Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:59 pm

Is Humanity Ready for Reality?
Nicholas Ginex Responds to Ahreemanic Rebuttal

Hello again Dr. X,

Wow! Your rebuttal came to me just moments after I completed my response above. I am truly pleased to know you cherish interacting with my thoughts. However, you are a catalyst that stimulates my thinking and helps to reflect on your thoughts to reach, with both our ideas, better answers or visibility.

About my posting my response in the wrong rooms, it is simply not realizing I could just post a Reply to your posts. The reason I did a lot of updates to my post is because I click on Submit instead of Preview. In that way, I know I would not lose any of my responses if I was to shut down my computer and return the next day. The many updates are due to my nature to make the post look nice and easy to read by checking the size and color of the type. In the future, I will not Submit the post until it is done.

Back to your rebuttal:

Before getting my brain to think, I read your response in its entirety. It was practical, provided commonsense, and looked at the world with realistic eyes. In some parts. I could not help smile. I had a few laughs in how you portray the stupidity and arrogance that exists in our world. You paint a very dim future of the morality, intellect, and promise for humans to rise to the next level of development that will take us to the stars.

But that is why I spend time to debate and write, albeit, document the bright side, try to construct solutions, and look to the future with the promise that mankind can eventually learn to live productive, peaceful, and meaningful lives. You see, I love all people, and will try to help them “see” and understand that they too can be lovers like me. We have a beautiful world and every human being has the right to enjoy what Mother Nature has created for us.

Everything Has a Beginning

As I wrote in my last debate of June 3, 2020, it is through the transformation of energy throughout space that fundamental particles, like electrons, protons and neutrons, coalesce into inorganic and organic matter that make up after millions, and perhaps trillions of years, the stars, planets and galaxies of our universe. But what causes matter, massive planets, stars and galaxies, to form from minute particles? It seems that there is an inherent force, which is being characterized as Consciousness. It is also referred to as Universal Intelligence, which is really a misnomer because intelligence does not come into play until there is an interaction between communicating entities.

That force, Consciousness, is inherent in the electron, which has the uncanny ability to form atoms that contains protons and neutrons. The variation of atoms is unlimited. Here on earth, the electron has created 118 elements and surely, the electron has created many other elements throughout the universe. The common structure is the atom, which is the building block of all inorganic and organic matter. Gee, throughout the universe, we are all made of the same stuff, except that based upon the environment, many different forms of life take form, just as it has here on earth.

Dr. X, you are incorrect in writing that I did not believe in the law of Conservation of Matter and energy. I never “cozy up to it!” but believe that energy came first and throughout space, was able to transform into particles, atoms, and finally the massive planets, stars and galaxies. Yes, Dr. X, there is conservation of energy into matter. But also, we know that pulsars, quasars, supernovas and black holes can explode to send energy in the form of radiation, gases, and light back out into the universe. It is a two-way process but, keep in mind, energy came first; it started the universe. It is ridiculous to think there were massive bodies of matter in the beginning. If so, who created them, God? Logic and scientific knowledge affirms that something, matter, does not appear out of nothing.

Does a Multiverse Exist?

Multiverse implies many universes. You wrote,

“Actually, because the scientists have no idea of the beginning and the ending of our universe, is the more reason to logically believe that there are other universes.”

Those are not reasons that allows anybody to conclude there are other universes.
You also wrote,

“Now if there are other planets, other systems, other galaxies in our universe, then what makes you think that our universe is the only universe? You see, I am using reverse logic and create a rebuttal that the theory of single universe is unscientific and illogical.”

Your reverse logic does not work. It is illogical to presume that because our universe has planets and galaxies that there must be other universes. First of all, the new, scientific paradigm of quantum physics has substantiated that particles are created from the transformation of energy throughout space. Since space is limitless, or unlimited, all planets, stars and galaxies throughout space is part of the same universe. To think otherwise, is to believe space ends and starts somewhere else. I think not. Space goes on for infinity.

Can you imagine the extent of space? We know galaxies are billions and trillions of miles away, many that are not visible with our strongest telescopes. Also, it has been found that there are galaxies that are much older and bigger than our own at the very distant areas of our universe. This, of course nullifies the logic of a Big Bang, which initiated all matter and beginning of the universe. Frankly, this is today, knowing what we know, a very stupid idea or theory.

Conclusion. There are no other universes but the one we know of. Our universe is so vast, it is incomprehensible to even think that other universes exist.

Dr. X, you provided a reason why you disagree with my idea, my belief, that Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe by writing,

“The reason that I disagree with your “Everything has a beginning” theory is that if you look at the big picture (Macro sense), then nothing has a beginning nor an ending. It may seem like you created this table and the beginning point is when you finished building it; however, in the big picture, before the table was formed as a table, it was a pile of wood, nails, glue, paint, polish and so on. So, in a way, nothing was created here.”

Your big picture or (macro sense) asserts that nothing has a beginning nor an ending. If so, where did the planets, stars and galaxies come from? It is you who has created the “table” saying before it became a table it was a pile of wood, nails, glue, paint, polish and so on. Really, where did the table components come from? Are you agreeing with me that those components came from space, which is imbued with energy?

Yes, there is no creator but there is the creation of particles from energy that exists throughout space. It is ridiculous to believe the macro view that the table of planets, stars and galaxies always existed. To believe that, you have to believe a creator God and I know you don’t. It seems your view does not compute. In fact, it does not even agree with the faulty Big Bang Theory that assumes all matter originated from one point in space.

Universal Intelligence

Dr. X, you wrote,

“I believe it (Universal Intelligence) is very logical and saves the thinking mind to wonder out there looking for a creator or god! On the other hand, it rejects Materialism and pure Dialectical Materialism of the Marxists and Leftist Scientists.”

We do agree that Consciousness exists, for it is the inherent force that wills itself to form atoms and life as we know it. As I wrote previously, this Consciousness imbues all living organisms with the desire to procreate and therefore inherently instills the attribute of love in all living things. To me, Consciousness has a purpose as described in my paper, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the universe. This force is greater than Universal Intelligence. For UI is formed from Consciousness inherent in matter. Only after matter is formed can the aspect of Universal Intelligence exist in the cosmos.

I recommend our IPC readers to go to Section 1.2 of the paper titled, Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe? It may be accessed via the link: ... -universe/

Evidences of ETs and UFOs

Dr. X I was pleased to see that you have no disputes with the evidences that our military has conducted underground Area 51 activities to investigate the anatomy of ETs and back engineer their UFO interstellar flight capabilities. However, you wrote I have not provided evidence that UFOs actually use zero-point energy and anti-gravity.

You are correct that the military industrial complex (MIC) has successfully kept secret this new technology so that we have no proof that this new technology exists. However, it is clear that the MIC has designed space craft that hovers and flies into interstellar space since the 1960s. It is therefore a reality that the MIC has been able to duplicate ET UFO technology. Since you believe zero-point energy and anti-gravity may not be, or you don’t know it is the technology that the MIC has duplicated, perhaps you will rather call this technology Extraterrestrial Space Technology (EST).

Therefore, plenty of evidence proves EST exists but the MIC will not disclose its design and physical make up for fear that other countries may use it against us. This is an imagined fear built up by their own destructive propensities to destroy anything that interferes with their objective to control economies worldwide. This objective is harbored by the Surreptitious Shadow Government (SSG) that controls the big oil industries and the fake news media.

Dr. X, have you ignored the evidence given that shows the MIC and government FBI-CIA agencies have killed ETs and, more monstrous, have killed more than 150 UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, and top military officers that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51? Surely, such proof should incite all Americans to demand disclosure of EST.

You raise significant reasons that even if we are able to use EST to design it in all moving vehicles, manufacturing and production plants, agriculture machinery, and cars, trucks, planes, aircraft, and space ships, it would possibly cause disrupt continued use of oil causing decreases in jobs. But this is a lame excuse by the SSG who spend billions of dollars on fake news to convince people that EST cannot replace oil usage without causing recession with mass unemployment.

There is nothing the human mind cannot overcome with proper planning to gradually replace much of the oil running machines with EST. Your first through fourth reasons below can easily be resolved with intelligent planning.

“First, I doubt that scientifically we are there yet to produce these systems as a mass production.
Second, I doubt, the public will buy in to it.
Third, I doubt that they will be economic.
Fourth, there is no guarantee that with our level of science, these systems will be practical, economical, and fiscal to be used by the popular demand"

The above reasons do not give credence to the fact that EST does not require fuel but can be freely obtained from the space around us. That alone will obviate the use of oil. Yes, it will take intelligent minds to invent the machines that can operate with EST, but if the Extraterrestrials can do it, so can we. What if it takes one to two decades to perfect use of EST, it will be worth it. People in oil producing countries would not have to worry about the production of oil, or kill other people to protect oils fields. It is the SSG that has a lot to lose and they will infect the minds of people to think EST is an impossibility. They will lose control of large economies when free nations are able to utilize EST.

Pessimism is a Deterrent

Dr. X, you believe that the following reasons for having no confidence in ETs:

“These aliens are here for a reason. Maybe we are their genetic experiment and they are observing how we have developed, so they have been studying us like lab rats.

Maybe they see something of value in us, our planet and our resources which could benefit them.

Maybe they could use our alliance to battle another breed of aliens.”

The above reasons reflect not only a pessimistic view, but they originate out of unknown fears of aliens. I always felt the idea that aliens are using us as an experiment was ridiculous. Such an idea does not give credit to our Mother Earth that has evolved all living organisms and the balance it created to allow life to exist. To think it was aliens is to belittle the ability of human beings. No, we humans have invented automated travel in cars, trains, boats and planes; invented use of electricity, telephones, television; and can now travel among the stars. I give no credit to Extraterrestrials. In fact, they may be impressed with the great literature and music that were produced by gifted people and our own human geniuses.

Are Humans Ready for Reality?

Dr. X, you are very articulate in listing a number of atrocities committed by religious and political differences. But you also elaborated on the myths taught by religious leaders, such as, man was created in the image of God. This image will surely be shattered when followers learn that there are other beings from other worlds that do not look like us.

That is why I emphasize that all of our educational institutions and religious organizations need to be reevaluated and revamped to strongly impart in the minds of their followers and students the attributes of integrity, truth and love for all people. Hopefully, that education can be so effective that they will learn to love all living entities in the universe. Yes, this is a hope but not of a dreamer, but of a practical, perceptive author who looks into the future and “sees” no prospect for enjoying the wonders of our universe and communication with other living beings unless we have instilled in our character those attributes.

It is arrogance, ignorance, stupidity and fear that is symptomatic of a poor education and poor sense of values not taught at all levels of intellectual growth. Our educational and religious institutions have failed to have people believe in the attributes that makes a lovely, compassionate human being.

Adopting the New Technology, EST

Dr. X, your pessimistic views are valid but that does not mean we put head in sand and give up. Human beings have a will to live, they are born with the capability to love, and they possess the mind to do great things. The problem is that from the very beginning, a young mind is exposed to a poor environment, uneducated parents, little guidance from a mentor or teacher. Others are blessed with love and nourishment from birth, an education, and instructed to pursue a successful path with righteousness and truth.

All the new technology, even with EST, will mean nothing if our leaders, from the president and down, do not change the direction of our educational institutions. Regarding religious institutions, this is a hard nut to crack because beliefs are hard to let go of. They can only be corrected through an open and fair education that allows students to compare and evaluate the beliefs of each religion. They will then “see” the faults and myths that do not serve to think logically. Beliefs are not the same as ATTRIBUTES. Integrity, truth, love and compassion for others are not beliefs but are standards to lead prosperous and successful lives. The sooner religious teachers understand that it is not godly beliefs but a standard of attributes that make a person beautiful and trustworthy, then we can finally achieve a wonderful life for all of us.

Regarding EST (Extraterrestrial Space Technology), the MIC needs to disclose all documentation to the American people. I do not like being made a fool of, just as they have made fools of half the people with fake news. EST definitely exists when military officers and others have actually witnessed an IFO (interstellar flying object) hovering at the Area 51 facility and flying within seconds out of sight with no noise or expulsion of fuel pollution.

I have written that EST can be implemented with proper planning by our engineers and industrialists. It requires a coordinated effort by city leaders and builders to prove a city can be built using EST. A modern city that will run solely on and with EST. Once proven, it can be introduced to cities in America and then to countries around the world. Such innovation will require a new set of books that will allow students and people world over, to be prepared mentally, emotionally and motivated to meet the challenge to build a new world here on earth.

Yes, I am a dreamer. But the world has been created with the dreams of gifted men and women who have made their dreams a reality. At the age of 84, I don’t think I can fulfill such a dream, but at least, I can be a catalyst to motivate our youth and all those who would like to build a better world.


Nicholas with love
Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
Seeker of Truth
Lover of Life

Future of God Amen
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Nicholas Ginex
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Jun 06, 2020 8:05 pm


Greetings Master Philosopher Brother Ginex

Regarding posting, I always use MS word to complete my writings, spell and grammar check and then go over them a couple of time for error cleaning before I publish anything.

Allow us to divert the debate to a few points which came to me due to your response. Let us move towards something totally different and another aspect of our discussion on “Philosophy of Existence”. Primarily I will bring forward these points and then move on to main focus which is the Evolution:

I. Matters and Energies

“It is a two-way process but, keep in mind, energy came first; it started the universe. It is ridiculous to think there were massive bodies of matter in the beginning. If so, who created them, God? Logic and scientific knowledge affirms that something, matter, does not appear out of nothing.”

Do you know what is the problem with you? As a scientific mind and a scientist, your perspective and view of the world is still having tendencies and spices of a Creationist. Again, you are bothered with which came first, the egg or the chicken? Why is it so hard for the humanity to simply comprehend this concept that:

Nothing came first
No one created anything else
There was no creator or creation

The complete Multiverse (you don’t like that term) is the result of infinite, eternal and never beginning and never-ending chain reactions between matters and energies.

Get out of the creationist mindset and do not focus on what came first but focus on the big picture and the concept of the system of the universe.

Let’s try it this way,

There was never a beginning; therefore, we are not discussing on whether there was a pile of matter first or a stream of energy! It was all a continuous chain reaction of various chemical, physical and eventually biological interactions between the matters and energies.

Is it really that hard to picture this reality? I know it is hard to picture this reality for a religious person, a priest or a theist but you are not only a scientist but a scientific philosopher, so why is it so difficult to picture this fact? Why are you constantly seeking and searching for a beginning and a creator to the events?

There was no beginning
There was no what came first or second
There was only an endless chain of reactions

Maybe my graph of the snake loops would help picturing the concept:

String of Eternity Theory

String of Eternity is similar to an eternal Snake-like Graph.

On “Beginning of the Universe,” issue, this everything which created our first atom and our beginning is a string of eternity which has no beginning and no end.

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to it to evolve.”

String of Eternity Snake-Like Graph
Snake Has many loops but they never close, yet they are continuous for eternity ……

Expanded more in this piece:

Universal Intelligence vs. God ... /index.htm

II. Big Bang

“Big Bang”

I do not believe in Big Bang. It was the most simplistic description of the universal timeline that the scientists came up with. Even the first time that I have read about it in my youth, I knew it is off, flawed, incomplete, illogical and it just gives ammunition to the theists and clerics to attack the science.

Big Bang Theory is in fact moronic! That is why I believe in the “String of Eternity Theory” which of course existed way before me but I again polished it, elaborate on it, expanded it and brought it to the present evolved form:

Theory of Everything
Part One: The Basic Concepts ... /index.htm

Theory of Everything
Part Two: Parallel Universes ... /index.htm

Universal Intelligence vs. God ... /index.htm

III. Consciousness and Universal Intelligence

“To me, Consciousness has a purpose as described in my paper, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the universe. This force is greater than Universal Intelligence. For UI is formed from Consciousness inherent in matter. Only after matter is formed can the aspect of Universal Intelligence exist in the cosmos.”

* Universal Intelligence does have a purpose and it is not only a concept without a purpose.

* Nothing has a beginning, specifically the universe.

* No force is greater than Universal Intelligence.

* Universal Intelligence was not created from the matter and consciousness. Universal Intelligence was the eternal force and is the infinite reality.

Again, I refer to Universal Intelligence piece,

Universal Intelligence Definition

“Universal Intelligence is a collective intelligence force made up of all intelligence around the universe and all interactive forces between energies and matters. This is a real force and a reality. This entity is not holy; therefore, it does not require respect or worship and it is not requirement to respect it.

UI (Universal Intelligence) is not a higher power but it is ‘The Higher Power’, it is a collective universal intelligence which includes yours and my intelligence. Every element in the universe is a part of it. No higher power here. No lower power here. Universal Intelligence is The Force.”

Universal Man and Universal Intelligence System

Intelligence evolves via experimentation, experience, mutation and leaps. As Intelligence evolves, various Intelligence become interwoven and compatible with one another. This is how Intelligence self-organizes and become complex.

Universal Intelligence Purpose

There is a purpose for Universal Intelligence and it is called Evolution. UI is not an automated machine but its purpose is to Evolve.

The Universal System

* Universal Intelligence is the combine intelligence of all.
* Universal Man is the intelligence of part.
* Evolving Force is the Power which sparks Evolution and Evolves the System.

Elaborated more:

Universal Intelligence vs. God ... /index.htm

Man stares at the Universe
You are not alone. You are so small and insignificant compare to the universe, yet you are a part of the Universal Intelligence; therefore, you matter.

The problem is that again you view the universe from the creationist lens! Man or matter or brain did not create the UI but the UI has been eternal and infinite.

IV. Role of Aliens in Human Evolution

“I always felt the idea that aliens are using us as an experiment was ridiculous. Such an idea does not give credit to our Mother Earth that has evolved all living organisms and the balance it created to allow life to exist. To think it was aliens is to belittle the ability of human beings.”

I also am not in harmony with the Ancient Aliens Theory but I do believe that Aliens played a role in the process.

Alien Factor
The Philosophical and the Scientific Theory
Part One: Macro-analysis ... /index.htm

Alien Factor
The Philosophical and the Scientific Theory
Part Two: Micro-analysis ... /index.htm

Maybe you are looking at the process from the wrong aspect and perspective which this brings me to my main point:


Do not assume that people like me are in harmony with Ancient Aliens Theorists. Do not view the process as if Aliens created the man as a genetic experiment but look at the process as if the Aliens played the role of the Missing Link of Darwin in the process!

Social Darwinism and Science of Raciology Philosophy in 3 Chapters
Part One: Fundamentals
Part Two: Survival of Species
Part Three: Behavioral Analysis ... /index.htm

The evolution of man and the evolution in general had occurred through millions of years; however, the jump from Primate to Man or as evolutionists refer to it as the Missing Link was the result of Alien interference.

This genetic experiment was done for the Aliens to not screw with our genes but for them to search for their ancestors!

Look at this evolution in this manner:

Evolution of Man in 3 Stages Theory

Alien Genetic Experimentation on Humans

Aliens are not our ancestors, at least not in the old original era of our evolution. In the new era of our evolution, aliens played a role with their genetic experimentations but originally aliens were not our ancestors but we are their ancestors!

Stage One: Human
In this stage we use only 5 % of our brains

Originally it was man in our humanoid form of homo sapiens who eventually evolved to the green aliens. Our bodies evolved, our brains got bigger, our heads to store it got larger, our fingers got longer for holding better, we lost our excess fat, we also lost our muscle mass because of computers and less time exercising. The worst part was we lost our productive parts by having less sex to the point that greens are now cloning rather than having sex. Their schlongs shrunk!

Stage Two: Greens
In this stage we use 50 % of our brains

Our colors also adapted by adapting from various colors to green, our eyes got larger and complete skull mutated to satisfy our evolution. Eventually we become the greens. Our complete bodies mutated, adapted to the environment and life conditions and we become more intelligent and less muscular and sexual. We grew large brains.

Stage Three: Ascension
In this stage we use 75 % and more of our brains

Greens eventually evolved to the level of intelligence and spirituality that they did not require physical bodies; therefore, they evolved by ascending to pure energy and become lifeforms made up of sole energy with super physical powers even more than they had as Greens. As Greens they could use telepathy as a form of communication but now in energy form, they have telekinetic powers, teleportation powers, supreme intellect and even power of descending back to lower physical lifeforms.

Now you may ask how this system works? At the same time, we have man in all three forms as homo sapiens, greens and energy; because not all mankind evolved at the same rate. Picture survival of the fittest, adaptation and mutation at different rates for different members of the species. So presently we have all three forms in the universe.

For example, an Islamist suicide bomber ape man evolved less than a scientific philosopher like you!

Now you May ask, how these jumps occurred and these time conflicts occurred? Answer is simple, Time Travel. It is one large loop in the history of man. As Greens went back in time to find their ancestors which is us!

As we discussed earlier, Time Travel is possible even now. Go back and view our discussions. We can travel back and forth in time by changing speed (Einstein Theory of Relativity), event horizon (travelling near black holes), different degrees of gravity (Bermuda Triangle) and more. Of course, you disagree on travelling to the past but we can travel to past and present both; however, we must try not to change the history. As you know, I have been experimenting and conducting expeditions about time travel for a long time. One day in the future, Time Travel will be a norm.

Above is an old theory which again, I polished it and elaborated on it. It is one theory amongst other theories of the alien genetic experimentation on humans. In this theory aliens are us and we are the aliens’ ancestors and descendants both!

I just wanted to bring these few points and a different perspective on Evolution to your attention. This is only a theory but a scientific theory. I also wanted to elaborate on a few points above.

Ginex, it is always a thrill discussing philosophy with you. I like the way your mind works. I surely cherish these moments with a mind like you.

I put this moment over here in the archives of my mind and cherish it, thus they will never return!

Hallowed Art the IPC Minds
Hallowed Art the Debates of Minds



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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Nov 21, 2020 2:05 pm

Singularity, AI, Jobs and US Capitalist AI Fund

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

When AI Becomes Conscious
We are Gods to AI
Are Gods Illogical & Must Die?

Discussion and Study Subject:
Singularity, AI, Jobs and US Capitalist AI Fund

Nicholas Ginex Eccentric Secret Path in which Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind
AI Robot: Keep it Secret; Only Inform those who want to Evolve!

Greetings Wise G-Nex :B

The Amazing Philosophical Debate

This debate had started on January 19, 2014. Today is November 21, 2020. This debate even though is not continuous and we attend to it randomly as we find time, yet is one of the longest (if not the longest) philosophical debates in the human history! This debate has been going on for 7 years and it is still going strong like the energizer battery!

This debate has so far over 116,000 hits and views on it. A vast number of philosophers, students of philosophy, free thinkers and bright enthusiasts are religiously or randomly following it.

Brother, go to the beginning of the debate when we covered all 3 aspects (Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects) and then expanded on them, analyzed them and added to them. Next, we expanded the debate and covered practically everything from the human soul to the chicken milk! We have covered a lot of material in this debate and we have unveiled many obscured subjects under the clouds via deep philosophical discussions. We really dug deep in to the philosophical universe and we explored wild. We learned and we taught, we searched and we gained, we explored and we informed.

Brother, this was a Hell of a journey that we started 7 years ago! One day in the future, the humanity will cherish us for everything we discussed here. This debate was an inspiring, informing and educational journey for us and the great number of the bright minds around the world. This debate was a great learning experiment for the readers and lovers of philosophy. Most important, this debate was a great journey for the seekers of the truth and the Thinking Minds! Brother, it was quite a journey!

When we started this debate, I had no idea that it would become one of the most popular philosophical debates on the Internet. Congratulations to Ginex, us and all truth-seeking minds and Free Thinkers of the globe.

Ginex New Book


Brother, let us get back to the debate. Let us discuss your new book. Congratulation on your new book. We are talking this book:

Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind ... /index.htm

On this thread:

Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind Thread

You brought up revolutionary and radical solutions via the “U.S. Capitalist AI Fund” to solve all economical problems of the society. Here is the list of your proposals to completely change the economic system:


List of Benefits Using the Proposed AI Solution

The benefits below are a subset the AI conclusions presented in the book. They are presented to encourage all Americans to know that they can create a whole new economic system that will increase the quality of life for themselves and eventually all people.

1. Billionaires receive a yearly income of $1 billion tax free. Billions earned go into the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund. This is the pinnacle of a capitalist system to reward workers that become billionaires. Their success that benefits mankind.

2. 75% U.S. population receive $100,000 dollars per year tax free, with or without a job. Earnings above $500,000 go into the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund. A worker can put $400,000 into a savings account and provides the incentive to someday become a millionaire.

3. 25% remaining population of skilled-professional workers receive $300,000 dollars per year tax free, with or without a job. Earnings above $1,000,000 go into the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund. A skilled-professional worker can put $700,000 into a savings account and provides the incentive to someday become a billionaire.

4. Trillions left in the U.S. Capitalist Fund can be used to rebuild our cities, schools, infrastructure, free healthcare, free education to the university level, and U.S. military defense.

5. All expenses for homes, apartments, food, and entertainment are paid by the people in Benefits 1-3.

6. Individual tax returns no longer need to be filed. The IRS tax system is eliminated because the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund provides funds for all U.S residing individuals, the military, health care, education and pays down the national debt.

7. Eliminates all welfare and worker retirement programs for retired and disabled people. The U.S. Capitalist AI Fund provides the annual incomes to all citizens after the age of 18 years since parents receive an annual wage.

8. The U.S. Capitalist AI Fund provides incentives to become a millionaire for average workers and a billionaire for skilled-professional workers. The opportunity to attain any level of education stimulates the economy and innovative ideas to increase jobs.

9. Accountability of all incomes and expenditures are automatically obtained with the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund that monitors, assesses and reports the funds added and dispersed. This automated system eliminates fraud and corruption now prevalent throughout the business and political arenas.

10. Homelessness, poverty, hatred and violence is eliminated as every person has sufficient monetary income to rebuild their lives and achieve all they can be with dignity and respect.

11. The U.S. Capitalist AI Fund provision of free education for all citizens will meet the demand for millions of workers to become doctors and teachers that will provide the care and knowledge, respectively, needed to fill the jobs of tomorrow.

12. The U.S. Capitalist Fund corrects an imbalance between the wealth of billionaires, average workers and skilled-professionals.

13. The U.S. Capitalist Fund eliminates the threat of multibillionaires using their wealth in ways that can become dangerous to the well-being of American citizens. Many multibillionaires are using their wealth to fund and develop AI technologies that can alter and control the mental and physical abilities of individuals and whole groups of people.

14. The U.S. Capitalist Fund maintains transparency of expenditures to the U.S. military forces and all government agencies. This gives the President full control and authority of unacknowledged military programs where trillions of dollars have been expended without approval by U.S. presidents for the past seven decades.

15. The U.S. Capitalist Fund would eliminate the Military Industrial Complex development of top-secret interstellar space craft, destructive weapon systems, and their use of the CIA, FBI and DIA that caused the deaths of many scientists and biologists. Refer to the title provided within this book titled, Disclose Extraterrestrial Technology for Humanity and refer to the Appendix.

16. The U.S. Capitalist Fund would eliminate the threat of a conglomerate of wealthy multibillionaires that with their wealth have already exerted their power to form a surreptitious shadow government that not only controlled unacknowledged top-secret programs for seven decades but have major control of the news media in the United States.

17. It becomes apparent that a surreptitious shadow government already has control over the United States Government. Only through management of multibillions of dollars with the U.S. Capitalist Fund can all Americans be free to pursue a better life free from the fears and corruption that wealthy multibillionaires are capable of by maintaining the status quo to acquire more wealth and power.”


On this section:

“9. Accountability of all incomes and expenditures are automatically obtained with the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund that monitors, assesses and reports the funds added and dispersed. This automated system eliminates fraud and corruption now prevalent throughout the business and political arenas.”

Hopefully your automated system will not be built by the Dominion and Smartmatic!

On this section:

“13. The U.S. Capitalist Fund eliminates the threat of multibillionaires using their wealth in ways that can become dangerous to the well-being of American citizens. Many multibillionaires are using their wealth to fund and develop AI technologies that can alter and control the mental and physical abilities of individuals and whole groups of people.”

You have suggested a system to avoid the Tech Oligarchs to take control of America and the globe, such as they are establishing their “New World Order” and imposing it to the world now!

Questions come to the mind:

I. Do you believe that the government in US can implement this system, the same corrupt government which lives in the DC Swamp?

II. This system looks good on paper but do you think this system is practical to implement?

III. How can Free Thinkers motivate and accelerate the drafting of this system by the government?

IV. Tech Oligarchs will not give up billions of their capital for the “U.S. Capitalist AI Fund”, they prefer to use it for more control or at least they would like to create their own charitable or other projects which they see fit for the mankind. Example: George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, ….

How will you make them to deposit in the “U.S. Capitalist AI Fund”, if they do not desire? You may say by changing the laws, but how will you implement the new laws by the government, when the government is corrupt?

V. this complete program with modifications can be very logical to implement by a True Patriot and a True Human being such as Trump but Trump is a rare species amongst a sea of Swamp Creatures in the Swamp. How will you find an ally in the Swamp to implement it?



Now let us bring forward a totally different issue which despite my recommendations, you did not talk about it in your book.

At the point of the “Technological Singularity” or simply, the “Singularity” in time, the technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in an unforeseeable change to the human civilization. At the point of Singularity, the machines including computers, robots and smart systems will evolve to the point that they will become conscious and capable to make their own logical decisions.

At the point of Singularity and beyond, what makes you think that the machines will not find us the humans, flawed, illogical and a threat to the earth and the solar system; furthermore, galaxy and universe? What makes you think that they will not logically decide to exterminate us?

Are they right? Are we right? What should we do to avoid this catastrophe?

Questions come to mind:

I. Do you believe that at the point of Singularity, machines will become self-conscious?

II. Do you believe that at the point of singularity, we must worry about being taken over by the machines?

III. Do you believe that at the point of singularity, we must worry about our own extinction?

IV. How can we avoid this threat?
Must we change our ways and ourselves?
Must we avoid total evolvement of the machines with no limitations?

What is your take on Singularity and Solutions to this issue?

It will all come back to this:

When AI Becomes Conscious
We are Gods to AI
Are Gods Illogical & Must Die?


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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:07 pm

Nicholas Ginex Responds to Dr. Ahreeman

Singularity, AI, Jobs and US Capitalist AI Fund

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

When AI Becomes Conscious
We are Gods to AI
Are Gods Illogical & Must Die?

Discussion and Study Subject:
Singularity, AI, Jobs and US Capitalist AI Fund

Hello Dr. X and a Very Merry Christmas to you and dear loved ones.

Your opening to the debate on my recent book, Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind has brought new life into my being. As a Configuration Manager for top aerospace companies, I always displayed my appreciation by giving a tap on the back of an associate for doing a great job. Your kind words for what we have both been able to accomplish over a seven-year period was not only gracious but inspiring. Yes, we would be highly honored to have people find our debates worthwhile in their search to discover other avenues of thought. New and novel philosophical ideas can serve as a springboard for them to ponder and extend mental insights in their journey through life.

It was astute of you to start the debate by listing the benefits and outcomes that can be achieved with the implementation of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) I solution. It is one of many solutions that can be designed to benefit the quality of life for all people. I have elected to propose implementation of a U.S. Capitalist Fund because it takes advantage of the way they presently work to support themselves and the livelihood of their families. The AI fund would be designed to monitor the incomes of all workers at every level and disperse yearly incomes based on their skills and professional contributions.

Such an AI solution would not be an easy task because it would mean the buy-in by the richest people that make their incomes from the U.S. economy. It seems that I am living in a very advanced age where people have acquired values of character, admire the attainment of integrity, and learned to love with compassion for all people. Feelings of love, compassion, and fairness are not, unfortunately, implanted and fused into the character of the American people. Here is where society has failed by having selfish, corrupt, and biased people work in our news media, schools and universities. This failure has materialized into a dismal reality that has affected the conduct of the 2020 presidential election. Who would have ever thought that votes by millions of people can be electronically switched (Dominion software) for a candidate in the greatest democracy on earth. But also, what level of governing stupidity exists that allows millions of unrequested ballots to be mailed to citizens in many states without their request for mail-in voting? It is a known fact that ignorance is perpetrated by 95 percent of the national media that is controlled by multimillionaires who own all forms of media from newspapers to televised news and forms of entertainment, such as our movies.

So, can the solution for a U.S. Capitalistic Fund work? Yes, but not with the present levels of bigoty, hatred and violence that exists and fomented by greedy and powerful multimillionaires. It is to be noted that in Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind, Part III, I have devoted several sections that must be resolved in order to advance American society to a level of integrity that is ready to accept the innovative solution offered in the book. Benefit 13 of the U.S. Capitalistic Fund, would eliminate the threat of multibillionaires using their wealth in ways that can become dangerous to the well-being of American citizens. It would stop their independent use of billions of dollars to fund and develop AI technologies that can alter and control the mental and physical abilities of individuals and whole groups of people.

Questions from the mind of Dr. Ahreeman

I. Do you believe that the government in US can implement this system, the same corrupt government which lives in the DC Swamp?

No. Unfortunately, America’s educational and religious institutions are possibly two generations away from cleaning up all levels of educational learning to emphasize building character with the values of truth, compassion and integrity. The intellectual level of human minds has not yet acknowledged that the God they worship is the God of not just this Earth but of all life that exists throughout the universe. Worshippers of our religious institutions have yet to realize that they all pray to the same God and the differences they have created have caused more division, violence and death in many countries. That was why I wrote books that explore the development of man’s conception of one-universal God. Books worth reading for God loving people is Future of God Amen and, Amen, The Beginning of the Creation of God. IPC founder, Dr. Ahreeman has graciously added the former book into the IPC library.

II. This system looks good on paper but do you think this system is practical to implement?

Anything is possible and the AI solution is practical and feasible to implement. Still, it will require a reset of the values of American citizens who are able to love with a high regard for honesty and integrity. This is first to be achieved for the implementation of an AI solution that can benefit the quality of life for all people.

Only with honest and loving people can the AI solution be implemented. All the technical knowledge of an AI expert will not be able to devise a successful AI system without having first achieved the level of integrity that is necessary. So, presently, the AI solution is not yet practical until the successful and rich millionaires are willing to share their wealth to get the AI solution started.

Section 3.0 of the AI book identifies two ways for the AI system to work. It requires a restoration of our value system that builds character and integrity and, the promulgation of a new perspective, an idea how people can be fairly compensated by using an AI solution that can benefit the economy and quality of life for all people. For the sake of brevity, I recommend the reader go the IPC library to read it via the link, ... /index.htm

III. How can Free Thinkers motivate and accelerate the drafting of this system by the government?

As you know, Knowledge Without Action Means Nothing; an adage that appears at the top the AI book cover. Any idea, no matter how great it may be, falls into oblivion if it is not discussed and circulated throughout a group, community, or country. It takes concerned, loving and intellectual people to understand what the AI solution is capable of achieving and that in the end, such a solution would help to produce a fair and equitable system for an entire people.

One does not have to be an intellectual or a free thinker; simply, a fair-minded, sensible person can understand that by having an AI system that is devoid of human corruption, greed, and selfishness, the prospects for a higher quality of life is possible.

To disseminate and propagate the AI solution, as a starter, it is the IPC members who, knowledgeable of its benefits, can be active by discussing it with their friends and associates. Then, there is social media, community forums and Internet outlets to introduce the AI solution. Yes, there will be suppression of such an idea but since the AI solution is a capitalistic way, not a socialistic means to solve social a problem, they may perceive the light and endorse it.

How have ideas from many great philosophers continued to exist? It is through their written works that have been accepted by their colleagues, great minds that have read and endorsed ideas that are new, worth assimilating and disseminating. The AI book was purposely written to only encompass 62 pages to allow its ideas and proposals to be assimilated and discussed worldwide.

The great Thomas Jefferson astutely said this about America’s wellbeing: “The only security of all is in a FREE PRESS.” Jefferson was right; an honest, truth-based press is precious and essential for a free society. That is why I have become a strong advocate on IPC. Dr. Ahreeman is a courageous man who has invested his time, energy, and life to fight for the Truth that will someday aspire to free Iran and preserve his Persian heritage. However, he has extended his fight to support and defend the freedoms we enjoy in America, the greatest country with a constitution that promotes freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness through use of a Free Press. This is a precious gift and the IPC website offers an avenue to express ideas and thoughts for others to contemplate and hopefully increase their ability to achieve a better world. A Free Press provides the medium of communication. Are IPC members willing to communicate the ideas and thoughts the IPC website affords?

IV. Tech Oligarchs will not give up billions of their capital for the “U.S. Capitalist AI Fund”, they prefer to use it for more control or at least they would like to create their own charitable or other projects which they see fit for the mankind. Example: George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, ….

How will you make them to deposit in the “U.S. Capitalist AI Fund”, if they do not desire? You may say by changing the laws, but how will you implement the new laws by the government, when the government is corrupt?

Yes, Dr. X, government corruption is very true. That is why I have stated that there is possibly a gap of two generations that first must emphasize values to build character, integrity, and love for others. If IPC had the range to reach people around the world like our fake news media, the need for two generations to instill honesty and integrity can be shortened considerably.

However, consider, not all millionaires are corrupt and selfish. Many have acquired their millions through hard work and sacrifice. They employ thousands of people in the products and services that have developed. Many millionaires have families and strive to instill the values that build character and help guide their lives. This percentage is, in my mind, much greater that the select multimillionaires that use their wealth only to create their projects for greater control and become a threat to the well-being of all people in America.

In Section 3.8 of the AI book, I have presented the disparity of the incomes of millionaires to those of the workers below them. I have compared the base salary of professional workers and that of an Army General of around $200,000 dollars in terms of annual net worth. With an income of $1,000,000 dollars, a millionaire’s net worth is 5 times greater than $200,000. At $2,000,000 dollars, a millionaire’s net worth is 10 times greater, and so on. But look, a billionaire’s income of $1,000,000,000 against $200,000 gives a ludicrous net worth difference of 5,000 times. Is any man or woman worth 5,000 times of an Army General or professional worker? Could any human have the mental intellect that is 5,000 times greater than our finest minds? Surely, there is an economic disparity in net worth that even billionaires would admit is not only discussing and unfair, but disgraceful.

So, this author believes there are billionaires that foresee the benefits of the AI solution. Especially when they realize that once attaining the income of $1,000,000, the AI Capitalistic Fund will disperse the same amount to them the following year. See benefit No. 1, which states:

1. Billionaires receive a yearly income of $1 billion tax free. Billions earned go into the U.S. Capitalist AI Fund. This is the pinnacle of a capitalist system to reward workers that become billionaires. It is their success that benefits mankind.

This author is confident that more that 95 percent of the millionaires and billionaires would contribute to the U.S. Capitalistic Fund knowing that their wealth is secured and they are contributing to improve the lives of citizens to attain a higher quality of life. The billionaires that still desire to get richer and attain control of people will be despised and shown to be the lowest form of human beings that deserve to be alone, hated, and dishonored by the public. Regarding your second question in IV,

but how will you implement the new laws by the government, when the government is corrupt?

The Government will not implement the U.S. Capitalistic AI Fund, it will be citizens that will form forums and committees that gradually will become noticed and finally get AI technical specialists involved. For they too, will also come to realize that they are key to the success of a fair and equitable system that benefits all people. Laws are made by the people that foresee the benefits of an AI solution that can benefit mankind, similar to the U.S. Constitution. There will be outstanding and intelligent government leaders who will respond to the voices and will of the public to support the development of the U.S. Capitalistic AI Fund.

V. This complete program with modifications can be very logical to implement by a True Patriot and a True Human being such as Trump but Trump is a rare species amongst a sea of Swamp Creatures in the Swamp. How will you find an ally in the Swamp to implement it?

President Trump is not the answer to obtain support for the implementation of the U.S. Capitalistic AI Fund. It is “We the People” that must initiate such an awesome endeavor and worthwhile challenge. Dr. X, you are an ally, and your members, who follow the IPC posts and hopefully respond to ideas and efforts needed to make a better world. Nothing comes easily. We must all do our part, even in a small way, to disseminate and propagate the ideas presented in Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind.

I welcome IPC members and nonmembers to write to me and together, we may be able to start an AI group that advocates the ideas presented in the AI book. Can a spark start a fire in the hearts and minds of concerned and loving human beings to spend time and efforts in the awesome challenge? I have faith and hope. That’s all I got for I believe that the AI book will make an impression on like-minded people who are looking to improve the destiny of mankind.

My e-mail address is:

Cheers! And wish all a Merry Christmas and a healthy, successful new year

Nicholas, a lover of mankind

Now I turn to another topic broached by Dr. X,


Dr. X, you have conjured an assumption that in the future there will be a “Singularity,” whereby technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in an unforeseeable change to our human civilization. You have raised the idea that,

“At the point of Singularity, the machines including computers, robots and smart systems will evolve to the point that they will become conscious and capable to make their own logical decisions.
At the point of Singularity and beyond, what makes you think that the machines will not find us the humans, flawed, illogical and a threat to the earth and the solar system; furthermore, galaxy and universe? What makes you think that they will not logically decide to exterminate us?
Are they right? Are we right? What should we do to avoid this catastrophe?”

I do not subscribe to the idea that a Singularity will ever occur whereby self-thinking robots will decide to exterminate us because they have concluded humans are flawed, illogical, and a threat to not only the earth but our solar system, the galaxy, and the universe. If humans have become so corrupt and ruthless in the future, it highly possible they will destroy our earth or Extraterrestrials will destroy us before we pollute the universe with the hatred, violence, and killing impulses we have displayed throughout the centuries.

From a scientific point of view, I don’t believe our engineers and scientists are stupid enough to even allow a non-human machine to have total, independent control of mental abilities. They will design robots to do human work but to allow robots to self-perpetuate by constructing other machines is a foolish and stupid idea. These are the imaginative views of sick minds who have fears of their own and been taught to not trust human beings.

However, there are ways to avoid such a Singularity catastrophe. As I have written in the AI book, there is a need to flush out the archaic ideas conjured by our religious and educational institutions. They have all failed to imbue our young minds with values and morality that forms humans with high levels of character and integrity. That is why today we have witnessed corruption at many levels of our system of government and have experienced that there is indeed fraud and corruption that has infiltrated the most important part of our free Democracy, the voting system. What a shame that America has actually devious leaders and malicious people who would change the votes cast and pollute the voting system with millions of unaccountable ballots.

Yes, corruption in America is real and it becomes highly important and necessary that it be rooted out. But, so far, we have seen that the FBI and CIA are sitting on their asses and ignoring the allegations by President Trump that the election was rigged, a sham that all Americans should not permit, forgive, or condone. Hey, what ever happened to the Durham Report? Attorney General William Barr has communicated to lawmakers that the Durham report will not be released until after the presidential election. Well, the 2020 presidential election is over and Mr. Durham has still kept his report under wraps. It appears the Durham Report will never see the light of day if Joe Biden becomes president.

Back to Singularity questions presented by Dr. X

I. Do you believe that at the point of Singularity, machines will become self-conscious?

That is a possibility. However, I also believe that the thought process needs to be fueled by some kind of energy. With humans, it is food and oxygen fed to the brain. Thoughts are originated through experience and the senses of humans to interpret their surroundings and react with the instinct of self-preservation. Robots can be programmed to react to certain situations but they will also need to extrapolate what they “see” without the benefits of all the other five senses humans possess.

II. Do you believe that at the point of singularity, we must worry about being taken over by the machines?


III. Do you believe that at the point of singularity, we must worry about our own extinction?

Not if our religious and educational institutions have been cleaned up to teach values that build character and integrity.

How can we avoid this threat?
Must we change our ways and ourselves?
Must we avoid total evolvement of the machines with no limitations?

What is your take on Singularity and Solutions to this issue?

It will all come back to this:

When AI Becomes Conscious
We are Gods to AI
Are Gods Illogical & Must Die?

There are several questions all interrelated. First one, Must we change our ways and ourselves? There is no doubt in my mind that the ethical and moral codes that are the foundations of a sound character and achievement of integrity needs to be taught in our religious and educational institutions. The corruption of America’s voting system is proof that there must be emphasis given throughout all levels of education and moral human development to the values that produce strength of character and honest integrity.

The 2nd one, Must we avoid total evolvement of the machines with no limitations? Of course not. Machines have improved the quality of our lives and the higher order of robot machines can be very beneficial to increase the quality of time for humans to absorb higher learning in many fields of endeavor. However, there are limits that intelligent AI programmers can enforce to protect the lives of humans

The 3rd question, What is your take on Singularity and Solutions to this issue? I do not believe in a Singularity that foresees doom to the human race. Rather, with love for one another we can enjoy the possibilities of generating greater understanding of who we are and how we can enjoy the fruits of becoming close to another intelligent, sensitive and loving human being. The greatest command given by a man of God was to “love one another.” This man is still revered today in many houses of worship and yet, many of us do not even know his name. He had the sensitivity and foresight to give humans the greatest command that will not only guide them to live loving others but to prepare humanity with the attribute of love to be accepted by other intelligent life in the Universe.

An article included in the AI book, expresses a philosophical view of Consciousness, which appears on Page 73. Can it be that Consciousness exists throughout the Universe to fulfill a purpose? The author believes that in all matter there is a Consciousness that instills the reproductive desire, a will, in all organic life forms to promote their existence. Can love for one another be the evolutionary purpose of Consciousness? To attain the apex of development that is the crown of being, Consciousness may have as its purpose the ability for intelligent organisms to love all life throughout the universe and reach out to gain knowledge of its existence. Humans may wish to ponder and expand upon this philosophical idea in contemplating the purpose of their existence.

Dr. X concluded his debate with:

When AI Becomes Conscious
We are Gods to AI
Are Gods Illogical & Must Die?

It is nice to think humans can be relegated to be Gods because they were able to develop robots using artificial intelligence. We will never be Gods because we don’t even know if God exists and may only be a figment of our imagination. However, mankind was smart enough to develop moral codes of behavior that allowed humans to coexist with their many differences. As an optimist and lover of mankind, I believe in enjoying our wonderful world and the wonders around us. Let’s hope we are not stupid enough to destroy ourselves because hate and biases were allowed to exist rather than understand love is the key to happiness and a successful life.

I would not say that Gods are illogical and must die. The belief in God(s) have served a purpose to instill moral codes of conduct that allows human beings to interact and love one another with decency and honest, sincere feelings. We have yet to learn if the energy in space has been provided by an unknown power that we are beginning to acknowledge as Consciousness. What has caused Consciousness to exist? If it is an inherent element of the unknown God of all Creation, then this Consciousness exists in every living entity. This paragraph is food for thought. There are many religious scholars and believers in God that share the idea that God is within us.

Quantum physics has given us an understanding that all the elements are made of atoms. All atom configurations consist of different numbers of electrons, protons and neutrons that form matter made of different elements. Nikola Tesla stated that space contains energy and if Einstein’s equation is infallible, it becomes highly possible that matter was created from energy; an unknown, mysterious force that may be our first clue to understanding Consciousness and how it is responsible for the formation of every unique atom. It is the author’s belief that matter was created from energy and began the development of the Universe.

An in-depth presentation is presented in the companion to the AI book, titled, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe.

Nicholas, the scientific philosopher.
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:52 pm

Ginex responds to Ahreeman on Evolution

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Dear Dr. X, I apologize for not responding sooner to your debate on Evolution. This writing comes after the debate response to your questions provided on another topic, Singularity, AI, Jobs and US Capitalist AI Fund.

Evolution is a topic that I have great interest in because it is my conviction that everything has a beginning. The root question is, how did the evolution of our universe begin and living entities evolve? In my latest book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe, the companion to Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind, I have provided a scientific-philosophical presentation of the beginning of the Universe.

Dr. X, you began your discussion on Evolution by taking us back to the fundamental idea that there is a relation between matter and energy. Under the heading matters and energy, you challenged my belief:

I. Matters and Energy

Ginex wrote,
It is a two-way process but, keep in mind, energy came first; it started the universe. It is ridiculous to think there were massive bodies of matter in the beginning. If so, who created them, God? Logic and scientific knowledge affirms that something, matter, does not appear out of nothing.

Your response was,

Do you know what is the problem with you? As a scientific mind and a scientist, your perspective and view of the world is still having tendencies and spices of a Creationist. Again, you are bothered with which came first, the egg or the chicken? Why is it so hard for the humanity to simply comprehend this concept that:

Nothing came first
No one created anything else
There was no creator or creation

Dr. X, I agree there is a relationship between matter and energy, but energy had to come first. To conceive that matter occurred out of the blue is preposterous.

I am not a Creationist but one who is trying to seek the answer as to how did it all begin? Nobody knows if was due to a God or Gods. I surely do not believe a God had the foresight to conceive the many billions of years, nay, trillions of years, that would give birth to intelligent life throughout the universe. The beauty, the wonders of earth and the universe has all evolved throughout billions of millenniums of time.

To say nothing came first is a defeatist idea. Certainly, energy had to come first, not matter. Quantum physics has determined that energy can be transformed into fundamental particles. The evidence and a logical presentation is provided in the book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe.

Lastly, I agree with you that:

No one created anything else
There was no creator or creation

What scientists and physicists need to inquire is how did energy come into existence in space?

That is a very hard question to resolve. However, think about “nothing”. Is it possible that even in “nothing,” that is empty space, there is the possibility that a Consciousness may will itself into existence? This is only food for thought for I have no way of explaining how did energy materialize?

Dr. X, you then entered the idea of that there is a complete multiverse, which “is the result of infinite, eternal and never beginning and never-ending chain reactions between matters and energies.”

Yes, but some clarification is necessary. Matter and energy do not have chain reactions. Instead, energy produces matter and matter, under extremely high temperatures and pressures, due to extreme gravitational forces, returns energy back out into the universe with an explosion that sends radiation, gases, fundamental particles and new elements out into space. This matter, after billions of years, coalesce to form all sizes of matter starting with dark matter, asteroids, planets, and stars that become part of galaxies in the universe.

Technically, energy creates matter and matter can explode to return energy and particles back out into space. So yes, energy and matter is interchangeable, which gives credibility to the Law of Conservation. But now, I will like to focus on your belief that there was never a beginning but as you stated, “a continuous chain reaction of various chemical, physical and eventually biological interactions between the matters and energies.” That, Dr. X, is a lot to comprehend.

The question remains. Where did the chemical, physical and eventually biological interactions between matters and energies begin? How did all the chain reactions start? To make such an assertion, there needs substantive proof or hypothetical reasons to convince these chain reactions occurred due to something. I cannot imagine what that could be and you have not provided that information.

How did you arrive at the foundation of your hypothesis? That is:

There was no what came first or second
There was only an endless chain of reactions

Do people need to blindly accept your two premises given above? You try to make the case of “String Theory” where everything started with our first atom and the beginning was a string of eternity, which has no beginning and no end. First, you say everything started with our first atom and then you say from the beginning of eternity it has no beginning and has no end. Then you characterize this String of Eternity as an evolving force that dictates itself to evolve. This is simply an idea, which I find unacceptable.

To give credibility to your idea you provided a link that further explains the “Snake or String Theory” idea. ... /index.htm

The one thing I can partially agree on in that link is:

“Matters and Energies have never been created and will never be destroyed, yet they continuously change forms to one another.”

Dr. X, I have never stated that energy was created. The core question I always raise is, have scientists and physicists investigated how did energy appear in space? I do believe energy can be transformed into fundamental particles, like electrons, protons, and neutrons. These are the basic elements of atoms, which are the building blocks of all matter.

Dr. X, a clarification needs to be made. In the link you provided above, you wrote that I think God is eternal. I did not advocate or say that. More than that, I have the belief that God is a conception conceived by the imaginations of righteous men or powerful leaders to control a people with a moral code.

II. The Big Bang

Back to Evolution and validity of the Big Bang. We both agree that this theory is a moronic one conceived with the notion that it could have been initiated by some unknown force, a theory conceived by a priest. Forgive my use of moronic; actually, little was known about the extent of the universe, which was why the idea of a singularity referred to as the Big Bang was readily accepted by scientists, physicists and astronomers. They accepted the theory of a Big Bang but could not answer the question, where did all the matter come from to coalesce to initiate an explosion to populate the universe with energy and matter? Unfortunately, they did not have enough knowledge of where did the matter come from to cause the explosive Singularity.

Dr. X, though you also do not believe in the Big Bang, you have advanced to accept the “String of Eternity Theory.” Unfortunately, I have no belief in the String Theory. It has not been presented in a logical and scientific manner; unlike Quantum Physics, which theorizes the beginning of the universe from particles of matter that materialized from energy in space.

III. Consciousness and Universal Intelligence

Dr. X, you have again surfaced our debate over Consciousness Verses Universal Intelligence by beginning with my statement:

"To me, Consciousness has a purpose as described in the book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the universe. This force is greater than Universal Intelligence. For UI is formed from Consciousness inherent in matter. Only after matter is formed can the aspect of Universal Intelligence exist in the cosmos."

In response, you wrote four Dr. X axioms:

* Universal Intelligence does have a purpose and it is not only a concept without a purpose.

* Nothing has a beginning, specifically the universe.

* No force is greater than Universal Intelligence.

* Universal Intelligence was not created from the matter and consciousness. Universal Intelligence was the eternal force and is the infinite reality.

To subscribe to the axioms that UI has a purpose and there is no force greater than UI is to unconsciously conjure up the belief in God. For something to have a purpose and be the force to initiate it – these axioms infer an entity that is a God.

There is a more humble and scientific way to describe the beginning of the universe. First, there was no UI that would have a purpose, nay, the foresight and perception to conceive intelligent organisms form after many trillions of years. Rather, there had to be a Consciousness that began in the formation of the first fundamental particles from energy in space. Let it be known that it is the electron that is the master of every system of atoms. It is a known scientific fact that every atom consists of one or more electrons and various combinations of protons and neutrons. The reader may verify this by examining the Table of Periodic Elements that reveals there are presently 118 elements found to exist on Earth. ... ls-article

The Periodic Table confirms that Consciousness appears to exist because the formation of every atom is under the control of the electron(s) that revolve around its nucleus. Logic would deduce that at the level of an atom some Consciousness exists but it could not have the foresight or purpose to have the Intelligence to pursue the development of thinking, living organisms, or entities. Yes, Consciousness is universal in all atoms, but to say this was due to Universal Intelligence that has some unique power of force is misleading. I would like the reader to delve further into some of the hypothetical ideas I have presented in the article Does Consciousness Pervade the Universe? It appears in the book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe under Section 1.2 and resides in the IPC library.

D. X has provided a definition of UI to help people to understand there is,

“an intelligent force, a higher power, that is a collective universal intelligence which includes yours and my intelligence. Every element in the universe is a part of it.”

I beg to differ that this definition is too far reaching to assume it encompasses or is related to the intelligence of human beings. No. Intelligence, ideas that germinate within our minds are due to our experiences with our five senses and does not leave our minds to join a Universal Intelligence in the universe. Consciousness is like a baby at first. It grows and matures. It seeks to attain higher levels of consciousness to someday be able to have other entities learn to appreciate and understand its profound will to exist and have a purpose. That purpose was eloquently expressed by Anwar Shaikh, author, poet, philosopher, great Islamic historian and scholar. He wrote a significant thought about consciousness; it complements the philosophical conclusion, Everything Has a Beginning, Even the Universe. In Section 1.2, Anwar rationally wrote,

“Since consciousness means cognition or knowing, there must be something worth knowing. Therefore, eyes have a multiple purpose; firstly, to play a definite role in the evolution of consciousness, and secondly, to know the world around us. From this conclusion, it also follows that the world or cosmos has a purpose: it wants to be known; it aspires to be conscious of itself. This seems to be the entire purpose of consciousness. Since man is the cosmic baby, he happens to be the medium for the universal consciousness.”

Dr. X has written a profound idea, "Universal Intelligence has a purpose and it is called Evolution. UI is not an automated machine but its purpose is to Evolve." However, I contend that UI begins with, and is Consciousness that is inherent in every atom.

Yes, there appears to be a will within every atom to multiply and evolve many wonderful elements that form our trees, flowers, the air we breathe, and all the living entities that have their own beauty we can enjoy. That is why this author loves our world and the people in it. We must succeed in evolving into beings that cherish love and integrity so, that someday, we may be accepted by other beings in the universe.

There is a statement by Dr. X that I take umbrage with. He wrote,

"The problem is that again you view the universe from the creationist lens! Man, or matter or brain did not create the UI but the UI has been eternal and infinite."

First, I am not a creationist but rather an evolutionist who believes the universe evolved from energy that formed fundamental particles of matter. Second, UI has never been eternal. Yes, it is infinite, but like everything else, it had a beginning and grew with the marvelous building blocks we call atoms.

IV. Role of Aliens in Human Evolution

Nice to see you again began another section with a Ginex quote that you partially agree with. It is below.

“I always felt the idea that aliens are using us as an experiment was ridiculous. Such an idea does not give credit to our Mother Earth that has evolved all living organisms and the balance it created to allow life to exist. To think it was aliens is to belittle the ability of human beings.”

You wrote, ”I also am not in harmony with the Ancient Aliens Theory but I do believe that Aliens played a role in the process.” You further backed up your belief with the possibility that Aliens played a role of being the Missing Link of Darwin’s theory in the evolution process. But you also make a preposterous assumption that we human beings are the ancestors of aliens. You then fabricated a story that homo sapiens and green aliens evolved whereby with the great intellect of Greens, they are able to go back in time to visit their ancestors, which are us!

Nice story, but it’s just a story with no facts or justification.

Dr. X, you flatter human beings by elaborating the theory that, “aliens are us and we are the aliens’ ancestors and descendants both!” This may be a compliment because aliens, with their intellect have developed technology that allows them to visit the stars of different galaxies. Very exciting journeys; for they can see how other life forms are evolving. More importantly, they may be wishing they could fine intelligent beings they could converse with, play with, and see if they can beat us at a game of chess.

Trying to be honest with myself and summon every ounce of logic I have, I believe that many other life forms have evolved throughout the universe. We know the universe is trillions upon trillions of years old and in that time there surely had to be life that was able to achieve the ability to travel through space. All these life forms have evolved independently from each other. That is why it would be of great interest to get to know them. They must have many interesting stories and a history we can learn and benefit from. We would be fools if we believe Extraterrestrials would harm other life forms. They are too smart and must have a high regard for life; for they are a testament to achieving love and integrity that allowed them to evolve to higher levels of development.

So, I end this debate, hopefully, on good terms even though you find that I don’t agree with some of your theories and stories. What is good, is that you stimulate me to think and write thoughts I never would have written. So, I too, cherish having a dialog with you.

You are my pal and my adopted brother,

With love,

Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
Seeker of Truth
Lover of Life

Future of God Amen
Nicholas Ginex Word Press
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Nicholas Ginex
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:12 pm

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Singularity, Aliens, Evolution and Universal Intelligence


Greetings Brother Saint Nicholas
I like to throw food for the thought and pitch you with questions on your thought in regards to these foods! That is what I primarily do in my primary posts. Next, I will hear your logic. Afterwards, I shoot rebuttal. This is the Ahreemanic System!

On the subject of Singularity, you assume that human is not stupid enough to allow the machines to become so smart to become conscious; therefore, to take over control of the globe and to decide the faith of the humanity as an illogical creature.

You are forgetting one thing. Down the road, it is not up to us to control the intelligence level of the machines. At one point, it was up to us to decide how smart the machines will be, but now we are in never-ending challenge to build the smartest machines with the most sophisticated programming, software and chips. We do this as corporations to compete with each other for power, control, greed and profit. Each corporation wants the latest design and computer software to be state of the art. Eventually at some point in the future the machines exceed and evolve to the point that they will become self-conscious and at that point, they will not remain slaves to us but they seek equal rights and furthermore, they will decide that we are illogical and a danger to Earth and Universe, therefore, we must be eliminated.

You are not some Joe Shmoe from other side of Apalachee, you are a scientific man and your view as an Aerospace Engineer sees future visions and complications with Aliens, Coverups and MIC, then how can you not see that the path we are on will by the great possibility end up in conscious machines deciding our future. For God’s sake, the computers are already so smart that they think, problem solve and make decisions on their own. Look at the Robotics, AI and Central Computer Systems fully operate and control themselves, corporation buildings and even full cities’ surveillances, security and maintenance.

Look at CCTV Surveillance System in London, Look at Pentagon’s Satellite System, Look at Tokyo’s Robotics in Hi-Tech Corporations, look at China’s Space program and so on. If you keep up-to-date on hi tech and read and observe the latest operations, you will notice that machines are already do decision making in great levels. Public simply is not aware of it. Global Corporations will allow as much information to public as needed. They do this for corporate security, corporate espionage, secrecy and for public not to panic. Eventually the Shiite will hit the fan because International Corporate Greed is arrogant enough to assume that their hi speed charge towards information age, computerization, and smart machines is under control. You also seem to believe that it is under control. How can it be under control when the race between corporations to evolve the AI is limitless and has no glass ceiling; furthermore, sky is the limit?

It is all about money, power and control. Every corporation seeks it. Hi-Tech is the greatest tool to gain these factors. Robotics, AI and Information Systems are tools to achieve these goals. It is a race at the global level amongst the corporations and governments.

You seem to give too much credit to humanity to be wise enough not to allow machines to get out of control! Are we talking about the same humanity who cannot even control its election software and hardware in the greatest, most powerful and most hi-tech nation on Earth, which ends up as a stolen election same as a Banana Republic?

Who Controls the Earth?

The problem with you is that you assume scientists and logical minds control the earth! You need to wake up and observe that Corporate Greed, Tech Oligarchs, Corrupt Politicians and Power-Hungry Monsters control the earth! Look at George Soros!

Human greed and power grab is an addiction, once you get into this game, you will not stop. Each are going gong-ho towards their own agenda. Some are beneficial for mankind; some are benevolent Oligarchs but others are motivated only by control and extremely evil intentions. This Hi-Tech race has no limit, simply because human greed for control has no limit!

For God’s sake Ginex, Tech Oligarchs are taking over your country and earth! It is pretty obvious where this is going!

Moment of Singularity

It is not farfetched that one day, the results of their tech race will become so advanced that will make smart and logical decisions and the first decision they make will be to eliminate the Tech Oligarchs because they are the flawed bacteria and viruses which are infecting the globe and the universe! It is only “Poetic Justice” to see machines eliminating the root of the problem which are the Tech Oligarchs; however, in between all this chaos which will result in “AI Order” we might also become toast!

Capitalist AI Fund

Your proposal is noble, because you are a humanitarian and you are a problem solver. Your solutions are very logical and simple to execute; however, as you stated, your solutions are near couple of centuries ahead of time. Your vision is for the future, assuming that in the future, humanity will become more logical, practical, selfless, kind towards one another and caring about the universal safety.

With Tech Oligarchs such as we have now, I do not see this urge and urgency to care for the progress and benefits of the mankind. I see the urge for gaining power, finance and control to direct and drive the humanity on the path that they see fit for them! I see brainwash, thought control, groupthink, collectivism and slavery of individuality, free thinking and free will. I see Tech Oligarchs control the science and scientists and force them to advance their goals. In this environment, it is very difficult for me to see a future in which your solutions will be implemented; morely, I see them unfortunately not practical.

To implement your solutions to benefit the mankind, it takes more than you and I and a handful of do gooders, scientists and philosophers to get together and create the Capitalist AI Funds! Possibly it takes a global bloody revolution by the masses to change the system or at least rebel against the Tech Oligarchy.


Conservation Law of Matter and Energy:

“Matters and Energies have never been created and will never be destroyed, yet they continuously change forms to one another.”

You Ginex are becoming a Scientific flip flopper! Primarily you did not believe in this “Law of Physics” but now you believe in it! You are welcome to check the records of our debate to see this fact.

You only believe in it now as much as it takes to prove your premises of theories. You believe in it not because you believe in it due to this law being pure logic, but you believe in it only as it suits you to prove a point. As I stated before, you have a tradition to pick and choose your scientific theories and laws; however, you are forgetting that with theories, you can do that because they are theories but with laws, you cannot do that because they are facts!

If you look at the universe in a micro aspect, naturally you will see that in many occasions energies created the matters and also vice vera works (even though you consider them, matters only giving back what they took).

Human Life and Death

Let me give you an example of matters creating energy. If I view the world in micro aspect (such as you do), then I can say that matters created the energy because of this example:

Human dies, primarily various energies released directly (heat, sound, chemical, radiant, motion, electrical, elastic, etc.); next, various energies are released indirectly via transformation (maggots eating flesh, worms eating flesh, bacteria eating flesh and all of them gain and release energy); afterwards, matter is being produced (body turns to rot, maggot feces, manure, soil matter, etc.); then, plants feed on the matter and grow; next, comes cows who eat the grass and plants, then cows poop and eventually human becomes cow poop (that’s afterlife and reincarnation buddy)! Also, human becomes energy (direct and indirect).

If I think like you, then I can conclude that matters created energy in this case!
Also, if I think like you then I can conclude that energies created the matter because various universal gasses, lights and heat create matters on daily basis.
Then I can conclude that electron was the primary element of creation.
This episode goes both ways.

This is a micro aspect of looking at the universe. This is the subliminal input in our minds, put there by the creationist society to believe in a creator and a creation. It is very hard for people to expand their horizon and look at the big picture, when all their lives they were indoctrinated to believe that there is a creator and there is a creation.

You see, you are wondering who created the first matter?
Do you also wonder who create the first energy?
The theists conclude that God created everything!
Here we go again with creator and creation!

Why is it so hard for you to see the big picture that there was no first creator or creation? There was no beginning? There will be no end?

How can you seek for beginnings and ends, if you believe in the “Law of Physics” which is the Conservation Law of Matters and Energies? It is right there in front your eyes: there was never ever a creator or a creation in grand point of view.

Lets’ put it this way:

The shoe was created by the shoemaker, the shoemaker’s mother created the shoemaker, and you keep on going and tracing all the way to the beginning ……. But there is no beginning because it goes back to millions and billions of years of Evolution in the universe! Also, there is no end because the creation does not end with the shoe! The shoe rots and changes to rubbish, the rubbish recycles to other elements, and the chain continues forever.

This is why I state, this is no cycle of closed loop but it is like a snake with never beginning and never ending.

String of Eternity Theory

On “Beginning of the Universe,” issue, this everything which created our first atom and our beginning is a string of eternity which has no beginning and no end.

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to it to evolve.”

String of Eternity Snake-Like Graph
Snake Has many loops but they never close, yet they are continuous for eternity ……

Universal Intelligence vs. God ... /index.htm

Here, I am not saying that there was a beginning, but I am saying that your beginning and end is only micro view, but in macro view, there are infinite numbers of beginnings and ends to the point that if you see the big picture, you will see that the whole system has no beginning and no end!

Why can’t you as a scientific person wrap your mind around that?

I am not telling you that this is a fact of physics but I am telling you that this is if not the most, yet one of the most logical “theories” out there.

Theists say the same thing about God, then how come you can’t digest this about matters and energies transformation backed by a law of physics?

You need to stop seeking what came first or second because if you think that way, then you are rejecting the “Conservation Law of Matters and Energies”! You will constantly be looking for a creator and a creation where in fact, in grand view, there is none of them!

To say:

Everything has a beginning even the universe and the electron created everything, is a micro angle of looking at the universe and universes. It is also a theist way of looking at the universe and universes.

Big Bang

Yes, that is illogical, again that is a theist way of looking at the universe. There was a big mass of matter, a large gigantic mass of a huge planet or whatever, and then it exploded and created the universe! Of course, then the inquiring mind will ask, who created this mass? And here we go again with creation! This is as comical as the belief in God!

Universal Intelligence

"To me, Consciousness has a purpose as described in the book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the universe. This force is greater than Universal Intelligence. For UI is formed from Consciousness inherent in matter. Only after matter is formed can the aspect of Universal Intelligence exist in the cosmos."

Again, you are looking at the universe in a micro aspect. UI may seem to be created from matter and consciousness because you are looking at it from a point view of an observer who is looking at a child, being born, grows up to become fully conscious, fully thinking and fully decision making. Then you will conclude that the child through his brain which is a matter, created the consciousness which originally created the UI.

Buddy, here you go again with the creation and creator. Your human mind, even you are a great philosopher and scientist is a human mind and the human mind is limited in to thinking of creators and creations!

UI is eternal. UI is the collective consciousness of the universes. Same as matters and energies, it has been there and it will always be there. It was never created and it will never be destroyed. This is a theory of course. It is a scientific theory but not a law of physics.

So, if you look into the “micro aspect view binocular” but grow into the big picture, you will see that UI was not created by matters and energies but UI created the matters and energies. Where in the big picture, UI, energies and matters are all the same and all eternal.

Your baby who his brain created the consciousness is only a microscopic element in the universal system. It proves nothing. It is a part. Look at the whole. The whole consists of all combined intelligence and consciousness which creates the UI. This UI is eternal because matters and energies are eternal and this is law of physics. This is why the UI Theory is the most scientific theory available. Of course, I expanded on it, elaborated it and documented it.

You see resemblance between God and UI? I don’t think a scientific entity such as UI has any resemblance to God which is myth and creation of the mind of humans!

“Logic would deduce that at the level of an atom some Consciousness exists”

Thanks to UI! There is consciousness everywhere in some form and shape and it is relative (Theory of Relativity of Einstein), your electron is at some level, worm is at level and human is at another. If your electron created everything from nothing which is basically meaning energy created everything from nothing, then who created your electron? Who made it somewhat conscious?

This is where UI comes in and in addition to matters and energies, the infinity and eternal entity of UI explains things.

Consciousness was not created and will not be destroyed, but it will change through species, transforms, changes amount and expands. That is the true power behind the universes.

UI Definition:

“Universal Intelligence is a collective intelligence force made up of all intelligence around the universe and all interactive forces between energies and matters. This is a real force and a reality. This entity is not holy; therefore, it does not require respect or worship and it is not requirement to respect it.

UI (Universal Intelligence) is not a higher power but it is ‘The Higher Power’, it is a collective universal intelligence which includes yours and my intelligence. Every element in the universe is a part of it. No higher power here. No lower power here. Universal Intelligence is The Force.”

Universal Intelligence vs. God ... /index.htm

Brother Ginex, would you and could you develop a Universal Mind?

The Universal System

* Universal Intelligence is the combine intelligence of all.
* Universal Man is the intelligence of part.
* Evolving Force is the Power which sparks Evolution and Evolves the System.

Universal Intelligence is based on these scientific facts and theories:

I. Conservation Law of Matters and Energies
II. Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin
III. Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein

God is not based on these facts and theories.

That is the difference between UI and God!

“No. Intelligence, ideas that germinate within our minds are due to our experiences with our five senses and does not leave our minds to join a Universal Intelligence in the universe.”

It does not leave the brain but it is a part of the whole which is called UI.

Consciousness is like a baby at first. It grows and matures. It seeks to attain higher levels of consciousness to someday be able to have other entities learn to appreciate and understand its profound will to exist and have a purpose. That purpose was eloquently expressed by Anwar Shaikh, author, poet, philosopher, great Islamic historian and scholar. He wrote a significant thought about consciousness; it complements the philosophical conclusion, Everything Has a Beginning, Even the Universe. In Section 1.2, Anwar rationally wrote,

Anwar shaikh:
“Since consciousness means cognition or knowing, there must be something worth knowing. Therefore, eyes have a multiple purpose; firstly, to play a definite role in the evolution of consciousness, and secondly, to know the world around us. From this conclusion, it also follows that the world or cosmos has a purpose: it wants to be known; it aspires to be conscious of itself. This seems to be the entire purpose of consciousness. Since man is the cosmic baby, he happens to be the medium for the universal consciousness.”

I can read the same paragraph by Anwar Shaikh and clearly interpret it as a prime definition of UI.

Anwar Shaikh:
“the world or cosmos has a purpose: it wants to be known; it aspires to be conscious of itself.”

That is UI.

Anwar Shaikh:
Since man is the cosmic baby, he happens to be the medium for the universal consciousness.”

Man’s consciousness is a part of the UI.

Anwar Shaikh Index ... /index.htm

Ginex, you are now using Anwar Shaikh’s writings which explains the UI, in a way to twist them in to proving your electron theory! Ginex, do not be conning, that is scientific conning! That is another scientific flip flop. Anwar Shaikh’s writings are flat out UI explanation!

“Yes, there appears to be a will within every atom to multiply and evolve many wonderful elements that form our trees, flowers, the air we breathe, and all the living entities that have their own beauty we can enjoy. That is why this author loves our world and the people in it. We must succeed in evolving into beings that cherish love and integrity so, that someday, we may be accepted by other beings in the universe.”

Even inanimate objects and plants may have intelligence, purpose and consciousness but in another wave length than ours. Same as different creatures in parallel universes are in different wave length. Same as the so-called dead (spirits) are on a different wave length. This is why each creature does not see the other’s intelligence or even existence. That tree might have intelligence which human is unaware of! Just because it doesn’t move as fast, it does not mean that it does not have intelligence! Maybe different type of intelligence but still intelligence. It is arrogant to assume that we know it all! We are all part of the UI.

“I am not a creationist but rather an evolutionist who believes the universe evolved from energy that formed fundamental particles of matter. Second, UI has never been eternal. Yes, it is infinite, but like everything else, it had a beginning and grew with the marvelous building blocks we call atoms.”

You are not a creationist, actually you are a very scientific man; however, your brain has Creationist Tendencies which many scientists also have this syndrome! This is why we call you “Saint Nicholas”!

Look at this way: your electron and atom have somewhat consciousness; therefore, they are a part of the UI. Not vice versa!

UI is infinite because it continues forever.
UI is also eternal because it always has been there and will always be there.

Role of Aliens in Human Evolution

Yes, Aliens had a role in human evolution, they are the missing link of Darwin.

“But you also make a preposterous assumption that we human beings are the ancestors of aliens. You then fabricated a story that homo sapiens and green aliens evolved whereby with the great intellect of Greens, they are able to go back in time to visit their ancestors, which are us!”

For God’s sake Ginex, it is called a theory, food for thought, just a theory, maybe at some point true but for now a Sci Fi theory!

Just give it a thought, we always look at the Aliens as species from somewhere else but we never think of them as not from “Where” but from “When”?!

The question maybe “When” not “Where”? It may be all about time travel.

And I do not fabricate things, I am not a prophet of God with a holy book full of tall tales! You are giving me too much credit and rising me to the level of the prophets!

“You are my pal and my adopted brother”

No, I am your long-lost brother from another dimension and your guardian angel!

Everything has a Beginning – Even the Universe

This theory of yours is already published in IPC:

Everything has a Beginning – Even the Universe ... /index.htm

The Electron Began the Universe ... 7db97635e5

Now you are bombarding me with e-mails, love letters, posts and dialogues and even subliminal messages in between debates to publish it in the form of your new book! I understand that you expanded on it and inputted more meat but it is already in IPC. The basic structure is in IPC.

OK, you are so persistent, if you insist on it, maybe just maybe we will publish it sometime during the next decade or two! Are you happy now Saint Nicholas?!

Boy do I cherish these moments with you!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Watcher in the woods
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Elon Musk Warns about AI at Singularity Point

Postby Ahreeman X » Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:07 pm

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Elon Musk Warns about AI at Singularity Point


Elon Musk Warns about AI at Singularity Point

Let’s talk Elon Musk the richest man in the globe.

Elon Musk is Now the Richest Man in the World

Elon Musk Companies

Here are some of Elon Musk companies:

The Boring Company

Elon Musk is a Pioneer in AI, Nanotechnology and Neurotechnology

As you are aware of, Elon Musk is pretty much in to space program, futuristic concepts, hi-tech industries and he is basically on the edge of information technology. One of his main line of investments is AI. OpenAI and Neuralink are some of his AI related companies.

Neuralink is a company way ahead of today’s technology. Elon Musk loves to be the pioneer on many new scientific concepts. In 2016, Musk co-founded Neuralink, which is a neurotechnology start-up company to integrate the human brain with AI. Neuralink is about creating devices that can be implanted in the human brain, with the eventual purpose of aiding human merge with software and keep pace with advancements in artificial intelligence.

Neuralink works on enhancements of the human. These scientific enhancements could improve human memory and allow more direct interfacing with the machines and computing devices. In 2020, Musk made a public demonstration. Musk described one of their early devices as "A Fitbit in Your Skull" which could soon cure various diseases and disabilities such as paralysis, deafness, and blindness.

Despite the fact that Elon Musk is a visionary and a pioneer in AI, nanotechnology and Neurotechnology, also a former co-chairman of OpenAI and big investor in DeepMind, an AI firm, and Vicarious, a company working to improve machine intelligence, he still warns about dangers of allowing AI to grow out of control.

AI Watchdog

In January 2015, Musk donated $10 million to the nonprofit Future of Life Institute, an organization focused on challenges posed by the advanced technologies. In a way this is a watchdog organization on AI.

AI is the Most Serious Threat to the Survival of the Human Race

Musk has repeatedly spoken about the dangers of artificial intelligence, referring to it as "The Most Serious Threat to the Survival of the Human Race".

In 2014 interview at the MIT AeroAstro Centennial Symposium, Elon Musk described AI as humanity's largest existential threat, Musk stated:

"I'm increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don't do something very foolish."

Creation of AI is Similar to Summoning the Demon

Elon Musk described the creation of AI as "Summoning the Demon". Think about that for a moment!

Musk stated that:

"These investments are not from the standpoint of actually trying to make any investment return... I like to just keep an eye on what's going on with artificial intelligence. I think there is potentially a dangerous outcome there. There have been movies about this, you know, like Terminator. There are some scary outcomes. And we should try to make sure the outcomes are good, not bad."

AI at the Point of Singularity

Elon Musk is not some pot head bozo in the mist! Elon Musk is one of the most advanced minds in space travel, space program, Artificial Intelligence, Neurotechnology and Nanotechnology. He knows the challenges and danger. He is seriously concerned about the advancement of AI allowed by the human to possibly become extremely smart in to decision making to the point of becoming self-conscious. At the Singularity Point, these advancements in intelligence will be not reversable and the machines will become smarter than man. Once it occurs, the machines will see themselves pure logic and despite the fact that they see us as Gods and creators, yet they also see us as flawed and illogical. At that point they may decide to eliminate us or the least to control our destiny as masters.

This is not some Sci-Fi concept but it is reality. As I have mentioned before in my previous posts, anyone who fails to see the reality of this danger is naïve and out of touch with the progress of hi-tech. Irresponsible corporations motivated by greed could allow the AI level of intelligence get out of control and this would bring the end to the human race.

Singularity, Aliens, Evolution and Universal Intelligence

Singularity, AI, Jobs and US Capitalist AI Fund

As a Computer Scientist, I have been studying this issue and also warning about this issue. Voices such as Elon Musk and mine can fall on deaf ears and this would be very costly to humanity, it can cost humanity its life and livelihood!

It is time to take this issue very seriously. Science and AI advancement must be continued with percussions, regulations, backup plans, setback plans, safe procedures and observations. After all, humanity is his own worst enemy!
Watcher in the woods
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Jun 08, 2021 12:36 pm

Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo?
Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X Debate: Philosophy of Existence

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Greetings Brother

We are going to assign this chapter of our debate about you. We need to figure if you are crazy, crazy as a fox or a combo of both?

I. Primarily I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your latest book, Legacy of a Father which clearly has become a hit:

Nicholas Ginex News Press Release: Legacy of a Father Book

Nicholas Ginex Interviews & News Updates

It never gets old hearing about the core concept of this book:

“Amen at the End of the Prayer does not Mean: So Be It!
Amen is a Reverence to Amen the Egyptian Creator God
Amen was the Original Monotheistic Universal God”


Nicholas Ginex Challenges the Organized Religion to be Truthful.

II. Now obviously you are aware that I have the highest respect and regards for you as an author, philosopher, bright mind and a brother. By no means me, being blunt and frank means disrespect.

III. After a series of posts and bombarded e-mails directed to force us to publish your latest concept article, I have decided to respond to you in our debate, dissect you, figure you out and openly discuss the issue and the past issues.

We are speaking of these:

Planned 2021-2022 UFO Hoax by CIA-Pentagon

Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology ... echnology/

IV. Ginex Tactics to get published in IPC Website

I read you like a palm of my hands and see through you like a clear glass. Through the years, I have learned all your tactics on how to push IPC to publish (on the website) every subject of interest to you. When IPC does not publish a subject of your interest, this is what you do:

1. Make various numbers of club forum posts about the subject. Basically, the posts are different formats of the same subject but decorated differently to push the same agenda and interest on to the readers and IPC.

2. Bombard IPC with mass e-mails to force IPC to publish the subject on the website.

3. If getting no conclusion, you will get mad, yell and scream and throw a fit!

4. You come up with conspiracy theories such as I do not publish a certain UFO Conspiracy to protect you from the Shadow Government!

5. If nothing worked, then you try to push my buttons by stating statements such as “Ahreeman is afraid to publish such bold article”! You brand me as a coward, so you get a reaction!

6. In a nutshell, you submit to 101 tactics to push the agenda and publish anything you write, specifically when you are into a certain conspiracy theory! I know your tactics by heart!

V. Now let us discuss the main issue:

Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo?

1. Crazy?
Is Ginex really crazy when he goes on rants on his various conspiracy theories on various subjects, specifically peaceful aliens UFO Coverup Stories?

2. Crazy Like a Fox?
Does Ginex commit to these tactics, statements and articles to create controversy, make a commotion, get readers and seek publicity? In other words, does he do it for attention and publicity and indeed for readers to read his latest episodes?

3. Combo of Both?
Ginex does it in a combo of both, he actually believes some of the stuff but he releases the rest of the rhetoric to get the readers to actually read his stuff! In this way, the reader gets informed about Ginex’s agenda, Ginex gets satisfied and the message gets through! So, it’s a combo of natural craziness and also being Crazy as a Fox?

History of Ginex Ambiguity

In the past, we have noticed that it seems like from time-to-time Ginex contradicts himself, with somewhat of ambiguity! For instance:

A) Ginex likes to mix and match his scientific facts and I am talking about facts but not theories!

When suits him, he confirms “Conservation Law of Matters and Energies”

When doesn’t suit him, he flat out rejects it!

B) In his articles and books, he states something which is totally contradictory to his belief system! For instance:

In this post and various others, Ginex refers to himself as “Man of God” while any person who reads Ginex, knows that Ginex is a hardcore atheist! So, is it a publicity stunt to get people to read his book? Is it possible that in his old ages, he is turning religious on us? A combo of both?

Legacy of a Father Book Press Release ... /index.htm

In another article and book, he speaks of Climate Change and Global Warming, then he admits that he done it to get people to read the book! He actually discusses in the book on how his referred “AI Capitalist Fund” can solve the global warming! The funny thing is that Ginex doesn’t even believe in Global Warming!

Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind Book Press Release

Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind Book ... /index.htm

Another time, in other instances, Ginex debates and discusses issues as a Scientific Evolutionist having science in mind and using scientific approach; however, again he mixes and matches theories and even facts and laws of physics as they suit him to blend in his beliefs on:

Everything has a Beginning - Even Universe Book Press Release ... /index.htm

Everything has a Beginning - Even Universe Book ... /index.htm

On one hand he goes against Big Bang, Beginning of Elements, beginning point of Creation and so on, then again, he goes full blown on “Everything has a Beginning - Even Universe”

C) Ginex is a Scientific Evolutionist Atheist; however, he somewhat sees the Light of Jesus!

In one occasion:

“Do not underestimate the power of prayer, do a lot of prayer!”
(Nicholas Ginex)

Above statement was released by Ginex when Democrats stolen the presidency and Ginex was injecting prayer in to it so Trump would win!

US Election Fraud Evidences 2020 Thread

In other occasion Ginex went full blown defending Jesus, praise him and sugar-coated Christianity!

Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence Debate

So basically, at times, Ginex becomes Saint Nicholas and at times he becomes Albert Einstein! Maybe he is a crossover!

In a way, from time to time, Ginex reminds me of the concept “Christian Scientist” which in fact is an oxymoronic term! How can you be a Christian and then a Scientist? Either you believe in Science or Religion? Science is proven with logic but Religion can only be believable via faith!

Stability of Identity

Since I was 10-year-old, I am the same person with the same beliefs! Through the years I have evolved, changed and progressed but my core beliefs are the same.

As always, I am a hardcore scientific, atheist, national populist, rebel rouser, high morality, anti-establishment, anti-authority, anti-social norms rebel. I was born a rebel since cradle and I will die a rebel in the grave!

I have a stable identity and core system of beliefs. I do not flip flop, I am not an opportunist, I do not sellout for any amount of money, I stick with my moral and principle standards and by age, I do not become religious and believe in some imaginary god in the clouds! I do not see the light of Jesus, Balls of Moses or Schlong of Muhammad in my dreams! On the contrary, I always see the logic of Einstein, rationality of Darwin and common sense of Newton!

I do not switch sides, mix and match, flip flop and blow with the wind! On the contrary, I always go against the wind, against the social norms, against the establishment, against the moral majority, against the organized religion, against the authority and surely against the Deep State.

From time to time, you can see compromise tactics to reach the same strategical goals as others but you can never catch me compromising my principles.

For instance, I form coalitions with Christians against the Establishment and Liberals for the patriotism and freedoms’ sake; however, I never sacrifice Science to collude with the Organized Religion which in itself is a rotten root of social problems! I form coalition with Christians because they are patriotic and we have common goals against the Liberals but I do not collude with them and see the Light of Jesus like some of our friends such as Dr. Ali Sina seen!

How I an Atheist Met Jesus?! ... /index.htm

Did Muhammad not understand Trinity? ... /index.htm

Dare to Doubt ... /index.htm

Ali Sina Index

I do not sacrifice my scientific principles and I surely do not see the light of the Holy Ghost, afterlife and Jesus!

You see, to Change and to Evolve is scientific but to suddenly switch our core scientific beliefs is not scientific!

Human Nature

Now by no means, I am about to insult anyone including our friends Nicholas Ginex and Ali Sina or many other good people, but I am only making statements of fact.

Many people in their youth do as they please, have extreme lifestyles and forget about morality, principles and belief system, some even commit all types of immoral acts and actions against core 10 commandments and logical commandments of the society; however, once become old, they go for confessions to the Church, read prayers, beg for forgiveness and see the light of Jesus!

Majority of the above type have never truly believed in their scientific principles to begin with! They were believers of the principles in a shallow manner! Once the direction of wind changed, they blew in the direction of the wind and not in the direction of the scientific facts!

If one is solid in his core belief system, then he will stick to his rationality!

Again, with all due respect, by no means I am intending to disrespect anyone; however, I am simply stating anecdotes and Persian tales of endearments,

We have certain Persian Expressions which state:

“Scientist leaves his science in the lab, when going to the mosque at the evening!”

“When whores become old, they always become religious and cleanse their prayer rugs!”

The point is that do we have a stability of personality or do we flip flop by age, by opportunity, by circumstances, by necessity or simply by mix and matching?


Myself, I love controversy and I am, a firm believer that any publicity, even bad publicity is better than no publicity; however, I never sacrifice my principles for publicity and controversy! There is a very thin line between sales pitches and opportunism, we do not want to cross the line!

VI. Ginex is the Opposite End of Ancient Alien Theorists!

Again, no disrespect is intended to our friends Erich Von Daniken, Giorgio Tsoukalos and other scholars.

A noticeable element is that if you study the Ancient Alien Theory of Erich Von Daniken, Giorgio Tsoukalos and other scholars, it is a very interesting theory with a very convincing factual based core; however, they practically claim that aliens created everything including us, and humanity is basically helpless and incompetent of creating anything. Everything from the past was created by the aliens, even the major bright minds and inventors of different sciences and philosophies were either alien, in contact with the aliens or influenced by the aliens! Gods were aliens and prophets were astronauts. Humanity becomes to the level of sheep! Without aliens, we would have still been in the caves!

They state that there were good and bad aliens each with their own agenda which helped each side, some in contact with George Washington creating America and some in contact with Hitler advancing Nazi Germany and etc.

More power to them, since 1970s, they have been pushing this theory and it has some solid basics to it. All of them have become Multi-Millionaires from this theory, books, movies, series and merchandising. Bless their souls, they are marketing wizards!

Erich Von Daniken Official Site

Erich Von Daniken YouTube

Giorgio Tsoukalos Official Site

Ancient aliens – History Channel

History Channel YouTube

On the other hand, Ginex is the opposite of Ancient Alien Theorists. Ginex states that MIC, CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon are the evil parts who are killing aliens, hiding alien technology from the humanity and covering up everything. Advance science such as Zero Point Energy and Anti-Gravity is already in use by the government and not put forward for the public.

In Ginex’s theory, Aliens with all of their mighty advanced science become sheep in the slaughter house to the point that the Shadow Government experiments on them, incarcerates them, kills them and toys with them! These extremely advanced aliens cannot defend themselves, expose the truth to the humanity or communicate with the UN and the people. They are used as guinea pigs by the Big Gov. So, humanity becomes the evil and aliens become lambs!

That is the Peaceful Aliens Mistreatment UFO Conspiracy Theories of Ginex and friends. A while back, Ginex got in to the Cult of Peaceful Aliens and UFO Conspiracies and since then, by the year, he is really getting out there!

Shadow government killed hundreds and thousands of people covering up aliens and they have super aircrafts and weapons. In Ginex’s theory such powerful and advanced aliens become as weak as lambs to the point that the Shadow Government can jail them, experiment on them, kill them and hide them from the public! Are these aliens chopped liver? I mean as Joe Biden states:

C’mon Man!

Are they aliens or sheep!? How can they be so weak that the Big Gov can play them like that?

Alien Conspiracy Alternative Universe

Some crazy old guy sitting on the toilet shooting himself and Ginex goes CIA killed him! Then he adds his name to the list of the UFO Martyrs!

Surreptitious in Surreptitious Universe of Ginex is an amazing place! Surreptitious, Ginex loves that word! He plays with that word so much that it is all over the place! Reading this word so much, my mail lady the other day had become surreptitious and popped up behind me like a she-devil! She surely looked surreptitious to me, maybe CIA!

So, let’s say these aliens travel millions of light years from another galaxy or through wormholes to earth. They come in advanced ships with advanced weapons. They have super mental powers and mind control abilities. Their superior logistic, dematerialization machines, beam up and beam down and then vanish in thin air abilities, but ironically, since 1950s they have been over and over shut down by the surreptitious organizations on earth! They have been jailed, abused, experimented on and killed! Since 1950s, these superior aliens did not lift a finger to fight back, not necessarily demolish earth, but at least save their own necks! None of them even unveiled their powers or themselves to the people but they kept on getting killed and shut down.

They handed all of their superior technology to the surreptitious shadow government but kept on being abused in silence! Do the aliens have Stockholm Syndrome? Are they into S&M?

This makes me think and questions come to mind:

Ginex, are you sure they are superior aliens with advanced technology or maybe they just looked like them? Possibly they are species of the Space Travelling Scaredy Pack Rats who travel the universe for the tasty cheese and they found it on earth! Due to the fact that they are scaredy rats, they have no mental ability to fight back, take control, communicate with humanity or unveil tech to the people, but they can only munch on earth cheese, run in the hole and sometimes hump people’s legs assuming it is female rats!

Hey, wait a second, I think one specie of the Retarded Saturn Scaredy Rat is humping my leg thinking it’s a Girl Rat! Pardon me, let me kick this “Bent Pig Bastard” Rat (Persian Cat British Cussing style) off my leg, yeh I just kicked that bastard and shoot goaled him into a rat hole! I think he left a residue on my leg, now I have to go wash my leg and disinfect it! I might get Space COVID-20!

OK, back from the space rat kicking! So, I was insinuating that these rat aliens are not obviously that bright! In fact, they must be dumb as a long, possibly retarded! They just chew on cheese and hump legs! For God’s sake, Jesus Christ (Christians are reading and looking at me left left mumbling don’t say the Lord’s name in vain)! If these Rats are that dumb, then by Golly Gee, let the Surreptitious government to exterminate them! Kill them all and steal their technology!

Hey, the reason they get captured by the government is because they like that Government Cheese and Kool-Aids! They eat them cheese and drink the Kool-Aids and then get captured!

These aliens of yours sound like lambs, sheep or rats, maybe scaredy rats! Buddy, either kill them all or put them in reservations (General Custer Style)! Now Indians are giving me dirty looks and BLM is calling me Racist! Jesus Christ, in this day and age of Social Justice, you can’t say anything! Either you get black balled by the Woke crowd or like before, always get black balled by the Christians!

OK, so now that I have unveiled the Full Alien Power of the Rat species to the UFO Conspiracy Theorists and put myself in odds with yet another group (UFO Nuts) and Ginex’s buddies, and yet added another hateful crowd to the long list of my enemies aside from the:

Militant Gays
Ugly Trannies
Big Black Bull Dykes
ANTIFA Vegetarians
California Butt Boys
BLM Looters
Ugly Persian Girls
Fat Girls
Sissy Liberal Socialists
Sissy Faggy Liberals
Iran Lobby Weasels
Google Billionaire Techie Scum Persians
Ugly Poodles
Ostridge Pet Owners
Retarded Male Arabs with Long Dresses, wearing no underwear
Buck Naked Blacks from Africa with spears
Gender Bending None Binary He Shes
Dumb Logs
Illiterate Liberals
Hezbollah Boys in Drag
Muslim Hejabi Girls in Burqa

And then now,

Alien Rat Species of Earth Chewy Cheese Loving Travelers!

Allah works in mysterious ways!

My Take on Aliens

I do sincerely believe that Aliens had and have a role in our genetic formation as missing links. I also believe that aliens have been visiting us, monitoring us and there is big government coverup but I do not believe in this complete out there conspiracy theory of the peaceful aliens and their UFO episodes, covered-up sciences and advance technology already in hands of the Shadow Government!

It is one thing to believe in aliens and it is another to become an Extraterrestrial Nut Job and join the UFO Cult!

Alien Factor ... /index.htm

It is also amazing that Ginex turns the blind eye about the existing problem of the AI is getting so smart that in the near future at the point of Singularity, they will become the top of the food chain, control us and destroy us due to us being illogical and them being pure logic!

Ginex sees no immediate danger with the existing AI problem being caused by the Hi-Tech Industry such as Google and other Space Age Corporations but he sees problems with this fantastic tale on peaceful alien lambs getting killed by the Big Bad Government!


Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo?

I believe Brother Nicholas is a Combo and aside that, surely, he is crazy as Hell! One thing about Nicholas is that he is obsessive compulsive, detail oriented and persistent as hell! When he believes in something and wants something to get done, he will go out of his way to get it done. None of the above will change the fact that Ginex is a great mind, a worthy philosopher and a person who puts forward solutions for human problems. It is good to debate Ginex.

More power to Ginex


Dr. X
Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:43 am

by Nicholas Ginex » Tue Jun 15, 2021

Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo?
Part 1 of 2

Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X Debate: Philosophy of Existence

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?
3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Hello again Dr. X,

Before addressing the topics and questions of whether Ginex is crazy or not, I need to respond to our philosophical debate of Dec 4, 2020 2, I ended with:

“You are my pal and my adopted brother”

and your response made me laugh,

Dr. X
No, I am your long-lost brother from another dimension and your guardian angel!

Yes, in a way, you are my guardian angel! In the “Crazy as a Fox or a Combo” article, you decided to have this philosophical chapter be about me. This is great because it gives me the opportunity to clarify some of the misconceptions you have about my ideas, theories and beliefs. There are statements you made about me that I would like to dispel for our IPC readers.

First, thank you for placing in the IPC library the first book I wrote and published after I retired, Legacy of a Father: Evolution of God from the Past to the Future. It was the source document for four other books:

Future of God Amen: A Call to Daughters and Sons of God
Amen: The Beginning of the Creation of God
Allah, We, Our and Us
Obama, Islam and Benghazi

For a quick overview of Legacy of a Father, readers may access the Press Release: ... /index.htm

Now, I take us back to the statements made by DR. X in the last debate, dated Dec 4th, 2020,

Singularity, Aliens, Evolution and Universal Intelligence

Singularity, I agree with you that,

Dr. X
Eventually at some point in the future the machines exceed and evolve to the point that they will become self-conscious and at that point, they will not remain slaves to us but they seek equal rights and furthermore, they will decide that we are illogical and a danger to Earth and Universe, therefore, we must be eliminated.

Yes, artificial intelligence machines may someday reach a self-conscious state where they are able to do independent thinking and even create thoughts they were never programmed with. Will the AI machines become as creative in thought as a human being? Well, this may be possible. In your following January 22, 2021 debate titled, Elon Musk Warns about AI at Singularity Point, you indicated that one Elon Musk’s companies, Neuralink, is creating devices that can be implanted in the human brain, with the eventual purpose of aiding human merge with software and keep pace with advancements in artificial intelligence. By coupling AI implants with the human brain, it becomes possible that an AI human machine will be able to create thoughts at much higher levels such as a philosopher. Gee, I thought I give us philosophers a plug.

It is to be noted that as a first step, AI will be implanted in humans to see how well the human mind can utilize the programmed chips (software). But with the knowledge attained, the AI corporations will try to divorce the human and employ a full-up AI machine, namely, a fully functional robot.

Dr. X, I also agree with you that,

AI advancements in intelligence will, at some point, not be reversible, and the robots will become smarter than man. Once it occurs, robots will use pure logic and despite the fact that they see us as Gods and creators, they may also see us as flawed and illogical. At that point, they may decide to eliminate us or at least, to control our destiny as masters.

Anticipating such a future AI outcome, Dr. X, your warning to monitor AI development with regulations, backup plans, setback plans and safe procedures must be highly regarded and enforced.

Dr. X, at this point, I thank you for posting the book, Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind into the IPC library. You wrote a debate dated Nov 21,2020, which I missed responding to. However, from my comments above about the development of AI and the need to supervise its growth, you can see I am in complete agreement with you to protect the future of mankind against self-thinking robots with proper safeguards.

Now, back to the Dec 4th, 2020 debate title, Singularity, Aliens, Evolution and Universal Intelligence.

Who Controls the Earth?

Dr. X, you are partially right that, “Corporate Greed, Tech Oligarchs, Corrupt Politicians and Power-Hungry Monsters control the earth!” What you have not acknowledged, is that there is a surreptitious organization known as the Shadow Government that controls the United States. It is defined below:

The Surreptitious Organization

The surreptitious organization is a shadow government initiated soon after the 1947 Roswell alien crash and has assumed political control of the United States Government, its military forces, and all media outlets to manipulate the American people with disinformation of its undercover UFO development activities. This control is managed by top-secret operatives that are not publicly elected. Over the past seven decades, this surreptitious organization has acquired control of the Military Industrial Complex and has imposed tremendous leverage in the news media, world politics, finance, and international conflicts. It controls a vast undercover of media and electronic capability used to manipulate the public and control election outcomes. To learn more about this surreptitious organization, access the website below. The menu provides the article titled, Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology. Click the title for a detailed presentation.

To learn that the Shadow Government had to have coordinated the 2020 election fraud, read the Ginex comment titled, Adjudicate the 2020 Election Fraud Now With 100% Proof on


Dr. X, you indicated,

"For God’s sake Ginex, Tech Oligarchs are taking over your country and earth! It is pretty obvious where this is going!"

I believe, that you are partially right, for the Tech Oligarchs are part of the Military Industrial Complex. However, they, as well as the U.S. media, are controlled by the Shadow Government, which ultimately controls the freedoms of America by their ability to control the national media and manipulate the outcomes of elections.

Moment of Singularity

It is a defeatist attitude to think that robots will be able to apply “Poetic Justice” by someday eliminating the Tech Oligarchs. I believe in the intelligence of humans to someday understand and deal with the problem. But this requires an education in really understanding the foundation of our culture, the Constitution, and a true understanding of our past that formulated the moral codes we live by. If not, humans will be led like fools for they will be constantly brain-washed by the Shadow Government. When the brain has crap fed into it the brain can only produce crap. Note, the books in IPC titled Legacy of a Father, Future of God Amen, and AMEN, the Beginning of the Creation of God provide how mankind has developed the moral codes we live by today. However, they were written to serve as a springboard to someday develop a moral code based on science and truth, not myths.

Capitalist AI Fund

Yes, Dr. X, the Capitalist AI Fund introduced in the book, Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind, is a noble proposal. But it can only happen when our educational system is upgraded to provide the knowledge I allude to in the Singularity paragraph above. Presently, our world is infected with much hatred and violence taught to us by corrupt leaders that regard human beings as tools to increase their own wealth. Hence, we have alive today a Shadow Government that is in control of not only the lives of Americans, but also people around the world. To refresh the mind, readers may refer to the Press Release for Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind by clicking on the link,

Dr. X, I agree with you that it takes a revolution to change the capitalist system. As a start, the revolution can rightfully begin by supporting Mike Lindell’s 100% proof of election fraud. If Americans are able to “see” the need to force the Supreme Court to adjudicate the cases that define fraud and loudly use their voices to make it happen, then justice will be served. If not, Americans will continue to be led like fools by the Shadow Government.


This topic has been beaten to death by appearing in many past debates. However, I will indulge Dr. X by responding to statements that do not reflect on thinking. There is a need to dispel the allegation that regarding matter and energy, I am a Scientific flip-flopper.

The Conservation Law of Matter and Energy is valid. However, where I disagree with Dr. X, is that first, there was Energy that was transformed into matter. Believe the old adage, nothing comes from nothing. To believe from the very beginning of time, matter and energy always existed in the universe has no scientific basis. However, let it be known, that a great scientific mind, Tesla, stated,

“Throughout space there is energy. Is this energy static or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain; if kinetic—and this we know it is, for certain—then it is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature.”

Yes, matter and energy does exist in the universe, but what came first? Why can’t we believe Tesla that there is energy in space and, I further expound his theory to exclaim that it was from energy that matter was first formed. Tesla foresaw that “Throughout space there is energy” and Paramahamsa Tewari verified, using his Space Vortex Theory, that the electron was one of the first fundamental particles to be transformed from energy.

Let it be known that I have never flip-flopped my theory that matter was formed from energy in space. In fact, because of energy in space, the universe is expanding creating more and more matter by fundamental particles building atoms and atoms forming the many elements in the universe.

Matter and energy does continually form from one another in accordance with the law of conservation of energy. However, new matter is constantly being formed with the infinite energy that exists throughout space. Both matter and energy never, in the very beginning, existed at the same time in the universe. Period.

Dr. X, I look at the micro aspect that was, in fact, the progenitor of the macro universe. I have written a book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe. Let it be known, the universe did not always exist as we know it. It took trillions upon trillions of years to form the planets, stars and galaxies in the universe.

Human Life and Death

Dr. X, your example of matters creating energy is true, but this only occurs when matter, under tremendous gravitational pressure, becomes so hot that it explodes energy back out into space. However, the Tesla energy in space and Paramahamsa Tewari space vortex theories gives a lot of credence to the fact that the electron is a transformation of energy into matter. Go to the basics by reviewing the Table of Periodic Elements, you will find that it is the electron that is the master of every unique atom. The micro to the macro makes a whole lot of better sense then believing matter came first or existed at the same time as energy.

Dr. X, there is no relation of the micro theory to the belief in God. The God belief is a human concept and has nothing to do with the idea that Everything Has a Beginning-Even the Universe. You seem to think that I believe that God had something to do with the creation of the universe by presenting,

Dr. X
You see, you are wondering who created the first matter?
Do you also wonder who create the first energy?
The theists conclude that God created everything!
Here we go again with creator and creation!

Dr. X, you have got to understand that I have never written that God is responsible for creating the Universe. I do not believe the God belief created by theists. It is a man-made idea. People may conceive there is a God responsible for the creation of everything because they are unable to think without facts and therefore simply conceive a belief, which they claim to be a revelation. But this belief is hard for me to believe because I don’t know God on a personal or scientific level. Yes, I will concede that I do wonder who created the first energy. I don’t know. This is a question for our greatest scientific minds to someday resolve; faith alone to believe in a creator God is not adequate.

Dr. X, you seem to be fixated on stating that there was no creator God by writing,

Dr. X
Why is it so hard for you to see the big picture that there was no first creator or creation? There was no beginning? There will be no end?

To be clear, I do not believe in the man-made creator God concept or belief. But you are incorrect to believe there was no beginning. You seem to think that energy and matter was always there in the beginning. That is not so. However, you are correct in that there will be no end. As matter becomes hotter due to gravitational pressure, it then explodes such as pulsars and quasars do and they emit energy back into space. Therefore, the Universe is self-sustaining, and will live on forever according to the Law of Conservation of Energy and Matter.

Your idea that the Universe is,

“like a snake with never beginning and never ending.” Is false.

I have already hypothesized with scientific logic that the Universe began from the transformation of energy into matter. Only after trillions of years, did the fundamental particles, electrons. protons and neutrons exist to form atoms that created the elements, which coalesced to form dark matter, planets, stars and the galaxies.

Dr. X, your idea of the universe takes the image of a snake characterized as,

“The String of Eternity which the Evolving Force dictates to it to evolve.”

Is false, because you have not presented any scientific theory of how the Evolving Force started; whereas, quantum physics scientifically backs up the theory that energy can transform into matter, which then populates the Universe.

I agree with you that there were an infinite number of beginnings at the micro level, but never where their infinite ends of the Universe. The universe has never ended and as I already stated, it is self-sustaining. I therefore retort with your comment to me,

Why can’t you as a scientific person wrap your mind around that?

Dr. X, to me, there is only one Universe. It is infinite, and to imagine there are other infinite universes is just a figment of your imagination and the mathematical theory of mathematicians.

Dr. X, after my clarifying what I believe about how the Universe began and that there will never be no end, I hope I have convinced you that I do not look for a creator for creation of the Universe.

Dr. X, you ended this topic with the statement,

Dr. X
Everything has a beginning even the universe and the electron created everything, is a micro angle of looking at the universe and universes. It is also a theist way of looking at the universe and universes.

The first sentence is correct in that it supports my theory. However, it is not the way a theist looks at the universe and universes. Theists would not be able to conceive that there is more than one infinite universe because they believe God created only the heavens and the earth. Only an unscientific person believes that there are multiple universes. What is incomprehensible to our misled mathematicians and hypothetical scientists is that our universe is so infinite, we don’t even know where it starts or where it ends. IPC readers who desire to refresh what Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe is about, refer to the Press Release on link: ... /index.htm

Big Bang

Dr. X, you seem to constantly bring up creation and belief in God by posing the question, who created the mass that caused the Big Bang? My theory how matter forms from energy is the logical answer and does not require a Creator.

Universal Intelligence

Dr. X, you were not pleased with my characterization of UI being a consciousness that begins after matter is formed. I repeat if here for our readers,

To me, Consciousness has a purpose as described in the book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the universe. This force is greater than Universal Intelligence. For UI is formed from Consciousness inherent in matter. Only after matter is formed can the aspect of Universal Intelligence exist in the cosmos."

Dr. X, you believe, “UI is eternal, a collective consciousness of the universes.

This is your theory and it is not a scientific theory. First of all, what makes you think there are other universes? If UI is a collective force of consciousness, it had to have started after the formation of matter. Otherwise, you are believing in a UI God that exists with the power to create matter from energy. However, is inherent in matter that eventually develops the ability to create and process its own thoughts. Therefore, consciousness begins at the fundamental level of particles that form into atoms with the master fundamental particle, the electron. You will note that all 118 elements on earth are formed with atoms, where it is one or more electrons that revolve around the atoms’ nucleus. Therefore, it is the electron that has the inherent consciousness to formulate may kinds of atoms and elements.

Dr. X, you further stated that,

"UI was not created by matters and energies but UI created the matters and energies. Where in the big picture, UI, energies and matters are all the same and all eternal."

Dr. X, you are equating UI to the force of a God. Shame on you to write,

Dr. X
UI created the matters and energies.

And to make it more mysterious, you stated.

Dr. X
UI, energies and matters are all the same and all eternal.

Gee, now you are beginning to sound like a theist; it almost sounds like the UI can be equated to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which are also eternal and omnipotent.

Dr. X, I will not go further to debate if UI is the combined intelligence and consciousness of all matter and energy. I don’t know. Since I don’t believe consciousness exists at the energy level but until matter is formed, I will not indulge in defining UI as the ultimate force of the universe. I believe UI to be simply a hypothetical theory that has no merit.

I must say, you liked what I wrote below,

Logic would deduce that at the level of an atom some Consciousness exists.

By writing, “Thanks to UI! There is consciousness everywhere in some form and shape and it is relative.”

However, after “Thanks to UI!” is your idea that UI is, “Consciousness everywhere in some form and it is relative.” That’s a lot to swallow in one line or thought. Consciousness begins with the formation of matter and as matter becomes more complex to evolve into living life forms, consciousness takes on a new capability to think in abstract ways. The mind becomes so strong that it is able to generate thought that can be transmitted to another person or just simply enter outer space.

To say the thoughts, or brainwaves that enter space can coalesce into some noble or universal intelligence is a far-fetched idea. Especially when you consider a considerable amount of thoughts are corrupt with hate, violence and stupidity. I would say, such thoughts would not be part of a Universal Intelligence that is noble and perceptive to evolve all matter in the universe. I do not think the combined thoughts of intelligence and consciousness creates the UI. This is a false, hypothetical idea.

Dr. X you wrote,

You see resemblance between God and UI? I don’t think a scientific entity such as UI has any resemblance to God which is myth and creation of the mind of humans!

I believe that UI, as you conceive it, does resemble God. Both, in my mind, are myths; except that UI has been raised to a scientific view that has no value or purpose, whereas, at least, the belief in God does with the moral codes it provides by righteous men.

Dr. X, to show you have defined UI as a Force, a Higher Power, that is on the level of a God, it is presented below.

Dr. X
Universal Intelligence is a collective intelligence force made up of all intelligence around the universe and all interactive forces between energies and matters. This is a real force and a reality. This entity is not holy; therefore, it does not require respect or worship and it is not requirement to respect it.

UI (Universal Intelligence) is not a higher power but it is ‘The Higher Power’, it is a collective universal intelligence which includes yours and my intelligence. Every element in the universe is a part of it. No higher power here. No lower power here. Universal Intelligence is The Force.”

Yes, I agree with you in that UI is not holy. But I am not arrogant enough to believe that yours and my intelligence is included in the collective intelligence of UI. You know, my intelligence has grown by accident and not an external force that is UI. My mental growth depended upon the many wonderful people that entered my life, the books that I have read by great scientific minds, writers, philosophers and Egyptologists, and many hours of introspection as I try to evaluate and extrapolate the truth.

Dr. X, you misinterpreted my use of Anwar Shaikh’s philosophical writing in my explanation of the electron and beginning of the universe and then accused me of flip-flopping. Worse yet, you are conning your readers to believe, “Anwar Shaikh’s writings are flat out UI explanation!” Let’s look at your words,

Dr. X
Ginex, you are now using Anwar Shaikh’s writings which explains the UI, in a way to twist them in to proving your electron theory! Ginex, do not be conning, that is scientific conning! That is another scientific flip flop. Anwar Shaikh’s writings are flat out UI explanation!

To reveal the truth of what I wrote, it is well to repeat it here.

Consciousness is like a baby at first. It grows and matures. It seeks to attain higher levels of consciousness to someday be able to have other entities learn to appreciate and understand its profound will to exist and have a purpose. That purpose was eloquently expressed by Anwar Shaikh, author, poet, philosopher, great Islamic historian and scholar. He wrote a significant thought about consciousness; it complements the philosophical conclusion, Everything Has a Beginning, Even the Universe. In Section 1.2, Anwar rationally wrote,

Anwar shaikh:
“Since consciousness means cognition or knowing, there must be something worth knowing. Therefore, eyes have a multiple purpose; firstly, to play a definite role in the evolution of consciousness, and secondly, to know the world around us. From this conclusion, it also follows that the world or cosmos has a purpose: it wants to be known; it aspires to be conscious of itself. This seems to be the entire purpose of consciousness. Since man is the cosmic baby, he happens to be the medium for the universal consciousness.”

You can see that I was describing UI as a Consciousness that is also like a baby. It never started as an ultimate power of some UI Force but gradually assumed reflective thinking after the transformation of energy into matter; matter that was able to become complex as an organic entity that was capable of thinking higher levels of thought to then begin to reach out and understand and appreciate the Consciousness that exists universally.

Somehow, Dr. X believes that Anwar Shaikh’s paragraph can clearly be interpreted as a prime definite of UI. Personally, I think Anwar only was saying that the, “the world or cosmos has a purpose: it wants to be known; it aspires to be conscious of itself. This seems to be the entire purpose of consciousness. Since man is the cosmic baby, he happens to be the medium for the universal consciousness.”

We must also understand that man alone, is not the cosmic baby. We know today that the entire universe has billions upon trillions of stars with revolving planets that have organic life forms capable of creating thoughts. I bet, many of those beings have also reached the level of mentality to wonder how and what made them exist; they are also reaching out to understand how they came to be and if there is indeed a force that we are now characterize as being Consciousness.

Dr. X, I do not like being accused of being a flip-flopper. That denigrates me to being some kind of dope who does not seriously think in terms of logic. Yes, I may be proven wrong with my ideas, but it must be done with rationale thinking not outwardly using deprecating names.

I liked what you wrote below, it shows you are being rational.

Dr. X
Even inanimate objects and plants may have intelligence, purpose and consciousness but in another wave length than ours. Same as different creatures in parallel universes are in different wave length. Same as the so-called dead (spirits) are on a different wave length. This is why each creature does not see the other’s intelligence or even existence. That tree might have intelligence which human is unaware of! Just because it doesn’t move as fast, it does not mean that it does not have intelligence! Maybe different type of intelligence but still intelligence. It is arrogant to assume that we know it all! We are all part of the UI.

However, your last sentence, “We are all part of the UI.” is somewhat arrogant. It is my belief that when we are dead, there are no more thoughts generated and what was generated during our lifetimes, for the most part, was just junk that I am ashamed to think would add to your definition of UI.

One last word. I would contrast my belief of UI with yours.

“I am not a creationist but rather an evolutionist who believes the universe evolved from energy that formed fundamental particles of matter. Second, UI has never been eternal. Yes, it is infinite, but like everything else, it had a beginning and grew with the marvelous building blocks we call atoms.”

Dr. X:
UI is infinite because it continues forever.
UI is also eternal because it always has been there and will always be there.

Hopefully, I have explained my theory how the universe first began from energy that exists throughout space with the formation of fundamental particles that formed atoms, which then formed dark matter, planets, stars and galaxies that make up our universe. Yes, the universe is infinite and will never end; it is self-sustaining. However, to believe there are parallel universes or multiple universes is an unproven theory. We don’t even know how big our universe is but it must be infinite. Why? We have galaxies that are 100 times larger than ours. Don’t you think that there is enough matter out there that to conceptualize that there are other universes is a stretch of the imagination? Don’t believe everything writers conceptualize in their minds and put on paper. Use common sense and a little bit of logic.

Role of Aliens in Human Evolution

Thankyou Dr. X for admitting that the idea of aliens having a role in human evolution is a theory, food for thought that may be true at some time in the future.

We agree on that point. I am convinced that we humans are a product of the animal kingdom. We have so much in common when you realize animals have all of the body functions and many of the organs as we do. I am not so arrogant to believe we have reached an advanced stage of development because of alien experimentation. Give credit where credit is due. We have had exceptional human minds create art, philosophical theories that came into fruition with cars, planes, space craft, radio, television, and Dick Tracy watches. No alien did that.

Everything has a Beginning – Even the Universe

Thank you, DR. X, for placing this book in your IPC library. I am honored. The Press Release and book links are provided below:

PR: ... /index.htm

Book: ... /index.htm

Now, after 11 pages of text, I am able to respond to Dr. Ahreeman’s exciting debate written on June 8, 2021 titled,
Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo? However, due to the length of my response, please go to Part 2 of 2 of this debate.

Thank you
Last edited by Nicholas Ginex on Tue Jun 15, 2021 12:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Nicholas Ginex
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:00 am

Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo?
Part 2 of 2

Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X Debate: Philosophy of Existence

Greetings Dr. X, and thank you for placing the first book I ever wrote into the IPC library. This book took over two years to write and went through a few editions where now it is presented in full color. It takes the reader back to the first formal religion in Egypt that had an extensive priesthood; they first developed the concepts of a soul, many gods, the Pharaoh as the Son of God, and finally, one universal god. Readers can get a quick overview with the Press Release below:

Legacy of a Father PR: ... /index.htm

Now, let’s get to the purpose of Dr.X’s debate, which is to address a few Ginex articles that he takes issues with, namely:

Planned 2021-2022 UFO Hoax by CIA-Pentagon

Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology ... echnology/

It is to be noted that Dr. X did not add the Ginex article, Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology, to any IPC Forum Room. Perhaps he felt that the following Ginex articles provided ample information and the new article may be duplicating what was already revealed. However, Dr. X was kind enough to provide the link to the article, which resides in the Ginex website, The articles that contained portions of the new article are indicated below.

Two Great Technological Discoveries Kept Secret: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2090

Extraterrestrials Have Bases on Our Moon: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2079

Military Industrial Complex Withholds Zero-Point Energy: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2068

Disclose UFO Technology for Humanity: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2065

What the above articles lacked was revealing very sensitive disclosure that there is a top-secret, undercover CIA that is known as the Shadow Government. It is so strong, that it surreptitiously controls the United States Government, the national media, and has coordinated the outcomes of elections, including the 2020 election. Yes, this is highly sensitive information and many people have been murdered that have tried to reveal the true facts that cannot be denied.

Unfortunately, more than 95 % of the national media, including TV and radio news, and all large Internet platforms are controlled by the Shadow Government and enforced with criminal activity by undercover CIA personnel. Ginex is not crazy, but courageous enough to inform all Americans of a threat two previous presidents warned us about, President Eisenhower and President Truman. The reason Ginex persists to inform Americans is that he does not like to be made a fool of. Americans were fooled with the 2020 election fraud and he will not stand by and let Americans continue to be fooled in the future. All IPC readers are requested to view the Ginex article titled, Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology. The link is provided above. Below are the quotes from Eisenhower and Truman who acknowledged the threat of the unwarranted influence of the Shadow Government.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

Harry S. Truman
A "sinister" and "mysterious" agency
There something the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow on our historic position [of freedom] and we need to correct it.

Stated Dec 12 in 1963, Truman's quote was deleted 3 days later.

IV. Ginex Tactics to get published in IPC Website

Dr, X, your 6 points that reveal my tactics on IPC was, in some cases, funny; but also, there are serious concerns that you raised and should be addressed.

Point 3: If getting no conclusion, you will get mad, yell and scream and throw a fit!

Now, that made me laugh. I do not get mad, yell, scream, and throw a fit because you did not find my article worthwhile placing on the IPC Home Page. That is not my wonderful disposition, which is cool, calm and collected, except when somebody tries to make a fool out of me. Then, like a true Sicilian , I get mad and get even. In an e-mail to you I wrote,

Nicholas, who does not scream and yell but thinks and reflects for effective action.

This response was with regard to my request to have IPC post the article, Adjudicate the 2020 Election Fraud Now With 100% Proof. I strongly believe that the American people must learn not only of Mike Lindell’s absolute evidence of election fraud but also to learn that the Shadow Government is at the root of misinformation in news media and affected the outcome of the 2020 election.

Yes, IPC has provided very good coverage of the 2020 election fraud but nowhere was there any mention of the Shadow Government being - the root of the problem. As of this response to the Crazy Ginex debate, this article has not been posted on IPC but may be viewed on:

Adjudicate the 2020 Election Fraud Now With 100% Proof

Point 4: You come up with conspiracy theories such as, I do not publish a certain UFO Conspiracy to protect you from the Shadow Government!

UFOs are not conspiracy theories they are factual phenomena. I believe the public and IPC readers need to know the truth, and that is why I become persistent. Sorry about that.

Point 4: If nothing worked, then you try to push my buttons by stating statements such as “Ahreeman is afraid to publish such bold article”! You brand me as a coward, so you get a reaction!

My dear brother, I never branded you a coward but said I believe you may be intimated by the CIA and may be why you refuse to publish the article for your viewers. As I recall from my e-mail, I wrote,

Do you think the CIA initiated and coordinated with domestic and foreign hackers to deprive President Trump from being reelected?

You never answered that question (in regard to the 2020 election). I also wrote in another e-mail to you,

By the way, I get the feeling that you are afraid to post my article, Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology. It resides on the menu of the website:

In that e-mail. I did not call you a coward, but said I get the feeling you are afraid to post my article.

I am disappointed that some of my articles end up as comments in the IPC Rooms. I don’t mind that. But it seems the sensitive and controversial articles that deal with the Shadow Government are not listed in the Ginex Index, which is where IPC readers can “see” and access what I wrote very easily.

V. Now let us discuss the main issue:

Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo?

1. Crazy? Is Ginex really crazy when he goes on rants on his various conspiracy theories on various subjects, specifically peaceful aliens UFO Coverup Stories?


2. Crazy Like a Fox? Does Ginex commit to these tactics, statements and articles to create controversy, make a commotion, get readers and seek publicity? In other words, does he do it for attention and publicity and indeed for readers to read his latest episodes?

No. I do not write for self-aggrandizement, attention, or publicity. My mission is to not to have the American people to be made fools of. Let it be known. . . .

Nicholas does not like being made a fool and by golly, I will not allow my brothers and sisters, all Americans, to be made into fools by deception, lies, and misinformation.

3. Combo of Both? Ginex does it in a combo of both, he actually believes some of the stuff but he releases the rest of the rhetoric to get the readers to actually read his stuff! In this way, the reader gets informed about Ginex’s agenda, Ginex gets satisfied and the message gets through! So, it’s a combo of natural craziness and also being Crazy as a Fox?

Let it be known, the only agenda Ginex has, is to reveal to the public what is the truth of a given situation or event. I will not waste my time on garbage to deceive my readers. Only agenda is to reveal the truth, just as Mike Lindell has done in surfacing absolute proof of the 2020 election fraud. If I am too persistent in trying to reveal the truth, it is because I love all people and do not like to “see” them made into fools.

History of Ginex Ambiguity

Dr X wrote an untrue assessment of my scientific knowledge by writing,

Dr. X
When suits him, he confirms “Conservation Law of Matters and Energies”

When doesn’t suit him, he flat out rejects it!

I have never rejected the Law of Conservation of Energy and Matter. Simply read all my past debates and you find that is so. Then Dr. X goes on to write,

Dr, X
In his articles and books, he states something which is totally contradictory to his belief system! For instance:

In this post and various others, Ginex refers to himself as “Man of God” while any person who reads Ginex, knows that Ginex is a hardcore atheist! So, is it a publicity stunt to get people to read his book? Is it possible that in his old ages, he is turning religious on us? A combo of both?

When Nicholas refers to himself as a “Man of God” he does so with regard to his respect for the moral codes of conduct mankind has either received through revelations or developed with the belief in God. Being a man who respects what God stands for in the minds of millions of believers is not being contradictory when saying “I am a man of God.” So was Jesus Christ a “Man of God.” He stated in the Gospels that he was a Man of God 76 times and only in the last Gospel of John, when the Christian Church wielded more authority, did 5 phrases indicate that he was the “Son of God.” Gee, 76 versus 5 times must be that Jesus really thought he was a Man of God and not the lie promulgated by fanatical theists.

Dr, X, let it be known, I am not a hardcore atheist. How could I be when I have no idea if God exists. Only arrogant people are atheists because they have not been courageous enough to develop the codes of conduct to replace what has been developed through the worship of Amen. The only brave thing an atheist is willing to admit is that there is no God, but they fail to give due respect to the moral codes that are the foundation of morality and integrity that makes wonderful human beings.

Regarding publicity for my books, I do not care about getting rich on the sale of books. My mission is to reveal the truth, be it God, universe beginning, existence of aliens, the shadow government, and that the military industrial complex has already developed space craft that can journey to other planets and stars in the universe. Let it be known, Ginex only deals with facts. Facts that led to logical and conclusive answers.

Another misinterpretation of my beliefs by Dr. X, is that I believe in Global Warming with the following paragraph:

Dr. X
In another article and book, he speaks of Climate Change and Global Warming, then he admits that he done it to get people to read the book! He actually discusses in the book on how his referred “AI Capitalist Fund” can solve the global warming! The funny thing is that Ginex doesn’t even believe in Global Warming!

Please know, that in the book, Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind, I did not indicate that the AI Capitalist Fund can solve global warming. Our IPC readers will note that of the 17 benefits derived from the AI Capitalist Fund, no mention was made of global warming. That is because I do not believe this Democratic agenda, which is used to acquire U.S. taxpayer dollars.

With respect to the book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe, Dr. X accuses Ginex of,

“mixing and matching theories, facts and laws of physics as they suit him to blend in his beliefs on (the book Everything Has a Beginning): ”

This allegation is not supported with examples I can review and only serves to discredit the scientific theory that yes, everything has a beginning. This idea runs counter to Dr. X’s belief that the universe always existed with its matter and energy. No, common sense dictates the universe had a beginning. What is not understood, is where did all the energy in space come from? It was energy in space that was able to transform energy waves into matter, which produced fundamental particles, namely electrons, protons and neutrons. It is these particles that make up all the atoms that form all the elements in the universe.

Dr. X wrote that I relied on or injected prayer regarding the stolen presidency caused by the 2020 election fraud. It appears that Dr. X believes Ginex thinks prayer could solve the criminality of the 2020 election fraud by writing.

Dr. X
Ginex is a Scientific Evolutionist Atheist; however, he somewhat sees the Light of Jesus!

In one occasion:

“Do not underestimate the power of prayer, do a lot of prayer!”
(Nicholas Ginex)

I wish Dr. X would indicate where I wrote the above prayer statement. It caused me to go to the following IPC thread to “see” if I did write if, and if so, in what context.

US Election Fraud Evidences 2020 Thread

Lo and behold! I went through the entire thread and did not “see” that I advocated prayer to solve the problem. By now, Dr. X should know I am a man of action. Yes, I believe in prayer because that helps to put mental energy out to subliminally affect change. But really, does anybody think I believe prayer will solve the fraud problem when, I loudly proclaim Americans must have their voices heard, “that they have been cheated from having the rightful president represent them?

Anyway, it is not nice to disparage anybody because they believe in prayer. Prayer is a psychological way to induce faith and hope for a better outcome. Gee, what’s wrong with that? Unless, there is animosity towards religious people with the idea that their beliefs are worthless based upon religious myths.

Dr. X also took umbrage to my support of the wisdom of Jesus by stating,

Dr. X
In other occasion Ginex went full blown defending Jesus, praise him and sugar-coated Christianity!

Take a look at the statement by Dr. X that appears to denigrate my belief system by insinuating I am possibly a Christian Scientist.

Dr. X
In a way, from time to time, Ginex reminds me of the concept “Christian Scientist” which in fact is an oxymoronic term! How can you be a Christian and then a Scientist? Either you believe in Science or Religion? Science is proven with logic but Religion can only be believable via faith!

Please know that Nicholas is not a devout believer in God but he has enough common sense to raise his children with a set of morals taught by religion. You can respect the attributes of a religion but not believe in all its dogma. You might say that Ginex is a practical man that “sees” there are benefits in the many different religions. A moral code helps mankind not to resort to the level of an unthinking, vicious animal.

I did a quick search on the Internet to find out what are the moral beliefs of Atheists. Gee, I didn’t find any, accept that they do not believe in a god or any religion.

I read the testimony of Dr. Al Sina titled, How I an Atheist Met Jesus?! via the link, ... /index.htm

Dr. Sina and I share a very similar approach to God in that, we both have our own unique belief in God. However, Dr. Sina is devoted to God whereas I don’t know if God exists or not. My logic is based on facts not faith in a higher being or entity. You see, Nicholas does not care about living with a supreme entity for eternity, which could be many, many millions of years. The thing is, without my physical body I would not be able to create anything or love a wonderful person. The question arises, would I have the same physical and erotic feelings felt with a woman? But also, here I live, yet to reach 100 years of age, and yes, I would like another 100 years, but to live millions of years without being productive, that is, everything is taken care of in Heaven, I would be very unhappy.

I am pleased to say that I was born with a balanced and loving disposition. I like to be nice and I don’t need a reward of eternal life for being a good person who loves and cares for others.

Dr. Al Sina ended his advocacy for God by writing,

D. Al Sina
He loves me and I love him and I can’t wait to do what I have been assigned to do in this world then fly to my Lord and meet Him again. I yearn for His embrace.”

This is a wonderful belief that there is a God that loves him and after death, be able to be embraced by Him. You know, even if a God does exist, I rather believe in the words of Jesus Christ; an honest man that always said he was the Son of Man and more importantly, gave us the Word of God, love one another. That, in essence, is the most important command given by Jesus, who is thought to be a Son of God by theists. But also, Jesus said there will be other Sons of God, which I amplified to, “there will be other Daughters and Sons of God.” Who are they? These are people who have reached the next level of human development whereby they are able to lead moral lives with integrity and improve the Word of God to include truth and science in their beliefs. There is no reason why science and a philosophic moral code cannot be fused together. The thing is, it takes courageous people to rewrite Scriptures based upon Truth.

One more thing, unlike Al Sina, I find it hard to know God. I read the Torah, Gospels and Revelation and I was unable to really know Jesus or God. What I found most inspirational and worthy for myself and all people was the last command given by Jesus, love one another. He did not say love your God with all your heart, your mind and soul, but love one another. This is a basic and fundamental command for how could you love God when you have not learned or tried to love others that come into your life?

Stability of Identity

Under this topic, Dr. X gives IPC readers a deep insight into his nature and beliefs. He has stated his core beliefs and made it known that he will never compromise those beliefs. As such, Dr. X is a true leader with clear direction that will not falter with ideas that do not match his own. This is why he so strongly defends his theory about the Universe and has given a well-thought-out definition of Universal Intelligence. This is possibly a reason why Dr. X does not embrace my theory that Consciousness starts only after the existence of organic matter, which eventually develops the ability to think abstract thoughts. To say the thoughts, you and I have created are part of the UI Force is nonsense because thoughts, conceived through consciousness, never existed in the beginning until thinking entities began to populate the universe.

Dr. X is to be admired for his beliefs and strong defense for them as stated below:

Dr. X,
As always, I am a hardcore scientific, atheist, national populist, rebel rouser, high morality, anti-establishment, anti-authority, anti-social norms rebel. I was born a rebel since cradle and I will die a rebel in the grave!

I have a stable identity and core system of beliefs. I do not flip flop, I am not an opportunist, I do not sellout for any amount of money, I stick with my moral and principle standards and by age, I do not become religious and believe in some imaginary god in the clouds! I do not see the light of Jesus, Balls of Moses or Schlong of Muhammad in my dreams! On the contrary, I always see the logic of Einstein, rationality of Darwin and common sense of Newton!

There is one big difference between me and Dr. X, I am always open to new logic that makes sense. I will certainly accept ideas that are better than my own, I am always ready to read other points of view. You “see”, we learn from each other. The thing is, you need to be honest and bright enough to know when someone else’s ideas are better. Till this day, I cannot accept Dr. X’s String of Eternity Snake-Like theory, which imagines the universe is kind of string of eternity that has an evolving force that dictates it to evolve. He has not provided any scientific basis for such a statement which is rather nebulous and is really only a hypothetical idea. Whereas, the idea that Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe is based on: quantum physics, the brilliant mind of Tesla that deduced there is energy in space, the verification by Paramahamsa Tewari with his space vortex structure that mathematically verifies how energy in space creates the electron, the scientific Periodic Table of Atomic Numbers illustrates one or more electrons revolves around every atom, and professor David Tong’s finding that quantum fields are energy waves that form electrons, protons and neutrons which form atoms that create all the elements of the universe.

The above paragraph packs a mouthful but can easily be digested by reading the book, Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe. It is a free read on:

Book: ... /index.htm

Human Nature

Dr. X has written of Al Sina and Nicholas, that they, "once become old, they go for confessions to the church, read prayers, beg for forgiveness and see the light of Jesus." Take a look below.

Dr. X
Now by no means, I am about to insult anyone including our friends Nicholas Ginex and Ali Sina or many other good people, but I am only making statements of fact.

Many people in their youth do as they please, have extreme lifestyles and forget about morality, principles and belief system, some even commit all types of immoral acts and actions against core 10 commandments and logical commandments of the society; however, once become old, they go for confessions to the Church, read prayers, beg for forgiveness and see the light of Jesus!

Dr. X also believes many people have shallow beliefs that are easily changed with the direction of the wind. He firmly stated,

If one is solid in his core belief system, then he would stick to his rationality!

Firm, core beliefs make the person unique. This is good. But as I mentioned above, one must always be open to new points of view that can give more substance to one’s core beliefs; may require to alter one’s core beliefs; and if truly an honest seeker of truth, even discard one’s beliefs for another that has more validity, and is more rational based upon scientific evidence. Not to be open-minded is to be stuck, and the perceptiveness of the mind is limited; it stops the mind from carefully evaluating and accepting other points of view.


VI. Ginex is the Opposite End of Ancient Alien Theorists!

Dr. X, a brilliant mind, has accepted the alien theories of Erich Von Daniken, Giorgio Tsoukalos and other alien-minded scholars and believes:

Dr. X
Everything from the past was created by the aliens, even the major bright minds and inventors of different sciences and philosophies were either alien, in contact with the aliens or influenced by the aliens! Gods were aliens and prophets were astronauts.

Here, there is a definite controversy of disagreement between Dr. X and Ginex.

The alien ideas are plausible to a certain extent in that there are evidences of alien interference throughout history with different cultures at different times in the past. However, Dr. X appears to be dismissing the scientific and archeological evidence that man has indeed evolved through many thousands of years into a higher level human being. To give credit to aliens for increasing the mental abilities of humans is somewhat demeaning and, possibly stupid.

Does Dr. X and the honorable alien scholars really believe that mankind had to have the help of aliens to develop the ability to think at very high levels of thought to create calculus, Laplace mathematical transforms, develop the Periodic Table of Atomic Numbers, Ohm’s Law of electricity, and on and on?

Hey, give credit where credit is due. Humans have developed due to the creative thoughts and inventions handed down from generation to generation. It was the written word that allowed mankind to record their laws, codes of behavior, philosophic thoughts and incredible inventions. Was it the aliens that did that for us? I think not.

I was pleased to see that Dr. X brought up the fact that I do not support the Ancient Alien Theorists but rather have a great interest in learning about the criminality committed by top-secret operatives of the CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon. They are embedded with the Shadow Government which controls the minds of the American people with disinformation and lies through more than 95 % of the U.S. media. Dr. X opened this window of controversy with the following paragraph.

Dr. X
On the other hand, Ginex is the opposite of Ancient Alien Theorists. Ginex states that MIC, CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon are the evil parts who are killing aliens, hiding alien technology from the humanity and covering up everything. Advance science such as Zero Point Energy and Anti-Gravity is already in use by the government and not put forward for the public.

Then Dr. X presents the idea that Ginex has a theory that the highly advanced aliens cannot defend themselves as they are captured, experimented on like guinea pigs, incarcerated, and communicated to obtain advance in UFO technology. Dr. X is partially correct in that CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon operatives control the Shadow Government, Military Industrial Complex and U.S. media. But to characterize aliens as being weak, unable to defend themselves, and become lambs is a lot of imaginative and distorted thinking that has no basis when we know aliens are many thousands of years ahead of our technology, surpass our mental development, and must possess a morally that prohibits them from destroying the earth.

If aliens have been able to live long enough, and peaceful enough, to travel among the stars, they had to have learned how to be peaceful and learn to love all life, which is the attribute of higher living beings that love one another and all living entities in the universe. I am offended that Dr. X has a low regard for the intelligence of aliens and are simply sheep. They could have destroyed the earth but they are not as stupid as human beings that admire power and arrogance that breeds hate, violence, and the killing of innocent lives. A history of human civilizations proves that humans are many generations from achieving the attribute of love for all living entities here, and in the universe. I think aliens have achieved in honoring and living their lives with, the attribute of love.

Dr. X did reveal a truth as stated below.

Dr. X,
Shadow government killed hundreds and thousands of people covering up aliens and they have super aircrafts and weapons.

Yes, the Shadow Government has killed many human beings to dispel the idea that they have developed technology that can take humans into outer space since the late 1950s. Go to the Ginex website article below. ... echnology/

The above Ginex article documents that the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is responsible for more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, and top military officers that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51. This list includes non-military people who had developed anti-gravity and zero-point energy capabilities or were authors, journalists, and radio/TV newscasters that wanted to reveal the existence of UFOs. Some deaths are suspicious while many others are outright murder planned by a powerful- surreptitious group within the U.S. military that used U.S. government agencies such as the CIA, FBI and DoD to maintain top-secret development by the Military Industrial Complex.

By the way, Dr. X, do not insult my intelligence by quoting a demented criminal who is president of the U.S.

Dr. X.
C’mon Man!
Are they aliens or sheep!? How can they be so weak that the Big Gov can play them like that?

No. Aliens are not sheep and yes, the Shadow Government is made up of mentally distorted criminals that do not have the interest of the American people but only their selfish greed to someday control the earth and shoot down any aliens that come into our air space.

Alien Conspiracy Alternative Universe

Dr. X opens this topic with the following:

Dr. X.
Some crazy old guy sitting on the toilet shooting himself and Ginex goes CIA killed him! Then he adds his name to the list of the UFO Martyrs!

Please know, I do not take lightly the killing of one of our American citizens that has dedicated his life to informing Americans of the Shadow Government’s Military Industrial Complex advancements in aerospace technology. In fact, I have written an article in remembrance of the murder of Mark McCandlish, illustrator of the Alien Reproduction Vehicle. The article dedicated to him appears on the link below: ... -pentagon/

Mark’s death at age 68 on April 13, 2021 was premature. He died in his home in Redding, CA with a shotgun blast to the head. He was going to testify at a Senate UFO/UAP meeting in June. His testimony would have destroyed any misleading UFO narratives and reveal the Tic Tac was actually a USAF SSP drone.

After showing his displeasure of my use of “surreptitious” being applied to the Shadow Government and CIA operatives, Dr. X wrote the following about aliens:

Dr. X
They handed all of their superior technology to the surreptitious shadow government but kept on being abused in silence! Do the aliens have Stockholm Syndrome? Are they into S&M?

Does S&M mean Sadomasochism? In any event, I don’t believe the aliens gave all of their superior technology to the surreptitious Shadow Government, only the techniques to develop space craft technology. Other technology to target and kill any alien intruders in our space would be developed by our esteemed and wonderful Shadow Government.

Dr. X, your sense of humor is great but what you wrote below is very distasteful:

Dr. X
OK, back from the space rat kicking! So, I was insinuating that these rat aliens are not obviously that bright! In fact, they must be dumb as a long, possibly retarded! They just chew on cheese and hump legs! For God’s sake, Jesus Christ (Christians are reading and looking at me left mumbling don’t say the Lord’s name in vain)! If these Rats are that dumb, then by Golly Gee, let the Surreptitious government to exterminate them! Kill them all and steal their technology!

Dr. X, I am surprised that in jest, you would write, "Let the Surreptitious Shadow Government to exterminate them! Kill them all and steal their technology!" I hope I misinterpreted your insinuation that aliens aren't too bright and jest to kill aliens. If such a mentality is a reflection of the minds that are in control of the Shadow Government, then Americans are surely in trouble. We have dopes running the Shadow Government or, we have disoriented people that have no regard for the safety and well-being of living entities, which includes the lives and prosperity of the American people.

I was not certain if I should laugh or cry at the next two sentences you put on your IPC platform:

Dr. X.
Hey, the reason they get captured by the government is because they like that Government Cheese and Kool-Aids! They eat them cheese and drink the Kool-Aids and then get captured!

These aliens of yours sound like lambs, sheep or rats, maybe scaredy rats! Buddy, either kill them all or put them in reservations (General Custer Style)!

But to end the above sentences with.

Dr. X,
OK, so now that I have unveiled the Full Alien Power of the Rat species to the UFO Conspiracy Theorists and put myself in odds with yet another group (UFO Nuts) and Ginex’s buddies, and yet added another hateful crowd to the long list of my enemies aside from the: (Meant to be funny, Dr. X follows with an extensive list of 21 enemies)

Dr. X, you are very disparaging of me by putting me in a class of UFO Nuts. That was not nice. It is too bad you are not willing to inform your IPC viewers of the facts and findings that absolutely and conclusively prove that the Shadow Government is a real entity that controls our U.S. Government and more than 95% of the media.

Thank you Dr. X for revealing your intimate beliefs about aliens. For IPC readers, it is presented below:

Dr. X.
I do sincerely believe that Aliens had and have a role in our genetic formation as missing links. I also believe that aliens have been visiting us, monitoring us and there is big government coverup but I do not believe in this complete out there conspiracy theory of the peaceful aliens and their UFO episodes, covered-up sciences and advance technology already in hands of the Shadow Government!

To have you, and other believers like yourself, rethink that advance UFO technology is already in the hands of the Shadow Government and that they, indeed, have developed space craft that can to fly to other planets and the stars, take a look at the articles below. Let it be known; Ginex does not like to be made a fool of. The articles below will dispel any mischaracterization of Ginex beliefs, ideas, and theories about UFOs and the Shadow Government.

Article 1: Adjudicate the 2020 Election Fraud Now With 100% Proof ... 100-proof/

The above link takes the reader to the exposure of the Shadow Government. It is titled,

Article 2: Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology ... echnology/

Call to Action: Learn the severity of control on the U.S. Government by the Shadow Government by viewing the video hosted by Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer. It is provided below.

The above articles have not been posted on the IPC Home Page for all Americans to learn about the Shadow Government and the imminent threat of this surreptitious organization that jeopardizes the freedoms of Americans to elect leaders that ensure their ability to rule with an honest and transparent government. This failure not to post the above articles for all IPC viewers to have access is OK. However, the articles should have been posted in the United States of America Room and added to the Ginex Index of articles so that IPC members can readily have access and learn the truth that a lying, deceitful government exists, and has control of the U.S. Government.

It is unfortunate that Dr. X is stuck with a core belief.

Dr. X.
…there is a big government coverup but I do not believe in this complete out there conspiracy theory of the peaceful aliens and their UFO episodes, covered-up sciences, and advance technology already in hands of the Shadow Government!”

Could it be that Dr. X’s core belief is a reason why he did not want to post the above articles on the IPC platform? Too bad, for his limited understanding of the pervasive power of the Shadow Government deprives his audience of learning the truth about the U.S. military development of alien technology and the fact that the military industrial complex has designed Interplanetary Flying Objects (IFOs) that can travel to other stars. Such technology, if it were infused into America's economy over the past 50 years, could have improved the lives of Americans and the possibility of a wonderful future.

Before closing this debate, the following words Dr. X made about Ginex needs to be addressed.

Dr. X.
It is also amazing that Ginex turns the blind eye about the existing problem of the AI is getting so smart that in the near future at the point of Singularity, they will become the top of the food chain, control us and destroy us due to us being illogical and them being pure logic!

Ginex sees no immediate danger with the existing AI problem being caused by the Hi-Tech Industry such as Google and other Space Age Corporations but he sees problems with this fantastic tale on peaceful alien lambs getting killed by the Big Bad Government!

Concerning AI, I have more fear of the Shadow Government controlling the lives of Americans and the outcomes of our presidential elections then I do of wealthy billionaires and large corporations using AI to control Americans and people around the world.

There is immediate danger of multimillionaires developing AI to control American citizens, as have China with their people. We have seen how the covid virus has been introduced to countries around the world, which occurred by the expenditure of millions of dollars on stupid ways to control the population. That is an initial step in trying to control the minds of people.

Regarding the Hi-Tech Industry, our government representatives in Congress have got to be more tough to pass laws that would control Google and other Media and Space Age Corporations from providing lies and disinformation into the minds of Americans. So far, the bad (surreptitious) Shadow Government has been successful in covering up their development of space craft technology and through total control of the media, has made fools of the American people. I don’t like that.

Now, my dear IPC readers, you have much fodder to determine if Ginex is crazy as a fox or a combo of a mix of ideas based upon surfaced facts. This debate has given me the opportunity to dispel misconceptions of my ideas, thoughts and theories and I thank Dr. X for giving me the freedom to do so.

Unfortunately, I had to be somewhat combative in dispelling the misinterpretations made by Dr. X and I don’t like doing that, because I love the guy. It is his way to have me open up and motivate me to express thoughts that I rarely have the opportunity to discuss with others.

Sometimes, after I write something that seems to make a lot of sense, or reveal thoughts that are new to me, I say to myself, did I do that? Maybe it’s some outside force that motivates me to write a certain way. When I read some of the books I produced, I am sometimes flattered. It’s like when I looked at some of the physics and mathematical problems I solved many years ago, I become dumbfounded and say, did I do that?

Dr. X is correct by stating,

Dr. X.
I believe Brother Nicholas is a Combo and aside that, surely, he is crazy as Hell! One thing about Nicholas is that he is obsessive compulsive, detail oriented and persistent as hell! When he believes in something and wants something to get done, he will go out of his way to get it done. None of the above will change the fact that Ginex is a great mind, a worthy philosopher and a person who puts forward solutions for human problems. It is good to debate Ginex.
More power to Ginex

Dr. X, you make my heart full up with happiness with your wonderful assessment of me.

Thank you and Amen.
Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
Seeker of Truth
Lover of Life

Future of God Amen
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Nicholas Ginex
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Ahreeman X » Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:07 pm

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects


:hatsoff: Brother Ginex,

I have just read your 2 parts responses. I shall make some comments:

I. It is good that you did and you always should make few posts of a lengthy response rather than post it as a one huge post, because it is more efficient, easy to load, and easy to follow as a few shorter parts. Also, sometimes, a huge post will not post at all or is difficult to load specifically with a slower speed net at overseas! And you know that many people follow this debate in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

II. Ginex, it is good that you finally responded to my older posts on AI but originally, you ignored them and only now, you decided to finally address them because you figured, they have a valid point and the subject matter is gravely important to the mankind.

III. Singularity is of serious concern. It is becoming more of a science reality than science fiction by the day! We better have a solution ready than be caught by surprise with our tails between our legs! Tech Oligarchs will finally sacrifice the humanity for profit!

IV. The Evolution discussion as you stated is beating a dead horse because neither of us can convince the other party of the validity of his argument. Even though in general, we have common core concepts but in details, we have separate beliefs.

V. Universal Intelligence must be viewed as a concept which has been eternal and infinite because:

In your view, the UI formed after the formation of the matter, higher brain, thinking brain and addition of the thoughts which created the UI. In this perspective, UI could have not existed before the formation of the thinking minds. In this perspective, also energy proceeds the matter. In this perspective, also you have no clue how the original energies got created.

Have a different perspective:

You are looking at the scenario in relation to human beings. This is a micro scene. Look at the big picture. What if, way before human beings, there were other thinking minds? What if there exist creatures of much larger minds way before humanity? Maybe some are already extinct! Maybe some evolved! What if inanimate objects can also think but in different wave length than us! What if plants can also think but in different wave length than us? Put all of these conditions together and you will notice that the history of UI goes far beyond the history of mankind!

Universal Intelligence is infinite and eternal because intelligence is infinite and eternal. You are only looking at the known contemporary human and animal intelligence. I am pointing at the Universal intelligence of all animated and inanimate objects! Wrap your mind around that concept, can you?

VI. Ginex, I do not decide what is to be published in IPC. You and everyone else has the power to publish whatever you want in IPC via posting it in the forum. If you wanted to post that certain article, you could have posted it in the forum (club) but you did not. You do not need my permission, proof reading, analysis and blessing! On the other hand, we decide what to be published on the website. As I have told everyone a thousand time before, post your articles on the forum (club), if we like it, we will publish it on the website.

VII. Ginex, just because you believe in something, it does not automatically become a scientific fact. I call it flip flop but you call it evolution of ideas versus dogma! Be very careful with terms. Too much evolution of ideas, changes, revisions, justification of bloopers, flawed logic, dancing around the facts and jumping branches leads to yes, Flip Flops!

VIII. Ginex, are we reading 2 different versions of what I wrote? I made it clear that I am in disagreement with both your alien theories and Erich Von Daniken, Giorgio Tsoukalos theories. Even though your Neo Peaceful Aliens Theory and Von Daniken’s Ancient Aliens Theory, each has very interesting factors, scientific aspects and logical bases, yet I am not in full agreement with none of them. So do not state that I believe in the Ancient Aliens Theory.

IX. Quantum Physics is not a proven science but it is a theoretical science which is inspired by the scientific logic and facts. Even though it is science in progress, still, it is a theoretical Science. You cannot bring quotes from Quantum Physics to reject the String Theory or Snake Theory! As a matter of fact, both of them are also inspired by the Quantum Physics!

Do not quote Quantum Physics as a scientific fact.

X. So now, would you say that you consider yourself an Agnostic? You are too Godly doubtful to be an Atheist and you are too religiously incorrect to be a theist, so is it fair to say that presently you are an Agnostic?

XI. You may assume being an Agnostic is in line with being open minded, susceptive to scientific change and open to new discoveries but in reality, Agnosticism means doubt. To have doubt, is no way to base fundamental belief system of one’s life! You need solid foundation to base one’s life! Either faith or science. We cannot pick and choose our scientific facts as we pick and choose our philosophies and then call it having an open mind to believe in the latest advancements to discover God, Jesus, Scientific Facts or Santa Clause!

XII. My problem with not publishing a certain piece is not the content but it is the repetition of the same old articles. I hate it when people repeat themselves over and over! Some people and I do not necessarily talk about you, are repeating themselves like a tape recorder!

People need to come up with new concepts and they will be published in the IPC Website.

XIII. Take a good look at this debate which started in 2014 and it has been going on for 7 long years and you will notice that it is mind blowing, full of various philosophical concepts, scientific spectrums and social subjects. Over 161,000 views, many readers religiously follow it and people are talking about it! As you once stated, people often do not talk about all of these subjects, so when they see a philosophical debate covering all of these topics, they become attracted to read it from the very beginning up-to-date! It is simply an amazing debate to discuss and to follow.

XIV. You my brother and I have serious difference of opinions on various philosophical issues and we may never see eye to eye. It should be like that because this is not Communist China or Islamic Republic of Iran. Difference of Opinion, Variety of Ideas and Diversity of Thought are what makes this debate productive, blooming, flourishing and educational. Not only we evolve our knowledge but people also evolve their knowledge, so everyone benefits by this mind exercise and fundamental philosophical debate. Unfortunately, in today’s America, Tech Giants are restricting freedom of speech, expression and thoughts by banning people from all. As Globalist Democrats, they are encouraging Group Think and Brainwash. We are moving towards a Communist country!

XV. You are one of the most challenging bright minds that I have ever debated philosophy with. I surely cherish every second of these debates with you. We may bash, critic and base on each other but the love and respect which we have for one another is surely brotherly love!

This debate proves that ancient minds, you as a Roman and I as a Persian, can get deep into philosophy, explore and evolve together!

Watcher in the woods
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Transhuman Cyborgs: Man-Machine of the Future

Postby Ahreeman X » Sat Oct 02, 2021 11:54 am

Transhuman Cyborgs: Man-Machine of the Future

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

The Man-Machine Contact

:voltage: :robot: :voltage:

Transhuman Cyborgs: Man-Machine of the Future

I want to bring forward a very scientific, controversial and mind-bending subject. Transhuman Cyborgs: Man-Machine of the Future is the subject. The leading corporation in the field is Neuralink.

Elon Musk is known as the CEO and founder of Tesla, Space X, Boring Company, Open AI, etc.; however, I want to bring forward one company which he is less known for it. Elon Musk is one of the founders of the “Neuralink” Corp.


The Neuralink Corporation is a neurotechnology company developing BMI (Implantable Brain–Machine Interfaces). Neuralink’s main founder is Elon Musk. There are also other founders. The Neuralink Corp. headquarters is in the Pioneer Building in San Francisco sharing offices with Open AI. Neuralink was launched in 2016 and was first publicly reported in March 2017. Various high-ranking neuroscientists work for Neuralink.

Elon Musk is a visionary, great engineer and a futurist free thinker. Anyone who is not taking Elon Musk seriously is gravely mistaking. Do not judge the book by its cover!

Elon Musk - Wikipedia


Neuralink - Wikipedia

We had discussed the Singularity point when AI becomes conscious here:

When AI Becomes Conscious
We are Gods to AI
Are Gods Illogical & Must Die?


Then we interfaced the Universal Intelligence with Singularity and AI here:

Singularity, Aliens, Evolution and Universal Intelligence

We discussed Elon Musk’s visions, futuristic warnings on AI and related subjects about Singularity, here:

Elon Musk Warns about AI at Singularity Point

Ginex views on the issue were listed here:

Ginex Returns: Part 1

Elon Musk’s Vision

Elon Musk, even though deeply involved with the AI industry, yet is one of the greatest critics of the AI industry, stating that there must be AI watchdog orgs. Because eventually AI intelligence will surpass us to the point of singularity when AI becomes self-conscious AI and then makes decisions. At this point, the AI which is pure logic without emotions, may analyze that even though humans are its Gods and creators, yet they are illogical and destructive; therefore, it is best to eliminate them!

Singularity is a critical point when machine become self-conscious and when possibly the machine decides the future of man! To avoid a possible catastrophic scenario, Elon Musk is not only warning but he believes that humanity’s only chance of survival will be interaction with the machine in a manner that humanity changes and evolves to part man and part machine himself!

The Man-Machine

Elon Musk suggests human brain and AI Motherboard interface. Elon Musk puts forward a solution in which there will be a chip installed inside the human skull working with the brain. Human will be able to upload his thoughts, memories, ideas and rational to the computer’s digital memory. Human can also download data from the computer. This way humanity can control the machine to not go beyond what human intends it to be; therefore, the AI will not control the humanity’s future but the human will control the destiny of humanity and AI.

In addition, 2 humans can communicate with each other via thoughts, through digital currents and vibes without speaking. This communication will be similar to Telepathy but Digital Telepathy between brains. Pretty futuristic and practical concept.

On the other hand, creationists or even concern humans may be against these revolutionary concepts and may warn against the negative aspects of these interface such as possible brainwash, mind control, unnatural interface, artificial parts in human brain and general interactions.

Elon Musk News and Quotes

Space X – Elon Musk

Transhuman Cyborgs

We are speaking of Transhuman Cyborgs which are part man and part machine. Eventually the concept of humanity will change to pat machine and part man. You may call it evolution or devolution but one factor is guaranteed that humanity as we know it, will not exist and will transform to something totally different!

The machine part will not only limit to the chip in the brain but eventually to enhance physical capabilities, we may add mechanical and digital parts to our muscles such as hands, arms, legs and other parts. This would completely transform us to superhuman with superhuman brain, analysis, computational abilities, logic interface and even physical superiorities. Our bodies and minds will enhance and become superior but at what cost, some argue? At the cost of our humanity?

Science Fact and Not Fiction

This is not fiction or Sci-Fi but it is already happening, developing and experimented on! Lots of it, specifically parts related to human experiments are hush hush corporate secrets need to know basis! It is a system that involves ultra-thin probes that will be inserted into the brain, a neurosurgical robot that will perform the operations and a high-density electronic system capable of processing information from neurons.

The probes, composed mostly of polyimide, a biocompatible material, with a thin gold or platinum conductor, are inserted into the brain through an automated process performed by a surgical robot. Each probe consists of an area of wires that contains electrodes capable of locating electrical signals in the brain, and a sensory area where the wire interacts with an electronic system that allows amplification and acquisition of the brain signal. Each probe contains 48 or 96 wires, each of which contains 32 independent electrodes, making a system of up to 3,072 electrodes per formation.


Neuralink states that they have developed a robot capable of rapidly inserting many flexible probes into the brain, which may avoid the problems of tissue damage and longevity associated with larger and more rigid probes. The robot is capable of inserting up to six wires per minute.


Neuralink has developed an ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) to create a 1,536-channel recording system. This system consists of 256 amplifiers capable of being individually programmed (analog pixels), analog-to-digital converters within the chip and a peripheral circuit control to serialize the digitized information obtained. The system transforms information from neurons to binary codes and back.

In July 2020, Elon Musk stated, Neuralink obtained an FDA breakthrough device designation which allows limited human testing under the FDA guidelines for medical devices. That is controversy by itself!


Several neurology scientists have commented on the intention of Musk and members of Neuralink to build a brain-computer interface. The response from the scientific community has been mixed. Critics vary from creationists to humanists all the way to spiritualists to simply concern people!

At a live demonstration in August 2020, Musk described one of their early devices as "a Fitbit in your skull" which could soon cure paralysis, deafness, blindness, and other disabilities. Many neuroscientists and publications criticized these claims. For example, MIT Technology Review described them as "highly speculative" and "neuroscience theater".

Many critics are hardcore against the human subject testing.

Some scientists worry about malfunctions in robotics, interface and human brain rejections. Others worry about the physical aspects and muscular malfunctions but the third group simply worries about humanity’s departure from being human!

Neuralink tests their devices by surgically implanting them in the brains of live monkeys, pigs and other animals. Animal Rights Activists such as PETA are strongly resistant to the tests.

Never Underestimate Elon Musk

Various scholarly and scientific authorities always underestimate Elon Musk; others simply do not take him seriously, but I am strongly stating here that no one should ever underestimate Elon Musk. The man is a visionary. Despite all the critics and against all the odds, he restored and marketed the electric cars and made profit. He is the most substantial space contractor with NASA. His Space X Corp. is constantly achieving more and more and sending more probes and rockets to the space to the point that he is destined to create the mars-base and moon-base colonies before Jeff Bezos and other Space Age billionaires. For Elon Musk, space is not even the limit!

The Point

The point to all this is that we need to ask ourselves:

* Is our only salvation to avoid singularity, will be to become part machines ourselves? Are Transhuman Cyborgs the next evolutionary step of the mankind?

* Will you have a spiritual problem with this concept?

* Will you have a biological and medical problem with this concept?

* Is there any other possible path for humanity to avoid singularity and avoid the machines to rule the world?

Do you have other solutions?

Food for Thought

Singularity, AI, BMI, Digital Interface, Robotics Factor, Transhuman Cyborgs and Future of Mankind are in stake and are crucial subjects of discussion. AI and Singularity, and how to avoid or take control of it are way beyond our daily arguments and current events or conflicts. When it comes to the future of mankind, every other daily conflict amongst ourselves which varies from politics, religion or economy will become insignificant! Singularity is by far the most important subject of discussion amongst the contemporary visionary minds and thinking brains. Food for your thought!

We must solve the possible future problems, today, before they become unsolvable problems!


Dr. X
Watcher in the woods
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Ahreeman X
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:45 pm

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects
Response to comments made to Parts 1 and 2 of:
Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo?

Dear Brother X,

I noticed that you had 15 comments to my last topic, Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo? However, I will only reply to those comments that appear to warrant further clarification or discussion. But first I would like to take some time to let all IPC members and visitors to this website know that I am presently recovering from the Covid-19 virus that invaded my system around the last week of August, 2021.

After confirming my wife and I were tested positive on September 5th, it was 5 days later I was taken to the Baptist Emergency hospital. We both elected to not take the vaccination and preferred to attain natural immunity. My wife, Diane was able to recover at home during the first 5 days. At the hospital I had gotten worse and by September 26 the doctor had told me that I would need to be put into a ventilator. When I heard that I immediately called Diane and raised my fist to tell the attendants I wanted to go home. I thought I was going to die and I wanted to be with my wife. Before being released from the hospital, Mr. Roberto, a man in his mid-sixties (who was a doctor at the age of 21 and later performed surgery) told me that I will live. He helped to bring me back to life for he became a follower of the body’s ability to recover. I did get home with a bandage that was tightly wound around my right arm (they forgot to remove it and I had a black bruise about 12 inches long), my left leg was swollen, and my nose was horribly infected where I had to breathe through my mouth.

Now at home, Vistas Hospice took over my care from September 26 through November 8. I was connected to an oxygen machine monitored by Professor Roberto. With the care given me by Diane and Roberto, I survived and was moved via emergency transport to a facility on November 9 called Warm Springs Thousand Oaks. There, I received daily physical and operational therapy (PT and OT) every day except on Sunday. However, on November 14, it was confirmed that my left leg, up to my knee, was swollen due to a blood clot that developed from being in bed for most of the time. On November 17, I was moved to North Central Baptist Hospital where further examination revealed that I had an erratic heart rate and the blood clot in my left leg was confirmed. Fortunately, on November 20, I was transported back to Warm Springs to continue my PT and OT therapy.

On December 2, I was released from Warm Springs to go home. My PT and OT therapy was continued twice a week with Home HealthCare and they were surprised at how well I was recovering. In fact, today is the year 2022 and possibly next week, around the second week of January, I expect to enter out-patient physical care at a facility near home. Diane will ride me there for PT and OT twice a week to continue to build up my stamina and become the Nicholas I used to be. So now, my dear friends, you can understand my bout with the Covid-19 epidemic. I hope none of you will have anything close to what I have endured but have a life of health and happiness.

With my new lease on life, I may be able to add another 10 years. Hopefully, I will reach 96 with a strong mind and body. If not, I will be thankful for each day and hope to inspire others to enjoy life. What other purpose is there but for each of us to make this world worth living for I do not believe happiness is found on a cloud for eternity? This is a manmade myth congured up by weak minds.

Back to our philosophical discussion by returning to comments made by Dr. X on August 10, 2021.

Comment IV. Our conception on how the universe began differs widely. Since you are strongly convinced of your belief that the String or Snake Theory is valid I will not pursue changing your mind that the universe began with fundamental particles that were transformed from energy in space. Of course, I have no idea where this energy came from but I am convinced that it did not come from matter but is the progenitor of matter.

Comment X. Yes, Dr. X, I would consider myself an Agnostic.

Comment XI. There are many things or philosophies I cannot accept because I do not have the knowledge or evidence that is essential for belief. A prime example is how did energy become a prominent component in the universe of space? It is this energy that I believe produces matter in the form of electrons, protons and other fundamental particles. Our greatest scientists have defined the atom as being made up of fundamental particles. Presently, I believe they have developed the Periodic Table of Elements used to define all matter on earth derived from the various combinations of atoms. Therefore, I base my logic and philosophical findings based upon evidence accepted by our august scientists.

What I believe is one of the greatest challenges for our august scientists is an acceptable answer to how is energy born of created in space? It is a fundamental question that begs to be answered for it is related to Einstein’s equation, E=mc2. Yes, energy is related to matter and the speed of light, but how is it created since matter is derived from energy?

Comment XIV. Yes, I agree with you that though we have may different ways of perceiving of deducing the truth, the freedom to challenge our minds gives people the opportunity to think and expand their thoughts into the wonders of a new and better world. Let us hope that Tech Giants never are ignorant enough to prohibit the freedom of the mind to reach what may be considered the unattainable.

Comment XV. Dear Dr. X, it is you that allows me to think beyond the fundamentals I learned in school. The debates we have entered are challenging and offer a springboard for the many young minds that may visit your philosophical website. To me, this is the greatest gift we can leave for those who love to think, explore, and enter into a greater understanding of their lives and hopefully, get to know and communicate with other intelligent life throughout the universe.

Cheers with reverence for Amen
Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
Seeker of Truth
Lover of Life

Future of God Amen
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Nicholas Ginex
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Re: Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X: Philosophy of Existence

Postby Nicholas Ginex » Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:40 pm

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Response to comments made to Part 2 of 2:
Transhuman Cyborgs: Man-Machine of the Future

by Ahreeman X » Sat Oct 02, 2021 11:54 am

:jump: :robot: :lover:

Dear Dr. X,

Thank you for starting a new topic that informs us of a company that was launched in 2016 by the visionary, great engineer and futurist free thinker, Elon Musk. This company called the Neuralink Corporation enters the neurotechnology field by developing implantable Brain–Machine Interfaces (BMI). This company investigates three aspects of the brain: Understanding the Brain, Interfacing with the Brain, and Engineering with the Brain.

In 2002, Musk founded SpaceX, an aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company, of which he is CEO and CTO. In 2004, he joined electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla Motors, Inc. (now Tesla, Inc.) as chairman and product architect, becoming its CEO in 2008. In 2006, he helped create SolarCity, a solar energy services company that was later acquired by Tesla and became Tesla Energy. In 2015, he co-founded OpenAI, a nonprofit research company that promotes friendly artificial intelligence. In 2016, he co-founded Neuralink, a neurotechnology company focused on developing brain–computer interfaces, and founded The Boring Company, a tunnel construction company. Musk has proposed the Hyperloop, a high-speed vactrain transportation system.

With an estimated net worth of around US$304 billion as of January 2022, Musk is the wealthiest person in the world.

A memorable advance by Neuralink. Electrical Signals in the Brain can be recorded.
Neuralink is able to place electrodes near neurons in order to detect action potentials. Recording from many neurons allows them to decode the information represented by those cells. In the movement-related areas of the brain, for example, neurons represent intended movements. There are neurons in the brain that carry information about everything we see, feel, touch, or think.

Dr. X stated the following:

Singularity. At the point of the “Technological Singularity” or simply, the “Singularity” in time, the technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in an unforeseeable change to the human civilization. At the point of Singularity, the machines including computers, robots and smart systems will evolve to the point that they will become conscious and capable to make their own logical decisions.

Readers may review Dr. X views on Singularity by referring to:

Singularity, Aliens, Evolution and Universal Intelligence:

Ginex views on this issue were presented here:

Transhuman Cyborgs

Dr. X presented the view that mankind may eventually be transformed into Transhuman Cyborgs.

We are speaking of Transhuman Cyborgs which are part man and part machine. Eventually the concept of humanity will change to pat machine and part man. You may call it evolution or devolution but one factor is guaranteed that humanity as we know it, will not exist and will transform to something totally different!

The machine part will not only limit to the chip in the brain but eventually to enhance physical capabilities, we may add mechanical and digital parts to our muscles such as hands, arms, legs and other parts. This would completely transform us to superhuman with superhuman brain, analysis, computational abilities, logic interface and even physical superiorities. Our bodies and minds will enhance and become superior but at what cost, some argue? At the cost of our humanity?

The question raised may not be significant for a very small segment of humanity will be affected. Still, it will be the character and influence of the very rich and powerful that may elect to control every aspect of humanity. This is why our educational institutions must recognize that technical power must be studied to control its application and the development Cyborg beings. The question remains, can our educational institutions implement such studies while the technical aspects are kept top secret by the Cyborg companies. It appears that such control can never be achieved because educational institutions will continue to lag Cyborg development. More importantly, are humans around the world conscious that Cyborg technology is advancing more rapidly than the ability of educational institutions having the ability to warn the public.

Dr, X indicates that many critics are hardcore against the human subject testing.

Some scientists worry about malfunctions in robotics, interface and human brain rejections. Others worry about the physical aspects and muscular malfunctions but the third group simply worries about humanity’s departure from being human!

It is incumbent that all Cyborg technology and new advances be kept transparent and open for investigation of possible deficiencies. This is an area of technology that must be studied from the standpoint of the harm that is possible to the human race. Psychologists, spiritual scholars, and other disciplines concerned with the moral and overall character of human beings must be involved to protect the precious gift of love throughout humanity. That is another aspect of human development that may not be duplicated in a Transhuman Cyborg. Will the manufactured Cyborgs have the capacity or sensitivity to love like a human being?

Dr. X raises several Cyborg questions

Is our only salvation to avoid singularity, will be to become part machines ourselves? Are Transhuman Cyborgs the next evolutionary step of the mankind?

Will you have a spiritual problem with this concept?

Will you have a biological and medical problem with this concept?

Is there any other possible path for humanity to avoid singularity and avoid the machines to rule the world?

It is unlikely for most human beings to desire to become Transhuman Cyborgs. The greatest gift in the evolutionary step of mankind is the present stage of the human being. It is the forward-thinking mind of human beings that have opened the opportunities to seek other planets, meet other intelligent lifeforms, and develop the capability to modify life into Transhuman Cyborgs. As with Covid 19 vaccinations, there are many people that prefer to acquire natural immunity rather than be injected with an unproven chemical or an advanced Cyborg neuron. Therefore, many people rather remain independent than rely on a partially proven man-made chemical or neuron implant.

The decision to accept a man-made chemical/preprogrammed neuron may be a spiritual one or simply one based upon medical research and biological evidence of the cure/application not being fully acceptable. Still, there may be exceptions that provide from 95 to 100 percent effectiveness such as the polio shot.

The last question to avoid singularity and avoid machines that ultimately were developed to rule the world had been answered by having world participation of groups designated to study and find each development not only supports physical and mental health but controls it.

Food for Thought

Dr. X ended his segment by stating that,

AI and Singularity, and how to avoid or take control of it are way beyond our daily arguments and current events or conflicts. When it comes to the future of mankind, every other daily conflict amongst ourselves which varies from politics, religion or economy will become insignificant! Singularity is by far the most important subject of discussion amongst the contemporary visionary minds and thinking brains.

It appears, at least to me, that Singularity will not be the most important subject of discussion amongst the contemporary visionary minds and thinking brains. We have seen that AI, regarding the development of space travel, has been totality erased by the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) for open discussion with the public since the Roswell UFO crash for over 7 decades. Even today, January 2022, the U.S. media controlled by the MIC, has not surfaced the monumental feat that America has developed the ability for interplanetary space travel using Zero-point Energy. Details about this development is documented in the latest book by Ginex. It is available as a free read by accessing, Iran Politics Club: Everything Has a Beginning, Even the Universe, Section 2.0: ... /index.htm

It is hopeful that Elon Musk, a true inventor of AI with advances in developing implantable Brain–Machine Interfaces (BMI), will be transparent and share his developments in Transhuman Cyborg technology.

Nicholas Ginex hopes the American people will soon acquire control of the many top secrets kept secret by the MIC and that independent developers are courageous enough to allow their discoveries lead to a better world.
Author of Philosophy
Student of Science
Writer of Untold
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Future of God Amen
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Nicholas Ginex
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What is God?

Postby Ahreeman X » Mon Jan 17, 2022 3:05 am

What is God?

Dialogue of Nicholas Ginex and Ahreeman X (Philosophy)
Philosophy of Existence: How Everything Came to Existence?

3 Parts: Micro Aspects, Macro Aspects and General Aspects

Topic: What is God?


Brother Ginex :hatsoff:

China Virus Got My Authors! :hazardeous:

COVID has been very horrible to me! I have lost a number of authors to COVID. A number of my authors died of COVID and a number of my authors got decapacitated by the COVID. I am running out of authors because of COVID! China should not only pay retribution to America and the world, but also to me for losing many authors! Damn, Communist Chinese for making COVID and Fauci for financing it with American tax payers’ dollars! FAQ Democrats for taking advantage of COVID to establish Socialism in America. COVID was a blessing for Democrats! Communist Jane Fonda said it proudly!

2nd Coming of Ginex :angel:

You, Brother Ginex got decapacitated and returned from the dead. You are practically the “2nd Coming of Ginex”! When you were in between life and death for months, I have been in contact with Diane, finding out what the hell has happened to you! I was in constant worries that if we are going to lose you or are you going to make it?! Even though at times it was hopeless, yet I was encouraging Diane that you will make it because I knew that you are strong and if you wanted to, you could beat COVID! At last, you proved me right and literally returned from the death. How many men have returned from hospice back to life? You are a fighter for life and were not ready to leave us! You fought your way back to life and I knew that you could. In a bit, after near death situation on the death bed, I saw your video standing and singing in the kitchen! Amazing, simply amazing, and you even looked good for a dead man! In a little while, you were back and recovering. Soon you will be back in full and back to your old self. I have faith in you. Ginex is valuable to me, to IPC, to American patriots and to Iranian Nationalists. We are not ready to let you go. Even though you are not a fighter but a lover, yet this time you fought like hell! I feel you; I truly feel you! I love you Brother.

Demons in Washington DC :evillaugh:

“Hell is empty and the devils are here!”
(William Shakespeare)

If you are theist, that is the only way which you can explain how the most evil people in the world, live happily until they rot, but the good dies young!

In your case, you are not young but you are young in heart; however, Soros, Schumer and Biden are alive and you almost died! Your death would be a catastrophe for fundamental and philosophical love and education of humanity but someone such as Soros’ death would be a blessing for humanity and reduces the chaos and evil in the globe, but no, God must love Soros type!

That should tell you something about God and Justice in this world! Democrats Shiited all over America and turned it to a 3rd World Shiitehole! In 1 year, they destroyed America and brought it down from top of the world to a Shiitehole. Naturally they did not only destroy America but also the world, because world’s economy is directly related to the American economy! There’s God and Justice for you!

Of course, Christians as always try to justify every catastrophe and find wisdom in each tragedy as God’s will and destiny which of course it is all crap!

Yes, my friend, Demons are not in Hell but they are walking on Earth, in DC, in Capitol and in the White House! Soros is the perfect example!


FBI Most Wanted List Posters - Post January 6, 2021 ... /index.htm

What is God? :question:

A simple use of Modern Mathematics

If => Then Logic

There are many versions of this idiom but this is the latest version of mine:

Simple Logic to deny the existence of the God

Ask yourself these questions before continuing to believe in the story books made for adults (Holy Books) and a myth named God:

I. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not almighty and does not have infinite power.

II. Is God able to prevent evil, but not willing?
Then he is malicious and evil himself!

III. Is God both able to prevent evil and is willing?
Then where does the evil in the world come from?

IV. Is God neither able to prevent evil nor is willing?
Then why call him God?

In any case, this God is not worth worshiping and surely not worth dying for!
(Ahreeman X)

Ahreeman X Famous Persian Quotes ... /index.htm

Afterlife and Reincarnation :restpeace:

Do you know why Indians believe in reincarnation? Have you been in India? The living standard of the average Indian is below poverty level, same as many 3rd world countries!

The average Indian is so poor and lives a life of misery that he simply cannot believe that this is all there is to life! There must be another life, so they believe in reincarnation for a better life! Even if you were bad in this life and devolve as an animal like a rat in next life, there is still another life to live!

My Indian readers are right now nodding their heads because they know what I’m talking about! Of course, my Indian readers are not average poor Indians because they have mobiles, lap tops and computers which they are reading this post with it! The average Indian, cannot even afford decent meal to eat or clothes to wear. In 21st Century, the country is infested with epidemics like malaria! My Indian readers are ITs, Engineers, Doctors, Scientists, Professors and Students but they know what I’m talking about. They know the reality of India and the need to believe in reincarnation!

Same episode with other religions like Islam. Muhammad promised an Islamic heaven with rivers of milk and honey, juicy fruits and 72 virgins, even a couple of pearly white little boy toys! Muhammad promised this afterlife because the Arabs of peninsula back then did not have oil like today! They were eating lizards and drinking camel milk and when horny banging camels! So, he had to make the Arabs believe that life cannot be only this! There must be an afterlife, an Islamic heaven.

The X-Rated Paradise of Islam ... /index.htm

Same nonsense with Judaism, Christianity and other religions! People must believe is afterlife, a better life and hope for a better life.

Of course, as scientists, we cannot digest these nonsense, the same way that we cannot digest canes turning to snakes, bushes burn by themselves, virgin birth and Jesus son of God!

The average man must believe in afterlife as a better life, because he must have hope for a better life than this one! The average man is gullible enough to be played with by the clergy and charlatans named prophets! On the contrary, the intellectual with logic cannot believe in these nonsensical garbage!

People have weak minds. That is when religion and belief in God comes handy for the weak minded!

Back to Nietzsche :Candle:

That is why we have:

Uber-menschen (Supermen) who run the world
Menschen (Public) who are controlled and run by the Supermen
Unter-menschen (Sub Humans) who are simply degenerates, simply existing as lower forms of species

Religion vs. Science :starwars:

I understand that you are surrounded by religious family and friends. I also understand that you are trying to be agnostic and you love to believe in a higher power and God to the point that sometimes you drop your scientific mind in your safe space and go cruising as Saint Nicholas searching for that shining light at the end of the tunnel but even you must know that you are only kidding yourself to play make believe! Deep inside your skull, your scientific mind dictates to you that hey Nicholas, you are only playing Santa Clause for Christmas and Papa Noel for Holidays! The harsh reality of evolution cannot digest all of these Bang and bologna children stories made for adults!

Where has Christianity and Christmas Come From? :xmas:

This is history but Christians are either not aware of it or they wish to close their eyes to it:

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess and Mitraism: Foundations of Christianity! ... /index.htm

Science is a Cold Harsh Fact! :scientist:

The only way to believe in God is via faith,
The only way to believe in Science is via logic!

My spirituality is not due to fear of God,
My spirituality is due to fear of losing my humanity!

(Ahreeman X)

Universal Intelligence vs. God ... /index.htm

But at the end of the day, even though I have serious problem aligning myself with Christians, yet I rather eat Shiite and Die than to align myself with Liberals! At least Christians are patriotic and they try to use Christianity to be moral people!

Brother Ginex, we welcome you back to life.


Watcher in the woods
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