which must be revealed here, and that is, the possibility of "deniability" of the political clandestine actions of these types, by the more advanced foreign powers, and the superpower, who were very deeply involved in the1979 egime change in Iran.”

These Revelations only come to Monarchists’ Dreams at night!

“Unlike what is commonly believed by nonpolitical Iranians, it was not the crowds in the streets that changed the regime in Iran, but tmercenarthan 5500 executions of patriotic Iranians by those foreign mercenaries, that were called "cheriks".that caused the regime change.

Thst is, those foreign powers bought mercenaries from other arab countries, such as Libya and Syria, and trained them there, as in the case of Jafar Shafiezadeh, and his collaborators, he called "cheriks". Trainings them to act as body-guards for Akhond Khomeini, as well as executioners, as in Alavi School roof-top murders of army Generals, and other murders of more than 5500 partriotic Iranians, among the top military and civilians, to bring abou the regime change n Iran in 1979.

These foreign powers can easily buy the mercenaries, and put them in for example, Liban or Syrian military uniforms, to fool simple minded persons from the third world countries, like Jafar Shefizadeh, and others in Iran at that time (during the preparation of 1979 coup d'etat, starting in 1975). and be able to deny it later, if they were unmasked or discovered later, as we are doing today, these foreign powers could claim today that, these executioners were Syrians or Libyans and nothing to do with them”

Did you even understand what you wrote? I do not want to be offensive but I understand that

Your 1st language is Persian
Your 2nd language is French
Your 3rd language is probably Hebrew
Your 4th language is English

So, your English with all due respect is terrible! Readers will not understand these incoherent frantic of paragraphs loaded with spelling grammar mistakes which makes no sense!

I on other hand am familiar with various different cultures and foreigners trying to speak or write English. I read between the lines and I get you, so I will respond.

Here we go,

I had these types of conversations and arguments with Dogmatic Monarchists, many times before and it will get nowhere because I am about Historical Facts and Logic but Monarchists are about Dogma and Emotions. Still, here we go again!

Listen, I do not need to read any book or listen to any tape (even though I did) to know the historical facts. I am a historian. Morely, I was there in 1979. I was 15 and 16 but I was there fighting, writing slogans on the walls and protesting Pro Shah. Just because I was protesting pro Shah, it does not mean that I was or am a Monarchist, but it means that even as a teenager, I knew that what will come after Shah is much worse than Shah!

Yes, I grew up in the Imperial Court and Cabinet and both my parents were high officials of the Shah’s Regime. They literally kicked me out of Iran because I was so politically active that if I would stay, I would have been arrested by the Islamists and jailed or murdered. So eventually the whole family left because all of us would be dead and executed.

I was there at the beginning of the so-called Revolution which started by the end of 1977 all through 1978 to the point of 1979. Now, my friends and I were fighting pro Shah and Bakhtiar. As an eye witness, I could see that we were in minority and Islamists and Muslims along with every other political group including but not limited to Leftists, Liberals, Socialists, Communists and Mojahedin were against the Imperial Regime. Our protests and activism were a drop-in comparison to theirs. The majority by far was against the Imperial Regime, Shah and Bakhtiar.

1979 was not a coup. It was stupidity but not a coup. It was Reaction but not a coup.

I trust my own eyes more than your “Conspiracy Theories”!

What you preach is the same Fiction and Fantasy propagated by Monarchists for decades. Everyone is aware of this fabrication.

My point is that your complete spam has no place here. I said:

If Shah’s Regime was working, then people would have not overthrown it in 1979.

Yes, overwhelming majority of the Iranian people overthrew the Imperial Regime.

No Foreign power, no secret service, no guerilla group, no mercenaries and no foreign dealing could overthrow the Shah’s powerful regime without the will of the majority.

Of course, there were Palestinian Guerillas fighting in the streets along with Hezbollah, Islamists, Mojahedin, Fedaian and others.

Of course, USA, UK, CIA and Carter were involved.

Of course, 101 factors were involved.

But without the overwhelming will of the majority of the Iranian people, Shah’s Regime would have not been collapsed.

That is historical fact. That is what I am saying.

You show one fictional book and one fictional YouTube page.

I can show you 100 history books by valid historians.

I can show you 100 testimonies by people who were there.

I can testify myself because I was there.

Stop Monarchist lies, fabrications, conspiracy theories and fantasies to justify the disastrous mistakes of the Monarchist Regime including Alahazrat himself who ended up losing our nation and handing it to Muslims. It was on Alahazrat’s watch which Iran become Islamist!

Imperial Iran gave birth to IRI.

Just stop the lies, stop the justification and stop fabrication.

While we were fighting in the streets to save Iran, Imperial Generals, Statesmen and Imperial Family including Alahazrat himself were planning to leave and abandon Iran! They kicked me out of Iran by force but those who stayed, fought without any help from the Mighty Imperial Military! Most of the Imperial Generals and Military were cowards.

Finally, they abandoned Bakhtiar and surrendered to Khomeini.

A substantial military, a people with fundamental foundations, a nation with backbone does not allow Carter, CIA, UK, Guerrillas and so on dictate to them how to run their country.

Who is responsible for 1979?

Stop infantizing the Iranian people. You and people like you created a parallel reality. In this reality, Iranian people were children who got tricked by the foreign powers into succeeding the 1979 Reaction. Iranian people exactly knew what they were doing. They were not children. Wrong or right, they did it.

Iranian People, Imperial Military, Imperial Statesmen, Imperial Family, Shah himself and Conspiracy Theorist Fantasy Lovers like you Monarchists were all responsible for the disaster of 1979. All of you were and are responsible for 1979. Stop shifting the blame to Foreigners! 1979 is a disaster created by You Iranians. Accept Reality, the Historical Reality.

I am sick and tired of justifications, excuses, fabrications, conspiracy theories, alternate realities, all and all created by Monarchists like you. Just stop it, specially here where people are so political and so informed.

Instead of fiction, start believe in reality. Iranians were responsible for 1979. You and your kind (Monarchists) were and are the guiltiest of them all. I don’t know which one, the Muslims or Monarchists are most to blame?

Muslims screwed Iran up.
Monarchists handed Iran to the Muslims.

The funny thing is that both groups are now blaming foreigners for their screw ups!

It is time to wake up to reality and stop conspiracy theories.

We have been hearing your nonsense for 40 years and we are fed up. It is time to stop conspiracy theories, accept the blame, take responsibility and start planning the future to build the future Iran. This future will be without Muslims and Monarchists both because both Muslims and Monarchists had their chance and they failed miserably! Step aside and remain silent. Allow technocrats, scientists, informed people and rational realists to take over. Maybe this time, this God forsaken country will finally see salvation without the garbage of dictatorship by Shahollah or Hezbollah!

Now, if you want to talk about Constitutional Monarchy remedy for Iran, read this topic from the beginning. I have already proven that it will never work for Iran.

This is what really happened in 1979:

Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran

And this is why Constitutional Monarchy is Done with in Iran:

How Republicans and Monarchists view the world? ... /index.htm

Why Monarchy has Ended and We Must Start a New? ... /index.htm

Enough Nonsense Conspiracy Theories
Time to Build the Future


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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby Atusa Qajar » Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:42 pm


Its ridiculous that after 4 decades, these Monarchists have not come to terms with reality that:

a) A regime change occurred in Iran.
b) Monarchy will never return to Iran.
c) The country got ruined.
d) It was Monarchists who allowed Islamists to take control.

I hold Monarchists most responsible for 1979. It was them who escaped and granted the country in a gift wrap to Islamists.

These Monarchists are both delusional and clueless.

Delusional for still not coming to terms with reality which it was their fault that Iran was destroyed in 1979.

Clueless for still not being able to figure a solution to the Iranian problem which they have caused.

Monarchists are the symbols of cowardice, Delusions, Paranoia and Cluelessness. It is 4 decades of them not able to accept responsibility for their doing and instead, blaming everything else and everyone else from world powers to climate change for 1979! We call this an easy way out instead of facing the reality. It’s shameful. They ruined Iran and generations of Iranians.

Will they ever learn from the history and catastrophic outrage which they caused or will we hear more and more conspiracy theories for decades to come?
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Reza Pahlavi’s 40 Year Monarchy in USA!

Postby CR » Sat Dec 22, 2018 8:15 am

Reza Pahlavi’s 40 Year Monarchy in USA!

New Sam Ghandchi Analysis

John McCain and Reza Pahlavi II – Swamp Creatures
Reza Pahlavi II (Puppet) with John McCain (Dead Puppet Master)
Reza Pahlavi II has always been a puppet of the GOP Washington DC Establishment
John McCain and GOP Establishment are Swamp and Everything that Trump Hates.
Trump and the National Populist Movement are here to Clean the Swamp!

Reza Pahlavi’s 40 Year Monarchy in USA!
Sam Ghandchi
December 21, 2018

For the last 40 years, Prince Reza Pahlavi had the opportunity to continue the legacy of Pahlavi Monarchy in the United States, which has been discussed extensively.

Read more:

Reza Pahlavi’s 40 Year Monarchy in USA! ... /index.htm

Sam Ghandchi Books and Updates

Sam Ghandchi Index ... /index.htm

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Re: Monarchy or Republic?

Postby Shahrzad BB » Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:44 am


I want to see evidence and see what Ahreeman has on Reza Pahlavi? He has been very passive and disappointing to Iranian Opposition but a secret deal? I wish Ahreeman publish it soon. I know Ahreeman takes his time. I know Ahreeman doesn’t throw something in there if he doesn’t have something on Reza Pahlavi, so I’m waiting to see it!
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