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Iran Culture and Language
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Persian Culture and Language


Iranian Festivals

Persian Cultural Month of March is Alive! (AX & Catayoun Razmjou)
Reasons for Iran’s Backward Culture? (AX)
Nationalist Haft Sin Table of Nowruz Persian New Year 2020 (AX)
Nowruz Haft Sin 1: Iran Nationalist Haft Sin Table (AX)
Nowruz Haft Sin 2: Nowruz, Mehregan & Yalda Tables (AX)
The Politicization of Nezami Ganjavi (Kaveh Farrokh)
Famous Historic Iranian Scientists: Part 1 (AX)
Famous Historic Iranian Scientists: Part 2 (AX)

Afghan 101: Afghan Culture, Society, Religion & Politics 1 (Admzad)
Afghan 101: Afghan Culture, Society, Religion & Politics 2 (Admzad)
Afghan 101: Afghan Culture, Society, Religion & Politics 3 (Admzad)
Zartusht (Mazdak)
Zoroastra and Zoroastrianism, The Real Story! (AX)
Meaning of Faravahar, Derafsh Kaviyani and Persian Colors (AX)
The Stones Have A Voice (Amir Arsalan)
Why Persian Imperial Year (PIY) Calendar? (AX)
Iranian Nowruz (New Year), Nissanu & 365 Day Year (Kaveh Farrokh)
Iranology I: Iran 101 - Iran 105 (Admzad)
Iranology II: Iran 106 - Iran 110 (Admzad)
Parvin on Different Issues - A Tribute to Dr. Parvin Darabi (AX)
Iranian woman (Lori Foroozandeh)
Persian Cultural Month - An IPC Tradition (AX & Queen Nefertari)

Mitra Persian Sun Goddess & Mitraism: Foundations of Christianity! (AX)
Mitra & Mitraism Pictorial History
Book of Mitra in 5 Chapters
New Research & Photo Gallery of approximately 300 images
(5 Chapters)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Persian Mythology, Gods and Goddesses (AX)
Pictorial Research and Guide
Part One
Part Two
Part Three

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Will Americans Ever Learn How to Pronounce Iran? (AX)
Analysis of the word “Qaza” [Food] (Maziar Aptin)
Have Iranians Ever Had an Alphabet of Their Own? (Maziar Aptin)
Iran or Persia? Iranian or Persian? Farsi or Persian? (AX)
Parthian is not Turkish (Kaveh Farrokh)
Why Change Persian Alphabet from Tazi to Latin? (AX)
IPC Standard for Persian Latin Alphabet (IPC)

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Iranian Festivals
Chahar-Shanbe Suri
Chahar-Shanbe Suri: Festival of Fire (March 19)

Chahar-Shanbe Suri (Massoumeh Price)

Chaharshanbe Suri (Farsi Net)
Chaharshanbe Suri (Wikipedia)
Chaharshanbe Suri (Iranica)
Original Form and the Correct Meaning:
Chahar-Shanbe Suri = Wednesday Festival
derived from: Sur = Festival, Celebration, Party (Persian)
Later Variation and the Wrong Meaning:
Chahar-Shanbe Suri = Red Wednesday
derived from: Sor = Red (Kurdish)
It is: "Sur", not "Sor"
It is: "Chahar-Shanbe Suri", not "Chahar-Shanbe Sori

Nowruz: Persian New Year (March 21)
Nowruz (Dr. Ali Akbar Jafarey)
Nowruz (Dr. Iraj Bashiri)
Nowruz (Massoumeh Price)
Nowruz (Iran Chamber Society)
Nowruz (Farsi Net)

Nowruz (Wikipedia)
Nowruz (Iranica)
Iranian Nowruz (New Year), Nissanu & 365 Day Year (Kaveh Farrokh)
History of Nowruz (Persian New Year) Documentary (Video)

Haft Sin
Nowruz Persian New Year Haft Sin Table
Nationalist Haft Sin Table of Nowruz Persian New Year 2020 (AX)
Part 1: Iran Nationalist Haft Sin Table (AX)
Part 2. Nowruz, Mehregan and Yalda Tables (AX)

Sizdah Be Dar
Sizdah Be Dar: Festival of The 13th Day (April 2)
Sizdah Be Dar (Farsi Net)

Sizdah Be Dar (Wikipedia)

Tirgan: Celebration of The Rain (July 1)
Tirgan (Avesta-Zoroastrian Archives)
Tirgan (Pars Times)

Tirgan (Wikipedia)

Mehregan: Celebration of The Sun (October 2)
Mehregan (Massoumeh Price)
Mehregan (Avesta-Zoroastrian Archives)
Mehregan (Farshid Eghbal & Sandra Mooney)

Mehregan (Wikipedia)
Mehregan (Iranica)

Yalda Night (Chelle): Celebration of The Longest Night (December 20)
Yalda (Massoumeh Price)

Yalda (Farsi Net)
Yalda (Wikipedia)

Sadeh: Celebration of Winter Fire (January 24)
Sadeh (Avesta-Zoroastrian Archives)
Sadeh (Massoumeh Price)

Sadeh (Wikipedia)
Sadeh (Iranica)

Persian Cultural Month - March
Persian Cultural Month - An IPC Tradition (AX & Queen Nefertari)

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