Carter Finally Croaked!
Don’t Mourn for a Month, Let's Celebrate!
Ahreeman X
January 4, 2025

Jimmy Carter’s Big Grin and Horrible Policies
Carter the 2nd Worst US President in History
Carter presidency was the starting point of the Democrat Party of JFK moving towards Socialism, Anti-Americanism, Anti-Patriotism, Globalism and finally today’s Communism! Carter gave birth to Khomeini, and Khomeini gave birth to Neo Islamism in the globe!
Un-PC Intro
I will give you the Persian perspective, the American perspective and then the world perspective on Carter’s death which you don’t read in media and social media! Can you believe Carter finally kicked the bucket? Everyone goes to hospice for maximum 2 weeks and die but Carter went to hospice for 2 years and clung to life like a leech to blood! I was often cracking jokes that he may die young before hitting the 100! Well, he actually made it to 100 and then croaked!
You see, people like Trump think like me but they cannot talk like me because they are politicians and must speak polished and PC. I, on the other hand, am not a politician, not running for any office and have no desire to run for any office in the American or Iranian politics; therefore, as a journalist, I can say what I want without care for wokeness, political correctness and sugar coating the facts.

Jimmy Carter was a solid supporter of Yasser Arafat, Palestinian Terrorists and Palestinian Cause.
It was truly because of Jimmy Carter that Yasser Arafat due to illogical expectations and high demands did not commit to a long-lasting peace with Israel.
I don’t work for any master and I am not posting in social media; therefore, I do not give a flying fandango if Meta Liberal Jew-Bot (Jewish Robot) Mark Zucker-Turd (Zuckerberg), Google/YouTube Liberal Jew Plantation Masters (Sergey Brin and Larry Page), Dog Face Hindu (Sundar Pichai Google CEO) or other social media scumbags censor me, thus I publish the largest Iranian website/network on the net. Millions will read this article, I don’t need social media; furthermore, some purple haired tranny, faggy or sissy with inferiority complex posing as the authority figure moderator cannot revise my writing, censor me, delete my post or ban me! I don’t even need the search engines to promote my article. I even do not care if they suppress this article with algorithms and censor IPC links because majority of my readers are direct visitors to IPC. So mildly put, I do not give a rat’s ass about search engines, media and social media! I shall say what I desire to say and if anyone does not like it, as the beloved poet Ted Nugent states, they can kiss my ass! When Ahreeman enters the room, political correctness jumps out of the window!
With that lovely intro, now we shall dig in to the beef of the article.

Jimmy Carter the Worst US President Trophy, taken from Obama and given to Biden Branco Cartoon
Carter the 2nd Worst US President Kicked the Bucket!
I say 2nd in case you consider Biden a US president, knowing that he stole the presidency via a CIA Coup in 2020! If you count Biden a US president, then he would beat Carter as the worst US president in the history!
You know how wine gets better by age? Democrats get worse by time! Carter, Obama, Biden, Hell it’s really going down the hill and all the way to Hell! And there’s your prayer!
Why Carter was a Tragedy?
Below I shall expand on why Carter presidency was a nightmare for USA, Iran and the world. I can give you examples forever but I will mention only a few!

Jimmy Carter the Worst US President's Inflation on Steroids is Biden’s Economy Branco Cartoon
Carter Lost Iran
Carter with his fabricated “Human Rights” shenanigan was the first PC police amongst the US presidents and Democrats. He backstabbed Shah of Iran, the Imperial Iran and the Iranian people. Instead of supporting the Shah, he supported; morely, erected Khomeini and enflamed the fires of Islamic Reaction (Revolution) in Iran, destroyed Iran, replaced the progressive Imperial Iran with a regressive Theocratic Dictatorship of IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran). Mildly put, the Iranian Islamic Revolution would have not occurred without Carter and Democrats support! Carter was the first Democrat who betrayed Iran and Iranians. Carter was the enemy number one for the Iranian people.
In other words, Carter had lost America’s greatest ally in the Middle East (Imperial Iran); furthermore, turned it to America’s worst enemy in the Middle East (Islamic Republic of Iran).
It all backfired on Carter and later on came the American hostages in Iran, crashing of the helicopters trying to save them and bombing of American troops in Lebanon.
In reality Carter the same as other Democrats was horrible with foreign policy. On December 1977, while he was screwing Shah over, he went to Iran and in a bash, toasted the Shah and referred to Iran as the island of stability in a chaotic region! 2 months later, revolution broke out in Iran and street riots started! Carter knew nothing about the global politics! These are Carter’s exact words picking up his glass and toasting the Shah while at the same time back stabbing the Shah:
“Iran, because of the great leadership of the Shah, is an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world. This is a great tribute to you, Your Majesty, and to your leadership and to the respect and the admiration and love which your people give to you.”
(Jimmy Carter)
Jimmy Carter toasting with the Shah
After this incident, Carter had become a global joke!
Carter’s Human Rights Shenanigan was one of the main causes for the Imperial Iran’s downfall. Carter’s doctrine eventually had become the Democrat party’s doctrine which led to:
Destruction of Functional Secular Dictatorships in Middle East and North Africa, and replacing them with Dysfunctional Islamic States or Fallen States due to Civil Wars. Carter’s Human Rights Doctrine evolved to Obama’s Arab Spring which created chaos in Middle East and North Africa.
Carter Created the Neo Islamism in the Globe
Carter’s creation of the “Green Belt” (Islamic states) around the USSR was his tactic to battle USSR and Communism, yet it backfired and created the Neo Islamism in the world.
Creation of Islamic Republic of Iran was the primary step. Cater allowed Khomeini to grow, take control in Iran, create IRI (Islamic Republic of Iran) and from there, IRI had become the greatest sponsor of Islamic Terrorism and Terrorist groups in Middle East, North Africa and beyond. Khomeini was the father of the Neo Islamism and without Carter, he would have never been born as a global phenomenon!
Carter and Democrats’ Doctrine did not only create the IRI but built the foundation for the creation of Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS and other Wahabi Sunni Islamist and Shiite Fundamentalist gangs around the world.
Carter Lost the Panama Canal
America built the Panama Canal for America and the world sea navigation, cargo industry, naval travel and global economy to prosper. 70% of the use of Panama Canal is by US Ships, military and commercial. The Panama Canal construction started in 1881 by the French. On 1904 Teddy Roosevelt on behalf of USA took control of the project and from then the actual mass construction project of the Panama Canal by America had started. The Panama Canal was finally operational on 1914 (beginning of WWI) and the Pacific and Atlantic were connected. Panama Canal construction cost the lives of 38,000 American construction workers. What you read on search engines is garbage and low estimate because not all the bodies were found.
The Panama Canal was built via American ingenuity, hard work and sacrifice. It took 38,000 American lives to build it. Jimmy Carter, a peanut farmer turned to president, sold Panama Canal to Panama for the amount of $1. Can you believe it?
When the groundwork for the Panama Canal’s major construction was set, the Panama did not even exist! Panama was part of the Colombia and the contracts were granted from Colombia to USA. Carter gifted the Panama Canal to Panama and got $1 for it! Carter had no business giving away the property of the American people to Panama.
Today, the same as Greenland, Chinese are building businesses, building operations and next employing troops and taking control of the economy and operation of the Panama Canal. The agenda is China to run and control the Panama Canal and Greenland. Hopefully Trump will change all that!
Carter Supported the Palestinian Terrorists
Carter was the greatest supporter of the Yasser Arafat, PLO, Palestinian Terrorists and Palestinians. He wore the Palestinian scarf and openly promoted and backed Palestinians. The animosity of Democrats with Israel started with Carter. Obama as the illegitimate son of Carter, continued his father’s path!
They say Carter created peace between Arabs and Israel but the reality is that Carter is the main reason that Arafat did not commit to a long-lasting peace with Israel, due to unrealistic demands from Israel!
Allow me to remind you that Yasser Arafat and Palestinians were one of the major factor for the success of the Islamic Revolution and Khomeini in Iran. After the victory, Yasser Arafat danced in the victory celebration of the Mullahs and French kissed Khomeini. Until this day, IRI Mullahs show their gratitude by sending arms, military attaches, military trainers and financing the Palestinian Terrorist groups including but not limited to Hamas, Al Jihad Al Islamiyah, Al Fattah and PLO amongst other Middle Eastern and North African organizations. Why do you think IRI Mullahs rather to starve the Iranian people but to flood dollars to Palestine and Lebanon?!
Carter Destroyed America and world Economies
Carter’s tragic political, militaristic and economical policies did not only result in disastrous American economy through his presidency but crashed the European and world markets. Some of you still remember the gas lines at gas stations for miles away!
Carter a Hero to Democrats and RINOs!
On the contrary the Democrats and RINOs refer to Carter as their founding father, greatest peace president and the most human president in the history!

Jimmy Carter Peanut Grin Will Win Campaign Sticker for Presidency 1976
Carter’s Legacy
Historians and Rationalists shall remember Carter as the starting point for the Democrat party of JFK to move step by step towards Socialism, Anti-Americanism, Anti-Patriotism, Globalism and now fully Communism! It all started with Carter and then Obama perfected it and Biden finally nearly destroyed America! Carter is the father of the Neo Democrat party while he’s the 2nd worst US president and his presidency brought nothing to America but misery, loss and tragedy.
Now I would like you to review the real history and refresh your memories of what Carter really done:
What Would You Donate to Jimmy Carter?
Carter Wants My Donation!
Reasons for the birth of Islamic Republic of Iran
Yasser Arafat and Palestinians Helped the Rise of IRI to Power
Obama vs. Carter Cartoons: Who’s Worst?
Who is the Worst US President Ever?
Obama at the Islamic Mosque
The establishment wants to mourn Carter’s death and bring the flag half way down for a month. I say we should celebrate Carter’s death announcing 30 days of celebration nationwide! I don’t want to speak ill of the dead but how can I control myself not to when the root cause of destruction of Iran and America had just kicked the bucket?
The only people who mourn the death of Carter or remember him with respect are the Democrats and the worst of them are Iranian American Democrats. Do you know who are Iranian American Democrats? Now in 2025, the only Iranian American Democrats are one of the below groups:
I. Iran Lobby
II. Communists
III. Democrat Party Hacks
IV. Uninformed
Iranian American Democrats, who are they?
Liberals are Not Progressive But Regressive!
Learn Your Terminology and Call them Communists!
So they say Carter died!
I say, to my balls (Bollocks, Cat Style)!
Migan Carter mord!
Be tokhmam ke mord!
It is an insult to say, I hope Carter rots in Hell because he already rotted in hospice, he needs to go one level below Hell to rot and burn! Hell is too nice and a warm place for Carter! Carter did not only create chaos in America and tragedy in the world but he destroyed Iran. Carter gave birth to IRI and it is so far in the 5th decade that as the Iranian opposition, we are trying to get rid of IRI. To put it mildly, Carter and Democrats Shiited all over Iran and we have been trying to clean this Shiite now in the 5th decade! Carter kicked the bucket but Democrats remain as the natural enemy of Iran and America.
Yes, Trump thinks like me and he knows the history very well; however, in his second term trying to be polished and presidential, he controls himself, being politically correct and sends his condolences to Carter and his family. Me, as I had said, when I enter the room, political correctness jumps out of the window!
Carter’s legacy is literally the Legacy of Shiite all over the world!
Narrator of Real History
Shiite Shoveler in 5th Decade
Dr. X
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