A Vision for Iran of Tomorrow (Nationalism)
Part Six: On Pan Iranism & Pan IranistsDear Oslonor:
I am going to respond to this post
viewtopic.php?t=891Over here, because it is directly related to the topic of discussion here.
And please edit your title:
"The Rise of Afghan Empire and The Fall of Iran Islamic Repu"
Cause you did not get enough room to finish the word "Republic".
In Ahreemania, everything is perfect, thus Ahreeman is a perfectionist!
Welcome to IPC. Allow me to make some comments on your article:
I. I love Afghans, I have many Afghan friends & I also find you interesting, intelligent & somewhat history literate. That is why I am responding to you. By no means, take my response as an insult or a put down.
II. My bet is that you came to IPC through Pan Iranist Forum. Unfortunately, friends @ Pan Iraniast Forum are semi confused! They are preaching Pan Iranism & Islam both! This is the same as preaching Tora & Mein Kampf both! I do not want to say that these friends have their heads up their rectums, yet they are obviously extremely confused! I certainly hope that you are not also a "Muslim Pan Iranist" (Contradiction in Contradiction)!
III. I have spent years studying Afghans, their culture, their social behavior, their traditions, their language & their belief system. I have associated with many Afghans. I can speak Dari (Persian via Afghani dialect) with you & you will never know that I am not Afghan! I imitate accents & languages to a fine point!
IV. I have read your profile:
http://oslonor.blogspot.com/A friendly advice: The picture you have chosen as your persona, is actually a female photo! People may assume you are a woman or Gay! I strongly suggest for you to replace it with a similar, yet a male photo.
V. There are 2 kinds of Afghans! Afghans are either extremely illiterate & ignorant or they are extremely knowledgeable & intelligent! There is no in between with you people!
Ignorant Afghans: Are the majority.
a) Typical Muslim Afghans, Mojahedin, Dahati or Backwards who are more Muslim than Arabs! The Typical Afghans are the most extreme Muslim in the world! Even Arabs are not more fanatic than Afghans!
b) Typical Westoxicated Afghans, men drowned in Booze & Opium or Hashish, driving Mercedes Benz, owning businesses, a good Muslim @ day time & a certified drunk & Jendeh Baz @ night! Women, wear shorter Micro Mini Skirts, shorter than Persian girls (How can it be)! They act more flirty, more sluty & more promiscuous than Persians (Iranians)! They are truly liberated women!
Intelligent Afghans: Are a slim minority.
a) Afghan Hard-core Communists & Marxists, highly schooled, somewhat educated, very sophisticated, Anti Islam, very modern & very intellectual.
b) Afghan Nationalists, well, you would be a good example!
And of course Afghan National Socialists (Nazis)!
So basically, Afghans are either Morons or Intellectuals, but there is no in between!
VI. You mention that your wife is Persian! Do you mean Iranian? Are you sure? How can a sane Persian woman marry a crazy Afghan such as you?!
VII. I disagree with you. Persia & Persian are the Latin terms for Iran & Iranian.
VIII. Your so called Afghan Empire & in my opinion Afghan Rebellion, actually did not start with Ahmad Shah of the Durrani or on 1762, yet it started, officially when Afghans (Mahmoud, Ashraf, Others) occupied Safavid Capital (Esfahan). The Fall of Safavid Persian Empire (1715 AD = 1135 Hejri Qamari) by Afghans was basically the starting point for Afghan Independence or Semi Independence!
IX. As you mentioned, Afghanistan has under 300 years of history (to be precise, 291 years). I have to give you credit for that, because most Afghans are so illiterate which do not even know that! They believe Afghanistan has been an independent country for thousands of years! Afghanistan (same as Iraq) is basically a fabricated, made up nation by British (specifically during Qajar Dynasty), to disintegrate Iran! Your history is actually part of the Iranian history, going back 8000 years.
Through the years, specifically after Median Kingdom, your nation (Afghanistan) was basically consisting of 2 states (Khashtarah) of Iran: Bakhtar (Bactriana) & Ariana.
British policy during Safavid, Afsharid. Zand & Qajar was to undermine the 2nd Pars (Persian Empire) by agitating various nationalistic feelings around different states of Iran. The whole independence episode of Afghanistan, along with many other states of Iran was indeed cooked up in British Ovens in London!
X. I do not look @ Afghans as separate people! I look @ you as Iranians. We are one in heart & soul! But this doesn't mean your language or your race is the pure Persian one! Actually the language originated in Persia (Pars State) & so did the race established (not originated) in Persia (Pars State)! So do not even go there that your "Dahati Dari Dialect" is pure Persian & your "mixed up race" is the pure Persian race!
XI. Your analysis of Azeri Turks are not Persian is flawed! Azeris maybe mixed with Turks but still, majority of Azeris are Aryan (Atropats). Azeris are as Persian as you are; therefore, your whole theory that Iranians have been degenerated by Azeri Turk blood is flawed! Iranians maybe degenerated by Arabo_Islamic blood much more than Azeri Turkic blood!
But then again, look @ you people! Afghans are more Arabized, more Muslim & more backwards than Arabs! Your lingo & race is more mixed with Arabs than Iranians! You got room to talk!
XII. For your information, the roots of Safavids, Afsharids, & Qajar goes further back than Azerbaijan! They have moved from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan & then Iran. So originally all three tribes go back to Aq Qoyonlu, Qara Qoyonlu & Turkmens. And what are Turkmens? Original Turkmens (before mixing with Orientals) were Aryans. They are indeed an Iranic Aryan Tribe. So as you see, Safavids, Afsharids, & Qajar are not Ottoman Turks rooted but Turkmen Iranic rooted.
I even go further than that & tell you that, some of the people in East Turkey are also Aryan rooted people.
So this whole concept of Pan Turkist against Pan Iranism is flawed because Azeris (by majority) & Turkmens (by great majority) are Aryan! They are as Persian as you are!
XIII. My friend, with all due respect, this Afghan Empire concept of yours:
http://afghanempire.blogspot.com/is extremely cheesy! Afghanistan was never an Empire!
Definition of an Empire:
Empire = Vast amount of lands, stretched through numerous geographical areas, either connected or separated via strips of water.
Kingdom = Limited amount of land basically in one geographical area.
The First and Last Persian Emperorsviewtopic.php?t=799Afghanistan @ most was a kingdom in central Asia. Your so-called Empire lasted a short while after the death of Shah Sultan Hussein Safavid. Actually Nadir Shah Afshar leveled your Empire along with 10s of other Empires in the region! Once again during Late Zand & Early Qajar, Afghans started a rebellion but once again crushed by firm hands of Qajar starting from Aqa Mohamad Khan all the way to Naser edin Shah! So what is this Afghan Empire in which you are talking about? Throughout history, Afghans for off & on rebelled against Persian Empire's central control in Esfahan, Mashhad or Tehran (Capitals). For scattered short periods of times during Safavids to present, they have managed to gain a full control of the present Afghanistan or partial control of half of today's Afghanistan. Now if you want to call this Rebellion (Yaqi Gari) as a Kingdom or an Empire or an Independent Nation, then by all means, I want fellow Afghan Nationalists (oxy moron) to be happy, so by all means, please call it an Empire!
Afghans have a history of killing each other & it goes back to Ashraf killing Mahmoud! Then Northern Alliance killing Taliban! Brother kills brother for a dollar bill! And you want to build an Afghan Empire?!
XIV. My friend, Afghans, same as Kurds, same as Tajiks, same as ................, have tendency to over exaggerate their historical, geographical & racial importance & effects in the Persian Empire! Actually they go as far as claiming that they were each the controlling force in the Persian Empire! For instance Kurds consider The Median Kingdom as the glorious starting point of the Persian History, Tajiks do the same with Samanid Dynasty, or you Afghans claim that you ran an Empire! In your minds, Mahmoud & Ashraf Afghans (couple of Outlaw Rebels) become Emperors!
The reality knocks! Knock knock! Anyone home? Hello.............
Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, etc. etc. etc. were historically always a few states of the Persian Empire. In your case, Afghanistan was 2 states of Iran. Nothing more, nothing less. You are as Iranian as I am. You have as much right to Iran as I have.
XV. My friend, may I ask, how are you going to build this future Afghan Empire? Your sole product is Hashish & Poppy! Your resources in Afghanistan are Poppy Fields & Gav O Guspand Cattle, set aside that majority of your population, themselves are cattle! Most of your population are some of the most backwarded people in the world! Afghanistan is basically a desert surrounded with mountains with no resources, no fertile lands, no sea shores & no riches! The most fanatical & backwarded Muslim in the world are Afghans!
And then you got the nerve to call Iran, a Mexico! My friend, this Fragged Up, misfortunate Iran of today which we call IRI is 200 times more advanced & sophisticated than Afghanistan! Who are you kiddin?
Islamic Republic of Iran maybe my enemy, but she is a Regional power. She is also a relevant factor in Asia. IRI is basically The 2nd Shiite Empire after Safavids!
My friend, Iran produces 22 different automobiles, missiles & now building her own airplanes! Iran is an industrial nation which produces her own products from food to can goods, to soda pop to tools, to agricultural goods, to raw construction material, to machinery, to ...................., Iran is basically self sufficient! How do you think they survived 27 years of sanctions & 8 years of war?
Iran is not Iraq who does not even produces aluminum or soda cans or bottles! Iran basically is producing everything from Caviar to Hand Tools, from machinery to raw material & from Cars to Planes! Iran even produces many of her own arms from machine guns to canons!
Are you calling Iran, a Mexico! Check it out, Mexico is a third rate, corrupted, arm pit of American Continent! Iran is the most advanced nation in Middle East & Central Asia! If you consider the combine elements of Technology, Factories, Industries & Stock Market as a united force & power, then Iranian power of Technology, Factories, Industries & Stock Market can take on the combine forces of Israel, Turkey, Pakistan & UAE, heads & hands down, any day of the week!
Who are you calling Mexico? Sniff the reality my friend! I may call Iran of today, a Shiite Hole, but this doesn't mean that she is actually a Shiite Hole! Iran of today is a Shiite Hole by my standards! I see potential to make Iran a continental & a global super power. But even Iran of today is a Regional power.
XVI. My friend, a reality check:
There are 3,000,000 Afghan Immigrants/refugees (legal & illegal) living & working in Iran of today. Afghans are the largest immigrant minority in Iran.
Afghans to Iranians
are like
Mexicans to Americans
They are doing all the low pay, labor jobs of Iran. Afghans are glad to live in Iran. By their standards, Iran is heaven in comparison to Afghanistan! Try to kick them out of Iran & they will kill you! Afghans love to live & work in Iran.
They do not see any reason to go back to Afghanistan, even now! Because no one can guarantee, if America pulls out, Afghanistan will not be worst than Taliban Era! No sane Afghan is willing to leave Iran & go back to Afghanistan! You even have Afghan Businessmen living in Iran who are not going back to Afghanistan to rebuild their own country! They rather stay in Iran & make that money out there!
There are Hard working Afghan people & then there are Afghan Gangs of Criminals & cutthroats, both living a happy life in Iran!
Now, you are sitting in LA & writing cockamamie Bologna on Web Logs about your past imaginary Afghan Empire & your future Afghan Empire?!
You call Iranians Degenerates, Azeris as Turks! You say: Iran, a continental & a regional economic & military power should look up to Backwarded Afghans to join & create an Empire?
My friends, there are still Donkeys & Cows used as vehicles in Kabul & Qandahar! You do not even have a decent road system, set aside a rail road system! And you want to save the Iranians?
XVII. A Friendly advise:
Please do not go around the Internet, like your Kurd & Afghan buddies in Pan Iranist forum, try to create an illusion, a fabricated history & a racial identity for yourself & your people! People, specifically historians such as myself may laugh @ you!
If you will be allowed, soon you will claim that Iranians are Afghans!
My friend, Afghanistan has always been 2 backwarded states of Iran. Today, Global politics & British policy has separated you from us! In the future, not only you but all past states of Persian Empire will return to Mother land via a Persian Union. Read:
A Vision for Iran of tomorrow (Nationalism)viewtopic.php?t=483Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Baluchistan Half of Pakistan, Greater part of Iraq, Ossetia & Caucasia of Russia, Part of Kazakhstan, Bahrain, etc., are past states of Iran, nothing more & nothing less. Please do not over credit yourselves! And please do not sing independent songs! The only reason you are independent nations, is due to British & Russian Foreign Policy to reduce & powerless Iran!
All of you are Iranian. Always been Iranian, always will be Iranian. In the future all of you will be returned to Iran. We make sure of it.
But, I also promise you that things will be different. All of you will have absolute Autonomy & free to do as you please in your states. You only have to obey Tehran for Military, International Trades & Foreign Policy. Otherwise, absolute Federalism & Internal Autonomy will be yours!
This is not an If or a But, yet it is a Must. The only reason, all of these past states have not returned with Iran, is because the government of Iran is not a Nationalist government but a Bull Shiite regime! Once we establish a Nationalist Government in Tehran, then we straight up our own house & the next step will be creation of The Persian Union & ultimately revival of The Persian Empire.
When there is a will, there is a way.
XVIII. Overall, you are an intelligent person, yet flawed in history; therefore, flawed in your present economical, social & political assessments. All you need is to be polished by Ahreemanic Metal File to become a fine useful Revolutionary Persian, a useful pawn in creation of the future Persian Union.
You can be a very useful person because you are an intelligent person. Compare to Brain Drained Pan Iranist Forum or Pan Iranist Types, you have a brain up there in your skull! And of course that is the reason which I chose to respond to you. I do not just respond to any Average Brain Drained Man-Cattle! Let's say, you were worthy enough to be responded to by Ahreeman. I see a prospect in you.
XIX. Here, allow me to speak your language. let me finish with Dari:
Aqa jan, A Becha,
Porsan konam to ra,
Cha hal dari, khubi, khoshi?
Jam'atan jur ast?
Kaifatan kuk ast?
Basyar, basyar khosheman shod,
Basyar gap-e mazah dari bud,
Basyar ma'lumat dari,
Va basyar-e degar,
Agar kalan Boulani va Ashak nakhori,
Shah-e Afghanistan mishavi!
Kho, bayast ravan shavam,
Ba aman-e khodaMore power to you, my Afghan Brother