Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo?
Part 2 of 2
Nicholas Ginex vs. Ahreeman X Debate: Philosophy of Existence
Greetings Dr. X, and thank you for placing the first book I ever wrote into the IPC library. This book took over two years to write and went through a few editions where now it is presented in full color. It takes the reader back to the first formal religion in Egypt that had an extensive priesthood; they first developed the concepts of a soul, many gods, the Pharaoh as the Son of God, and finally, one universal god. Readers can get a quick overview with the Press Release below:
Legacy of a Father PR: ... /index.htmNow, let’s get to the purpose of Dr.X’s debate, which is to address a few Ginex articles that he takes issues with, namely:
Planned 2021-2022 UFO Hoax by CIA-Pentagonviewtopic.php?f=33&t=2238Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology ... echnology/It is to be noted that Dr. X did not add the Ginex article,
Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology, to any IPC Forum Room. Perhaps he felt that the following Ginex articles provided ample information and the new article may be duplicating what was already revealed. However, Dr. X was kind enough to provide the link to the article, which resides in the Ginex website, The articles that contained portions of the new article are indicated below.
Two Great Technological Discoveries Kept Secret: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2090Extraterrestrials Have Bases on Our Moon: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2079Military Industrial Complex Withholds Zero-Point Energy: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2068Disclose UFO Technology for Humanity: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=2065What the above articles lacked was revealing very sensitive disclosure that there is a top-secret, undercover CIA that is known as the Shadow Government. It is so strong, that it surreptitiously controls the United States Government, the national media, and has coordinated the outcomes of elections, including the 2020 election. Yes, this is highly sensitive information and many people have been murdered that have tried to reveal the true facts that cannot be denied.
Unfortunately, more than 95 % of the national media, including TV and radio news, and all large Internet platforms are controlled by the Shadow Government and enforced with criminal activity by undercover CIA personnel. Ginex is not crazy, but courageous enough to inform all Americans of a threat two previous presidents warned us about, President Eisenhower and President Truman. The reason Ginex persists to inform Americans is that he does not like to be made a fool of. Americans were fooled with the 2020 election fraud and he will not stand by and let Americans continue to be fooled in the future. All IPC readers are requested to view the Ginex article titled,
Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology. The link is provided above. Below are the quotes from Eisenhower and Truman who acknowledged the threat of the unwarranted influence of the Shadow Government.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
Harry S. Truman
A "sinister" and "mysterious" agency
There something the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow on our historic position [of freedom] and we need to correct it.
Stated Dec 12 in 1963, Truman's quote was deleted 3 days later.
IV. Ginex Tactics to get published in IPC WebsiteDr, X, your 6 points that reveal my tactics on IPC was, in some cases, funny; but also, there are serious concerns that you raised and should be addressed.
Point 3: If getting no conclusion, you will get mad, yell and scream and throw a fit!
Now, that made me laugh. I do not get mad, yell, scream, and throw a fit because you did not find my article worthwhile placing on the IPC Home Page. That is not my wonderful disposition, which is cool, calm and collected, except when somebody tries to make a fool out of me. Then, like a true Sicilian , I get mad and get even. In an e-mail to you I wrote,
Nicholas, who does not scream and yell but thinks and reflects for effective action.
This response was with regard to my request to have IPC post the article,
Adjudicate the 2020 Election Fraud Now With 100% Proof. I strongly believe that the American people must learn not only of Mike Lindell’s absolute evidence of election fraud but also to learn that
the Shadow Government is at the root of misinformation in news media
and affected the outcome of the 2020 election. Yes, IPC has provided very good coverage of the 2020 election fraud but nowhere was there any mention of
the Shadow Government being - the root of the problem. As of this response to the Crazy Ginex debate, this article has not been posted on IPC but may be viewed on:
Adjudicate the 2020 Election Fraud Now With 100% Proof –
http://www.nicholasginex.comPoint 4: You come up with conspiracy theories such as, I do not publish a certain UFO Conspiracy to protect you from the Shadow Government!
UFOs are not conspiracy theories they are factual phenomena. I believe the public and IPC readers need to know the truth, and that is why I become persistent. Sorry about that.
Point 4: If nothing worked, then you try to push my buttons by stating statements such as “Ahreeman is afraid to publish such bold article”! You brand me as a coward, so you get a reaction!
My dear brother, I never branded you a coward but said I believe you may be intimated by the CIA and may be why you refuse to publish the article for your viewers. As I recall from my e-mail, I wrote,
Do you think the CIA initiated and coordinated with domestic and foreign hackers to deprive President Trump from being reelected?
You never answered that question (in regard to the 2020 election). I also wrote in another e-mail to you,
By the way, I get the feeling that you are afraid to post my article,
Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology. It resides on the menu of the website:
In that e-mail. I did not call you a coward, but said I get the feeling you are afraid to post my article.
I am disappointed that some of my articles end up as comments in the IPC Rooms. I don’t mind that. But it seems the sensitive and controversial articles that deal with the Shadow Government are not listed in the Ginex Index, which is where IPC readers can “see” and access what I wrote very easily.
V. Now let us discuss the main issue:
Is Nicholas Ginex Crazy, Crazy as a Fox or a Combo?1. Crazy? Is Ginex really crazy when he goes on rants on his various conspiracy theories on various subjects, specifically peaceful aliens UFO Coverup Stories?
2. Crazy Like a Fox? Does Ginex commit to these tactics, statements and articles to create controversy, make a commotion, get readers and seek publicity? In other words, does he do it for attention and publicity and indeed for readers to read his latest episodes?
No. I do not write for self-aggrandizement, attention, or publicity. My mission is to not to have the American people to be made fools of. Let it be known. . . .
Nicholas does not like being made a fool and by golly, I will not allow my brothers and sisters, all Americans, to be made into fools by deception, lies, and misinformation.
3. Combo of Both? Ginex does it in a combo of both, he actually believes some of the stuff but he releases the rest of the rhetoric to get the readers to actually read his stuff! In this way, the reader gets informed about Ginex’s agenda, Ginex gets satisfied and the message gets through! So, it’s a combo of natural craziness and also being Crazy as a Fox?
Let it be known, the only agenda Ginex has, is to reveal to the public what is the truth of a given situation or event. I will not waste my time on garbage to deceive my readers. Only agenda is to reveal the truth, just as Mike Lindell has done in surfacing absolute proof of the 2020 election fraud. If I am too persistent in trying to reveal the truth, it is because I love all people and do not like to “see” them made into fools.
History of Ginex Ambiguity Dr X wrote an untrue assessment of my scientific knowledge by writing,
Dr. X
When suits him, he confirms “Conservation Law of Matters and Energies”
When doesn’t suit him, he flat out rejects it!
I have never rejected the Law of Conservation of Energy and Matter. Simply read all my past debates and you find that is so. Then Dr. X goes on to write,
Dr, X
In his articles and books, he states something which is totally contradictory to his belief system! For instance:
In this post and various others, Ginex refers to himself as “Man of God” while any person who reads Ginex, knows that Ginex is a hardcore atheist! So, is it a publicity stunt to get people to read his book? Is it possible that in his old ages, he is turning religious on us? A combo of both?
When Nicholas refers to himself as a “Man of God” he does so with regard to his respect for the moral codes of conduct mankind has either received through revelations or developed with the belief in God. Being a man who respects what God stands for in the minds of millions of believers is not being contradictory when saying “I am a man of God.” So was Jesus Christ a “Man of God.” He stated in the Gospels that he was a Man of God 76 times and only in the last Gospel of John, when the Christian Church wielded more authority, did 5 phrases indicate that he was the “Son of God.” Gee, 76 versus 5 times must be that Jesus really thought he was a Man of God and not the lie promulgated by fanatical theists.
Dr, X, let it be known, I am not a hardcore atheist. How could I be when I have no idea if God exists. Only arrogant people are atheists because they have not been courageous enough to develop the codes of conduct to replace what has been developed through the worship of Amen. The only brave thing an atheist is willing to admit is that there is no God, but they fail to give due respect to the moral codes that are the foundation of morality and integrity that makes wonderful human beings.
Regarding publicity for my books, I do not care about getting rich on the sale of books. My mission is to reveal the truth, be it God, universe beginning, existence of aliens, the shadow government, and that the military industrial complex has already developed space craft that can journey to other planets and stars in the universe. Let it be known, Ginex only deals with facts. Facts that led to logical and conclusive answers.
Another misinterpretation of my beliefs by Dr. X, is that I believe in Global Warming with the following paragraph:
Dr. X
In another article and book, he speaks of Climate Change and Global Warming, then he admits that he done it to get people to read the book! He actually discusses in the book on how his referred “AI Capitalist Fund” can solve the global warming! The funny thing is that Ginex doesn’t even believe in Global Warming!
Please know, that in the book, Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Mankind, I did not indicate that the AI Capitalist Fund can solve global warming. Our IPC readers will note that of the 17 benefits derived from the AI Capitalist Fund, no mention was made of global warming. That is because I do not believe this Democratic agenda, which is used to acquire U.S. taxpayer dollars.
With respect to the book,
Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe, Dr. X accuses Ginex of,
“mixing and matching theories, facts and laws of physics as they suit him to blend in his beliefs on (the book Everything Has a Beginning): ”
This allegation is not supported with examples I can review and only serves to discredit the scientific theory that yes, everything has a beginning. This idea runs counter to Dr. X’s belief that the universe always existed with its matter and energy. No, common sense dictates the universe had a beginning. What is not understood, is where did all the energy in space come from? It was energy in space that was able to transform energy waves into matter, which produced fundamental particles, namely electrons, protons and neutrons. It is these particles that make up all the atoms that form all the elements in the universe.
Dr. X wrote that I relied on or injected prayer regarding the stolen presidency caused by the 2020 election fraud. It appears that Dr. X believes Ginex thinks prayer could solve the criminality of the 2020 election fraud by writing.
Dr. X
Ginex is a Scientific Evolutionist Atheist; however, he somewhat sees the Light of Jesus!
In one occasion:
“Do not underestimate the power of prayer, do a lot of prayer!”
(Nicholas Ginex)
I wish Dr. X would indicate where I wrote the above prayer statement. It caused me to go to the following IPC thread to “see” if I did write if, and if so, in what context.
US Election Fraud Evidences 2020 Threadviewtopic.php?f=8&t=2199Lo and behold! I went through the entire thread and did not “see” that I advocated prayer to solve the problem. By now, Dr. X should know I am a man of action. Yes, I believe in prayer because that helps to put mental energy out to subliminally affect change. But really, does anybody think I believe prayer will solve the fraud problem when, I loudly proclaim Americans must have their voices heard, “that they have been cheated from having the rightful president represent them?
Anyway, it is not nice to disparage anybody because they believe in prayer. Prayer is a psychological way to induce faith and hope for a better outcome. Gee, what’s wrong with that? Unless, there is animosity towards religious people with the idea that their beliefs are worthless based upon religious myths.
Dr. X also took umbrage to my support of the wisdom of Jesus by stating,
Dr. X
In other occasion Ginex went full blown defending Jesus, praise him and sugar-coated Christianity!
Take a look at the statement by Dr. X that appears to denigrate my belief system by insinuating I am possibly a Christian Scientist.
Dr. X
In a way, from time to time, Ginex reminds me of the concept “Christian Scientist” which in fact is an oxymoronic term! How can you be a Christian and then a Scientist? Either you believe in Science or Religion? Science is proven with logic but Religion can only be believable via faith!
Please know that Nicholas is not a devout believer in God but he has enough common sense to raise his children with a set of morals taught by religion. You can respect the attributes of a religion but not believe in all its dogma. You might say that Ginex is a practical man that “sees” there are benefits in the many different religions. A moral code helps mankind not to resort to the level of an unthinking, vicious animal.
I did a quick search on the Internet to find out what are the moral beliefs of Atheists. Gee, I didn’t find any, accept that they do not believe in a god or any religion.
I read the testimony of Dr. Al Sina titled,
How I an Atheist Met Jesus?! via the link, ... /index.htmDr. Sina and I share a very similar approach to God in that, we both have our own unique belief in God. However, Dr. Sina is devoted to God whereas I don’t know if God exists or not. My logic is based on facts not faith in a higher being or entity. You see, Nicholas does not care about living with a supreme entity for eternity, which could be many, many millions of years. The thing is, without my physical body I would not be able to create anything or love a wonderful person. The question arises, would I have the same physical and erotic feelings felt with a woman? But also, here I live, yet to reach 100 years of age, and yes, I would like another 100 years, but to live millions of years without being productive, that is, everything is taken care of in Heaven, I would be very unhappy.
I am pleased to say that I was born with a balanced and loving disposition. I like to be nice and I don’t need a reward of eternal life for being a good person who loves and cares for others.
Dr. Al Sina ended his advocacy for God by writing,
D. Al Sina
He loves me and I love him and I can’t wait to do what I have been assigned to do in this world then fly to my Lord and meet Him again. I yearn for His embrace.”
This is a wonderful belief that there is a God that loves him and after death, be able to be embraced by Him. You know, even if a God does exist, I rather believe in the words of Jesus Christ; an honest man that always said he was the Son of Man and more importantly, gave us the Word of God, love one another. That, in essence, is the most important command given by Jesus, who is thought to be a Son of God by theists. But also, Jesus said there will be other Sons of God, which I amplified to, “there will be other Daughters and Sons of God.” Who are they? These are people who have reached the next level of human development whereby they are able to lead moral lives with integrity and improve the Word of God to include truth and science in their beliefs. There is no reason why science and a philosophic moral code cannot be fused together. The thing is, it takes courageous people to rewrite Scriptures based upon Truth.
One more thing, unlike Al Sina, I find it hard to know God. I read the Torah, Gospels and Revelation and I was unable to really know Jesus or God. What I found most inspirational and worthy for myself and all people was the last command given by Jesus, love one another. He did not say love your God with all your heart, your mind and soul, but love one another. This is a basic and fundamental command for how could you love God when you have not learned or tried to love others that come into your life?
Stability of IdentityUnder this topic, Dr. X gives IPC readers a deep insight into his nature and beliefs. He has stated his core beliefs and made it known that he will never compromise those beliefs. As such, Dr. X is a true leader with clear direction that will not falter with ideas that do not match his own. This is why he so strongly defends his theory about the Universe and has given a well-thought-out definition of Universal Intelligence. This is possibly a reason why Dr. X does not embrace my theory that Consciousness starts only after the existence of organic matter, which eventually develops the ability to think abstract thoughts. To say the thoughts, you and I have created are part of the UI Force is nonsense because thoughts, conceived through consciousness, never existed in the beginning until thinking entities began to populate the universe.
Dr. X is to be admired for his beliefs and strong defense for them as stated below:
Dr. X,
As always, I am a hardcore scientific, atheist, national populist, rebel rouser, high morality, anti-establishment, anti-authority, anti-social norms rebel. I was born a rebel since cradle and I will die a rebel in the grave!
I have a stable identity and core system of beliefs. I do not flip flop, I am not an opportunist, I do not sellout for any amount of money, I stick with my moral and principle standards and by age, I do not become religious and believe in some imaginary god in the clouds! I do not see the light of Jesus, Balls of Moses or Schlong of Muhammad in my dreams! On the contrary, I always see the logic of Einstein, rationality of Darwin and common sense of Newton!
There is one big difference between me and Dr. X, I am always open to new logic that makes sense. I will certainly accept ideas that are better than my own, I am always ready to read other points of view. You “see”, we learn from each other. The thing is, you need to be honest and bright enough to know when someone else’s ideas are better. Till this day, I cannot accept Dr. X’s String of Eternity Snake-Like theory, which imagines the universe is kind of string of eternity that has an evolving force that dictates it to evolve. He has not provided any scientific basis for such a statement which is rather nebulous and is really only a hypothetical idea. Whereas, the idea that Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe is based on: quantum physics, the brilliant mind of Tesla that deduced there is energy in space, the verification by Paramahamsa Tewari with his space vortex structure that mathematically verifies how energy in space creates the electron, the scientific Periodic Table of Atomic Numbers illustrates one or more electrons revolves around every atom, and professor David Tong’s finding that quantum fields are energy waves that form electrons, protons and neutrons which form atoms that create all the elements of the universe.
The above paragraph packs a mouthful but can easily be digested by reading the book,
Everything Has a Beginning – Even the Universe. It is a free read on:
Book: ... /index.htm Human NatureDr. X has written of Al Sina and Nicholas, that they, "once become old, they go for confessions to the church, read prayers, beg for forgiveness and see the light of Jesus." Take a look below.
Dr. X
Now by no means, I am about to insult anyone including our friends Nicholas Ginex and Ali Sina or many other good people, but I am only making statements of fact.
Many people in their youth do as they please, have extreme lifestyles and forget about morality, principles and belief system, some even commit all types of immoral acts and actions against core 10 commandments and logical commandments of the society; however, once become old, they go for confessions to the Church, read prayers, beg for forgiveness and see the light of Jesus!
Dr. X also believes many people have shallow beliefs that are easily changed with the direction of the wind. He firmly stated,
If one is solid in his core belief system, then he would stick to his rationality!
Firm, core beliefs make the person unique. This is good. But as I mentioned above, one must always be open to new points of view that can give more substance to one’s core beliefs; may require to alter one’s core beliefs; and if truly an honest seeker of truth, even discard one’s beliefs for another that has more validity, and is more rational based upon scientific evidence. Not to be open-minded is to be stuck, and the perceptiveness of the mind is limited; it stops the mind from carefully evaluating and accepting other points of view.
ControversyVI. Ginex is the Opposite End of Ancient Alien Theorists!Dr. X, a brilliant mind, has accepted the alien theories of Erich Von Daniken, Giorgio Tsoukalos and other alien-minded scholars and believes:
Dr. X
Everything from the past was created by the aliens, even the major bright minds and inventors of different sciences and philosophies were either alien, in contact with the aliens or influenced by the aliens! Gods were aliens and prophets were astronauts.
Here, there is a definite controversy of disagreement between Dr. X and Ginex.
The alien ideas are plausible to a certain extent in that there are evidences of alien interference throughout history with different cultures at different times in the past. However, Dr. X appears to be dismissing the scientific and archeological evidence that man has indeed evolved through many thousands of years into a higher level human being. To give credit to aliens for increasing the mental abilities of humans is somewhat demeaning and, possibly stupid.
Does Dr. X and the honorable alien scholars really believe that mankind had to have the help of aliens to develop the ability to think at very high levels of thought to create calculus, Laplace mathematical transforms, develop the Periodic Table of Atomic Numbers, Ohm’s Law of electricity, and on and on?
Hey, give credit where credit is due. Humans have developed due to the creative thoughts and inventions handed down from generation to generation. It was the written word that allowed mankind to record their laws, codes of behavior, philosophic thoughts and incredible inventions. Was it the aliens that did that for us? I think not.
I was pleased to see that Dr. X brought up the fact that I do not support the Ancient Alien Theorists but rather have a great interest in learning about the criminality committed by top-secret operatives of the CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon. They are embedded with the Shadow Government which controls the minds of the American people with disinformation and lies through more than 95 % of the U.S. media. Dr. X opened this window of controversy with the following paragraph.
Dr. X
On the other hand, Ginex is the opposite of Ancient Alien Theorists. Ginex states that MIC, CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon are the evil parts who are killing aliens, hiding alien technology from the humanity and covering up everything. Advance science such as Zero Point Energy and Anti-Gravity is already in use by the government and not put forward for the public.
Then Dr. X presents the idea that Ginex has a theory that the highly advanced aliens cannot defend themselves as they are captured, experimented on like guinea pigs, incarcerated, and communicated to obtain advance in UFO technology. Dr. X is partially correct in that
CIA, FBI, NSA and Pentagon operatives control the Shadow Government, Military Industrial Complex and U.S. media. But to characterize aliens as being weak, unable to defend themselves, and become lambs is a lot of imaginative and distorted thinking that has no basis when we know aliens are many thousands of years ahead of our technology, surpass our mental development, and must possess a morally that prohibits them from destroying the earth.
If aliens have been able to live long enough, and peaceful enough, to travel among the stars, they had to have learned how to be peaceful and learn to love all life, which is the attribute of higher living beings that
love one another and all living entities in the universe. I am offended that Dr. X has a low regard for the intelligence of aliens and are simply sheep. They could have destroyed the earth but they are not as stupid as human beings that admire power and arrogance that breeds hate, violence, and the killing of innocent lives. A history of human civilizations proves that humans are many generations from achieving the attribute of love for all living entities here, and in the universe. I think aliens have achieved in honoring and living their lives with, the attribute of love.
Dr. X did reveal a truth as stated below.
Dr. X,
Shadow government killed hundreds and thousands of people covering up aliens and they have super aircrafts and weapons.
Yes, the Shadow Government has killed many human beings to dispel the idea that they have developed technology that can take humans into outer space since the late 1950s. Go to the Ginex website article below. ... echnology/ The above Ginex article documents that the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) is responsible for more than 150 deaths of UFO researchers, biologists, engineers, scientists, and top military officers that had knowledge of, or worked in, Area 51. This list includes non-military people who had developed anti-gravity and zero-point energy capabilities or were authors, journalists, and radio/TV newscasters that wanted to reveal the existence of UFOs. Some deaths are suspicious while many others are outright murder planned by a powerful- surreptitious group within the U.S. military that used U.S. government agencies such as the CIA, FBI and DoD to maintain top-secret development by the Military Industrial Complex.
By the way, Dr. X, do not insult my intelligence by quoting a demented criminal who is president of the U.S.
Dr. X.
C’mon Man!
Are they aliens or sheep!? How can they be so weak that the Big Gov can play them like that?
No. Aliens are not sheep and yes, the Shadow Government is made up of mentally distorted criminals that do not have the interest of the American people but only their selfish greed to someday control the earth and shoot down any aliens that come into our air space.
Alien Conspiracy Alternative UniverseDr. X opens this topic with the following:
Dr. X.
Some crazy old guy sitting on the toilet shooting himself and Ginex goes CIA killed him! Then he adds his name to the list of the UFO Martyrs!
Please know, I do not take lightly the killing of one of our American citizens that has dedicated his life to informing Americans of the Shadow Government’s Military Industrial Complex advancements in aerospace technology. In fact, I have written an article in remembrance of the murder of Mark McCandlish, illustrator of the Alien Reproduction Vehicle. The article dedicated to him appears on the link below: ... -pentagon/Mark’s death at age 68 on April 13, 2021 was premature. He died in his home in Redding, CA with a shotgun blast to the head. He was going to testify at a Senate UFO/UAP meeting in June. His testimony would have destroyed any misleading UFO narratives and reveal the Tic Tac was actually a USAF SSP drone.
After showing his displeasure of my use of “surreptitious” being applied to the Shadow Government and CIA operatives, Dr. X wrote the following about aliens:
Dr. X
They handed all of their superior technology to the surreptitious shadow government but kept on being abused in silence! Do the aliens have Stockholm Syndrome? Are they into S&M?
Does S&M mean Sadomasochism? In any event, I don’t believe the aliens gave all of their superior technology to the surreptitious Shadow Government, only the techniques to develop space craft technology. Other technology to target and kill any alien intruders in our space would be developed by our esteemed and wonderful Shadow Government.
Dr. X, your sense of humor is great but what you wrote below is very distasteful:
Dr. X
OK, back from the space rat kicking! So, I was insinuating that these rat aliens are not obviously that bright! In fact, they must be dumb as a long, possibly retarded! They just chew on cheese and hump legs! For God’s sake, Jesus Christ (Christians are reading and looking at me left mumbling don’t say the Lord’s name in vain)! If these Rats are that dumb, then by Golly Gee, let the Surreptitious government to exterminate them! Kill them all and steal their technology!
Dr. X, I am surprised that in jest, you would write, "Let the Surreptitious Shadow Government to exterminate them! Kill them all and steal their technology!" I hope I misinterpreted your insinuation that aliens aren't too bright and jest to kill aliens. If such a mentality is a reflection of the minds that are in control of the Shadow Government, then Americans are surely in trouble. We have dopes running the Shadow Government or, we have disoriented people that have no regard for the safety and well-being of living entities, which includes the lives and prosperity of the American people.
I was not certain if I should laugh or cry at the next two sentences you put on your IPC platform:
Dr. X.
Hey, the reason they get captured by the government is because they like that Government Cheese and Kool-Aids! They eat them cheese and drink the Kool-Aids and then get captured!
These aliens of yours sound like lambs, sheep or rats, maybe scaredy rats! Buddy, either kill them all or put them in reservations (General Custer Style)!
But to end the above sentences with.
Dr. X,
OK, so now that I have unveiled the Full Alien Power of the Rat species to the UFO Conspiracy Theorists and put myself in odds with yet another group (UFO Nuts) and Ginex’s buddies, and yet added another hateful crowd to the long list of my enemies aside from the: (Meant to be funny, Dr. X follows with an extensive list of 21 enemies)
Dr. X, you are very disparaging of me by putting me in a class of UFO Nuts. That was not nice. It is too bad you are not willing to inform your IPC viewers of the facts and findings that absolutely and conclusively prove that the Shadow Government is a real entity that controls our U.S. Government and more than 95% of the media.
Thank you Dr. X for revealing your intimate beliefs about aliens. For IPC readers, it is presented below:
Dr. X.
I do sincerely believe that Aliens had and have a role in our genetic formation as missing links. I also believe that aliens have been visiting us, monitoring us and there is big government coverup but I do not believe in this complete out there conspiracy theory of the peaceful aliens and their UFO episodes, covered-up sciences and advance technology already in hands of the Shadow Government!
To have you, and other believers like yourself, rethink that advance UFO technology is already in the hands of the Shadow Government and that they, indeed, have developed space craft that can to fly to other planets and the stars, take a look at the articles below. Let it be known; Ginex does not like to be made a fool of. The articles below will dispel any mischaracterization of Ginex beliefs, ideas, and theories about UFOs and the Shadow Government.
Article 1: Adjudicate the 2020 Election Fraud Now With 100% Proof ... 100-proof/The above link takes the reader to the exposure of the Shadow Government. It is titled,
Article 2: Disclose the Shadow Government and Alien Technology ... echnology/ Call to Action: Learn the severity of control on the U.S. Government by the Shadow Government by viewing
the video hosted by Kevin Shipp, a former CIA officer. It is provided below. above articles have not been posted on the IPC Home Page for all Americans to learn about the Shadow Government and the imminent threat of this surreptitious organization that jeopardizes the freedoms of Americans to elect leaders that ensure their ability to rule with an honest and transparent government. This failure not to post the above articles for all IPC viewers to have access is OK. However, the articles should have been posted in the
United States of America Room and added to the
Ginex Index of articles so that IPC members can readily have access and learn the truth that a lying, deceitful government exists, and has control of the U.S. Government.
It is unfortunate that Dr. X is stuck with a core belief.
Dr. X.
…there is a big government coverup but I do not believe in this complete out there conspiracy theory of the peaceful aliens and their UFO episodes, covered-up sciences, and advance technology already in hands of the Shadow Government!”
Could it be that Dr. X’s core belief is a reason why he did not want to post the above articles on the IPC platform? Too bad, for his limited understanding of the pervasive power of the Shadow Government deprives his audience of learning the truth about the U.S. military development of alien technology and the fact that the military industrial complex has designed Interplanetary Flying Objects (IFOs) that can travel to other stars. Such technology, if it were infused into America's economy over the past 50 years, could have improved the lives of Americans and the possibility of a wonderful future.
Before closing this debate, the following words Dr. X made about Ginex needs to be addressed.
Dr. X.
It is also amazing that Ginex turns the blind eye about the existing problem of the AI is getting so smart that in the near future at the point of Singularity, they will become the top of the food chain, control us and destroy us due to us being illogical and them being pure logic!
Ginex sees no immediate danger with the existing AI problem being caused by the Hi-Tech Industry such as Google and other Space Age Corporations but he sees problems with this fantastic tale on peaceful alien lambs getting killed by the Big Bad Government!
Concerning AI, I have more fear of the Shadow Government controlling the lives of Americans and the outcomes of our presidential elections then I do of wealthy billionaires and large corporations using AI to control Americans and people around the world.
There is immediate danger of multimillionaires developing AI to control American citizens, as have China with their people. We have seen how the covid virus has been introduced to countries around the world, which occurred by the expenditure of millions of dollars on stupid ways to control the population. That is an initial step in trying to control the minds of people.
Regarding the Hi-Tech Industry, our government representatives in Congress have got to be more tough to pass laws that would control Google and other Media and Space Age Corporations from providing lies and disinformation into the minds of Americans. So far, the bad (surreptitious) Shadow Government has been successful in covering up their development of space craft technology and through total control of the media, has made fools of the American people. I don’t like that.
Now, my dear IPC readers, you have much fodder to determine if Ginex is crazy as a fox or a combo of a mix of ideas based upon surfaced facts. This debate has given me the opportunity to dispel misconceptions of my ideas, thoughts and theories and I thank Dr. X for giving me the freedom to do so.
Unfortunately, I had to be somewhat combative in dispelling the misinterpretations made by Dr. X and I don’t like doing that, because I love the guy. It is his way to have me open up and motivate me to express thoughts that I rarely have the opportunity to discuss with others.
Sometimes, after I write something that seems to make a lot of sense, or reveal thoughts that are new to me, I say to myself, did I do that? Maybe it’s some outside force that motivates me to write a certain way. When I read some of the books I produced, I am sometimes flattered. It’s like when I looked at some of the physics and mathematical problems I solved many years ago, I become dumbfounded and say, did I do that?
Dr. X is correct by stating,
Dr. X.
I believe Brother Nicholas is a Combo and aside that, surely, he is crazy as Hell! One thing about Nicholas is that he is obsessive compulsive, detail oriented and persistent as hell! When he believes in something and wants something to get done, he will go out of his way to get it done. None of the above will change the fact that Ginex is a great mind, a worthy philosopher and a person who puts forward solutions for human problems. It is good to debate Ginex.
More power to Ginex
Dr. X, you make my heart full up with happiness with your wonderful assessment of me.
Thank you and Amen.